Site Plan Application General Information Tax Parcel ID Number: Zoning District: f Lot size: AP Detailed Description of Project [includes ctt rnt&proposed use]: ' WIN Location of project: Applicant Name; , Address: M fi + ilonxc� phone Cell, Work Phone Fx o 5 X E-Mail, Agent's Name: Address: Home Phone Cell; Work Phone Fax E-mail 4 Owner's Nome Address N. Nome Phone Cell �1 Work Phone Fax E-rn ai 1 Site.Ptah Review application—Revised October 2016 Town of Queensbury Plauning Office-742 Bay Road,Qucemsbury, ICY 12$04 Site De eIg meet Data Area !'Type Existing �q. 1`t. Proposed Total sq. ft. Additions . ft. A. Buf'Iding footprint B. Detaehed Garage C. Accessory Structure(s) D- Paved, gravel or outer hard surfaced area E, 'Porches 1 Decks F. Other — G. Total Dori-Permeable [Add A-F] — H. )Parcel Area [43,560 sq- ft- /acre] I. Percentage of Irnperijoeable Area of Site (I=GIM Setback Requirements Area Required Existing Proposed Front [1 Front [2] horefine Si&Yard [1] Side Yard [2] Rear Yard [1] Dear Yard [2] Travel Corridor Height [max J Peimeabil€ty No. of parking spaces 3 Site Plan Review applicatioro—Revised October 2016 Tovm of Queensbury Planning Office-742.Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Additional Project Information 1. Wi11 the proposal require a Septio Variance from the !'own Board of Health? t i If the parol has previous approvals, list application number{s), . Does this project require coverage under the New York State Pollutant Discharge EIiminatioa System (SPDES) Permit Program ? 1 4, Estimated project duration: Start Date Sk n End Date f 5. Esti mated total cost of project: i Cub — 6, Total area of land disturbance for project; Floor Area Ratio Wori heet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor area by the lot size in square feet, yielding a percentage. Zoning District Symbol ]Floor Area Ratio [FAR] Waterfront R-esidential WIC 0. 2 Commercial Moderate. Intensive CNV C1 0.3 A. The combined area of all square footage, as measure fa om exterior walls of all stractures on the property, including all floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered purees. Building square footage does not Include. Open deck, docks and that portion of covered does extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be irwhided. {See "FLOOR AREA. RATIO"). B, Commercial or industrial: the total arca in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building or stxuoture, and when applicable, the sum total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site, A, Parcel Area sq. ft. R. Existing Floor Arca sq, ft. [sce above definition C. Pro used Additional Floor Area s . ft. D, Proposed Total Floor Area �; E. 'Fatal Allowable Floor Area Area see above table *If D is larger than E. a variance or revisions to your plan may be needed. Consult with Stag. 4 Site PInn'Reviow application,revised October 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 179- -0SO a .uirements for Site Plan Approval. The Planning Burd shall not approve a Site Plan unless it first determines that such site plan meets the foilo ing Standards. Please prepare responses to each of the following topics: STANDARDS � A. The proposed project furthers or is consistent with the potieies of the Town's Cornprehwsivo Plan_ B. The proposed pfojeq complies with all other requirerr=ls of this Chapter,including the site plan review SLAW&&as set forth in Paragraph F of this section,tho dimensional,bulk and density regulations of the zoning district fn which it is proposed to be located(Article 3 and Table 1 X the applicable requirements of all other Articles treat apply. . The situ plan enoourages padestrian activity internally md,if practicable,to and from tete site with pedestrian paths or sidewalks connected to adjacent Orem. D. The site plea must conform to Chapter 136 Sewage and Sewage lDisposaL Chapter 147 Storrnwater Management Local Law,and other -. applicable local laws_ E 'Tele proposed use shall bo in harmony with the general purpose or intent of this Chapter,specifically taking into account the location, Character and size of the proposed use and the description and purpose of the district in which such use is proposed,the nature and intensity of the activities to be involved in or Conducted in connection with the proposed use and tM nature and rete Of any increase in the burden on supporting public services and facilities which will follow t&approval of the proposed use, F. The establishment,mainlenanae and operation of the proposed use will not arcate public ta=ds from traffic,traffic congestion or the parking of vehicles and/or equipment or be otherwi c detrimental to the health,safety or general welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood or to the general wei faro of the town. Traffic access and circulation,road intcrsectinns,road and driveway widths and tnafFc controls will be adequate. . . Offstreet parking and 190ading facilities will be appropriately located and arranged and sufficient to meet traffic anticipated to be generated by the new use. The establishment of vehicle/iotas between parking areas of adjacent properties are provided where feasible This furthers the Town's goal of reducing curb cuts and reducing congestion. A twenty-foot mMo connection is re+quirad. if adjacent properties aro either undeveloped or previously developed without having made provision for f rtum linkage,then a future connection must bo ideptified and provided for in the site plan under review for such future linkage when the tirno arises, The Planning Board may require proof that the applicant has rnado contact with adjacent property owners for purposes Of coordinating linkages with adjacent properties. H. The project shall not have an tmduc aidvarae impact upon the natural, scenic,aesthetic,Wological,wildlife,historic,recreational or open space resources of the town or the Adirondack Park or upon the adequate provision ofs�,pportfng Farilitioi and services mode necessary by the project,taking into account the ownnierofal,industrial,residential.,recreational or other benefits that might be derived from the project:, In making the determination hereunder,the Planning Board aha]I consider those factors pedincM to the project contained in the devetoprnent considerations set forth herein under§ 179-9-M of this Chapter,and in so doing,tho Planning Board shall make a not ovecal I evaluation of the project in relation to the development objectives and general guidelines set fortis in§ 179-9-M of this Article_ I Tice provision for and errangeanettt of pedestrian traffic access and piroulation,walkway structures,control OFhAcrsections with vehicular traffic and overall pedestrian convenience shah I be safe and adequate for pedestrian movement. Fedcstrian connections between adjacent sites shall be provided to encourage pedestrian use. J, Stormwater drainage faci Wes will prevent an irtercase of post development drainage flows as compared to pre-development drainage flows— Drainage of the site shall recharge ground water to the extort practical_ Surfarc waters flowing off-site 3hall not degrade any streams or adversely affect drainage pit adjacent properties or public roads. Facilities shall be in conformance with the drainage standards ofChapkcr 147 of the Town Code and the"Town of Queensbury Subdivision regulations where applicable. The water supply and sewage disposal facilities will be adequate and wilt meet all applicable and current requirements set forth by Department of Health regulations and Ctaptar 136 of the Town Code_ j The adequacy,type and arrangement of trees,shrubs and other suitable plantings, landscaping and screening shall effectively provide a visual and/or noise buffer between the appticmts and adjoin ing lands,including the maximum retention of existing vegetation and Fnaintcnance,including rcplacerrrent of&ad or decened plants. jay Flro lanes,ernergency zones and fine hydrants will be.adequate and meet the ncods and requirements ofernergeney service providers, N. The design of structurm,roadways and landscaping in arms susceptible to ponding,flooding and/orerosion will minimize or avoid such impacts to the max{mum extent practicable. 0 The site plan conforms tp the design standards,landscaping standards and perfixrnance standards of this chapter. 5 Site]Plan Review application—Revised October 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12904 REQUIREMENTS: STANDARDS: k Yes,the proposed project is consistent with the pinches of the Town's Comprehensive plan. B. Yes,the proposed project complies with the requirements of the Town's Comprehensive Plan, The area is zoned NC and "restaurant" is a permissible use in this zone. C, Yes,there is an existing door from the porch area into the store and there will be a gate W ithin the railing that opens to the outer parking area and deck/patio area. The property i5 already used by foot and b!cycle traffic during the summer months. D. We are not proposing any changes to the current sewage disposal system (leach field). E. The proposed use, as an outdoor eating area,will be in harmony with character of the NC area it Is in. It will not adversely affect the supporting public services and facilities. F. See exhibit A showing additional overflow parking areas, There is already four entrances to the property parking area which facilitates suffident traffic flow to and from the area. These are located on 9L, Cleve rdale rd., and into Davies/Davies property. G, see F H. The project will have no adverse effects on the natural,wildiife or recreational resources. I, As explained earlier, pedestrian traffic is encouraged and convenient. 1. There will be no change to the footprint of the building or the non-pe rrneable space on the property. Therefore,there should be no changes to the current storm water drainage. K. see environmental#7 L. Landscaping: There is currently sufficient trees ect. On the property to provide a noise buffer.(see exhlbit C-Survey) We will be adding more flowering bushes/flowers/hanging plants/flower boxes to improve the aesthetics of the property. M There are sufficient Fire and Emergency zones and they are both located across the street from our property. M There will be no significant changes to any building, roadway or landscaping that would have any effect on ponding, flooding or erosion. O. Yes, our plan conforrns with the standards in this chapter. 179-9-050Checklist-Application for Site Plan Review. Application materials and site plan shall include sufficient infomtation for the Board to review and provide a decision. The applicant is to provide a site plan drawing and all attachments that address items A-V. The applicant may request a waiver from A-V and is to provide reasons for waiver(s) requested. Please labol information to be submitted. REQUIREMENTS sheet 4 A. A vicinity map drawn at the scale that shows the relationship of the proposal to existing community facilities which affect or serve it such as roads,sbopping areas,schools,etc. The map shall also show all properties,identify owners, subdivisions,streets and casements within 500 feet of the property. Such a sketch may be superlm"d on a United Statcs Geological Survey rrLap of the area. 13. The site pian shall be drawn at a scale of forty fact tv the inch(1"-40 fee#)or such other kale as the Planning Hoard m$y �{ deem appropriate,on standard 24"x 34T sheets,with continuation on 8 1V2-x l I"sheets as necessary for written infomatim Tho inforrrration listed below shall be shown on the site [an and continuation sheets. Name of the project,boundaries.date,north arrow,and scale of the plan. D Name and address ofthe owner of record,developer,and seal of the engineer,architect or landscape architect. If the applicant is not the:record owner a letter of authorisation shall be irLppired from the owner. •;� c ,c.};_�,. r F ., ,,, +. . E. The location and use of al I existing and proposed structures within thr<property,including all dirn=ions ofheight and floor arm all exterior wtmces,and all antici ated future additions and alterations. F. The location of all present and proposed public apd-private ways,off strut parking areas,driveways,outdoor storagz areas, sidewalks.ramps,curbs,Paths, landscaping,walls and fen-ces. Locatfan,type and screening details for all waste disposal containers shall also be shown_ The location,height, intensity and bulb type(sodium:incandescent,etc,)of all external lighting fixtures. The direction of it lurninat3op and methods to eliminate glam onto ad`oi niag properties must also be shown in compliance with 179-6-420. H. The location,height*size,materials and design of all proposed signs. f I` 1 lI {5 I The location of all present and proposed utility system including; 1. sewage or septic system; . Water supply systern; 3. Telephone,cable and electrical systems;and 4_ Storm drainage systern including existing and proposed drain liners,culverts,catch basins,headwalls,endwalls, hydrants,manholes and drainage swales. J. Plates to prevent the pollution of surface or groundwater,erasion of soil both during and after c nstraction,excessive runoff and flooding of other properties,as applicable. A Stwrnwater Pollution Pmentiion Plan(SWPPP)for all land development activities(excluding agdcultural achvNes)on the site that results in land disturbance ofone acre or triose. A S PPP shall comply with the requiremmts of the DEC SPDE3 MS-4 General Permit and Chapter 147 of the Town of Queensbury y4' Code. It shall be at the discretion of Cho Plaaming Board as to whether a SWPPP or an erosion and control plan shall be required for a site plan review project land diswrbwce df less than one acre- . Exisifng and proposed topography at two-faot contour intervals,or such other oontoor interval as the Planning Board shall allow. All elevations shall refer to the nearest United States Coastal and Gwdetie Bench Fierce. If any portion of the parcel is within the 100-year ficodpiaity the arca will be showp and base flood elevations given. Arcas shatt be indicated within J the proposed sits-and within 50 feet of the proposed site wlmrc soil removal or fi Iliog is required,showing the approximate volume in cubic yards. A landscape plan showing all existing natural land features Than rnay influence the design of the proposed use such as rock outcrops,stands oftrees,singic[rocs eight or more inches in diameter,forest cover and walor saurccs and all proposed ch&igm to thrid features,including sizes and types of plants. Water sources include ponds,lakes,wetlands and watercourses,aquifers,floodplains and drainage retention areas- M.. Land Use District boundaries within$00 feet ofihe site's peritnetes shalI be drawn and identified on the site plan,as well as any Overlay pistricts that apply to tate property. E Site Plan Review application W Revised October 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road,QueensbM,NY 12804 REQUIREMENTS (CONTINUED) Sheet# - Traffic flow patterns within the site,entrances arid exits,loading and unloading areas,as well as Curb cuts on the site and within 100 feat oFthe site_ The Flauniag Board may,at its discretion, require a detailed traffic study for large developmerkLa or for those in heavy traffic areas, which she]/include- 1, The projectcd number of motor vehicle trips to enter or leave the site, estimated for wcckly and annual goak hour tragic levels; 2. The projected traffic flow pattern iricluding vehicular movements at all major imersections likely to be affected by the proposed use of the site; 3. The impact of this traffic on levels of scrvicc on abutting public streets and at affocted intersect[ons, Existing and proposed weakly and annual peak hour traffic levels and road capacity levels shall also be given- 0. rW new construction or alterations to ally Structure,a table containing the following information shall be included, 1_ Esdm=d area of structure to be used for particular purposcs such as retain operation,office, storage,ate.; 2. Estimated rwxitnum number of employees; 3. Maximum seating capacity,whom applicable,and 4. Idurnber of paxldng spaces existing and required for the intended use. 1. Floor Plans_ 2. Elevations at a scale of one-quarter irtdt equals one.foot(1/4"= I foot)for al]exterior facades of the proposed structure(s) and/or alterations to or expansions of existing facades,showing design features and indicating the type and color of materials ' to be used. `[ Sot I logs.water supply wal l and percolation test results,and storm water runoff calcol ations as nocdcd to determine and mitigate project impacts. N-A i R. Plans for disposal of construction and demolition waste,either on-site or at an approved disposat facility. Plans for snow removal, including location(s)of on-site snow Storage, An Etrvironmcntal Assesment Form("EAF")as inquired by the SEQI.A regulations,with Part 1 completed by the Applicant shall be submitted as part of the application_ If the proposed project rtquires a special use permit and an EAF has been submitted in conjunctlimi with a special use permit application,a duplicate SAF is not required for the site plan application_ U If an applicatiDn is for a per"] or paroels on which more thin one.use is prgmsod,the applicant may submit a single app]ication for all such uses,provided the proposed uses are accurately del i ueated on a site plan drawn pursuant to the requirenwnts set forth above. The PlanR[ng Board may grant the application with respect to some proposed u w and not otheFs. For purpases of reviewing an appl kation(and for SEQRA compliance)all proposed uses on a s ingl c parcel or on py contiguous parcels shall be considered together. J V. A brief narrative statement on how the project proposed for review furthers or is consistent with(hr-vision,goals and pol ivies in the Towtn's Comprehensive Plan_ 7 Site Plan Review application—Revised Octalaer 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Ru ad,Queensbury, NY 12804 RequlremenM A. See exhibit D B. See exhibit C C. Porch additional seats-see exhibit C D. Owner- Cleve rdaIe Ventures, LLC/Megharn Cesari E. See exhibit B F. See exhibit A G. Mot[orr Lights on Garage illuminating Garage area are 200 w. Spot Iight on Tree illuminating parking Let are 20Ow. See exh1bIt C (they are not shining i nto adjoining properties) H. We are not changing any signs at this time 1. See exhibit -Survey J. N/A No land disturbance K. See exhibit G-Survey L. See exhibit G-Survey M. See exhibit H N. Traffic Flow-see exhibit 0. Will rema[n unchanged O. See Table A P. Elevations will be unchanged. The proposed materials will be similar to the ADK stye railing that a[ready exists at the entrance to the store. See exhibit I CL N/A R_ We i I[ dispose of construction debris in our own clumpster or at the Ridge Road Transfer Stat[on. S_ Snow remova 1-. We are purchasing a plow and plan to do our own snow removal next season, T. Attached U, NIA Table A; 1) Usable Floor Space- Retail/seating — 1928 sq ft Kitchen & food storage - ,576 sq ft Dry storage -528 sq ft Office - 528 sq ft Walk-in cooler - 448 sq ft 2) Employees — 15 total. 10/day max 3) Max seating? - Fire Marshall - 49 pp within #wilding 4) Parking--existing- 9 Required - 23 The # of parking spaces required was determined using calculations administered with Laura Moore. We took nto account the percentage of retail space/parking space as well as the restaurant seating space. We also took into consideration the number of ern pio ees/day, as well as, the parking spaces for the tenants of the cabins. Cabin parking: 2 per Cabin Overflow parking: Upper area.-IOO 35 - 10 cars Tree area -100x35- 10 cars Propane tank area-50x20- .5 spaces (employee parking) 9 spaces total Town of Queensbury Site Plan Pre-Submission Conference Form J Section 179-9-040 1. Applicant Name: 2. Tax Map ID zI ` ' location: 3. Zoning Classification 4. Reason for Re de34: 5. Zoning Section 4. T o Y 6. fPre- tIbmission Meeting Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please provide by "General Information complete � Site Development Data Complete qvz LL,-C} .r ,,,'j ' -/Setback Requirements Complete Y t Additional Project Infonnation Complete FAIL addressed Requirements for Site Plan-Standards t hecklist items addressed C erg .k �. � � l�: i<{��+�„ -(5 Bnviromnental Form completed Signature Page completed _ - -- r k2 C 0 ?, .A C �UOc l �T . J 1t c• CXI P Cf 't f,I/e rr= . Staff Representative: �. - an.,— Apphc t J Agent: j Date: Signature Page This page includes the I,) Authorization to Act as Ag"t Form; 2.) Engineering Fee Disclosure;3,) Authorization for Site Visits; 4.) Other Kermit Responsibilities; 5.) Official Meeting Disclosure and 6)Agreement to provide documentation required. OWNER's AGENT]FORM- Complete CORM-Complete the following if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant owner; Designates; As agent regarding; Variance Site Plan _ Subdivision For Tax Map No,: Section Block Lot Deed Reference; Book Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE_ DATE; APPLICANT's AGENT FORM: Complete the following it the APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party: Owner. Designates: As agent tegavding: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No,, �Section �Block Lot Deed Reference-, Book PageDate OWNER S.I NATURE: DATE' — ENGINEERTNG EEE DISCLO UYtE; Applications may be referred to the Tovm copsalting engineer for review of septic desigri, Storm drainage, etc. as detcraeined by the Zoriirrg or Planning Qepartment. Fees for engineering review•services will be ch2Wd directly to tite tipplicant_ Fees for engineering review will not cxcced$ i,000 without notifi eati on to the applicant. 3.1 AUTHORIZATTON FOR SITE ISITS: By signing this pagc and submitting The application materials attached hanin,the Ovmer, Applicant' and his/her/their agent(s) hereby authorize tine Zoning Board or Planning Board and Torun Staff to enter the subjcct properties for the purpose of reviewing the applicatiGn submitted, 4.1 OTHER 13ERMIT RE PONSIBILITiES. Othcr permits may be required for construction or a terution activity subscqucnt to approval by the 7onirig Board or Planning]3oard. It is the app]icant's respansibil ity to obtai ri any addi tional permits. 5.1 OFFICIAL MEETING ES DISCLOSURE: It is the practice of tate Community Dcveloprnent Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the official recon of all pr6cccdings. AOREEMENT TO PROYTH,DOCUl4IE]tiTA ON RE UIRED, 1,the undersigned,have thoroughly read and understand the instnictions for submission and agree to the submission requ irements, I acknowWge no construction adiv ities shat] be commenced prior to issuance of a valid peatnit. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and wrnplctc statement/description of the existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the approved plans and in conformancr< with local zoning regulations_ I acknowledge that prior to occupying the faci]itics proposed, I or my agtnts,Will obtain a certificate of occLepancy as necessary. I also understand that TI we may be required to provide an as-bui It survey by a]icensed land surveyor of all newly const€ucted facilities prior to issuance of a ce'Ftiftoate of occupancy I have rea agr e a� R . 7 ign tura pplicant] Fritz :fame [Applicant] D fined Signature [Agent] Print Name [Agent] Date signed 9 Site Plan Review application—Revised October 201 Town of Queensbury Plana ingOffice-742 Bay Read, Queensbury,NY 12804 Short Environmental Assessment d'or'm Part I - Project inor #ion Instructions for Completing Part 1 -Project Information. The applicant ar project sponsor lis responsible for the completion of Pa rt 1. Responses become part of the app lica#ion for approvaI or funding, are subject to public review,and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based an information currently available. If additional research or invesEigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items irz Part 1, You may also provide any additiorW information•vhich you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;atclr additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part I Project and Sponsor Information Kama of Action or Project: Project Location(describe,and attach a lncakion map): Brief Descriptim of Proposed Action, Dame ofAppli=t or Sponsor: Telephone: E-1VIai1; Address;. C' state: Zip Code; 1.Does the proposed aodon only4volve the legislative adaption of a plats,local law,ordinance, NO YES administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,allch a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that may be affected m the municipality and proceed to Part 2. Ifno,cotiniae to question 2. 2/ 11 2. Does the proposed action Require a perm,J,app oval or fixnding from any other govermt� tal Agency? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)x2ma and permit o praval. 3_a_Total acreage of theAte of the prmposed action? acres b.Total acreage to be physically disturbed? acres c,Total acreage{project site and any contiguous properties}owned or controlled by the applicant oir project sponsor? . ! acres C Check all land u`ces that occur on,adjoining mid neer the proposed action. ❑Urban 0Ruial.(non-agricul e) ❑Industrial [g6amttercial esidential (subarban) Efi rest ❑Agriculture []Aquatic ❑Other(specify)=—— O Parkland Page 1 of 3 5. is the proposed action, NO 'YES �IVIA a_ A permitted nse under the zoning regulations? ❑ ❑ b. Consistent with the adopted comprehensive.plan? ❑ ❑ 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural NO YE landscape? t_._I 7- Is the site of the proposed action tocated in,or does it adjoin,a state listed Critical Environmental Ate? NO YES If Yes, identify, S. a. WiIJ the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? ��,� NO, YES b.Are public transportation service(s) available at or near the site of the proposed actio0 i o.Are any pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? x 9, hoes the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? No yS If the proposed action wiII exceed requirements,describe design features and technologies: ❑ ❑ 10- Will the proposed action connect to an existing publWprivate.water supply? it:�r-llx l VIES If No,describe method for providing Ratable water: ❑ F4 1 I. Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities? 1 NO YES ff Ne, describe method fer providing wastewatbr treatment; ❑ 12. a.Does the site contain a structure that i$ listed on either the State or National Register of Histori c NO YES ]Places? � � ❑ b. Is the proposed action located in an archecIogical sensitive area? 13. a_ Does any porti on of the site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining the proposed action, contain NO YES wetlands or other watejrbo dies regulated by a federal,state or local agency? ❑ b. Would the proposed action physically alter, or encroach into,any existing wetland or u-iterbody? ❑ If Yes, ideati Cy the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: � I 14. Identi fy the typiW habitat types that oocur on,or are likely to be found on the project si te. Check a]i that app ty. ElShoreline El Forest ❑ culturaVgrasslands ❑Earlymid-successional ❑ Wetland d Urban Suburban 15. Does the site of the proposed action contain any specter,of animal, or associated habitats, listed NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered` 16. Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NY1 17- Will the proposed action create storm water di scharge, either from point or non-p oint sources? NO ES if Yes, a. Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent properties? NO ❑YES ❑ b. Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems (runoff and storm draim)? If Yes,briefly describe; ❑NO ❑YES Page 2 of 3 18.Does the proposed action includa construction or other activitier,that zcsult in the impoundmr at of O YE-S water or other liquids (c_g, miontion pond, wa.5te lagoon,dam)? If Yes, explain purpose and Size; 19. Has the site of the proposed action or ars adjoining property been the location of an active or closed NO YES so]id waste management facility? If Yes, describe; Li 24_ blas the site of the proposed action or an adjoining property boon the subject of remediation(ongoing or NO YES completed)for hazairdcus waste? If Yes,describe: I AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMA ON 0: E I `I RUE AND AtvC RATF-TO TIE BE t' OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name. Date; Ll Signature; " PlF2�h7 FiM Page 3 of 3 Ageney Use Only I I f as ppIicablej Project E}ete: —— Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 2 - I wart Assessment Far#2 Is to be completed by the Lead Agency. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the inform ation contained in Piart 1 and other materials subtnittcd by the.project sponsor or otherwise avail ablc to the reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by the concept"Dave my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" No,or Moderate �. R small to large impact impact may may occur Occur 1- Will the proposed action create a material conflict u�th an adapted laud use plan or zoning regulations? u 2. Will the proposed action result in a chwr ge in the use or intensity of use of land? 3. Will'the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing community? 2 1 ❑ 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the envirommeaW characteristics that caused the � ❑ establishment of Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? 5. Will the proposed action result in aii adverse chaMe in the existing Ievel of traf is or affect erd sting infrastructure for mass transit,biking or walkway? ❑ . Will the proposed action cause an irkerease in the use of en.ergy and it fai is to incorporate � ❑ reasonably available energy conservation or ren wvable energy opportunities? 7. Will the proposed action impact existing, a. public!private water supplies? b,public/privats wastewater treatment utilities? ❑ 8. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of i mportant historic,archaeological, � ❑ amidtectural or aesthetic resources? 9. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change to natural resourcxs(e,g.,wetlands, waterbadies,groundwater, air quality,flora and fauna)? 14. p11 ere proposed action result in an increase in the p atential for erosion, flooding or drainage El ' groblr�? 11. Wi I I the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human heath? ❑ PRINT FORM Pagel off Environmental Assessment Form Part 1 Project Information: Description: Current: Deli/Grocery Store with 9 seats interiorly and 16 seats outside (2 picnic tables) �iea5vnally, proposed: Remove picnic tables (16 seats) and replace with two 4-top tables and one 2-top bistro to ble for a total of 10 seats, These seats will be outside on the already approved ground level patio. We will be adding 16 seats on the porch area where we plan to remove the lattice a nd replace it with an ADK style railing with flower boxes and hanging plants that will greatly improve the aesthetics of the exterior of the building. In total,we will be removing 16 seats and adding 26which ernes to 10 addition,3I StS. S. Traffic Flow:We do not expect a significant increase in traffic. The outdoor seating that has been proposed will be seasonal (summer rnonth s) when a majority of aur custorners walk or ride bikes to the store. 10.Water Supply: We currently draw our water from a well on the property. We use a UV light system and report to the DOH monthly: 11. The existing wastewater 5y5tern iS a private septic/leach field on the property. 17. The proposed actlons will not have a ny effect on the storm water discharge. Part 2., 1. No, restaurant is a permissible use in N.C. Therefore it will not create a conflict 2. The proposed action, increasing seating by 10 seats, will not Significantly impact the intensity of land use, 3, hla, it wil I not impair the character or the qusiity&the existing comm unity. I believe it will add to the character and quality of the community by offering an open arr space for neighbors and friends to gather. 4. N/A 5. The proposed action wiII have minimal effect on traffic in the area a) because a majority of the peo pie walk or ride bikes In the Summer rnonths and b) because the proposed outdoor Seating will only be available seasonally. 6. N/A 7. The project will have a minimal effect on our public water supply (well with DDH monitoring) and minimaI effect on our wastewater 5y5tern which consists of a septic tank and leach field. Current and Proposed uses were discussed with Dave Hatin and any changes to the current system were deemed unnecessary, Agency Use 01nl lu aG licablel Praj�tir: Date: Short Environmental Assessm en Form Part 3 Determination offtnificance For every question in Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large impact may occur", or if there is a need to explain why a Particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in a signif rant adverse envimurner taI impact,please complete Part 3_Part 3 should,its sufficient detail,identify the impact,inciudi%any measures or design elements that have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant-Bach potential impact should be assessed considering its settf ng, probability of accruing,duration,irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider t}a potential for short- term, long-term and cumulative impacts. n Check this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and Emy supporting documentation, L,J that the proposed action zMy result in one or omre poter6al ly large or signiftemt adverse impacts and an environrnental impact statenterrt is required_ ❑ Check this box if yoti have determined,based on the infornudion and analysis above,and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action►vi I I nut result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Name of Lead Agency lute Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer{if different from Responsible Officer) PRINT F6RNJ Mage 2 at 2 Site Development Data Lot 2 --'-- Area f Type Existing sq. #t<. Aro ed Total sq. f#. AddRion sq.ft. A. Building footprint 7366 :' 0 7366 B_ Detached Garage 0 c o 0. AccessoryStructure(s) 9'15 0 115 Q. Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area 7025 0 7025 E_ Porches/ Decks 494 0 494 F. Other 0 0 0 . Total Nora-Permeable [Add -F] 14900 14900 H. Parcel Area [43,560 sq_ ft_ i acre] 136942 136942 1. Percentage of Impermeable Area Qf bite [1=G/Hl 90.93% Setback Requirements Area'`'.'` '� Fec�uid Existing Pro]osed 40 61.9 51.9 Front [2] 40 0 0 ShcreGne WA NIA NIA Side Yard 11] 15 14.3 . 13.5 Side Yard [2] 15 155 13.5 Rear Yard [1] 20 13B 62 Rear Yard [ ] 20 138 13.5 Travel Couidor Height [max] 28 26 26 Permeability 30% 86% 78% No. of parking spaces <- ' r + 2 Area Variance Revised March 2414 Town of Queensbury - Zoning Office -742 Bay Road - Queensbury. W 12804.518-761-8238 eg's Deli and Catering, Inc. (Cleve rdale Country Store) 2660 State Rte. 9L Queensbury, NY 12804 Special Use Permit Criteria: Proposed addition of 10 seats in a covered porch area attached to the Store_ 1)The proposed activity is in harmony with the Comprehensive Plan of the town of Queensbury. The stare is currently a Deli with a full Kitchen operating as a food service establishment ire a Neighborhood Commercially zoned area. 2)The proposed project is compatible with the a rea it is in. NC zoning in this a rea permits restaura nt as a use_ Therefore it would be compatible_ 3)T'he current parking, as well as the overflow parking areas discussed and exhibited with the site plan review are sufficient for the proposed project (addition of 10 seats). There are 4 entrance and exit areas providing rnaiiy options for both vehicular and pedestrian trafFic. There is a separate parking area for those who choose to come by bicycle. There is also a designated area for unloading large trucks by the back door where the deliveries are brought into the store_ 4)The infrastructure and services on site will not be changing due to the increase in seating. There is currently proper trash control and loitering has never been a problem. Security is present on the premises to deter any crime (cameras, motion lights,) 5)The proposed project will have no effects on the environmental and natural features of the property. We are not changing the footprint of the building. The general landscaping and trees used for buffering are already prese rkt on the property and are exhibited on the survey map. 6)We are anticipating increased business during the evening hours with the addition of the porch seating_ Long-term we would expect to 2ttract more cu5tvmer5 year round. We feel that it will be an asset to the community as a gathering place for friends and family. Specific Standards: This proiect is not within the WaterffoA Residential Zone but in the Neigh borhaod Commercial zone therefore it would not fall under the Waterfront Residential Zoning which states that food service must be on lands of at least 5 acres.