SOLAR-000250-2017 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 at Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: SOLAR-000250-2017 Date Issued: Thursday, July 13, 2017 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number SOLAR-000250-2017 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 239.12-2-66 Location: 25 BRAYTON LN Owner: Colleen Halse Applicant: Vivint Solar This structure may be occupied as a: Solar Panel System 335 s.f. No Rafter Upgrades By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building&Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: SOLAR-000250-2017 Tax Map No: 239.12-2-66 Permission is hereby granted to: Vivint Solar For property located at: 25 BRAYTON LN In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Tvce of Construction Owner Name: Colleen Halse Solar Panel-Residential $12,122.00 Owner Address: 25 BRAYTON LN Total Value $12,122.00 Lake George,NY 12845 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Vivint Solar 22 Kaimes ST Albany,NY 12205 Plans&Specifications Solar Panel System 335 s.f. No Rafter Upgrades $0.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,June 2,2018 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbu before the ex/Fy'(Jation��JJ datk, , Dated at the Town of ueensb r/ 4ri717fSIGNED BY: �/ or the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Pte• a Office Use Only ADDITION/ALTERATION PERMIT Permit#: Sm-X(L- 250-2'ail- APPLICATION Permit Fee:$ M Town afQuecnsbury G� 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Invoice#: CJ 1 P:518-76L8256 www.aueensbury.net Project Location: S Tax Map ID #: Subdivision Name:' CONTACT INFORMATION: 1i>1Y 15 201/ • A licant: TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Name(s): rLhrI �K BUILDING& rnnr:cz Mailing Address, C/S/Z: ri12 Cell Phone•-� — Land Line: Email• ncP.11P • Prima Owners : Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: ('f-1take- (- ,(\-)9 125q Cell Phone: L - Land Line: �) Email: 7CA 2,r-1alL e YA Co w-, Contractor(s): 1 _ Business Name: S Contact Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ) Land Line: 5( (SC ) Cfq Email: [ r1c Vc/%n fso���• �a/r-� • Architect(s)/Engineer(s): Business Name: (Bl1 Sd(cl' Contact Name(s): L Za.rr-ez--\ Mailing Address, C/S/Z: U Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: / Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: I r 1�� ,r� � �. crr'qq u; Cell Phone: Land Line: ( � ) �i'� 2- 22'? 7` Email: Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Addition/Alteration Application Revised February 2017 PROJECT INFORMATION: r(/ ' 642 X TYPE: Commercial — Residential WORK C S: Ingle-Family _Two-family _Multi-Family(#of units Townhouse _Business Office _Retail Industrial/Warehouse _Garage (#of cars_) Other (describe ) ADDITION SQUARE FOOTAGE: ALTERATION SQUARE FOOTAGE: 1st floor: 1st floor: 2nd floor: 2nd floor: 311 floor: 3rd floor: 41 floor: 41h floor: Total square feet: Total square feet: ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction: $ 2. If Commercial project, what is the proposed use: 3. Source of Heat (circle one): . Ga Oil Propane Solar Other Fireplaces need a separate Fuel Burning Appliances&Chimney Application 4. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES p10 Explain: 5. Are there any easements on the property? YES NO 6. SITE INFORMATION: a. What is the dimensions or acreage of the cel? b. Is this a corner lot? YES NO c. Will the grade be changed as a resu4 construction? YES LO d. What is the water source? PUBLIC PRIVATE WELL e. Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRIVATE SEPTIC system? Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Addition/Alteration Application Revised February2017 DECLARATION: 1. 1 acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. Ifthework is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. 1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. 1 also understand that[/We are required to provide an as-builtsurvey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: " L ` C- yl � 6C SIGNATURE: DATE: Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Addition/Alteration Application Revised February 2017 REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMITTAL: 1. Completed Additions/Alterations permit application TWO(2) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING: 2. Structural drawings,which include: a.Signed &sealed architect or engineer stamp IF the cost of construction is over$20,000 b.Floor plan c. Foundation plan d.Cross sections e. Elevations f. Window & Door schedules–printed on the drawings is acceptable g.Calculation sheet for natural light,ventilation &emergency egress 3. Plot plan, using a survey map if possible,which includes: a. Drawn to scale (i.e. 1 inch = 1-feet) b.indicate proposed changes, with setbacks c. Include all structures on the property d.Include location of water supply (well or water lines) e. Include location &configuration of septic system or sewer line 4. REScheck(residential projects) or COMcheck(commercial projects),signed and stamped— www.energycodes.gov ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Any changes to the approved plans prior to or during construction will require the submittal of amended plans,additional reviews and re-approval. 2. If,for any reason, the building permit application is withdrawn, 20%of the fee is retained by the Town of Queensbury. After 1 year from the initial application date, 100%of the fee is retained. Town of QueensburyBuilding&Code Enforcement Addition/Alteration Application Revised February 2017 C120c',1 TOWN OF O(JFFNSBLJRY BUILDING DEPARTMENT N — T on ourllmltetl enaminall 'cumplianee— — — MAY 3 2U11 Fwith our comments shall not be construed as indicating It1e plans and specifications are o TOWN OF QUEENSBURY hull compliance with the Building Codes of „a New York State. BUILDING & CODES v >m i PV SYSTEM SIZE: I FILE COPY 4.930 kW DC KEY I 5 (17)HmnMe O.PEPA DLIWl1 M MCOULEBVATHPNMn RO INV E TER MOUNTED ONO INVERTER 6iCK OF EICXMOWLE PV INTEFCCNNECnON PANT. LCC maLE DIBCCNNECT bWITCX. M ONBIMETEFLOGITICN.6UTLL 11 METER LOCATICNTIE INTO ' METERR 765 c l ]b OFt'PVC coIN 1�-V'1 FROM JUNCTION BOX TO I AI QII l ELECPPNEL I t+ JUNCTION BOXATTACHEDTO iD ARRAY To KEEPJUNCTION MKOFF ROOF I CHIMNEY I I 31 31 I •� I ' ® 9KYLKLIT I .11_CN ® SATEU.01 OiSH I I 1 I 1 V O PLUMBINGVEM -- --- ---- --� O [30 RGOFVENTS I O O —3' 3' 10 zz g 3'FlRECODE OFFBET I TOWN OF QUE ❑ GROUNDACCESS BUILDING D Si ..O ® CIRCUIT I:1]MODULES I Reviewed By 03 I N Date. i SHEET NAME: Luz 25 Brayton Ln, Lake George NY 12845 I �a L - - - - - - - - SHEET NUMBER: O Roof uM:3n Section 1 Roof Section 2 RoofUMSection18z 3 ASImAZMIAB'.183 �j : SCALE:3/18"=1'-D" O mL B+ O TKT ME] 3 BD > T Type:Camp BNirpM Type:C mP SNryla rye:Cwnp.SNryle a CLNN�ATlACHMEN! CUMP�PTTRCM.6:Nf N ^S V v� PFAMTTEO �NG C CINIIIEVEa I/i Ofl lE9G CWRING L•MA%Ga' N �i CWPIMG CIAMP �U� N O MUGUIf RYTER MWVLE m F 3 anP1ER O MOWIE aiFIER Size:2x6 Spaein9:16"O.C. _ L=vu+os<srecWnPSPuiNc 2 PV SYSTEM MOUNTING DETAIL MODULES IN PORTRAIT/LANDSCAPE I CW PSPAC NG PV 3.0 �TTD� PV 3.0 N0fT0� CAMPASSEMBLY �� S (INCLUDES GLIDER) MOUNTING DETAIL LEAF SPRING 7 PV3.0 •� GLIDER ' PV MODULES,TYP.MOUNT �. OF COMP SHINGLE ROOF, e PARALLEL TO ROOF PLANE q m STRUT NUT ] ECOX BASE SEALING WASHER o w z � 2N FLASHING COMP SHINGLES w H Sl x4 1a- a PV ARRAY TYP. ELEVATION NAAME SS LAG SCREW 3 D NOT TO SCAIE Z J TOROUE=1312 FT-LBS 7 F O 2p MOUNT DETAIL - ECOX SHEET 1 WITH METAL FLASHING NUMBER: PV 3.0 N0T TOS 0 N a LIPAP.FTfILWAEN! LIAE�.ATTACM1ENf N ! U a PFAMTTFD couPUND L= S LNAREYER UIOR lE91 LLl I L SPPLING -a) c-w CW0.1NG CIAEPg2 10N MOOIIIE RAREfl MWU1E fl F Efl 5 MODULE RPFiER IS.: x8 Spacing:16'O.C. I ! o-uNDscvEcw R vAarvc (2:)PV SYSTEM MOUNTING DETAIL 3 MODULES IN PORTRAIT LANDSCAPE JT w3.0 NOT TO SGE w3.0 ND OSCE CLAMPASSEMBLY (INCLUD4GLIDER ') MOUNTING DETAIL ` a LEAF SPRING 7g� PV3.0 •� ' 3 PV MODULES.TYP.MOUNT OF COMP SHINGLE ROOF, ^ PARALLEL TO ROOF PLANE \ o $$y STRUT NUT d SEALINGWASHERmFLASHING COMP SHINGLES 5 '^WQ y1�41rz= ^ PV ARRAY TYP. ELEVATION NAME SS LAG SCREW PV 3.0 NOTTO SCALE Z J_ TORQUE=1312 FT-LBS 7 H � 0 MOUNT DETAIL - ECOX SNHEET UMB NUMBER: 1 WITH METAL FLASHING 0 w3.0 NO rogaF N CL CL Photovoltak Systan Candult Conductor Schedule(ALL CONDUCTORS MUST BE COPPER) DC SW;W 4930 TER If Desch tion MmGawel 4o/Conductors/Color I Conduk Type I Conduk Size ACSystem CW") I 3655 1 Enphase Engage Cable THWN-2 12 AWG 4)1.1,1 N,G) N/A-Free Alr N/A-Free All n Module/Ime1VN Cnunl 17 1 Bare Copper Gmund(EGC/GEC) 6AWG 18ARE N/Airee Air N/A-Free Air a j m 2 THWN-2 10 AWG 311L111.21N)B/R/W EMT 3/4" 2THWN-2-Ground 6AWG I(GR N) EMT 3/4" u u c 3 THWN-2 6AWG 3(11.11111N)B/R/W EMT 3/4" 3 THWN-2-Ground(GEC) 6AWG 1(GRN) EMT 3/4" w $ At L 0 ]n e� IN b u4 = w Point of Intaconnection,Supply Side > j 2M 705.121A).Conforms to NEC 3010 S 2 W sOUMED 0112NRB w w Z 240V/60AFUSED NEMA3 OR EQUIVALENT J5A TERMINATON5MR02GA 75-C z 2M SHEET Eaistinp240V/100A NAME: ServicevmN.5l nate Phose,M0,200I C qA AfPOA) TH wsmnnxe c 3 as W CImuIt 3 t 2 $ roIS III = 3 NU BER: Mod ./:17 1 COMINNOL4 vM1ElION MAl6M•REAa9 r:mile Dx wArsn Qlnpur Inim en(SECsine AWG IOAA4 NaUpn•e SIM lrraasltle Nsrol4bcl`aNe'anlh'NC copper p1 C.mmd spNmnw) wscannm u3 PV Module Rating®STC Conductor Calculations SOLAR MtmuLE Module Make/Model Hanwha O.PEAK BLKG4.1290 -Wire gauge calculated from NEC code 310115(8)(36)with amblen[temperamre calculations c n Max.Power-Point Current Impl 9.W Ams $ j m from NEC x). Max.Power-Point Voltage(Vmp( 31.96 Volts u z � .. For'On Roerof conductors we use the 97C column ampaciry,0.5'-3.S'off-the-roof 9 O z q Open-0rcuit Voltage(Voc) 39.19 Volts adjustment from 310.15(B)(3)(c),and raceway fill adjustments from 330.15(8)(16). u u Enphass)4215 211423-Ka Short-Circuit Current(Isc) 9.63 Ams For"Off Rci cmiduaors we use the 75-C column ampacity,or the 90-C column a mpachy with MICROJNVERTERAT V w $ EACH NODULE.ATTACHED Max.Series Fuse OCPD) 20 Amps Me relevant ambient temperature and raceway fill adjustments,whichever is less. Z n p .� VIRHECOLIBRIUTASCLAR NOT.Max.Power at STC(Pmax 290 Watts The rating of the conductor after adjustments MUST be greater than,or equal to,the continuous HARDMRE Max.System Voltage 2000Vj1EC UL duty uprated output current a� aSBARE CHED TO V.Temperature Coefficient -0.26 %/C Calculation Example-Wire Radng(90'Cjx Ambient Temperature Adjustment Conduit Alf ARMY).EDTO FIRt3T NODULE IN ARMY).BTLAN N OF TONY On Rcment>=Dorltlnp0U5 Duty Output Curren[ GOW THROUGH CONrvECTIONS v.� qC Outpu[CumenI Aaordingto NEC690.BB)(1 15.3 Ams (On Roof,Tagraj:l0 gauge wirerated for40 A, 40Ax0.]6x1(2COMuctors)=30.4A>= MAGE TNROW X ARMV 19.125 A HAOGVIME Nominal ACVolrage 240 Volts THISPANELISFEDBYMULTIPLE SOURCES UTILITY ANO SOLAR (On Raaf,Tag 3):6 gauge wire rated for 65 A, 65 A>=19.125A MICRCINVERTER CONNECTION TO ENGAGE TRUNK CABLE ' Rooftop conductor ampacitles designed In compliance with NEC O 690.8,Tables 310.15(8)(2)(a j,310.15(8)(3)(x),310.15(8)(3)(c), 111 310.15(B)(16),Chapter 9 Table 4,5,&9. Loawtionspecl0c temperature obtained from ASHRAE 2013 dam tables. C Inverter Make/Model M215W21.1.-=46 ASHRAE 2013- e Max.DC Volt Rating 45 Volts Highest Monthly 2%D.B.Design Temp.:31.1'C Max.Power at 40C 215 Watts Lowest Min.Mean Extreme D.B.:-3317'[ e Nominal AC Voltage 240 Volts v Max.AC Current 0.9 Amps 'u Max.00PD Rating 10 Amps O Max.Panels/Circuit 17 Short Circuit Current Is Amps CCPD Calculations Breakers sized according to continuous duty output current.PV circuit nominal current based off R q of modules per Circuit X(1.25(NEC code 230.19(A)fl)(a)X(0.9 Max AC current per mlcro-inverterl Ci rcuit 41=17 modules,Output Current w/continuous duty=19.12<20A Brea ker w system output current w/continuous duty=19.12<20A(System OCPD) z ro Sz ziii ac w y W Other Notes z •All specified equipment grounding devices/components must be listed for use SHEET •Inverters are equipped with rapid short down. NAME: •NEC 2014 Section 690.11 DC An fault circuit protection.Enphase micm inverters are exempt because there are no DC Stang$. •All labeling as per NEC 2014 •All ampacity calculations are made in compliance with NEC 220.51B)..49 and below is munded down to O,and.50 and above a re .�M, m rounded up. D 2 n' SHEET NUMBER: N N1 07/13/2017 THU 7: 33 FAX ®002/003 Ju 1. 12. 2017 0'§lA DIA No. 9565 P. 1 MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY, INC. that the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed below has been examined and Is approved as being In accord with the National Electrical Code, applicable governmental, utility and Agency rules In effect on the date noted below and Is Issued subject to the following conditions. Owner: Colleen Halse Date: 07/10/2017 Occupant: Solar PV System Location25 Brayton Lane Occu ane • Queensbury,Warren Co, NY p Ingle Family Dwg• Applicant: VNInt Solar _ 1850 W.Ashton Blvd, Lehi,UT 84043 L Attn:Accounts Payable J Permit: 260.2017 Joseph A.Holmes No. 1458041358585EL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Equlpment: - 17- Solar Modules; 17 • Micro Inverters; 1 =Comblh6t Panif;1 -AC Dijfdonneet; 1 -Wne Side Tap Thil oanllloate applies to the eleoldoal wldng to the electrical equipment ed lmmedletel nWl and wd. Thu coo a INe onlyto the Wa ocop alio and �eav6end Vitrin9laeeUbiflhapSaSd"Sii oF'ihe eho daE a on a u owner pun Cate ereN, Upon a fli0nge In the use,occupancy or owneaWp Inspection. No warranty is expressed or Implied as to the mechsNaal sotety,am- of the property Indlceted above,this aaNaoafe shell be Immedialety Aug and vela• sloncy or fitness of the equipment for any particular purpose. This catGecate shell In the event ttml this cenaicatt,b icomos Invalid based upon the above rnndiaons, be valid for a period of one year from the above noted data. Should the elaotrloal 1Ne oonlfloate may be malldatad upon rolnepeodon by Middle Department system to which Nis cerllfeale applies be altered In any way.Incledlno but not limit. Inspection Agency,Inc. An appNcalon for Inspection must be submitted to Middle ad to.the iniroduodon of Additional electrical aqufpment and/or are replacement of Oepanment Inspection Agency. Inc.to Inttlete the Inspection and revelldotlon any of the components Installed Be of the above noted data.mlc ceroacam shall be pocess. A lee will be charged for this set/ice. Sri bast--•2� • Lo tom" tTo—.- 13 2011WN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING:&CODES