Site Plan Application General Information 'Tax Parce I I Number: �302,05-1-96-1,93-1,921 92,41 Zoning'District: ESC Leet size: 54,7 Acres Detailed s ription of Project [includes,current&proposed ruse]-, construction o �.�r . _ cant ��. .. ar t vew y acess toEoute 254 and a connector road access to the AviationMail 16o�iroad. � Opt li��� u N nru�ruu�un�d I,waflon of project: 5:24,Aviation Road near the Northbound exit rare p for 1-87. A ficant 1" aMrCa p. Address': , Aviation f�tu�s uta96tY LLC 9�0d°� .Dute Queensbury,NY. Haran Phou n 647-.308-0213, Celt: Work Phone i Elhavik Jari ala Fax 888`-30 -6114 bjiaruwala@oakfi)eldliospitality.com Agent's Name: 17 Computer Drive West,,Albany, Y,B , }s tielulr Engineering MA, l�t,� Address, P �' Home Phone qq: Joshua O'Connor 518-573-4�778 Work Phov n etax 518,438-0900 1�-43�m "9��a ji �onnorr(i�bobler�ng.con:i 0%vaer's Name Addreu s 4 Clinton Square,Syracuse,NY Home Phone Cell 716-254-0587. I'+�attt�e'�v Bader Work Phone Fax 315-634-77016 G"-rraroaiV uta,atth,e °l:nadar pyram.umimg..coni 2 Site Plan Review applieation—Revised October 2016 Town of Queensbury PlanningOffice-742 Bay Road,Quevisbury,NY 128144 Site Development Data Off-siteDrives AiTa Type Existing sq. ft. Proposed Total sq. ft., Addition sq. ft. A. Building f"print 0 0 0 B, Detached, rage 0 0 C. Accessory Structure(s) 0 0 �D. Paved, gravel or other hardsurfaced area, (within area of disturbance) 72,335 -13,187 59,148 E P'orches/Decks 01 01 F. Otherto 0 —6. T—0tal Kon-Permeable [Add A-F1 (within area of dislurbam�e) 61,420 0 61,420, H. Parcel Area [4 3,560 sq, ft acre] (wit-hin area,of disturbance), 152,896 0 152,896 1, Percentage OfImperimeable Area of Site tl:-G/H] (witidn-area uf disturbance) 0.40, 0,40 Setback. Requirements urea Required Existing Propos Front [I 1 4,0,' 0 NIA Front [21 shorefine S iJT—Yard [1] 30" 0 NIA Side "ard f2jj 301, 0 NIA Rear Yard [I] 301, 0 WA Rear Yard [2] '`ravel Corridor 1001 0 NIA I-leight[max] Ar(4W when c ls,,than I 01W) 0 N(A Permeability 20% N/A No Change No�. of parking spaces 0 0 3 Ske Plan Review application—Revised October 20,16 Town of Queemb ury Plan ningOff,we-742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Additional.,Pr9ject Information. I Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the °l Board of Health? No 2, If the: parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s): tool I Dices this proje,Qt require coverage tinder true Mew park State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDE S) Permit Program ?' yes 4. Estirnated project duration: Start:Date July 2017 Enid Date May 2018 5. Estimated total cost of proijcct: 2 IMiillion 6Total areaof land disturbance for project- 152,890 of 13.51 ac) Floor Area Ratio Workshelet FLOOR, AREA R-ATIO, (FAR) -- 'rhe relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total buildinfloor area by the lot size in square feet, yitfl,ding a pereentage. Zoning District Symbol Floor Area Ratio [FAR] Waterfront Relidential. WR U2 Commercial Moder ateill"Intensive I CM/ C1 0.3 A. The combined area, of all square fbotAge, as measure, from, exterior walls of'all structures, on the property, including all floor's of the structure.9, garages, baserri and attics, with more than five (5) feet Of Ceiling height and covered porches, Building square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion.of covered docks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred t (1 20) square feet or less., Any additional sheds will be included. (See "'FLOOR AREA RATIO"), B. Commercial or industrial, the total area in square feet as, measured from the exterior of the, outside: walls of a building or structure, and when applicable, the surntotal of all fleor aveas of the principal and accessory buildings or StrLiCtUr'eS Oil tile projilect site. A. Parcel Area R. Existing Floor Area sq. ft. [see above dei i nition] ............ C. Proposed AAditional Floor Area s, . ft. D. Proptused Total F lloor Area sq. ft. E. Total Allowable Floor.Area Area x fsee above table] If Di is larger than E. a variance or revisions to your plan may be needed. Consult with Staff. 4 Site Plan Review a�pp]ication—Revised October 2016 Town of Queenisbury Plaaiming Office-742 tray aid Queensbury,NY 121104 1 -9-080 .Reguirements for Site Plan oval. The Plannhig Board shall not approve a She Plan unless it first determines that such site plail Illeets tJIe following Standards. Please Prepare responses, to each of the following topics: 'A ARDS The proposed project I'iil or is consistent with the Policies of the Toven's Comprehensive Plan, yes J B. The Proposed project cogripil witli,al I other requ imnierns of 01 is Chapter,incl ud ing the sl plan review standards as set ibril; in Paragraph Folf this 5cction,the dimensionall,bulk and dons ity regulations of dic zoning district in which it isproposed to be lacated(krtick 3 and 'gable 1),the applicable requirernents kifilill other Articles that apply- yes The site planencoarages pedestrian activity,irnernally and, if practicable,to and C. to adjacent area S, y L.% from the site with pedestrian paths err sidcwal ks coll D. The site plan House conflorm to Chapter 336 Sowagg and Sewqge Disposal,Chapter W Storniwater,Managesneni Local Law,and other applicable local laws.Yes E. The proposed use shall be in hart witi)the gcncral purpose or intent of0iiis Chapter,specifically taking into account the locafian,— character and Size of the proposed use and the description and purpose of Elie dis(rjct in Which Such use is proposed,the nature and intensify o f the activities to be involved in or conducted in connection with the proposed use Slid the nature and rate o f any increase in(lie burden on supporting public services and ftwilitics wtlich will follow the appinlval of the proposed lose, Yes F Theest"i��s6lent,maintenance and operation of the proposed use%�vil I not create publi c hazards frorn trall-te,tra Me congestion or the parking of vehicles atil equipment or be otkerwisc detrimental to the health,safety or general welfare of plemons resid ing or working;ill the neigh bor haod or to the general we I I)ilre of slLe Wa%vn, Traffic access and ci rculaticirl,road intersections,,road and 1driveway widilis and trafl-i 10 Qomrols,A I I be adequate, yes G. 0 IT-suvell parking and 19oading faci I itios vvi 11 beappropriately located luld arranged and sufficient to meet traffic anticipated to be gen..i.macd, by the new use, -Me establishment of vehicle finksbetvmcn,-parking areas of adjamnt properties are provided velialre,feasible. I his furthers the Town's goal o freduci ng curb cuts,and reducing congestion. A twenty-foot wide connection is required. I f adjacent properties are either umdevalbpcd or previously developed without having rnado provision for futilre linkage,then-a future connection must be idernifictil and provided for in the site plan cruder review for such future filikage when the time arises. The Planning Board muy require proof that the applicant has made contact with adjacent property owners,for pulljoses of cooTdirtaling linkages with adjacent properties.yes The pioject sl;;]I�no have an undue adverse i mpact upon the natural,scerde,aesthetic,ec:o logical.,wi lidlife,himodic,recreational or otVn spacc resources of the[own or the Adirondack Park or upon Me adequate provisilan of supportirEg facilities and services made niccessary b'y the project,taking into account the commercial, industrial,,residential, recreational or other benefits that might bederived from the project. In iiiaking the determination hereunder,the Planning Board slialE consider those factors pertinent W due project contained in the deMopitient considorat ions set lbrih herein under§ 179-9-080 of this Chopt(-r,and in so doing,die Planrljulg Board sliall make a net overall, evaluation o�f the Project in relation to the development o,bJectives and general guidclincs set forth in,§ 179-9-080 of leis Article, yes, Theprovisioni ond arrangementofpedeMrian traffic access and circulation,I- i.valkway structures',control of inter clions NNAi Vehicuiar ftuffic and;overall pedestrian convenicrice shall lee sal OndmIcquate for pedestrian movoml Pcdcstriancoiinectiat.Libet%wvn,-idjacen:t sates shall be,provided to erl pedestrian use.yes Stormwater drainage facilities M H prevent an increase o f postdeve lopioLnt drainage flaws ascoinpared to pre-4cvcIopmcnt drainage now-5 Drainage of the site shall recharge ground i�yater to she extent practical. Surface waters flowing off-site shall not degracte any strearns or adversely affect dral on adjacent properties or Public Foods,. Facilities slialE be in eonformance with the ofChapter 147 of the Town Code and Oie Town ofQueensbury Subdivision Regulations where opplicabic. yes; K. 'The:11vater supp ly and sewage di isposal fuil itics wi H be adequate and wil I muct aII applicable and current requircnicnos set forth by Department of Hea I th wage and Chapter 136 of the Town Code., y cs L. The adequacy,type and arrangement of tirm,shrubs and!other suitable plantings,landscaping and scretai..n g.shm I I effectively provide a A51.1121 and/o r noise bmf er between Elie:applicants arid adjoining Bands,including the maxim.0 rn retention of existing vegetation and maintenance, including replacement.of dead or deceased plants, yes M Vire lariL emrgcncy zones and fire hydrants will be adequate and inett the moods and requirements of emergency service Providers,"Yes N. The design ofstructoro,roadways and landscaping irtarcas susceptible to pooding,flooding and/or,erosion wall m-in im izx air avoid such impacts to the maximum extent practicable, yes 0. nie site plan,conforms to the design standards,tandscaping slaadouls and performance standards of this chapter, y,,, 5 Site Plan Review application—Revised October 2016 I ol wn of Queensbury Planning Office-7422 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 179-9-0,50, Checklist-Application for Site Plan Review. Application. materials and site plan shall include sufficient information for the Board to review and providc a decision. The applicant is to provide a site plan drawing and allattachments,that address items N. The applicant may request a waiver from, AN and is to provide reasons for waiver(s) requested. Please label infunnation to be submitted, REQUIREMENTS Shee# k A vicinity rnap drawn al the scale that shows ti'm reWonsfi ipofthc proposal to eAsflnFC—O—M;1T11 17Y rood ities;which affect — or serve it, swh as roads,shopping areas,scholols,e1c, Thu MAP 511311.9"130 AM all properties,idmi fi ry owncm, #1 subdivisions:,streets and cascm,cnis within.500,feet of Elie property. Suchi.9 sketch ruway be superimposed on a LJriited Stales Geological S u,Mvy niap of the area, R The site plap shall be drawn at ascale offiorty fect I)a the inch(1 40 feet)or such other some as the P lanni ng Board may deern appropriate,(in Mamlard 24"x 36'sheets, with coalfirmation on&112"x I I" sheets as necessary for written #4,#7,#8 in forniation, Ilia in fonnation listed below shall be shown on,the site plan and continuation sheets. C. Name of the project,boundaries,date,north amkv,and scale of the plan, #8 D. Name and ad41rcss of the owner ofjecord,-d' sea —evOoper'r and ]of the engineer,arch4ct or llondscapc architect. If the applicant isnot ffie:record own a letter ofmiftrrzafion shall be reqsired fro.in the o%vner. Application M. LE E. The location and use of al I Pxi Sting and proposed structures within 11tL property,including all dimensions of height and floor area, c entrances.,and aH anticipated future additions and a I teraliom, #8 F. The location awl all prewnt and proposed public.arA private ways,off-sircet parking areas,driveways,Ouldoor sUirwgi;arcas, sidcwalks,ramps,curbs,paths, londscaping,walls and fences. Location,lypc andscrocning details for all waste disposal Survey Owitoiners shall also be shown. G. The location,heiSht,intensdly and bu.1b type isodriun" JACandelCent,etc.)of all external fighting fixtures. The diW��fio or il I urnination and jnethod,4�o,elini[inate, pare o n to ad #7 joinijig proverties must also be shownin.cotpp[�RRSE.!��9-6-020. H. The location,hei�ohl,size,materials and design of all proposed 5igns. #7 The:location of I prescnt and proposed util ity syswmq ine luding; — I- gelvase sapsopdc System; NIA 2. Water supply systern, 3,. Telephone,cable and,electrical systems,and 4. Storm drainage system including existing and Proposed drain lines,citiverls,catch basins,headwalK,tzidwaHs, hydrants,nianho les and drainage swales. Plans to preveW the pollution of surface or groundwuleT,erosilon of it both during and after runuff ter Pollution Prevention Plan(SWFIPP)lbrall land.development ai�ldflooidingofodiner properiics,asap,p�ticable, AStorinkv 4 #14 activitics(cxcludin,g agTioullural activitics)on the site that resuits in land disturbanceof one acre or more. ASWPPPsholl wrnply md th tl-v-,requirements oftfic DEC SP DES MS-4 General Perrttit.and Chapter 147 of the Town of Queensbury i C(We. It shall be at the discretion oftbe Planning Board as to whedier a'SWPPP or an crosion and control plan s1tall be required for a,site plan review proj�e(A land disturbance of less than one acre, K, Existing and proposed topography at 1wo-root contour intervals,or such other contour interval as the Plan I'll r"I t I'll i I'll n g Board 5,11all, #9'&#10 allow. All elevations shall rcfcr to the nearest United Slates Coasul and Geodetic Bench Mark- If any Nrfioo of the parm is,within time 100-year floodplain,the area will be sbown asid hasc flfjodr elevations given. Areas shall be i odicaged wAin 1hc proposed site and%vithiri 50 Rvt of the proposed site where sail reaXwo I or fi I ling,is,required,showing the approximate: vra[urne in cubie yards. A landscapepian showing all existing natural land features than may influence the design of the propascd use much as,rock surveys outcrops,stands o F trcus,single trues eight or more jincbe,s in diomctcr,forest oover and.water sources and a I I proposod c1tanges to these features,including sizes and types:ofp[ants. WMeT SOUPCCS include pands, takes,,weglands and Nvatcrcoarses,aquirem,fl)rjodplains and drainage retention.areas. MTa— . nd Usw District boundaries within 500 feet or ffic site's perinicter shall be drawn and itlentified an the site plan,as wel I as any Overlay Districts that apply to,Elie properly, #3 Site Plan Review Application—Revised October 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning,Office-742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 REQUIREMENTS (CONTINUED) Shfe 4 N. Tra ffic flow Patterns wifl,in the site,cntrauccs and cx its,loading and iin loading areas,as vovll us curb eats an the site and within 100,feet ofthe site. The Planniryl;Board may.at its discretion,require a detaiied,traffic study for large dvvc1upmcnis or AH Sheels forthow in licavy traffic:areas,which shall inulude,- I, The projected number of motor vehicle trips to enter 0117 leave the sitc,estimated for Nvock[y and annual peak hour traffic,,levels, 2. The projected traffic flow pad crn including vehicular movements at a I l major intersections Bluely to be aMzled by the proposcd use offlic site; 3, The impact of this,traffic on levels of service on abutting pub]i1c streets and at affected interqectiow, Existingand proposed weekly and annual peak hoor traffic levels and road capacity leve4 01411 also be given. 0. For nM construc6lart or altCratiODS 10 any structure,a table C07)soirli ng the rol[owing information shall be inel uded: WA I, Estimated area ofstruigore,tole used lbr particular purposes such,as retain operation,o,Miov, Storage,ctc-, 2. Estimated maximum number o r employees.; .3. Maximum,swing capacity,%Vllcve applicable;an'd 4. 'Nuumbl er of parking Spaces existing and required for the intended use.. .......................... P. J_ 17loor Plans. NIA 2. Elevations at o%A[c oforlic-qUarter inch eqluals one lbot(114"- I Jbot) ror 0,111 cxscflor, facades of thepmposed,struclure�s) NIA Ja and)or alterations to or expansions of existing facades,showing desion,fieaturLs and inulicatirig,the typc and collor�of materials to be used. Q, soil logs,water supply well and percolation test results,and stony WOW Tunoff calculations as needed to determine and mitigate project inipwas, SWPPP R., Plans for disposal,of constructionand deniolifion waste,either tan approved or at an disposal facility, LA F Plans for snow removal,including locaflan(s)of on-site snow stwage, # T. An Environmental Assessment Form C'E,AF')as rcquircdby the SLQRA regulaitions,ivioh Part I curnp[eted by the Applicant slial 11 be submitted as part of the appi ieaficm If the Proposed project requires a special use pennit and an EAF has been F,A I submilIed.in conjunction with a special Use Permit app4aadon,a duplicate EAF is not required for tire site,pian.applicatlon. IT an.i-application is for,a parcel or pa oLr s on whi(Ol more than one LUG is proposed,the appal[cant may subritif a single application,For all such us„provided the proposed uses are occuratcly dellincated on a site plan drawn pursuant to the Yes requirenierrus sot Forth nbovc. The Planning,Board may grarathL appfiowtikni with respect to sonic proposed uses and not olliers, for purpose$of mvicwing,an application(and for SO; pt compliance)0111 proposed uses on a sirrEgle parcel or on contiguous paTcelssliall be comOdemi togcthcr. V. A bricfnarrative staternent ort how the project proposed for review furthers or is:consistent with the vision,goal's arid poll clic.s in t4,Town's Compreliensive Plan. Narrative 7 Site Plan Review application,—Revised October 20 16 'r own of'Queensbury Planning Office-742 Ba,y Road,Quiecrtsbury,NY 12804 Town of Que,ensbury Site Plan pre-SubmissionConferen,ce or / Section 1.79-9-040 L Applicant Name. Aviation Hosphality, LLC - 2. *rX Map ID 102-05.1-96.1 Locatkon524 Aviation Road 3. Zonjrrg Chassifteation ESC 4. Reason for Review: Proposed Hatel Developiwnt 5. Zoning section #: 6. Pre-Submissio�n Meefing Notes: Provided Outstanding; Picric provide by Dee:d General Inkmation cornplete, Site Development Dau to Cou mplete SON&Requirements Complete Additional P�roject Information Complete FAR addressed Requirements, for She Plan-Sta.ndards Checklist iten.is addressed Environmental Form completed Signature Page completed S,t�aff Representative: Applicant/Agent: Date.- -.. 8 Site P12m Review application—Revised October 20[6 "pyo of Queensbffy PlanningOffice,742.Bay Road, Queensbury,N"Y 12804 SIGNATURE PAGE This page irnoCuudles (hie 1.)Autharizall I Act as Agent norm: .) Lrnglnl V Fee Disc l tire;; w):Authorization for Sftei Visit 4,� Other Perm It Respornslbhllities 5.) Cifficlat Meeting Disclosore, and ',) Agreerrnant to provide documentation required. OWNER" AGENT FORM: Complete ttue foll Dwiving if theOWNER,of the property is not the Sarna as,the applicant Owner i"CQF lun o,LIX Designates: Avivation Ifoopilati!y,LL Aaagent regle rdirn : 57TVadance MSItelpian IMS ubd uds ion Fair Tax Map of 3102m, ecti rn i Blink Tat 96,li-� .t treed E eikeren , N oual 236�I'agua f to OW tF~F IIIAT1 'I E Y v�- Su DATE. APPLICANT, AGENT FORti ormplete the 01k) ulrtg if the APPLICANT Is unable to attend the rrtaetirng or wishes to be represented by another party,,, Owner: w KGF'NcwCo^LLC Designates: Buhler Eng1wring 1i Ill agent regarding., [EVarieace Site Plan For Tax Map I�o.; eeetlon t is t.: t .i . .i - Dead Reference: 4143 Book 13 Ve Date APPLJCANT SIGNATURE, DATE,' 7- 2 f Qt Applications may, be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of sispitc design, slorm drainage, otc, as determined ' the Zoi or Morning Department. Few for ongineedirkgr rai agrvi4Gs mill be Oargied dlrecUy to the"appllcant Fees,for anginaelriq roviewwIll not,exceed S 1,Wig Wifuvut notification to the applicant. . y agning, this page and subumlttingi the opplication mall aflo hed herein,, the mer, Applicant, and histhe,rdhelr agqhvs-)—hereby auathorlize the Zoning Board, or Planning Board Ein�d Town Staff to ernes the subject properties four the purpose of reWilawlIng the application submitted. 4) OTHER PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES: Other permits,may be required for construc6on ar Edterautlon activity surbsequent to a,p rovw by the Zoning(Board or Planning lfesrdl,. It Is the applicant's respionr4bilitylo obtal n any eddlitlonal permits, ) QEE11QIAL WIEF XLLJQ.UJJJUJEUJIS CLOSURE.,RE., ilt Is the pro r Ace proof the Community Development Dapertrmonf to haive a designated ste€uographar tall record fhe proceedings of raeegngs resulting fin appl1catiora,and minutestrenscrill from those tapies constitutes the official record of all proceedings. 6.) AGREEMENT TO PROVIOrz DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: II the undersigned, have thoroughly readand understand the instruactl ons liter submll asion and ag roe to the submission requulrermi its„t ecknesilod g e no,construction aothrlties shalif be commenced prlox to issuance of a eallid permit, l csrll that the application, plans and! supporting material's are a true and complete statem,ent/descriptlon of the existing condilions and the well proposed,and that all wolrk will be pedormed In accordance with the approved plans and In conformauncaewith loosi onin;g regulations. I acknoveledge that prior,to occupy Ing the facilities prooposed„,Jor )urveyby ay agents^Wlli oblain a certificate of occup rcy as necessary, 'I also understands that h e ill be requuired t provide an o -bu'iq licensed Ila ndsuirveyorafallrmeiMyconstructedfacilities priortcissuenceOft certificate ofoccurparncy I�al read and agree to the above. ( p lu�t'nt 'ruritm A �i ppm'icant Date signed rn Print Name[Agent] Gate signedl Town of Queensbury moaning Office °742 Bay Brood °Queernsbuury, NY 1'Z' t4 .bfgwTbt. 7