Freshwater Wetlands Permit revisions TANHOPE &. CASEY FRESHWATER WETLANDS PERI ITAPPUCATION CORNER OF SWEET ROAD AND COUNTRY CLUB ROAD TOWN OR QUEENSBURY Purpose, Character aad Extent of proposed activity upon or adjacent to wet]and: Town Law Section 94-5(a) prevents any person from conducting a regulated activity, which includes building, clear cutting and construction, on any freshwater wetland, or within 100 feet of the wetlands. As mentioned and shown on the attached snap, there is virtually no portion of the Property that is not within 100 feet of freshwater wetland(here inafltr knov,,n as the"Adjactnt Area")'. Therefore, if the applicants wish to build on the Property, a Freshwater Wetland Pertrl[t is required. The applicants have made every effort to avoid the wetlands to the greatest extent posy ib]e with their proposed building and clearing and have developed a plot plan that does not propose any disturbance of the wetlands themselves; impacting only the Adjacent Area. Additionally, it should be noted that the applicants have avoided any clearing within 35 feet of tit freshwater wetlands boundary, as is required by Section 179- -050(B)(1)(a) of the Town odf. Ho cvtr, in order to situate a house on the Property, the applicants will have to clear trees to create room for the single family home, backyard and a driveway on the Property. In ardor to complete the project as shown on the attach ed snap, 2.5,419 square feet of land within the Adjacent Areas w i I I have to be cleared from its czrrrent wooded state. FoIlow ing the clearing, the applicant wi11 have to dig in tht Adjacent Area to create the faun dation for the single family home, build the home and plant the crush(-,d stone far the driveway. 1 Section 94 or the Town code requires a permit for any activity proposed to occur on [he%Ve0,mds,or in the "adjacent area%which i s defined as any area wain 100 Fcet of the freshwater wetlands. 3 Stanhope Wet�arids Permil App Paye 6 > S��Uw Site DevelopmentDka Area ITy c Exh4fin sq. ft. ',wile Tof sq. ft Addition sq. f! «_ k 2 d G2 rov1prim 0 23392139 R! eA Gar 0 D 0 C. w2 y Slr mr< 0 0 0 D, IRdorot 1 rd ,Ll n qm 090 0 S I m] / Mcks o 66 66 R UhC r 0 0 0 0. Total Non-Pel-1 110 11b» tA dd A-F] g 7361 7961 H. Parcel Aroti [41§56 11-1a 1 92 80 192910M 192970.m [ Rcmm� 0of Imporm2Wc &Ra% 0r SiIQ [RG/I| o Ia!\ 3at% Setback Requlrem ein s Aron l4quind Existing propo ed V run t §i »f 0 f 2nd R m A arelim 75 ft o a g a Side Yard (1] 25 a 0 i 491fIE Side Yard (2 25 ft 0 a 55 R5 b Rear Yard [11 30 A 0 f 177 fUn RcJr (2 -NIA Travd Corridor NIA 40■ 0 34 A61n B Permeability 50 10D% q.¥& N a, D[pa rng sp e a � &mmmReview app inn-Revised October»m W AmeWellak,PTffWAAf Queensbury P| n¥ng Oma 802 yad c Ebur» NY 1204 Page 19 dditional Project Information I. bill 111c proposal reclui1-0 a Septic Varialnuar 1i'0111 [lie Town Board of I-IcaIth? 140 2. II'iltr preol Ila% prcvious appnival.% list application numbegs): }. Does tills pro]ec1 r+ uirc Coverageuadcr 41w Nciv lurk Stitle l'c3Rittl}C Dl*c]1aM' r IIilYtlntli4n S} lem (SPI)[-,'S) P;rnnit l'rnL11-411n `? No 4. I'stimawd prrrject dw-alion. Slarl Date Unknown _ Bract DA[,l Uf k"Own 5: Emiinratcd total cost ol'piTjec:t: $663,500 - �- Total arca of land distciOianct for project: 25,419 square feet Floor Are.i .Ratio Worlcslieet F1,00R AlU."A I�A'1.10 (Fhl1 ) -- T]w relationship o1' building size to lot size, derived by dividin,� the tool building 11mir aXrQat by the lot sirs in square feet. vielcling a pyre Magc. kining+ District S}1111-1 ol Floor Area Ratio rFAR.1 Waterfront Residential WR 0,22 Commercial lode'ratef 111teilsiviz! C MW C1 0.3 A. The combined area of all scluam Footage., as theasum From exterior walls of all structures opt the property, inchiding ail floors of the ,tructures, garages, basemelus and tuties with more than five (5) feel of ceiling height and covmd porches. Building square fbtltag�does not incicide, Open deck, docks and that portion of covet-ed clocks exteadina over water and one star-ea shed of one llundrod twenty (120) square Oecl or less. Any additionaI shads will be included. (See "FLOOR AREA RA'l`ID"). B. C'o mci�cial or industrla1: the total area in squat�e feet as measluned from the exterior of the outside walIs of a brlildilIg or str4lc:tuM, and when applicable, the sung total of all floor areas or the prillelpal and accessory buiIdings or structures on thc� project site, A. Parcel Aren sq. 1t. D. Existing Floor Area sq. rt- [see above dcllnitlon] C. Proposed Additional Floor Arca sq. ft. 1). Pr¢ osccl Tatar Floor Area scl. 11, E, Total A]low able Floor Area (Ama x _-_) 1.see abo�� table If 1s largei'than E. a variance or mvis ions to yom-plaii may be needed. Consult with Staff, 4 site Plan Review appiiutt[oil— Revised October 2016 SaanlioPe l%nds pW&yAo, ueerisbiiry Planning C)ffice-7142 Bay ]load,Queensbury,NY 12804 Page i9 applemen#al Suhmission for Stanhope Town of Queensbury Freshwater Wetlands Perm it Application—Information Requested from Site Plan Application e�ponses.tc_App Iication Questions under Sec_ 179-9-080 A, Yes B. Yes , Not Applicable.The project is for a single falmiiy horne, and as a result, there is no need to encourage internal pedestrian activity. Furthermore,there are no other sidewalks or pedestrian paths to and from the site to enable connection to adjacent areas. D. Yes E. Yes F. Not applicable. Because the proposed use is for a single farn i ly home with only a single driveway, there will only be no effects on traffic congestion, etc. G. Not applicable. As the project is only for a single family home, there is no need for off- street parking and loading facilities contemplated by this regulation. Such a regulation is applicable to commercial and/or industrial uses. Additionally, the applicants do not own any ofthe neighboring parcel, so there is no need or ability to link those parcels during development. H, Yes I. Not applicable. As a single family residence, there is no need to arrange for pedestrian access and circulation at the site. Addidianally,there are no other side alks or pathways in area adjacent:to the site. J. Yes . Yes L. Yes M. Not applicable. Fire lanes, emergency zones and fire hydrants are not required for this project, as it is for a single family home. Responses to A1212lication CheekIist under Sec. 179-9-D-8-5- The, 79-9- 85The applicants are attaching a letter from the Town's Zoning Administrator which indicates that this project does not require site plan review. However, the applicants have been advised that certain information from the site plan application would be useful to the Planning Board in its review aftheir Freshwater Wetland review. As a result, the applicants have not prepared full engineered site plan details because, as noted above, the project is a single family home and such detail would be irrelevant in most cases. However, the applicants have provided a full plot plan for review and consideration. Specific responses to the Application Checklist are as follows, A. See Plot Plan B. See Plot Plan C. See PIOt Plan D. See Plot Plan E. See Plot Plan SWnhnpe We lands Permit AVP Page 20 F. See Plot Plan , Not app]icable, There are no external light fixtures proposed with this project. H. Not applicable. There are no signs proposed with this project. 1. 1) See Plot Plan; 2) See Plot Plan; 3)To be determined;4}To be determined. J, Not applicable, as less than acre of land wiII be disturbed by this project. K. To be determined. L_ Not applicable. . See Plot Plan N. Not applicable. This is a single family residential project, so there is no need for traffic flow patterns. 0. l) Single 1~amily Horne, 3604 square feet; )—4)Not applicable, as the project is for residential use only. R See pians submitted with Area Variance application. . Not applicable. This project will connect to the Town water and sewer supply,and no stormwater rnitigation is required because the disturbance is less than an acre. R. 30 yard dumpster. S. Not applicable.This is a single family home with a single driveway, so snow removal will not be required. T. Net Applicable. Such review is not required under the Freshwater Permit Regulation for the Town of Queensbury, nor is it required for a single farm ly home. U. Not applicable. Only one use is proposed. V. See attached Narrative, Stanhope Wetlands Perrrl App Page 21