Aviation Hosp Environmental Review Summary Staff Notes specific to Traffic at/for Aviation Hospitality-Aviation Mall interconnect-Ambrosia access improvement Environmental Review Summary, The Planning Board had adopted a finding statement in August of 2001 in relation to the Town Board's adoption of similar finding statements for the Aviation Mall (Pyramid)as Pyramid had proposed over 850,000 sq ft of GLA and multi level parking facilities and other site improvements(proposed in 1998). The project was amended in 2001 to a 125000 sf gla and a variety of amendments to the existing building space for a total sq ft addition of 70,000 and a total sq ft of building at 661000 sq ft. At that time in 2001 the Northwest Lands identified as Possible Future Development included 150,000 sq ft gla and internal ring road connection with extremely vague details as no project existed. Specific to Traffic—Analysis was contemplated in the Environmental Impact Statement and was considered again in the last submission of the 2010 Diner application. In addition traffic improvements were completed for Route 9 and 254 NYSDOT for the New York State Route 9 and 254 Area Congestion Improvements 2006 project. The Planning Board upon review of projects related to the Aviation Mall or area of Aviation Mall identified the 2001 Findings Statement,acknowledge supplemental information from the applicant in regards to traffic impacts and concluded no significant adverse environmental impacts that were not covered in the 2001 EIS. The previous environmental review of August 2001 included the following intersections for review 1. Aviation Ring Road (West entrance)and Greenway North 2. Aviation Ring Road (East entrance)and Starbucks 3. Route 254 and Route 9 4. Route 254 and the north bound 187 entrance 5. Route 254 and the south bound 187 entrance 6. Route 254 and Carlton Dr Brief Project overview for Aviation Mall and associated property: 1. 1998 SP 67-98 Bonton,SP14-98, PZ1-98 Pyramid proposed petition for zone change 2. 2001 SP 21-20018/21/2001,-125000 SF GLA Pyramid modified project; Planning Board adopted Findings Aug 2001 3. 2002 SP 21-2001M 7/16/02 relocation building E,SP 44-2002 9/24/02 3000 sq ft addition;AV72-02 9/18/02,SUB 14-02 Subdivision 9/24/02 4. 2003 AV 64-2003 and AV 80-2003 Subdivision Target,SUB 14-02M Subdivision 7/22/03; SP 44-2002M 7/22/03 shifting store location 5. 2004 SP44-2002M 12/21/04 Target-landscaping 6. 2005 SP 21-2001M 8/23/05,AV 60-2005 8/17/2005 Bed Bath and Beyond Pyramid modified project; 7. 2008 SP 40-2008 theater expansion—tabled indefinitely AV 63-2008 9/17/2008approved 8. 2009 SP 29-2009 12/15/2009-10,000 sq ft denied without prejudice 9. 2010 SP 53-2010 Queensbury Diner 10/19/2010 include SEQRA reference no significant adverse environmental impacts that were not covered in the 2001 EIS no further eis