BOTH-000665-2016 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 4 __ Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: BOTH-000665-2016 Date Issued: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number BOTH-000665-2016 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 289.14-1-19 Location: 20 PIONEER PT Owner: Renee Little,Robert Little Applicant: Phinney Design Group This structure may be occupied as a: Demolition Only of SFD 1305 s.f. Asbestos Report pending By Order of Town Board Cross Ref. AV PZ-31-2015 and SP 67-2015 or SP PZ-32-2015 TOWN OF QUEENSSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the �j4k--property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 QL Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: BOTH-000665-2016 Tax Map No: 289.14-1-19 Permission is hereby granted to: Renee Little,Robert Little For property located at: 20 PIONEER PT In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: Renee Little Demolition-Commercial $0.00 Owner Address: 814 Fox Glen PL Total Value $0.00 Walnut Creek,CA 94598 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications Demolition Only of SFD 1305 s.f. Asbestos Report pending Cross Ref. AV PZ-31-2015 and SP 67-2015 or SP PZ-32-2015 $30.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,December 16,2017 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town o ueensb j rida , cc ber 16,2016 SIGNED BY: for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Town of Queensbury Building & Codes Office Use Only Received DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION Permit#: jj+ NO WORK MAY COMMENCE UNTIL PERMIT IS ISSUED Permit Fee 30+1n d S PlS Provide 2 plot plans drawn to scale,showing lot boundaries with dimensions and adjacent roads/streeys. Shof tw allaexisting7—di structures on property and Indicate which are to be demolished. Indicate the location of all utilities n Date __ 29J ___ Demolition Location � P_o, P• NY Tax Map ID _9_1 Y_/_/q APPLICANT `PH-_N � ------ OWNER yi3 �gz 1 I�V� �ZTtx Address / �ycyvOrti r. ---- --- — --------------- --- --- ------------- ---- Address ----------- --------- r°v'n ir..�rt�l C2.SZ3'� G� 9'/f98 ------------ ------------- Phone ___5?m-S&L 7t Zo --x , r'-Z — Phone ------- --------------------------- CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING & CODES COMPLIANCE: _ _"�`2T1MAO 4 Phone: 1. Person Responsible for Work 7e- 2. e2. Where will demolition material be disposed? lq4(, L-JAC"t� G4cru-r 3. All buildings to be demolished require an Asbestos Survey 4. Any building substantially damaged by fire must obtain an Asbestos Removal Permit from the Department of Labor 5. Asbestos Information: The Asbestos Removal Report must be filed with our office before demolition begin a) Is there any asbestos in the building to be demolished ____ Yes ____No b) If Yes,our office needs the following Information __ Yes _ --No Name of firm removing the asbestos License number of firm Indicate where the asbestos material will be disposed 6. Structure Information a) Indicate the structure(s)to be demolished x, Residence ___ Garage ___ Business Storage Bldg. --- other b) Size of Structure 134>5 S.F. c) Number of Stories j d) Foundation Type &.uvc Cak C.FN - e) Foundation f) Structure(s) 7yq- V 7. Utilities Information a) Indicate utilities for this structure___ Gases Electric x Propane ___ Public Water ___Public Sewer 2—c—On-site well water pump a) Have you notified the Town Water Department for public water and sewer disconnect? ____ Yes 1G_ No b) Have all utilities bqbn disconnected? ____Yes _ No 8. Signature Print Name: _ _3AP�t �• _._M1 E'tf,�mav�_ 1yv Date ___ _ ? _ Signature: _ _ _________ Date — --------------------- ---------------- () W Town of Queensbury Building & Codes - Demolition Permit - December 2014 024 SPECTRVA PU.B((Phone)&*enedad y,NF 12301 (S18)348-8374(Phone) Environmental Rsseciates. Inc. (518)346-4062(Pax) 'EECEEOlNO OON CLIENTS EXPEcrarjoNs Or EXCELLENCE' www4spectrum ean! FILE COPY ASBESTOS SURVEY/INSPECTION FOR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURE - DEMO 20 PIONEER POINT QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 TOWN OF QU N BUILDING & OD ` Reviewed By: RUM PROJECT NO.: 16-338 Date: OCTOBER 12, 2016 PREPARED FOR: ROBERT AND RENEE LITTLE 814 FOX GLEN PLACE WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598 Environmental Consulting&ManagetnentServices • Health&Safety Training • Laboratory Services TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I -INTRODUCTION SECTION II -LIMITATIONS SECTION III -ASBESTOS SAMPLING SUMMARY ATTACHMENTS -TABLE 1-ASBESTOS SAMPLING RESULTS -TABLE 2-ASBESTOS FINDINGS -LOCATION MAPS -LABORATORY REPORTS -LICENSING AND CERTIFICATION - 12 NYCRR PART 56-5.1 SECTION I-INTRODUCTION On October 6, 2016, Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc. (Spectrum) conducted a survey for the presence of asbestos containing materials at the Residential Structure located at 20 Pioneer Point in Queensbury,NY. Mr.Bruce Campbell Jr.(Asbestos Inspector#15-11979)conducted this inspection following procedures and guidelines commonly used and accepted by federal and state regulations. The objective of the survey was to identify the presence and approximate locations and quantities of suspect and/or confirmed asbestos containing materials. An initial walkthrough of the designated areas was conducted by an experienced asbestos inspector to observe and record materials used in the construction of the building. The inspector proceeded by assessing floors, walls, ceilings, surfacing materials, thermal systems insulation, roofing materials and other miscellaneous materials with the potential to contain asbestos. From observations, the inspector prepared a listing of building materials that are suspected to contain asbestos. The inspector selected these materials for inclusion in the inspection through professional experience and an understanding of the historical uses of asbestos. Generally speaking,if a building material within a structure could contain asbestos,the material was included in the inspection. Materials included in the survey were identified and recorded with respect to grouped homogeneous sampling areas. Representative bulk material samples were collected from locations within each homogeneous sampling area. Sampling information was recorded on chain of custody forms for documentation. Samples were individually preserved within a container and transported to an independent laboratory for asbestos analysis. Laboratory analysis of asbestos samples via polarized light microscopy(PLM)and/or transmission electron microscopy(TEM)was conducted by AmeriSci of New York,New York(FLAP# 11480, NVLAP#200546-0). Sample analysis was conducted as follows: • "Friable"Asbestos Samples—PLM • "Non-Friable"Organically Bound(NOB)Asbestos Samples—PLM and, if negative, TEM for confirmation as required under NYSDOH-ELAP regulations. SECTION II-LIMITATIONS The information provided in this report was compiled from field and laboratory data obtained during the site visit. Observations noted and recorded are intended to represent the conditions that existed at the subject site at the time and date that the observations were made. Spectrum has not conducted its own analytical,but has utilized an independent NYS-DOH ELAP approved laboratory to provide the analytical results contained in this report. All discussions, findings, and conclusions are based on information that Spectrum received and understood to be factual. Determinations of suspect asbestos containing materials within the building were subject to the accessibility of individual areas or spaces. Spectrum accepts no responsibility for the content of the building materials within areas or spaces that were unknown to us or not reasonably accessible. Spectrum assumes no liability for any buildings that were not identified by the client that may fall under state or federal regulations. All quantities of ACM provided in this report are provided as required by law and are believed to be accurate. If this report is to be used for bidding purposes, field verification of quantities is recommended by the abatement contractor prior to bidding. Conclusions and recommendations provided in this report are based on the assumption that materials identified are homogeneous throughout their application. This report has been compiled for the exclusive use of Robert & Renee Little, their successors and/or assigns. This report and its contents represent confidential information and should not be duplicated without the expressed permission of Robert & Renee Little their successors and/or assigns. The building owner is Robert&Renee Little and they may be reached at 814 Fox Glen Place in Walnut Creek, CA. SECTION III—ASBESTOS SAMPLING SUMMARY The results of the sampling are provided in Table 1 (Asbestos Sampling Results) and the asbestos findings are provided in Table 2 (Asbestos Findings) of the Attachments. The laboratory results and sample location map(s) are also provided in the Attachments. ATTACHMENTS TABLE I -ASBESTOS SAMPLING RESULTS TABLE 2-ASBESTOS FINDINGS LOCATIONMAPS LABORATORYREPORTS LICENSING AND CERTIFICATION NYS INDUSTRIAL CODE RULE SECTION 56-5.1 TABLE 1 — ASBESTOS SAMPLING RESULTS 20 Pioneer Point, Queensbury NY Spectrum Project# 16-338 Date Sampled: October 6, 2016 Sample# Description Location/Area PLM Results TEM Results /oType) /oType) 01 Window Glaze Area C Window NAD Anthophyllite Trace 02 Window Glaze Area F Window NAD Anthophyllite Trace 03 Mastic Under 9x9 C NAD Chrysotile Trace 04 Mastic Under 9x9 E NAD Chrysotile Trace 05 Floor Tile 9x9 Chrysotile 14.3% NA 06 Floor Tile 9x9 F NA/PS NA 07 Carpet Adhesive On 9x9 area E under carpet NAD NAD 08 Carpet Adhesive On 9x9 area C under carpet NAD NAD 09 Mortar Fireplace in Living Room NAD NA 10 Mortar Fireplace in Living Room NAD NA 11 Roof Vapor North Side Roof NAD NAD 12 Roof Vapor South Side Roof NAD NAD 13 Roofing North Side Roof NAD NAD 14 Roofing South Side Roof NAD NAD 15 Roof Tar Chimney Chrysotile 11.7% NA 16 Roof Tar Vent Pipe NAPS NA Note: Asbestos containing materials are greater than 1%asbestos. Trace is considered less than 1%asbestos. NAD-no asbestos detected,NA-not applicable,PS—Positive Stop,SF-square feet,LF—linear feet TABLE 2 — ASBESTOS FINDINGS 20 Pioneer Point, Queensbury NY Spectrum Project# 16-338 Date Sampled: October 6, 2016 Limitations: The following limitation/conditions were noted as part of the survey: • OSHA requires that an employer not expose its workers above the PEL and therefore specific training, work practices and/or respiratory protection may need to be a consideration when handling materials that are less than one percent. • The inspection was performed in accordance with New York State Industrial Code Rule 56 Section 5.1. It is the responsibility of the owner or its agent to forward a copy of this report to the local government entity charged with issuing a permit for such demolition, renovation, remodeling or repair work under applicable State or local laws as well as to the NYS Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau. Spectrum will not send this report to the NYSDOL without written permission from its client due to the sensitive nature of the information present in this report. A copy of 56-5.1 is included in this report for reference. • This report reflects the conditions found at the date and time of the inspection(s). Conditions of the area and materials may change due to external events, forces or influences. Re- inspection of the area may be required prior to the start of any work if an extended period of time has passed or if disturbances have occurred. • All asbestos locations on drawings are approximate. All quantities are estimated and must be field verified prior to use as part of a bidding document. Materials may extend or be hidden behind or within other materials or structural members. Any contractor or other user of this report is required to physically confirm the quantities and verify measurements of materials to be removed,to be bid for removal, or for any other purpose. Contractors are responsible to physically visit the site and confirm all quantities for bidding purposes. • This survey is for the demolition of the house. • Spectrum did not inspect any exterior area below grade. Foundation sealers,buried piping and other items may exist below grade which may contain asbestos. SF—square feet,LF—linear feet,ea—each TABLE 2 — ASBESTOS FINDINGS 20 Pioneer Point, Queensbury NY Spectrum Project# 16-338 Date Sampled October 6, 2016 Material Location/Area Estimated Quantity* Condition/Damaged Floor Tile 9x9 Tile-Bedroom 1(D),Bedroom 2(F) 500 SF* Good Roof Tar Chimney 2 SF* Good * Quantities of identified ACM are estimates only and should be field verified prior to bid by the contractor or confirmed as part of an RFP or design specification. Please see the limitation listed above. 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N:mm::mi�1111:Ago::C:::3::�:::'u'::::11::::::::Cmm;mmmim11::iC xn. xnuu.u.nxoon. .0000.x.uu. uuuoumu.u.unu■u■3u■Yu.■.u.n.YxanY.nnn■nxn xxnn... .n..'nxnu'.n■u■x■x■un ■un nmxuux..x... xxoxn..Ymm�nn ■ YWumx.nu..11.xm. .:monumnunmuo..m..:Y.o n■Ynn.nnu■u aa..■nnuuxuuutnnn:m■C.Cn.vuxnYm;='�'Cx;�.C�'i'x'�:n'imiaamuuC u:'uommin�Commu . .■y.■�;;;..Y....■ m:m®.moa:'�:o"'momo.•""v�:.n..■■■■■.W .... lapin_ __...---_._. __..._._..__ W Yx..x..�o. Y.nx.0 ,� r ►1c LABORATORY REPORTS 7 AmeriSci New York A117 ACR, S^, 117 EAST 30TH ST. IV/L l� NEW YORK, NY 10016 TEL:(212)679-8600"FAX:(212)679-3114 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc Date Received 10/07/16 AmeriSci Job# 216101786 Attn: Bill Massman Date Examined 10/10/16 P.O. # P.O.Box 1024 ELAP# 11480 Page 1 of 4 RE: 16-338; 20 Pioneer Point, Demo. Schenectady, NY 12301 Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos 1 216101786-01 No NAD 1 Location: Area C Window-Window Glaze (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Bo Sun on 10/10/16 Analyst Description: Grey,Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 61.5% 2 216101786-02 No NAD 1 Location: Area F Window-Window Glaze (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Bo Sun on 10/10/16 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 22.5% 3 216101786-03 No NAD 2 Location: Under 9 X 9 C-Mastic (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Bo Sun on 10/10/16 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 11.7% 4 216101786-04 No NAD 2 Location: Under 9 X 9 E-Mastic (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Bo Sun on 10/10/16 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 15% 5 216101786-05 Yes 14.3 % 2 Location: 9"X 9"D-Floor Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Bo Sun on 10/10/16 Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Chrysotile 14.3% Other Material: Non-fibrous 35.7% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 216101786 Client Name: Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc. Page 2 of 4 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 16-338; 20 Pioneer Point, Demo. Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos 6 216101786-06 NAPS 2 Location: 9"X 9"F-Floor Tile Analyst Description: Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: 7 216101786-07 No NAD 3 Location: On 9 X 9 Area E Under Carpet-Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Bo Sun on 10/10/16 Analyst Description:Yellow, Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 44.1 % 8 216101786-08 No NAD 3 Location: On 9 X 9 Area C Under Carpet-Carpet Adhesive (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Bo Sun on 10/10/16 Analyst Description: Yellow, Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 42.8% 9 216101786-09 No NAD 4 Location: Fireplace In Living Room-Mortar (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Bo Sun on 10/10/16 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Cementitious,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% 10 216101786-10 No NAD 4 Location: Fireplace In Living Room-Mortar (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Bo Sun on 10/10/16 Analyst Description: Grey,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous,Cementitious,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% 11 216101786-11 No NAD 5 Location: North Side Roof-Roof Vapor (by NYS ELAP 196.6) by Bo Sun on 10/10/16 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 3.5% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 216101786 Client Name: Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc. Page 3 of 4 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 16-338; 20 Pioneer Point, Demo. Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos 12 216101786-12 No NAD 5 Location: South Side Roof-Roof Vapor Po (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Be Sun Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material on 10/10/16 Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1.1 % 13 216101786-13 No NAD 6 Location: North Side Roof-Roofing (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Bo Sun on 10/10/16 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 54.2% 14 216101786-14 No NAD 6 Location: South Side Roof-Roofing (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Bo Sun on 10/10/16 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 50.5% 15 216101786-15 Yes 11.7 % 7 Location: Chimney-Roof Tar (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Bo Sun on 10110/16 Analyst Description: Black,Homogeneous,Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types:Chrysofile 11.7% Other Material: Non-fibrous 11.7% 16 216101786-16 NAPS 7 Location: Vent Pipe-Roof Tar Analyst Description: Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 216101786 Client Name: Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc. Page 4 of 4 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 16-338; 20 Pioneer Point, Demo. Reporting Notes: Analyzed by:Bo Sun 'NAD/NSD=no asbestos d tecled;NA=not analyzed;NAIPS=not analyzed/positive stop,(SOF-V)=Sprayed On Fireproofing containing Vermiculite; (SM-V)=Surfacing Material containing Vermiculite;PLM Bulk Asbestos Analysis by EPA 600/M4-82.020 per 40 CFR 763(NVLAP 200546-0),ELAP PLM Method 198.1 for NY friable samples,which includes the identification and quantitation of vermiculite or 198.6 for NOB samples or EPA 400 pt ct by EPA 600/M4-82-020(NY ELAP Lab 11480);Note:PLM is not consistently reliable in detecting asbestos in floor coverings and similar non-friable organically bound materials. NAD or Trace results by PLM are inconclusive,TEM is currently the only method that can be used to determine if this material can be considered or treated as non asbestos-containing in NY State(also see EPA Advisory for floor tile,FR 59,146,38970,8/1/94)National Institute of Standards and Technology Accreditation requirements mandate that this report must not be reproduced except in full without the approval of the Iab.This PLM report relates ONLY to the items tested.AIHA-LAP,LLC Lab ID 102843,RI Cert AAL-094,CT Cert PH-0186,Mass Cert AA000054. Reviewed By: END OF REPORT AmeriSci Job#: 216101786 Page 1 of 2 Client Name: Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc. Table I Summary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results 16-338; 20 Pioneer Point, Demo. Sample Heat Acid Insoluble AmeriSel HG Weight Sensitive Soluble Non-Asbestos "`Asbestos%by "Asbestos%b Sample# Client Sample# Area (gram) Organic% Inorganic% Inorganic°% PLM/DS TEM y 01 1 1 0.299 3.7 34.8 61.4 NAD Anthophyllite Trace Location: Area Window-Window Glaze 02 2 1 0.240 6.3 71.3 22.4 NAD Anthophyllite Trace Location: Area Window-Window Glaze 03 3 2 0.145 84.8 3.4 11.6 NAD Chrysotile Trace Location: Under 9 X 9 C-Mastic 04 4 2 0.233 81.1 3.9 14.9 NAD Chrysotile Trace Location: Under 9 X 9 E-Mastic 05 5 2 0.230 24.8 25.2 35.7 Chrysotile 14.3 NA Location: 9"X 9"D-Floor Tile O6 6 2 0.188 26.6 21.3 52.1 NAPS NA Location: 9"X 9"F-Floor Tile 07 7 3 0.270 48.1 7.8 44.1 NAD NAD Location: On 9 X 9 Area E Under Carpet-Carpet Adhesive O8 8 3 0.299 46.8 10.4 42.8 NAD NAD Location: On 9 X 9 Area C Under Carpet-Carpet Adhesive 09 9 4 - -- ---- - NAD NA Location: Fireplace In Living Room-Mortar 10 10 4 --- --- -- ---- NAD NA Location: Fireplace In Living Room-Mortar 11 11 5 0.257 96.1 0.4 3.5 NAD NAD Location: North Side Roof-Roof Vapor 12 12 5 0.282 87.9 11.0 1.1 NAD NAD Location; South Side Roof-Roof Vapor 13 13 6 0.299 43.5 2.3 54.2 NAD NAD Location: North Side Roof-Roofing 14 14 6 0.279 45.5 3.9 50.5 NAD NAD Location: South Side Roof-Roofing 15 15 7 0.290 56.9 19.7 11.7 Chrysotile 11.7 NA Location: Chimney-Roof Tar 16 16 7 0.310 51.6 25.5 22.9 NAPS NA Location: Vent Pipe-Roof Tar See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 216101786 Page 2 of 2 Client Name: Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc. Table I Summary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results 16-338; 20 Pioneer Point, Demo. Sample Heat Acid Insoluble AmeriSel HG Weight Sensitive Soluble Non-Asbestos "Asbestos%b sample Client Sample# Area (gram) Organic% Inorganic% Inorganic% y '"Asbestos%by PLM/DS TEM Analyzed by:Marik Peysakhov ;Date Analyzed 10/11/2016 "Quantitative Analysis(Semi/Full);Bulk Asbestos Analysis-PLM by EPA 600IM4.82-020 per 40 CFR or ELAP 198.1 for New York friable samples or ELAP 198.6 for New York NOB samples;TEM (Semi/Full)by EPA 600/R-93/116(not covered by NVLAP Bulk accreditation)or ELAP 198.4;for New York samples;NAD=no asbestos detected during a quantitative analysis;NA=not analyzed;Trace= <1%;(SOF-V)=Sprayed On Fireproofing containing Vermiculite;(SM-V)=Surfacing Material containing Vermiculite;Quantitation for beginning weights of<0.1 grams should be considered as qualitative only;Qualitative Analysis:Asbestos analysis results of"Present"or"NVA=No Visible Asbestos"represents results for Qualitative PLM or TEM Analysis only(no accreditation coverage available from any regulatory agency for qualitative analyses):NVLAP(PLM)200546-0,NYSDOH ELAP Lab 11480,AIHA-IAP,LLC(PLM)Lab IO 102843. Warning Note:PLM limitation,only TEM will resolve fibers<0.25 micrometers In diameter.TEM bulk analysis is representative of the fine grained matrix material and may not be representative Of non-uniformly dispersed debris for which PLM evaluation is recommended(i.e.solls and other heterogenous materials). Reviewed By: 3 P°•ffivx7°24 SPECTRUA E Schenectad y,AT 72301 Environmental Hssociates, Inc, (81p8)346-6374(Phone) •excECDING CLR Cl/PNTS rx,rcr,""',,"C.,eELLE.VCr- ' (518)346-4062(Pax) mtnv.4spectrum.com BULK SAMPLING CHAIN� F CUSTODY (Rw.ma mow) PROJECT INFORMATION P,rylectq� uildin Nenw: Mntriv Analysis Requested Turnaround Date Sem m: cation: )0' ) Bulk ❑ Paint qrPLM-SLAP 198.1 %�T -ELAP 198.4 ❑ RUSH ❑ 24 Hour Pegep I Of iar. .0 't M Imo•LI - ❑ Soil ❑ Wipe PLM-ELAP 198.6 ❑ ❑ TL Hour _S SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION Sample ID# I Group#:* Materiel Semple Location Condition/Comment ,elo iR Aye I )� rS7•� i �Qi o .5 (CDS 911 q , ' 7 L (-Q-L', �Q)l 4c .} cl, 621 L in T ooh v r N :4`i Sjc)C� S' G N is CYN7 S 'd 3 � Unless otM1erwix stated please analyze each group to first(t')positive result I [mments: •112 1 6 10 01786 I . CHAIN OF CUSTODY Relinquished By Date Time ceived By Da Time Method of Submittal M 1 Environmental Consulting & Management Services Health k Safety Training Laheratory Services LICENSING AND CERTIFICATION L P 0, 1094 SPESPECTRUM (818)348-837(Phan) EnOrenmental Rssacrates, Inc. r318) .4 pettry room 'EBeteoi,Yo OUR CtieNr9 ERYCCrarims of Excew.YCt' WWW.49(lPdrLM,COnt State of New York — Department of Labor Asbestos Certification •,iniEOf 'ICr: '��iRK. DEPAGTME:d10FUfi���' BRUCE W CAMPBELL JR CLASS(EXPIRES) CATEC(05117) DINSP(05)17) �* H PM (05117) FAUST BE CAR.RIEP OH ASBESTOS PROTECTS IF FOUND RETURN TO: �n EYES am NYSDOL - LLC UNIT HAIR SRO ROOM ISIA SUILDINO 12 s$ SOT 6' 00" STATE OFFICE CAMPUS ALEANY NY 12240 Bry Oo 0 State of New York — Department of Labor Colles Certification A Asbestos Handler B Restricted Handler - Allied Trades C Air Sampling Teclu�ician --- _ -.--.__._---_ .--.-Ins ector E Management Planner------ -E - —operations and Maintenance G Supervisor }-) Project-Monitor ---- 1 Pro)--'ect Designer J ---� - - ----- -- EnvironmentalConsulting& 41(inagementServices • Health &•.5'afetl,'1'raining • laboratorrS'ervices New York State—Department of Labor Division of Safety and Heafth License and Certificate Unit State Campus,Building 12 Albany,NY 12240 ASBESTOS HANDLING LICENSE Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc FILE NUMBER: 99-0129 LICENSE NUMBER: 29081 P.O. Box 1024 LICENSE CLASS: RESTRICTED DATE OF ISSUE: 02/25/2016 Schenectady, NY 12301 EXPIRATION DATE: 02/28/2017 Duly Authorized Representative—William L Massmann: This license has been issued in accordance with applicable provisions of Article 30 of the Labor Law of New York State and of the New York State Codes,Rules and Regulations(12 NYCRR Part 56). It is subject to suspension or revocation for a(1) serious violation of state,federal or local laws with regard to the conduct of an asbestos project,or(2)demonstrated lack of responsibility in the conduct of any job involving asbestos or asbestos material. This license is valid only for the contractor named above and this license or a photocopy must be prominently displayed at the asbestos project worksite. This license verifies that all persons employed by the licensee on an asbestos project in New York State have been issued an Asbestos Certificate,appropriate for the type of work they perform,by the New York State Department of Labor. Eileen M.Franko, Director SH 432(8/12) For the Commissioner of Labor NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WADSWORTH CENTER 1 ':NK Expires 12:01 AM April 01,2017 Ott ,Q Issued April 01, 2016 CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE Issued in accordance with and pursuant to section 502 Public Health Law of New York State MR. PAUL J. MUCHA NY Lab Id No: 11460 AMERICA SCIENCE TEAM NEW YORK INC 117 EAST 30TH ST NEW YORK, NY 10016 is hereby APPROVED as an Environmental Laboratory for the category ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSES SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE All approved subcategories and/or analytes are listed below: Miscellaneous Asbestos in Friable Material Item 198.1 of Manual EPA 600/M4/82/020 Asbestos in Non-Friable Material-PLM Item 198.6 of Manual(NOB by PLM) Asbestos in Non-Friable Material-TEM Item 198.4 of Manual Serial No.: 54287 Property of the New York State Department of Health. Certificates are valid only at the address shown,must be conspicuously posted,and are pnnied on secure paper. Continued amnidltatlon depends on successful ongoing participation in the Program. Consumers are urged to call(518)485-5570 to verity the laboratorys accreditation status. Page 1 of 1 NYS INDUSTRIAL CODE RULE SECTION 56-5. 1 SUBPART 56-5 PHASE IA: ASBESTOS SURVEY PLANNING AND DESIGN 56-5.1 Asbestos Survey Requirements for Building/Structure Demolition, Renovation, Remodeling and Repair (a) Asbestos Survey Required. An owner or an owner's agent, except the owner of one and two-family dwellings who contracts for, but does not direct or control the work, shall cause to be conducted, an asbestos survey completed by a licensed asbestos contractor using inspectors certified in compliance with Section 56-3.2(d), to determine whether or not the building or structure, or portion(s) thereof to be demolished, renovated, remodeled, or have repair work, contains ACM, PACM or asbestos material. This asbestos survey shall be completed and submitted as indicated in Subdivision (g) of this Section, prior to commencing work. All such asbestos surveys shall be conducted in conformance with the requirements of Subdivision (e) of this Section. (b) Exemptions To Asbestos Survey Requirements: The asbestos survey required by this Subdivision (a) of this Section shall not be required for the following classes of buildings or structures: (1) an agricultural building; (2) buildings or structures for which original construction commenced on or after January 1, 1974; (3) A structure certified in writing to be structurally unsound by a licensed Professional Engineer, Registered Architect, Building Inspector, Fire Inspector or other official of competent jurisdiction. (See Section 56-11.5) (c) Building/Structure Demolition. If a building/structure asbestos survey is not required or performed per Subdivision (b) of this Section, and the building/structure is certified to be unsound or slated for contracted demolition, the building/structure shall be assumed to contain asbestos, and shall be demolished per this Part, unless the building/structure is adequately certified to be free of asbestos containing material. Acceptable documentation for certification shall be a previous thorough building/structure asbestos survey, abatement records or other documentation acceptable to the Commissioner or his or her representative. (d) Responsibility To Comply. No exemption to the requirement to conduct an asbestos survey shall exempt any person, asbestos contractor, property owner or business entity from the inspection or asbestos survey requirements of EPA, OSHA, and any other applicable section of this Part. 12 NYCRR 56 Subpart 5, Page 41 (e) Building/Structure Asbestos Survey Requirements. The asbestos survey shall include a thorough inspection for and identification of all PACM, suspect miscellaneous ACM, or asbestos material throughout the building/structure or portion thereof to be demolished, renovated, remodeled, or to have repair work. The required inspection shall be performed by a certified asbestos inspector, and, at a minimum, shall include identification of PACM, suspect miscellaneous ACM or asbestos material by all of the following methods: (1) The review of building/structure plans and records, if available, for references to asbestos, ACM, PACM, suspect miscellaneous ACM or asbestos material used in construction, renovation or repair; and (2) A visual inspection for PACM and suspect miscellaneous ACM throughout the building/structure or portion thereof to be demolished, renovated, remodeled, or repaired. For the purpose of this Part, all PACM and suspect miscellaneous ACM visually assessed shall be treated and handled as ACM and shall be assumed to be ACM, unless bulk sampling is conducted as per this Section, standard EPA and OSHA accepted methods, including multi-layered systems sampling protocols; the subsequent analyses are performed by a laboratory that meets the requirements of Section 56-4.2 of this Part; and the analyses satisfies both ELAP and federal requirements, including multi-layered sample analyses, to document non-asbestos containing material. (f) Building/Structure Asbestos Survey Information. (1) The asbestos survey shall, at a minimum, identify and assess with due diligence, the locations, quantities, friability and conditions of all types of installations at the affected portion of the building/structure relative to the ACM, suspect miscellaneous ACM, PACM or asbestos material contained therein. The following list is not inclusive of all types of ACMs, it only summarizes typical ACMs. The certified asbestos inspector is responsible for identification and assessment of all types ACM, PACM, suspect miscellaneous ACM and asbestos material within the affected portion of the building/structure: (i) PACM (a) Surfacing Treatments: (1) Fireproofing; (2) Acoustical Plaster; (3) Finish Plasters; and (4) Skim Coats of Joint Compound. 12 NYCRR 56 Subpart 5, Page 42 (b) Thermal System Insulation: (1) Equipment Insulation; (2) Boiler, Breeching, Duct, or Tank Insulation, Cement or Mortar Used for Boilers and Refractory Brick; (3) Piping and Fitting Insulations including but not limited to, Wrapped Paper, Aircell, Millboard, Rope, Cork, Preformed Plaster, Job Molded Plaster and coverings over fibrous glass insulation. (ii) SUSPECT MISCELLANEOUS ACM (a) Roofing and Siding Miscellaneous Materials: (1) Insulation Board; (2) Vapor Barriers; (3) Coatings; (4) Non-Metallic or Non-Wood Roof Decking; (5) Felts; (6) Cementitious Board (Transite); (7) Flashing; (8) Shingles; and (9) Galbestos. (b) Other Miscellaneous Materials: (1) Dust and Debris; (2) Floor Tile; (3) Cove Base; (4) Floor Leveler Compound; (5) Ceiling Tile; (6) Vermiculite Insulation; 12 NYCRR 56 Subpart 5, Page 43 (7) Gaskets, Seals, Sealants (including for condensate control); (8) Vibration Isolators; (9) Laboratory Tables and Hoods; (10) Chalkboards; (11) Pipe Penetration Packing or Other Firestopping Materials; (12) Cementitious Pipe (Transite); (13) Cementitious Board (Transite); (14) Electrical Wire Insulation; (15) Fire Curtains; (16) Fire Blankets; (17) Fire Doors; (18) Brakes and Clutches; (19) Mastics, Adhesives and Glues; (20) Caulks; (21) Sheet Flooring (Linoleum); (22) Wallpaper; (23) Drywall; (24) Plasterboard; (25) Spackling/Joint Compound; (26) Textured Paint; (27) Grout; (28) Glazing Compound; (29) Terrazzo; and (30) Boiler Rope. 12 NYCRR 56 Subpart 5, Page 44 (2) All ACM, PACM, suspect miscellaneous ACM, or asbestos material reported under Paragraph (1) of this Subdivision shall include the location of the materials, an estimate of the quantities, types, friability and condition of the identified materials to be treated and handled as ACM. For the purpose of this Part, all PACM and suspect miscellaneous ACM visually assessed shall be treated and handled as ACM and shall be assumed to be ACM, unless bulk sampling is conducted as per this Section, standard EPA and OSHA accepted methods, including multi- layered systems sampling protocols; the subsequent analyses are performed by a laboratory that meets the requirements of Section 56-4.2 of this Part; and the analyses satisfies both ELAP and federal requirements, including multi-layered sample analyses, to document non- asbestos containing material. (3) The building/structure asbestos survey shall also include the building/structure name, address, the building/structure owner's name and address, the name and address of the owner's agent, the name of the firm performing the asbestos survey and a copy of the firm's current asbestos handling license, the names of the certified inspector(s) performing the survey and a copy of the current asbestos handling certificate for each inspector utilized, the dates of the asbestos survey, a listing of homogeneous areas identifying which ones are ACM, all laboratory analyses reports for bulk samples collected, and copies of the appropriate certifications for the laboratory used for analysis of samples taken during the asbestos survey. (g) Transmittal of Building/Structure Asbestos Survey Information. One (1) copy of the results of the building/structure asbestos survey shall be immediately transmitted by the building/structure owner as follows: (1) One (1) copy of the completed asbestos survey shall be sent by the owner or their agent to the local government entity charged with issuing a permit for such demolition, renovation, remodeling or repair work under applicable State or local laws. (2) The completed asbestos survey for controlled demolition (as per Subpart 56-11.5) or pre-demolition asbestos projects shall also be submitted to the appropriate Asbestos Control Bureau district office. (3) The completed asbestos survey shall be kept on the construction site with the asbestos notification and variance, if required, throughout the duration of the asbestos project and any associated demolition, renovation, remodeling or repair project. (h) Removal Required. If the building/structure asbestos survey finds that the portion of the building/structure to be demolished, renovated, remodeled, or have repair work contains ACM, PACM, suspect miscellaneous ACM assumed to be 12 NYCRR 56 Subpart 5, Page 45 ACM, or asbestos material, which is impacted by the work, the owner or the owner's agent shall conduct, or cause to have conducted, asbestos removal performed by a licensed asbestos abatement contractor in conformance with all standards set forth in this Part. All ACM, PACM, suspect miscellaneous ACM assumed to be ACM, or asbestos material impacted by the demolition, renovation, remodeling or repair project shall be removed as per this Part, prior to access or disturbance by other uncertified trades or personnel. No demolition, renovation, remodeling or repair work shall be commenced by any owner or the owner's agent prior to the completion of the asbestos abatement in accordance with the notification requirements of this Part. For multi-phased work, the access restriction for uncertified trades or personnel applies to each intermediate portion of the entire project. Upon completion of the intermediate portion of the asbestos project, other trades or personnel may access that portion of the work site. For demolition projects that are exempt from asbestos survey requirements due to being structurally unsound, the demolition is considered an asbestos project and shall proceed as per Section 56-11.5. (1) All building/structure owners and asbestos abatement contractors on a demolition, renovation, remodeling, or repair project, which includes work covered by this Part, shall inform all trades on the work site about PACM, ACM, asbestos material and suspect miscellaneous ACM assumed to be ACM at the work site. (i) Bidding. Bids may be advertised and contracts awarded for demolition, remodeling, renovation, or repair work, but no work on the current intermediate portion of the project shall commence on the demolition, renovation, remodeling or repair work by any owner or agent prior to completion of all necessary asbestos abatement work for the current intermediate portion of the entire project, in conformance with all standards set forth in this Part. Q) Unidentified and Unassessed Asbestos. When any construction activity, such as demolition, remodeling, renovation or repair work, reveals PACM or suspect miscellaneous ACM that has not been identified by the asbestos survey per this Part, or has not been identified by other inspections as per current OSHA or EPA requirements, all activities shall cease in the area where the PACM or suspect miscellaneous ACM is found and the Asbestos Control Bureau shall be notified by telephone by the building/structure owner or their representative, followed with a written notice in accordance with the notification requirements of this Part. Unassessed PACM or suspect miscellaneous ACM shall be treated and handled as ACM and assumed to be ACM, unless proven otherwise by standard EPA and OSHA accepted methods, including multi-layered systems sampling protocols; subsequent analyses performed by a laboratory that meets the requirements of Section 564.2 of this Part; and the analyses satisfies both NYS ELAP and federal requirements, including multi-layered sample analyses, to document non- asbestos containing material. 12 NYCRR 56 Subpart 5, Page 46 ENVIR0NMENTAL SERVICES �L�...; Flu D L� November 30, 2016 TOW,; ,',I ENSBURY Bti::.'."`•'� :,ODES Robert & Renee Little 814 Fox Glen Place Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Re: Asbestos Removal Confirmation at 20 Pioneer Point, Queensbury, New York Robert & Renee: Alpine is in contract with Robert & Renee Little to provide asbestos air monitoring & project monitor visual inspection services for the asbestos abatement at the captioned location. The asbestos material identified in the asbestos pre-demolition inspection report, prepared by Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc., has been removed. This letter is meant to fulfill the requirements of NYS Department of Labor Industrial Code Rule 56 5.1 (h) which states: "No demolition, renovation, remodeling or repair work shall be commenced by any owner or the owner's agent prior to the completion of the asbestos abatement in accordance with the notification requirements of this Part." Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at (518) 250-4047 ext. 307. Sincerely, Alpine Environmental Services, Inc. Michael Balzano, F��E COPY Field Operations Manager 438 New Karver Road •Albany, New York 12205 • Phone: (518)250-4047 • Fax:(518)250-4353•email craigp@alpineenv.com .r.. si' a. . .o• �/ }a------ .... � ' / . . .""'�" / ::;:; OR ga. 400 / 4110 .. 1 1 / I ­ ­ �l �. � � � � I I I � � m / ;\ / ;` .00-000010 �" /_- P 1-1 I N N E Y - Ito + [� es � cucl'0UP - z / avp fl�w NEW AREA OF TREE COVER,TYPICAL IN i/ e ALL LOCATIONS - � ID -;.� e �E (11 ;!// / :/ cr; 4 �� ':/ / � ����' .I � I� - I . - u U- ! I � / e ,� o �/: c7 � �, E. #0 - � - CONSULT ARCHITECT PRIOR TO REMOVING x � .. `.! , / TREES TO CONFIRM CLEARING LIMITS AND _ �" ,i � OVERHEAD LIMBING,TYP. FLAG ALL TREES H 0 t--+ ) / ...... r-% ' TO BE REMOVED Z ,� /'� / \ \, .. / / : - W w W i - , i / \ .Al ., // Q � Z � :a,- z , . ` - -- REMOVE EXISTING PUMP / �� F. . ' 1 . W f r–• 11{ <e HOUSE IN ITS ENTIRETY / j \ / w w 1, / e � :O .7 " I \\ / �, / - - r4 r 7 a - " c FAKE } . - GLEN e i e � � \; a�11n in . : 1, �� f/ � �. -„cn CJS �\` 1 '%\` �/ EXISTING AREA OF TREE COVER, .�3 \ /, \ � \ REMOVE EXISTING SHED IN ITS ENTIRETY / TYPICAL IN ALL LOCATIONS �� 0 A ,��//",\ \ :, \ \ / \ \\\ // �' P pr�l R.• ' / \ \ , 4U \G� Y .' _ / - \\ / - - e - i - " - ' - - - - - - f i.3; kyr III g - 1 I `{ / REMOVE EXISTING /�/ \ / REMOVE EXISTING UTILITY I . . t.><\ . , �� , , / / DECKING AND ALL 1 REMOVE EXISTING CARPORT STRUCTURE >/ / POLE IN ITS ENTIRETY % `�i^ O Q"8S .�Q 1 , C( ._ i 111 \ ;'"' FLOOR FRAMING / IN ITS ENTIRETY / / e / ) / MEMBERS IN ,. / e _. z \ .111' / THEIR ENTIRETY /� % / � / ,. / -, _— fir,\\ / � ` -_-_ / // �► `\ `,/ \i EXTENT OF EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVE _ � //P> // �\\ / TO BE REMOVED j a EXISTING CONCRETE RETAINING / //I' / / \ / ". . / WALL TO RLMAIN / /.//z // - \`\\ / ' / `4�/ // - - � \ � .. / /f \\ / \ - - . / / \`�\ // , GENERAL DEMOLITION NOTES REMOVE EXISTING PLANTING / � I 11 � �l 1. � � �_ . .I- . �I �11�� � �l . I I I I- -1� � -1 . I - j I I � I I I I� I I I / // BED W ITS ENTIRETY e 1.FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK,NOTIFY - / // / / I e ARCHITECT OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. / / / ! SCfj EXISTING CONCRETE STAIRS AND REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE / /// REMOVE EXISTING STRUCTURE, INCLUDING // / 2.EXACT SIZES AND LOCATION OF WALLS TO BE DEMOLISHED TO BE DETERMINED BY PATH TO REMAIN STAIRS IN THLIR ENTIRETY / / / BUT NOT LIMITED TO:ROOFS,CEILINGS, '- �/ y\� / CONTRACTOR AND COORDINATED,WITH NEW CI 11ONSTRUCTION. REFER-TO , . 0 ' / . . FLOORS,PARTITIONS;CONCRETE ` �o - CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS FOR AREAS OF DEMOLITION REQUIRING SUCH . / // COORDINATION. / _FOUNDATIONS'-FOOTINGS,ETC..IN-ITS :'_ __- :-/.•_1. _.. y _ Z __ T _ - / --- . _. . // h�- - - - - ' _ __ - - - e - ? � _ ENTIRETY / _ V O nn �� // // / 3.CAREFULLY REMOVE PARTITIONS,FINISHES;FIXTURES,AND FITTINGS,AND ALL ITEMS m :N Y - RT7T J T�, F ` f i , :. / / OUTLINED TO BE DEMOLISHED TO AVOID,DAIViAGE TO EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TQ _ 11 1. .LLL Ll I 11i '� �:.�,,L :` , / �/ REMAIN. k - - - - - Q O \ / - - - . _ -- _ , - - - . - - - - - - - - . .. - - c - - - - .. - _ _ - :,•-: r, L `�� //. * / -' :::r _ ,''�• \ / 4.CONTRACTOR!S RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ALL TEMPORARY BARRIERS AN_D _ ', % ` �\ / / PROTECTION TO PREVENT THE SPREAD QF DUST At�D DEBRIS:.TH6S INCLUDES PROPER.; :� : :- % \{ ,/ Q.: r i" \ / e ; - FILTRATION OF AIR RETURNS AND INTAKES TO PREVENT CONSTRUCTION DUST AND wi_j 1- ... \ " DEBRIS FROM ENTERING THE EXISTING HEATING AND COALING SYSTEM DURWG r // - - :; - ,:. ?.: ., �\_ . DEMOLITION AND,CONSTRUCTIQN, COORDINATE WITH OWNER ERECTION OEANY � Z 1 _ �\\ / / REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE STEP BARRIERS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. -, \\ / AND ANY FOOTINGS e .t/ �l -_� . I - __ 1 ' \\ \ \ // { z. 5.ITEMS REMOVED DURING DEMOLITION ARE TO REMAINrj- THE PROPERTY OF THE .4'.�' H ... 1\ �`,/ 10 �\ / e OWNER,UNLESS OTHERWISE.DIRECTED BY.TH,E OWNER - I .Q `� �.� REMOVE EXISTING CHIMNEY IN � v '\" l � - 1. �,.0, ' .- ITS ENTIRETY ` ; 6.COORDINATE WITH OWNER REMOVAL AND STORAGE OF ALL ECZUIPMENT : `� f� '", .`C=� REMOVE EXISTING DOCK IN �'i �y -7"- FURNISHINGS AND ELECTRICAL OR PLUMBING FIXTURES. REMOVE AND STQRE,AS F�1 ITS ENTIRETY ` ' - 1 �/► ! c°�c�'c o : c4 _ \ REMOVE AND LEGALLY DISPOSE DIRECTED BY OWNER OR RELOCATE AS INDICATED ON PLANS.' �- x W-,�j OF PROPANE TANKS - _(D too r O" �' r_l EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN. 7 � -� c I -i ��/�� '?'. j.. 7.UTILITIES RENDERED USELESS BY THE DEMOLITION SHALL BE.REMOVED TO ITS POINT E-9 C"0 F- "`"` PROVIDE PROTECTION TO ROOT r �_ _ - >-M O G:0o (4 (.w OF SUPPLY.CAP UTILITIES RENDERED OBSOLETE BELOW FLOOR LEVEL,=ABOVE'CEILING," of U a CM SYSTEMS AND TRUNKS AS _-. R BEHIND WALL IS k. �� s•) c U w '_' .'� x O FINISHES UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE m -a / `"''<C � �� � � 1 REQUIRED �,�� is — EXTENT OF PROPERTY,SEE CIVIL AND SITE PLAN 1. t DRAWINGS FOR DETAILS }. 8.RESTORE ANY EXISTING UTILITY INSTALLATION DISTURBED DURWG THE COURSE OF °' T `1` � "� CONSTRUCTION AND NOT INDICATED FOR REMOVAL.. . p , I, 11 , . '... # � :� 1. - ;' 9,REMOVE DEBRIS FRO. EMO TION AREA AS lT IS PRODUCED,LEGALLY DISPOSE F b s:. _ MATERIALS O k" MATER A FF SITE. , • 10.PROPERLY REPAIR ADJACENT SURFACE DAMAGED BY THE D.EMOLITION.. 9_F E ��� e _ -/ - `a 1'• r: ,,.- .11.CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TEMPORARY SHORING AND BRACING REQUIRED N r sa _c`}. ` - :, =