1973-08-23 REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 23, 1973 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Austin Supervisor Danielt, Olson Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman Robert Barber Councilman J. David Little Town Counsel GUESTS_; Lee Coleman, lamiel Collins , WWSC, Francis Fish, George Liapes , Harold Boynton, Ray Buckley, Thomas Flaherty, Mrs Wadsworth, Mrs. LaCoe, Thomas Smith, John Bowman, Bill Pateman Meeting Opened at 7:37 P.M. Salute to the Flag. Mobile Home-Thomas E. Smith-proof of publication shown-to locate a mobile home on Richardson St. on property owned by Helen Hall-Smith- Building Inspectors comments-Mr. LeRoy Bishop is very much opposed to this application. He runs the dental lab- very close to this property. Also, owns property adjoining this parcel. A 10.0'X200' lot will be deeded over to the applicant if this permit is granted. I do not see a hard- ship here. I have rechecked the premises of Thomas Smith on Richardson Street. They have reassured me that the septic and water systems will be, if not now, located according to all requirements. Also, Mrs. Smith who lives in the trailer adjoinging, is in need of physical help which will be provided by the applicant if this permit is granted. PuLLic •Hearing peened 7 :41 P.M. Mr. Smith was present. no one spoke Closed 7:42 P.M. Mr. Robillard-where do you live now? Mr. Smith-In Gansevoort. Mr. Barber-In a trailor=,park? Mr. Smith-yes.. Mr. QT : -where do you work air? Mr. Smith,-G.E. Mr. Barber-You both work there don't you? Mrs. Smith-no Mr. Robillard noted opposition to this mobile home. . . .I feel mobile homes belong in parks. . I am against the application. Supervisor Austin-Moved that true -application be granted-hardship has been shown. . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 245 Introduced by Mr. John Austin, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Gordon Streeter: WHEREAS.,_ Thomas E. Smith has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled; ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES and MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home at property situatdd at Richardson Street, and WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing &n connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the fiacts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby given to Thomas E. Smith to locate a mobile home at property situated at Richardson Street and thatt-the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly defeated by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard Absent:None Supervisor Austin-The application has been denied. ANNOUNCEMENTS: -Will introduce-,at the neat mega ng a resolution to set a public hearing which would establish a system of truck routes in the Town. �4 -Letter August 16, 1973 Dear John, As I think you know, the large willow tree in the corner of my yard at Ashley and Pershing blew over in the storm last Saturday. My son and some friends cut it up on Tuesday and piled it by the readi I was hoping to rent a truck this weekend to haul it away. Thus you can imagine how pleasantly surprised I was to come home from work today and found the Town of Queensbury had come by and hauled it all away. Great service from the Town. Please thank those who were involved for me. Best regards, Sincerely, /s/ 9 Pershing Road Fritz Shenk meeting --� -Public Informationtfor Residents of Route 9 north of the present Queensbury Lighting District to see if there is enough support for street lighting along,.that area, to be held next. week. . .annual cost to Town 3,306.00 rate less than 3.00.per thousand. -The Town has received notification from W. J. Lennon, Redident Engineer that he has sent a memorandum to the Regional Director noting the need for the relocation of a portion of Big Boom Road as requested ::by the Town. Board. Question:Could the Town use the Cities Lock-Up Facilities: August 22, 1973 John Austin, Supervisor Town of Queensbury Queensbury Town Office Building Glens Falls , New York 12801 Dear Mr. Austin: Your letter of August 16, 1973 to Manuel T. Murcia, Counsel, New York . State Department of Correctional Services , has been directed. to: this office for reply. Please be advised that persons arrested. in the Town of Queensb-ury may be detained, pursuant to your proposed intermunicipal agreement with the City of Glens Falls and subject to procedures set forth in the Criminal Procedurtt Law as they pertain to prearraigned prisoners , in the city jail without the issuance of a commitment order. As regards your second question, nigher the Department of Correctional Services nor the State Commission of Correction-which is the agency responsible to oversee the operations of local correctional facilities -has the authority to make such a designation. However, experiance has shown that any advantage of such a proposal to the Town would be- mush j more than offset by requirements of the county ail to provide special facilities and additional staff to process prearraigned. prisoners. This then, could have a very d4finite potential for placing a heavy burden on the county jail facility. Please accept these comments as an attempt to be helpful in your deter- mination as regards which approach to follow. We stand willing to offer any additional advice we might be able to provide. Very truly yours, /s/ MGVH/bmf Morton G. VanHoesen CC: Sheriff Carboy Chief of Police Duggan -The J. M. Clemshaw will be in the Area after October 15 to pick up new construction to finish the reappraisal. -Letter August 20, 1973 Mr. John Austin, Supervisor Town of Queensbury Bay Road Glens Falls , New York 12801 Dear John: We are in receipt of the check in the amount of $291.35 which represents this fire company's pro-rata share of the Foreign Insurance premiums developed in the Town of Queensbury. As we are certainly receptive to any funds that are forwarded to us, we do, however, maintain that the formula used to divide the funds is still on an inequitable basis. We certain hope that based on the facts and figures developed by the Town Contract Negotiating Committee, the Town Council will find a new and better formula when it comes to dividing these particular funds. Sincerely yours , /s/ Kenneth W. Parker cap Mobile Home-Samuel and' Zena LaCoe cif Gansevoort, New York to locate a mobile home on Dawn Drive on property owned by Geneva add Ralph Elmore -- Building Inspector report-There is definitely a hardship shown here. The neighbors have no objections. There are some provisions set forth by Mrs: Elmore which I agree should be adhereef.1 to in essence; no junk or rubbish on property, only one unlicensed vehicle at one time. Sewage, lights and running water prior to occupancy. I would question appearance of trailer, which is 15 years old. -Hardship shown. Mrs, Wadsworth__and Mrs. LaCoe were present. . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION NO, 246 Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, Samuel and Zena LaCoe has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside at property situated at Dawn Drive, and WHEREAS , it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinae, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined° that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on September 13, 1973 at 7: 30 P.M. in the Queensbury `— Town Office Building, Bay Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of said public hearing in accordaRce with the provisions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: None The Police Department Activity report for the month of July was read and placed on file in the Town Clerk's Office. The Water Department Activity report for the month of July was read and placed on file in the Town Clerk' s Office -Letter August 27, 1973 Queensbury Town Hall Bay Road Glens Falls , N.Y. Mr. John Austin: Dear Sir, Please except my resignation as deputy tax collector, After thirteen years with the tax department I feel some one younger should take my place. I have enjoyed those years very much. Meeting old friends and making new friends. I want to thehkeuveilone associated with Town of Queensbury for their many kind deeds and their cooperation. I wish you all Success in the future. Yours sincerely /s/ Forrest J. Crannell 7 Richarson St. Glens Falls , N.Y. 346 -Letter August 24, 1973 Town Board Queensbury Town Office Building R.D.#1 Glens Falls, New York Gentlemen: I hereby appoint Janice Potter as my Depa y_ Receiver of Taxes and Assessments to fill the vacancy created by the resigngtionaof Forrest J. Crannell. Yours truly, /s/ .' Betty Eggleston Rec. of Taxes RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE DtIPUTY RECEIVER OF TAXES RESOLUTION NO. 247, Introduced by Mr. Haroad Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, Betty Eggleston has appointed Janice Potter as Deputy Receiver of taxes and Assessments to fill a vacancy created by, the resignation of Forrest J. Crannell, and has so notified this Berard, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Assessments. shall have the power to perform all duties of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments and such further duties as the Town Board may determine, not inconsistent with law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent : None RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION RESOLUTION NO. 248, Introduced hVdthec6ndideb7otheBBntffre Town Board: WHEREAS, Forrest J. Crannell of 7 Richardson Street, West Glens Falls , has served as tax collector and as Deputy Receiver of Assessments of the Town of Queensbury for many years; and WHEREAS , he has performed his duties' in a capable, diligent and pleasant manner; and WHEREAS he. is highly esteemed by his fellow citizens; and WEREAS, he is retiring from public service at this time; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Forrest J. Crannell be and he hereby is commended by the Town Board on behalf of the citizens of the Town of Queensbury for his service to the Town and is expended the best wishes of all for a healthy and happy retirement; and be it further RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to Mr. Crannell. Duly adopted by the followigg vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION REGARDING MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING CONCERNING PROTECTION OF WATER RESOURCES _ RESOLUTION NO. 249, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber, who moved its adoption, secunded, by Mr. John Austin: WHEREAS, the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York is responsible for the protection of the water resources of certain classified waters in New York State as set forth in Part III-A of Article V of the Conservation Law and, of Article V of the Conservation Law and; WHEREAS this Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York and the Town of Queensbury establishes an agreement of cooperation between the parties hereinafter mentioned for the administration of this responsibility insofar as the Town is concerned, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby empowered to sign the attached Memorandum of Understanding in behalf of the Town of Queens- bury, and be it further RESOLVED, that this Memorandum of Understanding shall take effect immediately upon its acceptance by the Department of Engironmental Conservation. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR NO-PARKING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF HIGHLAND AVENUE, 300 FEET WESTERLY FROM QUAKER ROAD, AND TO ESTABLISH A NO-PARKING ZONE ON QUAKER ROAD A DISTANCE 100 FEET FROM THE INTERSECTION OF QUAKER ROAD AND HIGHLAND AVENUE. IZSQLU ION N0, 250, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, secondeddby Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, it is provided by subdivision 7 of Section 130 of the Town Law that th(o Town Board may enact ordinances, rules and regulations regulating the use of streets and highways, including the restricting of parking of all vehicles thereon, and WHEREAS , pursuant to Section 1660 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York the Town Board may btu ordinance, order, rule or regulation prohibit, restrict or limit the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles on a county highway, and WHEREAS, said Section 130 of the Town Law requires a public hearing upon all proposed ordinances upon due notice as provided for therein, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that a public hearing on the following proposed Parking Ordinance be held on the 13th day of September, 1973 and that the Town Clerk give notice of such hearing by publication of a notice thereof in the official town newspapers, once at least ten days prior to the date specified for such hearing, specifying the time- when and the place where such hearing will be held and in general the terms describing said proposed ordinance. ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A NO- PARKING ZONE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF HIGHLAND AVENUE, 300 FEET WESTERLY FROM QUAKER ROAD, AND 100 FEET FROM THE INTERSECTION OF QUAKER AND HIGHLAND AVENUE ON QUAKER ROAD BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED BY THE TOWN BOARD ,PF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, AS FOLLOWS : Section 1.• For the purpose of this ordinance , the words "vehicle", "parked" and "standing" shall have the meaning defined in the Vehicle and Traffic law of the State of New York. Section 2. No vehicle shall be parRad or left standing on the north side of Highland Avenue, for a distance of 300 feet westerly from the intersection of Highland Avenue and Quaker Road, in the Town of Queensbury, and no vehicle shall be parked or left standing on Quaker Road for a distance of 100 feet in either direction from the intersection of Quaker Road and Highland Avenue, in the Town of Queensbury. Section 3,. All ordinances or parts- thereof of the Towri,,of Queensbury in- consistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed; pro- vided, however, that such eepeal shall be only to the extent of such incon- sistency and in all other respects this ordinance shall be in addition to the other- ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this ordinance. Section 4. Any person violating any provision of Section 2 of this ordin- ance shall Ripon conviction be punishable -for a first offense by a fine not to exceed. Ten ($10.00) Dollars , and for a second offense by a fine not less than Ten ($10.00) Dollars nor more than Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment for n4 less than two nor more than ten daysi The third or any subsgquent offense within one year shall be punishhble by a fine not to exceed One .Hundred ($100.00) Do11 #: or by imprisonment not to exceed thirty days or by both such fine and impriscraAciftt. In addition to the aforesaid penalties, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury may institute any proper action, suit or proceeding to prevent, restrain, correct or abate any.violation of this ordinance. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: None — Letter August 21, 1973 Mr. John D. Austih, Supervisor Town of Queensbury Town Office Building Bay at Haviland Roads Glens Falls, N.Y. 12801 Recommendation for Bid Award Dear Mr. Austin: On August 16, 1973, the Town Board received bids on the following contracts for the Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District: Contract No. 16 - Water Treatment Plant Contract No. 16A - Electrical Work Contract No. 16B - Heating and Ventilating Contract No. 16C - Plumbing I have examined all bids received and a certified tabulation of all bids is attached. Based on the Board's decision regarding the air conditioning alternate, I made the following recommendations for bid award: WATER TREATMENT PLANT WITHOUT AIR CONDITIONING ALTERNATE Contract Bidder Amt. of Bid Proposal No. 16 - Water Treatment McManus , Longe & Plant Brockwehl 3 Northway Lane Latham, N.Y. 12110 $2 , 178,280. 00 No. 16A-Electrical Work Rich Electric Co. , Inc. Box 203 Shushan, N.Y. 12873 $171,000.00 No. 16B-Heating & Ven- tilating Hollister' s Plumbing & Heating Corporation 131 River Street Hudson Falls, N.Y. 12839 $42 ,437.00 No. 16C-Plumbing Hollisters Plumbing & Heating Corporation (Same address as above) 39 478. 00 Total Proposal Amount of All Contracts $ 31,195.00 WATER TREATMENT PLANT WITH AIR CONDITIONING ALTERNATE Contract Bidder Ant. of Bid Proposal 16 - Water Treatment Plant McManue, Longe & Brockwehl 3 Northway Lane Latham, N.Y. 12110 $2,178,2801.00 16A-Electrical Work Rich Electric Co. , Inca Box 203 Shushan, N.Y. 12873 171,150.00 16B-Heating & Ventilating Bickford& Moshier, Inc. P.O. Box 36 Latham, N.Y. 12110 53,527.00 16C-Plumbing Hollister's Plumbing & Heating Corporation 131 River Street Hudson Falls, N.Y. 12839 39 478.00 . Total Proposal Amount of all Contracts $£,442,4357DU Based on their job experience, all contractors are qualified to perform the work as specified under each of the respective contracts. Sincerely,. /s/ Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. Consulting Engineer RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID ON CONTRACT 16 TREATMENT PLANT RESOLUTION ,ISO. 251, introduced by Mr. Gordon Streeter, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: WHEREAS, the Town Board advertised for sealed bids for the construction of a Water Treatment Plant and other improvemtrb in the Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District, according to plans and specifications prepared by Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , professional engineer, and approved by the Town Board-, and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Town Board that the bid of McManus, Lange and Buckwehl, of 3 Northway Lane, Latham, New York 12110 in the amount of. $2.,178,280.00 was the lowest of the several bids received by the Town Board and McManus, Lange, and Buckwehl haveing executed and filed the non-collusion certificates required by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law as amended, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, acting for and in- behalf of the Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District, accept the bid of McManus, Lange and Buckwehl in the amount of $2,178,280.00 and that. the. Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to"execute a contract on behalf of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury with McManus , Lange and Buckwehl for the performance of the work and the constructinn of the improvement in accordance with said plans, specifications ,and bid, and be it further RESOLVED that the cost of such improvement in the Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District be financed pursuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law by the issuance of serial bonds and capital notes of the Town of `- Queensbury in the total amount of $4,175 ,000. 00 and that the proceeds of the sale of such serial bondasand capital notes when issued be appropriated to pay the costs of said improvement. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Abstention:Mr. Barber Councilman Barber: noted that he felt that he could not vote because he did business with the company in the past. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID ON CONTRACT. I6A-ELECTRICAL RESOLUTION NQ, 252 Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. John Austin WHEREAS, the Town Board advertised for sealed bids 66r the electrical work in the construction of a Water Treatment Plant and other improvements in the Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District, according to plans and specifications prepared by Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , professional engineer, and approved, by the Town Board, and , WHEREAS , it has been determined by the Town Board that the bid of Rich Electric Co. , Inc. , of Box 203, Shushan, New York 12873 in the amount of $171,000. 00was the lowest of the several bids received by the Town Board and Rich Electric Co. , Inc. having executed and filed the non-collusion certificates required by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law as amended, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, acting for and in behalf of Queensbury Water Storage and Distrtbution,District, accept the bid of Rich Electric Co. , Inc. in the amount of $171,150. 00 and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute a contract on behalf of the Town Board of the Twwn of Queensbury with Rich Electric Co. , Inc. for the performance of the work and the construction of the improvement in accordance with said plans , specifications and bid, and be it further 350 RESOLVED that the cost of such improvement in the Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution Distr.i,ct, Ue financed pursuant .to the provisions of the Local Finance Law by the issuance of serial bends and capital notes of the Town of Queensbury in the total amount of $4,175,000.00 and that the proceeds of the sale of such serial bonds and capital notes when issued be appropriated to pay the cost of said improvement. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID ON CONTRACT 16-B HEATING AND VENTILATING -- RESOLUTION NO. 253, Introduced by Mr. John Austin, who moved ats adoption seconded y Mr. Harold Robillard: WHEREAS, the Town Board advertised for sealed bids for the heating and ventilating work in the construction of a Water Treatment Plant and other improvements in the Queensb-ury Water Storage and Distribution District, according to plans and specifications prepared by Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , professional engineer, and approved by the Twwn Board, and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Town Board that the bid of Hollister' s Plumbing and Heating Corp- of 131 River Street, Hudson Falls , N.Y, in the amount of $42,437.00 was the lowest of the several bids received by the Town Board and Hollister' s Plumbing & Heating Corp. having executed and filed the non-collusion certificates required by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law as amended, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, acting for and in behalf. of Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District accept the bid of Hollister's Plumbing & Heating Corp. in the amount of $42 ,437.00 and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute a contract on behalf of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury with Hollister's Plumbing & Heating Corp. for the performance of the work and the construction of the improvement in accordance with said plans , specifications and bid, and be it further RESOLVED thattthe cost of such improvement in the Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District be financed pursua #. to the provisions of the Local Finance Law by the issuance of serial bonds and .capital notes of the Town of Queensbury in the total amount of $4,175,000.00, and that the proceeds of the sale of such serial bonds and capital notes when issued be appropriated to pay the cost of said improvement. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent : None RESOLUTION TO. ACCEPT BID ON CONTRACT 16C-'PLUMBING RESOLUTION N0, 254, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, the Town Board advertised for sealed bids for the_plumbing work in the construction of a Water Treatment Plant and other improvements in the Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District according to plans and specifications prepared by Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , professional engineer, and approved by the Town Board, and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Town Board that the bid of Hollister's Plumbing & Heating Corp. , of 131 River Street , Huddon Falls , New Yor$ 12839 in the amount of $39,478. 00 was the lowest of the several bids received by the Town Board and Hollister' s Plumbing & Heating Corp. having executed and filed the non-collusion certificates required by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law as amended, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, acting for-,-and in behalf of Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District , accept the bid of Hollister's Plumbing & Heating Corp. in the amount of $39,478.00 and that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute a con- tract on behalf of the Town Board of the Town of .Queensbury with Hollister's Plumbing & Heating Corp, for the performance of the work and the construction of the improvement in accordance with said plans , specifications and bid, and be it further RESOLVED that the cost of such improvement in the Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District be financed pursuant to the provisions of the 35f Local Finanee Law by the issuance of serial bonds and capital notes of the Town of Queensbury in the total amount of $4,175 ,000.00 and that the proceeds of the sale of such serial bonds and capital notes when issued be appropriated to pay the cost of said improvement. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF INTEREST - QUEENSBURY WATER STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 255 , Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, secon a by Mr. Gordon Streeter : WHEREAS, funds are not available at this time for the Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District and WHEREAS , the interest due the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust on a $25,000.00 Bond Anticipation note is now due, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is authorized and directed to pay the sum of $927.23 from the General Town Fund to the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust, such sum to be repaid to the General Town Fund upon receipt of District funds. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: MR— 0180M, MR. Batbdt.., MR. Robi�llard, Mr. Streeter, M.r. Austin Noes: None Absent: None MEETING OPENED TO THE PUBLIC: 8:21 P.M. Francis Fish:complaint against Speary Trucks regarding opened trucks. . . Cleaning up of Service Stations. . .Junk. . . landfil being open to other than residents. . . Supervisor Austin: Referred to Carl Garb. . . John Bowman:questioned the clearing of trees from the landfil-requested a Buffer zone. Supervisor Austin: will be filling in steep arear and replanting Councilman Streeter: Noted the tent caterpillar and the concern of residents of many areas. Supervisor Austin: a study is being done and the problem was referred to Ray Buckley. Ray Buckley: studies the problem and spraying might be necessary. Councilman Barber-will the spray be ecoA6gioa1ly-:8'afe? Ray Buckley-noted it will be. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 30, 1973 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Austin Supervisor Danie1 ,01son Councilman Robert Barber Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman Harold Robillard-Absent Councilman J. David Little Town Counsel