1973-08-30 351 Local Finanae Law by the issuance of serial bonds and capital notes of the Town of Queensbury in the total amount of $4,175,000.00 and that the proceeds of the sale of such serial bonds and capital notes when issued be appropriated to pay the cost of said improvement. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT OF INTEREST - QUEENSBURY WATER STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 255, Introduced by Mr. Habold Robillard who moved its adoption, Mon a by Mr. Gordon Streeter: WHEREAS, funds are not available at this time for the Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District and WHEREAS, the interest due the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust on a $25,000.00 Bond Anticipation note is now due, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is authorized and directed to pay the sum of $927.23 from the General Town Fund to the Glens Falls National Bank & Trust, such sum to be repaid to the General Town Fund upon receipt of District funds. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: MR. , Ot§Off, MR. Barber, MR. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, M.r, Austin Noes: None Absent: None MEETING OPENED TO THE PUBLIC: 8:21 P.M. Francis Fish:complaint against Speary Trucks regarding opened trucks. . . Cleaning up of Service Stations. . .Junk. . . landfil being open to other than residents. . . Supervisor Austin: Referred to Carl Garb. . . John Bowman:questioned the clearing of trees from the landfil-requested a buffer zone. Supervisor Austin: will be filling in steep arear and replanting Councilman Streeter: Noted the tent caterpillar and the concern of residents of canny areas. Supervisor Austin: a study is being done and the problem was referred to Ray Buckley. Ray Buckley: studies the problem and spraying might be necessary. Councilman Barber-will the spray be ecoA6gi6ally safe? Ray Buckley-noted it will be. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 30, 1973 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Austin Supervisor Daniel Olson Councilman Robert Barber Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman Harold Robillard-Absent Councilman J. David Little Town Counsel 352 GUESTS : Mn. Buckley, Mn. George Uapes, Lee Coleman, Daniel Dollins Carl Garb -The Board will meet informally with the Environmental Facilities Corp. regarding sewage disposal problems in the Town. ANNOUNCEMENTS: -Lake George Association presented the Queensbury Police Dept. with a Commendation. -Noted receiving-Notice of Petition Edward R. Grahl and Robert E. Grahl against the Board of Assessment Review of the Town of Queensbury referred to the Town Attorney- _ -Note-we have submitted our application to the office of Planning Services for a grant, for the update of the Zoning to conform with the Adirondack Park Plan. . —� -Information meeting Resident of Route 9 north of the present Queensbury Lighting District, north of Round Pond Road. . .proposed lighting district ; rate 2.90 approximate cost $3,306 .00 annual approximately 40 property owners involved in the extension-no one spoke for the extension or against the extension The Tvwn Engineer and Surveyor will makesmaps of the proposed District- -Lights on Newcomb Street and Pine Street will be placed by the end of next week -Letter from Mr. James K. Robison of 322 Bay Road-issuing complaints regarding Bay Road- -The amounts spent using,Revenue Sharing Funds was published in the Paper. -Mosquito spraying is being done by Warren County with Federal Assistance Highway Superintendent Carl Garb announced the Town'Landfil will be opened Monday - Labor Day - regular hours. . . RESOLUTION TO BONSOLIDATE THE QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT, THE SOUTH QUEENS- BURY WATER DISTRICT, THE SOUTH QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT NUMBER II, THE WEST QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT AND THE QUEENSBURY WATER STORAGE AND DISTRI- BUTION DISTRICT INTO A SINGLE DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS THE QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 256, Introduced by Mr. Gordon Streeter who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, it is proposed to cnnsolidate the Queensbury Water District, the South Queensbury Water District, the South Queensbury Water District No. 2 , the West Queensbury Water District and the Queensb-ury.Water Storage and Distribution District into a single water district to be known as the Queensbury Water District as provided by Article 12 of the Town Law, and WHEREAS, it is provided by Section 206 of the Town Law that a public hearing be held by the Town Board on a proposition to consolidate special districts , be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury meet and hold a public hearing on the proposal to consolidate the Queensbury Water District, the South Queensbury Water District, the South Queensbury Water District No. 2, the West Queensbury Water District and the Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District into a single water district to be known as the Queens- bury Water District at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads in� the Town of Queensbury on the U day of September 1 1973, at 7: 30 o'clock P.M. (DST) at which time an-d place all persons intertsted in the matter of such proposed consolidation will be heard concerning the same, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and hereby is directdd to give due notice of such public hearing in the manner provided by law. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: Mr. Robillard RESOLUTION REQUESTING SPECIAL AID FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION FOR A JOINT TOWN OF LAKE GEORGE AND TOWN OF QUEENSBURY SEWERAGE PROJECT RESOLUTION NO. 257 Introduced by Mr. Robert •Barber who moved its adoption. seconded by Mr. Gordon Streeter: 353 WHEREAS more than twelve (12) miles of the shoreline of Lake George are within the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS because much of the economy of the entire Town of Queensbury is dependent upon the Lake George recreational area, concern has been evident for the continued water quality of -Lake George, so that the Town of Queeensbury has commissioned, Rist-Frost Associates„consulting engineers , to conduct a feasibility study for disposal of sewage in North Queensbury, and such study is now being prepared; and WHEREAS the Town of Lake George has prepared a study of sewage disposal for the area along the shore of Lake George in that Town, and such study re- commends disposal of effluent out of the Lake George watershed; and WHEREAS the most promising -avenue for disposal of sewage from North Queensbury appears to be through the Town of Lake George; and WHEREAS the Town of Queensbury fully agrees with the recommendation that Lake George shoreline sewage be disposed of out of the Lake George water- --- shed; and WHEREAS representatives of the New York State Department of the Environmental Conservation have encouraged the Town of Lake George and others interested in sewage problems along the Lake George shoreline as to the availability of special funds for such sewage disposal programs ; and WHEREAS a likely reutie-for disposal of sewage effluent from the Town of Lake George and North Queensbury is south from the Town of Lake George along U.S. Route Nine, a major north-south highway through the Town of Queens- bury, and then easterly and southerly along Quaker Road State Route Tbb- Fifty-Four, a major east-west highway through the Town of Queensbury, to the Hudson River in the vicinity of the Imperial Color and Chemical Department of Hercules, Jnc. , still within the Town of Queensbury; and WHETXM such a route vould serve to alleviate the most critical sewage dis- posal problems now facing the Town of Queensbury in the following locations : namely the higi-Aensity commercial development along U.S. Route Nine; seven existing shopping centers on Route Nine and Route Two-Fifty-Four, which now have sewage treatment difficulties , and four additional commercial centers planned for that region near the Half-way Brook watershed; congested summer residential and commercial development along the shoreline of Glen Lake, the second largest recreational lake in the Town of Queensbury; the proposed Warren County Air Industrial Park north .of Route Two-Fifty-Four, the Imperial Color and Chemical Department of Hercules , Inc. , which is presently under orders of the Federal Government for pollution abatement in connection with the disposal of its industrial wastes , said firm being one of the largest employers in the Glens Falls area; and WHEREAS the Town of Queensbury has cooperated with other municipalities and industries in the area in the comprehensive sewage study for the Hudson River Bend area, by forming a Town sewer district, which was approved by referendum duly hel& more than two years ago, and which sewer district has not been approved by the New York State Department of Audit and Control, apparently because of the financial requirements for such Hudson River Bend Project ;and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has been advised by its Town Engineer that to pump sewage south and east through the Town along the aforementioned route would be practical and offers the following advantages : (1) Lines would be located in areas scheduled for development, not in areas subject to Adirondack Park Agency regulations which limit intensity of develop- ments (2) The route south to the Hudson River would require ,considerably less pumping equipment than the proposed Lake George route to the north and the Schroon River Basin, at a higher elevation; (3) Only one treatment plant would be required for disposal of .sewage from Lake George and all of Queensbury, rather than two treatment plants if the Lake George-forth Queensbury Sewage is pumped to the .Schroon River Basin, because the treatment plant for South Queensbury and the entire Hudson River Bend Study area appears to be inevitable; (4) The southern route presents the opportunity to eliminate discharge of sewage effluent into a waterway within the Adirondack Park and into the Hudson River north of Glens Falls , thereby protecting an additional forty miles of the Hudson River, also improtant in its recreational aspects to the economy of the entire region; (5) Existing sewage lines would be utilized to the maximum; (6) Such a route is in accord with comprehensive planning, including the Lake George Watershed study done by Metcalf and Eddy; the Warren County Comprehensive Sewage Study prepared by Rist-Frost Associates ; and the Hudson River Bend `Sewage Study prepared by Metcalf and Eddy and others ; now, there- fore , be it 354 RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby expresses its willingness to cooperate with the Town of Lake George, other municipal- ities, and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in attaching sewage problems and sewage disposal along the Lake George shoreline and throughout the area; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby expresses its willingness to undertake a feasibility study for preliminary plans for in- stallation of a sewage transmission line south from the Lake George Town line along U.S. Route Nine and easterly and southerly a&ong Route Two-Fifty- Four to the Hudson River in the Town of Queensbury; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby expresses its willingness to enter into a further feasibility study as to the construction of a sewage disposal plant near the Hudson River in the Town of Queensbury for dispoaal of sewage from the Town of Queensbury the Town of Lake George and any other municipalities wishing to use the treat- ment plant to combat the problems of sewage disposal throughout the Hud- son River Bend area; and be it further RESOLVED, that said Town Board hereby respectfully requests officials of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to give assurance of special aid to the Town of Queensbury in its attempts to attack the pro- blem of sewage disposal, from the Lake George shoreline in said Town as said assurances have been given to the Town Board of the Town of Lake George; and be it further RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be forwarded to Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller; Commissioner Henry L. Diamond of the New York State Depart- ment of Environmental Conservation; Executive Deputy Commissioner James Biggane of said Department; State- Senator Ronald B. Stafford; Assemb�tyya�... r.1- gprald B.. Solomon; the Town Board of the Town of Lake George; AM Town Board O Wa.�co zb aeq. of the Town of Lake Luzerne; the Lake George Park Commission; the Lake George Association; .Imperial Color and Chemical Department of Hercules Inc. ; Adirondack Park Agency; Lake Georgq Lake Champlain Regional Planning Board; Warren County Planning Board; and Town of Queensbury Planning Board. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: Mr. Robillard Resolution to set a public h+sring for the establishment of a system of truck routes in the Town of Queensbury was read and a discussion followed: Councilman Barber asked for some changes in the resolution: the gross weight be changed from 10,000 to 18,000 question - regarding area truckers and delivers Supervisor Austin: This ordinances only effects through traffic Will 'refers this to the traffic safety committee for their recommendation Councilman Olson: would like to see the change to 18,000 lbs. . . . would you post roads? Counsel Little: would be required. . Mr. Streeten voAneatiened the naming of Sherman Avenue—noting its condition. . . aad..the possible incpease, of traffic Supervisor Austin: . . .notdd that he did not believe there would to an increase in traffic on Sherman Avenue. Councilman Barber: Would like to canvass local truckers etc. and ask them to limit their travels on troubled roads Mr. Barber chairman of the traffic safety committee wished the alternate to take over in this one problem. . . Supervisor Austin:Referred to the Traffic Safety Committee-Councilman Robillard to act as chairman Action tabled. . . RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ADVANCEMENT OF FUNDS TO THE QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT RESOLUTION N€)., 258 Introduced by Mr. John Austin, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olean: �5 WHEREAS, due to the increased cost of Fire Brotection Contracts for 1973, the District will be short the sum of $1,351. 09 of meeting its obligations for the year of 1973 , therefore be it RESOLVED, that the General Town Fund advance from its surplus funds the sum of $1,351. 09 to the Queensbury Fire Protection District, said amount to be repaid to the General Town Fund as early in 1974 as funds are available. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Streeter , Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: Mr. Robillard RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TRANSFER OF WATER PENALTIES RESOLUTION NO. 259, introduced by Mr. Gordon Streeter who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, during the recent audit of the town, it was recommended that water penalties be credited to the water districts rather than-the General .Town Fund as a Tax Collector fee and WHEREAS , it was also their lrecommendation that the Town reimburse all penalties since 1967, therefore be it RESOLVED, :that the following .sums be transferred from the General Town Fund to the water districts as follows : Queensbury Water District $2,450. 87 South Queensbury hater Dist. 248.98 West Glens Falls Water Dist. 113.61 Shore Colony Water Dist. 24. 15 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Abseut Mr. Robillard A- request ,was received from Thomas Flaherty to attend the fall meeting of the American Water Works Association - Lake Placid RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE AT CONFERENCE RESOLUTION NO. 260 Introduced by Mr. John Austin who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Thomas K. Flaherty, Water Superintendent, to attend the fall meeting of the American Water Works Association to be held at Lake Placid, on September 11-14, and that the actual and necessary expenses incurred in such attendance is a proper town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: Mr. Robillard Meeting opened to the public: no one spoke. . . On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. `Chase,Town Clerk SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 4, 1973 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Austin Supervisor Daniel Olson Councilman Robert Barber Councilman