1973-10-25 131 CONTRACTOR BID BOND- CERTF. CHECK AMOUNT OF BID Frederick G. Compagni Construction Co. , Inc. 182 Port Watson Street Cortland, N.Y. 13045 5% 6262900. 00 Mr. Kestner Read unit prices for individuals. . .re: the first~:two lowest bids. . . Supervisor Austin. . .Thanked Mr. Kestner and his Associates and the respective bidders. . . On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 25, 1973 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Austin Supervisor Daniel Olson RAbert Bbe Councilman r©��l R lard Councilman 4b; Councilman Gordon Streeter- Councilman J. David Little Town Counsel Guests : Ray Buckley, Carl Garb, Harold Boynton, George Liapes , Daniel Collins, Kip Grant, Gary L. Wickes Meeting Opened 7: 32 P.M. Salute to the Flag. Mobile Home Replacement- Gary L. Wickes-to replace the present mobile home on Burch Road with a new 1974 mobile home. . .Mr. Wickes was present. . .Building Department approved the application. . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT TO IMPROVE OR SUBSTITUTE MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 307 , Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS , Gary L. Wickes of Burch Road has made application to this board for a permit to: replace an existing mobile home with a 1974 DFI-60 Fawn Double Wide 64X24 4 bedroom mobile home at property situated at Burch Road and owned by Mr. Gary L. Wickes, and WHEREAS, upon proper investigation it appears that the applicant has complied with all of the requirements of the ordinance regulations relating to mobile homes in the Town of Queensbury, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the application of Gary L. Wickes as above described is hereby approved and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue to Gary L. Wickes the proper permit. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: None ANNOUNCEMENTS : -A Preconstruction conference with McManus , Longe & Brockwehl will be held October 30, 1973 at 10: 30 P.M. at the Town Office Building -Carl Covell 's mobile home petition has again been denied and is now filed in the County Clerk' s Office. . -Qsby. Lighting Dist. . .Stakes are in-in all areas. . . the twicwood area will have lights at the intersections only. . .Mr. Olson noted that in the Glen Acres area Niagara Mohawk has changed the &takes and are now awaiting public opinion. . . -A.C. C. thanked the 19mu for the use of the=. voting machines. . . 3g5 -A. Commendation was received by the Water Dept. from the American Water Works Association for attaning a zero disabling injury frequency rate. . . -A Letter was received from John E. Dennett, Director of Physical Education Queensbu�r ,High -School supporting the Boy Scout Brian Thompson' s proposal for Bike Tnath.e Town of Queensbury-Aviation Road- . . . -A Letter from Dolores Stein support,.,the idea of bike paths in the Town of Queensbury (Summit Lane) --3657 Berkley Rd. Cornwells Heights, Pa. October 22, 1973 Queensbury Town Office Building Supervisor Dear Mr. John Austin, The Balloon Club of America would like to thank you for inviting us to participate in the First Adirondack Ballonn Festival. Fall is an ex- cellent time of year to view the scenic beauty of the Adirondacks, and we appreciate the opportunity to fly in this area. We were especially impressed by the enthusiasm and friendliness of all the people we met; both the officials who planned and organized the festival and the local citizens in whose fields and back yards we landed. We truly hope this will become an annual event, and are looking forward to seeing all of you atainesexp year. Sincerely, /s/ Ted E. Stecher Vice President Balloon Club of America -Aupomb stone was found by the Queenbbury-T Police. . . th a location of the cemetery has been found and will be returned. . . The Police activity report for the month of September 1973 was read. . . -On October 24, 1973 the Bids for the West Queensbury Transmission lines were read . . . Mr. Joseph Kestner recommends that Howard A. LaRose the low bidder receive the bid. . . RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATER MAINS AND APPURTENANCES IN THE WEST QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 302, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Gordon Streeter: WHEREAS, the Town Board advertised for sealed bids for the construction of water mains and appurtenances in the West Queensbury Water District, according to plans and specifications prepared by Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , professional engineer, and approved by the Town Board, and WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Town Board that the bid of Howard A. LaRose of 267 Warren Street,,-, , Glens Falls , N.Y. 12801 in the amount of $593,437. 50 was the lowest of the several bids received by the Town Board and Howard A. LaRose having-,executed and filed the non-collusion certificates required by Section 103-d of the General Municipal Law as amended, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of thb Town of Queensbury, acting for and in behalf of the West Queensbury Water District, accept the bid of Howard A. LaRose in the amount of $593,437.50 and tl�sg':the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to execute a contract on behalf of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury with Howard A. LaRose for the construction of the water mains and appurtenances in accordance with said plans ,- specifications and bid, and be it further RESOLVED that the cost of such improvement in the West Queensbury Water District be financed prusuant to the provisions of the Local Finance Law by the issuance of serial bonds and capital notes of the Town of Queensbury in the total amount of $1 ,060,000. 00 and that the proceeds of the sale of such serial bonds and capital notes when issued be appropriated to pay the costs of said improvements . Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : 14r. 01abnT, .Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin. Noes : None Absent: None Mr. Barber. . .was happy to see a local person take the bid. . . Meeting Opened to the Public. . . Councilman Olson question4the Assistant Building Inspector on the investigation he had made regarding service stations that were selling cars. . . Mr. Boynton requested that he have time to consult counsel on the legality of unlicensed vehicles on the properties . . . A discussion follow&d ;regarding a sewage problem in the Queensbury Plaze. . .Mr. Liapes , Mr. Boynton, Mr. Buckley investigated the problem,%'.' RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION N0. 303, Introduced by Mr.Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract 73-10C numbered 1411-1412 totaling $83,573. 35 Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 1, 1973 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Austin Supervisor Daniel Olson Councilman Robert Barber Councilman Harold Robillard .Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman J. David Little Town Counsel_ GUESTS; Raymond Buckley, Harold Boynton, Carl Garb, Lee Coleman, Daniel Collins , Mrs. Whiteman, Mrs. Bacas, Mr. Wolsey Meeting Opened 7 : 32 P.M. Salute to the Flag. Public Hearing on an Amendment to Ordinance No. 28 to place stop signs at the intersection of Montray Road-with Twicwood Lane and Cedarwood Drive. - . .Supervisor Austin noted the petition that was presented to the Board in favor of the stop signs Hearing Opendd 7: 36 P.M. Mrs . Whiteman. and Mrs. Bacas of the Twicwood Area -. again voiced their- opinion that a stop .sign should be placed there. Hearing Closed 7: 38 P.M. RESOLUTION TO ADOPT AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 28 OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ESTABLISHING THROUGH HIGHWAYS AND STOP INTERSECTIONS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, COUNTY OF WARREN AND STATE OF NEW YORK 3 RESOLUTION NO. 304 Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its _ adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has received a petition from several residents of the Twicwood Area in the Town of Queensbury requesting stop signs be placed at the intersection of Montray Road with Twicwood Lane and Cedarwood Drive so as to create a four-way stop at that intersection, and WHEREAS, it is provided by Sections 1660 (a) (1) of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York that a Tin may create stop intersections and establish the same within such Town, and WHEREAS , Section 130 of the Town Law provides that a public hearing be held upon all proposed ordinances and amendments thereof to be held upon due notice as provided for therein and