1973-11-20 SP 411 RESOLVED, that a certificate of appointment of the chairman and members of the Town of Queensbury Industrial Development Agency be filed with the office of the Secretary of State pursuatt to Section 856 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York designating the respective parties Bor the position set forth: :: opposite their respective names : John D. Austin, Chairman Harold Robillard, Member Gordon Streeter, Member Robert Barber, Member Daniel Olson, Member Duly adopted by the following vote: -- Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : stone Absent: Tyone Opened to Public: Daniel Sweet: Suggested that small buildings be built for school children to stand in-thus creating less stops for buses in the area. . . Supervisor Austin: will be discussed with the Board Daniel Sweet: had a question as tdetha;.highways departments use of their vehicles. . . Supervisor Austin: This will be looked into. County Supervisor Lloyd Demboski: noted that he received several reports on the economy shown in the Town Budget and the increase and improved service to the residents of the Town. . . Councilman Barber: recommended that no Town vehicle idle for more than . three minutes. On motion the meeting was closed. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk SPECIAL MEETING NOVEMBER 20, 1973 MEMBERS PRESENT John Austin Supervisor Daniel Olson Councilman Robert Barber Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman J. David Little Town Counsel GUESTS : Daniel Collins, Kip Grant, Carl Garb, Ray Buckley Salute to the Flag. 5 : 08 P.M. Budget Hearing Opened: Time: 5 :09 P.M. Edward Waters : asked what the total ..allocation to the fire companies would be? Supervisor Austin: 75, 000 dollars enn regory: Asked what each fire company would receive, would there be any change? Supervisor Austin: there would be equal funding with a $2 , 000 increase Changes in the Budget were made in resolution form: RESOLUTION AMENDING APPROPRIATION OF SL2-5182 .4 FOR BUDGET OF 1974 RESOLUTION NO. 316, Inteaduced by Mr. John Austin who moved its 412 adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: WHEREAS the preliminary budget for code SL6, Queensbury Lighting District for fiscal year 1974 called for appropriation (SL-2-5182.4) of $44,000.00 and estimated an unexpended balance of $22,000.00 for said district; and WHEREAS the ener§y crisis has resulted in a lessened need for street lighting; nosy, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said preliminary budget be and hereby is amended to provide for appropriation (SL 5182.4) of $24,974. 00 unappropriated surplus of $1,426.00 , and estimated unexpanded balance of $31,400. 00. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Aaatin Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO AMEND APPROPRIATIONS FOR CELEBRATIONS (A7440.4) IN THE 1974 BUDGET RESOLUTION NO. 317 Introduced by Mr.John Austin who moved its adoption, secure by rdon Streeter: WHEMS the preliminary budget of the Town of Queensbury for fiscal year 1974 for General Fvdd, Celebrations, Contractual expense (A7440.4) called for appropriation of $250; and WHEREAS, the Town Board after public hearing deems it necessary that skid appropriation be increased; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that said preliminary budget be and hereby is amended to provide for appropriation in Code A7440.4 of $500, thereby increasing the total culture-Recreation appropriation to $52,200 and total general fund appropriation of $580,235; 00. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO INCREASE FROM $150,000. 00 TO $150,250.00 THE ESTIMATED UNEXPEWAD BAI,.UCE OF THE GENFXAL FUND 010 THE PRFd. ARY BUDGET RESOLUTION NO. 318, odu"d by Mr. J6hn Austin who movdd its adoption, aeon a Olson: RESOLVED, that the estimated unexpended balance of General Fund for the preliminary budget of the Town of Queenbury for the fiscal year 1974 be increased from $150,000.00 to $150,250.00. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: None Supervisor Austin:Commended the Fire Committee for their help in formulating the Budget. . . also Queensbury .Central Future possible plaint: more than one fire protection district. . . fe districts with their own commissioners. . .or one fire protection district with auditing of books etc. . . Councilman Olson: Thanked the Firemen for their input. . . RESOLUTION ADOPTING ANNUAL BUDGET 1974 RESOLUTION NO. 319 Introduced by Mr. Gordon Streeter who moved its a opt on, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget for fiscal year 1974 and heard all persons desiring to be heard therefore be it RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby adopt such preliminary budget, as amended by Resolutions No. 316, 317 and 318, as the annual budget of this town for the fiscal year beginning on the lst. day of January, 1974 and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail %X in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this town shall prepare and certify in duplicate, copies of said annual budget as adopted by this Town Board, together with estimates, if any, adopted puusuant to Section 202-a subd. 2 of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town bo be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors of this County. NOTE:A copy of the 1974 Budget will -be found at the end of these minutes. . . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr.Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: None Mobile Home-Arthur VanSittert of 8 Briwood Circle to place a : mobile home off Warren Lane-Mr. Van Sittert was present. . .Building Inspector recommended disapproval comments on back of original applications. . . Supervisor Austin recommended that the application be tabled. . . Harold Robillard. .recommendoo that the application be tabled until the Warren Lane controversy^"::` ` pplication tabled. Mobile Home-Daniel J. Brooks of 22 May Street to place a mobile home off Warren Lane-Mr. Daniel Brooks was present. . .Building Inspector recommended disapproval comments on back of original applications. . . Supervisor Austin recommended that this application ,be treated as the VanSittert application and be tabled . . . ANNOUNCEMENTS: -Because of the energy crisis, no town employee shall permit a town vehicle to idle for more than three minutes. The Town Attorney is working on the Warren Lane Controversy. . . -The Town Office Building will be Opened November 23, 1973 -The Town hopes to form a committee with the City of Glens Falls regarding municipal Transportation. . . -Received a note from Fulton & Diane Williams thanking the town for the new Dixon Court sign. . . -The Landfill mill be closed Thanksgiving Day -Town Bicentennial Committee is being coordinated, Chairman Mrs. Kenneth Joslyn of West MountWi, Mrs. Hammond Robertson; Thomas Curran, Asa Smith, H. Russell Harris; Mrs. Alger C. Mason; Harley Parker; Mrs. John Whalen; Sidney VanDusen; , Gill; John Bowman and Mrs. Thomas Mindock also letter. to Student governing bodies of Queensbury High School, Lake George Centeal Sihbo19h8&ens Falls High School,Adirondack Community College, St. Mary's Academy asking them to provide one member from the Town of Queensbury to joir this committee. . .Serving Ex-officio, Councilmen. Gordon Streeter, Town Clerk Donald Chase, Town Historian John Webster and Supervisor John Austin -The Dept. of Transportation is approving the reommomending a speed limit on Sherman Avenue-;tate orest Road and Sherman Avenue-Peggy Ann Road Areas final approval from the is needed. . . -The Building Dept. has prepared a list of subdivisions in the Town of Queens- bury. -The Town- Christmas Party will be held- December 14th, 1973 -A letter from Rita Whiteman and William A. Bacas thanking the Board for the four-way stop sign of Montray Road and Cedarwood Drive. . . Meeting Opened to Public: 5 :48 P.M. Closed. no one spoke. . . RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO REDUCE THE MAXIMUM SPEED LIMIT FOR ALL TOWN ROADS RESOLUTION NO. 320, Introduced by Mr. Gordon Streeter who moved its op m, secdtideU by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, the President of the United States has requested the adoption of a fifty mile per hour maximum speed limit, and WHEREAS, Governor Rockefeller has requested the State and its municipalities to cooperate in lowering the maximum speed limit to fifty miles per hour,now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby requests the Department of Transportation to reduce the maximum speed limit for all town roads, not having a speed limit lower than fifty miles per hour, to fifty miles per hour. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. RabiUard Mr. lareeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO PURCHASE USED PATROL CAR FROM THE TOWN OF LAKE GEORGE RESOLUTION N0. 321, Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its a opt on, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury purchase one (1) Used Patrol Car, to be .used as a floater, from the Town of Lake George at ,a fee of $100. 00, payment to be made from unexpended funds. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Austin Niles : None Absent:None RESOLUTION TO INSTALL STREET LIGHT RESOLUTION NO. 322, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its a opt on, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS , there has been a request for a streetlight on the south side of Farm to Market Road, therefore be it RESOLVED, that one (1) 175 watt Mercury Stmt Light be installed on Pole No. 103 on the-, south side of Farm to Market Road and be it further RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be sent to the Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO- RESCIND RESOLUTION 242 -RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION IN COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM RESOLU'TION..NO. 32�, Introduced by Mr. John Austin who moved its adoption, secon by Mr. Robert Barber: RESOLVED, Resolution No. 242 is hereby vewinded Resolution known as Resolution Authorizing Cod)munity Participation In Comprehensive Planning and Management Assistance Program, adopted on August 16, 1973. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION IN AN ADIRONDACK PARK PLANNING ASSISTANCE PROJECT RESOLUTION NO. 32!4 Introduced by Mr.John Austin who moved its adoption, seconded y Mr. Gordon Streeter: WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury desires to pro#idp for the development of a local laud use program pursuant to Article 27 of the Executive Law of the State of New York, and WHEREAS, Chapter 348 of the Laws of New York 4f 1973, authorizes the New York State Office of Planning Services, subject to the terms and conditions specified therein, to render State financial assistance to towns and villages located wholly or partially within the Adirondack Park for the development of local land use programs contemplated by Article 27 of said Executive Law, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby requests the New York State Office of Planning Services to provide assistance, including financial assistance, under authority of Chapter 348 of the Laws of New York of 1973, such assistance being more particularly described in the pro- ject application heretofore submitted to the Office of Planning Services on behalf of -the Town of queensbury, and it is further RESOLVED, that if the aforesaid application is approved and accepted by the Director of the Office of Planning Services, the Town of Queensbury shall enter into a formal agreement with the Office of Planning Services to undertake the development of the local land use program described in said application and to pay its share of the total cost of the development of said local land use program in the manner provided in said agreement, and it is further RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury hereby agrees to have available, for purposes of development of the local land use program pursuant to said agreement, the sum of Eleven Hundred and Forty Dollars ($1,140.00) or so much thereof as may be necessary to contribute a sum not to exceed twelve and one-half per centum (12Aj%) of the total cost of the development of said local land use program, to be paid to the State of New York as provided in said agreement, provided the said application is approved by the Director of the Office of Planning Services, and it is further RESOLVED, the the Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury be and hereby is authorized and empowered to execute in the name of the Town of Queensbury the agreement with the Office of Planning Services hereinabove referred to, with such provisions as the Supervisor may deem acceptable, and all necessary applications, and other agreements which he deems necessary or appropriate to implement and carry out the purposes specified in this resolution.. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: None Supervisor Austin: Thank all those how helped in the preparation of the 1974 Budget. . . On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk P ARY QUEENSBURY TOWN BUDGET FOR 6 � THE YEAR 1974 1974 Budget message - Town of .R,ue_ensburw I A brief summary of the preliminary budget for the Town of Queensbury and its special districts follows: Town-hide i General fund appropriations $5790935 43 ,333 Highway appropriations 396,007 343,097 General fund revenues 3229625 26 7,000 Highway revenues 63,500 40,000 Unexpended balance 150,000 73,.000 To be raised by tax 424,867 4680930 Estimated tax rate 10017 .. 11112 (AV = 41,790,000) Fire Protgction District . To be raised by tag 89,5 71017 Estimated tax rate 2014 1*79 (AV a 41,790,000) Queensbu,y WatgX Disict (Consolidated) Appropriations 568,772 2379.415 Revenues 259,238 175,523 Unexpended balance 15,000 none To be raised by tax 294.553 619,892 Estimated tax rate 9681 3.03 (AV = 30,0009000) Queensbury Lighting„Dist Appropriations 379178 44,,000 Unexpended balance 31,400 none To be raised by tax 5,778 449000 Estimated tax rate 410 3,00 (AV = 14,1850000) A reduction in the general tax rate is made possible because of unanticipated. revenues in 19 73, particularly from the sales tax. }Budget increases will make possible': *Accelerated road repaving program $Increase in road crew personnel ,Increase in police patrol personnel and addition of one patrol car .Increased recreational staffing ,Appointment of full-time court clerk, full-time assessor's clerk;, and full-time Town Mall receptionist ,Increased support for libraries .Piclk-up of support for Senior Citizens Center .Assistance to Chamber of Commerce ,Funding of comprehensive rezoning program ,Establishment of reserve fund for landfill equipment ,Cost-of-living wage increase for torn employees Through Federal Revenue Sharing, it is planned that a new highway-police facility will be constructed this year with a minimum of indebtedness, In addition, Revenue Sharing permits ,continuation of special projects at Gurney Lane Recreation Area and with town planning maps. Ptew and replacement equipment for the Highway Department will be obtained through a capital program, It is obvious that municipalities are affected by the current inflation, and much of the increase in appropriations results from commodity cost hikes and a rise in employee benefit rates, � e Protection - The increase in the Queensbury Fire Protection District rate is attributable to a proposed hike in aid of $$,000 to each volunteer fire company and of $500 to each emergency squad. Water - The rate in the new consolidated Queensbury Water District represents a substantial increase for most property owners. Construction of the new water filtration plant and appurtenant improvements called for the consolidation and results in the overall rate. The anticipated rate of $12 per thousand is reduced substantially by application of reserves in outstanding bond accounts to costs of indebtedness of the now district, It should be emphasized that property owners in the West Quensbury Water District will be taxed for the first time in 1974 since that portion of the project is now under construction. L n - An overestimate of anticipated needs for the Queens u�dhting District this year has resulted in a substantial surplus, which must be applied to the 1974 tax ratep Thus, the rate has been reduced substantially, It is the intention of the undersigned to explore implementation of a town-wide charge for highway lighting. Other Distr4ets - There are no substantial changes in other sp—ecial dis r cta, except that the payment of indebtedness in the Reservoir Park Sewer District permits a lower service charge and establishment of a maintenance fund, The attempt of the undersigned has been to present for public consideration a budget that is responsive, realistic and conservative. In conclusion, I wish to extend my thanks to the department heads of the Town of Queensbury, to members of the Town Board and to many concerned citizens for their input into this budget. Respectfully submitted, ohn Austin own Supervisor SUMA,i;Y OF TOWN BUDGET LESS LESS AMOUNT TO BE CODE FUND APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED RAI-5ED BY TAX REVENUES BALANCE A GENERAL a fism9fiszo -9 Vic, X^ 20 92,360.00 HIGHWAY REPAIRS AND 1 180,251.00 152 000. •----*�--•--� is 16599.51-00 IMPROVEMENTS DM MACHINERY 76,040.00 20,.500.00 •._.•-- 559540-00 DS SNOW AND MISC Q - - - - -Qa vwf i 84 v b.Uu DE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 36 s 000.00 9,000.00 ---.._..-- g 27,040.00 CF FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING 0 C 000 00 . J.r% C 0 M -F^. e ..,.A,....A,..... co f9 f,.. ,.wv w. vCEMETERY FUND d! -.•—..—,.—..._____.._,. S SPECIAL DISTRICTS = (List separately) SL1 FORT AMHERST GARR I ON: ROAD LIGHTING 2 02 .00 S 29,025.00 SL2 CLEVERDALE LTG, 6gy.w ..,.,..........�,. ( ......_......r.. a oiF7.vv S { PINEWOOD LTG. yv.w iv.vv 8v.vii � �. S'�4 SO� QUEENSBURY ,IGHTING 5,9172.00 ..SL5 WEST QUEENSBURY T...Yr!oW Tu*^ 49907-00 ,.__...�,....�__ �___�......_ $ 43,907-00 L� t�UEEt SBURY LTG k ___._ -.._,....•,.�.... Al t;nn`nn � c; � 77R_nn .SW1 QUEENSBURY WATER i -no --2.0- � 2- 2ja.90 p 12T wv.vv 50 ty4, 333. 3 SW 3 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER 6,3OO d OO 54 300.00 1,0000 00 ------- SW4 SHORE COLONY WATER SF1 Q ,?S ! .` FIRE PROTECTION I 1,' 89 9 500.00 3 S 899500-00 P, WEST GLENS FALLS WATEREXT # 1 2. # ......,....,..�.... .....,_,..._,. $ 792.75 SWTM ARY OF TOWN BUDGET page 2 LESS LESS AMUNT TO B% =DS —FUND APPROPRIATIONS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED RAISED BY TAX REVENUES XU ANCE SS1 PERSHING ASHLEY COOLIDGE SEWER 19,500.00 ---_-- ------- ---- 1,500,00 PERSHING ASHLEY COOLIDGE SEWER EXT e # 4 288.00 _,.�.... .._�.....�._...,. 288,.00 SS3 RESERVOIR PARK SEWER 525 00 gym. SDI QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE DI.ST o �. 5i 40n nt) ..........,.,.., :. ,.....-,.,.w�.. 0 OO TOTALS. 7819223090 S��iGt30�7 : � �v'�493'8-� 83Ot y�8• GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT PRE- ADOPTED U? NARY 1974 ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET 1974 TOWN BOARD Personal Services A1010,;1 S 12 n5n . nn Equipment A1010Q2 Contractual Exp. A1010o4 Ann.on Total A1010,0 JUUSTICES Personal Services A1110 A S 15_705.no Equipment A1110o2 Contractual Expo A1110,,4 Total A1110,,0 16;800;00 SUPERVISOR Personal Services A1220o1 Equipment A1220,2 Contractual Exp. A1220o4 Total A1220,,0 1.7 -655.55 PAX COLLECTION 'Personal Services A1330n1 S ?-?An.nn Equipment A1330 a 2 Contractual Expo A133064 23 00 Total A1330,0 10. 560.0n ASSESSORS Personal Services A1355 A S 17 81M.00 Equipment A135542 Contractual Expo A1355 A t , 3?S.nS Total A1355.0 'q.��s_nn _ TOWN CLERK Personal Services A1410,1 R40.no Equipment A1410a2 Contractual Expo AMM 4 Total A1410,0 20_b K00 ATTORNEY Personal Services A1420 J Equipment A1420a2 )ntractual Expo A1420Q4 a 12_n00.no Total A14M O 12:800,00 -2- GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT PRE- LIMINARY ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET 1974 1974 ENGINEER Personal Services A1440.1 17 100.00 . Equipment A1440,2 3.500-00 Contractual Exp. A1440.4 5 1 200.00 �,. Total A1440.0 25F,800.60 ELECTIGNS Personal Services A1450.1 $ 8.000.00 Equipment A1450,2 Contractual Exp. A1450.4 800.00 Total A1450,,0 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION Personal Services A1490.1 Equipment A1490.2 Contractual Expo A1490.4 Total A1490.0 wm 13UILDINGS 'ersonal Services A1620.1 $ 11,500.00 :quipment A1620.2 39,4WoOO Contractual Exp. A1620.4 20aO OAO Total A1620.0 34a900.00 SPECIAL ITEMS Unallocated Ins. A1910.4 $ 2,1300-00 Municipal Assn. Dues . A1920.4 400.00 1 Judgements & Claims A1930,4 Contingent Account A1990.4 -w-000.00 ' Total 12,70U.00 TOTAL GENERAL GOVT. SUPPORT A1999.0 $ 1919725.00 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE & CONSTABLE Personal Services A3120.1 89"&00.00 Equipment A3120.2 5 000.00 Contractual Exp. A3120,,4 11 800.00 Total A3120.0 105 800 00 -3- GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS PRE- � Y ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET 1974 ~- 1974 T" FF IC CONTROL Personal Services A3310,J Equipment A33 M Contractual Exp, A3310.4 1..000.00 Total A331000 1.00000 ., CONTROL OF ANIMALS DOG WARDEN Personal Services A3510o1 S 7_00M0 Equipment A3510o2 ° Contractual Exp, A3510o4 4.00000 Total A3510o0 S 11,00000 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY A3999,0 C „n nnn nn HEAITH BOARD OF HEALTH Personal Services A4010.1 s 9 Ann-nn equipment A4010e2 - onrractual Expo A4010o4 1 inn nn Total A401000 e 7 nnn .nn � REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Personal Services A4020e1 fi inn nn Equipment A4020.2 Contractual Exp. A4020 A Total A4020.0 7nn.nn ° TOTAL HEALTH A4999,0 4 gnn .nn TRANSIORTATION SUPT. OF HIGHWAYS Personal Services A501001 s 29 _ 2no-on Equipment A5010.2 Contractual Exp. A5010o4 4nn,no Total A5010,,0 GARAGE Personal Services A5132o1 1 uipment A5132o2 l ntractual Exp,, A5132o4 7_.Sno no —rotal A513200 7 _ Snn.on -4- GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS PRE- , LI XNARY ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET 1974 1974 STREET LIGHTING "-Contractual Exp. A5182,4 5.000,00 TOTAL TRANSPORTATION A5999,0 35a000�00 PUBLICITY ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE AND OPPORTUNITY Personal Services A6410a1 Equipment A6410Q2 Contractual A6410a4 7 nnn nn "" Total A6410o0 7 nnn . nn "°"' VETERANS SERVICES Personal Services A6510o1 Equipment A6510,2 Cf•intractual A6510.4 a.nn nn Total A6510.0 00 00 ..ti .' TOTAL ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE A6999o0 Ann nn CULTURE - ECREATION --x0UTH PROGRAM Personal Services A7310,1 ')' 7nn_nn Equipment A7310�2 osn_nn Contractual Exp. A7310,4 s nnn_nn Total A7310o0 97 r%Sn_nn JOINT YOUTH PROJECT Contractual Exp, A7320,4 ' snn no LIBRARY Contractual Expo A7410o4 9i isn nn HISTORIAN Personal Services A7510o1 ggn-nn Equipment A7510.2 Contractual Exp,, A7510,4 n-nn Total A7510e0 Ann-no -5_ GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS PRE- ' LMNARY ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE BUDGET 1974 1974 —CELEBRATIONS ffi Personal Services A7550.1 rQ Equipment A7550.2 Contractual Expo A7440.4 Total A7550.0 ' q , TOTAL CULTURE- RECREATION A7999.0 S 51_ o sn.no ZONING HOME AND CtWNITY SERVICES Personal Services A8010.1 Equipment A8010.2 Contractual Expo A8010,4 1 ,nnn,n0 Total A8010.0 i,non.on PLANNING Personal Services A8020,1 2 ^00 Equipment A8020.2 )ntractual Expo A8020.4 3_000.0 Total A8020.0 REFUSE AND GARBAGE Personal Services A8160.1 S y,11 ,000 00. Contractual Expo A8160.4 15. 50000 Total 46 0000 COINITY BEAUTIFICATION Personal Service A8510.1 Contractual Expo A85I0.4 I t onn .nn Total A8510,0 ono non TOTAL HOME AND z CON WITY SERVICE S 73.20000 UNDISI RIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement A9010,8 S Police & Fire Retire. A9015.8 Sriial Security A9030.8 1 17 nnn .on We $mens Comp. A9040.8 non_nn I -- -64 .� GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS PRE- ACCOUNTS CODE LIMINARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1974 19Z 4 '`Hospo- & Medical Ins, A9060a8 to ann nn ' TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS A9199.,0 S SS_?.9400 INTERFUND TRANSFERS Pineview Cemetery A9514a9 S . 24.60000 Capital Funtd(Reserve A9560,9 766 Total Interfund Transfers S 38 6.00�00 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL BOND ANTI, OTES A9730G6 Total Principal A9899a6 Arn nn INTEREST BOND ANTI. NOTES A9730,7 $ 1.166.00 fatal Interest A9899a7 S i _ 9m; on TOTAL GENERAL FUND �� � APPROPRIATION S 0 Or -7s TF GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES CCOUNTS CODE PRELIM ARY ADOPTED BUDGET 1974 1 LOCAL SOURCES Interest and Penalties on Real Property Ta es A1090 q Nan Property Tax Distribution by County A1120 $ 100.000,00 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME Tax Collection Fees Al2,32 500.00 Clerk Fees A1255 4.306.06 Police Fees A1520 3 6,05 y Zoning Fees A211O 1.600.66 USE OF MDNEY AND PROPERTY Interest and Sarni A2401 $ 4.000.00 LICENSES AND PERMIT bg License Fund ,ppiretionment A2544 2.800.00 -hermits (junk Yard) A2590 175..00 °y Building Permits A2555 13.000,00 Fine and Forfeited Bail. A2610 tl462325,00.000.00 Bingo Fees A254O 600.00 �emo'.itinip A1570 150.0 Cable `2,,V, A2770 1000.00 Revenues from Local �. Sources ry----. -- a u r8e PRELIMINARY WcoUrrrs CODE BUDGET ADOPTED 1-974 19.74 STATE AID vPer Capita A3001 6 .1 'mo ��n Inn MOrtage Tax A2005 AhA AA . Youth Programs A3820 Total Estimated State Aid A3999 ESTIMATED UNEXPENDEDO���O•d� BALANCE °-ziDTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 -8A- af .G.i d' s. iU ;" �N .Lit4l�r6.ti.^'Y'r ° «. ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED Pineview Cemetery 1974 1 Personal Services C881OQ1 $ 341,350.00 Equipment C8810.2 .2 cn_ nn Capital Outlay C8810,3 Contractual Expo C881094 ;-nn Total C8810.0 Employee Benefits State Retirement C9010.8 C ? 4rn nn Social Security C9030.8 n1i5 nn Workmens Comp. C9040o8 1 nnn nn Hospe & Medical Ins C9060 0 8 1 991 An Total Employee Benefiqacglgg.o rr , An TOTAL ENTERPRISE APPR PRIATIONS S 49. 6iA-nn a ESTIMATED REVENUES Sale Cemetery Lots C2190 S 7. nooAn Cemetery Services C2192 A,2nn.11n General Fund Transfer C2810 Total. Estimated Revenues. From Local Sources c io Ann . nn Estimated Unexpended Balance e In m u nn HIGHWAN FUND APPROPRIATIONS (Repairs and Improvements Ite I) GENERAL REPAIRS Personal Services DR5110a1 0 nnn Contractual Exp, DR5110A Total DR511060 UN ISTRIBUTED ENPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DR9010,8 Q n nnn nn Social Security DR9030.8 Workmen Comp. DR904008 �cn nn ,spital & Medical DR906008 )tal Employee Benef i 4 bR9199 Q 0 c n+ 0 e, nn ! 'TOTAL ITEM I A1, 'RIATIONS (1) :HW : FUND A-FROPR::ATIONS (continued) ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 12Z4 MACHINERY ITEM III - Personal Services DM5130.1 17_nnn,nn Equipment DM5130 0 2 Wngntn Contractual Exp. DM5130o4 - Total DM5130a0 Rental of Garage DM5132 A 1 5 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DM9010,8 ^^ �^ Social Security DM9030o8 nno. ^^ Workmens Comp. DM9040o8 Hospo & Medical Ins. DM906048 Total DM9'41199 0 0 DEBT SERVICE x'RINCIPAL Bond Anticipation Notes DM9730 A Capital Notes DM9740o6 11 730 An Total Principal DM9899,6 jj 755 An INTEREST Bond Anticipation Notes DM9730o7 Capital Notes DM9740n7 . Total Interest DM9899.7 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Item III Page 1 7K n&n-nn SNOW AND MIS LLANEOUa (Item 4) MISCELLANEOXJS (Brusly and Weeds) Contractual Expo DS5140.4 ^^ ^^ Total DS5140,0 " o 0 enn nn SNOW REMOVAL Personal Services DS5142o1 v✓ Ir.v uvv Contractual Expo DS5142 A io icnnn Total DS5142 0 0 YVA /♦ .I4Y'V i10- HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATION-Continued ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 (Snow & Misc llaneous Item IV con hued) EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DS9010o8 S. 6.000,00 Social Security DS9030o8 .3.8.44.-70 Workmens Comp DS9040o8 Hospo & Medical Ins,, DS9060o8 4.172.50 Total DS9199o0 o TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Item IV Page 1 IS 103,016.00 ' IMPROVEMENI PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT No,, DE5150 Glea200 ik .4 _ -,.aonat cervices DE5150.:,1 c nnn nn Contractual_ Exp,, DE5150A4 R nnn nn ps Employee Benefits DE5150a8 5 Total Project No. DE5150 $ 13,.500„00 _ ,IMPROVEMENT PROJECT No, DE5151 t�e�l- -Road rersonal Services DE5151 A S z: nnn.nn Contractual Exp, DE5151 A 4 gAn_nn Employee Benefits DE5151,8 ann_nn Total Project Noe DE5151 S - s6n z tx� IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM V65 0Z Renard Road Personal ery ces DE5152 ,1 l nnn -nn Contractual Expo DE5152,4 600,nn Employee Benefits DE515208 inn -nn Total Project No,, DE5152 3 2.700,00 011- HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS - continued - ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 No, DE5155 -0scn-ut , ,: Personal- er sonalerrvices DE;?158 J $ 1.,000.00 Contractual Exp. DE5153.4 Employee Benefits DE5153.8 TOO 00 Total Project DE5153.0 ;ten nn No,, DES 1 SA �, �roc k Rd. rersonaI Services DE5154.1 $ 1.000.00 Contractual Exp. DE5154.4 enn nn Employee Benefits DE5154.8 -inn nn Total Project DE5154.0 c tnn nn 'o. DE5155 Tuthill Road personal Services DE5155.1 on ontractual- Esp. DE5155.4 Employee Benefits DE5153A Total Project DE51554 3,465.00 No. DE5156 Sa�nders Rd. Personal Services DE515.6.1 Contractual Exp. DE5156.4 950. Employee Benefits DE5156.8 S .0 Total Project DE5156..0 No,, DE5157 Gleason Rd. 4ridle Personal Services DE5157.1 Contractual Exp. DE5157o4 1.440.00 Employee Benefits DE5157.8 Total Project DE5157.0 MUM TOTAL Appropriations Page 1 $ 36 000.00 11 - A HIGHWAY FUNDS- ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 REPAIRS & I OVWNTS (ITEM I) LOCAL SOURCES Interest & Earnings DR2401 A l .nnnsnn Reimbursement Refuse DR2770 5,000.0 STATE AID Mileage & Valuation Aid DR2507 a .. ..�.. .,� TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES a nnn nn TOTAL ESTIMATED UNExPENDED. BALANCE P ge I None MACHINERY I ITEM 3) LOCAL SOURCES Interest &. Earnings MC4O1 a nnn nn 'Rental of Equip 4 D42416 c t inn nn. `STATE AID TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 4 >n . ann nn Total Estipated Unexpended Balance Pm ge 1 None SNOW & MISCELLANEOUS (ITEM 4) LOCAL SOURCES Services for other GoYerur ts. DS2300 A. *• �� Reinburssament Refuse Am& DS277O nnn nn TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 S . lo_nnnann Total Estimated Unexpended Balance P e 1 None -12- HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT- CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 HIGHWAZ IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STATE AID Highway Improvement DE3521 o ()nn RE Program Total Estimated Revenue Page 1 Q o nnn r nn Total Estimated Unexpended Balance Ps ge 1 None FEDEFU L REVENUE FUNDt Highway/Police Building CF1997.3 A^A ^^ 'otal Appz+bpriation ^^ TOTAL ESTIMATED . REVENUES 3 75 nno a nn Estimated Unexpe6ded NONE Balance .1 -13 SLI FORT A: YRST G.4 " IaOF ROAD LIGETIN G DISTRICT ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 APPROPRIATIONS Contractual Exp, 5182.4 Total ESTIMATED REVENUES $ None ESTIMATED UNETENDED, BALANCE $ None SL2 UIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Exp. 5182.4 Total ESTIMATE REVENUES $ None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE I j j_L1 PINEWOOD LI ING DISTRICT Contractual Exp. 5182,4 $ 90.00 Total 9U,00 ESTIMATED REVENUES $ None ESTIMATED UMXPENDED BALANCE - 3 S SOUTH UEEN BURY LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Exp. 5182,4 S 5,172400 Total ESTIMATED REVENUES None ESTIMATED UN1 XPENDED BALANCE Nrn4e —14- ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 SL5 WEST SBURY LIGHTING DISTR ICT Contractual Expo SL5 5182.4 Total ESTIMATED REVENUES $ None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE None SL6 % EF.NS b URY LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Exp. SL5182.4 $ Total '= , ESTIMAT REVENUES None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE $ 319400.00 «14A- ACCOUNT CODE RELY BU=T ADOPTED 1974 1974 SWI U EENSLURY WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Personal Services SW8310,1 gn'Ang nn Equipaledw Expo SW8310,2 f rum.nn . Cont,rdCtual Exp, SW8310 A T_M snn_ 4nn TOTAL 22,108.66 SOURCE OF SUPPLY POWER & PUMPING Personal Services -SW8320.1 Q 91 i9a nn Equipment SW8320o2 cnn nn Contractual Exp. SW8320,4 V) yen nn Total SW8320o0 V1 nin nn PURIFICATION Personal Services. SW833M b •►.. Equipment SW8330�2 1 nnn nn. Contractual Exp. SW833004 e. han :nn- Total SW8330.0 76a 956 nn TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Personal Services SW8340,,1 an men nn Equipment SW8340,2 c � inn nn Contractual Exp. SW8340,4 c An ann. nn Total :SW8340,0 S oe eC^ nn UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement SW9010,8 * -n Social Security SW9030,,8 e C V!!� nn Comp, Insurance SW9040,8 nn Hosp, & Medical Ins,. SW9060,8 +01 nn Total SW9199,0 �n can nn i -15- SWl QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT (CONT.) ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SW9710,6 S 7.Sennn .no Bond Anticipation SW9730 6 a 4AL Capital Notes SW9740o6 Budget Notes SW9750 6 ad' enn nn Total Principalr SW989906 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SW97o097 a ' " ^•^ r^ Bond Anticipation SW9730o7 Capital Notes SW9740,7 O^L-e"e Budget Notes SW9750.7 i Total SW9899,,7 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Page 1 $ 568*772.03 SWl 4UEENSBURY WATEIR DISTRICT REVENUES Unexp Bnnei Ant,, Fundf SW2954 146,573.90 Metered Sales SW2140 aC Ann An Unmetered Sales SW2142 ,.^ 0...,oC0 Water Connection Chg a SW2144 Supervision SW2770 , Repairs other Dis.tso SW2770 Sale Scrap Materials SW2650 ^^ ^^ Rental Machinery SW2416 ^^^ ^^ Penalties SW2148 430.00 TOTAL REVENUES (ESTIMA D) Page 1 9 TOTAL UNEXPENDED BALAN E (ESTIMATED) gc 1$ 15,000"00 _, ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED - 1974 1974 3 WEST GLENS F S WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Contractual ikp, SW8310.4 3 950.00 Total SW8310.0 . SOURCE OF SUPPLY,. POWER & PORPING Contractual Exp,. SW8320.4 S 49000.00 Total SW8320.4 S � t �8# & Contractual Exp,: Su'18340.4 Total SW8340.0 1. 15Q-00 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION Page 1 PMWUF ,S LST ED petered Sales SW2140 � -Jameterd Sales S4Y-142 Water Connection. Charges SVIZ 1,44 Total Revenues Page 1 UNEXPENDED .BALANC Page 1 1 Q00.0 99 -17 SW 3 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT (CONT.) ASS UNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ED 1974 797 4 TRANSMISS & DISTRIBUTION Contractual Exp. SW8340o4 Total SW8340o0 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT *,.•�`'� APPROPRIATION PAGE 1 A S TED Metered Sales j 2140 Unmetered Sales SW2142 Water Connection g, SW2144 Interest on D sits SW2401 TOTAL S Page 1 °`�►„� r= UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED Page 1 e SW4 SHORE COLD WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Contractual Expo SW8310o4 c;_nn Total SW8310o0 SOURCE OF SUPPLY, POWER & PUMPING Contractual Exp. SW8320.4 tin_ nn Total SW8320o0 PURIFICATION Contractual Exp. SW8330o4 t Total SW833000 L , a no TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Contractual Exp, SW8340.4 1 nzn nn Total SW8340,0 q i.- dkn nn ITAL WATER DISTRICT PPROPRIATIONS page 1 S 1,960.00 -18- SW4 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT (CONT) ACCOUNTS CODE PREL324INIAIRY BUDGET ADIOPTED 1974 1974 LEVENUEL ESTIMATED Unmaetered Sales SW2142 Water Connection Chg. SW2144 TOTAL REVENUES Page I UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED Page 1 -12 0OOw 'inl'EST GLENS FALIS WATER DIST* BOND ACCOUNT EXT, ' 1 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SW9710,6 525.00 Total Principal SW989906 DEBT SERVICE - _INTEREST Serial Bonds SW9710,7 2670 75 Total Interest SW9899o7 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS PAGE 1 2 REVENUES E MATED Page 1 None tTNEXP c�,VAS CL Page I None y .a l9w ACCOUNTS ODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED . 1974 1 74 F1 QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRI r -- Payments on Fire Contracts 3FI 3410,4 Opp Payments on Ambulance Contracts : Insurance, Etc. Total ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 ESTIMATED UM PENDED BALANCE Page 1 $ . None SS1 PERSHINC- SHLEY•COOLIDGE SEATER D TRICT Sewage Treatment & Disposal Contractual SS1 8130.4 1:54©600 j Total SS1 8130.0 10 rino-on Mal Sewer District Appropriations ESTIMATEZ REVENUES Page 1 AL Non a ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE Page 1 9 None S2 PERSHING- HLEY=COOLIDGE SEWER D TRICT F=44 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds S 9710e6 27040 Total S 9899.6 2 000 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST -Serial Bonds S 9710.7 Total S 9899.7 To 'AL SEWER DISTRICT A k0PRIATION Pasts 1 $ 288.00 __•'Siw1 J11 Hp'S'r/'T', lb ij llv ti4ua'.'_... .... V .ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET ADOPTED 1974 1974 TOTAL SEWER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES Pag® 1 S None ESTIMATED SEWER DISTRICT -- UNEXPENDED BALANCES Page 1 t None SS3 RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT SE'AGE TREATMENT & . DISP'OSAI. Contractual Ezp4`. SS 8130.4 Total SS 8130. 0 x1-325.00 DEBT SERVICE. PRINCIPAL Serial Bondi SS;'97100- 6 Total DEBT INTEREST: Serial Bond SS-:9710.7 Total .SS TOTAL SEWER:DISTRLCT` APPROPRIATIONS` Pa `c 1 TOTAL SSJER DISTRICT ESTIMATED :xEVENUES Page..l ' ESTIMATED SEWER DISTRICT . UNUPENDM BALANCE. Page 1 SD1 QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE: DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SD 9710,6 S 0000 0 TOTAL SD 9899 0 6 -.DEBT SERVICE- INTEREST Serial Bonds 5097100 7 TOTAL SD 98990.7 S . 90 00 TOTAL DRAINAGE DISTa APPROPRIATION page- 1 90.E TOTAL DRAINAGE DISTa EST IMa TED.REVENUES $ To o ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DISTo "NEXPENDED BALANCE Page `1 _21� SCHEf,0yLE OF SALARIES OF ELECTED TOWN OFFICERS (Article 8 of the Town Law) Preliminary Budget, 1974 Adopted Budget 1974 SUPERVISOR : $ 800000.00 COUNCILMAN 4s • COUNCILMAN S 04 AL COUNCILMAN COUNCILMAN .. 3.000.00 TOWN CLERK HIG WAY SUPERINTENDENT Li,iuu uv 0 .-22-