Application TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Ball Road, Qrrmrr;bury, It"� 1280590 Jove 8, 2017 Chris Carte 1063 State Route tueeng6ury, NY 12844 Re: Survey-Waiver Request Sign Variance Our File No., Z-SV-7- 017' Chris Carte(The Wood Carte fool) 1067 State Route 9 Freestanding Sign Dear Mr. Carte: I am writing you with regards to your requested survey-waiver. Chairman 'Steven J cknski has approved Your waiver, request with tN- candition that if your Sign Variance is, approved b the Board, a stamped-signed survey depicting setback. numbers will be required at the tirne of application for a Sign Permit, Your Sign Variance application will be placed on a July agenda for review by the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA). Meeting-Date notification letter and agenda to follow tinder separate Cover. Should you have any questions or comm nts regarding your application, please do not hesitate to contact this office, ineer ;ly, Craig Brown Zunin Aslminis,trator Isle Ccs Laura Moore, Land Use Planner I-X"rais Curs l*w 2017 N ettersMadwer- true_ liars Wood Cane"]"gra 6_08_17A)c " Ho re of Natrrral Bea aly... AMood 111rr4. c to hive , '...y ` N OF R u9 '' 742 Bary Road, Qowensbiora , NY. 12304-5902 May 1,2417 Chris Carte 1-063 Rte. Queensbury,NY 12,80'4 Ite; Freestand i ng S ig 1067 State Route Tax Maps Parcel; 296.9-1-5 Dear Mr. Carte: I am writing you with regards tomy review of the above-referenced project and to document the recent conversations between you and Laura Moore of my office. Upon my review 1 find that your proposal will require a Sign Variance prior to the commencement of the project. Specifically, a Sign Variance is r quaired as your plan offers the construction of new freestanding sign that dues not meet the minimum front setback requirement of the Sign Code. I understand that you may be compiling or may have already submitted the necessaty applications forreview by our,board. This letter serves as the required denial Vetter for the processing of your application packages. houuId you haveany questions or comments regarding,your application, please do not lies itate to contact.this office, Sincerely, C'J�) Craig Brown Zoning Administrator R/sh UCraig Brown%20'17 "ante 5_31_17, oc ' (? jv t (,jf N ratnrnI Be araty A Goor.i PI acc f L i v DARRAH LAND SURV EYING, 'LLC 3764 Nordt Shore Road.Hadley,'NY 128M Tel: 51&-79&4692 May 31., 2017 Craig Brown, Zoning Adnidrdstrator Tow"xx of QueeiRsbu'l-Y 742 Bay Road Queensbuxv, MY 128'04 1 e:1067 Route 9,Queembtuv, NSC".513L: 296.9-1-5. Dear Mr. Byowrt,. We recently performed an,ALTA Suxv ey of the above ref erenced.premLmes. Based on our fiefd- measuretments, the closest, face of tie freestanding sign is 8.8 feet from the front property line.. If you have,imy que5dons, or would like f-arfher infi7matfon, please feel free to co'ntatt me. Tbaxtk ymt, Kx"isfh-i M. Dai-rah, PLS Darrah Lard Sui-veying,PLL.0 pi h M�CNI7I�EG� ' ?h May 15, 2017 To whom it may concern, Regarding ' y application for a sign variance for parceh 296.9-1-5 located at 1067 State Rt 'i'n Queensbury,this letter shall serve s a request for a waiver from the required "'as proposed"sueormm vey of the property.Th,e sign location will not change. only a sign face change is our intent. Sincerely, Chris C.,Carte �.A �r� $,a.. � �� Far r � � f �� � � p F�y�"'✓w�r� gi ,�� �M4N v� r, � � II i r ,f,,,d 1✓� �Y � 7 �', �; -N � /)F19i r " or r/v ���,� r�N � tri 4!re l�f� �"!I� � ✓ o. V F r1 "`"v' i / �r G✓/r%� !µr�'w� r✓xaV a ���v e rk r. 'v �( , xz' , ,>.,! r ' / rirr✓ /ii0✓/ r lir 'lrlP'� i w ��� r P t�" ✓ r � k dro r r S� �//gifl✓'i l r rr ! i � uNi �i a k��1'J 4N � 1 r � ¢ ,`�`'x' +�WW7 Y;fOy✓1 xyi i �� r l /^ � �� t ii/,���1� v r� r//���/ r a�r� a mx r� � F; .� / "� ;f r � u a u� u>r✓ ,i, ,, /✓ ,aY d � r0i V � N '� !� E� �y "� �.adr � an�.. rrri u � ✓; $ r. -� x -, iVe�ir � V b � r b y�� G ��i i'" p, !r � "�� ✓ rtir � d �7/l ��r�✓I v:, t if/NN/�/Y/f E�i�I/I//�, �i�li�fI �� �✓ ' �"�i i ��VI M,a Z;, !� r ;�,yr%���i����✓i/il/JyX� ✓/��ir f6 y��" r o �" Mi!�+ " VV'"v C'� � r/rr�"ll/��/����✓l�f�� ri� r 1„��, �� �l� v I r ��� //�� i��l � � �'� i�'r"2'i� 'i�xd%r„✓�«.�J(,�r/{fl�n'�����r���� h r,.�,)�n,�s. N �1(�u�flf81�1r��N�l�;�,rmr,r/, /✓.(v�Nr:����� i�e!.,��rh�r��r�.1 l�f, !ki/s,,,.ri�YJ��� l/�!( ���,Wy✓,.w,�%i Jfi��q�r��rr-”�� � iN � rN W Blxr� „�p4. rr '� it✓-, N rN�j/ �✓fi jp''��� � W'� ����� r"'� f a r ”".�",✓fir",y� vV q r��s✓I" ��. ,� rlv � �� ��N a ° a+�til� �� N�i' "'. q o'�, w ✓�1 ✓ r!7 1� �� lPy k v o i� x� w x �s� �Y r i� r � ✓¢ w rl P'�" tlir rjr k�p�'✓a � i 9r '��° �>"✓ / l '.➢1„"« i r'�; V'tl Vn!'��r ,,,.�,e1 ��+�� �"� rN sir z Nt �✓J tiV r /f r � �f r N � u�i��rR�r'"� u��' Y a��� app'�v y pv^ � ✓ i�r a, ��i/i �/i�jV✓%l/I dui�'i v I � � f�✓ 'xhr m �wm�VY`" V �✓ °�N� � "�1 ud Y�+r } ppp'`�"'"�� /✓,a.:,rN/ �t/�Ip 1p o l;�r�v (� ,,IJ�/l%?rr:. !1 ,x �rv,I;,� n� •V yh JVh/r-: ':,/rl�� /� �V " 9 �I�V,�±:� , u'.q.,�. .:aiJb e�,.rv.,a#!cn ir, �iW,`„oH: ;°UI<<rarli(rr�:��G���y� �r/✓2T�a�f�r�rOY�,'������a5./��K�L�r✓��6�i��f�2�J/��1✓/��r �/�yl��+�u>��,.,�1���� ,ul,:;aU„��� �(. •�4 ..��(, .),�'�xry�,«d�. 5.��,wr ”"',;, 4 °• Y ign a�i a [ZBA.approved c mbar 212016] ZGeneral an-nation Tax Parcel ID lumber: r Zoning District: V Detailed,Description of'Preject [ine:lude cuff ent proposed gas l: �h`^� �� Current Use:, Proposed Use: 64 S Location of Project: Applicant e a Mailing Address Hof,Phom, City, State,Zip, Work Phone -113 ?6 S-,J- Cell Phone -Mni.l:, FAX No. Agent's Name- Mailing Address I•lome Phone City, State, Zip Work Phone Cell l hone E-ural FAX I . neer Name: ��� Mailing Address Home Phone city, slate,Zip Work Phone Cell P'hoRe lrneil FAX No., Page I Sign Varian [ZI3appmved, September 2120161, Site DeveloDment,Lia Are7L r�r 'istin . ft. ropos� Total sq.ft. . Building footprint H. Detached vara C. uu sser tructu (s) D. Paver d, gravel or other hard su.r&Cud area �" 7, 7 E Por bus/Duch T. 0 th,cr G. Total Non-Permeable (Add A-F] � d� d' . . Parcel Area [43,560 sq.1t./acr ) I. Percentage oflmpurmeabl Area of Site '=G/M ' � � ll:irurlls� Area -Required Existing, Propmed frout Yard [ ] Shoreline Side Yard[I] Mee,-7�4 al, Is Side ard Rear Yard t1] [IWwYard ,G ... ... w Travel Corridor _ Height(maximum] pe,nneability Number of parking spaces Page Sign Variance[ZBA appiuved September 2120161 Complian"with Chap1i q.14TSign -ordinance 1. A.scaled dTawing of t,he entire sign(s) and site plan drawing,showing,the location is to be included in the submission packet ie on building and on site. Please note a survey is required unless a waiver is granted. 2. This application is for a char in the(check all that apply)- Nwnber of Signs; from(currently): to(proposed): X Setback for Sign Size of Sign Height of Sign L 76e, Other(spec*) &LVIA non CM&me-� 04)77�, 6 ltd- Y 3. Sign Dimension(S' Sign Type Existing Proposed Length Width Total. Height (Cbeek) (Check) (ft) (ft) (Sq R) (R) 'Wall Wall Freestanding Freestanding, s AA4 MA; Other ie panel Projecting Awning, Illuminated Type; 4. Property Line Setbacks Front/Rear Side 5. Sign Wording: 14 6 bijreP av& /061 . & Additi onal information if applicable I.Z,ea b4d-4 ale Page 3 Sign Variance[ZBA appro d SeptembeT 2t 2016] The following questions reflect the criteria, for granting this type of'wriance. Fl ruse complete them, use additional sheets if"needed. 11 Whether an undesirable change,will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to warby proper will be erented by the granting of sign variance? ". 'whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method,feasible for the applicant to pursue, gather than a sign variance . 'Whether the requested sign variance is substantial, ' Q 4. Whether the proposed variance,,will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district?' O . Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created? Additional f"' . ffbrrnation, I. If'the parcel has previous approvals,hast application number(s): l��' ` � . r= " �- � . Does this project;require coverage under the New `ork State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System( p'D )Permit, Program? _Yes 1,K No 3. Estimated project durati w Stan Date L,n d Bate 4 Estimated tout cost of°project: Page 4 Sim"Variance[ZS appmod Soplember212016), Sedion 179-14-030 Application materials and site plan drawing is to include sufficient,infbrination for the Board to review and provide a decision., The applicant is to provide a site plan,drawin&)-a survey showing existing conditions,a proposed conditions map(see:page 00 for specific criteria)and include any ortber,attachments,that address A-D as applicable to the proposed project. A, General Shown on Sheet# I Title Name nAgddlre�!ss�of Plicanton reTonsibic for M Ln of darmviling & 2 Deed 3 North arrow,Tax Map ID2 date prepared and scale, minimum: I inch:-40 feet' I 4 Boundaries of theRLo catc.zon botrnd�q perty plotted to sca(q,._��j I 5 1 Principal, structures, accessory str=tures with exterior dimensions 6 Site improvements incl. outdoor storage areas,driveways, parking areas, etc.: existing proposod 7 Setbacks,for all struoures and improvements: existing j%, o 8 Elevations and floor plans of all proposed and affected structures, B. Water&Sewer Shown on Sheet I Project sewage disposal facitities, design,details,construction details,flow rates, and number of bedrooms proposed flIA 2 Water supply[i.e.well] &septic on adjoining lots with separation,distances to existing or proposed ora-site water supply and se is 3 Sgaiation distances for proposed �Te disposal system to well and water bodies 4 Existing public or private water supply[well,I",etc.,]. Method of securing,public or private water, location,_design and construction of water supply includipS da.i!y waterusage 5 Percolation test location,and results C., I Patikiha/Permeable Areas Shown on Sheet I Number of spaces required for project including calculations and justification: existing,A proposed IVIA_ 2, No,of existing parking spaces,number to be removed, number to maintain and type of surfacing material 3 "provision for pedestrian and handicap access and parkipZ,. SjjqjR&&pLoEsed 4 Design dewils of ingress,egressloading areas and cyui!j �existiyA1 pT. posed Location and character of green rareas[existing and proposed]I,modification to"n area, buffer liff r zone to remain uridisturbed 6 Lilain g, lotion and deli p of all existin I and,pLoposed outiloor lighting D. -Additional S Shown on Sheet# I -On-site &a4jacerq watorpourses, streamrivers lake and wetlands 2 UtIli!y/arse distribution systern [0, electric,,solar,tele p hone existin &—proposed 3 Location, design and construction details of'all.existing and proposed site improvements including:.drains,culverts,retaining walls,fences, fire&eroer ane zones and n � Brants ants etc. 4 Square fbotage of"bldg. area proposed for office-,manufaoturing, retail sates or other comm=iat activities: emistiug&pToposcd 5 Signage; Location, size,type, design and setback: eiis tin & r929sed 6 Waiver Request: provide letter with application requesting any waivers: please refcreno,- Specific items -Commercial I Industrial Developinent requires,submission of Landscaping Ston nw4ter Management Grading,&Lighting Plans IVA 8 Identification of Federal, State or County permits required for the,project together with a record Iof application for all necessary permits Page 5 Sign Variance [ZBA approved Seplembef 2120161 Pm-S ubmission Conference roan/'Section )79-9-040 J. Applicant Name: A .�, Z. Tax Map ID .«_ ��' _...� CR11iOn. too Lz jc . zoning ;laassificati n ° Reason forReview: Axlye _ ;) __j—W. - . Zoning Section M C Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: Provided Outstanding Please provide b Teed Ll General Information complete q ", Site Dovelopmeat Data Complete � Setback Requirements Complete Additional Pr jeet Information.Complete ,FAR addressed Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Checklist items addressed Environmental Form complete Signature Page completed .' a . s � ti y ° C arz ' - �Ui - 0w MO Staff presentative: Applicant/ tw � Dae: : Page 6 Sign Varia[ICP,[ZBA opproved.Stpttm,beF 212016] This,page include,;the 1,) Authorl7ation to Act as Agent Form: 2.),Engineering Fee'Disclosure; 3.)Authorimtion for Site Visits; 4.) Other Permit Respomibilities;,&)Offv-,ial Meeting and 6.)Agreement to provide dboumentation required. OWNER'S ENT FORM: Complete the following if the OWNER ofthe property is not the same as the applicant; Owner. Deaignatos; as Agent regarding the following— Variatwe Site P'lan Subdivipdon For Tax Ma:p No.: Deed Referenoe: Book_ Page_Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE; APPLICANT'S AGENTFORM: Complete the following if the APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party- Owner Designates: as Agent regarding the following: Variance— Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No., Deed Rdbrence* Book— Page—Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE- 2) ENGINEERING VJ9E,DISCLOSURE Applications may he referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of sept!G design, storm drainage, etc.as determined 'by the Zoning or Planning Department. Fees for engincering review services will be charged directly to the applicant. Fees for criginceringreview will not exceed,$ 1,000,without notification to the applicant. A.) ADJUQaTZATION FOt' I YBy signing this paga and sAmitting the application materials attached herein,the Owner,Applicant and bislhedtbeir agmt(s) hereby authorize the honing;Roatd,or Planning'Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submined. 4.) 0MUR rMXT-9—EMNSUNUTIES. 011ier permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zo�ring Board orl?lanning'Board. it is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. 5.) OFFICIAL MEETING-MINUTES DISCLOSURE. It: is thr practice of the Community Development Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the;proceedings of meetings resultingfbom application, and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the official, record of all proceedings. fiJA0JKJMXJjJ'JQ 1'RQVIJ)L ftQQMLVNM=REM I.the undersigned,have thoroughly read and undcrstand the instructions, for submission and agx,e:e to the submission req�uirements, I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commented,prior to issuance of a valid Penni W I oertify-that the application,,pians and supporting materials are,a true and complete statement/descriptioR of the existing con4itions and the work proposed, and that all work will be performed In accordame, with the-approved plans and in oonfbrmance:with, local zonhis regulations. I acknowledge:that prior to occupying,the.facilities proposed,I or my neftts,will obtain a certificate of occupwcy as necessary. I also understand that T/wo may be required to provide anas-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed faellities prior to issuance of a certificate of OODU Signaturef[AppUcanq Print Name [Applicant] Date signed Signature[Agent) Print Name;[Agent] Date signed Page 7' Short Environmental Assessment Form Part I - Project Information Instructionis for,C—omple—tiag Part I -Projeet Information. Tleapplicawit or projectsponsor Is responsible for the compMon of Part J, Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subjeot W public review,and Tnay be subject,to further verification. Complete Part I based ON infOrnIRticin OUTTOntly available. If additional research or investigatIlDn would be needed to fully respond to any item,please answer as thoToughly as pussiblo based on current information. Complete a]I items in,Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or oseful to the lead agency;attach,additional pages as necessary to supplement any item, P;i4 i--Project and Sponsor Information Kameof Xctlon'o,r"Project:,Project Location(describe,and attach,a location,map). 0 Brief escription of Proposed Action- S6,fix e 'Name of Applicant or Sponso Telephone: Address: 6--3 —Nt—Y7P0 Zip Code: 411? S 1.Does the proposed action only involve the legislativee adoptionof plan,local law ordinance, NO YIE admi njsvarvo rule,or regulatiun.? If Yes,aftch a nurative description of Me intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part:2. if no,continue to question,2. 2,r Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other governmental Agency? No YES If Yes, list agency(s)nqan�ennit or approval: Jn) (-] , EJ 3�a,,Total acreage of the:site of the proposed action? acres b.Total acreage to be physicafly di TW? AIIA, acres c..Total acreage(project site:acrd any,*contiguous propcnies)owned ---or toatt.*11M by the applicant or project sponsor? —40—acres ,4. Check all land uses that occur on,adjoining and near the proposed action. E]Urban 0 Rural(non-agriculture), 01ndustrial. VOCommenial LIResidential(suburban) E3'FoTeg ElAgriculture DA,quatio [:]Other(specify). ElParkland Page 1 of 3 5. is the proposed action, 1I0, �I� N/, a. permitted use trader the 7.onir regulations? b.Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan? L fa. Is the proposed action,consistent with the predona naot character of the existing biAt or natural NO�I YES landscape? 7, els the site of the proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,a state lrstod Critical Environmental Area.? NO YES If Yes,identify. S. &Will the pro"M action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? Iwl0 YE 1.Are public transportation service(s)available at or near"the site of the proposed tion? 0 11 c.Are any pedcstrlan,accommodations or bicycle mantes,available on or neer site of the p posed action? .Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state ever pr code requirements?' NO YES If the proposed action will exceed requirements,describe design features and teelara,ologles: 10., Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO YE If No,desaribe rnetbod for providing potable water- 17 [11. ' 11.Will the proposed action oonnect to existing wastewater utilities? YES If No, � descbe method for providing wastewater treatmentI L Er 12, a;Does the site.contain as structure that is listed oh either the State or National Register of Historic _ NO YES Places? ba Is the proposed action,,located in an archeological seras;itive area?' 13..a.Does any,portion of the,site of the proposed action,or lands adjoining,the proposed action,oora'taln f�iCl YES wetlands or other eterbodies regulated b a federal,stats car local agency? bould the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or gra�erbody? .Would If Yes,identify the wetland or.vwaterl dy and extent sof alterations in saqua.re feet or serous: 14e Identify the typical habitat types(bat o cmr"on,or are la rely to be found on the project site, Check all that apply': El Shoreline ElForest I Agricultural/grasslands El Early mid-successional 0 Wetland [I Urban L1'Saburban I �floes the site of the propose4 action contain any species of animal,or aswciated habitats,listed VH !, by the State or federal govemment as threatened or endangered? 11, 16.Is the project site located.in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES 17,Will the proposed lctiori create stoma water discharge,either f°ronr point or normo-point snore? NO YES If des, a,Will storm+awater.dis harges flow to adjacent properties" O DYES b.Will storm water discharges he directed to , l shed craraveyance systems runoff and storm drainsj? If es,briefly,describe: NO ®YIw I I Page 2 of 18.Donees the proposed action include construction ction or other activities that mult in the impoundment ofYES water or other liquids(e.g.retention pond,waste lagoon®damy? If Yes,explain purpose and,size: 19.Has the site of the proposed action or aro adjoining property been the location of an active or diosed NO YES i solid waste management facility? if Yes,.describer „ro 20.Has the site of the proposed action or aro adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing or IiO YES completed)for hazEwdous waste? If YC3,doscribe, I AFFIRM THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED-ABOVE E TRUE AND ACCURATE'I`+i~h'T HE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE pp wan sponsor n ,�� � r�`� Dater r a� ignm m. PRINT F Page 3 of 3K, 5 12, PG. 37 02/17/2017 [EKED Image, 2 at 4 WARRANTY DEED TM ENDENTURE, Made the 1.50'day of February,Two Thousand and Seventeen Between, ROBERT TD43KES, residing at 306 Momar give, Ramsey, New Jersey, Party of the first part, and 1067 STATE ROUTE 9, LLC,with a-principal place of business at 1063 State Route 9, Qucensbury, New York, party of the second part, WITN-ESSETH�, that the party of the firstpart, in consideration,of One 1.0x) lawful monies of the United States, a�nd other good and valuable consideration paid by the party ofthe second part, does hereby grant and,release unto the party of the second part, its, successors and assigns the following: SEE ATTACHED SCULE "A" NMC11 IS ANNEXED ETO AND M"E APART EMEOF This deed is conveyed subject to any and all covenants, rest ons, easements, reservations,rights of way, water rights and agreements of-record, if any,running with said land and affecting,said premises. BEING, the same premises conveyed to the said party of the first part:by referee's deed dated December 18, 201.2 and recorded in the Warren County ler .!s Office on December IS, 2012, in Liber 4644 of Deeds at page 14. Together with the appurtenances and All the estate and rights ofthe party of the first park mi and to,said,premises, To have and to hold the premises.herein granted unto the party of the second part, its success rs and assigns forever., And,said party of the first part covenants as fbilows-, BK; 5512 PG: 37 02/17/201 DEED Image., 3 of A FMST�, that the party of the,second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; SECOND, that the party of the first part will forever Warrant the title of said premises. THURDt that in compliance with section 13 of the hen la,w, the grantor, will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the,right to receive such consideration as:a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of'the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement bee using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. In witness hereof, the party of the first part has duly executed this,deed the.day and year first above written. kobert Tirnmes, STATE OF NEW YORK) SS- COF ALBANY ) On this 15' day of February, 2017, before me, the undersigned a Notary Public in and fear said State,, personally appeared, Robert Ti es,personally known and known to me or proved to me on thebasis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and, acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature an the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf ofwhich the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Publiv Pobe,rt F,*CaOY Notary public�s 2of NCAw kj. No, 34 Quad in ga coual"Y' MY COMMIGOon 3 Feb.4, 8 5512 P : 37 02/11/201 DEED Image: 4 of 4 2016.024 HEDUL A The,premises in which the insured It the estate or intcreg Ocivered by this poligy; CONVEYSi ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND,togeth r with the improvements thereon situate and, being in the Town oft Queensbury,,County of Marren and State of New York, cod described as follows,towit: BEGINNING at an iron stalco in the Southwesterly boundary of the Glens Falls- George State Highway,knovm as U.S. ,the said stake marking the Southeast t rrnerr of lands t"umierly of Raymond White and, RUNNENG TFIEN E, youth 34 degrees and 40,minutes Ent along,the boundary of the state highway for a disteaccof 100 feet to ars iron,stake; WHENCE, South 70 degrees 03 minutes West for a distance of'250 feet to an iron stake; THENCE,North 28 degrees 13 minutes West, for a,distance of 145.43 f"t to an iron stake; THENCE North 90 degrees 56 rni autos East,along said bouridary, which is also die South boundary of lams formerly of Raymond White,fora distance of 250 feet to the place of beginning, 'The oour es in this description refer to tvue north. The lauds formerly of-Raymond White are noir lands of James Valente and Michael,Valente. PG: T)' U2/17/2017 DEED Image: I of 4 WARREN COUNTY STATE OF SEW YORK PAMELA J,VOGEL, COUNTY CLERK 1340 STATE ROUTE LAKE GEORGE,NEW YO R K 12845 COURTY CLERK'S RECORDING PAGE k�TIOS PAGE IS PART OF THE DOCUMENT-00 NOT DETACH— Re,C11 rd I rtg- CoVrer Page 5.00 Recording Fee 35-00 Cultural Ed 14.7'5 25 Records management Court 1.00 Records Management Stat 4.75 TP594 5.00 BOOK/PAGE: 5512 / 37 RP521,7 - County 9.00 INSTRUMENT #: 2017-1133 RP5217 All others State 241.00 Receipt#: 2017424077 Sub Total : 315.00, Clerk- CL Rec Date.' 02/17/2017 0,2- 17- 14 PM Transfer Tax Doc Grp: RP Transfer Tax - State 1800.00 Descrip: DEED swum Pgs: 4 Sub Total c, : 18:00.06 Red Frm; MCPHILLIPS FITZ4MRALD CULLUM LLP Total t; 2115 .00 Partyl: TIMMES ROBERT NOTICE: THIS IS NOT A BILL Party'2: 1067 STATE ROUTE 9 LLC Town. QUEENSBURY Transfer Tax Transfer Tax #: 1603 Transfer Tax consideration; 450000.00 Transfer Tax - State 1900.00 Total . 1800-00 WAR.',W0d-** I hmby certify that t,he within and Nur in was r"Wed in the Warren C'ounty Cler�k"s Office, Record and Return TO: Size of New York. Ibis sheet constitute the Clerks todorsment mquired by Section 31 6 of the Real, Propeny Law of the State of New York. CHRISTOPHER C CARTE 1,063, STATE ROUTE 9 Pmmelhl J. Vogel QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Witt=County Clerk Towu of Queen bury Iplannin,g Board SEQR RESOLUTION Grant Negative Declaration SITE PLAN 25-2017 C.HRIS CARTE Tax Map IIS: 29,6.9-1-5 /Property , ddr : 1067 State Rfoute 9/Zoning- CI The applicant proposes a new fzade on an existing 6,000 sq, ft. building for a new addition of 1.25 sod., lk„ and width of 24 inches. Project includes new parking arrangement. Pursuant to Chapter 17'9-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, reuse of existing retail building, new parking and new facade shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. The Planning board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to reviews under the State Environmental Quality ReviewAct; The proposed. action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the, Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review .het and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part l of the Short EAF.has been completed by the applicant; Upon review ori"the information recorded on this EAF, it is the conclusion of the Town of Queensbury Planning Board as lead agency that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment, and, therefore, an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly, this negative declaration, is issued. MOTION TO RANT A loll l<VF, 'DECLARATION F,OR SITEPLAN 25-2017 CHRIS CARTE Introduced by Geore Ferone who moved for its adoption. As per the resolution prQpared by staff. 1. Part Il of the Short E F has been reviewed and, completed 'by the Planning Board. . Part III of the Short EAF is not necessary because the Planning Bard did not identify potentially moderate to large impacts. Motion seconded by Brad i' ,agowan, Truly adopted this "d day of May, 20,1 ' by the following vote: AYES; Mr. Huansing;er, Mr. Ford, Mss. White, Mr. Feron,e, lire Ma owan„ lir. Traver I OE' NONE .B ,ED: Mr. Valentine I'1www: 51 5.761..8220 1 1°'tix;, 519,7,15,4437 a 742 Bav Rood, r umisbury, ANY 1280,1, Town of ueensbuiy Planning Board RESOLUTION— Grant Site Plan Approval SITE PLAN, 25-2017 CHRIS CARITE Tax Map ID: 296.9-1-5 /Property Address.: 1067 State Route 9 1 Zoning. C1 The applicant has submitted an application to the Planning Board for Site Plan, approval pursuant to Article 9 of the To zoning Ordinance for: Applicant proposesa.newfacade on an existing 6,000 sq, ft. building for a new addition of I ;5 sq. ft. and width, of 24 inches. Project includes new parking arrangement. PuTsuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of theZoning Ordinance, reuse of existing retail building, new parking and new facade shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town, of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has determined that, this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated, in,the Zoning Code; As required by General Municipal Law Section 239-m the site plan application was referred to the 'Warren County Planning Department for its recommendation; The Planning Board has reviewed the potential environmental impacts of the: project, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and adopted a SEA Negative Declaration —Determination of Non-Sigufficatice The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan application on 05/02/2017 and continued the public hearing to, 05/02J2017, when it was,closed, The Planning Board has reviewed the application materials submitted. by the applicant and all comments made at,the public hearing mid submitted in writing through and including 05/0212017; The Planning Board determines that the application complies with the review considerations and standards set forth in Article 9 of the:Zoning,Ordinance for Site Plan approval, MOTION TO APPROVE SITE PLAN 25-20,17 LCHRIS CARTE, Introduced by George Ferone who move,-o1 for its adoption; Per the draft provided by staffconditioned upon the following conditions: 1) Waivers request tented; storm titer, topography, landscaping, traffic, commercial alterations, construction details,, floor plans, soil Jogs, construction demolition disposal and snow removal. 2) Adherence to the items, outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution. a) If application was,ref6rred to engineering, then engineering sign-off required prior to signature of Zoning Administrator of the approved plans; b) Final approved,plans should have dimensions,and setbacks,noted on the site play/survey, floor plans and elevation for,the existing rooms and proposed rooms in the building and site improvements, c) Final approved plans, in compliance:with the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before array further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and, Codes personnel; Pagel of2 Phone,, 518-761.8220 1 1 518-745,4437 742 Bay Road. QLILNerisbtiry� MY 12804vvww.qLAtben5bUfy.net d) The applicant must inett with Stalf after approval and prior to issuanct of Building Permit and/or the beginning,of any site work; e) Subsequent issuance of further permits, including 'building permits is dependent on compliance with this w all other conditions of this resolution; f) As-built plans,to certify that the site plan is developed according to,the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy; g) Resolution to be placed on final plans in its entirety and legible. Motion seconded.by Brad KWwan. Duly adopted this 2,d day of May, 2017 by the following vow AYES: Mr. Ferone, Mr. Magowan, Mr. Hun,singer, Mr. Ford, Ms., '/kite, Mr. Traver NOES: NONE ABSENT: Mr. Valentine Page 2 of 2 PIIOMA� 5,15.761.82.20 Fix; 518.745,.44,37 742 Uy Road., Queensbffy. N'Y 12804 � wwN,queonshiry.net