asbestos report e New Yorke Smite Depsrtmat of Labor Asdrew.41.est Gav apwe Peter 44.REverib GFimmisslaher September 20, 2013 Ambient Environmental Inc. 12 Colvin Ave 0 . rt- Albany, NY 12200 i3 S '9 t 11 W FE '1 p RE: File No. 13-1040 SEP 0 7 2017 1 Dear Sir/Madam: O a WN OF RY STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF LABOR � DIVISION OF SAFETY AND HEALTH The attached is a copy of Decision, dated, 0/1912013, which I have compared with the original filed in this office and which I DC HEREBY CERTIFY to be a correct transcript of the text of the said original. If you are aggrieved by this decision you may appeal within 60 days from its issuance to the Industrial Board of Appeals as provided by Section 101 of the Labor Law. Your appeal should be addressed to the Industrial Board of Appear, Empire State Plaza, Agency Building 2, 20g' Floor, Albany, Now Mork, 12223 as prescribed by its Rules and Procedure, a copy of which may be obtained upon request. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the NYS Department of Labor, at the City of Albany, on this day of 0/10/2013. Edward A. Smith, P.E. `"d"'�` P�c�" Senior Safety and Health Engineer �e � d Engineering Services Unit JM g Phone:(518)457-1536 Fax:(518)457-1301 W.Averell Harriman State Office Campus,Bldg. 12,Room 154,Albany,NY 12240 www.labor.state.ny.us STATE OF NEW PORI DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OFFICE BUILDING CAMPUS ALBANY, NEW YORK 12240-0100 Variance Petition Of File No. 13-1040 Ambient Environmental, Inco Petitioner's Agent DEC18ION On Behalf of Cases 1-2 Matto Restorations, Inco IOR 30 Petitioner in,re Premises: Burned Commercial Building - Demolition Ridge Road Oar Care R 394 Ridge Road Queensbury, NY 12304 Controlled Demolition with Non-Friable ACM Materials In-Place The Petitioners pursuant to Section 30 of the Labor Law, having filed Petition No. 13-1049 on August 23, 2013 with the Commissioner of Labor for a variance from .the provisions of Industrial Code Rule 33 as hereinafter cited on the grounds that there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship in carrying out the provisions of said Rule; and the Commissioner of Labor having reviewed the initial submission of the petitioner dated August 21, 2013; and Upon considering the merits of the alleged practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship and upon the record herein, the Commissioner of Labor does hereby take the following actions: Page 2 of 4 File Number &13-io48 Case No. i ICR 66-11.5(b)(1) Case No. 2 ICR 56-11.5(c)(7) VARIANCE GRANTED. The Petitioners proposal for cleanup and removal of remaining debris caused by a fire and demolition at of the subject promises in accordance with the attached 29-page stamped copy of the Petitioners submittal and the NYSDOL Inspectors Report and sample results, is accepted: subject to the Conditions noted below: THE CONDITIONS 1. A full time project monitor shall be on site and responsible for oversight of the abatement contractor during all abatement activities to ensure compliance with ICR 56� the approved variance petition procedures, the following variance conditions and to ensure that no visible emissions are observed. 2. The provisions of ICR 56-11.5 shall be followed except as proposed in the variance petition and as modified by this variance. 3. No dry disturbance or removal of asbestos material shall be permitted. Secure the Work Site and Establish Regulated Areas 4. The entire controlled demolition area and all surrounding portions of the site to be utilized for demolition cleanup, staging areas and regulated abatement work areas, shall be enclosed within a barrier or fence. The intent of this barrier is to define the restricted area at the work site, alert the public to the asbestos work and associated hazards, and to prevent unauthorized entry onto the work site. 6. Signage ;n accordance with the requirements of ICR 66-7.4(c) shall be posted on the exterior of the work site boundary fence/barrier, to warn the public of the asbestos hazard. 6. The regulated work areas, decontamination units, airlocks, and dumpster areas shall be cordoned off at a distance of 25-feet where possible, and shall remain vacated except for certified workers until the abatement project is complete. For areas where 25-feet aren't possible, the areas shall be cordoned off as practical, and a daily abatement air sample shall be included within 10 feet of the barrier. Page 3 of 4 File Number 13-1049 7. All debris generated by the demolition shall be considered to, be nort- friable asbestos contaminated waste, except for structural members, steel components and similar non-porous and non-suspect items that can be fully decontaminated. Structural members, steel components, non-porous and non-suspect items shall be fully decontaminated as per ICR 56, prior to being treated as salvage. 8. In lieu of post-abatement clearance air monitoring, the most recent daily abatement air samples, collected during removal and cleaning operations in the regulated work area, shall be used for comparison with ICR 56-4.11 clearance criteria. All other applicable provisions of ICR 56-4 shall be followed for the duration of the abatement project. 9. After removal and cleanings are complete and a minimum drying period has elapsed, the Project Monitor shall determine it the area is dry and free of visible asbestos debrisiresidue. if the area is determined to be acceptable and the most recent daily abatement air sample results meet 564.11 clearance criteria, the final dismantling of the site may begin. 10. Usage of this variance is limited to those asbestos removals identified in this variance or as outlined in the Petitioner's proposal. In addition to the conditions required by the above specific variances, the Petitioner shall also comply with the following general conditions, GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. A copy of this DECISION and the Petitioner's proposals shall be conspicuously displayed at the entrance to the personal decontamination. enclosure. 2. This DECISION shall apply only to the removal of asbestos-containing materials from the aforementioned areas of the subject premises. 3. The Petitioner shall comply with all other applicable provisions of Industrial Code Rule 66-1 through 56-12. 4. The NYS Department of Labor Engineering Service Unit retains full authority to interpret this variance for compliance herewith and 'ibr compliance with Labor Law Article 30. Any deviation to the conditions leading to this variance shall render this variance Null and Vold pursuant to 12NYCRR 56- 12.2. Any questions regarding the conditions supporting the need for this variance and/or regarding compliance hereto must be directed to the Engineering Services Unit for clarification. 5. This DECISION shall terminate on September 30, 2014. Page 4 of 4 Pile Number 13-1949 Date. September 199 2013 PETER M. RIVERA OOl1AMI" .1 OF LABOR. By Edgard A. Smith, P.E. Senior Safety and Health Engineer PREPARE BY:James R. Meacham P.P. Senior Safety and Health Engineer RUVIENNED BY: Eduard A.-Smith, P.P. Senior Safety and Health Engineer ® 104.9 TO: Jinn Meacham DATE: September 18,2013 YR OMo Joella Viscusi IEo 13-1049 Ratto restoration,Amendment' o. 1 In the original petition,we requested to conduct this clean as a non asbestos project since the samples that were collected were negative for asbestos. However,NYS IDOL also collected samples and one roofing sample cane back positive for asbestos. Therefore,we are requesuns this amendment to include the cleanup of this site as anon friable asbestos cleanup(friable samples collected by Ambient and INIMS DOL were negative fir asbestos). We are requesting the following procedures be utilized during the cleanup of the burnt down. building. 1. Procedures outlined in ICI€56-11.5 shall be adhered to,with the exception of our requests, until completion of the final visual inspection and final clearance sampling. 2. A.remote personal decors that complies with 56-7.5(d)will be utilized. 3. The restricted area will be cordoned off with snow fence. d. During;the prep phase,a decontamination area will be established for non-asbestos containing debris or decontaminated materials. This area will be in addition to the decontamination area for equipment. S. When cleanup of the building begins all steel,sttuctural members,or mason that are deemed NOT contaminated by the non friable asbestos containing roofing will be segregated to the previously established decontamination area in the restricted area. 6. The decontaminated materials may be live loaded or stock piled outside the restricted area for loading at a later time. The latter will allow uncertified personnel to load the material into trucks. 7. The on-site project monitor,along with the asbestos abatement contractor's supervisor, shall determine what materials are contaminated during the cleanup. This determination shall be executed by visual inspection of the debris. Where practical,cleanable materials from these areas will be decontaminated by using wet methods. 8. Atter removal and final cleanings are complete,an independent project monitor along with the asbestos abatement supervisor shall conduct the final visual inspection. If the area is determined to be dry and free of visible debris and the most recent set of daily air samples are less than 0.01 Vcc,the asbestos project may be considered complete. 9. Once the contractor has demobilized from the site the area may be returned to the Owner. Ambient Environmental,Inc. Page 1 of I 1104.9 Pei, mefisss_ 0u Bm. From: Meacham,James(L,A OR) sent: Thursday,September 19,20i 8 8:38 AM To: Dippel, Melissa (LABOR) Subject I✓yii: i 3-i 048 amendment No. 1, Raito Restoration Attachments: Building Variance Amendment i.pdf Melissa—can you log this in. it will replace the submission for 413-1049. Jades R. Meacham, PE: Senior Safety & Health engineer Engineering Services unit NY5DoL (51.8)457-1.5:36 U o M 'cha Ia_bor.ray o.&ov From,Joelle viseusi ailtio joellavo�mbi�ntaenvoeoi�l Seat: Wednesday, September 1.8, 2013 5=Pel To, Meacham,James(LABOR) 151�bjecto 13-1049 Amendment No. 1., Ratto Restoration Hi Jim, Attached is the revised petition to include the cleanup as a non friable asbestos project. please let me know If you have any questions. Thank you. Joella viscusi President Please Note My New Email Address: ,IMay0amhIet -_en%ori. sem. r w 12 Calvin Avenue Albany, NY 12206 FSH: 518-482-0704 Cell: 518-859-5924 FX: 518-482-0750 www.ambient-env.com WOMEN PRIES16ton 02.64w1ZAV 109. ��raa` 31h�r. 1 ��'Gor2�T�.au M Ridge lid. Strip Work cede-e Xis by JAMS.t��7E .Ato dt 199 .2013 Th€bw1ding loomed at the above address caught&e ate was desuoyed in early Mom The Owgcr was oleo up the site when NYS DOL awVped all wmk becauac the mer dial uot have an asbastos survey of'rhe bu ndlng. The Ouram wa schodded to leave for dies with lis ply the fbllow ng day 3abd the buflft has rmaihed ag is for the past Two week-4. The bnildinjdescriptim is as fallowig: no main body of the builft ig the workshop ams;waming 44'x 6017 fbodn pier&lab oon.ao*foundation. walls wcav Zx4 constmedod gmced 16"on vtattx,msulaw with l-11 Saosm imul&dom Exterior was T-711 siding. luterior wad sh 9€%k,Taped gad ° Rwf conies of scissor trasm with meW itoig m path . Thm was no too shhoadnlns< Coffing was iusWazed wYih R-19�i`berglass WsWatian sod I-W alteetoek,taped and pdinte& Floor was-impainted/uncoamd mucwte. Exterior dom were std,windows wac.casmCUM and ovedwad bay doors were a wood.dam. This wo*AOp am suffered a,Ike iii. 1983&ad was completely Mmilt in The fall of that lie front office meas 14'x 24`and was built on dab, The axtftior wady were 20 SM& 16" on c ter with IW l fib"lass insAafion- Exterior wasY-1 11 over ship lag shmfhing- WftiOr walls wac sheetrook.,tam and.paiuted. Celhug was shewodt,zaq)ed and pMnw& Roof was 2xio fined coma bon.with&V lap sh.mMmgo poofmg was ut aM o-m milled-roofing. l o r g was r�ew=pet floating,not glued oa unfLuisbed c®nerm. 1n De b&of 2005,the int dies Sheeuo dk and fibeillasb msulatou weft ftPlficed&W W water dmsgey dad A new mew:r fwas installed at than time,W wed, Bad on fhc cyonmedo n make up listed above the foUowing Materials weM satnplOdo Concreie block ConcwteMock mortar She odc Joint compound Rooms MatwW . f The resWts for the above listed matials are attached to thus petition. The results wen all negative for asbestos: Since thin was no asbestos detected in the above mdmals we are requeW g the stop work order be removed and the owner continue the clean up of the building demofte as a ncm asbestos projec L *� PVMVt b If L- 6t&Ves AmNemE,Wronmt,bm Pav r os./18/20 3 15.35 66/o9 104 9 PLM tea&Asbest'ov R"rt 12 Colvin Ami#, Aj W kV NY 12206 .t v*i Mame i raw Zoo Worazoryftick Number. 15%• 1u vs sJunpud Bp 3646%%Cad Dae Re eA° *iav n,3 �a. Yiaa . tie �F«- 7laPrVa i��it ej' V ofAeU$vIav&Yre..�. v TWO%Of I� 5s3aalrft 1 ?tmte7iFi CayceTizri� iaXsxWlr li?t3iatr� r� :��taE°�:Cbi� 333 ii fav �G' NAD 5�f�f��1�1�'eei� :.�•p38�az:it�brts� �ar?pFa i �reo i�c��[e�ti�v �r:�•�. �€ :��.A��.-e.��,:tc�-tr� 'iw4w.l kv.. I S yd&Ai-.NI9 vt.o 193(i�r we) :bBtP : �yif• �1�.��+i iBaliPrt[atvaol�irn� '�a,t�.ta� +.SttFz!�/�,� `� 1M6 M—M aka; ice:. 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Ooetu✓Jn;PJdt. r - �AR»3�i7��tTCd'Of� ..Paje .3 of 3 h l'[!Un Hill I" r ys 2V 1 �� r:c, pit-4 amal , All Owl- ��;...."""'""�:, a �- GSL ON L A B O R:TOR I c S LABORATORY ANA-LYSIS REPORT Client NYS DOL Albany 6501 Kirk- ille Road Site 25956235 East Syracuse, NY 13057 Project No. 25996235 (315) 432-5227 FAX: (315) 437-0571 Date Sampled 20-AUG-13 Account No. : --0597 �%ww.galsor_labs.com Date Received 22-AUG-13 Login No. ;298151 Date Analyzed 22-AUC--13 Report ID 795156 S/—Y-pe Sa-aw1e _D Lab ID Color %.T sb. T�oe 1 %Asb. Tirge 2 %Asb. Twe 33 other Fibers SAMPLE $1 1 Gray YD NA ND NA ND NA TR CE;FG SAMPLE 42 2 Light Gray ND N?, ND NA ND NA TR CE;FG SAMPLE =3 3 Off Tr:hite ND NA _nID NA ND NA 1-5 FG;CE COMMENTS: Please see attached lab footnote report for any applicable footnotes. Analytical Method Polarized light microscopy/ Submitted by MJS dispersion staining. Approved by RCF EPA 600-M4-82-020/R-93-116 Date : 23-AUG-13 QC by: Tony D'Amico TR- Trace k 1%) AC- Actinolite CR- Crocidolite NA- Not Applicable CE- Cellulose AM- Amosite TM- Tremolite NS- Not Specified FG- Fibrous Glass AN- Anthophyllite ND- Not Detected SY- S,-thetic CH- Chrysotile > - Greater than Page 2 of 5 )deport Peference:l Generated:27-AUG-13 16:26 h - ty, GALSON LAZORkTOMES LABORATORY F007NOTE R??ORT Client Name : NYS DOL Albany Site 25996235 Project No. 25496235 6601 sirkville Road East Sy_acuse, NY 13057 Date Sampled 20-AUG-13 Account No.: 10597 (315; 432-5227 Date Recei-,led: 22-AUG-13 Login No. . L298151 FAX: ;315) 437-0571 Date Analyzed: 22-AUG-13 www.galsor_labs.com Unless otherwise noted below, all quality control results associated with the samples were within established control limits. Unrounded results are carried through the calculations that yield the final result and the final result is rounded to the number of significant figures appropriate to tie accuracy of the analvtical method. ?lease note that results appearing in the columns preceeding the final result column may have been rounded in order to fit the report eormat and therefore, if carried through the calculations, may not field an identical final result to the one reported. The stated LOQs for each analyte represent the demonstrated LOQ concentrations prior to correctipn for desorption efficiency (if appl-cable). Unless otherwise noted below, reported results have not been blank corrected for any field blank or method blank. L259151 (Report ID: 795156) : SOPs: ia-bulk6(28) Galson Laboratories is certified by NYS SLAP (lab ID: 11626) for the analysis of friable bulk asbestos materials and the fiber counting of air samples by NIOSH 7400. r -Lees Than mg -milligrams m3 -Cubic Meters kg -Kilograms > -Greater Than ug -Micrograms 1 -Liters NS -Not Specified VA -Not Applicable ND -Not Detected ppm -Parts per Million Page 3 of 5 Report Reference:-i Generaied:27-AUG-13 15:25 AMA Analytical SeMces,Inc. NY ELA..P- A CEIRTIFICATEOFANALYSIS 10920 (inhu Libora)VAN J%b M,Tom COOROD OT(Cagadody, 235931 6.b1111E;eu1tYft13 Jvb 1vtOaflw& 23996233 Daig Ansiy2evd, 8/2712013 L299151 Yvwm Slabomfiflungs Cameron Kennedy T106 NXIM11,73 3W97 MYSDOIL ft%)VIM, Page I of I 8-mm,my of Aibestos Amdysls ofNon-Mable (Organically B=4 (NOB)Bulk Samples 01*331 %MIyk @stfl 79b) %Ajba3*3 %Mbeaw T,7P*)vfAsbej@w %orgemic.1 MoAcid %olber MaUdal Sample Comments rer SaMixable Type Color w, Asb,,Ma8'*," by 1DLUNJ',"`4',w bgT1M9`b`4` 'Ple D PYPt WAD 52.0% Nhk 49.0% RE Black .110SKM Saxoph M Wboh NAD &k[) 13MUS Sax*&M W'hWo NAD XAD, NAD 6312% MA 34.90/0 R8 Black I-vMW &M*A Wh,-4,, NAD NJYD NAD 97.x® NhA ?ASK i�,Ihp Black 330MA7 S=Pb 17 )ftad 1.4% 3.41% MA mrJ361% 30.1% NM 48.5% 'Ro®T Black Not Analyzed by TEM-Posilivo Stop ResWme=Uwavioneivic mduction OT38111POe pe4bnned by zflent and residue only submitted for analysis. 11:1 XAD---1MDA, &,bvMwD*vw1N ISIR="Tsmvj"3w Im 3%of Ms=Ww*W" nm,--Pobftsj 1101A MICam-wyalft PwIM0.10"amhM IN ELAP Maawd 3918.6) 7EM,=TMO13BILwism ftecRyon Minyoscopy oft STavionelsir,red uclion CH7,"MAP s01;alhod 08.4) .A,U xmft mv to'M crmk3 and pg*Mnhwy,,mW mokow u cbwp mbn 34*1 by ha 7faeMlcaal Digaftw r"tody. ;o A vambaO progecgoai to clients,the public,said these Laboratories,this report is "Muff 4w"d MUPW kr Jbit rJebal"Mag *MR lfi3ffla RO ba need,on 1whoosolrb para,In Any saveg-Mais ow,pubDIchy inaflorwilhoul priorwriflen authorization from us. Sample(ypes, fota%w,"a TvWIAM walcob 2xv land D.PM Aq bbyasaw FMMa�Vas PY,30,W aubakew A26A woad,m4m 4*11aeled i)y,VRmaawO aT Obus LvAaamewies,we enpwmOy dischOm any knowledge and liability for the accuracy and completeness of Uh 101"Xilam lftwwa UWA McdaM WOE be AWMA-1 3%awswribm UWAO 6ajqvOvAN 74286529vvy fpwvffivael,OBOOM aahemase nqueakel by The CHRnO. 'This TeimA=39 nog be maod go claim,and does not Imply product certification,approval, ar rA&-wjwAJ by NY I I AT z r wV wpmTv J A v Yide W Gwwn AwmL At i rko h saw r ye 4 A MA A m aly fin I&w A gn,I mg. Pa9v 4 d 5 AUG-13 16:26 447SF*wh*,s1611 9.-LNOMM&M-30731(6-�J303)459-1640-Toh Frgfe(NO)346-09(61 - Fax 1301)459-2643 rocusea on Results www.alnalaD.cottt (Fleam Kefisr 1bTltl% AIHA(#100470)NVLAP(#101143-0)PAY BLAP(IM2EP) `� bhutd=-Choc raq sitz) 235931 4475 Forbes Blvd.•Lanham, CHAIN, ,M20706 �t CUSTODY (301)459-2640•(800)346-0961•Fax(301)459-2643 A-1allinglBilling Information: / 6�q Submittal IfInft'aanaQFm1. Client Name: 1 it �C ,� 1. kb l+8ww. �r� l(J➢ 2. Address 1: _ 2. To&Loeadon: - _ 3. Address 2: 3, lob 4. Address 3: d•. CartetttcteAwle— f - - 5. Phone#: 5. SubmiateaG -- Reporting Info(Results provided as soon:as tecleaaically feasible).Qf eta TATtfRepailing Ifab is provided,AMA,VALE at „,Day m t 1 as Paas;(m errs Gibe — AFrER HOURS(must be pre-scheduled) N®RTUAL IBUSINM 1116URSY Ti@>SI(°OJL�m•Ce Bt ”' a Intntediale Dale Due: O Cateurocdiate 13 3 Day, ` 414sr Ietalc;C7CZ(`tt:�ei&tlaEae So(aerac u�ia6t �°lZ;eaecEGa>i+eQcadred Rr No= �• t D 24 Hours Time Due: Neat Dair O 5 Day< f Comfit:.—�. •� ---�- Comments- 2!Sags ftv.: SE�ag E ctE .0 ; L3'•1FetO C: O{tl Asbestos Analysis a -LfiaWz ,Mfflq1& *PCM Air-Please Indicate Filterl1 rpe: SLAP I9&A/Chae'Gleld- (QTj, Dl Pb RRW O NIOS117400 (QTY) NY State FLWrW —.(QW1 • O R%Dog VC.'"(ate CI!1te j (QT,�`T O Fiberglass (QTY) Residual Ask _,(QTYgQp '�H7t9 Ai r4-Please Indicate Filter Type: TEEL ,t Q%Sid 0 AHERA (QTY) Q Qatal.(pwdabs)VyaceaosaellZart,_ (Q G 5`); O'Ph O N10SH 7402_(QTY) U Quan.(s�darea)V w.maec€➢5755-95 (Q'Y j, O i':Z nl.z*q FjWX CP,� _(QTS.' Ey Cec O Other(specify ) (Q'!Y) OJ Quan.(Sfarea)DUsa t tiQ-9 __ r E S` O:('tcafft Watex 0,L% . (QF S)Q As—fit 5.) PLM Bulk Q ) ?C'S E:A a,ec—f,Cti'5)(3; 3 '! ruvzc€ 0 fb tc�it E,- 1Q7 RPA 600-Visual Estimate (Q•rY) `I ( 0 Q O EPA Point Count (Q'rY) eaaE. 1�Wa�)' _(QITrE AactCEra[s 115 NY Slate Friable 198.1 (QTY) Q,I3J AP 198,7JUPfn 1(IQ.7 (6t'1VPE; 02k0anAj*wmcasfat•4mmrestrjArS &;�:__� ❑Grnv.Reduction FLAP 198.6 (Q'E•Y j C4 LPA 1W.0 (QTYj c v1t ^(6ar 10ft__—_ 0 Other(specify ) (Q'I•V`) -----maTy! 0':urPattx�e C� .aanzt crMI _ MIS( All samples aeccitt°tC iaa good condition tteale>;s aatlaaretKscs aao&sd. 0" efaaas Swaab C 3`T v �t l� a,(a( _t - Qvemticulile (Id3ia(%Vls¢ersaseuples_ 'V=C `G7;L�e�etaeaeT e—(QCS`t ftQ e�e1CB z �E �fT:ErdSa:,E 'Q_T5 0 Asbestos Soil P191_(Qual)PIM_(Qum)PL.VUIE%L_(Qml) If field data steeds'are wbcttitQed,6ltete is 00wed to coaapBeteCs seztioat. O' ( rill'—j!—f#j'15 •1lisrnroauarnOrd16at61misamplttbtsubmittaiaithallairandtudaceumpkt AItTAL'".UIi ZbGklil9t SAMPLE INFORMATION DAA ` _ r� fUFAI C1 !1ACr num SAMPLE LOCNION/ICLIENTIU# flVA a` E, __ G.4CCAhLTDIEY S1AF^C( 11L __ 6atc £iatle• f`aaattaeet e s � _ f • 1 i vq &41.14 04 1 LABORATORY 1.DalcCfime RCVD: STAVF ONLY: 2.Datc/Time Analyzed: e� ®®��� � aB ! _ ` xigas: •r ,- ---- (CUSTODY) 3.Results Reported To: eT a@: +Oaate: Tieaoe:_^.__ tcu[culu: _• 4.Cnmmenta- I " --(% Fiepori:fu­ NYS DOL.Akbally Invoice _W : NYS DOL Albany Check if change ❑ Asbe.stos Gorytrol Asbestos Control 'WLABOLSRA,rON .}address ORI ES 12 Avorn #157 Building 12 Room #157 GA New Client? ,960 :<irlivi'lle Ilid yes El Albany, MY 12.1240 Albany, NY 12240 Iasi Syracuse,Nl '13057-9672 Tal: 315-M-5227 110 Phone NO." Phone No. 518-457-2072 888-432-5227 Call No.." : 5-)8-485-80FA Fax/Ernail : 518-485-8054 Fa, . c 315-137-0571 vnilmi.g.alsonlabs.comSite Mime:1)[YP 171412-L VI'l I I I I I I py0ject; Sampled By Need Bes0as (Surcharge) ❑ESar0plas submi'tted using R88PLRIpLoan TM Program. ESamples Submitted Using the FreeSamplingBadgeSTIA Program. 5 Business Days; 0% Client Account k\lo.* 1 D597 4 Business P�Lysi 35% Pur Chase Order NO. Ef' 3 Su�ija� ��Dav!j 50% Credit Card: El Credit Card on File El Will Phone in Credit Card Information 2 DUsiness Days 75% MejLay by Sprri� -1RO 100% Email SUIts To : G0011939 F dleaser indicate which OEL this clata will be Used for: [:1 OSHA PEL ❑ 0 Cal OSHA _LMt,(LtDaxLLy Moon 150% Erriail Sliddress f.1 -�L 13�Y ACGIFI TLV E] Sanie day( __ 200% ❑Other(please specify): sample, Date Sampled Collection Sample..: Sample Units': Metals Technique Required, I d '�*if ic a t i o n Volume, L,ml,min., ICAP or ICPMS� a n Time,or Area int,cm2,ft2 Analysis F18CILlested* Method Reference* (AAdditional Cost) EXA �L�LLL LLLLU 1XI -A-P-1 Brae Llai! lmciE 9r,_0 1- Lead Mod. NIOSH 7300 ICPMS LLL I I L L, MI P'''-•I1I DIP A_ 1-1—L L Vib t _1J_LLL Li 6(P I LL L '-<f;',6' LL , "0 -A� -i-L-1 I ifs s - Ll�L _J _LL_LLLL_Lk�,LAT [JJEW I LLI Fo.-r fle.-xii-vaXY)-t CbY oninjin. PY Ocesz mist 111-2 listed fvy each senriple siR)m1ifted [ex.vseklJing,plating, j1.1inling, For Crystalline Silica:loan(,;)of-sifica needed mijaubelindicaled J%mrtz, andfor TridynAle)": List de-scylpficm of industry or present 511 saynpbnn area): comments: Chain Ot CLIStOCINj Pru-8 Marne Signature Date/Time ReLinqLtisha�Iby A 6 f r9aceivedbv LAS Slijul).plws recelved after 3piD vvill he coi)skJoyeo w%next.ckfltz business. IFIe791)ired IWITIS, failure to V1.1inp)-ete ffiese holds may Page of iv.,Bll!inst May in yokvr sarnplesbeing processed. WNVOIC9 r.p�rirg _Wd 2981x1 v- Invoice No 354771 Project S,'V_N-D. invoice Date 20-1-AUG.•-13 YO No 130008499 Account No 10597 site 35990235 Client Project 25996235 Bill To !�L5�9�r. Paul D1emliCk Pepgvt ZO d��- Paul DeitiiCk I'S DOLzny DiViaion of Safety_ 6 ?jealth BERMS: NST 30 DAYS .zbest©s Control Bureau', tioant 157 YL-flan-ca Charges will be Al baDw ml 12240 applied based 0�3 tlho tat-ms 'S.s. d conditions -of eftle. ftyea YJ: 27-2123204 Stele Client Media, Analysig. tyrit Trice L238151-„ SAMPLE 01 Buik IA-rRXABLE/Friable Bulk Asbestos Ana$ X2.00 L298151-2 SAMPLE a 2 Bulk 1A-FRYABLE/Friable Bt k Asbestos .dna$ 1.2.00 L290151-3 SAMPLE #3 Bulk !A--'*RTABLE/Pri able Bulk Asbestos Ana$ 13.00 L298151-4 SAMPLE N4 Bulk Was-:SB/Asbestos by PbM $ '±0.00 L298153-4 SAMP1:E #4 Bink. ?S-TIEM/Transmission Electron Microsc$ 60.00 L290151-•5 SAMPLE N5 Bulb YS-RSB/A.§bestos by PT-M $ 10.09 E,298151-5 SAMPY E *5 Bulk !S•-TEM/Transmission Electron Microac$ 60.00 L298151-6 SAMPLE #6 Bulk 5S-ASB/Asbestos by PLM $ 10.00 Y 298,51-6 SAMPLE #6 -Sulk !S-TEM/Transmission Electron Mi croscS 60.00 L298151-7 SAMYLE ;;•7 -Bulk YS-ASB/Asbestos by PLIC $ 10.00 Subtotal 256.00 .oxo-ant Due ---> $ —---.256.0 0 Asbestos sample(s) submitted -for Next Day turnaround time �-.l Asbestos sample(s) submitted for Two Day RUSH turnaround time. x Please Remit To: .Galson Laboratories, P.O. Box 8000, Dept. 684, Buffalo, NY 14267 Phone: 888-432-5227 Page 1 of 1 N r�t?n :rc7n1E5 fLA19 Mr. 'Paul Deraick Augist 27. 20su'1 NTYS DOL Albany DiAsion of Safety a*. Healih Asbestos Control Bureau, Room 15� Albany, NJY 12240 AIHA# 100324 A.ccu;iiit# 105,9 7, Login# L29RI51 Dear Mr. De.mick: Eaclosen are the analytical results for the samples received by o-"laboratory or,August 22, 2013. A! test results ineei the quake control requirements of AIHA finless otherwise stated u�Us report. All saii.ples on the chairs of custody Deere received in good condition unless other:arise noted. Results in t1his report are based on the sampling data provided by the client and refer only to the samples as they were received at the laboratory. Unless othenlrise requested, all saaples will be discarded 66 days frons tiie date of this report. Samples. regtdring TEM analysis were subcontracted to ARRA.Analytical Ser-Aces, Inc. Their report'IS enclosed in its entirety. Current scones of accreditation car,be ties*'etd at mirww.gal-sordabs-com in the accredits tions section under the "about Galson" tab. Please contact Pamela Weaver, at (888) 422-.511227. if you require additional information regarding this report. Thank you for wing Galson Laboratories. Sincerely, Gaison Laboratories f V J %Mary G. Unangst Laboratory Director Enclosure(s) Page 1 of 5 Repos i Reference:-1 Generated:27 WG-i;3 15:25 INSPECTION SUMMARY REPORT New York State Department of tabor Asbestos Control Bureau CASE NUMB5R : 25998236 PROJ5,CY Si78 : 894 Ridge Rd. Queensbury, INN sS t , si2.012'.03- Page: 2 INSPECTION SUMMARY REPORT New York State Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau CASE NUMBER : 2599(31235 PROJECT SITE : $9-,Ridge Rd. Queensbury, NY r is is i 1 r � ! 3 Page: 3 INSPECTION SUMMARY REPORT Now York State Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau CASE NUM8ER: 259962.35 PROJECT SITE : b`,,334 Ridge Rd. Qj;eet?Sbury, N-Yr PN.. afr 0..Y F � YDS' 8/20/20'13- Page: 4 INSPECTION SUMMARY REPORT New York State Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau CA68 NUMBBR : 23906235 PROJIrCT SITB : '294 RiCSe�tu. Queensbuil;, ".RAY r. " 1 1 SJ ' T ' 1 8/20/2M- Page: 5 INSPECTION SUMMARY REPORT New York State Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau CASE NUMI38R: 26996236 PROJRCT SITS : 8894 Ridge Rd. Queensbuiil, N { r 812012013- Page: 6 INSPECTION SUMMARY RP-PORT New York State Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau GASB P1tJtVIBER : 25996235 pE201GT SiY : 854 r; INSPECTION SUMMARY REPORT New York State Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau CASE NUMBER : 2,5996235 PROJECT SITE : 99 'Ridge Rd. Cueansb-iry, tVY WNWCit' `r 8/2012013- Page: 8 4 INSPECTION SUMMARY REPORT New York State Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau CASE NUM135k: 26596235 PFzoJEGT SITE > 89le i 4 Ridga Rd. .•F..y�F ,at Yom"•• - a 4X P 1' 11 t Y � S ib. C s Ant R 8/20/2013- Page. 10 ._ � .� .. • ! �, a' ..i• + • * • s • `i � �� � �.- � �� �r����,{�� b �y� 'sem' `;� ''n.t i.. 6����� � 'IG�. y` k ik 3�� '�jib s, ,,.fit 3 � '`1r� �:.:�' �`^ " ��� ¢ -aM !YP �i � f .r, f" �sJ s�Y � �� � �^ ���" z � K� z '� �� � - �� °_ x " .a.'' � � INSPECTION SUMMARY REPORT New York State Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau CASE NUMBER: 25995235 PROJECT SITE.' 894 Ridge Rd. Al x 3 c� r j i 3�3 Page: 12 INSPECTION SUMMARY REPORT New York State Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau GASB NUMBBR : 25996235 PRW; GT-SITE: 994 midge std. Q1 fear. apt„ NY R E 0c r AW-7, r" � R YR .t.;.. t T x Fs!20/20 ti 3— � Page: 13 INSP5-CTION SUMMARY REPORT New York State Oepartment of labor Asbestos Control Bureau CA85 NUMBBR: 26356235 PROJBCT SiT8 : 69^ Ridge Rd. Queensbury, NY lei, ti i f � �� .r •` jr YI 6/20120 3- Page: 14 INSPECTION SUMMARY REPORT New York State Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau CASE NUMBER : 2699623:. PROJECT SiT15 : 894 Ridge Rd. Queensbury, nIY y II; 'il .�9i775 t.131Vi3 i44 ROw Rd Out�n.0.y. ^s � `'t. �..r y ✓r{.tnr,W u akti crd i7..rra =y �.r#-3 ^YhriAh..ud4'6 LMflaC: :'151$Ls[' )S PRoj. EC fSC% z r 4 i 1<'tY I..Y�K 1.'r M1nt}C t(i564'f!h.{Atl C:Mr MG MW p�Y1P.l�..'MriCNh� ± ?tai.1r�r4 Sru4� ` Ucgstrtre tit ni Ir T4s rear�sees ifir?;� � 4014ritilOr Yriti 94 f liit4 Pd}Yi���liik'Y'.r{y': nErvtls 94i4 8eih i ! Itirue.r rr.c rcyt7p'a41>;�n,y:t,P F2,tv,VA rt St. ' tlgv&to trwrutd().n4y[re pi:nermaa. t I iYa•+rv; �.1�:{rc,rw�irhfi l�i�i�;l,:ii1; rl r �' Ivrclaacas, i - ne ze Rw; J , . i !s°+i s.l.r1nysl;a.sf !ut pr.un rNRn vik l.rk Vsl.[:gron:xwf ufl�na.� - r q' 4h4 9 i1 h rr4•�4>•.- s wan✓«.s..-.^'�.w.Wes.b.... ,. -- ,rtt _ W+w..:+4...nx.��F.ca'•*'*n^�- u.4.c+W.43..rwnw3+K."..j %'�n+s ve.:..i+sw :kn«✓��Wsb+t`sr«a���.Y`i�.+ou[ tMy.grr 4Wrr 44. 'tvLtYJii ax'P +tia4e My -,nMM uWkrs..vWi•y.. `W^4'�r�.a Ktit»•.,rrq .+i+wi4 wi•kr.✓a, 1 8/20/2013- T Page: 15 INSPECTION SUMMARY REPORT New York State Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau GA$5 NUM13M : 25995235 PROJI✓CY SITE ., 894 Ridge Pd. )Uaansburv, ;Hl"T a � yX4 vu r !h• f Y l : • d ... 4.. 9120!20'13- SAMPLE CHART SAMPLES on -8/20/2013 LOCATION NUM85k RESULT RI SULT DETAILS COWENT, roof shingle exierior NEG debris pile roof shingle exterior 5 NEG debris pile black felt 6 f!;=G black tarlike roof 7 POS ;.A%Chrysotile 1.�%Chrysotile debris exterior debris pile 'plaster'debris 3 NEG exterior debris pile 'plaster'debris I MEG exterior debris ile 'plaster'debris 2 MEG exterior debris pile Page: 16 WSPECYiON SUMMARY RVORT Now Yogi State Department of Labor Asbestos Control Bureau CASE Nl�MOM a 26-996236 PROACY 94YE o 8-94 R*ij Rd Ou"rebury:NY CH Onco-tie Atb6ct .;AM Y AFr➢wko%if6bnida;NU a None Detsdad,TR r-`:ifico(wS B%aj:WF s S'$Fwi-On ViPy Ll,. L4ti'er 16vai;POS Pock o;NEG:u WQgbflVO;UW b v Undoiernith67;`66e C-aiwil PAParI Page: 17 THE � North County Office Cha K,L 375 Bay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 COMPANIES P: (518)812-0513 F: (518)812-0513 k www.chazencompanies.com C r,. bP Engineers Capital District Office (518)273-0055 Land Surveyors Hudson Valley Office (845)454-3980 Planners Environmental&Safety Professionals Landscape Architects r � O October 4, 2016 i I ll f LO ftf O Mr. David Hatin CU Building&Codes3.,.mAUFGK3 j0 20i1�7W It+l` I CU pTown of Queensbury ry W742 Bay Road m` tvw rwUEENSR(Jr�'y Queensbury, NY 12804p� a U Sent via email: DaveH@queensbury.net J p 'M J W E Re: Limited Pre-Demolition Asbestos Building Material Survey ti N Former Car Care Center Property 00 ;a - 894 Ridge Road, Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York r- R iZ O Chazen Job No. 42638.00 in ch� N N00000 Dear Mr. Hatin: The Chazen Companies (Chazen) is pleased to provide this report, summarizing a Limited Pre-Demolition Asbestos Building Material Survey performed on the structures located at the above referenced address. The (+)0.86-acre commercial property(Town of Queensbury Tax ID Section 290., Block 1, Lot 87) includes a commercial building and two sheds. The commercial building and northern shed were significantly damaged in a fire; The property was unoccupied at the time of the limited pre-demolition survey. The table below provides a brief summary of the structures included as part of this survey. Structures Year Constructed Description Commercial Unknown The Site structure was approximately 3,300 square feet building in size and was significantly damaged by a fire.The building is in poor structural condition,and the majority of the building debris, including most of the concrete block construction was not evident.The structure appears to be primarily a warehouse/repair garage, with an office addition on the western side.The eastern part of the building was concrete block construction and, based on a 2011 aerial image of the Site, had a separate roofing system that appeared to be metal.The western wood-framed addition had a metal roof over an asphalt roofing system.A concrete slab foundation is associated with this structure. Copies of the 2011 and 2015 aerial photographs of the Site are included in Appendix A. Mr.David Hatin Octobet 4,2016 Page 2 Structures Year Constructed Description Northern Unknown Approximately 100-square-foot, metal-framed shed shed (Quonset but style)with a plywood floor.There was no cover on this shed. Southern Unknown Approximately 100-square-foot, metal-framed shed shed (Quonset but style)with a plywood floor and a greenhouse plastic cover. This survey was conducted for use prior to building demolition. The survey consisted of collecting and analyzing suspect materials for asbestos content.Observed materials,that could safely be reached,were included as part of this survey. Due to collapsed nature of the building,Chazen made reasonable attempts to collect representative materials; however, it is unknown if additional suspect ACM is located on the structure or beneath debris piles. Photographs showing representative views of the structures are included in Appendix A. SAMPLE COLLECTION AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS Asbestos Survey On September 13, 2016, Jolene Lozewski, a New York State certified asbestos inspector from Chazen (Certification# 10-17636) performed an inspection of the aforementioned buildings(consistent with the NYS Department of Labor Code Rule 56). The inspection included identifying "homogeneous materials" (i.e., material similar in color, texture, and serving a similar function) of suspect asbestos-containing material (ACM) within/on the site building. Samples of suspect ACMs were collected consistent with applicable Federal and State requirements.The following homogenous material areas were identified on the commercial structure and sampled as suspect ACM from the building: • Roofing materials including asphalt roofing, roofing tar, fabric, foam, foam adhesive, and tar paper. • Flooring material including vinyl floor tiles, vinyl floor tile mastic, linoleum, and carpet mastic • Concrete foundations and concrete block • Window caulk • Insulation • Gypsum board (joint compound not observed) • Wallpaper • Concrete grout The two sheds are constructed of wood, metal, and plastic. No suspect asbestos containing materials were observed on these structures. A total of 36 bulk samples of the suspect ACMs were collected from the above homogenous materials and submitted to AmeriSci Inc. of New York, New York for asbestos analysis. Samples were analyzed using Mr.David Hatin October 4,2016 Page 3 Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). Samples with a PLM reported level of asbestos less than 1% asbestos were analyzed by EPA Point Count to verify asbestos content. In addition, Non-Friable Organically Bound (NOB) samples found to be negative or inconclusive under PLM were analyzed by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) analysis to confirm and quantify asbestos content. Duplicate samples were collected as required to confirm negative sample results for homogenous areas. However, as a cost savings measure, the laboratory was instructed to not analyze duplicate samples of a homogenous grouping where the first sample contains asbestos(i.e., positive stop). A photo log showing building conditions and approximate ACM sample locations is provided in Attachment A. The laboratory analytical results package is included as Attachment B of this survey. Positive asbestos samples, defined as containing greater than 1% asbestos, are listed on the following table. Suspect materials that were observed but not sampled are considered ACM unless subsequent laboratory analysis determines otherwise. Sample Sample ID Functional Space Material Type Estimated Condition No. (Friable/NOB) Quantity" 27 27-ASTAR-01A Roof of western Black tar-like Assumed to have Significantly 28 28-ASTAR-01B* building addition material observed been on western Damaged— (This material was beneath the building addition; Fire not observed in asphalt roof limited amount Damaged the debris on or visible near the eastern (approximately building area.) 20 square feet). However,this area of the structure formerly had a foot print of approximately 400 square feet. Limitations: The commercial building was severely damaged by a fire. Piles of burnt material remain on the Site and the remaining building walls are structurally compromised. Due to health and safety concerns Chazen was unable to collect materials in structurally compromised areas and did not climb on or dig through the piles of burnt material (see photograph 6). Observed suspect ACM that could not be sampled is included in the table above and photos are provided in the attached photo log(Appendix A). No electrical wiring was observed;therefore, no wiring samples were collected. *Sample contained more than 1%asbestos;all samples from the homogenous material are considered ACM. **Estimated quantity is based on field measurements of areas observed during the inspection. Should additional quantities of these homogenous materials be discovered,abatement regulations will still apply. Mr.David Hatin OctoW 4,2016 Page 4 RELIANCE AND LIMITATIONS The survey was conducted to determine the presence or absence of ACM items associated with the site building. This survey is site specific and the inspection was limited to accessible materials within and on the sampled buildings. Chazen does not assume any responsibility for areas that would and do remain undiscovered after a reasonable physical inspection of the building including, but not limited to, electrical insulation, materials in or under concrete, foundation water proofing materials below ground surface, material behind walls and under floors not exposed during the survey, materials located in or under debris piles, etc. In the event that suspect material which was not accessible for testing during this inspection is later discovered during demolition/renovation activities, the owner is advised that they may be responsible for interrupting such activities to conduct the appropriate testing and evaluations. This survey shall not serve as an asbestos abatement or design document for obtaining bids from abatement contractors. It is recommended that specific abatement design documents be prepared to specify procedures and protocols that must be observed in order to endure that abatement activities are completed in a manner consistent with local, state and federal regulations. We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with these environmental services. Please feel free to call me at (518) 824-1928 or Arlette St. Romain at (518) 266-7328, if you have any questions. Sincerely, Jolene Lozewski Geologist/NY State Licensed Asbestos Inspector Attachments: A- Sample Location Photographs B- AmeriSci Laboratory Asbestos Analytical Report C- Chazen License and Certification Attachment A: Photo Log vreen arrow inaicates ine general iocation ine Huvi sampie nsiea in ine pre-aemontion asoestos survey results table. 1 i I L ry ill MIr(�"°ig��wl i Photo#1 (facing northeast): Representative view of the western addition of the commercial building. 2728 ° 1 ;Po I� f Photo#2 (facing northeast): Roof of western building addition. Black tar-like material under the asphalt roof was reported to contain asbestos. The Chozen Companies Site Visit Date: September 13,2016 Project No.41638.00 careen arrow inaicates the general iocanon ine HLivi sample iistea in the pre-aemoinion asoestos survey results table. a Photo#3 (facing north): Close-up view of western building addition. Black tar-like material under the asphalt roof was reported to contain asbestos. I � " W . The Chazen Companies Site Visit Date: September 13,2016 Project No.41638.00 preen arrow maicates me general iocaiion ine Huvi sampie iistea in the pre-aemoiition asoestos survey results table. Photo#4 (facing west):View facing towards the commercial building in photo 1. a i Photo#5 (facing southwest): View of southern side of the commercial building. t t The Chazen Companies Site Visit Date: September 13,2016 Project No.41638.00 careen arrow inaicates ine general iocaiion ine AUVI sample iistea in ine pre-aemonuon asoestos survey results table. Photo#6: (facing west-southwest): Representative view of fire-damaged debris remaining in the western end of the commercial building. z k` vp ;_ o fix " , Photo#7: (facing southeast):View of southern shed. 7 5 � ` . y 3, bra ti x � s 4 xN= rPhoto#8: (facing north):View of northern shed. Debris on the foreground includes firmaged material from the commercial building. The Chazen Companies Site Visit Date: September 13,2016 Project No.41638.00 careen arrow inoicates the general tocauon ine Huw sampie iisieo in the pre-aemonuon asoestos survey results table. s ; e. Photo#9: 2011 Aerial Photograph of Site.Source: Google Earth r ■ Photo#10: 2016 Aerial Photograph of Site. Source: Google Maps The Chazen Companies Site Visit Date: September 13,2016 Project No.41638.00 Attachment B:AmeriSci Laboratory Asbestos Analytical Data Please Reply To: AmeriSci New York AmERI So 117 EAST 30TH ST. NEW YORK, NY 10016 TEL:(212)679-8600•FAX:(212)679-3114 FACSIMILE TELECOPY TRANSMISSION To: Sharon Froedden From: Marik Peysakhov The Chazen Companies AmeriSci Job#: 216093167 Fax#: (845)4544026 Subject: ELAP-PLM/TEM 5 day Results Client Project: 41638.00; QBY-Ridge Road; 894 Email: jlozewski@chazencompanies.com,sfroedden@chane Ridge Road,Queensburg,NY ncompanies.com Date: Sunday,September 25,2016 Number of Pages: Time: 09:33:21 (including cover sheet) Comments: CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated,the information contained in this communication is confidential information intended for use of the individual named above. If the reader of this communication is not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,please immediately notify the sender by telephone and return the original message to the above address via the US Postal Service at our expense. Samples are disposed of in 60 days or unless otherwise instructed by the protocol or special instructions in writing. Thank you. Certified Analysis Service 24 Hours A Day• 7 Days A Week Competitive Prices visit our web site-Aww.amerisci.com Boston•Los Angeles•New York•Richmond AmeriSci New York 117 EAST 30TH ST. AmERI So NEW YORK, NY 10016 TEL:(212)679-8600 • FAX: (212)679-3114 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report The Chazen Companies Date Received 09/20/16 AmeriSci Job# 216093167 Attn: Sharon Froedden Date Examined 09/25/16 P.O. # G5360 21 Fox Street ELAP # 11480 Page 1 of 6 RE:41638.00; QBY-Ridge Road; 894 Ridge Road, Queensburg, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos 01-VFT-01 A 216093167-01 No NAD 1 Location: West Building Area-Black Vinyl Floor Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 5.8% 02-VFT-01 B 216093167-02 No NAD 1 Location: West Building Area-Black Vinyl Floor Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 4.9% 03-LIN-01A 216093167-03 No NAD 2 Location: West Building Area-Linoleum, Green Swirls (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Green/Brown, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 8.4% 04-LIN-01B 216093167-04 No NAD 2 Location: West Building Area-Linoleum, Green Swirls (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Green/Brown, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 7.5% 05-MST-01A 216093167-05 No NAD 3 Location: West Building Area-Blue Mastic Under Black Vinyl Floor Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Blue, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 8.4% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 216093167 Client Name: The Chazen Companies Page 2 of 6 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 41638.00; QBY-Ridge Road; 894 Ridge Road, Queensburg, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos 06-MST-01 B 216093167-06 No NAD 3 Location: West Building Area-Blue Mastic Under Black Vinyl Floor Tile (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha Analyst Description: Blue, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material on 09/25/16 Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 5.6% 07-CONC-01 A 216093167-07 No NAD 4 Location: West Building Area-Concrete Floor, Gray (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100 % 08-CONC-01 B 216093167-08 No NAD 4 Location: West Building Area-Concrete Floor, Gray (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% 09-CLK-01 A 216093167-09 No NAD 5 Location: West Building Area-White Window Caulk (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 3.3% 10-CLK-01 B 216093167-10 No NAD 5 Location: West Building Area-White Window Caulk (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1.5% 11-INS-01 A 216093167-11 No NAD 6 Location: West Building Area-White Insulation (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass 98%, Non-fibrous 2 % See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 216093167 Client Name: The Chazen Companies Page 3 of 6 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 41638.00; QBY-Ridge Road; 894 Ridge Road, Queensburg, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos 12-INS-01 B 216093167-12 No NAD 6 Location: West Building Area-White Insulation (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Paul J. Mucha Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Fibrous, Bulk Material on 09/25!16 Asbestos Types: Other Material: Fibrous glass 98%, Non-fibrous 2 % 13-GYS-01 A 216093167-13 No NAD 7 Location: West Building Area-Gypsum Board (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose Trace, Non-fibrous 100% 14-GYS-01 B 216093167-14 No NAD 7 Location: West Building Area-Gypsum Board (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose Trace, Non-fibrous 100% 15-WALLP-01 A 216093167-15 No NAD 8 Location: West Building Area-Black Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Black/Tan, Heterogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 34.5% 16-WALLP-01 B 216093167-16 No NAD 8 Location: West Building Area-Black Wallpaper (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Black/Tan, Heterogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 24.7% 17-CMST-01 A 216093167-17 No NAD 9 Location: West Building Area-Carpet Mastic,White (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 3.5% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 216093167 Client Name: The Chazen Companies Page 4 of 6 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 41638.00; QBY-Ridge Road; 894 Ridge Road, Queensburg, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos 18-CMST-01 B 216093167-18 No NAD 9 Location: West Building Area-Carpet Mastic,White (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha Analyst Description: White, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material on 09/25/16 Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 8.4% 19-COB-01A 216093167-19 No NAD 10 Location: East Building Area-Concrete Block, Gray (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Paul J. Mucha Analyst Description: Grey/Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material on 09/25/16 Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose Trace, Non-fibrous 100% 20-COB-018 216093167-20 No NAD 10 Location: East Building Area-Concrete Block, Gray (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Paul J. Mucha Analyst Description: Grey/Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material on 09/25/16 Asbestos Types: Other Material: Cellulose Trace, Non-fibrous 100% 21-GT-01A 216093167-21 No NAD 11 Location: East Building Area-Grout, Associated With Gray Concrete Block (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25!16 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% 22-GT-01 B 216093167-22 No NAD 11 Location: East Building Area-Grout, Associated With Gray Concrete Block (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% 23-CON-01A 216093167-23 No NAD 12 Location: East Building Area-Concrete Floor, With Black Rock (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Grey/Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100 % See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 216093167 • Client Name: The Chazen Companies Page 5 of 6 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 41638.00; QBY-Ridge Road; 894 Ridge Road, Queensburg, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos 24-CON-01 B 216093167-24 No NAD 12 Location: East Building Area-Concrete Floor,With Black Rock (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Grey/Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Cementitious, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% 25-AS-01A 216093167-25 No NAD 13 Location: West Building Area-Asphalt Shingle Roofing, Black With Gray (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha on 09!25!16 Analyst Description: Black w/Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 46.7% 26-AS-01 B 216093167-26 No NAD 13 Location: West Building Area-Asphalt Shingle Roofing, Black With Gray (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Black w/Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous,Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 43.9% 27-ASTAR-01A 216093167-27 Yes Trace (<0.25 % pc) 1 14 Location: West Building Area-Asphalt Shingle Tar, Black (EPA 400 PC) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Black w/Grey, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Chrysotile <0.25%pc Other Material: Non-fibrous 32.7% 28-ASTAR-01 B 216093167-28 Yes 2.1 % 14 Location: West Building Area-Asphalt Shingle Tar, Black (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Paul J. Mucha on 09/25/16 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Chrysotile 2.1 % Other Material: Non-fibrous 25.2% See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 216093167 Client Name: The Chazen Companies Page 6 of 6 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 41638.00; QBY-Ridge Road; 894 Ridge Road, Queensburg, NY Reporting Notes: (1) Sample prepared for analy b LP 19 method Analyzed by:Paul J.Mucha 'NAD/NSD=no asbestos detected; =n analyzed;NAPS=not analyzed/positive stop,(SOF-V)=Sprayed On Fireproofing containing Vermiculite; (SM-V)=Surfacing Material containin Ve iculite;PLM Bulk Asbestos Analysis by EPA 600/M4-82-020 per 40 CFR 763(NVLAP 200546-0),ELAP PLM Method 198.1 for NY friable sampl ,which includes the identification and quantitation of vermiculite or 198.6 for NOB samples or EPA 400 pt ct by EPA 600/M4-82-020(NY ELAP Lab 11480);Note:PLM is not consistently reliable in detecting asbestos in floor coverings and similar non-friable organically bound materials. NAD or Trace results by PLM are inconclusive,TEM is currently the only method that can be used to determine if this material can be considered or treated as non asbestos-containing in NY State(also see EPA Advisory for floor tile,FR 59,146,38970,8/1/94)National Institute of Standards and Technology Accreditation requirements mandate that this report must not be reproduced except in full without the approval of the Iab.This PLM report relai ON to th ems tested.AIHA-LAP,LLC Lab ID 102843,RI Cert AAL-094,CT Cert PH-0186,Mass Cert AA000054. Reviewed By: END OF REPORT AmeriSci Job#: 216093167 Page 1 of 3 Client Name: The Chazen Companies Table I Summary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results 41638.00; QBY-Ridge Road; 894 Ridge Road, Queensburg, NY Sample Heat Acid Insoluble AmeriSci HG Weight Sensitive Soluble Non-Asbestos "`Asbestos%b ** o Sample# Client Sample# Area (gram) Organic% Inorganic% Inorganic% PLM/DS y Asbestos /o by TEM 01 01-VFT-01A 1 0.274 31.4 62.8 5.8 NAD Location: West Building Area-Black Vinyl Floor Tile NAD 02 02-VFT-01 B 1 0.224 34.8 60.3 4.9 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Black Vinyl Floor Tile 03 03-LIN-01A 2 0.131 34.3 57.3 8.4 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Linoleum,Green Swirls 04 04-LIN-01B 2 0.306 34.6 57.8 7.5 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Linoleum,Green Swirls 05 05-MST-01A 3 0.155 80.6 11.0 8.4 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Blue Mastic Under Black Vinyl Floor Tile O6 06-MST-01B 3 0.072 87.5 6.9 5.6 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Blue Mastic Under Black Vinyl Floor Tile 07 07-CONC-01A 4 --- ---- ---- - NAD NA Location: West Building Area-Concrete Floor,Gray 08 08-CONC-01 B 4 ---- --- --- ---- NAD NA Location: West Building Area-Concrete Floor,Gray 09 09-CLK-01A 5 0.090 95.6 1.1 3.3 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-White Window Caulk 10 10-CLK-01 B 5 0.066 93.9 4.5 1.5 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-White Window Caulk 11 11-INS-01A 6 ---- — ---- ---- NAD NA Location: West Building Area-White Insulation 12 12-INS-01B 6 --- -- — -- NAD NA Location: West Building Area-White Insulation 13 13-GYS-01A 7 ---- ---- ---- ---- NAD NA Location: West Building Area-Gypsum Board 14 14-GYS-01B 7 -- --- --- --- NAD NA Location: West Building Area-Gypsum Board 15 15-WALLP-01A 8 0.258 39.5 26.0 34.5 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Black Wallpaper 16 16-WALLP-01 B 8 0.186 63.4 11.8 24.7 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Black Wallpaper iee Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 216093167 Page 2 of 3 Client Name: The Chazen Companies Table I Summary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results 41638.00; QBY-Ridge Road; 894 Ridge Road, Queensburg, NY Sample Heat Acid Insoluble AmeriSci HG Weight Sensitive Soluble Q Non-Asbestos "Asbestos%by "Asbestos%by Sample# Client Sample# Area (gram) Organic /o Inorganic /o Inorganic /o PLM/DS TEM 17 17-CMST-01A 9 0.141 56.0 40.4 3.5 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Carpet Mastic,White 18 18-CMST-01B 9 0.226 67.3 24.3 8.4 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Carpet Mastic,White 19 19-COB-01A 10 --- ---- ---- ---- NAD NA Location: East Building Area-Concrete Block,Gray 20 20-COB-01 B 10 ---- -- ---- --- NAD NA Location: East Building Area-Concrete Block,Gray 21 21-GT-01A 11 ---- ---- ---- ---- NAD NA Location: East Building Area-Grout,Associated With Gray Concrete Block 22 22-GT-01 B 11 ---- ---- ---- ---- NAD NA Location: East Building Area-Grout,Associated With Gray Concrete Block 23 23-CON-01A 12 --- --- ---- ---- NAD NA Location: East Building Area-Concrete Floor,With Black Rock 24 24-CON-01B 12 --- ---- ---- -- NAD NA Location: East Building Area-Concrete Floor,With Black Rock 25 25-AS-01A 13 0.317 46.1 7.3 46.7 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Asphalt Shingle Roofing, Black With Gray 26 26-AS-01 B 13 0.342 50.3 5.8 43.9 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Asphalt Shingle Roofing,Black With Gray 27 27-ASTAR-01A 14 0.162 64.8 2.5 32.7 Chrysotile<0.25 NA Location: West Building Area-Asphalt Shingle Tar,Black 28 28-ASTAR-01B 14 0.359 59.9 12.8 25.2 Chrysotile 2.1 NA Location: West Building Area-Asphalt Shingle Tar,Black See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 216093167 Page 3 of 3 Client Name: The Chazen Companies Table Summary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results 41638.00; QBY-Ridge Road; 894 Ridge Road, Queensburg, NY Sample Heat Acid Insoluble AmeriSci HG Weight Sensitive Soluble Non-Asbestos **Asbestos%by **Asbestos%by Sample# Client Sample# Area (gram) Organic% Inorganic% Inorganic% PLM/DS TEM Analyzed by:Marik Peysakhov / ;Date Analyzed 9/25/2016 "Quantitative Analysis(Semi/Full);Bulk Asbesto nalysis-PLM by EPA 600/M4-82-020 per 40 CFR or ELAP 198.1 for New York friable samples or ELAP 198.6 for New York NOB samples;TEM (Semi/Full)by EPA 600/R-93/116(not covered by NVLAP Bulk accreditation)or ELAP 198.4;for New York samples;NAD=no asbestos detected during a quantitative analysis;NA=not analyzed;Trace= <1%;(SOF-V)=Sprayed On Fireproofing containing Vermiculite;(SM-V)=Surfacing Material containing Vermiculite;Quantitation for beginning weights of<0.1 grams should be considered as qualitative only;Qualitative Analysis:Asbestos analysis results of"Present"or"NVA=No Visible Asbestos"represents results for Qualitative PLM or TEM Analysis only(no accreditation coverage available from any regulatory agency for qualitative analyses):NVLAP(PLM)200546-0, NYSDOH ELAP Lab 11480,AIHA-LAP,LLC(PLM)Lab ID 102843. Warning Note:PLM limitation,only TEM will resolve fibers<0.25 micrometers in diameter.TEM bulk analysis is representative of the fine grained matrix material and may not be representative of non-uniformly dispersed debris for which PLM evaluation is recommended(i.e.soils and other heterogenous materials). Reviewed By: -- ---------------- -- - Relinquished By:Jolene . LOzewskl Date/Time: Q �� 1 !,' BULK CHAIN OF CUSTODY r� AMERISCI NEW YORK Received By: Date/Time: 9 1d )b 7 .� AMERr(SCI 117 EAST 30TH STREET i NEW YORK, 10 _`��/�'..,/ TOLL FREE:(800)0)705-52-52 27 Relinquished By: Date/Time: PHONE:(212)679-8600 Received By: Date/Time: WWW.AMERISCI.COM FAX:(212)679-9392 __ Pr ompany:Chazen Companies t: g QBY-Rid a Road T R, 12 16 0 9 31 6 7 _ p o ec Street Address:375 Bay Road, Suite 201 Arlette St. Romain pi"O #41638.00 : Queensbury State:NY zi�12804„ ro'Address: 894 Ridge Road, Queensl� prof State:NY Phone: 518-824-1928 Cell: 518-813-3838Analysis: i✓IPLM; r7j Positive Stop; aTEM; E. NY ELAP PLM/TEM w/NOB Prep. Fax Results? Y❑ Fax#: _ — ASTM Dust (Microvac)[3�wipe_ Uguaiitative, ElOther describe in comments Email Results? YO Email: jlozewski@chazencompanies.com urnaround Time: 5 day Material Type: Bulk LIDust 0 Water Results to:Jolene J. Lozewski am led B Jolene J. Lozewski Y� Date Sampled: 3/ 016 Special Instructions or Comments: -` See attached Chazen specific COG. Do not include PO in report. Lab ID Field ID Location Sample Description dust area Homogenous Area aG ly ti AmeriSci,Bulk CoC,rev May 20,2009 PAGE 1 OF 1 THE CbaHudson Valley Office zew 21 Fox St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 COMPANIES P: (845)454-3980 F: (845)454-4026 PMud to be Ems foym/Tarty Sample ID Semple Description NA# Date Sampled Friable/NOB 01-VFT-01A West Building Area - Black Vinyl Floor tile 1 9/13/2016 N 02-VFT-01B West Building Area - Black Vinyl Floor the 1 9/13/2016 N 03-LIN-01A West Building Area - Linoleum -Green Swirls 2 9/13/2016 N 04-LIN-01B West Building Area - Linoleum -Green Swirls 2 9/13/2016 N 05-MST-01A West Building Area - Blue Mastic under Black Vinyl Floor Tile 3 9/13/2016 N 06-MST-01B West Building Area - Blue Mastic under Black Vinyl Floor Tile 3 9/13/2016 N 07-CONC-01A West Building Area -Concrete Flooring-Gray 4 9/13/2016 F 08-CONC-01B West Building Area -Concrete Flooring-Gray 4 9/13/2016 F 09-CLK-OIA West Building Area - White Window Caulk 5 9/13/2016 N lk 10-CLK-01B West Building Area -White Window Caulk 5 9/13/2016 N /y 11-INS-01A West Building Area -White Insulation 6 9/13/2016 F ..,� 12-INS-01B West Building Area -White Insulation 61 9/13/2016 F C11)13-GYS-01A West Building Area -Gypsum Board 7 9/13/2016 F O 14-GYS-01B West Building Area -Gypsum Board 7 9/13/2016 F m 15-WALLP-01A West Building Area - Black Wallpaper 8 9/13/2016 N `V 16-WALLP-01B West Building Area - Black Wallpaper 8 9/13/2016 N -M& 17-CMST-01A West Building Area -Carpet Mastic-White 9 9/13/2016 N Cb 18-CMST-01B West Building Area -Carpet Mastic-White 9 9/13/2016 N V 19-COB-01A East Building Area -Concrete Block-Gray 10 9/13/2016 F 20-COB-01B East Building Area -Concrete Block-Gray 10 9/13/2016 F 21-GT-01A East Building Area -Grout-Associated with Gray Concrete Block 11 9/13/2016 F 22-GT-01B East Building Area -Grout-Associated with Gray Concrete Block 11 9/13/2016 F 23-CON-01A East Building Area -Concrete Floor-with Black Rock 12 9/13/2016 F 24-CON-01B East Building Area -Concrete Floor-with Black Rock 12 9/13/2016 F 25-AS-01A West Building Area -Asphalt Shingle Roofing- Black with Gray 13 9/13/2016 N 26-AS-018 West Building Area -Asphalt Shingle Roofing- Black with Gray 13 9/13/2016N 16 27-ASTAR-01A West Building Area -Asphalt Shingle Tar- Black 14 9/14/20N 28-ASTAR-01B I West Building Area -Asphalt Shingle Tar- Black 14 9/15/2016IN Chazen Project No: 41638.00 Inspector: Jolene Lozewski Page 1 of 1 P.O. No. G 5360 Please Reply To: AmeriSci New York J 117 EAST 30TH ST. AmERI SCI NEW YORK, NY 10016 TEL:(212)679-8600•FAX:(212)679-3114 FACSIMILE TELECOPY TRANSMISSION To: Sharon Froedden From: Samuel X.Zhang The Chazen Companies AmeriSci Job#: 216094547 Fax#: (845)4544026 Subject: ELAP-PLM/TEM 48 hour Results Client Project: 41638.00; QBY-Ridge Road; 894 Email: sfroedden@chazencompanies.com Ridge Road,Queensbury,NY Date: Saturday,October 01,2016 Number of Pages: Time: 16:47:17 (including cover sheet) Comments: CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: Unless otherwise indicated,the information contained in this communication is confidential information intended for use of the individual named above. If the reader of this communication is not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error,please immediately notify the sender by telephone and return the original message to the above address via the US Postal Service at our expense. Samples are disposed of in 60 days or unless otherwise instructed by the protocol or special instructions in writing. Thank you. Certified Analysis Service 24 Hours A Day• 7 Days A Week Competitive Prices visit our web site-www.amerisci.com Boston•Los Angeles•New York•Richmond AmeriSci New York AmERI SCI 117 EAST 30TH ST. NEW YORK, NY 10016 TEL:(212)679-8600-FAX:(212)679-3114 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report The Chazen Companies Date Received 09/30/16 AmeriSci Job # 216094547 Attn: Sharon Froedden Date Examined 10/01/16 P.Q. # T 11881 21 Fox Street ELAP # 11480 Page 1 of 2 RE: 41638.00; QBY-Ridge Road; 894 Ridge Road, Queensbury, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 NY Client No. 1 HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos 29-TARP-01 A 216094547-01 No NAD 15 Location: West Building Area-Tar Paper Under Sheet Metal Debris (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material on 10J01/16 Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 12 % 30-TARP-01B 216094547-02 No NAD 15 Location: West Building Area -Tar Paper Under Sheet Metal Debris (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material on 10/01/16 Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 4.3% 31-FOAM-01A 216094547-03 No NAD 16 Location: West Building Area-Foam Insulation Under Sheet Metal Roof (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material on 10(01/16 Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% 32-FOAM-01B 216094547-04 No NAD 16 Location: West Building Area-Foam Insulation Under Sheet Metal Roof (by NYS ELAP 198.1) by Ella Babayeva Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material on 10/01/16 Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 100% 33-FMADH-01 A 216094547-05 No NAD 17 Location: West Building Area-Foam Insulation(Tan Adhesive)Under Sheet Metal (by NYS ELAP 198.6) Roof by Ella Babayeva Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material on 10/01/16 Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1 % See Reporting notes on last page AmeriSci Job#: 216094547 Client Name: The Chazen Companies Page 2 of 2 PLM Bulk Asbestos Report 41638.00; QBY-Ridge Road; 894 Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY Client No. / HGA Lab No. Asbestos Present Total % Asbestos 34-FMADH-01 B 216094547-06 No NAD 17 Location: West Building Area-Foam Insulation(Tan Adhesive)Under Sheet Metal (by NYS ELAP 198.6) Roof by Ella Babayeva Analyst Description: Tan, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material on 10/01/16 Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 1 % 35-FAB-01A 216094547-07 No NAD 18 Location: West Building Area-Fabric From Roof(On-Ground) (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material on 10!01!16 Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 0.4% 36-FAB-01B 216094547-08 No NAD 18 Location: West Building Area- Fabric From Roof(On-Ground) (by NYS ELAP 198.6) by Ella Babayeva on 10/01/16 Analyst Description: Black, Homogeneous, Non-Fibrous, Bulk Material Asbestos Types: Other Material: Non-fibrous 2.8% Reporting Notes: Analyzed by: Ella Babayeva ' 'NAD/NSD=no asbestos dete ; NA=not anal ed;NA/PS-=-n a alyzed/positive stop, (SOF-V)=Sprayed On Fireproofing containing Vermiculite; (SM-V)=Surfacing Material containing Vermiculite;PLM Bulk bestos Analysis by EPA 600/M4-82-020 per 40 CFR 763(NVLAP 200546-0), ELAP PLM Method 198.1 for NY friable samples,which includes the entification and quantitation of vermiculite or 198.6 for NOB samples or EPA 400 pt ct by EPA 600/M4-82-020(NY ELAP Lab 11480);Note:PLM is not consistently reliable in detecting asbestos in floor coverings and similar non-friable organically bound materials. NAD or Trace results by PLM are inconclusive,TEM is currently the only method that can be used to determine if this material can be considered or treated as non asbestos-containing in NY State(also see EPA Advisory for floor tile, FR 59,146,38970,8/1/94)National Institute of Standards and Technology Accreditation requirements mandate that this report must not be reproduced except in full without the approval of the Iab.This PLM report relates ONLY to the items tested.AIHA-LAP,LLC Lab ID 102843, RI Cert AAL-094,CT Cert PH-0186,Mass Cert AA000054. Reviewed By: END OF REPORT AmeriSci Job#: 216094547 Page 1 of 1 Client Name: The Chazen Companies Table I Summary of Bulk Asbestos Analysis Results 41638.00; QBY-Ridge Road; 894 Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY Sample Heat Acid Insoluble AmeriSci HG Weight Sensitive Soluble Non-Asbestos **Asbestos%by **Asbestos%by Sample# Client Sample# Area (gram) Organic /o Inorganic% Inorganic% PLM/DS TEM 01 29-TARP-01A 15 0.208 82.7 5.3 11.8 NAD Anthophyllite<1.0 Location: West Building Area-Tar Paper Under Sheet Metal Debris 02 30-TARP-01 B 15 0.230 89.6 6.1 4.3 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Tar Paper Under Sheet Metal Debris 03 31-FOAM-01A 16 ---- ---- — ---- NAD NA Location: West Building Area-Foam Insulation Under Sheet Metal Roof 04 32-FOAM-01B 16 ---- ---- ---- ---- NAD NA Location: West Building Area-Foam Insulation Under Sheet Metal Roof 05 33-FMADH-01A 17 0.102 98.0 1.0 1.0 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Foam Insulation(Tan Adhesive)Under Sheet Metal Roof 06 34-FMADH-01B 17 0.098 98.0 1.0 1.0 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Foam Insulation(Tan Adhesive)Under Sheet Metal Roof 07 35-FAB-01A 18 0.281 94.3 5.3 0.4 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Fabric From Roof(On-Ground) 08 36-FAB-01B 18 0.290 95.2 2.1 2.8 NAD NAD Location: West Building Area-Fabric From Roof(On-Ground) Analyzed by:Samuel X.Zhang G " ;Date Analyzed 10/1/2016 -*Quantitative Analysis(Semi/Full);Bulk Asbestos Analysis-PL by EPA 600/M4-82-020 per 40 CFR or ELAP 198.1 for New York friable samples or ELAP 198.6 for New York NOB samples;TEM (Semi/Full)by EPA 600/R-93/116(not covered by NVLAP Bulk accreditation)or ELAP 198.4;for New York samples; NAD=no asbestos detected during a quantitative analysis; NA=not analyzed;Trace= <1%;(SOF-V)=Sprayed On Fireproofing containing Vermiculite;(SM-V)=Surfacing Material containing Vermiculite;Quantitation for beginning weights of<0.1 grams should be considered as qualitative only;Qualitative Analysis:Asbestos analysis results of"Present"or"NVA=No Visible Asbestos"represents results for Qualitative PLM or TEM Analysis only(no accreditation coverage available from any regulatory agency for qualitative analyses):NVLAP(PLM)200546-0,NYSDOH ELAP Lab 11480,AIHA-LAP, LLC(PLM)Lab ID 102843. Warning Note:PLM limitation,only TEM will resolve fibers<0.25 micrometers in diameter.TEM bulk analysis is representative of the fine grained matrix material and may not be representative of non-uniformly dispersed debris for which PLM evaluation is recommended(i.e.soils and other heterogenous materials). Reviewed By: THE (haKe��nn Hudson Valley Office n 21 Fox St., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 COMRAN I ES P: (845) 454-3980 F: (845)454-4026 arced to br EMPW a Owned x Sample ID Sample Description HA# Date Sampled Friable/NOB 29-TARP-01A West Building Area-Tar Paper Under Sheet Metal Debris 15 9/28/2016 N 30-TARP-01B West Building Area-Tar Paper Under Sheet Metal Debris is 9/28/2016 N 31-FOAM-01A West Building Area-Foam Insulation Under Sheet Metal Roof 16 9/28/2016N 32-FOAM-01B West Building Area-Foam Insulation Under Sheet Metal Roof 16 9/28/2016 N 33-FMADH-01A West Building Area-Foam Insulation(Tan Adhesive)Under Sheet Metal Roof 17 9/28/2016 N 34-FMADH-01B West Building Area-Foam Insulation(Tan Adhesive)Under Sheet Metal Roof 17 9/28/2016 N 35-FAB-01A West Building Area-Fabric From Roof(On-gorund) 18 9/28/2016 N 36-FAB-01B West Building Area-Fabric From Roof(On-gorund) 18---9/28/2016 N Chazen Project No: 41638.00 Inspector: Jolene Lozewski Page 1 of 1 P.O. No. G 5360 R Jolene J. OZ@WSkI BULK CHAIN OF CUSTODY ;Relinquished By: Date/Time: �--''-��-'- AMERISCI NEW YORK Received Date/Time: �} 38 ) 0156 AMERI SCI 117 EAST 30TH STREET NEW YORK,NY 10016 Relinquished By: Date/Time: TOLL FREE:(800)705-5227 PHONE:(212)679-8600 Received_By:_ _ Date/Time: WWW.AMERISCI.COM FAX:(212)679-9392 ��`w _ -AMERI.S II�: u r Company:Chazen Companies — -- ! ro�ect:QBY-Ridge Road treet Address:375 Bay Road, Suite 201 roj,Mir: Arlette St. Romain Pr L 41638.00 C; Queensbury state:NY Zip�12804 ro'Address: 894 Ridge Road, Queens Pro' State NY _ Phone: __._.____ Cell: —- _ __ __.�.__._,_ L.___w _ 518-824-1928 518-813-3838 nalysis: PLM; ©Positive Stop; -ZTEM; ✓[] NY ELAP PLM/TEM w/NOB Prep. f FaX Results? Y❑ Fax#: ASTM Dust Microvac Wi e ; Qualitative; ❑ Other describe in comments mail Results? YC✓ Email: llozewski@chazencompanies.com! urnaround Time: 48 hr Material T e ✓ Bulk Dust Water Results to:Jolene J. Lozewski_ am L led B Jolene J. Lozewski ____ Date____._S_.m?am led: _ __. 9128!2016_..__ Special Instructions or Comments: -- -- - - See attached Chazen specific COC. Do not include PO in report. Lab ID Field ID Location Sample Description dust area Homogenous Area j SEE ATTACHED CHAZEN COC ---------------------- 0 jg AmeriSci,Bulk Coc,rev May 20,2009 PAGE 1 OF 1 Attachment C: Chazen Licenses and Certifications New York State—Department of Labor Division of Safety and Health License and Certificate Unit State Campus,Building 12 Albany,NY 12240 ASBESTOS HANDLING LICENSE Chazen Engineering, Land Surveying & Landscape FILE NUMBER: 08-39190 Architect Co., P.C. LICENSE NUMBER: 39190 LICENSE CLASS: RESTRICTED 21 Fox Street DATE OF ISSUE: 07/13/2016 EXPIRATION DATE: 07/31/2017 Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Duly Authorized Representative—Mark Kastner: This license has been issued in accordance with applicable provisions of Article 30 of the Labor Law of New York State and of the New York State Codes,Rules and Regulations(12 NYCRR Part 56). It is subject to suspension or revocation for a(1) serious violation of state, federal or local laws with regard to the conduct of an asbestos project,or(2)demonstrated lack of responsibility in the conduct of any job involving asbestos or asbestos material. This license is valid only for the contractor named above and this license or a photocopy must be prominently displayed at the asbestos project worksite. This license verifies that all persons employed by the licensee on an asbestos project in New York State have been issued an Asbestos Certificate,appropriate for the type of work they perform,by the New York State Department of Labor. rr Eileen M.Franko, Director SH 432(8/12) For the Commissioner of Labor STATE OF NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OF LABORY 'I ASBESTOS CERTIFICATE .�_-. JOLENE J LOZEWSKI CLASS(EXPIRES) D INSP(06/16) CERT# 10-17636 DMV# 591996284 MUST BE CARRIED ON ASBESTOS PROJECTS 1 _ llllllll11111l11111111111l111 llllllll EYES BRO IF' FOL zm RET hHAIR REA NYSAOL _ L&C URtd TO: c RGT 5ROOM :LA UNIT =0 OEn STATE OF ICUI�ING 12 E �pVS =" � 7y 1VY 12240