PB Staff Notes Packet for 9/19/17 PLANNING BOARD STAFF NOTES SEPTEMBER 19 , 2017 Minutes, o�f July 1811 & July 25,11 Draft resolto — grant/deny mil nutesapprova l Administrative : Site Pln 31-20,17 & Freshwater, Wetlands Permit 3- 2 — Robert Fulmer req a tin tabling , N�ovembeir 28, 20117 Draft resolution -- grant/deny further tabling Site Flan 2 '-27' Special rani 7-2017 — Seaton Property Holdings requesting Ding to October 20,17 Draft resolution — r m /deny further tabling of at:n,,)enz ry' '742 E".,',@y Road,,, '12804 Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION—Tabling. Site Plan 3 1-201 " & Freshwater Wetlands Permit '- OM1 ROBERT FU LMER. Tax MAP ID 296.14-149/Property Address: 54 Country Club Road / an SFR 1A/MDR MOTION TO EXTEND TABLING OF SITE PLAN 31-2017 & FRESHWATER WETLANDS PERMIT'3-2017 ROBERT FULMER,, Introduced by who :w for its adoption. Tabled until the November 28, 2017 Planning Board meeting. Motion seconded by_. Duty adopted this 19'b day of'September,, 2,017 by the following vote: AYES,: NOES: Phone: -518.761,42201 Fav 518.745.44"3"71 -142 Bzi)� Rixxl. Otjeiw;bwy, NY 1`x'8041 1 %v%v%v-queensbL11')'-11& "J N 742 Rw)' Road, �,JY '1280,t Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION—Table Site Plan Site Plan 27-20 17 & Special Use Permit 7-2017 SEATON PROPERTY HOLDINGS Tax Map ID 308.16-1-55, -5,6, -58 & -61/ Property Address: 308 & 310 Corinth Road / Zoning CLI MOTION TO EXTEND TABLING OF SITE PLAN 27-2017 & SPECIAL USE PERMIT 7-2017 SEATON PROPERTY HOLDINGS, Introdueed by who moved for its adoption. Tabled until the Planning Board meeting. Motion seconded b Duly adopted this W4 day of September,2017 by the following vote: AYES. NOBS: Phow: 5f 8.761,82201 17-ax, 5W8.745-44 a 1742 Bav Road, Qkwensbury, NY 12804 1 Site Plan 59-20,17 @ 24 Quaker Ridge, Boulevard Walmart Real Estate Business Trust No Public Hearing Draft resolution — Planning Board recommendation , the Zoni �rdAppeals ............................ —-------........... Town of Queensbury Planning Board et Community Development Department Sta,ffNotes September 1' ,2017 Site Plan -2017 WALMARTREAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST 24 Quaker Fidge Boulevard/CI– Commercial Intensive/ Ward 2 SEAR Type 11 Material Review: application, faqade overview, color view of fa de with new signage ,Parcel History: SP 61-2007 Construction of Walrnx-t; SV 1-2009 for four additional wall. signs; SV 9- 2017 an additional wall sign REguested Action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief for additional sign. Resolutions Planning Board reconunendation. Project Descrintion Applicant proposes to re-paint 500 plus linear feet of existing building facade with a new color scheme and addition of an internally Ht CPick-up ) sign. Pursuant to Chapter 179-7-050 of the Zoning Ordinance fagade color change shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought r additional sign. Planning Board shall provide arecommendation to the Zoning ]Board of Appeals. Staff'Comments * Location-The project is located at 24 Quaker Ridge Boulevard near to Binley's Florist area. * An-angement- The site currently contains an existing,Walmart Store with associated parking 0 Building–1'he building was approved in September of 2008 with the start of the project in January 2008, The board at that time discussed colors and where satisfied the colors would be an earthtone (discussed in 7/15/08 mtg minutes), The applicant has provided a color rendition of the building that would change the fagade base to grey with blue base for the main signage and an orangeblock area denoting the pick up locations. * Signage- The plans show the sign lettering would remain, lute 'for the current signage. The new signagg would be in the orange block area with the wording for Pick Up�. Also included is another burst in yellow. * Site conditions-There is no changes to the existing,site:conditions. * Site plan.overall–The site will remain as is with existing building,parking area, drive area no changes., Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own. initiative or at the written request of an applicant. No waivers are requested as the construction of the Walmart building, is compliant with the original approvals and the:requirements at that time. Nature of Variance The applicant proposes a sixth sign where only one wall sign is allowed. The original project for the Walmart store received a sign variance for the five .signs existing. (SV 1-2009-3/1 8/2,009) Summary The Planning Board is to provide a recommendation to the:ZRA in regards to the,request for relief number of signs. 'Meeti PB: I`meeting; 8 ° 'tgfl qui � �OIIu.4. W�`oA'xGV�'4k d� p ,BV�R'tlgVN6N�a Pf,wV""'9 No:�uu�n •nw�l u ,Y� VpG"e.' Town of Queensb'ury Planning Board RESOLUTION -Planning Bogard Recommendation,to Zoning Board of Appeals Sign Variance 9'-2017 Waalrrnrart Real Estate Business Trust, Tax,Map LTA: 303,15-1-25,1 / Property Address: 24 Quaker Midge Boulevard I Zoning: Cl. The applicant has submitted an a,pplio tiorn for the following: Applicant proposes to re-paint 500 plus linear feat of existing building facade with as new color scheme and addition of an, internally lit("'Pick.up"') sign. Puursmuaurnt to Chapter 179-7-0,50 of the Zoning Ordinance: fagade color change shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval., Variance: Relief is soau ht for additional sign, Planning Board shall provide recommendation to the Zoning Boal of Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zonin rdinarnce, per 'Section 179-9-070 J 2 b.. requires the Planning Board to provide as written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board ofAppeals & Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has, briefly reviewed and discussed this application, the relief request in the variance application aswell as the potential, impacts, of this project on the rn ighborhood and surrounding co unity, and found that: MOTION TO, C TlaATI N ON BEHALF OFTHE PLANNING OA TO 'T14E NI BOA" OF APPEALS FOR SIGN VARIANCE NO. 9-2,01.7 WALTART RJEAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST, Introduced by who moved its,adeption, and, au The Planning Board, based on an limited review, has not identified any i ,nifi aant adverse impacts that cimot be mitigated with current project proposal. OR b The Planning Board, based on as limited review, has identified the following areas ofconcern: 1 Duly adopted this 19"day of'September, 2017 by the following vote: p I'4jarlu ; 5 18,761.822 ,� Fax, 51 8.7;J5,4437 1742 Bay Road, Qua[:u:uust, Y 1,2804 1 uvmv.(Ju eeINs uary.iaoa iIv 4P � TOWN OF QE 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, w"wd"V"'. 22804.59512 RESOLUTION TO AP''PRO� VE 5FTE PLAN 61-2007' & FRESHWATER WETLANDS D2-2008 FOR VMJR COMPANIES 1. A site plan application has been, made to the a lueensbuiry Planning Board for the following. Site Applicant proposes construction of a 150,,,200+/- sq. ft. retail building with associated parking and utilitles Retail uses in HC zones require Planning (Board review' and approval. Freshwater, Wetlands: Filliling of wetlands to provide parking and storm water management facilities. Filling within the 100 foot wet[ands adjacent area requires, a Fres,hwater,'h etlands permit from the planning board. The IPlaunning Board ay continue 'SEAR review . Public hearings were advertised and scheduled; 1/15, B, 4N9, 6 /tS, bled to9/16/08 . This application is supported with all documentation, public comment and application material in the file of record; and 4w Pursuant to relevant sections cf the Town of ueensbuJry Zoning 'Code I[Chapter 179) The Planning (Board has determined that this proposal complie with, the requirements as stated in the Zonling Code; and S. The requirements of the State Environmental Quaility Review Act have been considered and the Planning Board has adopted: A SEQRA Negative Declaration; and fir. If the application is a modification- The requirements of the State Environmental Quallty Review Act have been considered, and the proposed modification[s] do not result in any new or significantly different environmental impacts, and, therefore, no further SEQRA review is necessary; and „ Final approved plane, in compliance 'with the Site Flan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel, The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any sitework. Subsequent issuance offurther permits,, Including building permits Is deperudent on compliance with. this and all other conditions of this resolution. S. 'The, applicant will provide as-built plans to certify that the site plain is developed a=rding to the approved plans [rJor to, issuance of the certificate!of occupancy; and 91, NOT APPLICABLE, If aonllcable, item 8 to be combined with, a Metter of credit; and ]its. The Sanitary Sewer connection plan must be submitted to the Wastewater Department for its reviewer, approval, permitting and inspection MOTION TO . APPROYE ST ' PLAN NO. 61-2007' & FRESHWATER. 1-Zoe _ VMt R I M P IIw M, Introduced by Chris Hu.unsinger who, moved for Its adoption, seconded by Stephen Traver: Item Fouur, the project complies. Item Five, Negative Declaration. item dine does not apply. The motion is approved with the following special condlitions 1. That 'there will be no clearing of any trees, outside the developed area, except for routine maintenance for diseased or damaged)trees, . on the landscaping plan, 1C-04, wherever possible, the landscaping plan will utilize equivalent native species. .. Wilariac 6f Nei P. wrad Beau fy ... A Good PIneef Live " (Q%AoensbuFy PlanniRg lBeard MIMS) MRS,, STEFFAN-Okay, MR-CANUGIARI-Yes. I know that. MR-H UN$1 NIGE R-Sri there's no proposed dhanges,in the existing Canopy lights, MIR.CANUGIARI-No- MR. HUNS I NGER-It's just the band that would be illuminated. R. CANLIGIARI-You're flight. MR, HUINSIN!GER-Oksy. MR.,KREBS-Actually the white part of ft band comes doven to, MvRS.STEIFFAN-Okay. I'll make a motion- MgTLQ,H_T0_� LE MIODIF[CATIONTF.YVbBILS—HQIPS, 3[TLB,�� Introduced by Gretchen Steffan wrio moved for its adoption, seconded by Thomas S,egoljic: Tabled to September 100 with, an opplication deadline of August 15P, so that the applicant cans provide the Illurninalibn of the canopy, in foot candles, compared to the current site lighting, specifically the irnpsO on The exislipg fighting to the proposed 119h,ting. So that the applicant can also,p�irovide a digital lighting fagot candle compardson fof their gas price signage, andthe colors we wovid like them to compare is red,amber., .and while. Duly adopted this IV' day of, July. 2OW, by the following vote; AYES: MT,Traver, Mr.Schonewulf, Mt, Krebs,Mr. Sipp, Mrs.Steffan, Mr. Segul#r', Mr. 1-1unsinger NOES,,-, NONE MR,HUNSINGER-Thank you. MR,CANUGIARI-Okery, Yes,thank you fbf your the!. MR, HUNSINGER-You're welooM. Wore I sniinounce the next project,® if there's anyone hiera: for Jane and Edward Gardnef and Don and Peggy Merdhiew, fbf Oat project,, the applicant has vdthdrawn that application, and we will obviously aiddress that when we come to it on the agenda,but If you're,here,that has been,Mffidrawn, SITE PLAN NO,S1-2007 9:FRESHWATER WETLANDS 1-20018 SEOR TYPE I VMJR COMPANIES AGiENT(S) BERGMANN ASSOCIATES OWNER(S) FOREST ENTERPRISES MMT, ZONING HtC-IN7ENSIVE LOCATION RT. 2NW INTERSECTION AT QUAKER RIDGE BLVD. SITE PLAN- APPLICANT PROPOSES CONSTRUCTION OF A. 150,2010,+1- S ® FT. FIETAIL BUILDING WITH ASSOCIATED PARKING AND UTILITIES. RETAIL USES IN HC ZONES REQUIRE PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND, APPROVAL, FRESHWATER WETLANDS. FILLING WF-TLANDS TO PROVIDE PARKING A: ND STORM WATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES, FILLIN,,G WITHIN THE 1010, FOOT WETLANDS ADJACENT AREA, REQUIRES A FRESHWATER WETLANDS PERMIT FROM TIME PLANNING BOARD. 'THE PLANNING BOARD MAY COMME.NCE SEAR REVIEW. CROSS REFERENCE UV27-93, AV 4-,93 WARREN CO, PLANNING 119,108 41946 APAICEA/DECJACOE NI I WETLANEON ACOTz LOT SIZE 37.55 ACRES TA)( MAP No. O .15-1-25 SECTION 1794-020 MARK PETROSKI&BOB SWEENEY, REPRESENTING APPLICANT.PRESENT MR., HLINSINGER-Whenever you"Te ready, gentlemen, Keith,, if you want, to,, Stu, I'm sorry,summarize Staff Notes please. MR, BAKER-Yes. 1111 briefly sumimarize Somme of thae outstanding 'Staff comments at this point. O[ n Sheat X-2.1, the applicant is showing the area to the, for w,etEanids mitigation, the area for wetlands to,be created,and yet in the narrative materials,they've provided, Ih 11 ( tuueen;sbmury Plafaniin+g Board 0711%8) Altachrmem One there's ;a noto to No about discussion between their project engineer, Mr. Petroski, and the Afmy Corps of Engpineefs where the fneelmng notes state that essentially other mitigation options @ire Still being considered. such as off site rni lhgatiion or land banking, So,there's a question. at least In my mind, ;as to what is the mitiigation going to be? The materials, presented show rmitigation being drone on this project site; The narrative provided states that.'there may be other mitigation options to considler. Oni Sheets -01, cleering lirrmiits,the cleeriing channels;are, again„, shown hack on the plans. However, thinning activities such as what may be proposed in thee clearing could be considered regulated activity under our local wetland regulations, and would need to be considered as suchwwrlth appropriate details” level of detaiil provided. Again, I noted that no trees ower 18 inch or greater caliper are shown on the plans, nor to my knowledge have: they been Identified by flagging on site- The applicant did provide a note on the plans slating that all trees within 18 inch caliper or greater wwdiil rermein oautsiide'the areas of proposed giradirg, but again, llmose afefu't identified. ~sheetr m1„ we do have time reverse curve radllii for the truck entrance rmovefnents- However, the attachment four That the applicant provided does show,that the truck rmovornents will l still go into oncormning lanes,. and I question whether that can be conectedl throungh some adidi loran design adfustnments, The applicant did'; provide a note In the narrative slatiing that they would expect traffic would l stop and essentially stay but of the way of the Inx*s, but I think a desiign sonution would be .a better allernativ& Welland buffers, Duffer lines; need) to be showvn on time Site Pilan sheet.still,. If the wetlands mitigation its to be on,site wetlands creation., complete design details for those are needed for, this, Board's fevieww„ and I would say before you can complete SEQRA as well, because there could be significant envirommmentad concerms to roview AM that wetlands creaticn, The dleteilsprovided on Sheet 0-3 allso Inclrudhed a new appfo�dmate area of bedrock to be rem,owed which raises The question of where v6lll that'bedrock go, If it's,to be moved off site, how rnuch traffic wwilll be generated by that particular activity„ and is that reflected in fthe Long Envnronmenial Asse5sirnent Form submitted? II also note that in one of the three, dimensional bedirock imappinigs provided by, the applicant., lit is based an 32, on Site borings, and yet Sheet C-03 only showsrive of those locations. Sheet -4 again, planting details regarding wetlands mlggation„ it, again, on site wetlands mrifigation will be dlonwe. Sheet C-5.we still om^t have any lighting detains for proposed signage at the corner of Quaker Ridge 'Boulevard and Quaker Road, and those, are really the outstandings Planning Staff issues, (fuay, Thanks, 'Stu. Good evening, gentlemen, If ,your could Identify,yourselvas for lhe record,, MR. IPETROSKI-Good evening„Iladies afnd gentlemen. My name its Dark Petroski, Fmi a project manager with Bergmann Associates. I guess n'lII get it started, butwith me this evening its Vic Ma(A, the applicant,,and Bob, weerme?y. So I guess wh-at I thought n would do was kind of'follow tuu's lead and go,through the comments because at one point in We, we have the simmmunllatiion„which we've:adjusted, as you've asked for, and if we just. follow aldng in the comments, I can address these, because as you all know, we 1"gawe responded to The last couple of rounds of cornments frorm VISION Engineering and the Town'Staff with ouur.June.suufbrrmittaal,and so These are the only outstanding comments that iremi,ann,;and so we could,just basically explain to you where they stands, MR.,HiLlNSllNER-Nay. SIR',..IpET ROSKIA think Ilan got some ansvvers,for you. T'h[s first comment on Sheet X- Z 1, it talks about the impact can existmng wettands of the site,we have on our dfa ng,X- 2.1. g,1, showed) an area for mitigation, and that Is what we've presented) to, Corps of Engineers in our meeting, and at this point, we're prepared to impllemmment whatever the. Corps actursally finally directs uuis to do„okay. We've made time proposall, I've brought,with True, this is a copy of the Corps application, I have to provide the Town a copy, ibu it In essence this is vwhat we'll be reviewing wwliths the Corps of Engineers to come to the final details,but 're going to take their lead in implementation of ami iga�tion, MR. hfUNSINGER— okay. RS. STEFFANl-Hove(long will that take,-do'you know? MR, PETROSM-The Corps has; Instructed us, it should take about 120 drays is the rmaxi,murrn time liithit for their actual,Issuance of a permit. MRS.STIEF'FAf -And whorl was It filed? MR. PETFI'OSK[-Weill, it's,not filed yet, It's fight here. Ready to go. I had hoped to have it submitted last,week„ but within the next dray or two it should be on their desk On the clearing limits,, we can jump„ right now. Into the simulation, if you would Bike to get a 1 (Queensbury Planning Board 0711 51' ) better handle ori what w0e;trying to show with that, I have to set it up. Okay. This is goingl to be difficult,. Well. "awe°fl give It a Ify. What I'm going to,do is just goo dlovirin to the roadi level, and walk you throughthe,different scenarios that we've been talking sbron.rt., This first viiew is where we started from with all the existing vegetation on the site, qt's all the leaves oirl the treses, and if you drive along the roads, this is the kind of, at eyeball height for a car, That's kindof what you'd be seeing. This next one is if there's no heaves on the trees,,and Miis next view is,With the leaves back on the trees again, bort the swath cut through. There"s one. Thebe"s a.second one, and then there"s a third one„and then this is what it would be If the leaves were oft the trees, and there's the swath timere. the seoond one, and there the firrst one again, and then we attempted to show a thinning option, wvhiio„tn I'm nrot honestly completely satlsfied WM1igh„ because I think we took out. more trees in the sitmulaucin than we would do iin the field. but this gives you en idea sof what happens if you just try to tele out trees. You have a.more random view,, alnd then it's going back again, and'then if there's no te�aves can the trees, I don"t think we have that one, Sio. I'm just going to gio up in the sky for a second„and then showy you the aerial view of what that looks like, So this is all 'the trees, and this is with the leaves off the trees,. 'That;"s where youi ve got youlrr cut throughs, fiat's the leaves off agaiim, and this Is your random trees, but It looks thinner than it is because some of the trees are dawrker colors, and you can slarl,to,pick up on thoem there!.,so there's some of the slight,green and some of the darker green. So it doesn't look tike there's as many trees left as there aloes when you come down to ground levell, but that's the'kind of Idea we,had talked about at the last meeting as an option to thiinni og, as opposed to cutting swaths through, and again, that's the kind ofview you'd have from the road The next part of the Town Staff comments,has to do with the size of time trees„and again,we've putt the note on the ptanws saying we'll save every tree, 18 inches or larger, on'the site, and that's not In an area to be cleared. So, any of the land that's to be left undisturbed, if there's 18 lunch Imes in there vwue"I leave them. Sol In that froM area,where we taikeld about,thinning,if there's 18 Inch trees in,there„we (leave them, anything 18 inches ands larger, and anything etse on Me site within the limits of the pavement and building„ obvicluslly, we're going to ut down. II think,the grading pian shows;you w;wd-ny, There's art extensive amomnt of grading that's required to get the pads and Wings lin there.. The next comment here about the New "fork Mate DOT agreement for the s,idlewvalk., actually it'll be the County Ike"partrnent of Public Works, because they actuallly have Juurisdiction on the section of Route 254, Quaker Road, and we.we're at the point we feell that they've aw:epted our report and our traffic adderndurn, and I think at this point we Just meed to now get into the details of designing time actual, doing the actual construotionn,pians, ' o I think that"s where we're at, and this its one,of tlhose Items II think we'll be able to address with thern as part of that effort The next comment here was,about tine truck entrance movements, I'd just like to point out for the Board's consideration, this was Tab Four in the bound document That says response to April 29,2,008,Staff comments- There"s two figures.there. There's one showing trucks coming in and Cine showing iruoks going out III haven't had a chance to discuss this with 'Staff, Sia rIII just give you my first impression (here is t dowil see an issuue with the truck crossing into the opposite lame, in either case, whether you're coming in or you'me coming out, You obviously have,to-Dross a lane when yourre going across the trafficto get to tate loading docit t don't think there's any possible way to aw^oid having to dross the other Mane to get over there, So, other than that" III thunk^wve'"we been able to contain the truck within the right side of the road when they're rnaiwuing their maneuver. Now you can see, was do shows a tight squeeze against thna curb, but to that I would say that we're providing a 60 foot radiuns at this driveway, and normally we don't provide more than a 55 foot radius for trulcks, The only reason why I went to 60fool is belio�ause of the reverse:"S"that we ham lo,go through, Sixty foot„ it you see it actually drawn. or in the field„it"s e very bi,gi radius, The width,of the:throat of this driveway is 40 feel, Typical commercial driveways are moire We around 351 feet, So I thunk we've got more Than ample, morn (here, and all we're arguing) about Is the representation of a corrnputer simulation, and I can tell you that these trucks,ren make these turns at a 35 foot radius or a 30 foot radius,; but we provide more room, and the more room, we provide, it. doesn't really matter- At the end of the day„ one of these guys �s gioiin,g to burnpi a curb, but II really believe there"s ample room here for trucks coming [un and out. without any unnecessary corrfiicis,, and that's., This comment, this next comment about the fencitng details, the comment its related to this seasonal display area in the parking lot There is a detail„ It lis on.Drawing Q-t. I oheryk.ed before 1, these are the drawings that were submitted. It's on,Drawing 0I-'1 in the very middle of the;page,,and all it is is basically,ciunderblooks that have the holes in them vwith (like Iwo,by six wooden rails that go between them, ,and that's, all it lis. It"s very temporary. It goes, up and then when they're done at the end of the season It gioes,down, So it's not a permanent fonoo,. Its not rain ilink or, you know, board on,(board or anything like that, It's a cinderblock with wood rail)fence. This comment about the wetland buffer Bine. We came in to talk to Smff about that particular fern, and II thought,we agreed that we could) represent it on The Sheet -,p.i, and that's the,ldraiwiflgi that shows the slide by slide comparison of Welland 1131 (fQueernsbury Planning Board 07115108) impacts, before and after, and so the buffer,line is there„ a,nd an that dra,wwwing, The .Site Plan as shown is exactly,as it's shom on -1,and on -1.1. So i think the information is there to be able to showy your where the buffer lime is telatuwue to the wetland area. and its a 'very difficult line to draw, because the wrwettaunds are very irregular, but II thinwk we represented a very honest re+piresentatfon of what that buffer lime is. The plans say that, the plans show you that there Is a parking lint in the buffer area,, okay, and the green space that's,tet in thoe bluffer area ranges in width from, I think it's from, 110 to 80 feet or some- On gtrawwwing -1,1„ in the table, we have, under zoning requirements we Gist the: very Bast one as welJoinct buffer,and it says,required Is 100 feet" and we say proposed„it varies from nine feet to 141 feet, and what that's saying its that, as you go along the perimeter of the wetlands,, we retain, green, spade of that varying vwiidth. There's some spots where it is nine feet wide,but ether spots More it goes as murh as'1411. MR, hGUI.JI -Could your just refresh my rmemoTym What map are youl looking ate' MR. PETR SKI-D,ravwiing, C-11.1, which is ''-Site Plan Two of Two. That's the table, I'm sorry„seven, MR. SEGUL„Jl -Okay. MR. PETROS�KI-1 mean, to see where the buffer Is In relation to the parking let you'd have to go to Drawwtiwing ®31, Moving on,to comments, Again, the comment about the wetlands mitigation but as we:said earlieur,whatever resulting design thatwe are directed to do by the Corps of Engineers is what we would Irnpternent on the project. The nwext. comnrmweunt on the bedrock,we needl the fill orw:site, "+w;"y'e have no intentions of trucRing the: fill off the site. So vwhalewer rock is blasted Will'be used on the property„ and Me three- dlimens[onal imap of the bedrock, Staff[s absolutely correct, There are more bowwn s, It look 332 borings our site to be able 1:c generate that map which is all computer Simulation using all the Mate that we have, We provided five representative borings to be able to dernonstfate the actual field)data of the depth to rock. I didu'n"t think you would wvaunt to see alit Gf them, but II thought it was fair to at least give you, sofne representative information as was requested). MR, HtmNlN Itw GER-Ho r do the irenwaining 32 borings compare to the: five that ww^o,re provided' Are they all very sin lar? I rrmean, based on the location. I mean. are the fivio repfesentative of the ballamce of the thirty-two? MR. P'ETRl3SKII-Well, this Is Attanchnueni Sir in that same boort as before. MR.,lHt,lNSIN E,R-'Yes,w&re(looking at that,yes, lw,t;R. PETRO,SKI-IIs a collar diiagmaam,, and the seoond figure actually showers you all the data points. MR. RR-ORay, MR. P'ETROSKI-fall those vertical lines,, and we laka the rock depth from every single one of those points, and then weJust create a surf ce, and so that"'s how this image was created. MR, I"UNSlN' ER-Okay,. MR. PETROSKIIl-So Gill these points represent wuhuere we hit rock, and that's how,we eget thedihem�nt tones, IFromni the red and,oranige color„ that's where the lowest elevation of rock Is. Up to the yellow in the upper corner is the highest elevation of rock. MR. HUNSINGER-01”ay, R, IPETROSKI-So,the rock elevotiorw in the highest area we're working is around 333",1 thunk,and our building pad is,al 330. So we have some rock in,the comer to take ouml.� MR. FtUNSINGER-I've got;to be honest. That was,the first lime that["we seen a draWng depfcledthat way. t wasO really sure what I:was sopipo"sed to tme looking at until you just explained it, So that was helipftul,. MR.SEGULJl -So there's a differenceof IiAe 20 feet In bedrock across the site? MR. PETROSKI-Correct but there's,also„the suurfdce Itself also varies,wjM the bedrock. The closer youget to Quaker Road.,the deeper the rock gets. 14 (Queensbury Planning Board 0711&08) MR, SIPP-Do you have any calculation on, how much, youi'lil have to remove? Is there, just roughly, MR, PETROSKIA think we represented a number In the EAF, I went to say 1,,000,cubic yards is the:most. MR. SIPP-41's at 334 and yiir finis,he!d elevation is 333, and finished floor Is, a33. I believe. MR. PETRO� SKI�-So we have to take out a small surface area to got down to elevation fbr the floor, and then we've got some trenching work to do to,get in,our foundations,but we won't have to go very deep 'because we can set the foundations on the rock and we wort't have to,worry about frost heave, So it's just enough to get the footings in,and then, of,course when we,put in utilities,In the back,we've got a storm,drain in the back. We'll have to blast along Me trench for the storm seweF. So it's more refined depending on where utilities are or foundations are going. The ne)(t GOMmonit, again, Is about the wetlands, I've addressed that already, The next comment, on Sheet -b there was a comment aboUt the store sign. We don't'yet have a store sign to present to the Board,, but we are representing the Vocation at this point. I think the thought process is now I lhat any sign out there would be internally ifluminated. There would be no ficodlights eithet up or down. So that's the direction that we're going in, The VISION Engineering comments, ft's,Number Two, live gone through their comments and there's answers for all of them,,and I think It's just a matter of talking to'Dan Ryani. The Information is there, in his reports. I just have to, point him in the fight direction. So, I'm comfortable that every1hiiing answi!Ws his questions,. it's jlust e mattef of just walking him througlh it. On the revised lighting plant,we did, as you know,provide two optional plans. Option A was based on Town Code, strictly based an Tom Code,,which is a 20,foot pole height, and all the lightipgI paremWers that wePre required to satisfy in the different areas, and then, the Option 5 is the one that we would prefer,which Is a 28 foot pate height which is eight feet higher than the Code asks for,and tha nium,be!r of light poles is redu ced by, I think it was about nine. I forget my inuirnbers, but there was about a 20%, 15%, 20%reduction in the number of light,poles, and we were able to come pretty close. I thought we hit exaotly the Town's,requirements, tegardlessof the fact that we went to lower light popes, but thefe's an interpretation of the,four to one iftsmination ratio.,which I wasn't clear on.. For the enfirasitei which I thought that's the way the Code read,was we provide a four to one iflumination, ratio, but when you look at each individual component, around the building,we're at 4,08 to one and then 4.76 to one. On this,particu[ar buildingi, there Is a number of doors, because of the size of irt, because we need exit paths for fire evacuation purposes,, W meet Code. Sol you have a, number of exteTiar doors, aundl we put a light on every single door, but the catalogue out shows you it's a rectangular light. that. has downward facing casting of the light, So the light's there,, but It's colly for security and safety purposes, in front of the More, the lighting is a little bit higher because we"re putting, in some pedestrian scalle bollard [lights,. and I think with, that additional Illumination, and In addition to the light standardly in the:parking toti the lighting ratio is a little bit higher,, but overall, :if, ofter, having seen the simutalion and you realize that we're back from the road, behind the wetlands area with as many areas as we're allowed to keep, and Ws just an area that starts to,become a little bit Iso[aled, and we'd like to keep the lighfing, st Ileast around the building, as bright as we"re showing it, and it's not that far off from what the Town has asked for In their Code, MRS,STEFFAN-And you said the poles are eight feet taller? Ml4.PETROSKI-Eight feet,rilighit. Right.28 versus 20. On Question Ntimber Four,we've already shown you the simulation, and then five, six, seven and eight have all been satisfied. So, with that, I think the Board's awaTe that we went to Colunly, Planniing, on July V and received back a favorable approval of ower plan. They had a couple of comments that they've asked the Piwnning Board to consider, I think it's consistent with what we"re doing here, but we're at a point where we'd take to see!If we can moveto the next stop with our application and look at the SEARA fDrms, and to, set- if the Town's ready to,move forward)on'the SEG RA determination, Il3ob,did you have anything to add) at this 1point? BOB SWEENEY MR, SWEENEY-1 thinkthe only comment that we have on that is the one that, excuse me, Bob Sweeney speaking. 11 thinik the oily comment we,had on,that was the one that 'Stu made about the inner relationship between the Corps mAgation,approval and What we have on the plans. What we have on the plans is a clear delineation of where the 15 ( u'e nwshuryPlanniingBoard 0711M 8) wetland bounidades are. As Dark Just walked you througih„, there°'s also Infcorrnation on where the t)uffer area is, as wwweill as the bur.uuilding and parking lot impacts on that, We haw"'e also In your information .a proposed mltigallon that has been submitted to, the Corps.. Obviously their process takes longer than your process. We won't know exactly what the fgnal configuration of the rnitlgstion will beuntiill the Corps juules a perornit, and if it the position of the Board,and Staff that applicants before this Board have to go away untill the Coins is doneµwith their permit,,then vil will have to do that,,but that's som,e chat unpractical, and it ;gets us in Rind of a chi tsen and the egg situation„ and it's not sornethiingi that we see in other municipal permitting processes, We've given you sufficient information for you to reach a,SEuRA determination on that, and your referral to the agency with jlurisdiction over than final form of the rnitiigation plan Is not in violation of SEQRA or anything that you're not supfaosed to do, t think you have sufficiilent inforrnaticn to determine the environmental Impact on,the wetlands, and as you know, we've worked very 'hard to reduce the size; of the IprojeV,, reduce time impact„ .and certainly we would be very (happy, obviously, when we file the application, deliver iit to: you,give youi all of the information that the Corps has as it Boas along,, but as far as your obligations under SEQRA„ t thunk youi have more than enough Information to make that dletorrrmirratiion, and II lcellieve that w,raws the only eomarrwent than was made with respect to the SEQSA issue. So our position wa'oulld be that for purposes,of determining significant ,environmental, impacts, you 'have that information, You don't have the Corps parmilt, You don't have the final determination of the mitigation requriirern,ents, but you;can defer to the Corps to Issue that, It's,not unlike DOT. You're not going to see a highway work perrrnit Li well after you;"re done with your pr less; and that will detefrniiume, the final mrmlitlgatlion design, but that's not something this Boards has to have lin order to make its EQRA,determination at this stage. MR, hgtvwN ll GER- nyt'hiiing else? Okay. Thank you. Questions, ccrnmments from members of the Board? MRS, TEFFAN n one of the drawwinPgs'that,this,is,obviously a reta7 development,,but it also has a section,for restauruunt and it has a section for services. What other things will be in the building? )i kind of a restaurant" Ill lticDona,Idsi,or fast food? R.IEETROSIK'l-It would bie some kind of.fast food. MR;S.STEFFAN-Because Ifs like 45.000. MR. KREb -20,000. MRS, STEFFAN- i9,lg ffq aundl thein the personal services, 42125 square feet. It's,pretty big, Yesi, iit's gent food„ 42,2501 suquua,re feet, restaurant, 2,104 square feet, personal servloµes 91,783 s,glua,re feat. MR. F' T KI-Food is like girooer'las. MFS. KRE s opposed to the resgauranut. MRS,, TEFFAN-tai IMM, p17ROSKll-Yes„ it was labeled together, but the personal services is the $9,000, and youi have a customer area. You have restroomss. Those are the kind of the things that are in the front, The vesOlb uses,. MRS, 'w9Te'F'F'AN-Olkay, Bank, maybe,,hair salaan,somathing like that maybe. MR.PETROSKI-Correct, MRS. STIEFFAN-t kay. Ill making a correlation of food. l saw restaurant and went food. I didn't thunk grocery store, 'These are:very bigi plans. One,of time conditions that II would like to see on gtu,e plan, l didn't (look for it, but I'm assuming it's not tihe>se, One of the conditlons, and 'I don't knew what this is, obviously we've tallied about vrhaq it rnigftt be, but no trainers may be parked or stored in the front of the(building, I m,lean,you°'ve Blot those clearing) plaths, There's a local retailer who likes; lo park tractor trainers out'fr'ont with their u"narne on time front, and we certainly don't want that, So that needs to be a notation on your plat. VIC MACRI R,.i'tir1A SI-Theywwouldl,n"t be ablle to sea them from the road)anyway. 16 (Queensbiury Planning Board 0,7115M), MRS.STEFFAN-Welll,you have to have some good vision MR, HUNSIMER-1 guess it depends on how big the letil leg is,ion the sidle of the truck. MRS. STEFFAN-And the other thing that'] have an issue with is,the building design. I am not a,fan of,the current building dosip. I don't know how,the rest of the Board feels, but, i HUNS I NIGER-Can you walk us,kind)of through the design a little bit. you know. what the thought process was,how you arrived at the design proposed? MR. PIETROSKI-Well. the general theme of the! building is. in terms of cull is earth tones.. There's a variety of earth tones, and the oolors themselves are used to break tip the shape of the building. You don't want something that's Jost a big blaO waill. $10 you can,use colllor:,obviously,to create different smaller 5paicels,which brings the scale of the building down, There's an arched therne all the front of the building which encalpsulves, two entrances, and it's meant to be an inviting shape, and a way finding ,directional desigin element to, bring people to the front doors, Thiers's very little glass, exoept at the doors themselves, So you're not going to have interior lighfing cast oul into the parking l ol There are some gilass e[emenits there, but i majority, the only really lighted areas are in The two main entrance areas. ThaVs the orilly place where you're going to, see light coirl i out from, the building itself, The building l physical changes to the fagadle,the front faigede,andl remernber,the back of this building is against a hill[s4e, and it's prelly,dill to see it, The,east ejel is,facing, is also facing a hillside, but it's up in the far corner, and there's no, chance of visibility on that, side, really,from. Ml STEFFAN-The front is all you're really going to,see, MR. PIETROSl the front and the left side!. Sal,with the front of this,store; you'have a lot of. 11"d s-ay in plain view horizontail chain es along the front building line, wl agialin, breaks Lip The spare and the smiallef ellemerits. Right at the enlrances, and if you look at the Isometric view in the ul right comer, JNie:is, It's kind of a l effecill. You have a shaded area which is not a complete awningi. So it's not solid, rain can fall through it,,,il it gives the opportunity for shade,for anybody standing in front of the,store and waiting for a (idle,, you know, if somebody's wailing to get picked up In their car, but by that kind of an element, as well es all of those lift white posts yolus0e, those are all lighted bollards. So the ideal is, in that pedestrian area, you're starting to focus on,, holw do people feet, where they're going to be gathering the most, and trying to add some, pedestrian scale elements. So vMh the lighted boillards, it helps wil-way finding, The pergola offers some shade Fralm the sun, and then you start to see more airchilecturall elements that are smaller wade„ like whfat we call a,water table. There's about a three foot hligh band of masonry along the base of the building in, several locations. That's more pedestrian scale. You also see the same effect gicing up the colulmns, to, again, provide some sense of scale and make the pedestrian feel like they're Wellcome !in that area. There's also a,in the very middle of the front elevation,you can,see,there's a large tree. That Vele is surrounded by a planter box With, some outdoor seating benches, so, th,at if people want to sit there and, aglain,.wait for a ride or for whatever purpose, there is a place for them to got off their feet. There'll be a sefies,of benches, andl as far as the material ge[ection, you're using a lot of efface at the higher elevatilou, but we do incorporate some brick and some other, maisonryll split face rinalsonry products,, like with, the water table I was describing, to break up the elevation.. So, we like it. We're very excited about it, MRS, STEFFAN-It tooks like an airport, It looks like the entrance to Albany Airport, you l where you pull up and,you drop people off. That's what it looks like to ime, and I know that there'll be signs, branding signs,or a slign,on the front, but It fast doesn't sing to rne., I don't know how the rest of the Board feels,. II seem to bile a lone voice right now. MR. HUNISINGER-No, Pit Oilme Ina little bill- I reality 'like the colors, 11 (like the color seli%lion Is really good. I like the way that you used different cotors,to try to break up the buil4ing. I'm not so sure I like the design here, though. 11 dont know, I'm not sure how I would describe the, MR, SIPP-'that would be, would the sign be, identifying sign would be on t?i blig brown patch in the middlie? What caller would that be? 17 (Queensbury Planning Board 07)1%8) MR- PETPOSXI-Theonly signage we would probably consider for a building like this iis. jji over It a antrances, and theri actuolly three entrances. There's the two that are inside of that curve shape, and then one to the,fair fight, aind then one identifying silgirtfor, whoever this tenant Is. There'll be other ancillary siigns, Oke there'll be some simailli directionalI signs, like if there's an,exitor an entrance, Those will, we expeot those will pop up, only for directional purposes, to make sure gornabody doesn't go in the wrong direction..but those are on the buildl ng itself, So,that's the primary focus of signage. MR. SIP P-Whalt color? MR. PE'rIRCSKI-Generalty white. MR, HUN$I NGEP-So the 4Wual identifying brand narne would be white,the sign? MR. PETROSKI-Tba one primary color that eve could do,for all signage is white!, T'here might be one element that mNhl be a,different color, but,we'd like to be able to,review that,you know,whien the time comes that we have a co nflirmiled 011CCLipant here. MIR. SIPP-11 think this Is hard to imagine in three-dimension, the way It's laid out here- Nolw, N you Nive one piece on one page and another piece on another page, this way, we're not getting ai three-dimenisioniW type of view., MRS, STEIFFAN-Well,,and:I'm also,not sure how the build[ingi wiIIII age. Obviously 11;has a lot of elements, but I'm looking at this, and thinking,what will it look like 10 years from now or 15 years(Tom now? Will the style stand the test of fimpe? 11 guess,that's the best way I could ask the quavion. MIR.. IPETR.OSKII-Things do change, The likes of the teni change, The likes of the Community change. They don't gain anything by Clashing with what customers waint to see, and glight now this is a color selortion, that generally people like, They like earth tomes- They like 'the tares; and browns, They don't like, you know, greens and,yellows and grays and;blues. MRS, STEFFAN-Well, and the contrast across the way that's orange and turquiolse and whatever other Color they've added to,the Super K I mi it's fairly hildeous, MR. HUNSINGER-Well, I think that's the portion of it that I di&'l like is the silver, the silver motall, and I don't know if they'remetal or not. They look metal to me,the awnings and the overhang& Maybe that would be more appealing if It was a different color,, MR. MACRI-Your concern is the canoples, whather or not they're going to be a gray Color or MR.,HUNS]NGER-Yes. I mean,that's really the one piece'that.L MR. MACRI-I mean, Mat's something we can adldress. I miean, it can be any kainartype coating. Wouldn't you thiinik, Mark? Thai':.s faddy simple. 11 would think on most goofing matetials, and you see the roof from there, they tend to be a reflective material for energy purposes, energy saving purposes. go I would suispect that even the mass,roof may be a tefleclive colo, too, even though It's shown dark there. That may change slightly, So ais,you're flying over in aiin airplaine, you may see snore of a while roof than you would a blark, R. HUNSINGER-So, for example, the rear elevation where you see the gray color at The top, is that the roof material,is that the actual roof material? MR.PETROSKI-In the second one from the bottorn? MR,H UNS I NGER-Yes,- MIR.PETRO KI-leo, thiat'saictuially a pairapel line, MR. HILINSINGER-Okay.. MR. PETROSKI-So when you're loci at the from of the store, the top roofline is higher than the roof, which basically is designed to hide the HvC, equipment that's up on the top. 18 (Queensbury Planning Board 07115,M8) MR. MACRI-Sol Mat's the back side of the parapet Ydblich would prolbably be wrapped with,some sort of rolofinig material. MR.PETROSKI-Correct,, M R-HIUNSI NGER-ThaVs Whatr I asked. MR. MA SRI-So i(it"s white. it would be,white,.. If it's black,,it would be black, MR, HUNSIINGIER-Sothat's,not really necessarily the actual Color that would be shown MR, MA RI-No„not from the backside. R. Ht,NSINGER-Yes, bec�ause youli use some son of a mambrane roofing on this, fight? MR. MAORI-We don't know what ttie details are. Since It's a precast panel,,they may be able to flash into It and keep Mat loixer,or they may have to flash aIII the way up,. MR, HUNSI;�NGER-W'hal do other people think about the colors and the des,ign? MR, SIPP-I don't mind the cols at all, In,faict, it anything maybe juv a little green here and there,. I think that would match the surroundings- IVIR. KREBS-I 11hink that the colors are nice:. They fit wery mu0withi the envifonmeni In the area. andl, YOU 'know, you're not going to see it, N'$ not like it's going to be 20 feet from,the road, you know' so even the desigh factor,you're not going to see it every time you drive by. If lVs functional, I think that, you know.,the coRors are good. I don't see any Probliem Mthi it, MR. HUNSINGER-Any other commentson the building design? MR SEGULJ I C-Not my strong suit to comment on that. MIRSr STEFFAN-We probably should put a condI though, in the approval that the colors, these colors,will be mainwined,so that if somewhere down the road the operation changed. that even with stone products on the outside of buiWings, they can,be painted colors.,like whal,happened with K-Mairi�,and that's definitely not what we!want, MR. MACRII-But if these colors go out of vaigue,, will we be Mowed to change to s,ornethino thateverybody else ftes? MIRS- STEFFAN Cofne! back. We went through a green phase on the Planning Board where everything was,red,green roofs. MR, MAORI-Now you're tired of lOolding at therm, MR- SEGULJIC-Mr. ChI a procedural quesmion. So a Freshwater permit. We've !got the site review,for SE RA.. So how does that lay out? We do SE RA., Men the Freshwater, then the,Site(Plan? MR,, HIUNSINGER-Yes,, typically, wall, 11 mean, 'we have to, do SE RA, first, and then typically we have done the Freshwaler Wetlands Permit next,and then the Site Plan, MR. SEGUI-JIC-And then Site Plan. Okay.. Because 11 guess ovairMl I'm fine YARb everythingi that"s here, It's just soma details II and,there, Like,for example, It makes sense, to, Me, to have a bus step 'there. It should have a bike rack. I think the Code! rectuires a bike rack, and then, this thingi about The 18 inch caliper trees, maybe I MISUnderstood you, but I think what you said more or I wall, the areas (lost words) they're obviously going to take out the 118 inch trees, go,(lost words) (looking for 18 inch trees. Maybe I misunderstood what,you were sayingi,and it guess you're seleciJive, your channel views, I mean, that's fine, I'm good with that because you're leaving a lot Of trees,there. I I guess Vd just like to see more information an trying to preserve 118 inch trees,and I don't evep know where any are on site right now. MR, KREBS-1 think what they said was that they were going to, except for the paved parking area, anyplace else on the property thal there's an 1B inch tree you're going to leave iL 19 (Queensbury Planning Board 07115108) MR. SEGIJUIC-lis that what you said? Oka(y. I misunderstood you., MR. PETROSKII-Yes. MR. SIPP-There aren't that many to begin Wift MR PETROSKI-There's some in the backin the area that we've:noltouchling, the very back seoflon, and I think there's an occaisi�ial one in the ftolM, MR, HUINSINGER-1 was goings to say, I Mink there's an occasional one otirt fTopt, but I doin't think there's that many, MR. PETROSKII-It's not a very old forested area. Most of the forested area in front is, probably 301, Q years old. Sol you're not going to,get anything, MR. IPP-Forty year's is, aWut the longest stretch you had since that was farmed in there. MRS-STEFFAN-Stu, you had some input'? MR. BAKER.Yes- Just a comment. The note that thin applicant has on Sheet C-1.1 states that alli trees with ain 18 inchi or greater cafiper are to remain within areas outside of the, limits of proposed gral if there's grading to be done for wetlands mitigation., for example. 18 inch trees in there may be host. I'm wondering 9 that note,nieeds to be ,amended. MR, HUNSINGER-Clairified, yes. The qiAsflon that 1:1 had on, since we're talking about. the clearipg,plan,in either scenario you've provided two.. One whare,You hawe SUIpS,faf lack of a better word, to show the building from the street, and the i you showed some selleclivecti How would that be mairvtained? I think that's the, you know,pain of the piece that we;need to Wii to grips with, Is the ooncept, If you were to,you know. clear the swaths,, thal thosewould be mowed and rnaintsinil as grass area? MR. PE'rROSKW think,we can come up with some acceptable language as to how the: Board,you know,feels comfoinabBe about that The,intent here is to take down the lorge trees:, and what you're going to have happen, after the trees come down, is the understicify is,going to stairt coming rips: MR, HUNISINOEIR-Right. MR. PETROSKI-There's no intention jo go back In and brush hl it, but just from time to tirne go,black through and knock the trees back down agaim So if we can come up,Wish siorne acceptable language, that hisipipenis, once everyl, you know, three Yews or z,cimiething. MR.HUNSINGER-Okay, 1,jlug wasn't sure what the intent was. MR,SEGUI-XiC-1 rneani,that sourids to MR, PETROSKII-Secieuse it's a Federal ,wtlland, we can't go in there and change the grade. MR, HUNSI(NGER-Right. That's part of why I was asking the quesfial MR,, PIETROSKI-We ican't create ruts. We can't fitlanVthlinig, Ali you can do is actually cut the trees down and basically let them pay, so they'll rot Into the WeVands,and become part of the environment. MR,SEGULJIC-Olkay, Thank you for diarifying that, MR, HUNS]NGER-0ther quesfions, cornments front Solard members? MR SEGULJIG-1 guess,from my perspective, everything's,jusilgleiting down to the rutty gritty of the Site Plain., Like the light polies, How does,the Board feet about ftl? MR. HUNSINGER-Didi you have comiments, Tom, on the IligNing pilan? Of are you just raWng the questi MR,SEGUIUC-Just raising,the question. 20 (Queensbuiry Planning Board 07115M8), MR, HUNSINCE R-Yes. MR.. SEGUI-SC-1 mean,,, 11 think the lighting plan looks good. The question is about the Might pones,Whether we should have less of more, MRS, STE F FAN-I t.isn't very far off,as far as the Uniformity Ratio, It's not far off, MRS HUNS�IINGER-Olne of the comments that you made rast time you werehere,one of your thought processes for having the taller lighting poles was to save energy. Because you'd need fewer lights, Q' d you do those calculatiorks at all to, you know, what the savings,would be? MR. PETROSKI-I don:'t hove an analysis here. MR. HUNSINGER-Okay, MR. PETROSKI-But we've provided some Information on the difference between, I fnean,all things be:ing equal,fewer lights is lessenergy. MR.HUNSINGER-Right, Yes. MIR. PETRO SKI-So, Froint that standpoint,,, the design,we have would use less energy than, the 28 foot would use less energy than the X,footers, but Staff commented on whether or not we could go with, a different type of light, and we looked at that, and because of the light output from the different types of rights, we'd prefer going with our proposal There's. a question of whether it should be metal 'halide or high, pressure soclum, MR. HUNSINGER-1 had even tabbed Mat section as, well, Section, Seven. 11 gu,055 I wasn't really sure what you were sayings in that me:imorandum,, The color fendefing, I didn't understand the reference:,the color rendering index., MR.,PETROSKI-It's to be able to cftlinguish color in the pairkingi lot. You'll get diffeirent effect whether you have a metal halide versus a hl� h pressure sodium. MIR, HUNISINGER-Okay, So your preference is the metal halde? MR, PE-rROSKII-Before I answer that quest on, I'm trying to, remember. I always get them mixed up, MR.HUNSINGER-So you understand why Uwas confused too, MR. PETROSKI-These we the high press4ire soditim, is what we're proposing. Now if 1, remember correctly; you had) commented on metal halide being more energy efficient, and I thing that's correct. l think somebodyhere commented last time MR., BAKF--,R-I don't know that I had, Perhaps the engineer dirt, MR, PETROSKIAnd they are slightly more energy OffiGienti but we're trying to say that we don't get that much of an energy savings by switching the lights, and we prefer the high,pressure sodium because of the general cast of the light and the colors that we get in the parking lot. So i we prefer to go with the high pressure sodium. MR, HUNSINGER-Okay, MR.,PETRO,SKI-And atthe end of the:day, like 11 said, all things being equal,,fewer lights means less energy, but the,energy dWerence between,these two,Isn't significainL Sowe stllll think in the long Tun we"re more gTeen, iif you will. R. (Hirth SING ER-ORey, Anything else from the Board? We do have a public haaring that was tabled until th[S evening. Is there anyone in, the audience that Wanted to, address Ithe Board on,this appliration? 0,1kay- We do have at least one commenter. The purpose of the public hearing is for the public to provide information to the Board and to provide comments to Me Board, 11 would ais,k that anyone wishing to comm,ent make sure 1,11at they address the Board, if yom have any,specific,questions, ask them of the BoaTd., and if we need to ais,k for clairdication from the appdicant, we Will. We will unit comments from any individual member to rive minutes. Sol, having said that, sir, if you'd like to come up and be:first.,st,and jlust make sure you Identity yourself for the,record. 21 (Queensbury lPlanning,13card 0711Ed1 ), PUBLIC HEARING OPEN JOHN CAFFRY MIR, CAFFIRY-111 I brief for a change. John of for the Big Cedar'S erne Coalition, My comments tonight are really just procedural, because thare°s not a lot of, new inforrnation on The wellandis issues. I vowlid agree! with Mr, Sweeney that this Board doesn't Ihave to waiit For the Army Corps to Issue !its permit before you oan take action, but what I would suggest Is that you ought to obI and review the wetlands mitigation, plan and have your Steff review It before you lailke any actions. That's a key piece of information. 11's relevant under SEQRA, under Site Plan Review, and "under your Town wetlands ordinance, and nobody's seen ityet, They've said they're gleiunq to have it filled apporeolly this week. I like the opportunity to review it and commenton behalf of the groups I'm woflkibg with. So I tlhinik that reallly ought lo,be done! before,this SoaIrd goes, ,anywhere. As I've said Wore, this alipplicaffs, I think, made tremendous, strides and we're not trying to I them up unnecessahly, I that is an important document, and ought to be part of the appUca0on Were you take any action, and the public ought be able to, comment on it, and, we know they're going to be back It's, not like,Waiting for that's really going to hold them up because they've said they're going to deal with the engineering oomments and other issues, Sc, that's all I had to say. We'd ask you to I the public hearing open until we haive a chance to,comment on that. MR, HUNSINGER-Thank you, MR-CAFFRY-Thank you, MR. HUNSINGER-Anyone else? No ather takers'? I will Reap the pubft hearing open, but we wilt stop taking public comment this evening. Where are we at? Whall:s the feeling orf the Board? There was,of course, a Long Fcwm,, MRS. STEFFAN-We have to I ;B decision, on the lights, before we go forward, Option T'wo,or Option One, MR,HUNSIN GER-Waves there something$peLJF1[c you wer;e looking for, Tom? MR. SEGUI-J]IC-Well, the: issue, with rageirds to, the wedands, The only thing I see is limpaict on Water. Willi the proposed action, effect any water body desiginaited as protecled? That would be a weflandl, correot? So the,answer would be.,Fmi just thinking out loud here, the answer would be yes, and then wed say small to, moderate with m4gation,but we don't what the mitigation pliani's going to be yet. MR, KREISS-That body of wester, I don't; think that a wetland is considered a body of 'Water, MR. SEGUI-JIG-It says construrflon of the designated Freshwater or Title vwetland® MR. KREB S-Okay, MR. SEGUILJICwSo this is a freshwater wetland, So we"Te going to say,Just playing this out, we"re going to say small to moderate with mifigalion. We don't know what that mitigation is yet, So we have to,I think we're going to have to see the mitigation plan. MR, KREBS-Yes. MR, SF-GULJIC-1 don't know hiow everybody vise feels about that, but that's the one Issue I can see,and I'm Just one voice here, MRS.STEFFAN-11 think that's the fight way to go. It's a federally protected wetland, MR. HUINSINGeA-0kay. What other outstanding issues? It's really just a few clarification items, rnore than,anything. MR, EEG LJLJlC-Ye5, 11 mean,, once again,just a bus stop, ate they gong to I a bus stop. I racks, things flke that. MR.KDESS-tell, they do have,a bus stolp- MR.SEGJJt_,iI1C-Th&y do? 22 (Queensbury,Planning Board 07115110), M R. KRE BS-Yes they have a place indicated on the drawings R. SEGULAC4 apparently missed that. MR. KREBSA made a little yellow mark on It,That's why 1,remember. R. SEGUU I C-That's the only real big issue I see is the wetlands mitigation plan,then. MRS.,STEFFAN-Whiat about the buildingdesign? MR. HUNSINGER-Where do' ewant to go with the building desigO The sense 1901 is everyone but you amid I liked it, MR- SEGIJUIC-I'm okay with it, but il's not my baiiiwick,, MR, TRAVER—Yas, I guess I'm concerned with,you know,it ls„ I guess whal I would call a bit busy, in terms of the desigin, but I'm not sufa, It seems like almost any alternative might not be as good as what they have, but my ;artistic; talent its about drawing a stick figure,and that's about it,, MIR. SEGULJIC-And the other thing is it's, not going to be a very visible building, other than if you were in the parkAng lot there, MR. KREBS-Right. MR,TRAVERI hope. Yes, The dolots certainly hielp, MIR. HUNSI INIGER-Yes. 10 like the Wafs,. Yes, MRS,STEFFAN-Sign dletails. MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. MR. TRAVER7Wi1h reglards, lo lhe visual and lhe buffer between the biuilldting and the road, are we to give a preference in terms of whether we do a lane oir thinning or whatever? MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. I think theyre giving us two options fbr us to make The deten-niInWion. MR. TRAVER-1 (kind of like the thinning, rather than larties, myself. just it $eema more natural, MR. SEGILIUIC-1 can agree with that, but my proNam with the thinning is, define 1hinnng, With tbie lane,it's clearly defined. MR, TRAVER-Couldn'l we do it by caliper? MR.SEGULAG-Well, 11 don't think they're so much concerned with calliper, 1,think lhay'fe more conir;erned with,you know, MR. KREBS-Eventually being able to s+ee through some,psrl. MR. SIE GUIUIC-Yes, the girth MIN taller tree, I guess. I mean, when you say thinning, how,are you goingi to,define that? Hlow sire you ever goiI to control that? MR.TRAVER-1 agree it's an Issue. I'd say the fewer the better- MRHUN S I NGER-Ooes the applicant have comments on,the IhAnining concept? MR. PETROSKI-Mark.Petroskii., I justwant to, the bus stop is there, yeas, We Submitted infarmation on that„so that's,covered. MR, S,F-GULJIC-Okay,, I apologize. �MR. IPETRO,SKII-As fair as the thinning versus the dear zones,to be frank with!the BoaI probably the Afrny Corps of Engineers is going to weigh in On this also, and we presented both of those options to thern, and I think they had actually favored the 23 (Queensbury Planning Board 07115108) thinning over the ollear zones,but,you kmw, the Board member here imakers a very glood poini of how dio you clearly be able to rnsintain it so that there's no confusion dom) the Toad? And obviousliy,if you have the clear zones,you know- So 11 would like to walk this, through with the Corps and let themweigh In on id, and, you know, continue to consider which way you'd He to do it. We can go elther way. and I'm sure we can find some language on how to maintain it that would be acceptable and periodic checks,bsck,wilth, the 1l'ol you know, 'Town Staff, for Code Enforcementor whatevef"a nocessary- So, I just walnl to ask the question for follow up. Is there a specific proposal lhal you have,for thinning or is it dight nowyou just kindl of have the concept arl MIR. SWEENEY-If II can suggest this.,and I haven't talked to my engineer about it yet, but obviously anything over 1 B inches stays, MR. HUlNSMGER-Right. Yes. MR, SWEENEY4nd as a Site Plan approval condition,l, our people would go out and mark the bees either to stay or be removed;. If Staff doesn't mind,somebody could lake a walk out there and agree aTdizagree with that,but before Sille Plane approvail, and as a condifion,l, the idenfifled trees would be left or removed, aundl Staff would �nowledge that they've reviewed them .and find that acceptable!, but we would be able to, identify lhme end make sure thatthere's,a definifiGn to setected cteahag, and we can work out language for a Site Plan condition. MR, HUNSINOER-We nave had projects, I dop'l remember If you would have been at any of those meetings or not., it was at least three or four, years, ago, Where we had a specific thinning plan from an appillicant, and they had a forester come in,and they had this full report, r see some heads nodding. Do you remember at all, what projectt that may have been? MR.BAKER-it sounds familiar, I think.It may have been prior to when I retufned, MR. SEGULJIC-The one above GlIens Falls Country Club..up,on the:fidge. MR. HUINSINGeR-Yes,that's righl., MR,SEQULJlIC-1 forget who it ws�s,, though., MIR$. STEFFAN-]t was next to Dr. Kelly's,house, MR, HUNSINGER-Yes, that's right, but they did have a fairly spocifilc;proposal that they put forward, Sol. I mialan,it might be Worth taking a look at Mat. MR. SWEENEY-We'd be happy to. The:probleirn is"illng to survey evM true and do it that way, and we'd father mark and get an,acknowledgment thiel that kind of, thinning Is acceptable. If Staffs got Mat plan ion file,we'll try amid usio that as a guide,, MR,IHUINSINGER-Yes,okay, MIR. SMENEY-And come up with some Ilanguage that works as a,condifion,and defines thinning. MR, HUNS[INGER-Okay. Whal else? MR, SEGULJIC-The onry thing is the fight height, MR, HUNSINGER-Ye& 'Wel need to make a decision on the lighting, We don't have to, this evening,but you wifl. MR. SEGULJIC-VViiIhin your pac:kage,here,are you proposing, these are the light poles here, these:type here? MR,PETROSKI-yes. MR. SEGIJUIC-So the fewer the tight plokes, the Nglher the light, bull the less overall energy'" MR-PET ROSKIorrecl. MR, SEGUUIC-Ely how much,,again,small,large,significant? 24 (Queensbury,Planning Boafcl 07715MB)i MR. PETROSKI-Energy savings? MR. SEGULAC-Yes. MR., IPETROSKII-Well. there's., I 1hink thores about 15,% fewer light poles. SO 'You're talking about a 15energy,savings. MIR,TAAvER-Same of that's offset by the higher wattage required,right,by the fewer? MR. PETR GSKH don't think we'd change theWattage,. MR, TRAVek-J List the height? I thought there was a difforeince in the? Sol literally Ws just fewer because they're higher and therefore they cast. I guess maybe I was thinking. of the wo different types of fixtures,the 400 versus the 2M MR.. PETROS K14 Mink what we're doing is we're taking advantage of overtappIng,lights. By going up highor, they're going to cast further and they're conal, and you're going to have more oveirlispi from the adjacent poles. So thot's why you're getting your buildl up of light. So instead of harviq more isolated cones of IRghl, we could have more uniform wash from having fewer poles, MRS, STEFFAN-Well, In this particular situation, it'15 o little unusual in the 'Town, boosuse some of the lower lighting standards thatwe have are to protect overflow:, but you're so far back from the road. If your lighting Is not significant, I don't thinkyou:111 see It, I mean,ff,it's higher,you'll see it belter from the:road than if The poles,are at 20 feet, R. KREBS-Well, particularly If you're going to keep, all trees that are 18 Inches in, oaliptm r. They're going to be 70,feet high,all rjigbl,, So you're not going to,see it anyway. MR,. SEGULJIC-My sland is that, in this painicular ease, it's not going to Oe: as, visible from the road,and in those dlsys of concerns about energy, It makes sense to have less lights,and we're not lalRing thiol muc:h higher. We're taking 2p,feet,as opposed to 20? MR,KRI�SS-Yes, MR. SEGUUC-So you adld everything together,it makes sense.. MR.HUNSINGERAt's,not like they°'ra 40,feet. MR SEGUL,11IC-Right. IIVs not like they're ,40 fea and when you 160k at The overall Hing, t"m fine oriih the higher fightingi poles, it makes sense. MR. KRE BS-And!the light's all coming down anyway, MR., SEGLII-JI G-Yes, ' ,oit all makes,sense to go to,fewef light poles. MR, KREBS,-I s,that kind of The Consensus? MR.SEGIJUIC-That's my consensus,that's my thougbt, MIR,HIUNSWGIER-It seems to be., MRS,STEFFAN-So that's Option B,28 foot poles,high pressure sodium fixtures, MR. 11UNSINGER-1 have a question of Staff. One of the oondillons of the County's appravM is that It 4e a comp iant lighting plan. Would that require a super majof ity of the Board then? MR. BAKER-To override the County Planning Board recommendation,. I'm, no sure. Mike,do you have an opinion on that one? MR. MACRI-Could I speak lo, that comment that the Pl,anning Board mads was speciRcally, they didn't know how to word that particular item because they knew that you had a lighting plan requirement. and it was specific,but atso,that the Board Itself was allowed to override those specifics., MR-HUNSINGER-Right, 25 (aueensbury Planning Board! 07115M), MR, RwtACR1-. o I think They used the word compltarut tosay that It the Board allowed the change,that it would be comi R.1•II1UNSI NGER-Okay, MR,. MACw Rl-That was my understanutirng at the meeting. MSIR.TRAVER-That rnakes sense, MR. BAKER-The Counity Planning I actually dlldln"t.use the wordl comrplliant In their recommendation. There. It reads, approved th ccnd'itiions, The Planning 130ardl recommends approval ww'iath the condition that the applicant recelve an Array Corps permit for approval anal meet I Town guidelines for lighting. MR.HUNS INGER�$O it's,even vaguer than that, MR. MRIACRI-1 orl we were Kicking around words of art at the films, lett meeting the guidialines would mean whatever. MIR. R--UNSING R-Well„ the guidelines s e ifnally call for 20 toot panels, but then give tha Planning Board the discretion and authority to epp ove scrnething d4ifterernt, MR.. PETROSKI- hell, on 'Page Three of Staff comments there's the actual qude night f'rcrrn the Tawnan Coda. MR-HUNSINGER-Yes, MIR. PIETROSKI-Vi says that the'Manning Board may vera these standards, making them more or less restrictive, MR. R-UNSINGER-II Just want In mate suave we don't have a problem there!. MR. ARI-Well,they urnderstanwd that. MIR,.t IUNSINGER- laay, Are you ready with the resp[ultarnaGretchen? Is there aanytNn else? MRS. TEF FA+J!-1 just want to make sure we hare, R, R°tUN IN ER-Well, l mean, we still have engineering comments, trio. There's a few litems left. MRS, TERRAN-Sl o e"ve getStaff Notes., VISION Engineering,,, lighting (plan Opfion'B, that's the plan that weN hike thein to-go wwiith, We waint sigin detail, submitting a mare detailed cieaidng Plan. The op llicant will submit the wetland mltl9ation plan to the Army Corps, and ai condition on the plans no tractor trailers would ba Parked)or stared In the front of the building or parking lira.,and.,Tom,your had the bus. MR. l UNII INNER,Whiucih was okay. MRS. T'E='RANl-Well„the bike, R„ N IN ER-T1he bile rack, Did we w rant the Town Engineer to review the , f'my Corps permit application's l me-an,the(plan still Is to,replace, 'acres with 155,55,right? MR: R°ETR SKI-Yes, that's correct;, M,R,lmmllUNS]N ER-Yes. MIR. RETROSIKkAnd again"that's because of the pilar disturbance. MSR, HUNSIN ERS-Right. Understood, R. PETROSKI;-This permit is, I thdink, For your view, is only the .2 acres of disturbance that this project causes, MR, RIR SIN ER-Okay. 6 Piueensbury P�anning Board OW15M8) MR. BAKER-Just foT the Board's, [Information. the Town does not hsvea copy of what they've,submitted. MR, HUNS IN ER-RIght. He said it hadn't been submitted yet. They said earilier it ]hadn't been subi yet. MIR$.,STEFFAN-Okay, Anything elso? MR- SEGULJIC-'Well, Gret&en,a clarification. With regiards,to the clearing, yousaid, I belibive, a, dearing plan, and [ believe we hail saidi selective oohing. Arhen you say clearing, are you talking. N ecausie they gave us two options, either ten al;11 refer tuas the clearing,the channels. MIR. HUN&NIGE R-Yes,the clWi4VIion is only needed on the selective cutting, R.S1F_GU1LJIC-1t should be on for sialleclive cutting., MIR. STEFFAN-6ut that won't be able to be done until the Army Corps provides their feedback,,,correct? MR, HUINSINGER-Do you think your feedback.will be quick from,the Army Corps? Do yom have any sense fbr that w all? MR.MACK li-Indealing with,them for,the past 15 years?' No, MR. HUNS41NIGER-Well,,that's my feeling:,too,but I didn't want to sound pessimistic. R. PETRO OSKI-WW, in or meeting they assured us Mv they are under the request from management to process their permits within 120 days, Thad is what they areboing told to wrap these thiings up!In. MR, HUNSI,NGER-Toi me that sounds like a long lime, MR, MACR I-Well,the main issue with the o,TF,of Engineers has bean,certain Supreme Coun cases, which basically bog they down completely. and that they'refinally clearing that pipeline., but because of those cases and betiause now they have involvement in some of those cases, with,the Federal Department of Environmental Conservation, that they treat vadous thilingsdIffererilly. We elected to go unider the old rules,.Which should move things along, Tbeire's no,other involved paiffies besides the Corps of, Engineers. They also have anew guidelines, and those new guidelines speciflicalty state there's a pfefefence of order of mitiigationi. That's why we have to give them,so many mitigation p4ains. One of therm is. the Number One Is to land bank,, use a lend bank for mitigation purposes,not to,create wetlands chat don't realty do,anything,but wedon't know,Whether or not alat's,an election that they would accept. and there isn't really any close wetland banks avallablel, arid that's sornethIing that we're working with the County to try to develop, and whiether or not that'll be the accepted alternative, I wouldn"t know. The second way of mitigation is to provide a fae, which is no additional wellands. You just, you wimrrtit a cefi,ajrt amount of money to a pot that develops,and maintains wellainds, sort of like a conservancy pot, and then the third one is on site mitigation. So that",S where we are with the Corps of Engineers. MR. HUNSINGER-1 just remember being ata rn"fing one time with s, representative frorni the,Army Corps. and I think it was a five acre mitigaitinn plan, and;the Staff member at the firrie said., andto me,I didn't Ittinkthat seemed liike a liot, you know,five ac�res,and the Staff member said,welL you have to understand,,that would Be the largest mitilgation plan that we've ever reviewed In the Northeast, and I just, it just kind of blow imy rnind, because when you go down, there's, some areas down lil'Delaware where, you know, justmile,after mile after mide:of the highway you drive on you see these big signs,wheqe they're trying to restore wettands and it's.you knom, hundreds and thousands of acres of land that they're restoring wetlands inii you know. o to hear someone say, you know, five acres is a big project for tho Northeast.region.. MR. MACRI-Weill.. Mark willi tell you, he i with westem New York,, and they treat the wetlands cournpletely differently, MR.PIETROSKil-it's,regionally sienqitivei,I guess,is the way to put it. MR,.HUNSINGER-Yes,apparently. 27 (Queensbury Planning Board 0711V08) MRS.STEFFAU Are'wwre looking lin eplennber? MR, l-UiN INGER-tt sounds Bike it- MRS,,„ T F"FA -i" assurnEng it couldn't be done sooner than Chet lilt evefything doe,3n't come back by aeptermber;,wve could table it to the next month, but.. R PETROSKI-Well:, we can-get our application for the Corps suibrnitted and to you at ibe same lime, and there's this question about wrohuapps going to happen ultimately, but we can an wvelr all the questions that Staff has bleen asking us to answer. So if we have a nnitlgation on plan,we'll grade it, and a"Ill show the planting, andwe'll show pfetty much what the Corps expects to see foron site construncwioin of wail'aindls, okay, and obviously thus othe:r two options, if it was,a,you know,fee or land)banking, it has nothing to do with construction. relative to this Board„necessairity. MR, tw'IIACR1-(ILost words)that the on site mttiigatlon for the Corps could be Mthin the 1,20 acres we r ontiquousiy own, Iriot specifically on the ite, and that is wmetlh ing that we discussed briefty with tinem. There's a fungerr out on the property beyond the power lines that they'd like to fill,in, maybe, as a possibility, So it's not specifically this site that may, get the mltiigation if they decide to go that route In fact,, I wwr.ouidl think it wouldn't because, nley were concerned about disturbing anything that we didn"'t have'to,6slurb, R.,,HILJ 'SlNGEEE-i mean, II guess,my feelling Is,and Stag or Counsel can chime In,too,, Ii mean" in corder for us to move forward with Site F'l'an Review, vire need to have something on paper that ycu"re presenting to the ,Arany Corps, so that we can, rmove. forward,. if the Army Corps then says, 'ell,you know,,we IlRe your propos�al,bW we want, YOU to change it, then I think you'd have to corns back here for Site Plan mnodificatuon. Is that a fair approach? 1w+1iR.MAKER--haft correct, Yes, MR, HUN S,I,NGF.P-1 mean, if it's going to take then 120 days, I don't think Ws.fair for us to hold you up for Rill days untill your have that permit in hand, but, t think we need to know what you're proposing., We can cornmed on it. Maybe we'd (modify it sNlghitly before we approve it, but., you know, that would give urs enough information to lunmove forwwerd, If the Afrruy corps says„well,you know'.. R. A R11-Could we make!it'a condition of the building piermnt, thoun,gii'n,or whatever,is that we get the,you get to cormrrient toy the Corps and whatever, M;R_HUN alN ER-Right, MR:. MACRI-Td estop the approval at this; point, because„ I mean, the -ofps' going to accept the comments, whiatever they ere... Whether you head the purr lin your hands or riot, it's not golfing tomake a difference. Ydu"re not going) to toil us to revise the plan because we've already been through,it nth the Corps and linings that they would want to sere, So the plan's the plan, whether or not it exists on your desk today, or 1,5,on your desk next week, R, HtJlNSINGER-Yes, We understand the Coups has the final say„ but if tiney change what we approve,then you'll have to,come back to us,for a moodligcation., R- MACRI-Right, but we"re tanking about delaying tonight uunlil you get the plan Cern youf dada,and limn sayilrug is that really necessary? I mean, I'll defier to yw gieys. R, 11U IN ER-Well), It looked like your had it here, MR. MA RI-Yes,we have it here„ MR. Hi_IN INGER-1 mail, can you suibumlt it lormorroW? I mean,it's oniy a day over the deadline. MR, PETROSKIIl-hell„ there's some details that have to be eddied) to finish It up, but I guess the qurestlofn is,when's the latest that we can get it to you so than we could be oro for next month's calendar? MR, HUNSINGER-Yes. We really don't 1'ike to set speciall deadlines„ because then it's hard for'Staff to track it,and the deadline was today.. p$, (Queensbury Planning Board OW 15108) MR,. MACRI-Well,if we gave you what we had todby,awndl then,modified It after that? We dohavea!package wil lican c,,ertaiinilyrmakecopilesinahurry, MR, HUNSINGER, Do we meed copies for everyone on the 5oardl? MR, MACRI­I,can do that MR. HUN S I NGER-I miesin,,do you want to sea the whole application? MIR, SELILAC- lo, I dorl't went to, see the whole appilication, I guess, from my perspective, When I get to SEQRA. and I get to, that wetlands question:, I have to have something to make me comfortable to,answer that question. That's my onty issue. MR HUNSINGER-Right. MR, SEGIJUIC-1 1hilrik I'd be remiss 91 cildn'l look at it. MR, HUNSINGER-Thiat's how I feell, too, and I think we certainly went the Town Engineer to take a look at it before we imove anything. MR. SE UI -1 guess from my perspective, you have the mitigation plan, preparul, other Mari sorne,details.correct? MR.,MACIRI-Couect? MR, $EGUlLJIC-Afe they minor deta ills or bigger details? MR. PETROSK,I-Well, it''s, finishing up the two items of the grading and the plant sellection in the vveUaind airea. The application in and of itself consist$of a,number of a number of comp eats. It consists of the archeotogical work that was done,which aren't aven, subirnitted to this Board. It's, the drainage report,, It's the stormwater pollution pravenfion plan, All these things you'vf seen alreadly. It's going to have, the Ceips asked us to Submit all the alternatives for the site, which every sirlglt aftemative that we've submitted to this 5card aire the altenlatiVeS. 3nd they want to see every one of those, how we went from 7,7 acres of disturbance down to 2 acres of disturbance, anfd they wart to see the off site alternaWes, and the off site Oernatives are two, or three: other paces of property that vve!looked at as optional sites before this site was selected for this Iparliculat application. So, the only other pail is,, vibat is the miligiallion,and w0le going to slubmilt; three alternatives to the Soerd, or to the Corps, otle is the: on site mitigation, in the urea shom on the plans,. The second one Is an option that puts the wetlands on,b'id's othar property,andl the thVd one:is talking about, as an option,a buffer area, a buffier area to the Big Swamp, okay, We are going to push for the on site. nlifigwicin, because construction of wetlands on Vic's other property has permitting ilssues related to this,Board, but we're trying not to aggravateour neighbor,Who is here speaking i this evening,,arid trying to stay away from that area because of its sensitivities, So we doill want to go over there, 'We would hope the Corps doesn't ml us go ower therai blut that's a disussion topic,, and as far as doing something with a buffer, before we get into that kind of an option,, it's,going to,Involve a sizeable amount of land, and we would rather do that as, a comprehensive solution to any Kind of' future development plans,that should occur an that remaiNng property, We doin't Know what titis yet. SO if we're going to,go in that direction in the future,,we'd like to deal with it wfieinevuf a plan of development is availlsblie for the Corps to review, So it all comes down to, we are. submitting the on site wetland mitigation as,proposed, as the primary rrijtligation for the two tenths of an acre disturbance,that we're causing for this project,and then addling the extra 1.35 acres to make,up for the one acre of disturbance that occurred back In 1986, So.,that Is our dl[recltion, and that"s vAiat we're pushing for and the arguirlents,jh$1 we're putting in front of the Corps of Engineers. So,,I have this, like I said', 11've gat this packet. I would Just need to touch up the grading plan and give you all the welland planting selection for that mitigation area,,and that's all thaft left to add. MR,, IHlLllowilS[NGER-Some of the other ROMS, though, are going to require some time, parh,aps, to put together, like the clearing, more detail onthe clearing plan, the selliective clearing plan. MR, SWEENEY-We would agree. I think the distinction we'ra making here Is between your consideration of SEQRA. which, as yolu Indicated earlier,, the element you need to see Mere is the proposed)mitigation. There are a number of Site Plan elements on that, butwe under5tancl that thaVs going to,take a little imcwe time to got in the record, On the clearing Issue, I think the best,, short of surveyMg all the trees, which would take a,eery 29 (Queen sburyPlanniing5o,ard 07/15108) iloing fime, and be very expensive, 11 think our proposall is a Site Plan approval condition that we meurk, as I said, either the trees to be saved or removed. Let Staff advise the Board as to whether that's too much or too lifile, and we'll define wbat the selective! clearing Is by that process, bW I don'tthink we're prepared to sur,vey all the trees and create:a plan for submission in advance,showing the trees to be removed and retained,, M R- HUNS I INIGER-Well.I don't think that's what we're asking. MIR, SWEENEY-Okay. I'm,sorry, MR. HUNSINGER-No, 1, think It's kind of In between the two things Mal you just suigoestecl. MR.SWEENEY-Okay. MRS, STEFFAN�-All right. I've changed the language frons i a clearing plan, based on iniput,to a detailed selective cutting plan. MR.HUN-SINGER-Yes. I mean,we're just looking for moire detail than what you've given us so fair, you know, based on some of the other clearing plans that we've approved before!. We had talked about having your; look at a p[an,that was approved a few years ago,,, and Staff would give you that, you know, a,copy of that, I don't know if that's Me ilght direction or not, but it's imore detail than what we have in front of us now, and I'm not. sure haw comfortable 1, feel as a Board membier of giving Staf the Tesponsibiflily, basically making them an expert in,fores", MIR, SWEENEY-Okay, R. HUINSINGER-And!giving thent the finall say on, you kDow, a ite Plan eltment. In fact", I would think our aittomey would advise us not to do,that, So I'm Rind of looking for something maybe in between wfial the two options that yolu just laid out, yes. MR. SWEENEY-For purposes of Site Plan, we're going to have to come Lip Vith sornelhibgi more detailed. but the distinction between your consideration of SZQRA, which,the one Wement that we have outstanding is,the mitigailon plan,and that,that may take a little langer while we hire a,forester, flind a way to give you more information, I'm sure we:can't do,(hot tomorrow or in M next couple oFdays, but if We could Come back to your August meeting for the SERA part of this, having submitted sufficiently In advance the mitigation plan,,we would like to do thal, MRS, s'rEFFAN-phare isn't any reason why we can'tdo it all at once. MR. IPP-Chris, could 11 suggest this? In the sense -thai if e"re going Io have two, different plans here,one With a vww alley up through,and one with s selective cutting, is that what I'm understanding? IMP. PETROSKI-Well, I think we'ra settling more towards the sel%five thinning, as opposed to,cutOng. MIR- SIPP-Thiinning, Now all they need do is go through and mark the base of the gree with a,spray gun in orange or greenor while oir whatever Color they waM and that's all. There's,no need to,get too technical iin theairnount of feet that you're taking out in one sectbn end not In another,.and so,forth. So,I think It jean bye done quickiy by aicoon ipatent forest; . MR. 11UNISINGER-Yes. Well, I guess I was just thinking your Illook at, you know, djocurneMs and say, gee,we like this idea,"mink this might work on our site. and, YOU know,just pull elements,from that text 10 say this is what we'd like to do. IM, R- MA RI-Yes the only other tiling, we've get to remember that this vegetafion is in the wettend- So 11-tece are imrtain,things wo want to take out of there,because they're just dead. MR, HUNSINIGER-Rigft Yes IVIR,,SF-GU .fl C- When we got to that selective cutfing,the only thing I'm realty looking foam is can it stand the test of lime? Because in a few years you might have to go out and thin more trees: Instead,of having to come back here, the plan sbould be able to withstand that... I ftink it's great you've Marked'your trees,, but My PfotAem Would be. MKS great 30 (Queensbury,Planning Board 0,711V08) today, It milahl last for five years, but, down the road, you're in to went a couple of more trees, and the way the Code is you're going to probably have to 4:0me back here again,. I don't think your tyrant to do that. So we've got to come up,with some llanguage that we can avoid that situaaon. MR.PETROSKI-Trees are going to grow. MR. SEGULAC-Right. So you're goirngi to have to,comeback here, o if we say these trees are fines„you're going to have to come back here In five years, MR. PETROSKI-Well,we can't put a rubber band on them and stop,them from growing, 8 o, I mean, if we have to come.back on a periodic baMs, I don't think we have problem with thal. MR.SEGLIUIC-All right, Then maybe we can do,it that way, MR, SIPP-Once you do any thinning, either way, you're going to got more growth,, because you're aillowing more sunlight, less competition and -so forth. So no matter which i way you do it yoo:,'regoing to have, to, come back and say we've got to cut X mimber,of more trees,ogain. MR, PETROSKI-See. the thing to rem mber..too,, is this isn't sane kind of mature forest here, This is a lot of scrubby, you know,,trees that have gifown,uip,Jiuv as a sucoession, type environmionl, ftl the farmland was,abandoned and Mat was,you know,,once seed was, blown into the area, it started growing. So, " don't have a stand of hardwoods here. We don't have a stand of pine!trees This is a lot of law quality vegetatlion, and I think the kiq is to save any1hingi that's good,solid hairdwoods, andl maybe that's the,trick Is to go In thorn and,Identify,wfap a ribbon around all thosa trees that we went to save!�at, all costs, and, then keep them in piece,, and realize that in between we're going to be cutting out some of the scrappy trews that are just weed trees for the most pairt, MR. SIPP-Thore's a lot of Popul in there that should Come cut and there's a lot of fed miap[e Mel should stay., MR. PETROSKIA1 maan, if that's the, I would rather actuaillly go out there and mark some, trees and'have somile of the Board meirnbers come oLn there, have Staff Come out there and look It and say,yes,that's the way we warm to have MR-HUNSINGER-Okay, MR, SEGUUtC-That's great, My only concern is, down the road you might have to come back, but if you're okay with that, that's fine, and Men to, the,waftends Issue, and I'm not interested in seeing the w1jole applitationi, It's just the mitigation, MRS,. S"TEFFAN-But the oqMeer is,gojrkg to see that,. We dont need to see that. MR. SEGULAC-Right, I mean,just to do!$EQRA,, I think for our purposes we'd have,10 at least look at the mitigation, pian, because we have to ainswer that, question, and I; wouldn't be conVortable with saying small to moderate,, not even with the plans, So 1"d be olkay if they,, speaking for myself, if they gave us the mitigation plan. They could be! on in August so we could at least get that over,so we:can got over SEQRA and keep this, thiing moving, MR,HUNSINGER-Okay, MRS.STEFFAN-There's no reason we couldn't do everything at once" MR. HUNSIts gER-Come back one more time!, MR. SEGULJIIIC-VVell,, 1,mean, that's,a questionfor the appIlcent. I get Me sense they're anxious to get 1his over with. MRS,. STEFFAN-No one has made any cornments tonight about traffic. $!s Oat okay w4h everybody? MR.'SEGULAC-I'm, satisfied. MR.,TRAVER-Yes, 31 Site Plan6 - 0 8,91 State Route Walmart Real Estate Business T ist No APublic, Hearing ir , resolution — Punning Board recommenclation to the, Zoning Board of Appeals ............. Town of Queertsbury Planning Board Community Development Department.StaffNotes September 19, 2017 Site Plan 60-2017 'WALMART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST 891 State Route 9/Cl— Commercial Intensive/ Ward 2 SEQR Type II Material Review- application, building fiagade overview, building f new proposed color scheme Parcel, History: 1995 Construction; SP 25-2,003 addifion; AV 38-2003 relief parking/permeability; SV 71-2003 # of wall signs and size offivestanding, SP 21-2011 ext. color changes, many signs; SV 8-20117; Requested,Action Recommendation,to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief for additional sign,, Resolutions PB Recommendation PEoject.]),escriptioa Applicant proposes to repaint + linear feet of existing 'building facade with a new color scheme and addition of an internally fit C'Pickup'') sign., Pursuant to Chapter 179-7-050 of the Zoning Ordinance, fagade color change:shall be sullject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for additional. sign. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Staff Comments • Location-The project is located at 891 State Route 9 . • Arrangement- The site currently contains an existing Walmart Store with associated parking • Building—The bui Iding was constructed in 1" adjacent to the Ames Dept Store., In 2003 Walmart proposed to,remove the Ames building and construct an addition.. Then in 2011 the applicant proposed fade color changes and earthtone was selected • Signage-The plans show the sign lettering would remain white for the current signage. The new signage would be in the orange:block.area with the wording for Pick Up. Also included is another burst in yellow. • Site oonditions-There is no changes to,the existing site conditions. • Site plan overall —The site will remain as is with,existing building,parking area,drive area no changes. Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the written request of an applicant. No waivers are requested as the construction of theWalmart building is compliant with the original, approvals and the requirements at that time. Nature of Variance The applicant proposes a 12th sign at the front of the building where only one wall sign is allowed, The WaIrnart store current structure received a.sign variance allowing I I signs., (SV 71-2003). Seven Signs for the auto area and five signs at the front. Sum Of The Planning Board is,to provide a recommendation to the,ZBA inc1p .regards to the reest for relief number signs. Meeting HiggryL PB: l" meeting; TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Community evel t Office 742 Bay Road, Queensbuty, NY 128,04-5902 Towyn of Queensibury Planning Boardl RESOLUTION APPROVINGSITE PLA X1..2011 WALMART R.E.B.T. A site plan application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board, fuer the fallowing: Appiticarnt proposes exterior color changes. Modificadoii to an approved site plain in, a CI zone requires Nanning board review anud approval. ,A public hearing,was advertised and held on /24/2011; and This application is supported with all documentation, public com,ment and application rnateriiat in the file of recon,',; MOTION TO APPROVE 'SITE PLAN NO. 21-201!11 WAL,i ART R.IE.IBLT. , introduced by Gretchen Steffan Who moved) fuer its adnnptiion, sec=onded by Stephen Traver. According to the resolution prepared by"Staff. 1) Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Qjjeensbury Zoning Code [Chapter 179.9-080, 1, the Planning Board, has determined that this proposal co mplhes with the regluutrernepts as stated,in the Zoning ode; and 2) The requirements of the State Environmental QuaHty Review Act have been, considered and the Planning, Board has adopted a, 'SE RA Negative, Declaration,;, and 3) Final approved plains, in co mpharnce with the Site plan,, must be submitted to the CommunityDevelopment Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building, and Codes personnel. The applicant. must meet with Staff after approval. and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the blegiinrnirug of any,site work. Subsequent, i.ssu,uancre of further permits, including buuit ling permits is dependent on compliani�ce with this and all ether coi ndlitio ns of this resolution, and 4) Waiver requests granted,. stormrnwvater mgrrnt., grading, Landscaping Ft lighting, plans, and This is approved with two conditions, a) That prior to commencing this project, the pre-approved interccnpiact, specifically the final approved easement language, will be completed with the project to the northeast,, Tax ID Nu umber 29,6.117-1-38, That language will be completed, again, before the ccmrmencen ernt of this project., Please refer back; to the May 18, 2004 Site plan approval. bj That the applicant witl remove the color P-4, 'Theater lied, from, the color legend on Drawing Sheet A-2 Exterior Elevation and Details. Duty adopted this 24th day of March, 2011, by the follewiing vote'. AYES: Mrs. Steffan, Mr. i a owan, Mr, Traver, Mr. Hurunsinger NOESNONE ABSENT, Mr. Schorne olf, Mr. Ford, Mr, Sipp "Home, of Natrwr lau ty — A Good Place to Live , (Queensbury Planning Board GM41a[)111) 6) The limills of clearing will constitute a no-cul buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be Installad around these areas,and field vehfied by Comimunity Development staff; and 7), Engineering sign-off required pfJor to signature of Zoning Administrator;and 8) If curb,cuts are being added or changed a diriveway permit Is requVed. A building permit will DgI be lssiLmd unlit the approved driveway perm,it has been provided to the Planfling Office;� and 9) rhe:applicant rnust subunit a copy of the following to the Town: a) The proi N (Notice of Intent) for coverage under the current:NYSDEC, SIDDES General Permit or for coverage under an in6fividual SPIDES Prior to the start of ga site WorK, b) The projectNOT('Nloltice of Termination)upon completion of the project;and 10)The api must maintain on their project site,for review by staff: a), The approved final pans that have been stampedby the Town Zoning Administrator. These pilins, must include the project SWPPP (Storm Water Pi Prevention Plan)when such a plan was pirepared and appreved;and b) The pirofact N01 and,proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPIDES General Permit,or an individual SIDDES pi issued for the project. 111)This is approved with the following conditions: a) That the appilitsnt will)address VISION Engineefing cop ments and obtain a,signalf, b), That the applioant will, reduce the wattage of new lighting fixture L-3 to, 1150,watls at the rear of The buj5ding. c,) That the applicani willt efirrimate phasibig language on the plan, since this has been reducecl to one phase. d) Lol Three and Four must be combined primer to the issuance of building permits, e) The Planning Roard approves the 111 existing shipping containers on site. However,, if any alternate loratinins are proposed, they must be reviewed and approved by the Zoning AdmiNstrator, The accass read proposed will be macadarn. Duly adopted this 24th dey of March 2011,x by the following vote, AYES: Mrs. Sleffain,Mr. Traver, Mr.Magowain,Mr.Hunisinge!r NOE& NONE ABSENT: Mr. Schonewolf, Mr..Ford,Mr.Seipp MR. LAP'PER.-Thanks. everybody. It will,be really helpful to get this In the ground, MR.HUNSINGER-YOU're:welcome.good luck. MRS, STEFFAN-Good luck. MR- LAPPER-Realty,apprei it. SITE PLAN 21-2011 SE1QR TYPE UNLISTED, WALMART R,E.B.T. AGIENT(S)i BRUCE CARLSON OWNER($) SAME AS APPLICANT ZONING 01 LOCATION 891 STATE ROUTE 91 APPLICANT PROPOSES EXTERIOR COLOR CHANGES. M0101,171CATION TO AN APPROVED SITE PLAN IN A Ct ZONAE RF-QUIRES. PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND, APPROVAL. CROSS REFERENCE SV 71-:03„SP 25-03,AV 39-03,,SP 31-93, WARREN,CO PLANNING 319M11 LOT SIZE 17.74 +/- A, REQ TAX MIAP NO, 296,17-11�36 SECTION 179-91 MATTHEW GREEN,REPRESENTING APPLICANT,,PRESENT MiR. HUNSINGER-(Keith,,whenever you're ready to suimmatize Staff Notes,, MR, 08ORNE-Absolulely. Site Plan 21-2011,Wal-Mart Reell Estate Business,Trust, This is a modific�athon to an approved Site Pli n, and as such it needs Site Plan, Review, This is the 21 (Queensbury Planning l(Board 03124120,11) ,existing Wat-Mart Off of 891 State Route 9, Commi Intensive is the zoning. This Is, an Unlisted SEQRA, The Planning Board,for Warren County,they Issued ai No County Impact on, this, Project Descriptiom Applicant proposes emerior color change as well as general mialintenan0e on slia, General malblanarl and actIvilies to, impreva roof upgrades,. sidewalk joint replacement, Hart corral,replacement,,fire lane Ipalntingi, etc, please see notes on SP-1 fof complete list of maintenance proposed. Staff comments- The appl1cant has stated that the: color changes afe in keepling with the now corporate branding strategy. There's a copy change to, the signage and it has been determined by the Zoningi Administrator to be comoi with previous approvals,, As far as, my additional oomi menu go, the review, as far as Site Plan Review, there's really no issues frorn, the Department of Comm,unity Development, but my additional comment,the Planning Board,as,a col of approval and prior to the commencing of the above project shinuild require thie applicant to acknoMedge and allow the preMapproved interconnect with the parcel to the northeast; Tax ID Number 296,17-1-38, jo movie forward. Please see attached copy of Interconnect Ian uage f rom appfovedl Site Plan dated 511 W04. The applicant has not requested waivers, This is the second additonall comment, the applicant has riot requested any waivers from site plan requirements,, However,Staff recommends waivers for stormwater, gradl0g:, Ilaindlscaping and lighting, as all these requirements have been previously approved. Further the applicant has commented upon these issues, answering the A through 0 questions of Paige Five of the application through a formal request.. @Ahough a formal request is not in hand, Just a quick elaborafioon, though, There was a Site Plan before your for the old Flower Drum Song for, Monty Liu, and that was conditioned upon approval to have that interconnect taken rare of. Trial language was Put in there because it was on the Site Plan for tw al-Mart.and with that Vd turn it over to the Board. MR-HUNISINGER-Okay. Thank you. Good overiling. MR, GREEN-Good evening, MR.,HUNS Il' GER-If you could iderl yourself for the record. MR. GREEN-Yes. I aim Matthew Green, I ami representing CM Archlitectuire, We are the arrhitect of record for the gienerall re-milodlell for Wal-Main for this,piroject. Basically he summed it IUP quite nicely that a little bit of a baick story hare is,that obviously in the,past, you've probably all noticed in the past two construction seasons that Wal-Mart has re-vamped their corporate logia,and also re-vamped,their corporate branding colors for all of their new projects. Ground up rkew stores are all,geffill this same cola palette and,siginage pallette that you're seeing. Yolu guys all have the 00110fr ejeValfionS Of this'd MR. HUN81INGER-Yes,wedo, MReEN-Okay. They did extensive community testing and screening of these new colors, and this palette In contrast to color schemes they"ve used in the past:, and tNs has,tested Very well with communities around the coun". I think especially in contrast vifith,some of time other color schiarl they've had in the past. So they are trying to biiiii all of their exi-silino stores, as much as possible. Into kind of a cohesive language with what the new prof are getting In the ground up as well. and this Wore was schieduiled to be re-modeled, Interior andl exlerior general re-model ng this season, and when they get that opponturtity obviDLISIY they,want to bring this calor palette forward. MRS, STEIFFAWSo Ilwould just liike to clarl because I have one &awiingi where It's dlated December 3,20,10t, the exterior e1evatil and it said that the roof colons would be Theater Red, and then in this paileve., in this drawing,, which is a January drawing, then the change,, the roof thaingedl to,dark zinc. MR..GREEN-Red, red must have been a misprint, 1,apologize for thial. Let me check end make sure I have that on my plan as well, Theater Red, II think I see the, let mie clarity this. I thinik I see the issue. The P4 is a paint coior,, Sherwin Williams 1602 Theater Red. PF-4 is a finish ,color of the lead coat melallic, allso referred to as the dark zil and the cienopliesi, the roofing canopies, shouldall be tagged with the PF4 tag, 11 they're tagged wifli P-4 in,any p[ace, l a mistake,and t don't believe they are,boot.I'll double check here, MRS,, STEFI*AN-Yes, because the, you knovv, I have to tell'you, I'm not opposed to the took it has right now, and I know that, before I was on the Planning Board, the Planniling Board at the time went through Well deliberations own'the color of the building,ond I know,theymanted it earth tones and Those kinds of things,, and so the 1hiought of having Ted metal roofs on the Wat- Mart was not going to be okay with,me, So thst's,why 1,needed you I.o clarify,that. MR, GREEN-They are definitely not P-4,they are PF-4, and it is a,dark zinc that acquallyworks really well with this,the neutral tone pallefl,e, 22 (Queensbury PlennIna Board fd 24/2011) R TRAVER-Although of some point during the painting they would be red„ between coat$ it. sounds IiRe,right? The red,is it lime ai primer or like an under? MIR, R ENI-II-don't believe so, I think Mama'PE-4 finish hes a sort of built in primer(base that actually handles the weather light issues that the canopy needs, (Lige I said. I'mi not even sure why,the P-4finish,thea paint finish, Is specified on this elevation,, because I don't even thinly+ use it anywhere on tlhe exterior, I'm, ,pretty sure we don't, it may have just been ptiart of the schedule„ but l don't believe we,have it t"ged an'y'where, if you see one, please let me know. Because I'd like to make sure we get that crossed off our nest revision.. MR.TRAVER-Sri that cairn just be removed,, MR. GREEN-Trust me, Wal-Mart would be more irritated width us than youi are if we paint thiat Ovilldirng reds in any way, shape of form. R„TRAVER-So this will m aitch the Quaker Ruud facility as well" MR. GREEN-1 dbon't kunow,that that was the intention, but 11 think'the color palettes are siimiilan, I drove by that store today on may way ovef here, and 11 tnrmowv your guys have the light beige and green palette right now, and l actually think this color' scheme, just 1n the: surrounding retail c rridor„ actually works better with some of the s4rrrourrndling tenants titan the one they currently have. MRS, TEF'PAN-Yes, and this one Iloo?ks like the other one we approved on the other slide of Town, R, HUI SiN ER-Yes„ it's very similar,yes, 3'o the oiinly taun,gies that you're reouy makingafe the paint scherne? MR. GREEN-Color and the signage,yes. The signage has already been approved. l thkntr it's ,soturatly,a reduction nn overall square footage. Tihey°re trying to,lean out the numrb�er of signs am�d the size of the signs that they're branding each store with, MR, BORN=--Yes,they're:also doing general rmaintenano%based on the plan, MR,HUNSINl ER-Right. MR, f:BORN -Youm k now,wwhich is net an issue, MR, IFiI; N IfhGElFl-Righl, MR, RE'EN-The lion's share of that is all on the inteurioir of the store, Anything exterior is improving whars already there-, ne'w bollards, painting parking stripes, but no reduction or change in poWngl. R, TIRAVE'R- 'hat timeframe:is this? 'When,dog you plan on doing is?, Mfg REENI-The construction is scheduled to start as early as the first week in Aprill., Obviously,pelndiinog this appfoval,, none of the painting occurs until the a or 7"'or even l h week of that construction process. !it's,norrnalty a two and'a half to three month re-im°model on site, 3o they'll probably be frnnsHng the construction and painting mid to hate July, MR. B'ORNE-Now can l ask,what construction is it,.on thea Interior?' MR. GREEN-lnterjor only, yes. MR, uBORNlE-Oko'ay, l coulldn't care less That's Bundling,and Oodles. MIR. HiUNISINGER,At the rate Spring's oo'rmiung, you're not going to ha dhoingi much painting for a while, MR'.TRAVER-Yes. MR, GREEN-Righit, exactlly, MR, HUN INNER-Okay e do have a public(hearing s eduteu"d this evenirtg, Is there,anyone in the audience that wants to address,the aoaird on this project? Good evening. 3 �Queenusbury Pllannirng'Board 031241201 1) PUBLIC HP-AA ING OPENED MELISSA LESCAULT MS. LE +FAULT-Good evening, Melissa LescauWlt., I'm an attorney with UcPhllllllps, Fitzgerald and Cullum. and with me is my client, Monty Uu,who Is the:sole shareholder, president of.9M Corporation. 19099 Corporation. as you knowwM is thie leaseholder In the property that is adjacent to Wal-Mart, and vwe were here 'before you back in November to get ai Site Plan approval With respect to a liquor store that we wuveire changing the use of the property, so thus vwe had to get a jte Plan approval for that, Consideding that the application that is before you tonight lis to modify a,current Site Plan that Wall-Mart haps„we would strongly ask this Board to enforce what `WWeit-Mart had already agreed to before you approve the-ourrent appllcafion thal"s before you this evening. In 2004, as part of this Board's Sate Plan approval for the Wal flan; Super Center, condition was made on that approwai, and it was read a$follows waW'ai-fart agrees to alloww for future interconnection with adjacent Iandow mer, WW'ai-fart. did,, In fact, sign .an e,a ument agreement with Ivey Supply, shortly after their Site Plan wasapproved lback in 2004,, 1 do,have a copy,of:that easer?nent agreement if the Board would like it, hey client, as 11''mi sure you recall, received Site Plan approval back in November, and upon the condition that their approvall was conditioned,, his approval was corndlitionedl upon the fact that'wwWal-f,ain would provide a letter' indicating their intent to complete of allow the completion of the portion of that interconnect prior to any construction, Sol may client obviously has a oondiboin on his Site Plan approval that Wal- Mart comply with this interconnect as well, On various occasions since November, we've reached out to Wal-Mart to sign an easement;agreement, and!ifs been quite unsuccessful. In fact, Me easement that Wal-Mart had proposed) at one Poirot wised for a S200, annual maintenance fee with a two peroent increase annually, and then it also,had a prohibition on the use of my client's property, and It prohibited the sale of aloolhol. So obviously that would be Completely against the use of what; a receiived Site Plan approval for. Wail-Mart maide an agreement in 2004 that they should„ and they shouulld hounoir that, and this Board cert jnly has relied on that corwdiitb n. l know iVs the Board's intention to keep the Iraffito flout away from the highway to keep it so that it is interconnected between the parcels,, My client .,would like two, things donne tonight 0 possuble by this ward. Ourue, e'dl hits It that the Board recognize that"yWall- hw'lart its in, violation of Their origiinai 20014 Site Plain approval by not allowing for our interconnect, aindl then, Two. we ask that the Board not grant any approval)on this,applicatlon until Wal-Mart signs an easement Wtih 9899 Corporation. and that's it, Thank you very much for gout time, MR, p1Lfr^t tNER-Thanks. Anyquuestiionsy Thank you. MRS,- T FFA -Thanik you. Well,(Keith,you propose langn,upgie in your Staff dotes. "Will that'be sufficient to, meet the needs of our prior appfovaP Because what I had just taken off of your notes, the condition I wrote down was prior to commencing thuis project,„ the pre-approved Interconnect with tate project to the noatheast„'Tax 1101 such and suci'nw will be established, Is that sufficient? MIR. OBtyRNE-'yes, Il'would think it would be. II think it's-obvious wvfi going on here„and my concern us that parcel with thatcondition of appr'ov'al wwhloh is integral, I mean,absolutely Integral for ingress and egress and pedestrian aurid vehicular safety, be accomplished),. I don't think that YOU would have approved that vMhout that interconnect. to behonest,wrdth you,but l can"t swpeak for the Board. MRS,ST FFAN- nod There are.conditions. MRl I--IUNSIN! E'P-Colo, theme wwe$ lengthy discussion. I mean, (basically the,welt, 4's easy to get into the oidl Flower DruArn Songi site,but it's difficult to,get out,especially to turn left,and that was the intent, wwaws that,with that interconnect,,people could corns:oul„use the light to take an left turn to go north on Route g. MIS. OBORINE-Its a safety vailve, because you restricted the:(left out on there„ and as such,you know, the Pllanning: Deparlme+nt is definitely tooaking for that interconnect to 1�eoorrme a reality How.,that happens,is t�etwween the two entities, MRS, BTEFFANI-Well, in the condition, It just says .Wal-Mart agrees to allow for future, interconnect with adjacent landowner. There's no conditions on that I moon, it's very,platin and simple lenuguage. MR. BOR NE-Pretty stralghitfom ward, MIS, GREEN-And I did 'brosoh the subjlect with, my contacts at store planning in Wal-Mart's design department, because we were not, as architect of record for this re-mi we.were not aware of those previous conditions, This is the first time we've wwork,ed with this project site, 4 (Pueensbury lP'lanniirng Board 03Y241201 1) They came back to me, after doing their own digging, and gave moue the Impression that they were fine with the interconnect and that they were under the impression that the intefconnect was theother tenant's responsibility,that they were going to establish that Interconnect and they had no problem,with that being established.. MIS. OBORINIE-And that is what i believe the client that was up here during public com invent proposes to do is to Install'that Interconnect, They're not asking Wal-Dart to foot the bill for that. They will instaill it,andl they're just looking for easement iaumguage. MR. TRAVER-'khat about the part of the public cornirnernt where the comm mernt;er talked about Wal-Mart wanting a serveral thousand ddllar fee and the prohitaition of sates of alcohol. Is that sormethling's typically involved in an irnlerconneot.7 PSP, ORORNE-Nio. Well, the maintenance eost nment„ yes, that could be something that's, typical, but as far as prohibition on use,not typically- No- MRS. iotR . RTEFFAN-Well.,but the language here is very simple and R doesnr't tank about an annual fee oc MR. OBORNE-Right- If that was am issue in"04 it should have been brought up.. MRS. TEFEAINI-'Brat's correct, considering how many emonths,it took to approve the 'Rite IPian In the first place. if that was a big Issue buck then,it slhould have,been on the table. NSR. ''RAVER-' ho would ap,prowre, if there was a change in language from w+Mhars on the plan from 2004,is that something that the P,W nnnng Office would address„or? MR.., OBORNELLWeli, it's something we'd; certainly have counusell look at to snake sure that it"'s solid easement agreement, but its, cefla inly° sormethimg thatWal-Marl and Melissa and Mlointy would have to work through also with Wail-Mart first. MR,IHU N I GER-Righit_ N> R. OBORNE-Now ., if ycuu require that counsel look,at that and approve it,that's one thing, if you don't„there It would be a siirmplie agreement be:tween the two entities. MR.HUNS INER-Yes, II don't know if we need to have the Town Counsel do it, MR.OE RNE-I eglree. MR.TRA'VER-It's not really a Town, MRS.RTE:FFAN-No- MR.. HiUlt'N IfwN ER-As long as they're In agreement, what do we care. old you want to say something? I'Nt need to get you on the microphone. MRS. ' TEFFAN-Because I would thunk that with the amount of debate,the number of maetings„ public comment„ that the record would be clear,if that language wrwas ever brought up before, MR.TRA ER-Night. MR- ISRNE-Arnd I have researched the minutes, MRS. 7"E'FIFAFI-Yes, and I woutd doubt that it was, NIR BORNE-It wasn't. MS, LE AULT-Ilf I can Just,we didi read the rminulas from the rneetings that took place In efJ t, and it°'s my understanding that what had happened was that in the original plans that Wal-tM1an had submitted,they actually voluntarily pout this'interconnect between Flower Drum Song. II don't krnorrtir if they actually voluntarily did that wA dth Ray Supply. MR,HLNSINt"ER-Right. Nil S. LIESEAU LT- Nov Ray Supply was present in all of those meetings,and certainty,you know , advocated for that interconnect, and it happened during the process of tl'ne Site Plan. Eo they were already nagotiating it through tl entire process of Site Plan apProval. In that agreement,, there's no maintonanoe fee, and there's cehainly no pirohlbitibn on the use of their parcel., So ,ill 5 (t uueenwslttury Planiniq Board OW41 0iil), we are asiOng for is that we have an exact easement that they extended to Ray Suipply andwe'll foot the bill„ my client will certainly pay for the cost for that, Whereas Ray Supply had asked than +°a mart pay for tL So all we afire askling is that the Board just,, you know,, certainly recognize that with Wat~and hopefully push them inward, because,we've been tryng, and we're just not getting anywhere,. MRS, TEFFA -t thin;that's reasoinabtb,if you're:going to do that at your l MR, TRAVE!R- o could) we, in our condition„ could w«ra say language similar to the easement granted Racy Supply?, MIR,C BORNE-Sure. MRS. TIEIFF ,N-'taut at, the sairne lime, yes„ that was a drlferent situation, because then; they would ipay for It, but, hu'ItR. HUNIIRIIN ER.-Yes. The owner of Ray Supply came to all the public hearings, and, I mean, they almost really negotiated the easement here at the Planning Board meetings,,,and al times it 'was fairly contentious,, Whereas this one was just offered There really, I mean,, compared to the record that there is With Pay Supply, there was very tittle record about Clips ane. MR.TRA"VER-And)obviously than was befefe my involvement with the'Nanning)Bream R, HUN ING,��R-yes,so[don't know if you can reale compare the two, MR. OBORNE-Yes, and I think the,genairal question,could the langluage'be put in there Mat it's similar to Ray -uppliy, and I don"t see whey it coluldn't be, but Ifyou're uncomfortable With thial. absoiuto'ly not,it's,somielhing that thue applicant.,ftt.the landowners have to^sok out, MR,l"°ilt Nt$IN ER,.Yes, MRS. TEFFAN-'+Fell),and I can,certainly see from Wal-Mart's point of view. I'm sure that they"'re nervous. Whien,they got their apps Wali, thatwas,a restaurant that hied a bar lin it,, aindi it wasn't m,petitive in any way, but now, New y'dr'k 'State has an the table tint they're thinking about having uwirue sales in grocery stores, and so iii there°'s a liquor store with si cut through right to their lot,,, then'they're potentially shooting thems Ives in Afire foot by hawing that there, So II can understand from ftir point of view why they want to go back and re�nagicitiate thue deal„but the deal In my mind, is the deal. CIrculnrstancas havechanged. however, you know, it s erns uuonreascnabla to maw MR. TRAVER-That's e good point, and that being the case, our language should be as simple as possible MRS. ' 7EF'F,AN-Therel's enoiuugh for everybody III think, MR.TIRA.VER-Yes„ MR_t-tlUN^SINGER-Thaink you,. MRS,STFFAN-All right. MR, HUNII ANGER nd it is Interesting that one the note It says that the interconnection is by others. MR.T'RAVER-Yes MRS. "lr"EFRAN-Yes„and this larnguuege is very plailn, R-HtJNSI NER-"yes. MR� , TEF'FAN-All irigfht. So,lw&e okay vfith the color palette. MR,'HUNIIStNGER-Brut thank you,,Keith,for putting the copy in our.thel helped a lot, Ilw,'9iR,t I ORNE;wSuuire: MRS, STEFFAN- o we really, you're recommending waivers, Keith. even though the applicant has not asked fear waivers. (Queensbury Planning Board O312'41201 1) MR. OBORNE-Yes, I mean it sounds logicall lo me. ThiI doine through correspondence from Bentonville, We didn't have an actual face to face s4 dovm- So,you know, I wasn't able to Wing up those issues face to faice. Craig handled most of that;aspect of it, and thenobviously I'm handling this before the Boa id wfth the Site Plan Review I do,want to remind the Board thial this Is an Unllistedl SEURA. MR,,HUN,S I INGER-RiI What did 1hey submit? IMP$. STIEFFAX-Short.Form., MR, HUN rtN ER-TMy submitted a Short Form. MRS. STEFFAN-Yes. MR. HUN SINGER-It's Unfistod, 'They submitted a Shorl Form. Do we need to,oornplete another Short Form,or can we just re-affirm the previous SEQRA Findings? MR. OBORNIE-You can re-affirmthe IE RA,Findiings,if you feel that theres no environmental impact as,result cif ihis proposW. MR, HU INSINGER-1 mean,,they're painting the faiga,dle, MR. 050RINE-That's I MR! TRAVER-Right, MRS.STEFFAN-I think thatls,reawsornafnllew R. HU NSINGE R-,And hopefully opening an interconnect With the neighbor. MR. TRAVER-Right., MR,HUNS I INGER-Okay. WEfte comfortable moving fofw,ard then,right? MR,TRAVER-Yes, MR. HU INSINGE R-Wele there any written comments,Keith? MR. OBORINE-There were not., MR,,.IHUiMl SINGER-Okay, Then t will close the public heafinig. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED MR. HUNSINGER-t1d you have anything else thatyou wanted loadd? MR. GREEN-leo,,I thiI we"ve covered it, MR, HUINSIINGER-Ola ay, Thionk you. MR, GREEN-if you have any que-Wons for me, I'm happy to answer them, MR.DTII NSTINGER-1 think the only,outstanding Issue is the interoonnect. MR,TRAVER-Ye& �MR. GREEN-Like I said, the people that corresponded back vAh me may not have had'the fuill :seven year history on this, subbed and the changle of tenants or the ctiange of the use of the space,but it ft's a conditional approval on this changeto their color palette, i'mi sure they will do, their due diligence and come W the right decisibin, MR,.HUN SINGER-1 mean,it's realty a condition on 1he original Site Plan appirovel. MR-GREIEN-Right, NIR, HU INSINGER-Sa what's,the thought for our language here,,lust to affirm the? MRS, STIEFIFAIN4 have..prior to commencing this project. so they can't do,any of the renovgon, they cap't do any of the color eha Inges, until the pre approved interconnect Mlh the project to the 27 (Queensbuiry Planning Board OM4/2011 1) northeast, Tax ID su& andl such, Will be estaUlahed. So they've got to,have the, estsbksh,ed rneans contract Wngmsge,and. MR. OBORNE-1 think easement language wDuld be pretty strong, pui know, gat that finall ea�semient agreement in before we cut loose the lauHding permit, MR. TRAVER-F inal easement agreement,'there we go. MRS, STF-FFAN-So we,want to call it,'a final easement? MR.0,80113NE-Or approved easement agreement between the two parties,,however you i want to word it. MR. HUNSINGER-And this date We of June 30"', was that the day of the Planning SoeW approval? MR.OBOR NE-11s lhat.C raig's,signature on that? MR. HUNSINGER-Yes. MA-0SORNE-That would be the date that he signed off on It, MR,HUNSINGER-101kay.. MR�05ORNE-1 t should)be on the Staff Notes whoni that was approved, MR. HUN SINGER-�W18,I'm sorry', 11 don't know if you even want to reference that,Gretchen, the 5118M4 Site Kan,approval, MRS,STEFFAN-Okay. MR, HUNSINGER-So have any nearby Wal,blails, have any of them changed their colla` schemes yet? MIR. GREEN-We are only doinig a few stores in Now York, in the State of New York, Most of ,ours are in Texas and Now Mexico and some of the south, but ,we do have another one in, Rome, NY 5cheduled for this year. MR.TRAVE R-The same or similar color polterns? MR. GREEN-Ye& I mean, the:branding colors That they're using really only very In.as,much as the exte6or elevation of the store vases. Some of the stores have the standing seam canopies, some of thiern don't. Some of there i have, your store is father uinique:with, the arched glazing over the entry vestibules, and so, in terms of that, they're different, blutmost of the color palettes, and where May land ort the building fagado are the same. MR, 050ANIE-just a quick question- Those Interior modifications, is that to become More energy efficient.,has that got a lot to do with it? I know they're going for time greem MR�, GR EEN-A lot of it is. A lot of it is. They replace a lot at:their oider refrigeration equipment. They do LEE), lighting In their dairy cases that saves a lot of heat and energy, They re-budd some or their back house offices and tralning roorns that are in poor condition, and J1 brings in new &gnage and grophics on the interior of the store as welt, to mark all of the different jre,414 zones. So it makes the:store look almost like a new store, MR. OBORNE-It's time for a change. MR. GREEN-Right. MRS.STEFFAN-0kay. I will ma'ke a motion to approve, RESO'LUTI ON APPROVING SP 1-2011 A site plan application has, been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the followinq Applicant proposes exterior'color chainges, Modification to an approved site plan in,a Cl zone! ,re"ires,Planning Board re:vi"and approval. A ptiblic heafingwas advertised and held on 3,12Q201 1;and 28 (Queensbury IPlianning Board 8M020111) This,application is supported with all documentation. i comment and application nrMeria I!in, the fie of record,, MQ,jLQK,JD_8PPR0VE SITE PLAN NO- 21-2011 WALMART 11 Dj, Introduced by Gretchen Steffan vMo,moved for its,adoption,seconded by$I", hen,Traver;� According to the Tesolulion prepared by SW, 1) Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town.of Queensbury Zoning Code[chapter 179-9-0801), the Planning Board has dblermined that this proposal complies with 1he FeciLliFernents as stated In the Zoning Code:and 2) The reqpIrements,of the State EnviTonmental Quality Review Art have been considered and the Pllanning Board has adopted a SEQRA Negallve'Deciairatidni;and 3) Final appToved plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, miuM be sui to the Community Development Department before any furthef review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Oodles pers,onnel.. The app$canl must imeet vVilh Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building.Permit andlor the beginning ofany site work. Subsequeni Issuance of fuflbef permits, including building permits,Is dependent an compliance with thils and all othiler conditions of this,resollulion; and 4) Waiver requests giranted: stornriwater mgmil.,g(adlingi. landscaping& lighting i and 5) This is approved wfth two,conditions, a), That prior to commencing this project,, the pre-approwed Interconnect,spe,619cally the flinail approved; easement 'laiingiivage. will i comp4eted with the project to the northeast, Tax ID Niumber 296-17-1-38.. That Language wilil be colimpleted, again, before the commencomenit of this projecL Piease refer back to, 1he May Is, 2004 Site Plan approval. b) That the applicant will ternovo the color P4. Theater Reds,from, the color legend on Driwing Sheet A-2 Exterior Elevation and Detail& Duly adopted this 241h day of March,2'1011„by the following vote: AYES: Mrs,, Steffan,IMllr,Magowan,Mr.,Trai Mir. Hunsinger NOE& NONE ASSENT: Mir. Schonewolf,Mr-Ford,Mr.,Si:pp MR..HUNSINGER-You"re all set, Good luck. MR.GRF-EN-Thank you very rinuicb. I appreciate it. SUBDIVISION NO. 3-2011 SKE-TCH PLAN SEGR TYPE UNLISTED DAWN HLAVATY' - STARRATT AGENT(S) HUTCHINS ENGINEERING OWNi SAME AS APPLICANT ZONING RR-3A LOCATION GLEN LAKE ROAD,ACROSS FROM ASH1 DRIVE APPLICANT PROPOSES SUBDWISION OF A 14.67+I-ACRE PARCEL INTO FOUR LOTSRANGING IN SIIZE FROM, 2.115, +/- AURES TO, 5.10, +1- ACNES. S!LHBDWISIQHMII OF LAND REQUIRES PLANNING BOARD REVIEW AND,APPROVAL. WARREN CO. PLANNING NIA APA,CEA. OTHER GLEN LIK. CEA LOT SIZE 14. 7 ti.,ACRES TAX MAP NO.2aB,16-11-871 SECTION CHAPTER A-1113 TOM SHUT CHINS,REP RESE NTING APPLICANT. PRESENT MR. OBORNE-Subdivision 3-20111 Si Plan Review, Dawn 1-111avaity-Starrall is the applicant. Subdivision of laind reqtflres Plani Board review and approval. This is Glen Lake Road across from Ash Drive Is the localion,. This is in me RR-3A,Rural Riesidenfial Three Acres. This Is an Unlisted SEQRA,but not at this point because yo,u are at Sketch i Plan. Pfoject Description: Applkanl. proposes subdivWion of ai 114.167 acre pai indo four lots ranging in, size from 2.16 acres to 5,10 acres. Staff icommentsi, The Sketch Plan, as Presented, wdll require relief for the following.. Lot One would require lot vddih and lot size relief. Lot Two would require lot width.. road fronlage and road access relief, Lot'l"hiree would require lotwidth,road ffonWige,and road access relief- Lot Four would require lot width, road frontage and road access reHof, and all w,oul,d require, 'the whole project wou5d require densily refief as proposed. Additional considbrationz,, in your deliberations might should be the knowledge that the access drives fat Lot Two, Tbree, and Four are greater than 10%. There are excessive drive sliopes along the. 29 Town of Queensbury Planning Board "SOLUTION -Planning Board Recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals Sign.Variance 8-2017' Walmart Real Estate Business Trust Tax M,ap ID: 296.17-1-36 /Property Address: 891 State Route 9 / Zoning: C1 The applicant has submitted an application for the following,: Applicant proposes to repaint 600+ linear feet of existing building facade with a new color scheme and addition of an internally lit C'Pickup"') sign. Pursuant to Chapter 179-7-D50 of'the Zoning Ordinance, fe color change shall be subject to Planning,Board review and approval. Variance: Relict'i,s sought for additional sign. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Swtion 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning, Board of Appeals & Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed, and discussed this application, the: relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project, on the neighborhood and surrounding community, and found that- MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON BE,HALF OF THE PLANNING BOARD TOTHE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR SIGN VARLkNCE NO. 8-2017 WALMART RE AL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST. Introduced by who,moved its adoption, and a) The Planning Board, based on a limited review,, has not identified any significant adverse impactthat cannot be mitigated with current project proposal. OR b) The Planning,Board,based on a,limited review., has identified the following areas of conce= 1) Duly adopted this 1 90' day of September, 20 17 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: 5,18.76[.9220 1 F-uv, 51 8,74.5,44J7 b 7,12 Bay Road, Qqwonsbliry, NY 129,0411 Subdivision rel iminry Stage 14-2017 & Fire Stage 15-20,17 @ 34 Warren Leas Michael & Karen LeBlanc No Public Hearing Draft resolution — Planning Board recommendation the Zoning Board of Appeals 'Town of Queensbury Planning,Board Community Development Department Staff Notes September 19,2017 Subdivision Prel. Stage 14-2017 MIC14AEL & KAREN LEBLANC Subdivision Final Stage 15-2017 34 Warren Lane I Moderate:Density Residential w/mobi.le home overlay Ward 4 SEAR Unlisted Material Review- preliminary,and final stage application, survey of two lots with the proposed home site. Parcel History: 1992 Septic Alt.; sketch 13-2017, AV 55-2017; Requested Action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief for lot size. Resolutions Planning Board recommendation. PEoject Des eription Applicant proposes a two lot, subdivision of 2.8 acre parcel into .57 acres and 0.23 acre (100" x 100"). Main lot, 2.57 acres, has an existing hom, e to remain. New lot, 0.23 acre, has an existing garage:that will be removed to place:a,double-wide mobile home. No changes to, site proposed, a slab and septic to be installed. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning, Board review. Variance: Relief is sought for lot less than acres., Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board.of Appeals. Staff comments Sketch plan—The applicant completed a sketch plan,in July of 2017 Preliminary Review— LayoUjr plans —the plans show the existing conditions on the site including the topography, setbacks and a clearing area, The clearing area shows the location of the home, well, septic and driveway area. Construction details—The:plans,show the: locations of the new home and driveway area. Landscape plans—the number of lots doles not require landscaping. Clearing plan The applicant has indicated the site for the home is already cleared and contains an existing garage that is to be removed. The largerlot to remain has an existing house that will. also rem, a�in and the lot is, to remain as is currently vegetated with a garden area. Grading and erosion plas —The plans do not show site grading .and the applicant is requesting a waiver from stonnwater management due to the lot configuration being level The Environ menial report—the applicant Inas completed a,Long Environmental assessment review for 2 lots, Slor,Fnwarer management —the applicant has not provided a stormwater management report, and has reques,ted a waiver�. The plans,indicated less,than I acres of land disturbance that is proposed on the project site. Fees—per application. Waivers—the applicant has, requested waiver from sto(rmwater and grading, Open,S,pace—there is,no, proposal for open space . Sireels—the plans-show no street but a new curb coat will need to be obtained. Nature of Area Variance 'The applicant proposes to subdivide a 2.,8 ac parcel into 2.57 and 0.23 ac, where relidis being rcqtiested for creating a Parcel less than two acres. surnina The Planning Boa.rd is to provide a recommendation to,the ZBA in regards,to the request.relief for creating a parcel less than 2 acres in the 'Maderate Density Zone. Meeting_History. PB: Sketch stage:—7/18/17; Town of Queensbury Planning Board RF,SOLUTION -Planning Board Recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals Area Variance 55-2017 Michael & Karen LeBlanc Tax Map ID. /Property Address. /Zoning: The applicant has submitt,ed an application for the following: Applicant Proposes a two lot subdivision of a,2.8 acre,parcel into 2.57 acres and 0.23 acre I 00' x 100'). Main lot,,2.57 acres,has an existing home to remain. New lot, 0,23 acre, has an.existing garage that will be removed to place a double-wide mobile home. No changes to site pro-posed, a stab and septic to be installed. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land, shall be subject to Planning Board review. Variance: Relief is sought for lot less than 2 acres. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of', pp als. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of'Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board of Appeals & Planning,Board approval; The Planning Board, has briefly reviewed, and discussed this application, the relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community, and found,that: MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION .BEHALF OF THE', PLANNING BOAR,D TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR ARFA VARIANCE NO. 5,5-2017 MICHAEL & KAREN LEBLANC Introduced by-who movedits adoption, and a The Planning Board, based on a limited review, has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with current project proposal. OR b) The Planning,Board, based on a,limited review,, has identified the following areas of concem 1) Duly,adopted this 19dday of September,2017 by the following,vote: AYES. NOES: Jlljoiie: 518,761.822:b� F;m 5 18.745AV37 1I'7422 Bay RqUI(J.QLI(cnsbay, NY 12804 Site Plan -2017 & Freshwater Wetlands Permi't 5- 2017@ 3 Martell Road Mike Lewis, No Publi�c Hearing Drat resolution — Planning Board recommendation Zig Board of Appeals Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department StaffNotes September 19, 2017 Site Plan 61-2017 MIKE LEWIS 1'W'W Permit 5-2017 Martell Road / MDR—Moderate De.nsity Residential / Ward I SECT Type Il Material Review: application, survey, elevations existing and proposed Parcel History: 1990 garage; 1993 septic alt.; 2011-82 shed attached to gage; 2016 crport; July 2:0 17 demolition of burned house; AV 5 8-20 17 Requested Action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief for shoreline setback. Resolutions, Planning Board recommendation Proiect Description Applicant proposes to construct 192 sq., ft. addition and. rebuild, 57'6 sq. ft. home that was destroyed by fire (2017). Project it hard surfacing within 50 ft. of a wetland. Pursuant to Chapter 1.79-3-040 & Chapter 94 of the Zoning Ordinance new construction shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for shoreline setback- Planning Board, shall provide a recon-unendation to the: Zoning Board of Appeals- Staff Comments * Location- The project is located 43 Martell Rd off of Haviland Rd. in the H.aviland Acre Subdivision(Sub 94975) 0 Arrangement- The site bad a 576 sq ft home that was lost due to a fire in the spring,of"2017. The existing, garage and shed will remain and no changes area proposed for thern. The existing driveway is also to rernain, in its current location. * Site Design- The home will bebuilt in the same footprint of'576 sq ft with an addition of 192 sq ft to,the front., 0 Building—The home has two floors. The first floor to have one bedroom, kitchen, bath, living room— cathedral ceiling, dining room and stairs to the second floor. The second floor is to have a bedroom,, bath loft area with a dornner. 0 Site layout and utility plan-The applicant proposes no changes to the site. Utilities,will connect in the same locations as the:previous home. * Grading and drainage plan—the applicant has indicated the home will be guttered to,help,manage stormwater on the site. 0 Landscape plan—the applicant has, indicated there will be some residential planting installed once:thehome: is constructed. Elevations—The:elevations show the home is to be sitn.ilar to the home that was demolished. Floor plans—The plans show the house original length was 28 ft and will now bel ft. Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may, grant waivers on its own initiative rar at the written request of aun applicant. I'he application form identified a "Requirements" outlines the items to appear our the site plan or included as attachments. At the time of application the applicant has either requested waivers, indicated the item net applicable le gar has not addlres ed the item/ lel check box bilani . This includes the following items listed under Requirements irements of the applicant's application: & site lighting, h. signage, k. topography, q. soil logs, s. snow removal. Freshwater Wetland au:rrd The project site is within a designated wetland. The rebuilding of the home with the addition will be within 100 ft of the wedaund buffer area, The applicant has, indicated,the addition area is towards the front of the property., The existing garage is closer to the wetland than the proposed; addition area. The applicant has explained that the previous home had a rear addition that was,not permitted and will not be reconstructed as pari of the project. Naturae of area Variance The home to be rebuilt is proposed to be 69.9" h to the font property area, 41.4 to the west, 48.1 ft to the north, and 38.0, :ft to the east where a 75 It setback is re uuire& Summary The Planning Board is to provide a recommendation to the ZBA.in:regards to the request for relief for setbacks to the wetlands, Meeting Histor lel I 1 Meeting; To of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION -Planning Board Recommendation,to Zoning Board of Appeals Area Variance 5 8-2017 Mike Lewis Tax Map ID: 291 .14-1�20,/Property Address: 43 Martell Road/Zoning: MDR The applicant has submitted an application for the following.: Applicant proposes to construct 192 sq. fi. addition and rebuild 576 sq. , home that was destroyed by fire (2017 .) Project includes hard surfacing within 50 ft. of a wetland. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040& Chapter 94 of the Zoning Ordinance new constnict,ion shall e subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is, sought for shoreline setback. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Section 179- -070 J 2 b. requires the Planning, Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of'Appeats for projects that requite: both .Zoning Board of`. ppeals & Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has, briefly reviewed and, discussed this application, the relief request in. the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the: neighborhood and surrounding community, and found that: MOTION TO 1 A RECOMMENDATION !QN.,,BEHALF OF TIIE PLANNING BOARD TO THE ZONING, BOARD, Off' ,LSP FOR ARKA_VARIANCE NO. 58-2017 MIKE LEWI . Introduced by -who moved, its adoption,and a) The Planning Board, based on a limited review, has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with current project proposal. OR b) The Planning Board,based on a,limited review, has identified the:following,areas of concem, 1) Duty adopted this 1901 day of September, 2017by the Hlowing,vote- AYES- NOES: [Ihon: 5B.701 82,2()dIFav 5118lr74544,i7A7421lii)° R,oyap, Q�,Leciis,iLN,,y, 'N'' Site lar 2-2017 @ 230 Lockhart, MountainRoad Errol Silverberg , Public Hearing Draft resolution Planning Board recommendation the Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Queenshury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes September 19,i017 Site Plan 62-2017 E, OIL SILVERBERG 230 Lockhart Mt. Road/RR-5 - Rural Residential, 5 Acres/Ward I SEQR. Type II Material Review: application, site plan drawing, elevations, floor plan, photo Parcel History. 1994, Septic; 91301-1598 Bldg. Alt. 19,95; 09,5633-4555 Comm. Alt. & Addition 1.995; LTV 3-2017; AV 59-2017; UV-79-1995 (38.2)trailer manufacturing Reguested Action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appcals for relief for size, setbacks, and garage without principle use. Resolutions Planning Board recommendation Project Deser!mtion Applicant proposes a 2,304 sq. ft. single: story addition, to an existing 8,400 sq. ft. private garage. Project is, in R1 -5 zone that does not list private garage as an allowed use. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning, Ordinance, new construction shall be ,subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for size, setbacks and garage without principle use. P larming Board shal I provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Staff Comments 0 Location-The site is,at 230 Lockhart Mountain Road 0 Arrangement- The site has an existing 8,400 sq ft renovated 'building for storage of cars. * Site,Design-Thebuilding is on the site of the Gillis Poultry .Farm.that has,since been used for Autlo'body repair and Trailer manufacture. 0 Building—The current building is 8,400 sq ft and contains classic car storage. The addition is to be 2,304 sq ft at 18 ft in height and connect to the existing building through an * Signage-There is no signage for the building as the site isfor a private collection of vehicles. a Site conditions-The applicant has,indicated the site remains largelyunchanged with disturbance area,only near the existing building. 6 Traffic-The site will be accessed by an existing,gated.driveway,. The project includes,a new 1,300 sq �ft paved gravel access drive from the,main drive. An, additional. 30x24 pad will be constructed on the east side of the new addition for,a parking pad. 0 Site layout and utility plan a Grading and, drainage plan—There is an existing cleared area that is to be used for the new addition. The applicant has indicated the addition is to be guttered and water is diverted to an underground 2,000 gallon rain barrel. Overflow is directed to an underground gravel trench. a Landscape plan—The applicant describes the site as an open lawn area around the building area and surrounded by woods to the North and West., * Site lighting plan—The applicant has shown there is an existing gable light and a new gable light is proposed at the end of the ne:w addition at the garage doors. 0 Elevations—Elevations show the addition views and the connection to the existing building o Floor plans—The floor plan shows an open, area of 2,,304 with doublegarage doors at either end an a door entry to the existing building. Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 this Planning Board may grant waivers our its Dawn, initiative or gut this written request of an applicant. The application forun identified as ` Requuirem :uuts" outlines the items to appear on the site plana; or included as attachments.eats. t the time of application the applicant has wither requested waivers, indicated the item not applicable or has not addressed the it or / left check fox blank. "This includes this follow items listed) under Requirements of the applicant's, application: h. si uua e j. storm aterr k., topography„ l., landscaping, uu traffic,q. soil logs, s.. snow removal. Nature of Use:Variance The applicant proposes to expand an existing non-conforming use ofa private arage. The applicant has indicated the site and building had been,used for Auto repairs and Trailer manufacturing. The cuurr nt use of the building is 1br classk car storage. A private garage is not an allowed use in the]C u.ural .Resid ntial 5ac zone. UMM The Planning B-ward is to provide a recommendation to this ZBA.in regards to the request fuer a use variance for a private garage. Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION -Planning Board Recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals, Area Variance 59-2017 &Use Variance 3-2017 Errol Silverberg Tax Map 11): 252.4-318.1, /Property Address: 230 Lockhart Mountain Rd. /Zoning. R,R-5 The applicant has submitted an application for the Coll owing: Applicant proposes a 2,3104 sq. ft. single story ,addition to an existing 8,400 sq. ft. private garage. Project is in RR-5 zone that does not list private garage as an allowed use. Pursuant to, Chapter 179-3- of the Zoning Ordinance,new construction shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval, Variance: Relief issought for size, setbacks and garage without principle use. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning,Board of Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the: Zoning Board of Appeals for projects-that rye quire 'both Zoning Board of Appeals & Planning, and approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this application, the relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts, of this project on the neighborhood and, surrounding, community, and found that: MOTION,TO MAKE A. RECOMMENDATION ON BEHALFOF THE PG BOARD TO THE ZONING HOARD F PPEAFORAREA VARIANCE NO. 59-2017.,& USE VARIAE 3-2017 EgROL SILVE,RBERG. Introduced by who moved its,adoption, and a) The: Planning Board, based on a limited review, has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with current project:proposal. OR b') The Planning,Board, based on a limited review, has identified the following areas of I concern: I) Duty adopted this 19" day of September, 2017 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Phone. 518.761,8220 � 17,nv: 518-745,44371742 1.1ay Roix],QLu�tmisbur.y, NY 1204 � ww"%Llucensbury-ncl Site Plea -2017 Crooked T'ree Drive, Katharine Sle Public" Hearing Scheduled SEAR 11' Draft resolution ® grant/deny sii I n approval ................... Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes eptember 19,2017 Site Plan 55-2017 KATHARME SEELYE SEQR Type 11 Material Review: narrative, application, elevations, site plan Parcel History: AV 29-2001 deck & addition; SP 22-2003 &AV 17-2003 160 sf addition; SP 59-2007 1,10 sf stone terrace;AV 53-2017 Regueste4i Action Applicant has requested to be tabled to thefirst meeting in October. Planning Board review and approval for a single story, 2sq, ft, addition to an.existing 1,064 sq. f1. home. Resolutions Planning Board decision Pmievt Description Applicant proposes a single story, 225 sq,. ft. addition to an existing, 1,064 sq� ft. home. Floor area existing 2,533 sq. ft. and proposed is 2,788 sq. ft. Project includes minor interior alterations. Site work includes updated septic. Project is an expansion of a nonconforming structure:. Pursuant to Chapter 179- -040, 179-13- 010 of the ,honing Ordinance, expansion to nonconforming structures shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval �taff comments • Location- The project is located at 14 Crooked Tree Drive off of Route 9L • Arrangement- The existing home is 1,064 sq ft and the 225 sq ft addition is,to be a first floor bedroom. The addition is to be located on the east side of the home. The:first floor will have some:alterations to allow for the bedroom, • Site Design- There is no changes,being proposed for the site. The:addition is accessed from inside the hom, e. There is an existing woodshed that will,remain on the south side of the new addition. The plans show the existing septic system installed in,2,003 for a four bedroom system. The addition will require the relocation of the septic tank as shown on plans. • Grading and drainage plan and Sediment and erosion control—The plans show an eave:trench to be installed for the addition and, silt fence is also shown, a Landscape plan—The plans show the existing plantings on site and no changes are proposed. • Elevations—The,plans show the proposed elevation of the addition,area and other views of the home. a, Floor plans—The plans include the first and second floor existing and proposed. Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the Written request of an applicant„ The application, fonn identified, as "Requirements" outlines the items to appear on the site plan or included as attachments. At the time of application the applicant has either requested waivers, indicated the item, not applicable or has not addressed the item,/ left check. box blank. This includes the follow items listed under Requirements of the applicant's application- g. site lighting, h signage, k. topography, 1. landscaping,n traffic, o. commercial alterations/ construction details, q. soil logs, and s snow removal, Nature of VaHance Granted 8/23/2017,.. 'rhe applicant proposes a 225 sq ft first floor addition that does not meet the 75, ft setback requirei.nent where 50, R is proposed. Summa The applicant has completed a site pl review application Cor the construction of a single story 225 sq �ft addition fr a bedroom and interior alterations. MeefipyjH�isto °; PB. PBS. 8/22/17; ZBA: 8/23/17; y 1 742 Bay Roalid, Qi.iYee,nsbim'y, 14"( 12801,01 Town of'Queensbur y Planning Bom,-d RESOLUTION—Table Site Plan Site Plan 55-2017 Katharine Seelye Tax Map ID: 23 9015.1-,10 /Property Address: 14 Crooked Tree Drive /Zoning: WR MOTION TO TABLE SITE PLAN 55-2017 KATHARINE E, LYS Introduced by who moved fdr its adoption, seconded by Tabled until the,October 17, 2017 Planning Board meeting. Duly adopted', this I 91h day of September, 2017 by the following vote, AYES: NOES: 111xine: 518.761 .822(HF'ax: .518.74.5..443717421ktyR(�lil(f,. Qticeiisbur.�,,, NY 12804 1 xvw v.q tieens(iki ry,net Site Plan Modification 5 -2017 1,02 Quaker Omalil Family Lmute Partnership Public Hearing Scheduled SEAR Unlisted Draft resolution . grant/deny site plan approval Town of QueensbuiPlanning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes September 19, 2017 Site Plan Mod. 58-2017 OMALL FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 102 Quaker Road/Cl— Commercial Intensive/ Ward 2 SEQR Unlisted reaffirm negative declaration Material, Review: application,, site p�lan, cutsheets Parcel History: SP 9-2013 Reconfigure internal space & site:alterations to entrances,, parking, etc. P 20-2014 Modifications to allow 3 tenants; several .13P's for signs; SP (M), PZ 174-20 16 & AV PZ '175-2111 ew entryway, signs,, etc. aeguested Action Planning Board review and approval for modification,.of three exterior lights on the building. Resolution& L SEQR reaffirm neg dee 2. Planning Board derision, Proiect Description' Applicant proposes ification of three exterior lights on the building. The change is to allow three wall lights to have no covers so light can project to walkway for store entrance on the cast side of building during evening hours., No change in intensity — 50 watt LED's. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-120 of the Zoning Ordinance,modifications to an approved site plan shall be subject to,Planning Board review and approval. Staff comments • LoCatiOR7 The project is located at 102 Quaker Road adjacent to OTooles Restaurant. • Arrangement-The applicant bad recent approval for fagade, signage and site changes. The facade change added a new stone face entry-way area. The signage:changes,included the main face then additional small signs on the east wall.facing,Moles. The site changes include removal of the pavement area and installing lawn at the front of the building on the west side. Site Details- 'There:are no changes to the:site or building as part of themodification request. Site lighting plan-The lighting sheet details indicatefibur pole lights and four wall lights. The wall lights were to be up to 710 watt with shielding. The applicant has proposed maintain three of the fixtures at 50 watt with no shielding. The applicant has indicated the shields are do notlight enough of the sidewalk at nighttime for safety issues. The:applicant has not requested waivers and has indicated the previous approval SP1 39-2013, S,P 2,0-2014 and SP (M), PZ 174-2016,would be implemented per the plans. Summary The applicant has completed a site plan modification request for three wall light fixtures to remove the shields to allow the lights to shine on the sidewalk area outside the doors. Meeting History:. PB: Original approval 9122/15, previous,mod. 7/26./16; 1' meeting t,h�is,modification; Town of Queensbu,ry Planning Board SEAR RE,SOLUTION—Reaffirm Previous SEQR Site Plan,Modification 58-20,17 Omall Family Limited Partnership Tax Map,1,13. 3017-1-13 /Property Address- 102 Quaker Road /Zoning: C1 The applicant proposes modification of three exterior lights on the building. The change is to allow three wall lights to have no covers so light can project to walkway for store entrance on the east side of building during evening hours. No change in intensity — 50, watt LED's Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-120 of the Z,ruin, Ordinance, modifications to an approved site plan shall Ibe subject to Planning Board review,anal approval. The Planning Board has, determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations im,plementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of' the Town of Queensbury; No Federal or other agenciesare involved; Part I of the Short E has been completed by the applicant; Whereas, the Planning Board adopted Resolution, SP PZ 174-2016 on 7/2612016 adopting SEQRA deteirmi,nation of non-significance, and Upon review of the information recorded on the EAF, it is the conclus,ion of the Town of Queensbury Planning Board as lead agency reaffirms that this project will result in no significant adverse:impacts on the environment, and, therefore, an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly, this negative declaration is issued. MOTION TO RE AFFIRM NEG ATUVE DECLARATION FOR THE PROPOSED SITE PLAN' (MODIFICATION).,58-2017 DI LL 'FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. Introduced by who moved for its adoption, seconded by _; Duly adopted,this 1! day, of September, 2017 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Phone: 518-761.82210 � Fax: 518,7 45.°4LL437 Y '742 Bay Road. Qt1wisbury, NY 128;04 T uoB�`VOIIVIVIIIVN� � B ^, _'b¢r� klB,`$VV � N1�k^,eR,.` Town n off'Queensbury P"lanrnirn c rd IIP'SOLUTION ­Grant/ Deny, Site Plan approval SITE PLAN MODIFICATION -2017 OMALL FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ERSHI:P Tax Map 11): 302.7-1-1 /Property Address. 102 Quaker Road / Zoning: CI The applicant has submitted i am application to,the Planning Board for Site Plan approval pursuant to ,Article 9 of the Town oning Ordinance e for: Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter .179-9-080, the Planning Board has deternnined that this proposal satisfies the,requirements as stated in:the Zoning Cade„ As required by General Municipal Law Section 239-rn the site plan application was referred to the Warren County lannirn Department for its men endation The Planning Board has reviewed the potential environmental impacts of the pr jecpursuant to the State Envirorunen, tal Quality Review Act EQ and adopted a SEQRA Negative D larati n — Determination of Non-Significance The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan application on 09/19/2017 and continued the public hearing to 09/1912017, when it was closed, The Planning Board has reviewed, the: application materials submitted by the applicant and all comments made at the public hearing and submitted in.writing thr nn h and including 09/19/2017; The Planning Board. determines that the application complies with the review considerations and standards set forth in Axticle 9 of the Zoning,Ordinance for Site Plan approval, MOTION N T PPI OVE / DISAPPROVE, SITE PLAN MODIFICATION 58-2017 OMALL FAMILY LIMITED PAR"I"NE, SHIP',, Introduced by who moved for its adoption. Per the dram provided by staff conditioned upon the following n conditions: 1 Waivers request granted/denied: ) Adherence,to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution. Duly adopted this 19ah day of September, 2.111'7 by,they following vote: AYES: NOES, Pliane. 518,761,8220 F x: 518,745.4437 742 Say Forbad. u�jmsb ury. NY 12604 1 www.quiciensbury.net t