Application ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN ect) PARTNERSHIP, LLP. 9U0 Route 9415 Cliftun Park, NY 12066 (F)5'1 a.371.7621 1F 518.a7I.0U0 edpllp cora October 15, 2017 Town of Queensbury zoning Board of Appeals 742 day Road C- 9 V D Q€�eensbury, N 12804 Attn: Steve Jackoski, Chairman OCT ... _ Fie; KukCuk Area Variance TOWN OF UUEEF:N 8URy 155 Assembly Point Rd. ZOMG OFFICE Dear Mr.Jaukoski: Suhmltted for your distribution and review a re 15 sets of an area variance application for the referenced property. The Kukcuks are second gene ratlon owners of a family home located at 155 Assembly Point Rd. It L5 their desire to replace their 1940'5 era camp with a modern, more energy efficient yea r-round home to serve their retirement years and ultimately future generations. As proposed, the new residence will require two variance requests. The first variance is required as the property is subject to the provision within the ordinance which requires the shoreline setback to be 50' or the average of the setbacks of the two adjoining properties. Due to that fact that the house to the south is set back quite an unu5ua I distance at 262' we will be seeking relief from this standard. Secondly, as proposed the residence has a building height above the 28' standard. The Architect has reduced the roof pitch and lowered desired ceiling heights and we have lowered the finish floor elevation but d ue to the Sloping Wpagraphy the structure Still exceeds the height standard. belief is requested from the 28' standard. Submitted as pa rt of the variance application documents is the area variance applicatlon, a variance plan and various site plan drawings prepared by EDP, architecture drawings prepared by Creative Concepts, the deed and � 5tamped, signed print of the property survey and a check for the application fee. Note that we also request a wavier from submittal of various a ppIication checklist items not applicable to residential projects, i.e. signage, breakdown of huiIdIng square footage by use, lighting, landscaping, Sincerely, ��W4 1< K Dennis MacElroy, PE Partner Environmental Design Partnership 4 Glens Falls Tech lnicaI Park, Box 5 Glens Falls, NY 12801 (518) 3764485 cc; Richard Kukuk Prosect Description: The proposed project involves the replacement of an existing 1431 sf (footprint) single-family residence with a new 1572 sf (footprint) single- family residence. The properties in this area of Assembly Point road have shoreline frontage but the road lies between the lake and the houses. The proposed home will be located in the approximate same location as the existing with a shoreline setback of 101 '. Included in the site improvements will be a new wastewater system and provisions for stormwater management. The existing water suppler from the late will be maintained. While the proposed setback will be 101', welt beyond the 0' standard, the property is subject to the provision that the setback be no less than the average of the two adjacent properties. The residence to the north has a shoreline setback of 102'+/- but the property to the south is uncharacteristically setback of '+l-, resulting in an average of 182'. An area variance will be requested for relief from this standard. In addition, the second story of the proposed residence will have a limited section of the ridgeline exceed the 28' building height standard. A second area variance will be requested for relief from that standard as well. Area VaTian CC [ZBAapprovtd' Sepzcmber21201-61 eneaal Info nation �r X39.7-1-29 . Tax Parcel ID I�lumher; WR ` Zoning District; r Detailed Description of Project [include current&proposed use]: ` + y A OF QLJ Single-family residential y FVC Current Use. Single-family residential Proposed Use; 155 Assembly Point Road Location of Project. Applicant Name: Richard Kukuk Mailing Address- 6 Bradbury St_ Home Phone City, State,Zip Clifton Park,NY 12065 Work Phone Cell Phone 518 795-7287 l,Mail: FAX Nu. Agent's Name- Dennis 1vlacElroy Mailing Addr%s- 4 Glcns Falls Tech lark,Box 5 Home Phone pity,State,Zig . Glens Falls,NY 12801 Works Phone Ceil4ione 518 376485 E—mail dmacclroy@edgllp_com FAX No. Owner's Name same as applicant Mailing Address Home phone City, State, Zip Work phone Call Phom" E-mail RAX Vo. Pie t Area Variance [ZBAapproved: 8ep[emher2120161 Site Deveiopment Data Area I Type Existing sq.X Proposed Total sq. ft. A.(idEtlon s . ft, A. Building Footprint 1431 141 1572 B. Detached Garage 733 0 783 C_ Acae8Sory 'trueturc(s) 48 0 48 D, )paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area 4K8 {-19E} 3870 E. Porches 1 Decks 293 502 795 F: Other 0 0 0 , Total Nora-Permeable [Add A-F] 6623 445 7068 H. Parcel Area [43.560 sq.ft.1 acre] 33977 33977 33977 L Percentage of lmpenneable Area of Site [1=01H] 1 M% 1.3% 20.8% Setback Requirements Area Required Existing Proposed Front Yard [1] 30 NA NA Frent Yard [ ] 30 NA NA. Shoreline 50 (182)" 115 101 Side Yard [1] 20 19.7(7N) 24(N) Side Yard [ ] 20 7.5(9) 21(S) Rear Yard [1] 30 284 255 J�Ck�T Yard [2] 30 NA NA Travel Corridor NA NA NA Height [rnaxiinurn] 28 <28 30,5 Permeability 75% 84.5 792 dumber of parking spaces 2 2 2 Area Varianop, [ZBAapproved: Seritembrr2l 20t6] Additional Project Information 1_ Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board ofH a]th? no 2. If the parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s): 3_ Doe$this project require WVerage under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit Program? _Yes f X No 4_ Estimated project duration: Start face; Dec.'17 _ End Date: August 'I S 5_ Est]mated total D"tofprojeot: $350,004 G_ Total area of land disturbance for project: 10,775 sf Floor Area patio Worksheet FLOOR AREA RAT]0 {FAR) -- The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total bui iding Moor area by the lot size in square feet, yielding a percentage. Zoning District Syrnbai Floor Area Ratio [FAR) Waterfront Residential WR 0.22 Commercial Moderate J Commercial CM/Cl 0.3 Irttensive A. The combined area of all square footage, as measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property, including all floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porches. Building square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty X120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be included, (See;FLOOR AREA RATIO"). B. Commercial or industrial: the total area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of building or structure, and when applicable,the sum total of all moor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site. Parcel Area U,977 sq, ft. Existing Floor Area sq. ft. see above definition Pro osc0 Additional Flour Area sq. ft. Proposed Tutpl Floor Area s _ ft, Total Allowable Floor Area 7 TF4 {Area see above tab]e Page 33 Area Variance JZBA approved- SWernhcr21 2'0lbj ompliallce with Zoning Ordinance R quer ngrelicffrom SECTION: 179-4�QIO (2)(AX 179-3-04Q A(5)(B)[9 Need relief from the requirerrlent(s)listed below wbich can spot be met by the proj ect as prcPosed. ( heick all thae apply) [5 Setback ❑Buffer lone ❑Lot Width Mother building height The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of valance. Please complete them; use additional sheets if needed. 1. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the nei ghborhood or a detrimrnt to nearby property will be created by the granting of this area variance? Neither an undesirable ch�ti ge tn the neighborhood ch the Fiances. Ug use as a sin it c will bemaintainedcgneoRtent with thgOeijzhborhQQd. 2, Whethrr the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance`s i n rl, rnxi mate arae o fh e existing house ojv be aiwhi rc oast' n area v ` nee_ 3. Whether the requested arca variance is substantial? for haijcgs ala this str -COM1311 mited to a srnaii areas alan�t e a�aroximat .' t � .h`ch runs p�� tot rnud . 4_ Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? No advers which wfli be a irn rave to the enviro ental cond—` ns in the ne' hborhood, 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created? e� en rtie.,�— Thc hQUSe to the South t c at haeac#er`st` h wh' the hack d' h i hei mliaf request is self-craatod. NED 4 Ar,-,a Variance [ZDA approved: September 21 21316] Section 179-14030—Application materials Application materials and site pian drawing is to irioltide sufficient.inforrnatlon for the Board to review and provide a decision. The applicant is to provide a site plan drawl ng(s)—a survey showing exi sti ng conditions,a proposed conditions map(see page 00 for specific criter[a) and include any other attachments that address A-D as applicable to the proposed project. A. erieral. Shown on Sheet# 1 Title Name,Address ofapp]icant& person res onsible for preparation of drawing -1 Deed attached 3 North arrow,Tax Map ID, date PrePared and sole [minimum= I inch =40 feet] V-1 4 Boundaries of the property plottod to scale,zoning boundary attachtd Survey 5 Princi W structures aceessory structures with exterior dimensions V-1, -1 Site improvements incl. outdoor storage areas, driveways,parking areas, etc.: existing 8c S_l' S_2 vroposed 7 Setbacks for all structures and im rovernents- existing proposed V-1, -2 8 Blevations and floor plans of all proposed and affected stnictures attached B. Water& Sewer Shown,ort Sheet 1 Praiect sewage disposal facilities, design details, construction details, flow rates,and number of _1, S_5; S-6 bedrooms proposM Water supply [i.a. well] & septic on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or S-1 proposed on-site water supply and septic 3 Separation distances for proposed sewage disposal system to well and water bodies S-1 4 Existing public or private water supply [well, lake,etc.]. Method of securing public or private water, location dusign and construction of water supply including daily water usup 5 Percolation test location and results S-2 C. Parkin /'Permeable Areas - Shown on Sheet { 1 Number of spaces required for project including calculati oils and justification; existing& V-1,S-1 _Proposed 2 Talo- of existing parking spaces, number to be removed, number to maintain and type of surfacing -1, S-1, s-z material [e.g.,gravel, paved] 3 Provision for podestrian and handicap access and parking. existing proposed - 4 Design details of ingress, egress, leading areas and cutting-. cKisting&proposed -1, S-1,S-2 5 Location and character of green areas Iexisting and proposed], rnodific�ation to green area, btLMr V-1, 5-1,S-2 zone to remain undisturbed 6 Lighting, location and design of all existing and proposed outdoor lightingS,I, R2 D- Additional Site.Dbelo rrtent and Miscellaneous Shown on Sheet# 1 On-site & adjacent watercourses,streams, rivers, lake and wetlands -I' -2 2 Utilit /enera distribut[on s 'stem [gws electric, so]ar,telephone]- e xi gti nZ A ro osed 5-1,S-2 3 Location,design and construction details of-all existing and proposed site improvements S-J'S-2 including. gains, culverts,retaining walls, fences, fire & emergency zones and hydrants, etc. 4 Square footage of bldg, area proposed for office, manufacturing, retail sales or other corninercial NA activities: existing& proposed 5 Si a . Loc tion, size, type, delign and setback: existi ro osed NA b Waiver Reg4Lest: provide letter with application requesting any waivers: please reference cover letter specific items 7 Commercial 1 Industrial Development requires submission of Landscaping, Stormwater NA Mans einent, Gradin2& Liplifing Plans 8 Ident[fication of Federal, State or County permits required for the project together with a record NA Of appliCatiOn for all neCeSMry perFnits 4 f TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY. 12504-5902 October 24,2017 Richard KUkuk 6 Bradbury Street Clifton Park,NY 12065 Re: Single-Family Dwelling 155 Assembly Point Road Tax Map Parcel:239.7-1-29 Dear Mr. ukuk: I arra writing you with regards to my review of the above-referenced project and to document the recent conversations between your agent; Dennis NlacElroy and Laura Moore of my office. As I understand your project, your proposal is to remove the existing single-family dwelling on the property and construct a new home in the same general location. Upon my review, I find that your proposal will require an Are$ Variance should yov wish to complete the project. pe,Jfically, Area 'Variance relief is required from flit minimum setback and maximum height requiremews of the Waterfronit Res idential; (SVR)district. I understand that you may have submitted the necessary applications, as such; this letter serves as the required denial letter for the processing of your application package. Should you have any questions or comments regarding your application, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, PBrown Zoning Administrator Cly/sh Cc: Dennis MacElroy LACraig Bmwr 12017 LatbmOaniod Kukuk 10_24_17.doa , Horne of Hatural Beaaty __, A Goon Pl+rce to Live " Area Variance RBAapp—od= September 2120361 Pre-Submission Conference form I Section 179-9-040 I. Applicant Name: Richard Kukuk 2. Tax Map ID 239.7-1-29 Location- 155 Assembly Point Road 3. Zoning Classification WR 4. Reason for Review: c;[ C + 5. ,joining Section#: i 6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please provide by Dead ` General Information complete Site Devel epment Data Compi etc Setbacks Requirements Complete __z Additional project Information Complete V FAR addressed '�'� r Compliance with Zoning Ordinance x Checklist items addressed Environmental Farm completed Sfgnature Page completed 4 4 Get" k'l (: 2 }C a Cr • -' ` r � Cis . 4 - c s r1 q f , Li" C t Staff Representative- JCA Applicant 1 Agent- rL1 Date: C7 __z__L Pada 6 Signature bags Thlss page Includes the 9.) Authorization to Act as Agent Form: 2.) Engineering Fee Disclastrre; 3.) Authorization for Site Visits; 4.) Other hermit Responsi bl I[ties; B.) Offichal MeetFng Disclosure and 6.) Agreement to provide docurnentatlon required. 44h�NER"S AG�C371+CFt4n7: Oornpi@t�the fallowing if tha OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant Owner. DeslgnateS As agent regarding: Varfanoe., . . Site Plan tfbdlvlslan For Tax Map No.: gaotlon Block Lot oed Rei°erence 13ool( Page Dote OWNER-SIGNATURE. DATE= APPLICMT'SAGENT FORM Complete the following if the APPI_I[:ANT 1c i IrinhlA in mf And Ill rnRAtirLrr nr tVIShes t4 be rupreaented by anothor party; � Owner. f�ichard Kukuk Designates: Dermis Ms0113troy I AS agent regarding: Variance SIte plan Subdfvislan For Tax Map No.: 239,7 Sectlon 1 Black Lot t Deed Referent Book Page Date r s APPLICANT SIGNATURE, � � {� DATE, 2,} 9NG1KFERINO FEE DISCLOSURE, Appliaeiiorts may be referred to the Town consulting engineor for revlew of selptlo deslgnr storm drainage. etc, as datermined by the Zohlng or Planning Depariment. Fees for engineering review services wilt be ourged dlmctty to the.apppaanl. Foes for engfneerfng revlewi wllf not exceed$ '1,.000 wilhout noliilratifln to the applfcer)t. 3.} AUTHORIZA71ON FDIC SITE V18 S^ By signing Oils page and subrnivIng the application materials attached herein, ffin Owner, ApplUnt, and hirdhedthefr agerigg) hinmby nulhoriza Rhe Zoning Board or Pfanning Board and Town Staff to Ianter the subject properlleB for the perp ose of reviewing the application submitted. 4.} OTHER PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES; Other permlls may by mquirod forconsirmOon or alteration aclnrlty sal �quant to appraval by thl3 Zoning Board or Plranning Board, Itis the appl[ca rlt'9 resPn sJblllly to obtsiR shy addition al permits. 6.) OFFIPTALMEETIND MINUTES DISCLOSURE., Itis the pracilceof"Community Development Deparfinerrtto have a deslgnated stenographer tap record The prcosedinp of Meetings resulting from applivation, and minutes Oransorlbad from those tapas conatltutas. the official record of aI I prcceedtngs, ACRE1 MUNT TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTAT[ON REOUIRED- I, the urrdarsigned, have Ihoraughly read and understand the Instructions for aubmisslon and agree to She suhmisi lore requirements, I acknowledge no ❑❑nstraotlon aativllles 811811 be cvmmancod prior to lasusfnce of a valid petrnit. 1 certffy that t#Irz appllra#[Oh, Pans read supporting materials are a true and complete slaternentldescdplion of the existing oonditlons and the work proposed, and that all work will be porformad in arcordance wIth the approved plans and in conformance w1th local zoning ragulallons. I acknowledge Ohrtt prlor to occuPying the facllltles.proposed, I or ray agents,will obtain a eertfflcate of occupancy.se necessary. I also understand the#Uwe may be required to provide an as-bulit survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly conetracted facilities prior to issuance of a aar9fioele of occuponoy I lnav ad and agree to t above. Richard Kukuk -Signature [Applicant] Print Name [Applicaratl Date signed Dennis MacElroy 81gnature.[F,gentj Print Name [Agent] Date signed 7 Area Vsrlarice revised Ma rah 2014 'down of Queensbury•Zoning Office•742 Bay Road -Queensbury, NY 12804 •5'18-761 38 f