1972-10-10 SP 1.2 4 Special Meeting October 10, 1972 Members Present: Gerald B. Solomon Supervisor Lloyd Demboski Councilman Robert Barber Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman Harold Katz Town Counsel The meeting was opened at 5:00 P.M. with a salute to the flag. RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR SEALED BIDS FOR CONTRACT 152WATER DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE BUILDING, CONTRACT 15A, PLUMBING AND HEATING, CONTRACT 15B, ELECTRICAL WORK. RESOLUTION NO. 176, introduced by Mr. Solomon who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has recommended that we advertise for bids for Contract 15, Water Department Maint '.enance Building, Contract 15A, Plumbing and Heating, Contract 15B, Electrical Work, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the- Town of Queensbury solicit sealed bids for the work as listed above and that the following notice be published in the official town newspapers in the following form: NOTICE TO BIDDERS Town of Queensbury. Warren County. New York Owner SEALED BIDS FOR Contract 15 - Water Department Maintenance Building - General Construction Contract 15A - Plumbing and Heating Contract 15B - Electrical Work WILL BE RECEIVED at the Office of the Town Clerk, Town of Queensbury, Town Office Building, Bay Road at Haviland Road, RD #1, Glens Falls, New York, 12801 until 8:00 O'clock P.M. E.D.S.T,, October 26, 1972. The Town Board will meet in the Town Office Building at 8: o'clock E.D.S.T. October 26, 1972 at which time the bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The work consists of the following: Contract 15 - All site preparation to include filling and grading with gravel and compacted fill to the lines and grades on the drawings, construction of the building foundation and floor slab, building superstructure of approximately 125' x 40' , interior partitions, painting and finishing. Contract 15A - All plumbing and heating work for building. Contract 15B - All electrical work for building. The information for Bidders, Form of Bid, Form of Contract, Drawings, Specifications and Forms of Bid, Performance and Payment Bonds may be examined at the following places: Office of the Town Clerk, Town Office Building and at the Office of Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , Consulting Engineer, One Kestner Lane, Troy, New York, 12180. Copies of the above documents may be obtained only at the office of the Consulting Engineer upon depositing a non-refundable sum of $25,00. All _J checks for the documents shall be made payable to Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , Consulting Engineer. The Owner reserves the right to waive any- informalities and to reject any or all bids. Each bidder must deposit with his bid, security in the amount, form and subject to the conditions provided in the information for Bidders. Attention of bidders is particularly called to the requirements as to conditions of employment to be observed and minimum wage rates to be paid under the contract and to the Non-Collusion Certification. Under Section 1116 (a) (1) of the New York State Tax Law, the Town= of Queensbury is exempt fm m payment of sales and compensating use taxes and such taxes shall not be included in the bid. 125 No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Nbn-discrimination in Employment: Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the President' s Executive Order No. 11246. The requirements for Bidders and Contractors under this order, which concerns Non-discrimination in employment, are explained in the Specifications. Bidders are required also to comply with the provisions of Article 15 of the Executive Law (Human Rights Law) of the State of New York. Date: October 10, 1972 (Signed) Donald A. Chase Town Clerk. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk Regular Meeting October 12, 1972 Members Present: Gerald B. Solomon Supervisor Lloyd Demboski Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman Members Absent: Robert Barber Councilman Harold Katz Town Counsel The meeting -was opened at 8:05 P.M. with a salute to the flag. The Supervisor greeted the following persons: Debra Trombley Mrs. Wadsworth -Mr. Wells Tom Flaherty George Liapes Harold Boynton Floyd Martindale Walt Baker Francis Fish Mrs. James Carlau Michael O'Connor First on the agenda was a public hearing on the Mobile Home application of Debra Trombley. Proof of advertising was shown by the Clerk. There was no one to speak for or against the application. RESOLUTION TO ,AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 177, introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Streeter. WHEREAS, Debra Trombley has made application in -accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4 of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled: ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK to locate a mobile home at property (situated at Rhode Island Ave, .and EREAS, this town board has conducted a publics hearing in connection with --said application .and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is .hereby determined that -the facts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application with the sti#ulation that it have the proper setback approved by the Zoning Board of Appeals, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance permission is hereby given to Debra Trombley to locate a mobile home at property situated at Rhode Island Ave. and that the Building .Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: