Staff notes packet PLANNING BOARD STAFF NOTES NOVEMBER 14, 20, 17 Queensbury Planning,Board Agenda First Regular Meeting: "11 aacsaluw�°, Novvinber 14, 211,17 f T'ilme 7— 11 pm Queensbury Activities Center @ 712 Bay Road REVISED .1/6/201 Approval of Minutes Dates- September 19,,21117&September 2nd,21111.7 Administrative Items Site Plan 29-2015 Ga rvey Kia request for 18 month extension to May,2019 Site Platt 7-2015 Queensbury Partners(Fowler Square)request for extension through Juste 30,20111 Approval of 21118 Planning board meeting calendar Approval fair Planning,Board Change in Elections Schedule in December,2017 'annina Board llecom.mendations: pplics�b d,mM1 � m.,.... d .. 1'�nneanT+pe Q ntePlb6- 17 ,,,.,,,, ... ..,. . ® , w _ .. Owner(s) ... � . M[Dreaaru„LIX-Michael nlaaal � I? 1k� ._ �TP1�... — . nnfa beat saw 45 acre _ .m Lo ® . . _Ward._ ..�.... ,a�ru.. . ......... .. � �S Road � Tax ID No, „ ,.H 6 16 1 . 0 .Ordinan �eferenae.. . .I w.l7 w 179,,.13 ftp _ . Cross Reference Glx 46-95,SP 59-96, V 3 S!aw„ arren Co. o Re 1"erarnl November 2017 AV 41-95, E'50-201.7,AV 74- 017 AV 55-9 Punlnlie F'1!a'in 7 _..I a fur recornarraenalation ation + I P Project Deseriptiom Applicant proposes to install additional 85 sq, 1t.on south side of an existing 569 sq,ft.deck to anexisting 6„611 sq.:ft.borne. Project includes 95 sq,&of anew sleek and hard surfacing on the north side„Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance,expans°an of existing deck witbin 50 A.of shoreline and expanswn of non-conforming structure shall be subject to 1'laanrning Board review and approval. Variance: 1telnef ns r u�r shoreline setback less than 50 f1. Planning Board shall provide a recc rnmendatnen to,,the;Zorcnnn4 Board of ppc -Any further business which may be properly brought before the Bad - PLANNING BOARD E, R There will be a required Storrawater training,smion for Planning Board members immediately following the above scheduled)agenda,items. Sunn, 'weet, From: Laura Moore SentTuesday, October 31, 20117 2:29, PM TO: Sunny Sweet Subject. F 67 - 2'0,17 Teresi For File ........... ................. ....... From.Jon C, Lapper Jrnailto:jb1@bp,sn1avv.com1l Sent.Tuesday, October 31, 2017 2.24,IP II To: Laura Moore<Imoore @queensbury,net> Cc: Gregory Teres!<greg@teresJfitflexom>; "Tom Hutchins (thutu h�ins@hutc�hinisengineeringcom)i', <thutchins@�lh,utchinseini,gineeri'n,&c�o,m:> Subject:SP 67-2011,7 Ter,esi Laura, on behalf of the applicant, I hereby request that the appilication be rescheduled because the applicant willi be away for,a aria I that day.. Jon Lapper, Esq. Bartlett, Pontiff,Stewart & Rhodes P.C. One Washington Street PO IPox 2168 Glens Fa Ills New York 12801 Phone, 518-832-64,34 Fax.518-824-1034 Mobile, 5,18-744-6422 ... ........ This.Electronic Mali trainsrnission and any accompanying doicurnents contain Information bieliongiing to the sender which are confidential andl legailly privilleged.Thils,information Is Iritencled only for the use of the individual or entity to whom this transmission was Sent as indlicatedl above, If youi are not the lintendecirecipient,any,dlisclosure,copy'ling, distribution, or action taken in reliance on the,contents,cvf the Information containedl in this transmission,is,strictly prohibited. if you have received this transmis5lon,in error,pleasie reply,to the sender at(518)792-2117 air jd@bp5rI,aw.ccirn,and delete this Message and all attach mie nits from your el er tron[c storage files. Minutes of September 1911' & September 26Th Draft r l — grant/deny m�inultes approval ADMINISTRATIVE, ITEMS: bite lar 29-2015 @ Quaker G SIA Diraft resiolutilon — grant/deny extension � n bite Plan 57-2017 @ Corner Bay Rd. 1& Blind Rock Queensbury Partners Fowler Square) Draft resolution — great/deny extension 20,18 Planning Board meting calendar Duff resolution — grant/deny approval ---- PlanningBoardchange in Elections Schedule Draft resolution — gra rpt/cleny approval Sum Sweet From: Craig Brown. Seu nt: Thursday, October 105, 2017 4:28 PM Laura Moore;,Sunny Sweet Subject: FW: Site Plan 29-2015 Garvey Kia Please plaice this extension request on befbire their November expiraitibin date, Thank you! Craig From: Sean Gairvey [mail'to:seanLagatveya,uto.c!om] Sent,:,Thursday, Ober 05, 20,17 4:27 PM To: Craig I Ce. Sean Gairvey Subjiect Site Plain 29-2015 Garvey Kia Dear Craig, Due to unforeseen dlist�ractions with a proposed building project in, Rutland 'Vermont, I have been, unable to aitt�end to and complete the necessary design work on this, project to proceed with construction. I ark respectfully re q u est i nig aur '18 mi o nth, exten s i 0 n to, the Planning Boards approvall of Garvey Ia's Site Plan 29-20,1,5. 'We are very close to resolving the, Issues, now, so your consideration of my request woulld be greatly appreciated,, Warmest regards, Sean Garvey Garvey Kia 4,83 Quaker Road 742 Bay Ricuad, Queensbt-ijry, '12804 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD RE'SOLUTION—GRANT/DENYEXTENSION REQUEST SITE,PIAN 29-2015 , ,R IIIA TAX MAP ITS 3113.6-1- /PROPERTY ApD 1 : QUAKER ROAD /ZONING: Cl The Planning Boardapproved this, application on Jane 2, 01 5. An 18 month extension to November 1.7, 2017was,as granted on May 17, 2016. MO'T'ION T PP VELDE Y AN,ADDITIONAL I8 MONTH EXTENSION FOR SIT, PLAN 29- 2015RVEY I .I.Q. Introduced by who moved l for its adoption, seconded Duly adopted this 141h day of November,2017 by the follo iaxg vote: N 0ES: Phoncti: 5 18,761.82210 Q F'z'INw 51&145A,437 V 741laay I,2' [14 Senn weet Fro= Craig Browni Sunt: Monday, November 06, 2017'9.5 1AMI Tao Sunny Sweet,, Laura Moore S ubje t. FW., Rower Squi re PUD ,Site glen Approval Please, add to the 14�h meeting as and admin item Thenksl cb mm. m. ..µ,. � .. Fr m., Michael]. Conncwr [mii +ilto.ruujoconnnr L BLA" . , I Serra: Friday, November 03,20o 2:06 P To: Craig Brown Subject: Flower square PUD Site plain, p rov l Crab: Per our disoussion QueensburyPartners, LLL,the ner of the above project, are close'to, finalizing n agreement that will begin construction an the above project next Spring. q Queensbury Planning Board extend the Site Ply Plug consider this letter request to have tlna� Approval for this project toJune 301, 20,18. Thanking you and the Planning Board for its consideration. We are on the yard linin reedy t commence the project but need time at this paint to gust final arrangement in place. -Mi0c Sunt from my ilia r� T42 Bay, Slio ad ib-W 1 804 "OWN OF QUEENSBURY PLANNING BOARD, I ISI,SOLUTION GRANT EXTENSION RE UE T SITE PLAN 57-2015 QUEENSBURY 1P RT NER CORNER BL,IND ROCK ROAD : BAY ROAD/Z NTNG::k PUD The applicant has submitted an application to the Planning Board for Site Plan approval pursuant to Article ' f the Town Zoning Ordinance for; a Planned nit Developm notI U'D consisting of office, business retail and multi-family uses. The proposed mixed use density is for 14.2 residential units and 56,180 sip., it. of cornmercial space. Activities also include land disturbance for installation of a parking areas, parking, garage, sidewalks and drive areas along with associated infrastructure and utilities for the project. Pursuant to Chapter 179'.12 PIED of the Zo:nian . Ordinance, Planned Unit Developments p ments are subject to, Planning Board review and approval. MOTIONTO APPROVEAN, I I T MONTH,NTH, E TEN ION FOR SITE P'L NO. 57-2015, Qi;IEENS URY PARTNERS, Introduced by who moved for its adoption, seconded ded by Duly adopted this 14"x'day of November, 201'7'by the following vote.. AYE NOES: Plaon 18.761.8220 � Fax: 5 19.743,44-17,4417 a 742 lltimy Road. (,)u vll,sbl ry,. NY IND-4 a I TOWN' UI ENSB RY PLANNING BOARD SOLUTION-APPROVAL O: .ALENDAR YEAR 2017 MEETING DATES MOTION TO APPROVE CALI;NP'M.19L,f1 YEAR 2018 PLANNING BOARD MEETING DA E . Introduced who moved for its adoption, seconded by Duty ty adapted this 141"h day of November, 2017 by this following vote: AYE NOES- Plume: 518,7f)1,�2201 1 Fax:: 742 B-,,tyr Rojid. NY 12804 aB'IN V'�6MQ &P�::iw"9"u. nL Y 1,2,1, c Tovvn of Queensbury Planning Bayard RESOLUTION—Change in Planning Beard Elections ched:ul Current policies and procedurecall for Flung Board elections to be held at the second meeting in December. Due toscheduling conflicts not all members,are able to attend that second meeting,so elections need to be moved to the first meeting In December 2017... MOTION TO HOLD PLANNING BOARDELECTIONS AT THE DECEMBER 14. 201 MEETING. Introduced b who moved for its adoption, seconded by Daly adopted this 14 day of November,, x0,17, by the Following vote: AYES. NE ; Site Plan -2017 @ 55 Mason Road Michael Badera Public Hearing Draft (resolutionPlanning Board re anion to the Zoning Board of Appeals ........... Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes November 14, 2017 Site Plan 66-201.7 MICHAEL BADERA 55 Mason Road/WR—Waterfront Residential/ Ward I SEQR Type 11 Material Review: application, survey, architectural deck,addition drawing Parcel History: SP 46-95, SP 59-96, AV 83-96, AV 55-96, AV 41-95, SP 50-2017, AV 74-2017 Requested Action Recommendation to the:Zoning Board of'Appeals for relief for shoreline setback.of less than 50 ft. Resolutions L Plaming Board recommendation Proiect Descripti2.n Project Description: Applicant proposes to install additional 85 sq., ft. on south side of an existing 569 sq. ft. deck.to an existing 6,611 sq. ft. home. Project includes 95 sq. ft. of new deck and hard surfacing on the north side. Pursuant to,Cbapter 179-3-040 of the Zoninrdinance, epansion of existing deck within 50 ft. of shoreline and expansion of non—conforming structure shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance. Relief is requested for shoreline setback less than 50 ft. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning,Board of Appeals Staff Comments • Location-The project is located at 55 Mason Road off of Cleverdale Road., • Arrangement- The applicant has an existing home and deck where two additions to the deck will widen the: deck towards the like. • She Design-The deck currently is 569 sq ft and the additions include:an 85 sq ft section on the south side and a' sq ft addition on the north side. The applicant has explained certain areas of the deck are 5 ft wide and,difficult to place outdoor furniture and walk on the deck.. • Site conditions-the plans show additional posts will need to be installed to support the new deck areas. • Grading and drainage plan and Sediment and erosion control—no plans were provided, disturbance appears to be minimal occurring,on the upper stonewall area. The board.ma confirm that appropriate: erosion and control measures to be installed during deck addition construction. • Elevations and Floor plans—the inforrnation submitted shows the existing and proposed deck conditions. Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the written request ofan applicant. The application form identified as "Requirements" outlines the items to appear on the site plan or included as attachments. At the time: of application the applicant has either requested waivers, indicated the item not applicable or has not addressed the item/ left check box blank. This includes the follow items listed under Requirements of the applicant's application: g. site lighting, L signage, j. stonnwater, k. topography,1. landscaping, n traffic, o. commercial. alterations/construction details,p floor plans, q. soil logs, r. construction/demolition disposal s. snow removal. Nature of Area Variance The applicant proposes one �section ofthe deck addition to be 45 �ft from the shoreline where a 50 tt shoreline is, required. The plans Shaw there beach area where the shoreline is closer than the remainder of the property, Summary The planning board is to provide a recommendation to the zba in reg,ards to the relief requested for setback Meetiggffijistarry. First meeting :2 RUCINSKJ HALL ARCHITECTURE WOM w5 To HE '.s SHOWN& ROMNIG 4 Rmal gal OTTO, AND IN ACCORDANCE Phan P'ca;ge Hall WAH MANSFAC1URER"5 RECOMMCN ATiON5o wrap ' UfpkrAgo 5p rq5 MI'W RECC!59ME'NDE aTnC NS, AND 'tea 51a 740 a2tfl CENEAMAY ACCEPIED LOCA4 Kam 9115 741 0274 CONS,7RUCnoe4 li,NOU,57ny Ermoaf rrr1!: rr.aaan N RAC:I E'S. I ".� aPaap..naarmer GIT y A I%x"Mot,,T �r p4,7 LW"W"IFMA MY �rtm AVE M�GWFMwC ImAdG:h`rtrW '!C"9ON W�A waft dAt7ne14C�.. it nr� ra ammo rumwOF s 6dauuRlwr war REVISIONS w WAL&S PLAVORN it, I w w w w E r 0� NF19RET 'rmg41 & to +/ 1 0P OF mat 5' ,E Deck Renovations to t, ACAO"GADEIRA\C. 11 NOT TO S ALE ildc--t;,mee AAA war ..."a,-t du,7hra sENLARGED 50 Mases RoladI I L le�w ale,New Ya* Farren County Planning Department P'ro*t Review,and Referral Forums Reviewed by Department on November 8, 2,017 rojeu t Name- Ba,dere, Kchael Owner-, M Dream „ ILL Michael Badera ID Number: QBY-17-SPR-66 ouunty Project : Nov17- ua:rreuutZoning: WH Community: Queensbury P"roj"t Description: Applicant proposes to,instaIll 85 sf on south side of an existing569 sf dleck to an exrstirng 6,1611 sf home., Project includes 95 sf of new deck on the north side, Relief is request for shoreline setbacks. Site Location- 55 Maseru Rd Taxi apo Number(s); 226.16-1-20 Staff, etes: The Warren Courut'y lann ing Department finds that the project willl not create any sig aifl antinterr-urmuun,icipall or county-wide Impacts to the items identified In GML §239. )Local actions todate(i 'a,ny),: County Planning Department- Approve, Department—Appro e Local Action:IFFinal Disposition- 11119/2017 Warren County Plauunil g Departuuuent Date Signed local OMcial, Date SigneT PLEASE RErURN THIS TO THE WARREN COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTM NT' mTHIN 10[DAYS Or FONA-1.ACTION as+.°,111'1 L'eA 0 .Yu,nC'�'INS 1 �,,. �itl�"tlB�'�R,RB1iBn', �.�'..�'w_'�,����w�tl� mp� 9 ➢V�&aw";," Town of Queensbury Planning Board RLSOLUTION -Planning Board Recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals Area Variance 74-2017 MICHAEL BAD Tax Map 11); 22&1 -l-- /Property Address: 55 Masora Road /Zoning: WR The applicant has submitted an application for the following: Applicant proposes to install additional 85 sq. ft. on south side of an existing 569 sal. f1., deck to an existing 6,611 sq.. fl. home. Project includes 95 sq. ft. of new deck and hard surfacing on.the north side. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, expansion of existing deck within ft. of shoreline and expansion ofrom-conforrmting structure shall be subject to PlanningBoard review and approval. Variance: Relief is requested for shoreline setback less than 50 ft. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals The 'Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a,written recommendation to the: Zoning Aboard of appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board of appeals &Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly' reviewed and discussed this application, the relief request in the variance applicatiorn, as well as the potential impacts of this project on, the neighborhood and surrounding community, unit , and found that: MOTION, TO MAKE A,REC_OMMENDATION,ON HEIIIALF OF THE LL 1,N BOARD TO THE ZONJNG BOA OF APPEALS FOR AREA VARUNCE NO. 74-2017 MICHAEL ERA: Introduced.h who moved its adoption, and a) The Planning Board, based on a limited review, Inas not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with,current project proposal. !111 b) The Planning g Board, based on a limited review, has identified the follow ing areas of concern.: 1 Duly adopted this 14'h day of November, 2017 by the fbIlowinng vote; NOES: Phone: 5 18.76,I.8;?1), 4 �,vv. 518.74, .4437 1742' 13U)' RK'Kld, 4�M������������i��., 1' 1280d# 1 Planning Board Member i There will equired Stogy water training session for Planning Roard membersimmediately following the sicheduled agenda items.,