Carr Subdivision Res Mr. Macri moved APPROVAL of Site Plan No. 9-89, Terry Brown, as the Application has been submitted, which is in accordance with the Town of Queensbury Zoning rules and regulations. Resolution 9-89 has been affixed to the Addendum. Seconded by Mr. DeSantis. Passed 6 Yes (Jablonski, Dybas, Mann, DeSantis, Macri) 1 No (Cartier) SUBDIVISION NO. 4-1989 PRELIMINARY STAGE FOR MODIFICATION Edward P. Carr The request is to change the boundary lines to eliminate Deeded Right of Way, RR-5A/LC-10A. Locations East side of Stone Schoolhouse Road; north on Bay Road; left onto Stone Schoolhouse Road; Woodchuck Hill Road; approximately 800 feet on the right. (Tax Map No. 23-1-39.221). Mr. Roberts noted that the subdivision was approved by the Adirondack Park Agency and not by the Town of Queensbury, as it was not necessary at the time. The applicant is attempting to turn an access right-of-way into a deeded ownership, which requires subdivision approval. Mrs. York reviewed Staff's comments (Exhibit J) and recommended to the Board that this be a Final Approval on the project, if it is determined that there is no significant environmental impact. Public Hearings no comment. Mr. DeSantis reviewed with the Town Planning Board the Environmental Assessment Form, Part II A - D; there were no negative impacts. Mr. DeSantis moved APPROVAL of Subdivision No. 4-1989, PRELIMINARY STAGE FOR MODIFICATION and FINAL APPROVAL, Edward P. Carr, based Staff's recommendation, the Negative Declaration of SEQR and the fact that the subdivision will be brought more into compliance with the current rules and regulations of the Town of Queensbury. Seconded by Mr. Cartier Passed Unanimously SITE PLAN NO. 10-89 Glens Fails Cement Co., Inc. 11