2.11 2.11 RACES&WALKS\Rotary 5k—1-22-18 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ROTARY 5K ROAD RACE/WALK RESOLUTION NO. ,2018 INTRODUCED BY: WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: WHEREAS, the Glens Falls Rotary Foundation, Inc., has requested authorization from the Queensbury Town Board to conduct its annual 5k road race/walk to benefit the Family Service Association of Glens Falls, Inc., and SUNY Adirondack Summer Enrichment Scholarship Program as follows: SPONSOR Glens Falls Rotary Foundation, Inc. EVENT 5k Road Race/Walk DATE Saturday, April 21St, 2018 TIME Approximately 10:00 a.m. PLACE Beginning and ending at SUNY Adirondack (Copy of course attached); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby acknowledges receipt of proof of insurance from the Glens Falls Rotary Foundation, Inc., to conduct a 5k Road Race/Walk within the Town of Queensbury, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves the Glens Falls Rotary to conduct a 5k Road Race/Walk within the Town of Queensbury on Saturday, April 21", 2018, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby approves this event subject to the Town Highway Superintendent's approval of the race, which approval may be revoked due to concern for road conditions at any time up to the date and time of the event. Duly adopted this 22nd day of January, 2018,by the following vote: AYES NOES ABSENT: Town of Oiiee,sl>r vThomas R.VanNess Highway /� Highway Superintendent Department 7.1.4 Bay Road—Queensbury,NY 1480+ �Et , :.v �'�< —�-' David Duell Phone(5 s)76 I-S41 I C Fax:(518 7.15-1 66 l Deputy l lighway Superintendent intendent TO: QUEENSBURY TOWN BOARD FROM: THOMAS VAN NESS DATE: January 11, 2018 RE: April 21, 2018 The Rotary 5K Race I have reviewed the request of The Rotary 5K Race being held by Glens Falls Rotary on Saturday April 21, 2018 at loam. I hereby grant my approval for the race to be held on the following roadway that is under my jurisdiction: Meadowbrook Road. All other roads that are not under my jurisdiction my need further approval from the County. Sincerely, 61Aluot iet'arg°444. Thomas R. Van Ness Highway Superintendent 'r - : -,-,•: ji. F ' d" '6�' .0 s' — .%- ;x ; y •--_ S r z ' rte " A St t& -s-4 .l {42-: 5 a�- s .. fit \—'i?='i [` r7 i/p g¢� f F /� ------"'"-:",:1-::::!;.i.sem, ,, ➢ . ;. is Y „"si - 3'Fin7 f . sf 5 4: . -,%A4'.."41/4 ---',7'.'wh- r _,,,,,y6;...„,,,, C C / __. �_ � Saturday, April 21, 2018 Proceeds benefit Family Service Association mE:of Glens Falls,Inc., E SUNY Adirondack START TIo•O 0Am Summer Enrichment Scholarship Program at SUNY Adirondack Student Center Pro-registration:On or before April 12th,2018-mail to Glens Falls Rotary,PO Box 2702,Glens Falls NYt 12801 or register online at wwwactive com Entry Fee':ADULT S25 AGE 12 ft UNDER S17 Race Day Registration:8AM to 915AM ADULT $30 AGE 12&UNDER S22 Course:One small hill start,then flat and fast!T-shirts:Available for the first 300 entrants [sizes not guaranteed]Awards:Male and Female overall,age groups 1st,2nd,3rd,Team Awards[see page 2] z NAME M F STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP AGE ON RACE DAY PHONE SIL SHIRT SIZE S M L XL 'Checks payable to:The Rotary Club of Glens Falls Foundation,Inc. I know that runninglwalking a road race is a potentially hazardous activity 1 hereby attest I am medically able and properly trained to run(walk I agree fo abide by any decision of a race official relative 10 my ability to safely Clete the runlwalk.t assume[email risks associated with runnmg(walking in chis event including,but not limited to fall contact with other participants,the effect of the weather including high or low terrrperatures.wind traffic and the conditions of the road ell such risks are being known and appreciated by me.For safety reasons headphones should not be used and strollers.roller skates.etc.are prohibited unless to accommodate the disabled.Having read the waiver and knowing these facts and consideration of your accepting my entry.l for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf.waive and release the Glens Falls Rotary Club.SUNY Adirondack,Town of Queensbury Warren County Washington County sponsors volunteers and officials their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event Further I consent and give permission to use my likeness antler voice in photographs,motion pictun records andlor other record of the Rotary 5K for any legitimate purpose Tho Glens Falls Rotary Club reserves the right to cancel this event without the return of fees due to unforeseen circumstances,such as dangerous weather. 1 k I SIGNATURE DATE 7�C SIGNATURE OF PARENT OR GUARDIAN IF RUNNER IS UNDER 18 YEARS OLD USA . • 5,---.(.„ OVARY g 3 32 k RACE ROUTE. -. -,n1r,-, ...‘,.., - :, 2 --2'''-';----;':•:'''15-: f• .:',7•:.:Ai;:''JW::::' ?.:: :. }..;.:•• C'2 ,i',f;:,:•-j2-.*:'.2t . :K'Igik'''.- -.u'llt:,•;: iC.:gV2Ufk:- .4:tfZAti'iael'i'V.,q'1,;72 ,./,:5:: ..- •;'-',5 ,..;2,T7•:.:.: :. .•,•..•;':',4,ai, P'• •tc..`.''''Ig',77';11 AA 'fi-.7..%---''':::-;'n'z', .1,V.:,-Ii." -I',.-`1.. ..,--; ;:,;,z;:. --W-,,t-;;',.- 7-i,. . .-'-',2-31g-'-. .-Ii-',. --,54.z;.. .;--.:Y'-f'-.,-Y. ---1=- •.:`. :.-:: ,..a.",:- .:".-±.-,-,,T,IsTARV,,,, Y,'-::: ;-:-.. -,,,;;:•7...0. :7,._,..,,, ,..-,-,:•,•-,,,,,,..2-,,, ,c:,...,,,,i,„„_,,,,-,,,,,,,,,„1,:.:-.4 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,-:,,,..-,,,;:.,:-,t----,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,.-.-.,-,..,,,,,--. _ ....---,,:,.-:,,,,,,,,--:..,---,•'...i- t-,.'t t.,-;‹,,t'i,',7,7t.'.,:,,,.,.•,2.%-1.f:222:..2,,,,. ,"2-..•2f.N;2,•:F&•';'..1.•,:.:,..-'1:,,•-,•,',.,.!. .:7,-;- .7t-t.-.T- '2.!;.:-.,-E22•eit.:".2'.••:.'"S-5';';.••--..7-22.'2,411.,;•«2?2,•---'7:•.21';•- •.1,7,7,V2::,,..„.'"i,•2: 2;2;X2 V.Z•iAV2:,.,4,2':'-?.P.2,-';','2Y.ii'.'''.2.'.C.,,,..2.7-1-22D),;-2,,,-,12,•••,.".t:,,1 ,22-,,,,-2;,,,,772.,,St.-:,22:; 22,2'2,,S1.;:, •;-2:,,-.?,q2.2,1 ,31.7„,,,,,2,,,,,,,-21,'.. .-ii.,S.r,,,,,t,-7,-,,c2.,..:,:,2-,-...;,:2tr.t2:7-'21.;::::&2.2:.. ..12,02:322: -7,5•-:A-.,,,,;::tf.,....",,q;:k .7- 7:-.k','-:,,,,7-. .%1". w-..2,i Ki":;— ---z-------=,--,---•,'.'•,.'.----.',•-:'----.'--1'**:':';':-.'--;':.'1- --,---'-',, ,- ,,f,*-'0' ,:f::'-,A.1-,?----.,!'Al..-Z--.i.s-Y.,c2--- - ....,...;:.S.A-7---2-1-7.F?-;----.4 5.4r.-.1 ..;-;.4..t.-7.-tiri,,,;-:.4-;-;":':::,-,-:•;',..-Pz------' 3. :",0",:1-t- .:.. . .;;.t.-,:.:,-,--f=4.:,-,-3,_ ;:.L.4 .:..%_i--;:;:;..-.:,,s,-,. ..-a-ii. :;. il'. -7:.-F--- ::', :;;'-:,--..„,*,?4,,.:.•-,.-:;,-3,,,,,:-.?-...-,,Y.,.. -.,.-,-.---1 -zi...w'rk--,..-*-3.,.. .,-. ...--.... 14•-•,--:`-.-'-:`::':::---'i:.•-:,'-'.-,•-:.,,,: !''',.,-i-72--,:',..--.1',-,e,--:4'4 '''''-X-,,17'il''. -=.•-j;';',:::;:•. •:4•t;'-:::..-'',-f-r":- .•:•gi4 -sl'zi:- ,'-:.,=1-•'''''' ":-f.'''-i•,.-..',Oi.-..,..,,,r,':.'''.-'-'1::-.•.,-.i,f'-';''..-.3••',:"..'.' 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CERTIFICATE NUMBER:;20171211576547 _ ;AGENCY: .._.._. __.-_-_... ., = _ --:. ,.�,.�,�_ .:.-_:._.„ ? Integro USA Inc. I THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND d/b/a Integro Insurance Brokers I CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES i 2727 Paces Ferry Road,Building Two,Suite 1500 I NOT AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES I Atlanta,GA 30339 I BELOW. 1678-324-3300(Phone),678-324-3303(Fax) ; iNAMEDINSURED: !INSURERS AFFORDINGCOVERAGE:T ~,w• _„.R�_ .�_-_y _� ; USA Track&Field,Inc. Glens Falls Rotary i INSURER A:Philadelphia Indemnity Ins.Co.NAIC#.18058 ! 130 East Washington Street,Suite 800 F Indianapolis IN 46204 1 INSURER B:Philadelphia Indemnity Ins.Co.NAIC#.18058 EVENT INFORMATION:..x.x-. ..,-,_ �_r w ,- . 2 !Rotary 5K and Corporate Challenge(4/21/2018-4/22/2018) I POLICY/COVERAGE INFORMATION: ._, ®d _�_. -. .=w�a.. ._ �._., _r., _.s ...... ,__..__..:.. ._ THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED.NOTWITHSTANDING ANY I REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE ` INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS,EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INS I TYPE OF INSURANCE: !POLICY NUMBER(S):I EFFECTIVE: j EXPIRES: 1 LIMITS: A GENERAL LIABILITY _ X Occurrence PHPK1721333 {11/1/2017 111/1/2018 GENERAL AGGREGATE(Applies Per Event) $3,000,000 i 12:01 AM 12:01 AM X Participant Legal Liability EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES(Each Occ.) $1,000,000 i1 MEDICAL EXPENSE(Any one person) EXCLUDED i ' - PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,000 I ` t PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $3,000,000 B I UMBRELLA/EXCESS LIABILITY fPHUB602873 ;11/1/2017 r 11/1/2018 , X Occurrence i EACH OCCURRENCE 1 ;12:01 AM ,12:01 AM $10,000,000 I AGGREGATE(Applies Per Event) $10,000,000 (DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSNEHICLES/EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT/SPECIAL PROVISIONS: —w _—---Coverage applies to USA Track&Field sanctioned events and registered practices, including any directly related activities, such as event set-up and tear-down, participant check-in and award ceremonies. The certificate holder is an additional insured per the following endorsement:Additional Insured-Certificate Holders(Form PI-AM-002) IThe General Liability policy is primary and non-contributory with respect to the negligence of the Named Insureds(Form CG 00 01) jThe General Liability policy contains a blanket Waiver of Subrogation as required by contract per Waiver of Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others(Form CG i 24 04). i I Excess policy follows form of underlying General Liability. CERTIFICATE HOLDER: M »� — R F N NOTICE OF CANCELLATION: _-------. ._ _ Town of Queensbury I Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, 1 742 Bay Road ;notice will be delivered in accordance with the policy provisions. Queensbury NY 12804 (AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: IZ.c i 1