Application TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 7d2 BiTy Road, Y. 12804-5902 October 17, 2017 Joseph Orlo 7 Harrison Avenue South Glens Falls,NY 12803 Re: Cabin I 1 Wagvm Trail Tax Map Parcel: 290.5-1-21 Dear Mr. Orlo : I am writing you with regards to my review of the above-referenced project and to document the recent conversations between your agent;Garry Robinson and Laura Mom of my office. As I understand your project, the previous camp was removed from the site and you are currently under construction with a new struotuare, approximately the same size and in a prierally sire la:r location. Upon my review I find that your proposal will inquire an Area Variance should you wish to continue and complete the project Specifically, Area Variance relief is required from the. minimum setback, permeability, and road frontage requirements as well as relief from the maximum allowable Floor Area Ratio; (FAR) requirements of the Waterfront residential; (WR) district. I note that the information that you have submitted iacks necessary Information in order for your project to be reviewed. Specifically, the survey map submitted does not depict the actual setbacks to the property linea for the existing and proposed construction. Additionally, the `°storage level plan" does not acciwat6y depict the, square footage of floor area to be counted in the FAR calculation. Please revise your submittal with the p essary informatics so that we can continue to process your application. This letter serves as the required denial letter for the processing of your application package. Should you have any questions or oomments regarding your application, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely I is 13rown Zoning Administrator BIsh Cc: Garry Robinson, PE G:ICraig BrowFLVO17 IAttersDenial Orlow 10_17_17.doc ' 110 "2e of Nahfral Beauty — A Goad Flare to Live ' Area Variance [PBAappQaved: 5ep[ernter2l 2016] Fre-Submission Conference ForIn l Section 17 9-9-040 1 Applicant Name: � �V Tax Map 11) F T � '2! Lacstion: f � C9A � -- 3. Zoning t~iassification 4. Reason for Review: G r7 5. Zoning Section 9: [ G. Pre-Su brn iss ion Mecting Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please provide by Decd General Information.compleft t Site Development Data Complete Setback Requirements Complete Additional Project Information Complete FAR addressed _ Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Chcckfii t items addressed Environmental Farm completed Signature page completed ' gji1 i 3 } (I f $ { 1 c t r e Itc ,-, c , StaffRepresentative: Applicant 1 Agent; Date: Area Variaut [ZBAapprovcd: Sepdcniber21 2016) tr (,2 ()r-ef" 1 Get�,cra] [r�forma#ions Tax Par-el ID umber;Zoning District, VT 201 Detailed Description ofProjeet [ineWde current& proposed use]. TOWN OF QUEEN BUR ONINC OFFICE Current Use-, F Proposed Use; n ;. Location of Project: Appltant Name: �. N,IaRing Address la 116 Horne phone..... 'city,State,ZIP n ; oz�c one � Tel phone � FAX No. . 6 Agent°s]Val�pie: . Mailing Addressi6b, ' . HaFne Axone. city, state, '""' *• / �Votk Phorxe.. cell Phone &xt1 11" of'n' Sor FAX No. _ per's Name ,[ailing Address Home Phoma +� {°�yl- city, State. Zip ?. :V0r1c Phone: cell Phone &Maff FAX No. Page I Area Varian COIZ8Aepprowd: �;eplembLu2120161 Site Development Data Area I Tie Existing sq. ft. Proposed Total N. ft, Addition Fig.ft_ A. Building footprint B. Detached Garage C. Accessory Structure(s) D. Paved,gravel or other hard surfaced area R. Porches l Deeks .7� F. Other Cr, Total Non-Perrneable [Add A-F] H- Parcel Area [43,560 sq. ft.1 acre] 1. Percentage of Impermeab]e Area of Site [i=CTM Setback Requirmjnents Axea .Required Rropo.5ed FrontYard [i] 150 Froat Yard [ ] r Shoreline - Side Yard [1] Side Yard [2 j Rear Ward [i] Rear Yard [2] Travel Corridor 1•Feiglit [maximum] Permeability f d i Number of parking spaces Page 2 4 Area VarianCe [ZBAsppmvcd: kptembei'2l 20t6] Additional Prpig—cIjriformalion 1, Wi11 the proposal requirr a Septic Variance from the Town Board ofHcalth? Y 2. If the parcel has previous approvals, I[st app[ication num ber(s): 9�2fc1 f A0,33� 2627 (k4vd6li) 3, Does this project require coverage under the New Fork State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(SPDE )Permit Program? _Yes I YNO 4. Estimated project duration_ Start Date; )Cod d bate; �/? 5. Estimated total cost of project; b. Teta] arca of land disturbance for project: Floor Area Ratio Worksheet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor area by the lot size in square feet,yielding a percentage. Zoning District symbol Flour Awa Ratio [li ARj Waterfront Residential WR 0.2.2 Commeroiel Moderate 1 Commercial CII l CI 0.3 Intensive A. The combined area of al l squats footage, as measure from exterior wa115 of all structures on the property, including al I floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porches. Building square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be included.(See"FLOOR AREA RATIO`). B. Commercial or industrial. the total area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside galls of a building or structure, and when applicable,the sum total of all floor areas of the }Hnoipal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site. N reel Area sq. ft. Existing Floor Area sq. ft_ [see above definition Pro used Additional Floor Area sq. ft. Proposed Total Floor Area sq, ft. Total Allowable Floor Area Area x } see above table] Page 3 Area V ariance [ZBA approved: Septanber21 20161 Compliance �4ith Zoning Ordinance Reyue5ting rdlieffrom E HON; — Need relief from thr requirernent(s)listed below which can not be met by the project as proposed, [Cheek all that apply) Wetback ❑ Buffo Zone gat Width $Other 2 . -F-L 55"' e- The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Nease complete them; use additional sheen if needed, X. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the, character of the neighborhood or a detriment to Z UX4�oell erty iiI be created by the granting of this area variance? ! Ah o kr . Whether the benefit sought by the appliiwazit can be achiieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance? 3 Le 3. Whether the requested area varian a is substantial? 14 1:5 F f 4, Whether the proposed variance wiII are a adverse effect or impact Dri,the physical or environmental conditions in the neisbborhood or district? . Whether thf, a leged difficulty was self-oi)eated'? Y7 .J {, r r r Page 4 Area Varianoe (ZOA approved: Sep(cmber21 21)161 section 179-14-030—Application materials Application materials and site plan drawing is to include sufficient information for the Board to review and provide a decision. The applicant is to provide a site plm drawings)—a survey showing existing conditions,a proposed conditions map (see page 00 far specific criteria)and include any other attachments that address A-D as applicable to the proposed pmject- A: emel Shown on Sheet# I Title,Name address of applicant& person responsible,for preparation of drawing 4i 2 Deed 4i 3 North arrow, `Fax Map IDdate a grad and scale minitxiuro: I inch=40 feet ] 4 Boundaries of the pro2Lrtj plotted to scale, zonin boundary 5 Princi al structures accessory structures with exterior dimensions 6 Site improvements incl. outdoor storage areas,driveways,parking areas, etc.: existing$ proposed f 7 Setbacks for all structures and im rovernents: existiqg&proposed S Elevations and floor plans of all pro2osed and affected structures 2- Shown on Sheet# 1 Project sewage disposai facilities,desi Idetails, construction details, flo rates, and number of { bedrppms o Sed 2 Water supply [i.e. well] & septic on adjoinhig lots with sepaxation distances to existing or osed on-site water supply and septic 3Separalion distances for proposed s disposal system to well and water bodies ZaE 4 Existing public or private water supply [well,lake, etc.]. Method of securing pubiic or private water location,delign and construction of water supply including daily water usSe 5 Percolation test location and results C: P f:� eSblo zeas A.. - � � � �� � � � � � �- � Shown.ot7. Sheet ri 1 Number of spaces required for project including calculations and justification: existingeS� PrOlDOSCd AIA 2 No. of existing parking spaces, number to be removed, number to maintain and type of surfacing material e.& gravel,paved] 3 Provision for pedestrian add handicap access and parking- existing c ro osed 4 Design details of in s,a ss loading areas and cutti : e istin¢ &proposed 5 Location and character of green areas [existing and proposed], modification to green area, buffer zone to remain undisturbed ! Lighting, location and design of al I existing and proposed outdoor li n D.. 'Additional ite Develo�.. amok arbd Showa on Sheet# 1 Onsite& adjacent watercourses,streams riven, lake and wetlands AjA 2 Utility/ener distributions tem , electric, solar,tele hone]; existing!8c sed 3 Location, design and construction details of al I existing and proposed site improv ments including: ns, culverts retaining walls, fences fire& mergency emergencyzones and h drams,etc. 4 Square footage of bldg, area proposed for office,manufacturing, retail sales or other commercial activities; exigq_q 8c proposed 5 SigR e: Location, sire a &sign and setback: exiging A proposed 6 Wainer Request: provide letter with application requesting any waivers: please referencu specific items 7 Commercial 1 Industrial Development requires submission of Landscaping, Stormwater I 1 ent, Crradin &LWing Plans 8 Identification of federal, State or County permits required for the project together with a record of ap2lication for all necessa rmits Page 5 Area Variance ['L13Aopproved_ Sepieinber21 20161 This page includes the I.) Authorization to Act as Agent Form= 2.) Engintering Fee Disclosure, 3.) Authori7atinn far Site Visits; 4.) Other Permit Responsibilities;5.)Official Meeting Disclosure and 6.)Agreement to provide documentation required. OWN ri2IsAGENT FORM: Complelethe fol lo}Wing ifthe OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant, Owner; Designates- as Agent regarding the following; Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map Na_. DEed Reference; Boole_ Page Date OWNER SIC;NATM1RE: DATE: APi LIC NT'sAGENT FORA; Complete the following if the APPLICANT is wtable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party; Designates= r1 ', J r} , FO as Agent regarding the following; Variancc_z SitePlanZ Subdivision For Tax Iviap No.: ..4LDead Reference: Book*Page Date 00S OWNER S14GNATURE >" DATE: ` 1) ENGINEERING FEE DISCLOSUPE: Applications may be referred to the Town consultirig engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc, as determined by the Zoning or Planning Depanment, Fees for engineering review services will be charged directly to the applicant. Fees far engineering review will not exceed$ 1,000 without notification to the applicant, 3.) AUTI OR.IZATION FOR SITE VISITS: By signing this page and submitting the application materials attached herein, the Owner,Applicant, Rnd hisiberftheir agent(s)hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subj cot properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted, 4.1 OTHER PERMIT RFSPQNSIEILITIES: Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. 5.) OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES DISCLOSURE: It is the practice of the Com muoity Development Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the official record of all pmccetlings, AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION RE UI RED. I,the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions far submission and agree to the submission requirements, I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit, i certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work will be performed in acoDrdance with the approved plans and in conformance with local zoning regulations. i acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed,I cr my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessary. i also understand that Nwe may be required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land survtyor of al i newly constructed faci lilies prior to issuance of a cerci flcate of o upaney 1 have read and agree to the above. C' JILU,e[A nt] ;� Inge[Appil ant] — Date ign a to Agent] Print Narn [Agent] Date s ane Page 7 i�'W 1 nM 1,*yAaR Mi"CYSRbii}aawa pi�iia�I �r++crrc�,.,/r,w F.,f�rrJF C:,MfK,ny. • MAP too 22nd 1 of J n' in the , rr J4� Hs i andVhft s ON Jnmees it Besrton, reQiding at No. 49 poultney streeq Village of whi,tehall, County of ARPhirsgtoa and State of Now York, party of Elie r��.y�rE, n� GM and Hnrgaret E. Gray, reaidi,ag at No- 113 Columbia #Y� 3gQR Clinton Helgbte, Hcnuselier, Asussolatr County, New Ypr9f, parties i - of the +Mgorerl yp►��+ ., 0 of the pa.-t of 0- pst , in tam of pox R xxx x2 x K 1 x x x x x ]t xx' xx xxx x .Dubai , {$1.00 J iaFFvfud MM of Ola UaUad , and other valueblo aaaa�$oratioAWJ AV Mw dart ;00 of Ctrs mecmd pars, d7 ■a AWN OUN 04 rs eam undo as pme too of Aa afaarrd pard, Choir aper ,rl ror, ouaaWSOVIR and MM14i o JIMMM"! ALL that orb at or pare of-laud 01 bust* is ohs T wn of Q0 '7r wtrrva COMP, Elam York at or near Linke MnyaAds, boxm4nd and demarxbed an foilKNINO at-an 51 AT= pin AVOIR iss no arvan at �r v! 1 ode,�noff F 1 �S a 1 Sort3 urOeEa7 Qp=g Wbat is 60sroi4l$1 .pa as tb6 Dtmyolaa band7 Y fly ,145,-ilia� fort fa t r{45.- Ft.? to ;q01vvM IQ W .61nuni at too MaKh0ot aeraar of pmealmou tarI thOacc 00afhcrZy falietiixg the owsterly lino x W�{ 914 4r4v4a In 04 growid �t tJpv a h*S to an Sca pia UATOM its %ED �� . ISO to W PLOOS CC 00 x e F � Lv j mag, : 1 oY 1 - l FoRm mm at Zak. �ARLOti Ro and +Tmlvit A. �eYe2i�Y-tJrr.albur dad � Ct1 Su"Y8idB NG 'Porn 4f Conea �7iL� 1�is m er both res J�b�r Warren C°=ty, Neu York, ,- R JOSEp TQ6M of QU W i�r resi$iang at L&]ce yvs of Ll" AMC �+ °=tY. NOW York. Sys;de � that as Pan ies o tkt y i at r6,ut co rr�af °f the Ymnd part, 1, �aLvfatt Ofth.e Urifted $tatea - �_ eraECO o Pffld Wie party � ther and a Part Y of the ae�aand es d Parep do s hsrsb valuable oan$idera T � '.C�iCT OR ' tR her heirs rJ rnx azul F�dtaxc�ar��o 0&1 cokm 0,x 't ' YAMb sftlqate -ta $ 42Md csa t*raL e,,,uiz fol2aus-dew near y mke S urFd�f Que#nsburY• �4arren west aorne111 at in iron Pil driver�e#u and described as ru'ln'mg westatly Tong what .0=arZy asPaad by ah-W.2013 e o e no r-3x- aFpxox# t�lY &5 feet egWmY khawn ae the fih�nce nzthweat corner air premises a Pin drivein iit the groun ��� 8 driven�5 the aastarl�r �3Lne Of CA=p $y Cayrantex the�ea xormerl tha 9xo"d at the no eri Southerly $ Owned by Jamau 8. fey 1ibe O praznisas n iron pin to i�tte of-Lords OZ s ky (a �c�eastm=1 # to $a L;n drium in ' oxlam 9 t3� aos,r axoZmerl trte grOn4d at the sand epProximatelg g0 -feet waste= °weed byarl goo; thence rtjaorner of lands Of aY to t R eb re to pZecs of ba lY fol use thereof $� ar$ �f Sunrysi take ar�xd 2, t°gathr wit = qht Weavar and a;a contained in deeds same privile ea IS bereb 4rs£e to Bea amxn S_ �x a.T 2.3, to given by gbramcr e art8 saidy made for n mare 1?articu ar dR to W211c1h Said daQds �Ce£ereaoe pr v leges. escrip#xoa of said rxq�t�g-way the well loc Cl of "e eeaond P� ie to ea oy +eater fight Be on -'ands Owned by glia Aartf.s nJ the �frst pert. dies of f- s�m� $es c4nva evl by Barth& WaLere8 itG thekl4arreaeonad Jant�ark. lAth. Lh972i ye$ naak tO the 546 Of beads at page 233. ' Clerk s W-C January 2 R 1972 REAS SIAfE STAT OF �Ir Wt - f •t. �ti� ��. ix�vs v7lv;.lflY� 4 1J;.:r:L J,�[ld.J2: � Ot 4 j j witty the gppurtenamdw and all tlrr 64 ea de and jifidt of Ghapart its r of tke)lmt part im and to said premem, MO IPM RTB is 423 tha FrEmiges leereiu frauted ttnto-Elae party of the "a&md part, her hairs and 45,rQwne forever. Aa said par AAs al: the first part Gt zoven=t as faneurs; -FtMt, That the patty of the second part shalt gIrietlp 12 v tha Braid prem iscs; i pt r Plat aaicd parties at the first part .0 wal forev r 39mrtitl the title f $aid prerraiscs. l ERI, 77iat,im [7orrrplianm with Sse. 1.7 of the Lim Law, the grantor will raCawg th-e COnZ dCrSti9A1'OF this COML%EVanae and WW Ttold Aha right go readre such cartaaderatGo as a trust fun4 to be appUsd first for SAe purpose of pof}ind the cost of the improve»merat and wRF apply E#e same first to telae payment of the coat of the Pap rove mmt bOfPrs acsing any part of the total of the,,mwo for any othgrptrrpase. A19 OMneaa UkrnDf. the part ias of[lesJirat part IlaVe herelzato set t�ieiz hand s and seals the daU agd year Ara abovs wrUtwz, { ��J Otde of Nrm -#ark 0n this day ofMwMft *p of war=en X-neteen B'vndred umd seventy-thfee W before'nre, -tire azebaariber;peFsonaity'aAFeared BAP-LOW ROMrFT, Mid J-MITE A. RbELL to Yne parmnaidy k au n wmd k7ww&.2ar me to be tTxe soma peraorL.a descr&,ed in and avlia- awaut-ed -the wither{. 1w9rurrLime, and.- the y du].Y acAmowfedfed to sae that the y =emted the aurne. Hotazy pablia. - I t4 0 rq C$ IC TA 4Zk 91. 4 J,.j uc! ,L1} iy4Z up-t;u iToag2: 1 Ot :071 Kd v� k .31 4a 544 } '�5 ' f, 5+ 1 / 4•L �} - u`�4 l K- 5513 PG: 429 03/24{1970 DEET} Image: 1 of 3 I ce.14w.w FOn31 SSS!# x.Y.ar�-o"rr.A�e..-n�,� FmlS lart�rl FtidGshnz. 'r'J• 47-1 --- i t Made thr, 9th day of flarch .17;Z Leen l andred and ►l vell.'Cou OARLON ROMX and BEVZ C RQZSCZr -hilt wife, rioafding at -Lown of Cuaensbury, S3erren Country, tiew YCr1C, _ part ieu of tie* JlraZ part. and i HAB.LON Ikom r, re-giding at Lake Sunnyftide, TcMn of 1 Lp 1 Queensbury, Warren County, New work, i] pPrty of ate �egoad parC, l Jumwelh thaC thaparLies of 01rfirat part, in 0011 derallon of - ---Q: ------------ --- DvRar 0 w 1a3e�(ni #tor qr of Vic rotted s1*{cs.and other good and valuab7.c cansi.daration p¢i b #Jta part Y of the eeondpar#,da hereGt{ r#and and ieraafo lrtn'dr,#all part y of the seco>ad parE, his heirs � � THKT TRp4T OF[ p, = OF LAM situate in the Towns of Queensbury, warren County, Nz7r 'ycrk at or Year Lako .SuwWnida,- boursdad and described as follow8$GnNG at an Iran pin driven in the ground at _the rsoxth� west wr:n= of lends nrnr or formerly mmed by Charlea nebos Vne=e runnitxy westerly along what i3 costly kftmm as the Suanyside Road ! appyaximatrcly 45 feet to an iron pin drsven in the groused at the northveolt corner of pr+=ise5 now owned by Carpenters thence southerly 1 following tau} ansterly line of Carpenter's property to an iron pin driY6 in the' grourtd at tho northerly lint: of praa4-ses naw or h: foraarly cw-Ae4 by damon E. Barton. thence easteslY following the 4 northerly Lino of lands of said Jacc9 9_ Sart= approxite3.y 50 feet to an iron pin driveu in the ground at tho southw'art corner of lands now or formerly awned by Charles 8eba: thence northerly follawing na,Do'a woat 1y lima to t#cC glace of bcgiuningt together with u right o; way to tate sbcxc of S,,mytsido Zako astd tine name prfvleges for the �. use t3sereaf as arc Contained in deeds haretofvra given by Abrom Weaver and wife to Hcnjamita S. InF411a, to -4hi,ah said dauds rafarence is hereby made for a torn Particular descr}gtian_of said r#ght-of-way and said privilegaa. %%a party of the aooand part is to enjoy ihatsr vig7�ts _zn,#dse ws71 let tad an Lauds owned by the partiiea of the fivat part. Beingthe'sans pr[ nes canvayad by GeOrga 1t_ Gray arrd Hargarst E. C.ruy to the parties of the Brat dart by doad {gated.Zanaary Z5tb, . 1953 aro recorded in the t9arren County IVeex-s Office on ]ire=ary lith E 1963 irr Hoak 472 of Deeds at pago 355. party of the sacemd part f=ther agrees to assume the gayra@ntt3 of rOQftrJaceS on Uaid praperty held by Sohn Foley, haecla FeLey and ! x,iklian Faloy,- S I _ •+ +Y; .. I Lis 3 -K: 519 . PG: 424 031241-S-70 DEi:I7 Image. 2 of 3 Together w1els 011 apprrreViernces and all the slate and rQUo of thn parties 1 of tf4c A'st part in and to said Fryentears, To have cud to bold the prC211iacs lserein &(Infect 1g,to 1)1e�. Port of She A"ona pure, his heirs ark aseEgna forsrxr. AW said parties of the Ef-st part vvvsnan+t os foflo�,a= F"irat. Th456 the parry of the sword part.Sholj geaieUlt enjoy the said premises; Seems(+ Thal avid partied of the lfrst part I tszil fowop Warrant the t;tic to acid promisee, I i ThLrd. That, in ConVionee wilIL See" 14 4f eha Liens Lara, Ma cantor ufl kreeeite 1 h L corisader Hun for IMC co+¢s-cyunce find w�flf hold th4 ri¢ t to recdLr a site# soot iderataorr as a t?Mst fttrrd ea he applfed first for Zhu purpose of payinj e:4 Coat of the inrspr,ot-ertrent and ufll apply the some fimt f the paymant of the cape of the £ntprar:enrt eat t before asa(no clay part of th 0 total of the sante for any cthe##ur,003e. r 4 sfa R'itaeet+Whcrcafi,r.7r6 parties of the 11pae part. Tau ve Ilerertn eo ssL tT�azz hands and :mala the dale and tjeaFArst aboie written. I 5tulc of ?ticw York #• One7aia AQ day of �'zkx) c4untx of warren X neleen# fundred and ai.;-�. �•�� I btlare me-, Zile auhsoriirer, ersoriuify appeared i ------------- RQ BLLv------- to r)j a persarratfy kit own and knauun to mG to be t#tc same person described in and who erceutLd the udt#tin instrzEnient,-and )re duly aeknarvled;ed 10 rrrethat he e=ccutcd tire sande. State of Vermont } f County of Rutland }8". Gtr this 9th day of Watch NinEteen sundrad and "seven htforc"S9ef, the aubscritl�r, p6rsonallp appeared fin min ?erMon4;ly knawn and Farawn to res to a the same pexaolx describe M. = in. uric] .who executed the witbiri Inetr= d e duly 7maw3e$g�d tq. "the# ahs exe-=ted tate s=e. ` - #+ #may Public. J. - 1 [ 519- EG: 929 0312411970 DEED Image: 3 of 3 Lou SIMI ,� SY'A'•,°f1FVMRKOG i _ YCfi y€�'A1,cr2.',(Fr.'APP*NTbM�`r, #,, r KSa ala. err qjjrLhod Df 04r w� Lr39 �r pcoa�;a vw ns bs ' r ' y �• G iR tMS�''.LiaZ$ 7 �1�5 �RPd'.,: . �' 4 Y wr F"�'� '• '. � ='+' +�`Y0 7av7-.`c4`C. 7r�. �'�1 iJlBfi 8[.L`k�i.L�ST' `_■'.t'�L4HY' F' rani to 5---4 F � aa3' 'r� iy rxlc> '+� s5c oe dray off�ci osgx7aaaser! : 'F io bo raos. dla'' -�� 'Y� .. .., ', �'SxJ�-.�a= �ae'.�aa�.f Ru.■a;Y rsu'�..d?bth,Sks�a[ueC.':.* It �# t,•7L►ST P4°�•C• i�+rY+1 6tLFrv_s 7k:k�s ai�sax�.9p�a a}4� "%k:. rtT!rx+�z�.uS aed L :,�4¢ 41e. . t46„Clt'y„a�ty--Rr I +[+ + � .... . . -'- --' �.t,. � . ._.. �_..�r _.�..�.;�.�„�,L..y:r,,,titi;,'i s.?.�.'r�ti�Y�- •J...:L.r � . Flo r~ r i y I Yr ,i w#L r } _ c its no. k '� = � • � 7a 73 y h }rhe � - � ' _ ' • _ ' RESOLMON APPROVING JOE RLOW'S APPLI A71 N FOR SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCES 1 ESOLIMON NO.: BOR 33,2017 INTI DU ED BY: 1V,Cir. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS AD MON SECONDED BY: Mr. Anthony MetMer WHEREAS, Joe Orlow filed an application for variances from provisions of the Town of Queensbury On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordtn=e, Chapter 136 regarding the drilling of a new well and construction of a replacement onsite septic system, with the proposed new system's variances as follows: 1. Storage tank to be 40' from the well instead of the requirod 50' setback; . Storage tank to be 4' from the house fnstead of the rewired 10' setback; 3. Storage tank to be 4' from the property line instead of the required 10' setback; and 4. Well to be 25' from neighbor's dry well (seepage pit) instead of the required 150' setback; 5. Well to be 56' from neighbor's dry well (seepage pit) instead of the required 150' setback; 6. Well to be 119* from neighbor's dry well (seepage pit) instead of the required 150' setback; 7. Well to be 131' from neighbor's dry well (seepage pit) instead of ffie mquired 150' setback; and S. Well to be 139' from neighbor's dry well (seepage pit) instead of the required 150' setback; on property located at 1 i Wagon Trail, Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office published the Notice of public Hearing in the Town's official newspaper and the Local Board of Health duly conducted a public hearing concerning the variance requests on Monday, September 11', 2417 and again, on Monday, Sept-tuber 25'", 2417, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk's Office has advised that it duly notified all ptopm-ry owners within 500 feet of the subject property, NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED,that 1. due to the nature of the variances, the Local Board of Health damnines that the variances would not be materially detrimental to the purposes and objectives of Ns Ordinance or other adjoining properties nor odwr ise conflict with the purpose and objectives of any Town plan or policy; and 2. the Local Board of Health finds that the granting of the variances is necessary for the reasonable use of the land and is the minimum variances which would alleviate the specific unnecessary hardship found by the Local Board of Health to affect the applicant; and BE U FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health hereby approves the application of Joe Odow for variances from the Sewage Disposal Ordinance for variances from Chapter 13regarding the drilling of a new well and construction of a replacement onsite septic system, with the proposed new system's vmiances as Follows: 1. Storage tank to be 40' from the well instead of the required 4' setback; 2. Storage tank to be 4' from the house instead of the required 10' setback; 3. Storage tank to be 4' from th:e property line instead of the required 10' setback; and 4. Well to be 5' from neighbWs dry well (seepage pit) instead of the required 150' setback; 5. Well to be 5G' Brom neighbor's dry we]l (seepage pit)instead of the required 15D' setback; . Well to be 119' from neighbor's dry well (seepage pit) instead of the required 150' setback; 7. Well to be 13 P from neighbor's dzy well (seepage pit) instead of the required 150' setback; and S. Well to be 139' from neighbor's dry well (seepage pit) instead of the required 150' setback; on property located at 11 Wagon Trail, Queensbury and bearing Tax Map No.. 290.5-1-2 1, and BE IT FURTKER, RESOLVED,that said approval shall be conditioned upon the follovw : 1. Applicant shall install a UV disinfection system on the water supply line; 2. The installation of the holding mnk shall not be undertaken until such time as the Applicant has received and/or been issued any and all required Town approvals and permits. Duly adopted this 25h day of September, 2017.by the following vote: AYES : Mr, dements, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stxough,Mr. Metivier NOES : None ASSENT: Mr. Irish 3