02 2018.01.16 Signed Pandemonium Site-Plan-Review forms with SEAF TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Site Plan Review Application Review Process: 1. Required Pre-submission meeting with staff`to determine general completeness to be held no later than :l. wr eelt tarior to cleatlNaaae clad Call (518) 761-8265 or (518) 761-8220 for an appointment. 2. taubrnitial of cornplete application: 1 original and 14 copies of the application package by monthly deadline, 5. Determination of application con-rpleteriess. All necessary inf'ortnation must be provided and appropriate fee(s) paid for consideration f~or-placement on an agenda for-that month. 4, Incomplete applications, will not be co12sirlere l f`or lacenaerat ora an a era la until all naiissin information has been submitted. 5. Submittal to Warren County Planning, if applicable. 6, Planning; Board meeting„ generally the third & fourth Tuesday of each month. You will be advised in writing as to which meeting to attend. 7. Following the meeting you will be provided with a copy of the resolution stating the Board's decision on your application... if your application was approved, the next likely strep is a Building Permit. Final. drawings must be provided for the next phase ofreview, if your application was denied, your project cannot proceed as submitted. DOCUMENTATION lJ:� 1' rC >fr�tr�l el rtronic� Please submit 1 original & 14 co ies of the completed application package to include: • ,omp.etc d Application pages 2-9, signed & dated • P're- ubmission 1' eetinl;l otes: signed by staff Coof Deed C:'laeekNist .Plot Plan Environmental assessment Form for any non-residential project Fee00,000-d- : 1 ( ft.) 10,0100 sq. ft.), $250 (10,001 _.. . . 30,000 sq, ft.); 500 (30,001 -100,tltltl sq, A.); 1,000 Staff & Contact Information: Craig Brown, Zoning Administrator crai =b ca',t ueens laur rret Laura Moore, Land UsePlanner Nrnoore(W),ayeensburymet Sunny Sweet, Office Specialist Planning srarara s tt), uecnsbrar .net (518) 761-8220 Visit oui-website at wrrwv t ueensburwonct f n further itafiarrnation and forms 1 Site Plan Review rapti ic;<ation Revised October 2016 Town of"rlU aasl7rny Planning Of is -742 Bary Road, (fir censlaury, NY 12804 Gencrat Information Tax Parcel ID NUmber: 288.20-1-20 Zonirig District: RC Lot size: 237.64 acres Detailed Description of Project [includes current&proposed LISC]: Z action Ct Utr!J e -ea of a former amusement New ride at Great Escal? Thenic Park, LLQ(Pandeip�!IjiL I A��Tno__ s ai ride. .......... ............... ............. ............. Locatiort of project: Six Flags Gre,,.,it Escape Resort ..............— Applicant Name: Address: 1172 St Rte 9 Great EscapeThelfle Park, LLC Queensbury,NY 12804 ............ Florne Phone Ce 11: 518-260-4850 ... ........... ......................I_._.-........... Work Phone 518-79�2-3500 Y3360 F ax ATTN: Danielle Smith 518-793-7237 ............. ........ E-Mail: Danielle Siiiitlidaiiis,tiiitli@sftp,collI .......... ............... ......... .—----------............ Agent's Name: C.T. N/fale, Associates* Addrew 50 Century Hill Dr ATTN: Frank Palumbo,RLA Lathani,NY 2110 . .............. __....... Florne, Phone Cell: 518-338-5242 -WPhone---------- . ......ork F Fax 518-786-7658 518-786-7299 E-mail f.pal urnbo@ ctnufle,corn ............ Owner Name Address Same as Applicant .......... Horne Phone Cell Work Phone Fax .................. *(.'.T. Male Associates Engineering, Surveying, Architecture & 1,,.tncisc,,tl)eikrciiiteettit-ua.,D.P.C� 2 Site Plan Reviewapplication -- Revised October 2016 Town ol-Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road, Queciisbury, NY 12804 Site-Devetopment Data .......... Area /'Type Existing sq. ft. Proposed Total sq. ft. Additjon.A A. Building footprint B. Detached Garage ----..................... .......... C. Accessory StFLICA'Ure�s) Ride Operators i 60th 36 SF 36 SF . .... .m_.. .... ............. ........... ......... D, Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area 5342 4001 —--------- ---——-------- E. Porches / Decks F". Other G. "I"'otal Non-Peri-neable [Add A-F] 5342 0 4037 . ..............m..._ _._._....... —------- H. Parcel Area [43,5601 sq. ft, /acre] 8158 8158 8158 -----...... ........... I. Percentage of Irripermeable Area of Site [I-G/I 1] 49,0% .Setback Requirements ............ ...... ........... .m_....... Area Required Existing Proposed ---------------------------------.......------------............ Front [l] 30 630 -­"-'—--------- -—------- ----- front [2] Shoreline Side Yard [1] 20 416 Side Yard [2] ---------------------------- Rear Yard [1] 20 525 ...........— ------------——----------- ...... Rear Yard [2] Travel Corridor Height [(Tiax] 35 25' (rid e) Permeability 30.0% 5 1.0',`�c No. ofparking spaces NA CSA 3 Site Man kniew application - Revised October 20116 Town Of Quecrishury Platming Office-742 Hay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Additional Proit��� I Will the proposal require a Septic Variance filom the Town Board of Health? No 1 if the parcel has previous approvals, list application nUn,iber(s): See Attachmem 3. Does this project require coverage under the New York State Pollutant D'scliarge Elinihiation System (SPI)ES) Permit Program ? No 4. Estimated project duration: Start Date 3/30/18 E i i d bate 5/31/18 5, Estimated total cost o 17 project: ...1_13 D G. Total area of land disturbance for ­ ppject:roArox 8,158 SF p ..._............... Floor Area Ratio Worksheet NA _VZ-0 a- R,_AREA RATIO (I'A.R.) -- The relationsliip of building size to lot size, derived -c -m- 4i _fihc total building -fl oor-dre&4yQtiS..lot size in square feet, yielding a percentage, ............. ........... Zoning District _._ S Y111 NTF­,___ Floor Area Ratio [FAR] ........... _.......... Waterfront Residential ............ —­---------------- .........._­'—-------- Cornmere Intensive Cl" /CI 03 ............. .......... ......... A., The combined area of all square footage, as measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property, including all floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porches, Building square footage does not incWe: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered. docks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square -feet or less. Any additional sheds will be included. (See "FLOOR AREA RATIO"). B. Commercial or industrial: the total area. in square feet as measured froin the exterior ofthe outside walls of a building or structure, and when applicable, the SUM total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site, A. Illar&I-Area sq. B. Existing Floor .Area, ft [see above definition] ............ ...........­.— ................... C. P ro �oseA Additional Floor Areas C1, D. Prop sed Total Flo .......... 'T'st-e-above table] E. Tota],,AIMV�able Floor area *If 1) is larger than E. a variance or revisions, to your plan may be needed. Consult With Staff, 4 S,ite PLin Review application — Revised October 2016 Town 01"4 uecrisbury Planning Office-74213ay Road, QUeC11SbUry, N ry 12804 § 179-9-080 RRLelql � lnl< u or Site _P!an_ApV1:2yAL REFER TO NARRATIVE The Planning f3oard shall not approve a Site Man unless it 1:71r-st determines that SLICII Site Plan Meets the following Standards, Please prepare responses to each of the fiollowing topics, STANDARDS A., Theproposedprojecect furthers or is consistent with: the policies of the'l-owris comprehensive plan. ........... .......____........ B, The Proposed pro'lect complies with all other requirenleraS of this Chapter, including the site pLan review standards as set forth in Paragraph F of this section, the dimensional,bulk and density regulations of(lie zoning district ill which it is proposed to be loaned(Article 3 and Table 1 1),the applicable requirements of all other Articles that apply, C The site plan encourages pedestrian activity internally all(,],,if practicable, to and front the site with pedesirian paths or sidewalks connec(ed lo,adjacent areas, ---------­­.......... ......... —--------- D� Thesite plan MUSt conform to Chapter 136 Sewage and Sewage Disposal,Chapter 147 Smrniwate'i M applicable local laws. ............ E. The proposed usesballl be ill harniony with the general purpose or intent of this Chapter,specifically taking into account the location, character and size of the proposed use and the descriptilni and purpose of the district in which such rise is proposed,the nature and iritensity of the activities to be involved in or conducted in connection with the proposed use and the nature and rate ofany increase in the burden on supporting public services and fil6lities which will follow the�rppl-oval of the propose(]Ilse. ­­..............____ I—-----I----------:­.............. ........ F. 'I'lic establishinerit,"llaintenance and operation ofthe proposed use will not create public hazards from traffic,traffic congestion or the parking ofvehMes and/or equipment or be otherwise detrimental to the health,safety or general welfare of persons residing or working if] the neighborhood or to the geylerat welfare of the town. Traffic access and circulation, road intersections,road and driveway widths curd traffic controls will be adequate. GOff-street parking slid l9oading facilities will be appropriately located and arranged and sufficient to meet traffic,anticipated to begerienated by the new use. The establishment of vehicle finks between parking areas of adjacent properties are provided where feasible, This Furthers the Town's goal of reducing curb cuts and reducing congestion, A twenty-foot wide connection is required. If adjacent properties are either undeveloped or previously developed without having made provision for future linkage,then a future connection niust be identilied and provided for in the site plan under review lot-such fixture linkage when the time arises. The Planning Board may require proof that the appi icant has niade contact with adjacent property owners Cor purposes of coordinating linkages NN41i adjacent properties, ....... ............—-------- "I"__­­.......... ......... H Tile project shall not have all undue adverse impact upon [lie natural,scenic,aesthetic,ecoiogical,wildlife,historic,recreational orollen space resources of the town or the Adirondack Park or upon the adequate provision of supporting facilities and services niade,necessary by the project, taking into account the corrurrercral,industrial,residential,recreational or other-benefits that might be derived from the project, in making the determination hereunder,the Planning Board shall consider those firclors pertinent to the project contained in the developrilent Co rl si derati oils set forth herein under§ 179-9-080 of this Chapter,and in so doing,the Planning Board shall rmake a net overall matuation of the project in relation to the devc1opment objectives and general guidelines set forth in § 179-9-080 ofthis Article. ....... ..m_.._­....-.......... ......... The provision for and arrangement of pedestrian traffic access and circulation,walkway su-LIC(UreS,control ofiritersections with VdliCLdar traffic and overall pedestrian convenience shall be,sate and adequate for pedestrian movement. Pedestrian connections between adJacent sites shall be provided to encourage pedestrian use, Stormwaterdrainage i'acilities will prevent all increaseol'post development drainage flows as compared to pre-development drainage flows. Drainage of the shall recharge ground water to the extent practical. Surface wax cars flowing off-site shall not degrade airy streams oi- adversely affecl drainage on adjacent properties 01-pUblic roads. Facilities shall tic in conformance with the,drainage standards of'Chapier 147 ofthe Town Code and the Town of'Queensbury Subdivision Regulations where applicable. .......... .......- ....... 11le, Water SUPI)ly and Sewage disposal facilities will be adequate and will, meet all applicable and Current requirenictus set forth by Department of health regulations and Chapter 130 ofthe Town Code. The adequacy,type pe and arrangement cif trees,shrubs and other suitable lflalltillgS, huldscaping and screening shall effecrively provide,a ViSLMI and/or noise buffer between the applicants and adjoining kinds, including[lie inu'di-ruirn retention of existing vegetation and maintenance, including replacement cif dead or deceased plants. M, Fire lanes, emergency zones and fire hydrants will lie adequate and meet the needs and requirenlelits ofealergelley SerViCe Frr)vidCrs" --- -_--------- N. The design of s1ructures,roadways and kandscaping in areas suseeptible to pooding, flooding�and/or erosion will niininlize oravoid Such impacts to the maximum extent practicable. 0, The site plan COnt"Air'S to the design standards,landscaping standards and performance standards of this chapter. ............. .......... 5 Site Plan Review application -- Revised October 2016 Town of'QUcensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road, QUCCIISbUry, NY 12804 G.T. MALE ASSOCIATES I"ANDEMONIUM ATTRACTION SITE PLAN REVIEW PROJECTNARRATIVE January 19, 2108 §179-9-080 s'rANDARD QUESUONS A-0 A. 'I'he Great Escape & Spla,shwater Kingdom ("Great Escape") has been in existence and operation for decades and is located withiji. the Route 9 North Coturnercial Corridor. The Great Escape property is presently zoned Recreatiorial Commercial. Fitting in with a significant goal, enumerated in the Town of Queensbury's Comprehensive Land UsePlan (the desire for pedestrian friendly developinent), and the 2001 Great Escape Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS), the Great Escape is very pedestrian friendly, Access throughout the park is predominantly via walking, the proposed Pandemonium Attraction provides a new, fun, and exciting attraction that guests/visitors to the Great Escape can enjoy for years, to come. B. The proposed Attraction is consistent with the existing development within the Great Escape theme park. Placement of this new Attraction complies with requirements of the 2001 GEIS, as well as the dimensional, bulk, and density regulations for the Recreational Commercial zone, C. Access throughout the Great Escape is via walking. There are pedestrian sidewalks along both sides of Route 9 as well as a pedestrian bridge crossing Route 91 to allow for safe pedestrian crossing into and out of the park. D, The entire Great Escape park is tied to the Queensbury Municipal water system arid sanitary sewer system. No additional water or sewer connections will be required as part of this project. E. The size,character, color, and location of the proposed Attraction complies with fl-te existing GEIS and the July 11, 2001 Findings Statement (the "2001 Findings"'), F Per the GEIS and the 2001. Findings, the mitigation of traffic constraints and congestion is tied to traffic count levels. The results of the 2017 traffic count study fall below the threshold necessary for the implementation of Phase 3 irnprovernents, Thus, the construction of the new ride does not directly dictate the implementation of mitigation measures, G. No changes in traffic, curb cuts, off-street parking, and/or loading facilities will be required as part of this proposed project. Per the GEIS arid the 2001 Findings, a�:id the 2004 Findings, the implementation of mitigation, measures for the expansion of Great Escape vehicle parking (parking lots) is dictated by the overall park attendance. F-1, The addition of the Attraction will not result in any CllarigeS to the natural, scenic, ecological, wildlife, historic, or open space resources of the town. The Attraction is consistent with the existing aesthetic and recreational nature. CT MALE ASSOCIATES PANDEMONIUM ATTRA.CTION PROJECT NARRATIVF fainfary 19,2108 Page 2 1, As stated above, there. are pedestrian sidewalks along both sides of Route 9 as well as a pedestrian bridge crossing Route 9, allowing safe pedestrian movement between the Great Escape park and parking areas across the street, as wefl as other pedestrian 1'riendly businesses across the street, and eliminates the need for any intersections with vehicular traffic. J. The propose ride and other minor improvements near the ride result in a reduction of the impervious surfaces. The post drainage areas will, :increase the permeable surface area over the pre-existing conditions and therefore meet the requirements for new development within the therne park. Stormwater and erosion control details are included, K. As stated above,water supply and wastewater disposal are by connection to Town-owned municipal systems, and no additional water or sewer connections will be required as part of this project, L A landscape plan has been provided as part of this application, Some landscaped green space is to be impacted, by dais project. It is the Applicant's intent to similarly match/complement existing impacted landscaping in newly landscaped areas throughout the project area, I. The proposed Attraction, is to be constructed in an area, that will not affect existing fire lanes, emergency zones, and fire hydrants. N. As stated above, stormwaiter and erosion,control details have been included. 0. The site plan has been.prepared with intent to conform to all prevailing design standards, both local and of the amusement park industry. Page 2 of 2 § 179-9-050 Cliecklist-Application foi- Site Man Review, Application materials and site plan shall include sufficient information for the Board to review and provide a decision. The applicant is to provide a site Plan drawing and all attachments that address items AN. The applicant may request a waiver Crom AN arIld is to provide reasons for waiver(s) requested, Please label infiDi-mation to be submitted, ------------ —-­--­---- ................ REQUIREMENTS Sheet ........A ....... ...... —-----—-­­­--- . A vicinity drawn at the scale that Shows the relationslii I)of the Proposal for existing,community facilities which affect or serve it,such as roads,shopping areas,scilools,etc. 'rhe imall,shall also show all properties,identify owners, GIOO subdivisions,streets and easemcWs within 500 feel of the property. Such a sketch may lie superimposed on a United States I e I SLII-V 11112f—thearea,_ j­..o­ E�= other as B The site plan shall be drawn at a scale of Forty fect to the inch ('1 40 feet)or si—icliofli —may deem apPT-Opriate,on standard 24" x 36"sheets,with confirmation on 8 1/2"x I I"sheels as necessary i�or written 0100 inforinatton. ri,he information listed below shall be shown oil the s conuaon sheets. Lt�_� ntitish .............. .A...... C Name o,filie project,boundaries,date, north arrow,and scale of the plan, ALL ­. .......... —___.._w ----........ D, Name and address of the owner of record,developer,and seal of the engineer,architect or landscape architect. [f the applicant is not the record owner,,.I letter of authorization sb�jll lie regyired frorn the owner. ALL ................ .................. —----- F The location and use of all existing and proposed structures within the Ill-Operty,iDCJLIding all dimensions offlielghland floor area,all exterior entrances,alid,ill anticipated future additions and alterations, Vl()O&CIOO ........... F The location of all present and proposed public and private ways,off'street parking areas,driveways,outdoor Storage areas, sidewalks,ranips,curbs,paths, landscaping,walls and fences. Location,type and screening details for all waste disposal C100 containers Shall also be shown. GThe location,height,intensity and bulb type(sodium,incandescent,etc)of all external lighting fixtures. The(�Iii L 'ection of _._..Jl1umina(ion and methoda to 11to adjoining Properties,must also be shown iii colr!jj��h� 79-�S-020. V I OO&C 100 ............ ff, The location,height,size,materials and design ofal I proposed signs, NA ...... ..m. '1 he locaatiora of all present and proposed utility systems including":........... 1. Sewage or septic system; 2. Water supply system; 011.0 3. Telephone,cable and electrical systerns;and 4. Storm drainage system including existing and proposed drain lines,culverts,catch basins,headwalls,endwalls, hydrants, manholes and drainage swales. ................ —------ j Platis to prevent the pollution of surface or groundwa(er,erosion of soil both(1111-jrIg and after Co"SO-LIC6011,excessive runoff and flooding of other propenes,as applicable, A S(orrilwater Pollution PreVelitiOrl Ilan(SW PI'I',)for all land development activities(excluding agricultural activities)on the site that result,.,in land&Wrbance of one acre or more. A SW, PI1 sh',111 (1,500 I C0111ply with the requiremenis of the DEC,SI)DES MS-4 General llerm4 and Chapter 147 of the Town of Oueensbury Code. It shall be at the discretion orthe Planning Hoard as to whether a SWI11111 or an erosion and control plan Shall be required For a site plan review project kilid,disturbance of less dian one acre. ......................... —K -------...........—­-------- Existitig and proposed topography at tWo_loot Coor oltoUr intervals, such other contour interval as(lie Planning Board shall allow. A]I elevations shall refer to the nearest United States Coastal and Geodetic tench Mark. Ifany portion cif She parcel is within the 100-year floodplain,the area will be shown and base flood elevations given. Areas shall be Indicated within C I U) the proposed site and within 50 fecl of the Proposed site where Soil removal or filling is required,showing the approxii-mge VOlUIlle in cubic yards. L A landscape plan showing all existing natural land Features ill at I may I n A tience the design of the proposed use such as rock outcrops,stands,of trees Single trees eight or rnore inches in diameter, forest cover and watersourcts and all proposed 020 changes to iliese features,including sizes and types ofl-flants. Water m-wrc",include ponds, lakes,Nvedands and watercourses, aquifers, lloodplains and drainage ivtcrttioii areas, MLand Use District boUndaries within 500 feet of the site's perimeter shall Ile drawn a—nd i­iiei[Tded o­j-i_the­sltepI_�I,a,_11 as any Overlay Districts that apply to (,lie:property. NA 6 Site Plan Review application - Revised October 2016 Town ol'QUeettsbury planning;Office-742 Bay Road, Qucenstittry, NY 12804 ........... REQUIREMENTS (CONTINUED) Sheet N. Trafft tlow patterns mthill [lie site, enlrances and exits,loading and unloaderig rocas,as Nvellas curb cuts on the'Sit,and Rel-er to within l )0 feet of the site. The Planning f3oard may, at its discretion,require as detailed traffic study for large(1evei,p,ierns or for these in heavy traffic areas,which shall include: E[S I. The prc�cctcd number ofinotor vehicle trips to enter or leave the site,cs6matcd for weekly and NA annual peak hour(raffic levels; 2. ']rhe projected traffic tl(.)Nv pattern includirq,vehicular mover"Crus at'ill iriaJor intersections likely to be affected by the propowd use of the site, 3. The impact of this traffic on levels of service on abutting public streets and at affected intersections. Existing and proposed Nx,celdy and annual peak hour traffic levels arittl road capacity levels shall also be given. -------......... 0. For new construction or alterations to any struclure,a table cOnLairling the Collowing information shall be included: I, Estimated area Of structure to be used for particular purposes such as retain operation,office, Storage,etc,; 2. Fstimated maxin-mm number of crnlfloyees, NA 3. Maximum seating capacity,where applicable;and 4. Nuniber of'parking spaces existing and required fior the intended use. .................. p 1. Floor Plans, 2. Elevations at a scale of one-quarter inch equals one toot(104" I fboi.)for all exterior facades of the proposed surudalre(s) NA and/or alterations to or expansions of existing facades,showing design features and indicating the type and color ofmaterials to be used. water supply well and percolation test results,and storm water runoff calculations,as needed to determine and Q,. Sod lois.......................... ........—­­--­ —,­.............. I mitigate project impacts. NA ----....... . ............ ...................--................ RPlans for disposal of construction arid demolition waste,either on-site or at an approved disposal facility. rN A N �—1 - "-" ''--icluding--to c,a-� n(s)of onsite snow '—io --iT"— .......... ...... ­....... -- S f coos"i'orsnow removal, ii NA e SEQIZA regulalions,with Pjrt I completed by the Applicant Air Frivironmeness tal Assment Form("EAP) is required by Tb ——------- ,shall be submitted as part of the arVication. If the proposed project requires a special use permit and,in FAF has been NA submitted in conjunction with a special use permit application,as duplicate EAF is not require(] for the site plan application. U. ifairalip"lic"alion isfora p-a-re—el or—parcels on—which more—dianone t"is'e is proposed,the appi—icantniay-s­ubnlit "a application for all such uses,provided the proposed uses are accurately delinealed on a site plan drawn pursuant to the requiremenis set Ibi-th above. The Planning 11oard may grant the application with respect to some proposed use,,,'do(rl not others. For purposes of reviewing an at (arid for SEQRA compliance)ail proposed uses on a single parcel or on NA contiguous parcels sliall be considered together. .............. V. A brief narrative statement on how[lie project proposed for review firrrthers or is consistent with the vision,goals and policies it,die'rovws corripichensive:man. NA 7 Site plan Review application 1ievised Octob,cr 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Officc-742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Town of Queensbury Site PlanPre-Subraission Conference Fort-It Sccfiotj 179,9-040 I. Applicant Nauie. 0. 2. Tax Map W Location. J_ 3. Zoning Classification ....... (,X-44 .. 4. Reason for Review; C, 5. Zoning Section #: C") 6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes, Provided Outstanding; Please provide by Deed General Information complete Site Development Data Complete Setback Requirements Complete Additional Project Information Complete FAR addressed ReqU irCITIC ntS for Site Flan-Standards Checklist items addressed Environmental Foril'i completed Signature Page completed -A 4),( 1 ........... L m 77T 'Y (2'*VQ U-)4"Gf, ot A(Iyy1 lm W") C L 2 t 4111, /1'1�1 A Staff Representative: Al.)plicant/Agent: ....... Date: 8 Site Plan Review application Revised October 2016 Tbwn of Queensbury Planning Offlice-742 Bay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 Signature Page This page includes the 1,) Authorization to Act ds Agent Form: 2.) Engineering Fee Disclosure„ 3.) Authorization for Site Visils;A) Oflier Permit Resporlsibilifleg; 5,)Official Meeting Disclosure and 6.)Agreemcilt to provide doculficritation rcqtdred, OWNER's A(,ot,Nr Fomm: Coinplcte the rollowing if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant Cowper, Designates: As agent regarding: _ Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Nlap No,: Section B I o c k Lot Deed Reforence: Book PageDate OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: Aj,T)LICAN,rls AGENTFORM: Complete the rollowing if the APPLICANT is ittroble ro attend tile meeting or wishes to be represented by anotber party: owner; Great Escape I'lieme Park,LLC Designates: --C,T. Male Associates Enpiiraervi Surveying,Architecture&Landscape Architecture,D.P,C. As agent regarding: Variance X Site Nan 0 1 Block Subdivusion For Tax Map No,: 20 Lot Dccd Refict,Q)ACC: 1021 Book Page 5/l/97Date OWNER SIGNAT.URI" 2,) ENGINEERING FEE DISCLOSURE: Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage;,etc, as determined by the Zoning or Planning Deparlirlent, Fees for engincering reviow services will be,charged directly to the applicant. Fees for erigineering review will not exceed'S 1,000 without noli5cation lo(lie applicant. 0 3,) AUTHORIZATION FOR SITE VISITS: By signing this page and submitting Viae application materials ort(iielied 11cl-cill,the Owner,Applicant, and his/her/their agpil(s) hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subjectpropcilies for the purposeof reviewing theapplicalion sulemiocd. 4.) _0T jER PERMIT RESPONql3f LITIES, Other pennilq may be required for COTISITUCtiOn or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board or planning Board. It is the appliunit's responsibfflity to obtain any additional perinits. .5.) OFFICIAL MEETfNC; MINUTES DISCLOSURE: 11 is ille practice of the CDnimUnity Developmcnt Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proccedings of meetings resnitirag Cron, application, and minutes transcribed from those tapes consHhotus the official record of all Proceedings, f,,j_AGR,F,EA1 ENT TO PROVIDE D0CUN1ENLrL%:r1Q�j�ETJILZLM: 1, the undersigned,have thoroughly read and understand rht insti-Lictions for submission and ao-ee to rhe submission requireineins, I acknowledge no coil stru C1 ion aciivides shail be commenced prior to issumice ora valid permit. I certify that the application,pPans and supporting rnaterinIs are a true and Complete statement/description ofthe existing conditions and the work pruposed, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the approved Plans and in coil formance with pOcal Zoning regtiIatiorrs. I ackiioNyledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed,I or nay agents,will:obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessary, I also understand that IAC may be requited w Provide ,in as-buill survey by a licensed land surveyor ofall newly constructed fllcilili-prior to issuance of certificate of OCColp,orlCy lave ad and Z i e to the above. Pr6it Name [Applicant] Dtite siped Francis G.Palumbo,RLA Sigmiture [Agent] RHiit Name [Agent] Date si�rpied 9 Site Plan Review application—Revised October 2016 Town Of Queensbury planning Officc-?42 Bay Road,Qiocerrsbury, NY 12804 Signature Page This page includes the 1.) Authorization to Act as Agent Form: 2.) F'rigineering Fee Disclosure; 3.) AL1dl0l-iZati0l1 fbi- Site Visits; 4.) Other Permit R esponsibi I i tics; 5.)Official Mecting Disclosure and 6.) Agreement to provide documentation required. OwNE,R's AGENT FoRm: Comple(c the following if the OWNER oftlic property is not the same as the applicant Owner Designates: As agent rcgarding: Variance Site Plan Subdivision I"orTax Mal) No.: Section 13 1 oc k Lot Deed Reference: Book Pago . ..........- Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: ............ APPLICANT's A(,,,[:N,i,FORM: Complete the ibllowiug if the All"Il-ACANTiS Unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party: Owner- Great Escape Theme Park, LLC Designatm C.T. Male Associates f-,noincering Survqiti- Architecture& Landscape Architecture, D,P.C. As agent regarding: ....... Variance X Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No,: 288.4ection 1 Block 20 Lot 16;2—1 Book — Deed Reference: 291 Page OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: -...................... 2j E ;GINEERING FEE DISCLOSURFl Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer Cor review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department. Fees for engineering review services, will be charged directly tel the applicant, Fees for engineering review will not exceed $ 1,000 without notification to the applicant. 3JAUTHORIZATION FOR SITE VISH'S: By signing this page and submitting the application ixiaterials attached herein,,die Owner,App I i cant! and fiis/lierhheir agent(s)hereby authorize [lie Zoning Board or PlanningBoard and 'fown Staff to enter the subJect prol-,wrlies for [lie purpose of reviewing the application Sl,lbrni�ted. 421 OTHER PERNIFT RESPONSIBILITIES. Other perrnits may lie required for construction or alteration activity"LltueqUent to approval by the Zoning Board or planning Board. 11 is theapplicant's responsibility to oblain any additional permits. 5.) OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES DISCLOS[IRE: it is the practice of the Community Develop unen i Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings ol"meelings resulting Cron] applicatioll, and minutes transcribed firom those tapes cons(hutes the official record of all proceedings. 6.) A(AZEENI .NT TO PROVI[DE, [A)CUM ENTATION R.EOUIRED1, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand(lie instructions for submission and agree lo tile submission requireirients, I acknowledge no construction activities Sliall be commenced prior to issuance ol'a valid permit. t certity that the application,plans and Supporting niateriats,are a trueand complete slatemem/description of the existing condidons and the;: work proposed, and that all work Will be Perffir[Tied in accordance with the approved plans and ni conformance Mill local zorang regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying(lie facilities proposed,I or nay agerits, will obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessary. I also understand that I/we may be required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly conSh-LlCtCd fiacilities prior to issuance of cortificale of occupancy I have read and agree to the above, ......... ---- ................ ............ S i gn atutfk print Name [Applicant] Date signed Frarici,s,G. Palumbo, RLA ....... ................. Signature [Agent] Print Name [Ageri[] Date signed 9 Site Plan Review application - 1�evised October 2016 Town ol'QuicensbUry Planning Office-742 Bay I)oad, Quecri,sbUry, NY 12804 ShortEnvironatental Assesstnent Form, Part I - .Proit-let.ftili)t-iiiiitioiz Instructions for oro led Par-t I - Project triforniation. The applicant or Project Sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses becorne part ofthe application for approval Or fidIlding, are SUbJect to public review, and may be subject to fin-ther verification. Complete Part I based on information currently availab1c. 11'additional research or investigation would be needed to fidly respond to any item, please answer as thoroughly as possible based oil clin-crit information. Coniplete all items in Part 1. You pray also provide any additional information which You believe will be needed by or useful to the. lead agency; attach additional pages as nocessary to supplement any item. ................ .... .................——--------- .............. Part I - Project and Sponsor Informa(lon .......... Name of Action or Pr(Iject: Pandemonium Attraction .......... ProJect Location (describe, and attach a location niap): Six Flags Great Escape Resort ....................................-- ---............ ............ ................,._,.m ......... f3rief Description of Proposed Action: New ride at Great Escape Thence Park, LLC, Project utilizes and improves area of a former arrusement Me. ....................... .................... ........... Name of.Applicart or Sponsor: Teleplione: 518-260-4850cell/518..793-7237 work ... m.__.........._. ........ ........... Great Escape Therne Park,LLC E-Mail: d,,,,ith@sftp.com Address: 1172 State Route 9 ------ ....... CState:a Zip Code: QueensburyfdY T -1 t—ete: 12804 L ..._m... ................ I. Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan, local law, ordinance, NO YES adniinistrative rale, or regulation? If Yes, attach a narrative description of'(fic intent of the proposed action and the crivirom-nental resources that inay be arfected In the municipality all(]proceed to Part 2. Frio, confinne to question 2, ------------- 2. Does tile proposed action require a perrait, approval or Funding front any other governmental Agency'? NO YES If Yes, list agency(s)narrie and pernift or approval: Lj 3.a. Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? V9 acres . ........... .................. b. Total acreage to be physically disturbed'? o.19 acres c. Total acrealle(proJect site arld any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 237.64 acres ............ ........................ 4. Check aill land uses,that ocutir on, adjoining and near the proposed action, r-1 Urban Rural (non-agriculture) E]Industrial E-lConinicreiai E]Rcsidcnfi�al (suburban) El Forest ElAgriculture El Aquatic 2Other(specify): _1 T I h eme Park ®Parkland ---------- Page I of'3 ................. . ............. —----- 5. Is the proposed action, NO YES N/A a. A pennitted Lise under the zoning regulations? D — b. Consistent with the aclopted comprehensive plan? i IT Z aracter raft the existing built or natura"I NO Y E S- 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant ch landscape'? ❑ 7. Is the site ofthe proposed action located in, or does it adjoin, a state listed Critical Environnicntal Area'.,' NO YES If Yes, identiry: ........... ...... 8. a.Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels'? NO YES b. Are public transportation service(s) available at or near the site of the proposed action? E] c. Are any pedestrian accommoda(ions or bicycle routes available on oi near site ofthe proposed action? 9.Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? NO YES If the proposed action will exceed reqUirenicrits, describe design features and technologies: .......... El Z .. ............. .................. .................. 10. Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply',,, NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: FLI!�j ................. . ..... .............. ............. .... 11, Will (lie proposed action connect to existing wastewater Litilitics? NO YES If No, describe method for providing wastewater treatment: 12. a. Does tire site contain a structure that is listed on either(lie State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? —__._w b. Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? L—j Z El L!�j r-71 . ..... . ................................. ............................ ....... 13. a. Does army portion of the site of the proposed action, or lands adJoinnig the proposed action,contain NO YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a fcdcral, state or local agency'! b. Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? I l"Yes, identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: ------ ...... ................ ........ —-----------—------- 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on, or are likely to be found on the project site. Check all that apply: El Shoreline 0 Forest El Agriculitit-al/gi-as,,;I,,iiids ElEarly mid successional El Wetland El t-h-ban [2]Suburban ---------------------- ............ 15, Does the site of the proposed action contain any species of animal, or associated habitats, listed Nt7 YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? 16. Is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES 17, Will the proposedaction create storm water discharge,cither trom point or noir point sources? NO VP If Yes, a. Will storm water discharges flow to adjacent propertics'! [71 NO [:]YES b. Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems; (1-unoffand storm drains`)"? l'a'ns If Yes, briefly describe: ONO f;7_1 Y E S To stormwater fadfifies previous_ - ark area jj?prqytcl far t" vp crall p . .......... ......... . ........................ .............. Page 2 of 3 18. Does (lie proposed action ifldilh COOStRlCtioll or other activities that result In the impoundment of NIf YES water or other liqt.dds retention J.)oIld, waste.lagoon, (1,1111)? ITYes, explain purpose and size: -------- ............... .......... Fv . ... ............. 19. flas the site oftore proposed actionoran adjoinimrproperty been the location ofan active or closed NO YES solid waste nunagernent facility? I I'Yes, describe: ................... . ........ ..........-—------- ........ ...... 20. Has [lie site of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the AllrjCCt of remccliation(ongoing or NO YES completed) for hazardouswaste? ........... ICYes, describe: . ........... ........... RI El -------------- .......... ....................... ............ ......... ........... I AFF IRM T111ATTHIP,INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURA,rE TO THE BE,s,r OF MY KNOWLEDGE AplAiCallt/sporisor name: Francis G. P�alumbo, RLA(as Landscape Arch for Applicant) ............... ------------- ............ Date:— 1A i Signature: .......... Page 3 of 3 Aellcy Use Only 111'app I icablel Project: Date: F Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 2 -.Impact Assessment Part 2 is to be completed by the Lead Agency. Answer all of the following qUestions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part I and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to the reviewer. When answering the qUeStiOTIS the,reviewer should be guided by the concept"Have my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposcd action?"' ............ No,or k1oderate small to large impact irripact may may OCCUr OCCIII, Will the proposed action cj,e�Ite a material conflict with an adopted land use Plan Or-Zoning regUletiOlIS? Lj El 2, Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity OfLISC of[and? El .......... 1. Will the proposed action impair the character or quality of the existing comillunity'? ... ......... 4. Will the proposed action have an impact oil the environrueri(al characteristics that caused the r----I establishment of a Critical Frivironniental Area(CEA)? Li 5, Will the proposed action result in an adverse:change in the existing; level of traffic or affect existing infi,astructUreR)r mass transit, biking or walk Way? 1:1 D ........... .. . .............. 6. Will the proposed action cause an increase in the use ofenergy and it falls to incorporate reasonably available ell ergy conservation or ren ewab I eerie rgy opportunities? El 1:1 7. Will the proposed action impact existiufy� Z-1 rt. public/private water supplies? --F,l --—.,--F b. public/private wastewater treat men t utilities? F-I El 8. Will the proposed action inipair the character or quality ofiniportant historic, arch ecological, al-chitectur,al or anesthetic resources? 9, Will the proposed action result in all adverse change to natural resources (e.g., wetlands, waterboclies, pxoundwater, air cluality,Ilona and filUna)? .............. ....... 10. Will the proposed action result ill an, increase in the potential for erosion, flooding or ch-81118ge problems? Will the proposed action create a hazard to environmental resources or human bealth? EP RlNi��M Page I of'2 Agency Use(.)nty lit applicaj)lej Short Environmental Assessment For Part 3' Determination of Significance For every question in Part 2 that was answered "moderate to large impact may occur", or ifthcre is a need to explain why as particular element of the proposed action may or will not result in as significant adverse environmental impact,please complete Part 3,Part 3 should, in sufticient detail,identify the impact, including any measures or design elements that, have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts. part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will, not be significant. Each potential illIpaCt SlIOLIld be assessed considering;itssetting, probability ofoccurring, dLIT-8tion, irreversibility,geographic scope and MaguitUde. Also consider the potential far short- term, long-term and CUITILIfative inipacts. —----------- ............ ........... r---I Check this box if you have determined, based oil the information and analysis above, and any SLIppordlig documentation, L—J that the proposed action nlay result in one or more potenGally large or significant adverse itlipacts and in environmental impact statement is required. DCf heck this box iyou have determined, based on the information and aualysis above, and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action wHi not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts. Narne of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer,in Lead Agency Title ol'Responsible Officer ........... Signature of Responsible Officer in fkad Agency Sii_q-taitui-cofPreparei (it'dit'f'(,,i-etiti�roiiiresponsible Oflicei�-') Page 2 of 2