02b 2018.01.16 (1997) Deed Y f ..,,...-..�--..»._.�.._ �.W..�.__.....M..-...»--..,..—..—..._._._.�.�._.,...,«.»...—,�...-------........-'""'--� —•--. •--"....._..»_..._.,,_.......,.....�..,,_,.„,..,..„„,GAS .. WARREN 'COUNTY" CLERK RECORDING CGvER SHEET EMP, INITIALS INSTRMIFNT 9 NO. OF PAGES TYPE OF DOC, J I ram' ADDTL,. 'PEE TOWN ADDTL., NAMES' TRANSFER TAX ACTT„ $'_ � MORTGAGE AMT, $ * MORTGAGE TAX � TRANSFER TAX STAMP MORTGAGE TALC STAMP r4 RECEIVED Cit EA1. STATE M� A`Y 1 1997 TRANSFER TAX WARREN COUM-Y Please fill to blanks below before submic,ting for reeordiag,. GRANTOR/MORTGAGOR/ASSIGNOR t GSI NTEE/MORTGAGEEJASSTGNEE d- c S" care41 � RECORDEDs�:� x -_ ' ' /////// !/Y/ll/l/fY///!/l/td//Or"///I/ p / RECORDING ,STS RETURN TO: "G Cj e r f1� ,��"�kl� �✓��, LI YI�t t`� A� RNJrCD L ..,tWC�7Nt / Upon recording thin page becomes a part of the / FkEC0iDED document. ($3.00) / f b ' „xu4• y,F w A ^ • r Kq 3 7F RECORD AND CRr;ii-tj tN"roe C)arcr Marks Fa Uphsurra ht,R' 8n5 Third Avenue Ncw York,New York 10022 Aucation: Barbara E.ChArupoux,Esq. THIS INDENTURE rade as of the day of° .r 11 pc..r _, 1997 between PRE-MIER PARKS INC., a corporation organized nod existing under t1)e law of the State of New York with all address of'122 East 42nd Street, New York, New York, p=arty of the first ,part,and GRr,A.f ESCAPh THEME PAID LLC, a lirniwd liability companty orgunizecl and existing under the laws of tire State of New York, with art address of 122 East 42nd S"irect, New York, New York, party of the second part,. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of One and 0/100 Dollars($1.00) lawful money of Rias United Staines, paid by the party of the second part,does ha ruby grant and release:unto the.party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, ata undivided snincly-tone per nt (99%)interest in all that certain plot, piece or parcel of land lying and being the Couanty of Warren, State of New York, heing designated as the following tax parcels; Secaimi 7q,Mock 1,Lot 02,2 Sectia m 74,Black 1,Lot 02,3 Section 36,Mock 2,Lot 3,t i and being more particularly described as follows: See Attached Schedule "A" TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of tine first part in and to said premises, i TO HAVE ANIS TO HOLD the premises here itn granted unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, And the party of the first part covenants as followrsu FIRST, that the patty of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; SECOND, that the party of Cite first part will forever WARRANT the title to said premises; and THIRD, that in compliance with,Section 13 of the Lien Law, the grantor will receive Rile consideration for th'iis comweyattec and will hold the tight to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the crest of the improvement and will apply tale same first to the payinent of the cost of Cite improvement before using any part of the total of the saawe for any other purpose. i 1 230166.t•1Earasr12rr•ia:23M ti i. t. <a,• wiz a:: l � ^ , I 'Ms conveyance is made with the consent of(lie members of the grantor and does not constitute a transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of the grantor. IN WITNESS WHEIMOF, the party or the first part has caused Its seal to k- bercuillo affixed,and tficn,presents to be signed by its duly authurized agent this daY of May, 1997. 1,-L PREMIER PARKS INC. 13 YffJames F. Dannhauser C cl, hief Financial Officer 2 --7 v3 71j— STATE OF NEW YORK } SS,,. COUNTY CDC NEW YORK) } . a On tills h1L day of ��' 1 97, before me Personally carte,TAMES E, 0 DANNHA>il�5ER, (o nic persomlily Strom, wht), beumti;dttly sworn by me, dial depose and say that he has am address at 121 East 42rld atrett, Nedy York, New yoria that Ire is t@rc Chief Financial Officer of Premier Parks Inc., the corporatism described in and which executed the �. fareguing instrument; and that he signed his name thereto by order of the board of directors of said corporatism. jNourtaut It y J&t t?GOODE ! mtote:vFtlik saaloaatNow YN4 No.a1-4 als253 0U01H 10 iaaqawYGrk cwnty Cir atllcala fHledIr New YcTk Co112 e wYcTkCo11 gee;nruE.,rlrrruEx;lraaMaNh2%Gi1,,. 1 . r r,rss.m riccsrrssr•rt � 3 r ,r ,o SCHEDULE A DESCMPTfON POiltYNO.:9603-26621 PARCEL i 'LLL 1&14T CRTA IN PARCEL OF La ND situate if) the Town of Qup-e us bury, Warreen County, New York, located easterly of New York a, ROU-nd Pond Road mid westerly of Ash Drivo, and which Lake Read, northerly o,� S- Route 9, sOutherly of Glen parcel is bounded and descri'tod as follows, REGIUNING at a point in the easterly hounds of New York U. S, Route 9 at a divtancs of 350 feet, norrhgrly, measured Along said easterly bounds fro'M the northerly bound$ of Round Pond Road, and which, point Or boginning ialso the northwest corner of lands of David L. beater and others, whose deed in recorded in the Warren County Clark's Office in Seek 698 cf 4)apds at page 59; running n thencg front the place of begj;,.,njng, the ft:11owing seven courses and distances along the easterly bounds of said Route 9, vj7, 1) North 13 degrees 4; mintites west, 2918,20 feLc; 2) North 28 degrees 48 m1 notes 40 seconds west, .483.03 3) North 13 degrees 32 minutes West, 82.19 feet; 4) South 60 degrees 50 minutes 40 seconds Ease„ 129,00 feet; 5) Uarth 29 degrees 01 minute 10 seconds Fast,, 45,0 feet; 6) North 60 degrees se minutes 40 seconds West, 179,0 feet, and 7) V*-'t)l 31 clegrees 50 minutes 20 seconds Wt Sr, 731.16 feet to tile wex sout�, t L corner of lands of Edward G. and -Xornta Saprzschi,- thence North 53 degrees n minutes 40 SacOndS Fast for as distance of 153,0 ecet to the southeast corner of said last mentioned premises; thence Vvrth 32 degroes 07 minutes 20 seconds west for a distance of 106.52 feet t0*the tort'jeact corner of said last mentioned premises; thence South 54 degrees 31 minutes 40 seconds West for a riistance` of 149-52 feet to the northwest corner of said last mOnticnPd premisen;'thence the following ctrue c0uTses and di seances along tile easterly botulds of New York U. S. Route 9, viz; 1) North 32 degrees 38 minute; 30 seconds West, 252.20 feet; 2) North 24 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds West, 843,36 feet, and 31 North 29 degrees C4 Minutes 30 seconds West, 289.0 feet to the most southerly corner of lands of mijuar, and Dorothy Latham, whose deed is recorded in the Warren County Clerk's Office in Book 695 of Coeds at payE!'895; thence North 04 degrees 0 minutes East for a distance of 134.35 feet to the -southwest corner of the 3rd descrited parcel of 10 acres in the deed frcin Ileadow sun Develoottent Corp. to Attractions Land, Znc,, by deed dated April 20, 1529 and recorded in said Clerk's office in acov,. 151 of Deeds at. page, 554 chenre kqorrjj a, degree 26 tt?'nuz:ely East, alcng the easrerl7 line of said lands of Latham, for a CONTIMED rrecnt � a Policy Ncr.:5603-26921 SCHEDULE E A DESCRIPTION (Continued) � }M= I distance of 4.92,0 feet to the aaaathaaaat corner of those by Attractions Land, Inc, to Hu adcw Run o0velogarraent Corp., by prs*prices dated conveyed l 1985, and recorded in said clerk's office iD ;n RoOh. '7 A o eadedat pa e�93, 2tl„ thence .south 53 degrees 34 minutes 50 seconds 5arr for a distance of 108,29 feet to the naucheast corner of said last Mentioned premises; thence dlort0t degreesdegrees06 9 :5 minutes 10 seconds East Por a distaoca of 156).0 feat to a pt,iint th 06 the r. sourherl"y bounds Of Glen Lake Road, and the ntortheurt tsasner of said l.as Fast,.st merstioa3,xgd Premises,, thence South U degrees 11 said so, road bounds, for a, distance of42040.a0t4eer t;onthedno'arthwest,lCattle Of lands now or j!crnwerly at Iress :hj. Tompkins, whose deed is recorded in said ma, clerk°o Office, it, Pock 777 of J)eeds at pads 31; thence South 06 degrees 2S' raird la 10 ow nd are West icor a, disotance of 150.0 fC'-C to the 600claaaUsc corner tat eznict lands now ar formerly of Tompkins; thence South 83 degrees 3!A aninotes 5p seconds 'East, along the southa tly line of said Lazarmencioaaz?d promises and, along rt}e 50u,thearly line of Sands of tdwi.n Winchi;p, wsoae deed is rec,arde^,¢d in said cffice in goods 719 of Deeds ett oago 142, fo, a llssta,-4Ce of 300,0 :set to the southeast corner of said lands of Winship; thence Ncrth, Q6 de,a,sees 2,s, minutes 10 seconds East Ear a distancebouof 150,0 feet tc a. point in, the souther?y thence of Glen OwinLake [load, and. the northeast corner of said. lands of Winch,ip; thence the following fourteen coursea and distances along the Southerly Lbounde of Ulan lake Road, viz,. 1) south 83. degrees 34 minutss' So seconds 'East, 47.91 feet; 21 North 70 degrees 30 minutes a0 seconds East, 450.48 feet; 3) [North, 72 degrees 4:7 minutes East, 2'31.8Q feet; 4) North 66 degrees 22 minutes East, 162.96 feet; 5) North 57 degrees 17 minutes East, 137..50 feet; 61 North: 40 degrees 17 minutes East, 322,.19 feet; 7) North 63 degrees 37 minutes East, 1.56.44 fees;. 8) North 67 degrees 47 minutes East, 127.55 feet; 9) North 16 degrees 1-«2 minutes East, 2,17.55 feet; w 10) North 84 degrees 47 minutes East, 297,95 feet; 11.) North. 75' degrees So minutes East, 1,54,29 feet; 1.2) North 58 degrees 34 minutes 40 seconds East, 115.40 feet; 131' Norah 49 degrees 12 minutes 40 seconds East 122.,40 feet„ and. 14.) North 60 degrees 58 minutes 10 seconds East, 36.27 feet to the westerlybounds of Ash Drive; thence the following seveaa courses and distances along said westerly booundr, viz: R 2 a , p a'. ea " •m SCHEDULE A DESCRPTION(Continued) pollicyNo.:9601-26821 W ^ t 11 South 71 degree:; 25 minutes 50 Seconds East, 49.69 feet; r ::Y' South 41 degrees 5o minutes 10 seconds East, 66,79 feet; 3) South 38 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds East, 5*.27 feet; G>"1 41 South 53 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds East, 107.43 feet; »rv. 5) South 46 degrees 39 minutes East, '70.31 feet; w 61, South 40 degrees 16 minute's 5o seconds East. 256.87 feet; and 7) South 37 degrees 22 atrinutes 50 seconds East, 204.83 feet to the westerly C' line of lands Of Niagara, Xchawk Power corp.; thence the following nine courses axrd distances along the -4escerly line of said carver comnxny lands, viz. I) SOutherlY, along a curve to the, left having a central angle of 241 431 26»" and a radius of 612.36 feet, an arc distance of 254,5n fe'eca 2) South 26 degrees 21 minutes .2.0 seconds East, 179.70 fe.er to aF curve; of 3) Southerly, along a curve to the right having a central angle of 301 17' 2.5^' and a radius of 533.01 fact, an arc distance of 281.79 feet; 4.) North 62 degrees 50 Minutes 20 second, West,, 21,x.6 feet; 5) South 07 degrees o9 minute_- 40. seconds West, 30.0 feet,, N' r 6) North 82 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds West, 22.0 meeC7 7) South. 07 degrees 09 minutes 40 seconds Hest, 433.5 feet; 8) Southerly„ along a curve to the left having a central angle of 120 1.2' oo. and having a radius of 093.66 feet, an arc distance of L90.29 feet, and 91 South 05 degrees 02 minutes 20 seconds East., 34.44 feet to the na the=ly line of lands of B'o'nn and Carol Whalen, whose' deed is recorded in the ldarren couetY C'lerk's Office in Boor, Sala of heeds At page 426; tharace north 91 degseus 43 minutes 20 seconds West, and running along the northerly line of Lot 55, in the Second Division of the Queensbury Patent, for a distance of 1134.20 feet to the northwest corner of said Lot 55; thence South 07 degrees 5o minutes 40 seconds Hest, aloe the westerly 1� 9 r line f o Lots ots 55 and 54, and the westerly lire of lands of Whalen, for a distance of 1189.0 feet to she souchwe,sc corner of said ,sands of Whalen, and the southwest carter of Lot 54; thence: South 81 degrees 43 minutes 20 seconds East, along the southerly lino of said lands of Winaxlen and along the division line between 'Lot 54, cn the North, and Lot 53, on the south. .for a distance of 994.49 feet to the northwesc corner of hands of Thomas W7. Alberi„co, whose deed is recorded in the "Warren County clerk,, office in Hook 703 of Oe,e s at page 21o; thence Sou't'h 07 degrees 35 X4minuteS 30 seconds. West, along the westerly line of said 'lands of Alheri:cca, and along the westerly line of lands of Guido P"assarelli, whose deed is recorded in said clerk's office utErrn.; s 3 I " " 1 t �a 1 . t m , SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION(CanflnUed) v PaPJcy NG-, 9503•26921 in Book 680 of deeds at page less, for'a distance. of 1368.1.3 fec:;t to a. point in j the northerly bounds of Round Pond Load; thence the following three courses and distances along the: northerly bounds of said road, ,i 1) CJorth d8 degrees 2,9 sminutes 2C seconds West, 275,0 feet E 2) South 90 degrees 37 minutes 30 seconds West, 387,7s feet, and M 39 North 80 degrees 12 minutes 40 seconds Wesr, 145.o feet to file sok at"neat � w. corner of land's of David L. Renter and ochsrrs; thenen Vorth 06 degrees 39 minutes •&0 seconds East for a distance of 422.15 feet ten t,Gae nOreneast corner of r said last rnentfcned premises; thence South;. 71 degrees 410 minutes West for a. distance of 870„29 feet to the place of beginning, and conzaininq 237.64 acres K) of land alore or less, P:LRCE'..L Si ' ALL uilraT C=:R"CAIN PARCEL. Op LAfM situate in the °Lp,4n of Queensbury, Warren Couneya, New York:,, located 44esferly of New York U. S. Route 9 and Easterly of Interstate 'Route 87, also known a, the ;Wi,rondack Nort,h'way, and which, parcel .is bou(sded and described as follows s 9EGIt'DtZNG at aa. point In the Westerly bounds of flew York U. S. Route 9 and at the � Scutheaet corner of lands of: Moadow Run Devolcpment, Corp., and which point of beginning is also the Northeast corner of a 9769,7 Square Foot ,parcel conveyed by Meadow Run Development Corp, to Attractions Land, Inc., by deed dated may e, 1989 and recorded in t.lae Warren County Clarks office in Book 7 4 of i7eo,d.o at � Page 161, and which point, of beginning is situate at a distance of 40.12 feet, Northerly, measured along the Westerly bounds of said Route; 9 from the Southeast corner of choose premises conveyed by Charles R. Wood to Meadow Run Development Corp. by deed dated March 1S, 196E, and recorded in said Clerks office in. Rook 476 of Deeds at Page 308; running thence from the point, of beginning, the fallowing five, courses and distances along the Westerly bounds of Route 9, Viz; 1) South 32 degrees io minutes East, 333.43 feet; 2) Scut% 27 degrees 2',4, minutes 40 seconds Ras`, 3015.23 feet; 3) South 63 degrees 15 minutes 20 seconds West, 96.00 feet; r 4) South 52 degrees 47 minutes 40 seconds ".East. 2131.00 feet,; 51 South 2.2 degrees 51 minutes East, 2'20,95 feet to the Northeast corner of those premises conveyed by William H. Pcrkins to Donald, J. Daniels, by deed dated October 2.4,, 1958 and recorded in Sock 737 of Deeds at Pane 225, and being also the Southeast .corner of those premises conveyredby the Estate of William W. PerYins to Attractions Land. Ino, by decd dated November 7, 1960 and recorded in Book. 635 of Deeds'at Page 769; thence South 62 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds West, 131.66 .feetto the Ncrthuest corner of said lands conveyed to Daniels; thence North 29 degrees 41 minutes 30 seconds West, and running along the. Easterly line of those premises conveyed by Alcan fdm L tnanix to E+a,sizan H. v.; Canistra.ro by deed dated Fe..bruang 3, 1986 and recorded in the Warren County a i. etEcrav ll 9 ate tw , i t , ..... SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION(ConthiPd) 6t P011cy Nll,:4603-26121 su Xu Clerks C1f'°ico in aOQk 678 of Deeds at page 970, for a distance of 1.42,72 feet to. the lfortheast carrier of said last mentioned premises; thence, the following seven coursoa and distances along the Northwesterly and. Norcherly line of said last mentioned pre-mises, vir: .00 I 1) South 22 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds West, 32,44 feet; 2) South 07 degree's 57 minutes 30 seconds West, 111.94 feet,. 3.) South 03 degrees 06 minutes 30 soconds East, 124,35 feet; i 4) South 04 degrees 17 minutes 30 second's West, 53.15 feet; u Si South. 41. dearees 03 minutes 30se:.ceands. west, 79,05 feet; 6) youth 60 degrees 3.2. minutes 30 seconds r1esc, 13L 56 feet, 7) South 37 degrees ,1S minuters, 30 seconds West, 42.53 feet, to tite f;'crtFwesst ' corner of lands conveyed by S.'4anoi..x to. Cani st.ra.rca„ thence South 40 degrees So � minutes 30 seconds East for 4a distance of 2,65.15 feet; to the Southwest corner of said lands of Canist:arc; Chance North 59 degrees 02 minutes 30 seconds East, along the Scrathe,rly line of ,said lase mentioned premises, far a distance of 496.50 feet to a point in the wfescerly kacrxnds of New York t1'. S Roasts 9X thence South 30, degrees 57 minutes 343 stfonds EasC, along $arid Westerly bounds, for a distance of 20.00 feet to the Northeasc corner of those premises conveyed by Carlton ax;d Martha Freibergcr to Rogar and Lena Laronta,i,ne by deed dated January 1„ 1992 and recorded in said Cler.k,s office in Eotnk 645 of JDeeds at Page 757; �.. thence South 59 degrees, 02 minutes 30 seconds West, along the Northerly lire of ' said last mentioned premises, for a distance of 53.3,23 feet, to an angle point therein, thence North 73 degrees 51 Minutes .30' seconds West. for a distance of 393.00 fait to a point in the Easterly bounds of interstate croute 97, also ;Vn0Vn as the Adirondack Ntarthway; thence North.18 degrees 43 minutes: West,, alorsg said Easterly bounds, and ozonising a stream known as '"Meadox Run,` for a distance of 3,358.39 feet to the South`+rest corner of these pre.nsi.ses conveyed by Charles a1. 4locad to Meadow Ruck Development Corp, lay the afoarement.icned deed, recorded in sock 476 of ,peed, at Page 308; thence North 8'4 degrees 14 m,inutes 20 seconds Cast, a.lorcg the ,southerly line of said last mnnt tined promises;, for a di;srance of 50.95 feet to a point which is located, at a distaa.nce, of 42.2S feet Westerly on a course of South e4 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds Wear from the Northwest cnceser Of a triangular parcel of land conveyed by Attractions Land Inc. to ffeadow me De;veloprnent Corp- by deed. dated 4ayr 8, 1569 and recorded in the, Warrent County Clerks office in 50ok 754 of tweeds at page 159; thence .South 2.3 degrees 07 Otintttes 50 seconds East for za distazioc. of 52,07 ;feet to a point which is located at a distance of 4;0„00 feet Westerly ors a course of South 61 degrees 52 minur,as 20 seconds West from tiro Southwest coruk-r of Baird tri,ana3arlar parcel.;. thence North 61 degrees 52 Minutes 20 seconds East for as dista.rtce of 323.74 feet to the Easterly corner of said triangular parcel and which point is also the teorthwest corner of a 9769.7 Sgcsare Footparcel: convaved by Meadow Faun Develcapnenc Corp„ to Attractions Land Inc. by deed dated ftay 0, 1999 and recorded in said, Clerks Office in Book 7S4 of Heeds at Page i61; thence Continuing North 61 degrees 52 minutes 21) s,econda Sees, along the hlorCherly. line of said 9769.7 Square Fcot. Parcel. and ,partof the, wary along the Souris„,sly face of a stone masonry wall, for rtecccaN 5 0 Jr z .M 4 r .. v._.1�...., »«.. R« M x. ...:..w •..,...a..x w. _....., ,.....� '.«.w, gyp. ,.t. �' t , r A Policyo,:960326821 w i a d'i'stance at 231.67feet to the point of beginning and containing 19.3Q acres y 9 of land, more or 1es8. I 1 « r �_• PARCEL III u AEP, '6'kiAT CEVITAZU PARCEL OF P: ,M situate in. the Town cf Crueenzbtary, Wareen, County, New York, Located on the Westerly side of Interstate pc.ute 97, also � known as the Adirondack Northway, anti which parcel is bounded and deacribsd as ;_, Eotlovs; , to BE"GItaTING at a point in rhe Westerly hounds of Incerstace Routs 47, and •.shier CD iraiant of beginning is also the Northwesterly corner at those premises conveyed by Alfouso Grubhofer to the Sc4ce of tIew York in connectic", 'with the construx.ricrn of said Route 87, and which parcel is. denigrated 1jf,::el 244 on a. z;.ap prepared by the State of New York and filed in the Wat'raen County Clerks Office, and which paint of beginning is also the Soucheast turner of lands of �n P4ayrllis h1. Nolo, where deed is recorded in the Warren County Clerks Office in EPook 564 of Deeds at Page 468; running thence Troon the point of beg'ani,n,g, SaUCh 10 degrees 27 minr,ntes 40 seconds East, along the Westerly bcapsnds Of sapid dr Interstate Rou�r,s a7 fc':c a di.ntassace. of f".:S fe'etto an angle point therein;. rheanc-1 ` South 19 deg=eas 51 minutes East, cantinu,ir. along said Westerly bounds„ for a distance of 702 feet, niore or less, to the w—rtherly bank of a stream known as meadow Thin", thence in a Westerly direction along the Northerly bank of said stream, And along the Northerly edge' of lit,sh Pond, and also running along the BParthe:rl;y litre of those lands ccaVeyeci to The Town of Qaxeen,sb=y by Carlton and 4Y Martha 2reibetger, by deed dated July 6, 1955, andrecorded in tha Warren County Claths Office in Book 344, of Deeds at Page 115, for a d%rscaace of 1:000 feet,, mora or leaps, thence in a Northwesterly direction for a distance of 300 feet, more Or leas, to a point an the Northerly edge of said Ponds thence in a Southerly direction, along the Easterly Line of those' premise's conveyed by A J.C, Titus to William Griffin, by deed dated April 8. 1968 and recorded in said Clerks office in Sook 19 of 6eed:e at page 166, and along the westerly lime Of said lands conveyers tea the gPovr of Queehsbut—t', for a distance of 9:59 feet, store or less„ to the, Southeast corner of said lands 'conveyed to Griffin; thence in a. Westerly dfrecti:cn, along the Southerly Tine of eai.d tacft; Of Griffin, for a distance of 330 feet, more or less, to a point in ax marsh, and! which point is the mcat Weacerly corner of said lands conveyed to the Town of Queensbury; thence North 91 degrees 59 minutes $0 seco'nd's Hast, and running along the oortherlyr line of lands of Carlton and Hartha, Freiberger, whose deed is dated 'lay 24-, 1966, and recorded in the Warren County nark. Office in Book 466 of Deeds at page 526, for a distance of 990 f'e'et, more or less, to an ,iron pipe marking the Southwesterly corner of the aforementioned premises conveyed to Griffin, and being also the Southwesterly corner of the herein described parcel, thence North 06 degrees 38 Minutes 20 seconds East;, along the Latterly lint, of lands of Guido Paasa,rell.L, Whose, dead Is recorded in said Clerks office in Dock 692 of o.eeds, at page 1037, and also running along the remains of a wire fence marking the division lime between asst 73 of the Frost Division of the Queensbury Patent, an t!a West, grad Lot 6G of said Pauten:t. on the East, for, a distance of 1,'450,84 feet to a three inch ironwood t.reaa 'thence. North. 06 degrees CS Minutes 30 seconds 'E:asr, far a distance of 206 feet, snore or le,sn. to an iron pipe' rrscruw 6 is *pW•X. i� e SCHEDULE A DESCMPTIQN(Con inuej) � PoHry No.:96q.3-25921 mar9cinc3 the South-dant corner cf the attsreunencioned, premises oweaed by Phyllis la„ I Holtz; thence South 85 degrees 03 mjnratas East, along the southerly lane, of said Holtz premises, for a diatance of 2014.7 feet to the point of beginning, acid a Pcontaining approximately 77 acnes of land. The above described parcels being all of those lands c:ooveyact by tracernational, Broadcasting Corp. to 5torytown U.S.A., Inc'. by deed dated na:cember 3, 1952 and recorded in Book 970 of deeds at PaLgo 42, c sept a 3353 square foot parcel which is the subject of a Roundry Line Agreement batween Meadow Hon Development Corp. and Storytowo v.S.A_ let, dated as of December � ,' 1996 and recorded in the Warren County, Clerks office, }}p w Mia above described pr1rcels arc intended to tile sable Parcels conveyed in that certa n deed dated December 3, 19996 between Great ascape LLC, ran.tor and Preana.er Larks Inc., grantee resorted in the office of thxe arrcda7 County Clerk an �,.. December Via, 19915 in Lff r 1002 of Deeds page 113. t 4 i i 7