Town Board resolution COPY TOWN OF QUEENSWRY 742 BA"Y ROD QUEENSBURY,NEW YORK 12'804 519:761.8201 'Www.QUEENSOURVAET September Via, 2017 Timothy Monahan Suzanne Monahan 131 Rockwell Road Queen suryr, NY 12804 Pe. Proposed subdivision Dear Mr. & Mrs. Monahan: At,their August 7t�'imeeting,they Queensbury Town Board passed the enclosed tesoksti in affirming the consistency of your proposed subdivision with the ' ilandl Park (Planned Unit Development. This affirmation was 'based on the information you submitted to the Town can May 24, 2017. You may now proceed With a subdiW"rsion application. Please contact Laura Moore, Land Use Planner, at your convenience to discuss the subdi^ isien application and Planning Board reviews process. Your may reach her at l � �� �'� m r 'r , r (518) 761-8265. Sincerely'yours, 11�1 --tN, Stuart G. Baker Senior Planner Enc.: TB Res. No.: 774, 2017 Cc- Craig Brown, Dir. of Planning oning Laura Moore, Land Use Planner RESOLUTION AFFIRMING CONSISTENCY OF THE MONAHAN RE SIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION PROJECT WITH HILAND PARK PLANNED, UNIT DEVELOPMENT RE,SOLUTIONNO : �224,2017 INTRODUCED Y. Mai. Ti Brover WHO OVED IT'S ADOIYrION SECONDED BY: Mr'. Anthony Metivier WHEREAS, by letter received on May 24, 2017, Timothy and Suzanne Monahan have advised the Queensbury Town Board that they wish to subdivide parcel no.: 290.9-1-4, which is lotated at the northern corner of the intersection of Overlook Drive and Rockwell Road in the H�iland Park PUD, into two (2) lots and construct one (1) single-fAmily horne on one (1) of the newly created.parcels,, and WHEREAS, the Town Board must affirm that this proposed project is consistent with the Hiland Park Planned Unit Development as approved by Resolution No. 212.87., and WHEREAS,, the Senior Planner has reviewed the proposed, project to be sure it is in compflance with the PUD Ordinance and Hiland Park PUD and has recommended that the Town Board adopt a Resolution affirming that the proposed project is consistent with the Hiland Park PUD so that the proposal will be able to move forward through the review process, as administered b�y the Queensbury Planning Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby affirms that the proposal by Timothy and Suzanne Monahan to, subdivide parcel no.: 290.9-1-4 which is located at the northern corner of the intersection of Overlook Drive and Rockwell Road in the Hiland Park PUD, into two (2) lots and construct (1) single-family home on one (1) of the tiewly created parcels, is consistent with, the Hiland Park, PUD as approved byTown Board Resolution 212,87, and, BE IT FUWfHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board h6by authorizes and dirmts the Senior Planner to present a certified copy of this Resolution to theMonahans and the Town Planning B,oa.rd, and take such other and further action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resoltition. Duly adopted this 7'n' day of August, 2017, by the following ,vote,. AYES Mr. Strough, Mr. Metivier, Mr. Clements, Mr. Brewer 'NOES None ABSENTr. Irish L Rose Mellon,Deep l'Town Clerk of the Town ol Dueensbury,Warren County, Nein fork®do fierebGef 1Y that I have compared the foquing w1gli tig Ofigi'flal resolution as 11 ted above adopted at a (Z1ejj`v1a,/,' meeting Of the own BoW ofte bwn of Gueensbury haW O'n' tho '1 4 1/1 day ot 11a,,�-) �, M. 20111,at which a quorum was Pment,and that Via si 00=t 1=41 VQNf=, &,W 01!the who%orVbal thereof '10 date, IN WITNESS THEREOF,1W h0mb at my hand and'ft SQL of Wd Thm, of Quemsbufy,ft I S+ day of !S 61 V) '20)-1 ME SM U� Rose M61100 UP,*Tho Clerk Tom at Wansbufy 2