1971-11-04 SP The meeting was declared open to the public. Eugene Fa rchild::.asked about his Mobile Home application. Mr. Solomon stated he would be contacted by the Building Inspector and his application would be probably be taken up at our next meeting. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. 217, introduced by Ate. Austin, who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. RESOLVED that the Audit of Bills as listed on Abstract No. 71-10A numbered 2037 through 2143, totaling $21,313.40 is hereby approved with the exceptions of Audit numbers 2110 and 2138 for a total of ! $125.49 to bring about a new total of $21,187.91. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. On motion,the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Special Meeting November 4, 1971 Members Present: Gerald B. Solomon Supervisor Lloyd Demboski Councilman John Austin, Jr. Councilman j Harold Robillard Councilman 1-- Harold Katz Town Counsel The meeting was opened with a salute to the flag. The following visitors were greeted by the Supervisor: Fred Austin Mary Lou Quinn Kip Grant Mrs. Carl Caprood ` Pliney Tucker Mrs. William Richards( Ed Waters Mr. and Mrs. James Carlaw Wilson Monroe Harwood Beaty The public hearing was declared open on the Mobile Home application of Wilson Monroe. Proof of advertising was shown by the Clerk. There was no one to speak for or against the application RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 218, introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, Wilson Monroe of Burch Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4 of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled: ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed y" mobile home court at property situated at Burch Road and WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance permission is hereby given to Wilson Monroe to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court and that the Building 22- "! Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. The public hearing on the budget for 1972 was declared open at 8 :07 P.M. The budget was read by the Clerk. Mr. Solomon explained the budget to the public and forecast a rate of $10.70 per thousand of assessed valuation. Revised fee schedules for building permits and commercial use of landfill account for some increase in revenue. The major factor is the increase of $1,300,000 in the town' s assessed valuation. The principal items of increase are the recreation program, police protection, fire protection sanita ry. landfill .operation, purchase of three new snowplows to establish three new snow routes, increase to Crandall Library. After opening the meeting to the public Mr. James Carlaw asked if the revenues would be jeopardized by the defeat of the Bond Issue. Mr. Solomon stated that Queensbury could be hurt by this but could not determine how much. Mr. Tucker asked about the Building and Zoning Dept. , the Police Department and the Assessment Department RESOLUTION ADOPTING ANNUAL BUDGET WITHOUT AMENDMENT RESOLUTION NO. 219, introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Demboski. WHEREAS, this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby adopt such preliminary budget as originally compiled, as the annual budget of this town for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of January, 1972 and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this town shall prepare and certify in duplicate, copies of said annual budget as adopted by this Town Board, together with estimates, if any, adopted pursuant to Section 202-a subd.2, of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors of this County. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR 1972 WAS ADOPTED AS FOLLOWS: a a QUEENSBURY TOWN BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1972 1 SUM'O.Y Of TOWS? BUDGET LESS LESS ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED A IMT TO BE `)DE FUND APPROPRIATIONS REVELS BALANCE RAISED BY T --A GENERAL $.'395&04 00 247 ,500.00 _ $ B GENERAL OUTSIDE VILL-A+-3E IIIGHWAY o DR REPAIRS AND IMPROVVE TS 113,856.80_; -06000.00 ---949-0k,QO DB BRIDGES DM CHINERY 71,108.86 : ..��r ,. 00 0 0 - 66:308.86 DS *S1VOW AND .P°TISC 742593.09 c 16n 200, 00 ------° 58 393.09 DE IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 362000.00 9.000.00 ------ 27,00090-0 L PUBLIC LIBRARY Interprise PINEVIEW CEHETERY42.600.00 4ln'600,200 1.000200 ------w-_ SPECIAL DISTRICTS-: (LIST EACH SEPARATELY) SL 1 Fort Amherst Garrison Ana STU Clwrardale Light. 535.00 --° - -w_ 535.00 SIA, So. Queensbury SJ73.00 ---w_-w ----_--- 5,173.00 SL5 w------ - QQ-00 SWl Queensburry- Water 2091,105.48 .154 -659 54 ----- 540445.94 SW2 So. . eensbu,r y'° ,303.7S_ . 28. 920 a 00 � -�. - 50�383.79 . _m SW3 West Glen Fi-llss 74400.00 - ;__5,400.00 na„ 2 000.00 , ---------- SW .. Shore Co1rnnV Weer 2,030°00 �g6�00 12070.00 - - West Glens Fills SW5 Eyctl. Bond 82425 -- ----.. .._-.:....rw 824,2 Queensbury Fire SFl Protecti � - ------.----.._,r -------- 60.z,_723200 Pershing Ashley SS1 QQQjjd&ft sewers .��?JJQ.00 630.00 1 500.00 Pershing Ashley 206p. 0 1000.0.0 1.250.00 SS3 $pae Q Pmr 5,70,00 SD Queensbuxy Drainage. 5,770.00 ------- TOTALS 1.1161328.27 X519-.039-54 _$� 11 5 O.00 $ 5 5.778 73 -_ GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS 143 GENERAL GOVERNMENT SUPPORT LIMINAR'? I G aDGE T ,ACCOUNTS CODE 1.97 � g`aG1N BOARD !` 4 j � Personal Services A1010.1z c ca inn n ► i Equipment A1010 2 ._._ ---'-L—on ni I Contractual Exp,. A1010.14 10_Q00�0 Total A10M0 , JUSTICES Personal Services .A1110,, 1,I-940 0 _ Equipment J A1110 2 Contractual E2cp I A1110,4 ,�..,. ._. a FlO i Total A.1110 0 _ , v.n ni . SUPERVISOR Personal Services A1220, . . inn n ]Equipment A1220,2 _. Y_o ' Contractual Mxp. �A122,0-A4 - Total A1220,0 �. i,;.&nn_n AX COLLECTION ; ersonal Services A1330,1 �'` 50n,n._ Equipment A1.330,2 g . onn.n Contractual Exp A1330,A . Total A1330;.O 9_400 AO ASSES,'SORB Personal Services A1355.1, 15..nn .n n Equipment A1355,2 �.. , _ nn Contractual E, A1355>4 500.0 Total A1355.,0 16.80M TOWN CLEFS 9_Sno..nn Personal Services Equipment ' A1410.,2 �_4 Sn_nn -_ --- Contractual Expo A1410.4 ---- - - Total A1410,,0 11_950.00 ATTORNEY Personal Services A1420 Equipment. A1420,2 nnn nn "pntractuai Expo A1420 4 Total AMMO 4 i t r 6...0....�.,.....,_s.....�....•...-e.,....e...�.,.............•....+A.+•.,.....<....-..,....,...,.........G......._o.m_....,o-.... ..�..........,�2— ...,_. .�.�,...o......�.ep — ..��,..�,... ..,•e.ma.,,.,.... .._-..._.s.,,. _..,s.>,..�.. GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS G AY. G0". NMMT SUPPORT -- — � PRE- : ?: a1.1 ACCOUNTS 1 CODE € 197 C - ENGINEER ersonal Services A1440.1 quipment A1440,2 no Expo A1440.4 3 700.00 TOTAL A1440.0 31700.00 LECTIONS ersonal Services A1450 1 uipmeut A1450�2 v tractual Expo . A145004 8 . TOTAL 7,020.00 BUILDINGS Personal Services A1620�1 7 Am Equipment A1620,l' 2,000.20 Contractual Exp. A1620,4' L800,00 00 TOTAL A16204 a' 19 300.00 SPECIAL ITEMS ' llocated Ipso 1910,4, 0 Municipal Assnh . Dues 1920�4 _„_ Judgments & Clad 1930��a Contingent Accoun 1990,4 . TOTAL _ 11.700 Total General Gov. 1999 0 Support PUBI IC .SAFETY POLICE & CONSTABLE Personal Services 312001 53.600-40 Equipment 1202, .0 000 00 Contractual E*p A312004 , 8 000.00 TOTAL 6446002,M TRAFFIC CONTROL Persoaal Servicsr ' A3316A, Equipment 3310. 2 ....-. - Contractual Exp 0 (A.�......�. ,. t--- TOTAL ! 4 tvU A Q0 CONTROL OF ANT DOG WARDEN Persoaal Services 3510 1 1 500.00 Equipment 3.51f3 2 Contractual Expo . 351004 1,000. 2 5Q0.00 TOTAL 3510,,0 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS PRE- Ln4INARY BUDGE' i 1972 ACCOUNTS CODE 9'4�. ��...v.�,r.... - HEALTH .BOARD OF HEALTH x I Personal ServicesA4010.1 X4004 0 Equipment I A4010.2 - i Contractual Exp� IA4010.4 I 122000 . Total A4010.0 3.600.00 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS i Personal Services A4020.1 too 0 Equipment x,4020.2 Contractual Exp® X4020®4 Total k402O.O 20000 TRA SPORTATIO 11 s PT. OF HIGHWAYS Iersonal Services 5010;.1 $18.500.00 Equipment 5010,2 200.40 contractual Exp,, 410.®.4 TOTAL 010.0 182600-001 GARAGE Personal Service t5132.4 132x1 EQUIPMENT 132.2 Contractual E:ep a 5 OOO.aO TOTAL 132.0 5 000.00 STREET LIGHTING liq .i Contractual Expo 5182.4 Qqn nn I Total Trensportatic 'A5999ed j PUBLICITY Econom:�c Assistai ce and Opl ortunity Personal Services A641001 Equipment 64]0 a 2 . -•---- $ I Contractual 6410.4 6 000.00 TOTAL 6410.,0 6,'000.00 W-TERANS SERVICES rsonal Services A6510.1 � .- ipment A6510.2 Contractual A6510,4 400o0a ? TOTAL A6510.0 LL A,. otal Economic: Assi tanceA69, 9.0 6400®00 �__ P&NERAL , PROPRIAprls.._- ----------- PRE- LLg1NARY BUDGETS � . ACCOUNTS CODE 1972 -- 4ULTURE - ulcREATION YOUTH PROGRAM Personal Services 7310.1 16�250.00 Equipment 17310.2 1,540.00 Contractual Expo . 7310.4 . 2.850.00 Total 7310.0 20_,600.00 JOINT YOUTH PROJECT Contractual Exp® 7320®4 1 450.00 LIBRARY Contractual Expu 7410.4 19 200.00 HISTORIAN Personal Services A7510.1 250.00 .--'.pment / 7 510 0 2 _.._...... dL.ractual Expo A7510.4 otal 751000 300 .0 CELEBRATIONS Personal Services A7550.1 Equipment 7550.2 Contractual Exp. 7550.4 200.00 Total 7550.0 200.00 TOTAL CULTURE- RECREATION X7999.0 41,750.00 HOME AND C MMUNITY SERVICES ZONING Personal Services ' 8010.1 Equipment A 8010.2 Contractual Exp., 010.4 1 200.00 Total � 010.0 11, PLANNING 18 500.00 .. Personal Searvice�s 020.1 �--- Fn tpment 020.2 100.00 C :ractual Exp.. 020..4 • 20 otal 020 a.0 600®00 General Fund jrAaEooriat ions ACCOUNTS CODE PRELD 01-NARY BUDGET 1972 RESEARCH Contractual Exp. , A8 030.4 $- 1 000s00 Total A8030.0 12000.00 REFUSE AND GARBAGE Personal Services AA160.1 Contractual Exp® A8160.4t,QQQ,�QQ Total A8160.0 COMMUNITY BEAUTIFICATION Personal Service A8510..1 $_.2 .044144 Contractual Exp. A851.0.4 300.00 Total A8510.0 TOTAL HOME AND C4IrIlyt[)NITY SERVICE $ 46.300.. 0 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retire A9410.8 $ _8,600.00 Police & Fire Retire A9415.8 20855.00 Social Security A9030.8 �_ _ _____ Workmens Comp, A9040..8 --j-0-655-P-0 Hosp. & Medical Insurance A9060.8 6,484,a D Total Employee Benefits A9199,0 $_K9,9694.00 INTERFUND TRANSF P'ineview Cemetery A9514.9 _ 27.v600.00 Total Interfund Transfers $ 27�„640 b 00 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Capital Notes A9740.6 Total Principal; A9899.6 „�000,_QO INTEREST Capital Notes A9740.7 $,_._. 7-5.0-.QQ Total Interest A9899.7 $ 750.00 TOTAL GENERAL APRROPRIATION Page 1 _________ $395,804X0 ^ t GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES LOCAL SOURCES ACCOUNTS CODE Interest and Penalties on Real Property Taxes A1090 $ 2,100©00 Non-Property Tax Distribution by County A1120 58 000,00 DF;'ARTMENTAL INCOME Tax collection fees A1232 _QQ,QQ Clerk Fees A1255 3.350,00 Police Fees A1520 300,00 Zoning Fees A2110 1 200,00 USE OF MONEY AND t PROPERTY Interest and Earnings A2401 $ 2 ,500.00 LICENSES AND PERMITS Dog License Fund Apportionment A2544 22800 00 °ermits (,tunic yard) A2590 159 Q 3uilding Permits A2555 116500.00 -.tines and Forfeited Bail A2610 13 000.00 Total Estimated Revenues from Local Sources TATE AID PerCapita A30014�. Q0 Mortgage Tax A3005 35 000 ,00 Youth Programs A3820 32300.00 Total Estimated State Aid A3999 $152,300.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES page 1 $247,500.00 ';STMTED UNEXPENDED ALANCE page 1 3,800,00 -7- General Fund Enterprise Pine View Cemetery ACCOUNT CODE Preliminary 2udg t 11,2 line Vier Cemetery _'ersonal Services C8810.1 Equipment C881042 149M)0 Contractual Exp. 08810 A 64304.A00 Total C8810.0 37 7_*.Wo 0 Employee Benefits State Retirement 09010.8 ._9-OD,D0 Social Security C9030.8 1-bOD D Workmens Comp. C9040.8 9'00A0 Hosp. & Medical Ins, 1.0500200 Total Employee .Benefits C9199.0 9AQ..QS? TOTAL ENTERPRISE APPROPRIATIONS _i42�600.Q � ESTIMATED REVENUES Sale Cemetery lots C2190 $ 7,009.00 Cemetery Services C2192 7.000.00 General Fund "gransfer 02810 27, 2MQQ ,_„dotal Estimated Revenues From •,�`,s Sources $ 41,60Q,.00 Estimated unexpended Balance 12000.00 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATIONS (Repairs and Improvements Iteml GENERAL REPAIRS Personal Services DR5110.1 62.440.00 Contractual Exp.. DR5110.4 SM.00 Total DR5110.0 2ZI240.00 UNDISTRIBUTED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DR9010,8 5.930.96 Social Security DR9030.8 32454.88 Workmens Comp. DR9040.8 39000.00 hospital & Medical DR9060.8 30530096 Total Employee Benefits DR9199.0 152916.80 TOTAL ITEM I APPROPRIATIONS (1) $1132856.80 HIGHWAY FUND APPROPRIATION (continued) ACCOUNT � � CODE ."..tl..� PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 MACHINERY (Item 3 MACHINERY Personal Services DM5130.1 yy.3!pment DM5130,2 gQQgQQ Contractual Exp. iR5130.4 Z�,40QO�QQ Total DM5130_0QQgQ UNDISTRIBUTED EKPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DM9010_8 Social Security DM9030.8 442.00 Workmens Comp_. DM9640.8 34Q.QQ Hosp. & Medical Ins. DM9060.8 481. 0 Total DM9199.0 2,331.97 DEBT SERVICE: PRINCIPAL Bond Anticipation Notes DM9730.b apital Notes DM9740.6 14 908.00 . Total Principal OM989 9. 32 Q2$,OQ INTEREST Bond Anticipation Notes M730.7 2 108_ .80 Capital Notes DM9 740.7 1.140 Total Interest DM9899.7 3.248.89 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Item III page 1 $ 71A108,86 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS tem 4) MISC ELLANEOUS -(Brush and Weeds) Contractual Exp. DS5140.4 1 M09.QQ Total DS51 0,�O 1 000.00 SNOW REMOVAL Personal Services DS5142.1 50 880.00 Contractual Exp.. Total DS5142.0 65 880.00 -9- jHighway Fund Appropriation continued ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 (Snow 4 Miscellaneous Item IV continued" EMPLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement DS9010.8 Social Security —6S-74630.8 2,91? Workmens Comp. _DS 9.0.4,Q 8- —1*10 Hasp. & Medical Ins. DS9060.8 1.324.11 Total DS9199.0 �=73L.Q_9 7 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Item IV page I IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO, DE5150 Meadowbrook Personal Services DE5150.1 2.857.00 Contractual Exp. 16ff1 S- 6-._4 8,000,00 Employee Benefits DE5150.8 A 3-,,QO- Total Project No. DE5350 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO.DE5151 Picklehill Personal Services DE5151.1 9 1 Contractual DEP. DE Employee Benefits 6E—ffSl 8 Total Project No. DE5,151 24.300.00 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. DE5152 Sunset Trail Personal Services DE5152.1 Contractual acpv , DE5152.4 Employee Benefits Total Project No. DE5152 ZJ2 IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM NO. DE5153 Meadowbrook Bridge Personal Services DE5153.1 ,Z...00 Contractual Up.- DE5153, 1.200.00 Employee Benefits iseff! Total Proj4wt No. DE5153 1.2380.00 TOTAL APPROPRIATION pa a_-I 360000.00 aa�K HIGHWAY FUNDS - ESTIMATED REVENUES ACCOUNT CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 i Re�airs and I.mprovemen�s (Item *) LOCAL SOURCES Interest & Earnings DR2401 $ 1,000.00 STATE AID Mileage & Valuation Aid DR3507 90000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page I $10,000.00 TOTAL ESTIM& UNEXPENDED BALANCE p4ge 1 2,000.00 LOCAL SOURCES Machinery (Item 3) Interest & Earnings DM2401 1.20 ��10 Rental of Equip, DM2416 3 600.00 )TAL ESTIMATED � EVENUES Page 1 4„$00.00 Total Estimated Unexpended Balance page I None Snow & Miscellaneo a (Item 4) LOCAL SOURCES Services for Other Governments DS2300 $16x200.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 $161, 0 00 Total Estimated Unexpended Balance pale 1 None Highway. Improvem t Program STATE AID Highway Improvement rogram DE3521 99000.00 metal Estimated Revenues page 1 _9 -000900 Total Estimated Unexpended Balance pa e I Done SLl PORT AMHERST GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 APPROPRIAT TONS �- ontractuai Mitp. 5182.4 $ 2�.025R0® Total 2 02500 ESTIMATED REVENUES None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED W-LANCE ww ir�e �ar �• � �'c•Jirk •k#*•k �da�rAc�Iralrk�ksRr SL2 CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Exp. 5182.4 Total 535.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES None Estimated Unexpended Balance None SL3 PINEWOOD LIGHTING' DISTRICT iontractual Exp. 5182.4 Total 90.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES None 7 .STMTED UNEXPEN4YO BALANCE $ 10.00 SL4 SOUTH 2UEENSBBUURY LIGHTING DISTRICT Contractual Exp. . 5182.4 Total 5,17 3..00 ESTIMATED REVENUES None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE None _. �Ik�kir�c�ilr�ir �+r9t�k*Anksk�te��#�,k��k^�rk�e �* -12-• R aa� M SL5 WEST QUE"SBURY LI('11TING DISTRICT ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1372 C itractual Exp. 5182.4 $ 4p 700.00 --Total 700.,00 m ESTIMATED REVENUE'S None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE None SW2 SOUTH OUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Contractual Exp, SW8310A $ 3,200..00 Total SW8310o0 30,200.00 SOURCE OF SUPPLY®, POWER & PUMPING Contractual Exp,, SW8320.4 Total SW8320..0 280250.:00 7 NSMISSION & 1 TRIBUTION z"ipmeat SW8340.2 32000.00 Contractual Exp, SW8340.:4 3 ,000.00 Total SW8340.0 6,000:00 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Bond Anticipation Notes SW9730.6 $17-92U5686 Total Principal SW9899.6 17.275p86 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST . SW9730.7 24 577e93 Total Interest SW9899.7 24.577,93 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS paged $79,303.79 R.�E3_ T =ED Metered Sales SW2140 $JL720.40 Water Connection Chg. SW 144 1,200,00 T( AL REVENUES page 1 U-8-J-2-0,00 L— UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED None SW3 WEST GLENS FliLLS WATER DISTRICT ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINIARY BUDGET 1972 ADNINISTRAR!?:�;, -- Contractual Exp. SW8310.4 fi w50:00 Total SW8310.0 95C1,00` w SOURCE OF SUPPLYO POSER & PUMPING Contractual Exp. SW8320 4 $ 4AQ00„ .„QO Total SW8320.0 4000 w00 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Contractual Fxp. SW8340.4 $ 2.450.00 Total SW8340.0 22450.00 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION page 1 $ 7 _400.00 REVENUES ESTIMATED Metered Sales SW2140 $ 4$5,,_Q0 Unmetered Sales SW2142 -Ax 71_5.00 Water Connection Chg SW2144 100.00 Interest on Deposits SW2401 1Q0�QQ TOTAL REVENUES Page 1 5,400.00 UNfEXPIEX)ED BALANCE ESTIMATED Page ] 29000.00 SW 4 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Personal .S.ervices. SW8310.1 0 Total SW8310.0 765.00 SOURCE OF SUPPLY$, POWER & PUMPING Contractual Exp. SW8320.4 $____5 Q9AQ Total SW8320.0 5 .00 PURIFICATION Contractual Exp. SW8330.4 $_,,..,�1 1QQ _ Total SW8330.0 15o00 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Contractual Exp. SW8340.4 $ 1 Zoo,.00 Total SWE,340,€l 1.200.00 _._ SW 4 SWORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION ( CONTDs) ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION page 1 $ 22030.'00 RM ENUES ESTIMATED Unmetered Sales SW2142 Water Connection Chg SW2144 200,00 TOTAL REVENUE.S Page 1 $ 960000 UNEXPENDED ,BALANCE ESTIMATED Page, 1 $ 1. 070 0,00 . � �riF� yriiR .:.�#+�r#ldrarsc Sk5 . WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT BOND ACCIT EXT '. 1 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SW9.7"� 5 $_525�00 Total. Principal mItiss 99 t.( 525 D00 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SW97100' 7 $ 299025 Total Interest SW98990'7 299025 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS page 1 $ 824025 REVENUES ESTIMATED Page 1 None UNEXPENDED BALANCE ESTIMATED Page 1 Nba19 �k�k�k�kilr�k�k�lle�lr�c __SW1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT ADMINISTRATTON Personal Sp ices SW8310,1 $19.2685. Contractual Expo: SW8310.4 Q2.724.99 2:�.� .0 Total Si+�8310.0 •l5� SW 1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATION (CONTD.) ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 SOURCE OF SUPPLY, POWER & PUMPING �. Personal Services SW8320.1 2_,_032 00 Equipment SW8320.2 459 - Contractual Exp. SW8320.4 9,,_200,x,00 Total SW8320.0 $11„�682�00 PURIFICATION Personal Sew aes SW8330.1 Equipment SW8330.200�.00 Contractual Exp. SW8330.4 ills,388,34 Total SW8330.0 ,,,598�34 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Personal Services SW8340.1 $4-Zxj644L,9 Equipment SW8340.2 4450_00 Contractual Exp. SW8340.42„ Q00,00 Total SW8340.0 69,.,094_00 UNDISTRIBUTED E.4PLOYEE BENEFITS State Retirement SW9010.8 Social Security SW9030.8 _.2-9�7 Comp. Insurance SW9040.8 _x.70...00 Hosp. & Medical Ids. SW9060.8 .„ Ia{QQ„,00 Total SW9199.0 9,477 27 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SW9710.6 $15 000.00 Bond Anticipation SW9730.6 13P.475.00 Capital Notes SW9740.6 Budget Notes SW9750.6. 2 05 00.00 Total Principal SW9899.6 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SW9710.7 $149,462.50 Bond Anticipation SW9730.7 13_o171.38 Capital Notes SW9740.7 1460-11-5-0 Budget Notes SW9750.7 Total Interest SW9899.7 X29.383.88 TOTAL WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS page 1 , 209„105.48 -16- Sia 1 t2UEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT REVENUES (ESTIMATED) ACCOUNTS ,O,jr PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 Metered Sales SW2140 $ ,$2:4 4 Unmetered Sales SW2142 85 000.00, �. Water Connection Chg. SW2144 4----"--- Supervision SW2770 4 915.00 Repairs other Dists. SW2770 _10.000�00 Sale Scrap,Materials SW2650 1 000.00 Rental Machinery SW2416 450.00 TOTAL REVENUES (ESTIMATED) page 1 $154,, 659.54_____ TOTAL UNEXPENDED BALANCE (ESTIMATED) Page 1 None �IlMnkz4�k�IrJk�lir�Ar s1�k�7kyk�Ir�nk�ik�c�ir�F�k�k�k�Ar�k�r�Ir�kilrk�r�tMr�ink�k�lic�l#�kk�C9ir SF1 QUEENSBURYYFFIRE -PROTECTION DISTRICT Payments m Fire Contracts SF13410.4 $ 50.000.00 Payments on Ambulance contracts 4 500000 Insurance, etc. �23.00 Total $ 60,723.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 $ None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE Page $ None SS1 PERSHING ASHLEY COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT SEWAGE TREATMENT & DISPOSAL Contractual SS8130.4 $ 2 ,130,00 Total SS8130.0 2,130.00 TOTAL SEWER DIST. APPROPRIATIONS $ 29130.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE page 1 -17- SS2 PERSHING ASHLEY COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT EXT. 4 ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL '—'Serial Bonds, SS9710.6 $ 270._00 Total. SS9899.6 270.00 DEBT SERVICE INTEREST Serial Bonds SS9710.7 Total SS9899.7 36.00 TOTAL SEWER DIST, APPROPRIATION -page l $ 06, 00 TOTAL SEWER DISTRICT page 1 ESTIMATED REVENUES None ESTIMATED SEWER DIST. UNEXPENDED BALANCES page .1 N no . �nAr9Vnkk�Eks�kl t�irle�ki�slt�lck�k*k�ts�nk�k�k iMrkilr* SS3 RESERVOIR PARR SEWER DISTRICT SEWAGE TREATMENT & DISPOSAL 'Contractual Exp. SS8130.4. $... Q8..44 Total SS8130.0 . DEST SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SS9710.6 Total SS9899.b 800.00 DEBT INTEREST Serical Bonds SS9710.7 $_.... :Z..00 Total SS9899.7 -5 OQ TOTAL SEWER DIST, APPROPRIATIONS Page l t_2 250.00 TOTAL SEWER DIST. ESTIMATED REVENUES Page 1 None ESTIMATED SEWER DIST. UNEXPENDED BALANCE Page 1 SD 1 QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE DISTRICT DEBT SERVICE PRINCIPAL Serial Bonds SD9710.6 $ 5.000.00 Total. SD9899.6 5"000.00 S (�gEENSBURje DRAINAGE --ICT (CONTD.) �� S ACCOUNTS CODE PRELIMINARY BUDGET 1972 "EBT SERVICE 4TEREST Trial Bonds SD9710°7 $._....._ZI9-a PQ Total. SD9899 7 770.00 TOTAL DRAINAGE DIST. APPROPRIATION Page $ 51770.00 TOTAL DRAINAGE DIST. ESTIMATED REVENUES None ESTIMATED DRAINAGE DIST. UNEXPENDED BALANCE page None SCHEDULE OF SALARIES' OF ELECTED TOWN OFFICERS (Article 8 of the Town Law) Supervisor $ 70000.00 uncilman 2,400000 ` uncilman 2,400,00 Councilman 2,400.00 Councilman 2,400000 Town Clerk 7,500.00 Highway Superintendent 99700x00 -19- f 2243 County Supervisor Harwood Beaty spoke and commended the Town Board for holding the line on taxes. The Active list of the West Glens Falls Fire Co. was received and placed on file in the office of the Town Clerk. The report on the settlement of water rents and unpaid water rents were received by the board from the tax collector and placed on file in the clerk' s office. The Town Clerk' s report was read and placed on file. The mobile home application of Carl Caprood was brought before the board. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TEMPORARY PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 220, introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, Carl Caprood of Connecticut Ave. Glens Falls has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (b) Section 4 of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled: ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated at Ohio Ave. Glens Falls and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, temporary permission is hereby given to Carl Caprood to locate a mobile home outside of a licensed mobile home court for a period of one year and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. The Mobile Home applications of Robert Widrick and Francis Dowd were tabled to the next meeting. The Town Board will take a trip to the Town of Newburg"n Saturday to visit their new Filtration plant. A letter was received from T. Flaherty Water Superintendent requesting the Town Board to advertise for bids for materials needed by the Water Dept. for the installation of services. BE RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS ON MATERIALS TO USED BY THE WATER DEPT IN THE INSTALLATION OF SERVICES RESOLUTION N0. 221, introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Demboski. WHEREAS, Thomas Flaherty, Water. Supt. of the Town of Queensbury has recommended to the Town Board that we purchase more material for the installation of services, therefore be it RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury solicit sealed bids for the purchase of materials and that the following notice be published once in the official town newspapers in the following form: .._ NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will receive sealed proposals on materials for :the Queensbury Water Dept. A complete copy of the specifications will be available in the office of the Town Clerk. Bids will be received up to 5:00 P. I. on the 2nd day of December, 1971 at the Town Clerk' s office in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads, Glens Falls, New York. Bids must be submitted in sealed OPAQUE envelopes marked Water Department Materials and there shall be included in such bid the certificate of Non-Collusion required by Section 103D of the General Municipal Law and the bidder must state appm x imate date of delivery. 224 The Town Board will meet at the Queensbury Town Office Building at 8:OO P.M. on the 2nd day of December, 1971 at which time bids will be opened and read aloud. - The Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated: November 4, 1971 Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Duly adopted by the following vote: _. Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Pbillard and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE AT CONFERENCE RESOLUTION NO °222, introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Demboski RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to two members of the Water Dept. to attend the fall meeting of the Adirondack Water- Works Conference held in Albany, New York October 14, 1971 and that the actual and necessary expenses incurred in such attendance is a proper town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None. RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A TRAFFIC LIGHT AT ROUTE 9 AND FOSTER AVE. RESOLUTION NO. 223, introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Demboski. WHEREAS,the'::Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has recommended that a new dual traffic light be installed at Route 9 and Foster Ave. therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury solicit sealed bids for the installation of above mentioned light and that the following notice be published once in the official town newspapers in the following form: NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will receive sealed proposals on the installation of a Traffic Control Light at Route 9 and Foster Ave. A complete copy of the specifications will be available in the office of the Town Clerk Bids will be received up to 5:00 P.M. on the 2nd day of December, 1971 at the Town Clerk' s office in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads, Glens Falls, New York. Bids must be submitted in sealed OPAQUE envelopes plainly marked Traffic Control Bid and there shall be included in such bid the certificate of Non►-Collusion required by Section 103D of the General Municipal Law and the bidder must state approximate date of installation. The Town Board will meet at the Queensbury Town Office Building at 8:00 P.M. on the 2nd day of December, 1971 at which time the bids will be opened and read aloud. The Town Board reserves the right. to reject any or all bids. Dated: November 4, 1971 Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Supervisor Solomon reminded the people and the press that the public hearing on the new West Queensbury Water District will be held at 8:00 P.M. on November 11. John Austin commended the Election Inspectors and the Custodians for the good job done on Election Day and also asked that if any candidates displayed posters or signs on the poles along the highways they should be removed immediately se as not to create a litter problem in the town. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk