Site Plan Application :neral Information 'Fax Parcel ID Number 23,920-1 Zoning District: WR Lot size. 13,691 s1" Detailed.Descriptimi of Project, [Includes current&I proposed use„] ttd—mat _ u1 � .Site 6t,+� ; 1 � k��, wl ' 'e� 1�l:V�i �•eside�� ��ri i:� s1' i�rY rravements to include s new astc etas sy,t maa andCorm. wat;e:r ra anagernuent for the r<ew irrmpmwus areas. 11,ocation of project: 2934 Rt. 9L pplivaaName: Michael ser°ini Address: 177 Chapel Ii 11 Rd. Highland,NY Home Phone 5•406-188 , � m .8454o,6-1,882.N .� �. �. � ...... Woark Phone 845-795-1135 Fax 1145--79.5-1137 ud,. sscrin4hvecm.com. Agen s Name. Dennis MacEiroy Addressm 4 Glons Falls Toch PaTk,Box 5 GF,.NY Home Phone Cell. 51� 37614,485518 792''-8f1,11 WorkPhone 518 761-0317 F 518 371-9,540 -Ina dry iron@p I Cp.co Owner's Name Add ss same as applicant Hom,jo,Phone Cell Work Phone Fax cul 9 Site Plan.Review application-Revised October 9:1116 ' 'own of Queensbury Planning Of ce-742 Bay Road, Queensbury,'1 Y 1 804 Site: Development Lata Area Type Existing sq. ft. Proposed Total sq. t. Addition sq. ft. A. Btiijding fbo1.prrnt 67' -672)+ 1,008 1008 . ..�,�� B. Detached Ciara, c G. Accessory Stracture(5) D. Paved,gavel or other hard Sarm hiked area 2511 (-1175) 2406 . -he,/D cck s348 (-34'8)+3' 6' 3916 F. Offic�r . Total Non-Permeable [Add -fl 3531 279, 3810, H. Parcel.Area [ 3,5 0 sq, ft. /acre] 13691 136691 .13691. I. Peres eta e of Impermeable Area of Site [17G/I- 25.8 2.0 27,8 Setback Requirements Area Required Existi, g Proposed Front[1 30 66 78.66 Front[ ] 1uom'eline 50 92 7 I _ Suds Yard [1] 20 20 N- 17 . Side Yard) [2] 20 5 - 17.0 gear Yard (1 g emir Yard [2] Travel Corridor NA Height [max] 28 24 27.8 Permeability 75% 74.2 72.2 I�o, of parking spaces 2 2+ Site PI Review m a7alicatren—Revised October 201 Town ofQueensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road,Queunsbury,NY 12804 Additional Project Information I Will the proposal require a Septije Variance rom, tbe,Town Board of Health? issucd Augmst'20,17 2. Ifthe parcel.has previous approvals, list application numbcrs): 3. Does this project require coverage under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. (SPDES) P'ernlit.Program ? M 4, Estimated project duration: Start Date Sept-2019 — End Date Jvtay 20,119 5, Estimated total crust of project: $350000 --,— .............................................. " 6. "Total area of land disturbance fdrproject: 7400 s Floor Area Ratio Worksheet FLOOR AREA. RATIO (FAR) — The relationship of building, size to lot size,, derived by dividing the total building floor area by the lot size in square feet, yielding a percentage, -T,�;Tin 'Distdct Symbol Floor At ea Ratio [FAR] Waterfront Residential WR 0.22 Commercial Moderate/Intensive CM/ C1 0.3 A. "I'he combined area of all square footage, as measure fiom exterior walls of all structures o-n. the pr,operty, including all Doors of the structures,, garages, basements and afticswith more than fiv (5) feet of ceiling height and wvered porchr-&, Building square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered dooks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred, twenty (120) square feet, or less. Any additional shcds will be included. (See"FLOOR AREA RAT 10"). B., Conune.rcial or industrial: the total area in square,fed as,Tneasuired fro�m the exteriot of the utside walls of a building or structure, and whuen applicable, the sum total of all floor areas, of the principal. and acces,sory buildings or structures on the project site. A, Parcel Ama 1 1 sq. I 1,340 finition] Existing Floor,Area sq. ft. [see above de C. Proposed Additional Floor Area (1340) --2289 sg. ft. D -ea. Proposed Total Floor At 2 9 L To�tal Allowable Floor Area 3,012 (Area x U2 J I'see above table] *If D is larger than E. a variance:or revisions to your plan may be needed.. Consult with Staff. 4 She P'lan Review application—Revised October 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Offlice-742 Bay Road,Queensbuiy,NY 128114 § 179-9-0810 Reguirements forl Sfte,P1an,ApL!.rovaL The Planning Board shall not approve a Site flat unless it first detennines, that such, site plan meets the �following Standards. Please prepaie responses to each of thle following topics: STANDARDS A. 'Tho pro Nosed project Furthers or is consistent with the poli,o[es of Ole Town's Cornpreliensive Plan. *'(&-j E The proposed prDjcct col withal[other requirements of this Chapter,includjag the site plan revicm standards as set faith irt Paragraph i F'of dilssection,the dimensional,bulk and density regulefions of thric ironing district,in which it is proposed to be located(Article 3 and Table 1),the applicable requirements of all other Article-,;fliat apply- WAVE 11 C. Tht,site plan encourages pedestrian activity irternally arid„ if practicable,W,and from the site with pedestrian pallis or,si7de-,Walks connectTerd to adjacent areas. DAA a D. 'llie site plan inust con6nn to War 136 Sewage,and Sewage Disposal,C1ap1cr 147 Stormwater Managirment Local Law,and other applicable local laws. F_ The proposed use shall be In harmony with the:gejieral purpose or intent of this:Chapter,specifically talking into accoil the locrWon, character and si[ire of the plvposed use and the description and,purpose of the district in which such use is proposed,the nature and intensity Of the al to be involved in or conducted in.connection with the proposed,use and the nature and rate of any increase in the burden on supporting public services and faci I!ties Mlich wi I I fol law the approval of ULe proposed use., F. "The establishment, Maintenance and operation of the proposed use wii I mnot create public hazards from traffic,traffic Congestion or the parking of vehicles adlor equipment or be otherwise detrimental to the heattli,safety or general welfare of persons residing or working,in the neighborhood or to tile general weMire of the town, Traffito access fAuid eircisiRtion,road intersections,road and driveway widths and traffic controls wi I I be adquate. %li G. Off-street parkingand l9oading facilities will be appropriately located and arranged and sufficient to meet traffic anticipated to bile generated by the new use, The establishment of vehicle Iftliks between parking alvas of adjaelent pmpe.rtles are provided where f=slble, This furdLen, the'rown.'s goal of redli Curb cuts and reducing Congestion. A twcoty-folot wide connection is required. If adjacent properties arc either undeveloped or previously doveloped without having made provision for fUtUrC linkage, then a future connection must be identifled and provided for in the site plan under review for such fliulire linkage when the time arises, i'llie,plannitig Board may require prooftliat the applicant has made contact with adjacent property owners for purposes of coorditiating lill with adjacent properties. H The project shall not have an,undue adverse impact upon the natural.,scenic,aesthetic,ecological,wildlife,historic,recreational Or open space resources of the'lown or the Adirondack Park or upon the:adequate provision of supporting facilities and services made necessary by the project,taking into account the CQI-amercial, industrial,residential,recreational or other benefits that might be derived from the project, In making the dr-termination hereunder,the Plal Board shall consider r those fAclors perdnemt to the Project contained in the developillent considerations get forth.liercin under§ 1791-9-080,of this Chapter,,and in so doing, the Planning Board 8haH make a.net overall evaluation of the prpjcct inrelation to the development objectives and general guidelines set fbi-di in § 179-9-0901of this Ajdicile, —i L The Provision for and,arrangementI of pedestrian traffic access and.,circularion,,walkway struchires,control of intcrscc­fl lith vehicular traffic and ovzral I pedestrian convenience shall be safe and adequate for pedestrian moyerniniu, Pedestrian connections berw"n adjacent ices shal I be provided to trielaurago pedestrian use. Storinwater di-Wrtagefaci litics wi 1.1 prevent an Inercase of post development drainage flows as compared to pre-developmcrit drainage flows. Drainage of the site shall ilecharge ground water to the extent practical, Surface waters flol off-site shall not degrade any streallils or adversely affect drainage on adjacent properties nor public roads. Facilities shall be in conformance with the drainage standards ofChaptcr 147 of the Town Code and the Tovai oft ueensbury Subdivision.Regulations where applicable, --i K. The water supply and,sewage disposal facilities wil I bile adequate and wi H meet all applicable and cunvnt requirements set forth by Deparl of Health regulations and Chapter r 1,36 of the Town Coude. The adequacy„type and arrangement of trees,shrubs and other suitable plantings,landscaping and screening,shall effectively provide a visual and/or noise buffer between the applicants and adjoining lands, hicludbig the maxilmum retention of existing vegetation.and maintenance, [bicludirig replacement of dead or deceased plants. -i M, Fire lailie9l,emergency zones and fire hydrants will be adequate and meet,the needs and rCClUjrCMCntS Of CMCrgcnCY SeTVjC,�er providers. 'lie design of structures,roadways and landscaping in areas susceptible to ponding, flooding and/or erosion wi.]I ininimize or avoid such impacts to the maximurn extent praelicable� 0The site plan conforins to the design standards,landscaping standards and perforinari.ce standards ofthis chapter. Site i, ,Plait Review application—Revised October-20161 Town of Queensbury Planning 0111ce-742 Bay Road, Queetisbury.NY 128041 1.79-9-0_50 Ctae klist-Application for Site Plan Review. Application materials and site,plan shall in.cluduffloient inf."orrnation for the and to review and provide a decision. The applicant is to provide a site plan drawing' d all attachments that addres�,,,, iterns A-V, The applicant may reqaest a waiver from A7V and is to provide reasons or waiverl s) requested., Pleas.e label, infonnation tea 'b submitted. REQUIREMENTS Sheet N A, A vicinity map drawn at the scale that shows thelitions1iip afmopropo"Sal to existing Gommunity l-doilifies wIllich aff"t or serve ft,SUCII as nada,Shopping areas,schools,etc,. The map shall also shoNr all properties,, HentIfy owners, stibdivisions,streets and casements within 500 feet of the propeaty. Such a sketch may be superimposed on a UniW States '.gL l2g cal Survey rnap�of t4earea, The site p1lansttall be drawn at a scale of forty feet to the inch(I"=40 foot)or such other scale as the Planning Board may dewn appropriate,on standard 24"x 36"shocts.,with continuation on 9 10.N D I"sheets as necessary for wilitten S-1,9-2, S-3 information. The infornnaflon listed 4elow shall be si),own on the s[te plan and continuation slieets. C. S-1 - S-8 ,and D, Name and a 'ess of the owner of record,developer, and seal oftheengineer, architect or landscape orchitect. If the SA -S-8 applicant is not the record owner,a letterof authorization shall be�Ic q c owner. E The locad on and use of all exi"Sting and proposed structures within the property,i I n I cluding all dimensions of hrmighiFa;ii"­­'� ftoor area,iit1_eLSriormtranccs,,and all anticipated future addltion$and alterations. S-2, S`-3 The location of a]I present and proposed public and private ways,Off-street parki ag,areas,driviaways, owdoor,storage areas, sidewalks,ramps,curbs,paths, landscaping,walls and fences. Unalion,type and screening details for all waste disposal S-2.' S-3 containers sliall allso be,sftown. G. 11re lncaticmuM,h ight,intensityand bulb type,(sodiurn,incandescent,etc.)of all external Hghting hnetures, Thedirection of in co - o adjoininem ties profles inust also be shown, mlianceith 179- pw6-020, it lutnination and methods to eliminate glarr ont H '[1)1e location,height,size,materials and design of all propued signs. NA The Imati,onewageofoall present septiosysteand proposedutility systems including: - ,S- 1, Srrn; 1 Water supply system; 3, Telephone,cable and electrical systeiyu',and 4. Storm drainage system including existinand proposed drain lines,culverts,catch basins,headwalls,endwalls, 9 hydrants,manholes acid drainage swales J. Plans to prevent the pollution of surface or groundwattr:,trosion of soil both during and after construction,excessive runoff S-71S-S and flooding of'other properfics,as applicable- A Storinwater Polludon Prevention Plan(S PPP)for all land development activities(excluding agricultural activities)on the site that results in land disturbance of one acre:or more, A SWPPP shall comply with the requirements:of the DEC SPI)LIS M S4 GaileTal Permit and Chapter 147 of the To,"Vn of Queensbury Code- It shall be at the,discretion of the Planning Board as towhuthtr a SWPPPor an erosion and control plan slufll be, required for asite plan review project latid disturbance:ofless than one acre. K Existing and proposed topography at two-foot contour intervals,or sit ch other tontolu r interval as the Planning Board sha,I I S-2N S-31, allow. All elevations shall refer to the nearest United States Coastal and Geodefic Bench Mark- If any portion of the parcel S-7 is within the 100-year floodplain,flie area,will be shown and base flood elevations given. Areas,Shall be indicated Withart the proposed Site and Nvfthin 50,Feet of the proposed site where soil removal or filling.is required,showing the approximate volume in cubic yards.. A landscape plan showing till existing natural land features than may influence the design of the propossed use such as rook outcrops,,stands of trees,single trees eight or niore inches in djamarer,forest cover and water sources and all proposed S-2,S-3 changes to these features,including sizes and typos of plants. Water sources include ponds,takes,wetlandis and watercourses,aquifers,floodpJains and droittage retention areas. A Land Use District boundaries within 500 Rel of the site's perimeter shall be drawn and identified on the sibe plan,as well as any Overlay Districts that apply to,the pmpejV�, 6 Site Plan Review application,—Revised October 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Office-:742 Bay Road, Queerisbury.NY 12804 REQUIREMENTSr.°gVT1. BY'sD Baser 4 emus w hipin the situ, w ntranm es wand cxits lo^adin and unloading l , rb cuts Traffic 1"1ev��part �� � adin�much as rvelil a�eurrb cuts on,,dre site and M(1)41 100 feet of thu site, The Planning Board may,at its discretion,require a detailed traffic study for largedevelopments or. ' for thosc in heavy traffic areas;,vv'hicia sleek inaludem I. Tht*projectcd n Heber ofnvotor vehicle trips to enteg,or leave the site,,estMimpawrat"l for weekly and annual peak hourtrafflc le-velsp 2„ Pke,projectc+d traffic flow pattern including vehicular movennents at all major intersections likely to be affected by glee proposed use of the:sitep f, The impact of this traffic on levels of service on abutting public streets and at affected intersections. Existing,and proposed weekly and an ual.pedtlu hour traffic levels and road capacity levels shall also be given, , F'or raev^construction or y stnrcture,a table ntainind the ffillowing fnforrruation shall be included° NA 1. Estimated area of;structa;4re to be used for particular purposes Stich as retain operation,office, Storage,etc..; 2. Estimated naaxia•num number oferrmployeesp 3, Maxiitrauuru writing capacity,where applficable,T and 4. Number of parkingspaces;esistlua,q and requited for time intended use. mm , P. 1. Floo�rPlans. attached 2. Elevations,at a kale of one-quarter inch equals one Root('1/4-- 1 foot)fbr al exterior facades of the proposed structure(s) and/oar alterations to or expansions ofex.i,sting facades,shovwing desipan features and indicating,the type and color ofmnatcrials to be used. Q. Soil l t� water supply well and',percolation term results,.and stoma water runoff on]Cu'latilorms was needed to determine and Project p -3 ". fleas fbir disposal of constructionand demolition.waste,citheron-site or at an approved disposal facility- - S. Flans foar snow r°inovual,i:n cl uding loc:atiorr.(s)of on-site snow Storage. , T An Environmental Assessment For ("EAP-)as requmired'by ther-,QR ,regulations,with Part l cco mpaleted'by the Applicar'at shall be submitted as part of ripe application, If lite proposed,project requires a sped use permit and an EAF has been NA submitted in conjunction with a special use permit;application,a duplicate EAP is not required for the;site plan application_ U, if an application is for a.parcel or parcels o�n Which more than one use,is proposed, the,applicant mntlay"suubirdt a,single app ication for all such uses,provided the proposed uses are accurately delineated on a site plan drawn pursuant to the °A requirements set forth above. The Planning board may grant the app]1cation with;respect to source proposed oases and not others. F41,purposes of revievwin,g ars application(arid fuer SEQRA caurnplia ce)all proposed)oases On a Single parcel or on contiguous parcels shall be Lonsidered together. i A briefnarmatry WW , e:statement on how ore project proposed for review fumuthers or is consistent uvula rite vision,goals and poli Cies in d,c Town's otrapreluensive Plan. cover�lotte 7 Site Plan Review appllit;ation w-Revised October 2016 "'.l°apwn of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road,,' ueemsbury°,NY 9.2804 "'own. of'Queensbury Site Plan l- ;-S mis onferForm Section 179'_91_040 It. Applicant N'ame;_A 21 '.rax Map, Location: Ia<antn. arassicrutia��a, 4. Re�isoii fol.Review. se L-', � 51 Zoning eaktisa a „ PM-90missioit MeetingNotes. utas, ardi ; pdaarm providphy Deed , Gream(Inforarrati 'a complewSite Setback�q � aa ���t� aa�pU�ta Development Brut ompletc Additim-al Prof eet Infor aaa,taora Complete. PAR,addIdssed ALI quiremenU for Site Plu,i-StandardsChecklist items addressed � Enviromnental Farm cumptoted ignaWr P g e completed " ° p b . . �� Staff Represeutafive'.' w Applicamt f Agents att : .. Site Phan Roview appliegi n--Revised October 2016 Tovm of Qaaeembaary Plan allyg Offica-742 Bay,Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 signature Page This Page inrludts the 1.)Authorization to Art as Agent Fopn: 2.) Engineering-Fee Disralosuro;3 Authorization for Slee Visits; 4,,) ;,her Perillit Awponsibilitics,5.)Offidal MDeting Disclosure and 6.)Agreement.to provide ftcmnietitatioii required. OWNEW&AGUNT FORM.- Complete the following if the OWNER of#to propejV is root the same as'thle applicant Owner: r—A Designates: AS agent regarding� v, Variance _ZSitoplaft Subdivision For Tax Map No.. ' '—F =�%=ecfion I Bl�ock 1§�Lot Deed Reference. ;,�i;;�;T]Boiok —tff�P*� *,-z—1-Mate, OWNE R SIGNAT UAE. DATE: Comiplete the'following It tho APPUCANT is unable to attojod,the meeting or wislias to be rept tinted by another p` y" Ovvnc;r-, A Co IN P,p T1N L 1p,l' "A Asagent regard" Lug, Variance Site:Plan Subdivision for Tax I&P W., Section fflock Lot Deed Reference: Book Page Dale OWNLOW 'R.SIGNATM- DATE: L]a TUE DTF41CIL App] 2w) EMMEERING &%M. kations maX be rufaried to the Tow;i,consulting ongineor for=vlew of sqfic design,stonn linpgo,abo. as determined by the Zoning�or Planning Deparb�nent. Fees foT enginucring review services will be cbaqed directly to tha appijoant., z4 for-enginearing review will not"pocd$1,000 with.out notiflinatiGn to the qppjacRnt., I-A—U—T-HO 3 511TVA9 UT.*, By signing this page and submitting jhc:applicatlun rnattAalt atterhed herelr4 the Owner,Applicant, herO�auffiorize,time'Zmin, Board or Planning MmA and Town Staff,to enki the subjad propertlap for thD pjjpose of roviewing tht application.stibmitted, 4ampmi XEMLT ZIP&QMLHMTjM; Othcr p�7mfts may be rgquW4 fbr conatmetion or altuation activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board,or Manniffig Board. It Is the applie'ant's responsibility to obtain,any additional permits, f3p : It is the pracdee of the Commutlity Devejopl=t Depulment to havea d� i8 Cs nated stenographer tape-record the,proceedings of meetings resulting frorn application, and Minutes transcribod from those tapes consiftutes the olTmial mord of A.proceedings, MM TO I'the undersigned-have thoroughly read stud understand the initruotions; for.submIssion and agree tui the submission zequiremeat%,I acknowkdgeno,ConSITUOtion activities shaU be vomnmiced pAor to issuance Ufa valid permit I ceffliy that Me applicadba,plans and supporting materials area true aAd complete staterrkent/descfipfioii of the existing conditions and th6 work proposed,and that all-work will,be performed in accar&uwa with the approved plans:and in,conibrragnoo with loclizoaftig;regulaliong, I ado ledge-that prior to decilpying,th0 Wthies proposed,I or my agents,,will obtain,a certifiC0,40 OfOD10UPOnCY fig=OAMTY, IAlso'understand that Uwe may be repirod tD provide an es�-buflt survey b�a licensed land surveyor of all newly collstrodod fedlitles'prilor t6 issuar I u:e of a cartjfjtasfe of 0004AP=y Lead an to above. ned Sned 9 Site Plan Review application—Revised October 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Day Road,Queensbiiry,NY 12804