RESCheck for Sunroom Addition RE check-So tware Version 4.6.3 Compliance CertificaL�hr��, Project sun Room Addition Energy Code; 2015 IECC Location; Lake George, New York Construction Type; Single4arrtily Project Type, Addition Climate Zane; 6 {7377 HDD) Permit Date; Permit Number Construction Site: Owner/Agent= Desi gner{Contractor: 388 Oeverd ale Road Jason Southwood David J.Topper,Architect Queensburyr NY 12604 ■ trade-off Coanplia net; 0.0%Refter Than Code Maximum UA: 52 Your U,4. 62 7i_e%avaer ar mmse Than Code l=4 eK rcllcdt how close to€Dmpllance ML house hs based on Dude bad vff rW*5- It a4E9 NOT provide 8n otlmate or ene rpy use ar ont relativo to a minlmum-rade home. Envelope Assemblies Grosp Area Cavfty Cant. Ceiling 1:Cathedral Ceiling 247 38.0 0.0 0-027 7 Wall 1: Wood Frame. 15" o.[. 434 21.0 Q.4 0.057 17 Wlndow 1:VinyUFiberglass Frame-Double Pane with Low-E 134 0,280 38 Compliance Statement, The proposed building design described here Is consistent with the bullding plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with the permit application.The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2415 IECC requirements in REScheck Version 4-6.3 and to comply with the rnandatory requirements listed in the RES&reck Inspection Checklist, Marne-Title Signature Date ' 3 OF Project Title. Sun Room Addition Report date; 03113118 Data filename: O:losers\Dav4DocLim entslRESchecM388-Cleve rdale-SLIN ROOM.rck Page 1 of 1