Site Plan Application with narrative 169 Haviland Road Queenisbury', NY 12804 Hutchins Engineering Phone: (518)745�030 Fax: (518)745-0308 March 151, 20,18 Town of Queensbury Planning Board '742 IBay Road Queensbury NY '12N 14 Re: Adirondack Factory Outlet Cienter 1444 tate Route 9 Tax Map lDs: 288.1271-22 and -23 Dear Planning Board Members: This office represents Adirondack Factory Outlet, Center and Haid Kenny with regards to the preparation of the site plan outiflning some proposed improvernients to the Adirondack Factory Outlet, facility. SpecificaUy, it is proposed to remove! the front, portion of the existing structure, currently housing the Under Armour and Timberland stores., and construct a new 12,000-SF building,just,south of'the existing building. This project will move the Ibuilidings farther, away from Route 9 and allow for the 75-foot front setback to be maintained. Additionally, it will provide aesthetic and logistical improvements for the space layout as well as, site layout and traffic flow. There is a net reduction in impermeable ,area as a result of the project and a landscaped area will be Installed between the proposed new building and Route 9. No work,will be required within the Route 9 right-of-way. We respectfully request to be Iplaced on the agenda for the April meeting, Please contact me if you have any questions or if you require additional information. Best, Regards, G. Thomas Hutchins, P.E. Cc: Mr., Daae Kenny rowl,; J-1 W12 G.Thomas tChins,RE thWchlns@hutchlinsenoneelng,com Ge:ner,al Information Tax Parcel ID Nurnber, 288.12-1-22&-23 Zoning,District: Commercial Intensive(HC-INT)f Lot size,,' 4.64 ac&2.2�9 ac(6,93 ac Total) Detailed Description of Prqject(includes current&,proposed use] Remove current western-most storefronts and add new retail space in soutbwest co,rner of parcel Location of'project, 14-44 State Route 9 Applicant Name- Adirondack Factory Outlet Address� 1454 State Route 9 Lake George NY 1284S Home Phone Cell, (518]796-76,52 Work Phone Fax (518)793-6028 E-Mail: dfikennyftmail.com j Cc:takol 1.50aoLcorn(Lau ra K�jo Is), Agent's Name: Hufthins Engineering ddress: 1,69 Haviland Road Queensbury NY 128,04 Hb(me Phone Cell: . . ............I—. Work Phone Fax (518)745-03017 (518)74S-0,30,8 E-ma' thutc.hinshutcliinsengjzieering.:om Owner's.Name (Same as Applicant) Address Horne Phone Cell or Pho=, Fax E-mail, 2 She Plan Review application- Revised OctobeT 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Office,-742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12H14 Site Development Data Asim T'ype Existing sq. ft. Proposed Totai—Sq.t"t. Addition s Vit. A. Building f6otprirnt Existing Building 91"In -12,505 7a,613 B, Betsbehed Proposed Retail Building 12,706 12,706 , ,accessory trnre(s) Garage, 357 tM 357 D. Paved, gravel.or other hard surfaced area; 154,945 -7,0941 147 847 Asphalt. E. Porches I Deeks F. Other _ Concrete Walks 13,737 1,962 15,699 , 'Total on-Permeable [Add -P'] 260,157 -4,935 ZSS, 2 i H. Parcel.Area [43,5650 sq, 1../acre] 3!0,R,729 41 3 D 5,x' '9 1. Percentage of Irrnpenneabie of Site [I,Ia I] i Setback :Rewirement Area7­7ie-quired E xisfing Purop,Gsed Front [1] 75' 64.7m 75° Front[Z] Shoreline Side Yard[1] o 210, 25.3° Side Yard [ ] South 0 52.3' 1.0r Rear Yard�[1] 25, 149.5 15 Tarr Yard[ ] Travel Corridor Height I[rnax] Permeability I4 14.9% 1 «5 o. of parking spaces 350 325 320 3 Site Plan Review application—Revised October 7046 T'own of Qlueensbury Pian aing O# se-742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Additional Project Information 1. Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? No 2. If the parcel has pmvious approvals, list application number(s): N/A 3. Does this project require coverage under the dew 'fork State Pollutant Discharge Elimination Sysk= (SPUMES) Permit Program 4, Estimated project duration, Start Date 2019 End Date 2020 5. Estimated total.cost of project- LSM(All Phases) 6,1 Total area of land disturbance fur project: DAU Ace Floor Area Ratio Worksheet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor area by the lot size in square feet,,yielding a percentage. ornirn ........ Symbol Floor Area Ratio [FAR] Waterfront Re�sidential WR 0.,22 Commercial Moderate/ latcnsive CWC1 0.3, X "I'he cambined area of al.1 square footage,, as measure frorn exterior walls of all structures on the property, including all floors of the structures, garages,, basements and attics with more than five (5) ferrel of ceiling height and covered porches, Building square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extendingover water and one storage shed of one: hundred twenty (12Q) square feet or b'-ss. Any additional sheds will be include-d. (See "'FLOOR AREA RATIO').. & Commercial or industrial: the total area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building or structure, and whien, applicable, the sum total off"all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site. A. Parcel Area 305,,729 B. Existing Floor Area. 78,1613 sq. ft. [see above definition,] C C. 0 Prosed n p) Additioal Floor Area 12,706 ft, Pro "" D. Proposed Total Floor Area 91,319, ............... E. 'Total Mlowable Floor Area 91,718 (Arca x -30 [see above talalej *Ifs is lar em than E. a variance or revisions to your plan may be needed. Consult with Staff. 4 Site Plan Review application—Revised October 20,16 Town of Queensbary Planning,Office-742 Bay Road,Queensbu,ry,NY 12804 § 179-9-0,80 Requirements for Site P'lan Approval. The: Planning Board shall not approve a Bile Plan unless it first deterrnines, that such site: plan nicets the following Standards. Please prepam rtsponl to each of the following,ti, STANDARDS A. The proposed project ftifthiers or is col with the policies of the Town's Comprehensive Plan. & The proposed project complies with all other requirements of this Chapter.includiqthe site plan review standards as sot forth in Paragraph F of this section,the dimensional,bulk and density regulationsof the.coni ng district in.which 4 is proploW to be located(Article 3 and Table 1the applicable requirements of all other Articles that apply. C. The site plan encourages pedestrian activity internally and,if practicable,to andfrom the site with pedestrian paths or sidewalks connected to adjacent mus, D- The site plu-must conform to Chapter 13,61 gewage and sewAge D"is—posall,—Chapter 1,47 Stornavilialer Management Local!Aw,,and other applicable local laws- The proposed M shall be in harmony with the general purpose or intent of this Chapter,specifirotly taking into,account the location, character and size of the proposed use and,the description and purpose of the district in which such use is praposed,the:nature and intensity oftho activities to be involved in or conducted in connection with the proposed use and the nature and rate of any increase in the burden on supporting public serl and facilities wbicb will follow theapprolval of the proposed use. R7The establishment,naWntenanec and,operation of the proposed use will not create public huards All tri traffic,congestion or the parking of vi andillor equipment or be other detrimental to thohl safety Or general welfare of persons residing Or working in the n eir ghborhood or to the geoleml rowel Awe of ft,town. Traffic access and cimulation,road intersections,road and driveway widths and, traffic controls will be adequate. G. Off-street puking and l9oading,facilities will be appropriately located and arranged and sufflcient to meet traffic anticipated to,be generated by the new use. The establithri of vehicle links between parking areas r of adjacent properties we provided where,feasible. This furthers that Town's,goal off reducing curb cuts and reducing congestion. A twenty-foot wide connection is required., Ifadjacint Properties are either undeveloped or previously developed without having made provision for future tirkk W, ,,then a Future connection must be identified and provided for in the site plan,under review fbT such future linkage when the fime arises. The Planning Board may require proofthat the applicant has made contact with 41 actnt property owners,for purposes,of coordinating linkages with adjacent properties. H. The project shall not have an,undue adverse impact upon alto natural,scel acsffiefic,ecological,wildlife,hisitorl recrealinnal or open Space,resources,ofthe town or the Adirondack Park or upon the adequate:provision uhf supporting facilitiesand services made:necessary by the p1milect'itaking into account the commercial,indastrial,residential,recreational,or other barmfits that rnight be derived'Rom the project, In rnaking the determination hereunder„the Planning Board shall consider those factors.pertittent to the p4ectconuined in the development considerations scit forth.herein under§ 179-9-080 of this Chapter,and in so doing,the Planning Board shall nye a not overall evaluation of the project in relation to,the development objectives and general guidelines,set forth in§ 179-1 ofthis Article, The provision for and arrangement of Pedestrian traffic access and circulation,walkway structures„control of intersections with vehicular traffic and overall podestrian.converl shall be,raft and adequate for pedestrian movement. Pedestrian connections,between ai sites shall be provided to evicourage pedestrian um Slormwater drainage lacilities will prevent an increase of post.development drainageflows as compared to pre-development drainage flow—S. Drainage of the site shall recharge,ground water to the extent practical. Surface waters flowing offsite:shall not degrade any streams or adversely affect drainage on adjacent properties,air public reads. Facilities shall be in conformance with the drainage standards ofChapter 147 of the Town Code and the'Town,of Qui Subdivision Regulations,where applicable. Ki. The waftr supply and sewage disposal facilities'will bt adequate and will meet all,applicable and current requirements set forth byl Department of Health regulations and Chapter 13,6 of the'Tovirri Code, L The:adiel type and arrangement of trees,shrubs and other suitable plantings,landscaping and screening shall effectively provide a visual andlor noiso buffer been the,appli ca nls and 4pining ll including the maximum retention of existing vegetation and maintenance,including replacement of dead or deceased plants. MFire lanes,emergency zones and fire:hydrants will be adequate and meet the needs and,requirements of emergency service providers., N. The design of structures,roadways and landscaping in areas,susceptible to pending,flooding and/or erosion will.minimize:or avoid such impacts,to the maximum extent practicable. 0., The site plan conforms to the design standards„landscaping standards and performance standards oaf this i Site Plan Review application—Revised ctolber 2046 Town orf Queensbury Planning,Offipe-742 Bay.Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Apph can t/Owners: Adirondack Factory Outlet Location: 1444 State Route.9 179-9-080 Responses to,standards questions A,-O A, The, proposed project to improve the site is consistent with the policies of the Town's Comprehensive Plan., B. The proposed project complies with all other requirements of this Chapter, CThe proposed residential project has been designed to improve internal pedestrian, activities as necessary and applicable to,this type of use, D. The existing residence conforms with Chapter 1Sewage and Sewage Disposal, the proposed project is designed to conform with Chapter 147„ the toren water Management Local Law and all other applicable laws. E, The proposed project ha.s been designed to be in harmony with the general purpose or intent of dais Chapter. F. The proposed project has been designed to be in compliance with principles of good site access,traffic flow,and safety and general welfare of the neighborhood. G, The proposed project has been designed with the intent to, provide safe, adequate, and functional off-street,parking and loading facilities to the greatest extent feasible. H. The proposed project has been designed to not impact natural„ scenic,, aesthetic ecological,wildlife, historic,,recreational or open space resources of Town. L The proposed project has been designed to improve internal pedestrian activities as necessary and applicable to this type of use. I. The proposed project has been designed to be in compliance with Chapter 147 as applicable. K There will be no, change in water or wastewater demand for the, proposed project on, Town of Queensbury Municipal Water and Sewer. L. 'The proposed project has been designed to provide an attractim, well-landscaped facility while meeting all functional requirements, M. The project has been designed in effort to, tweet the, needs of emergency service providers adequately, N. The site grading and drainage provisions have, 'been developed with the intent of avoiding, flooding and poinding with the exception of areas required for storm water controls. 0The site has been designed with the intent of conforming to, the design standards, landscaping standards, and performance standards of this Chapter. 179-9-0,`0 'herkl'ist-Application for Site elan Review. Application mat ti is and site gluon shall include sufficient i6onnation for the Board to review an, provide 'a decisimm applicant is to provide uu siw hire drawing and all attachments that address items A-V. Mfup applicant may request a waiveri from AN and is to provide seasons for waiver(s) ,requested, Please: label infdrmation to be submitted, REQUIREMENTS SMeet vicinity reap drawn at the Seale that shows the relationship of'the proposal W,existing counnnunk facilities which amt or serve it,such as roads,shopping areas,schools,etc. The map sand)atso show all p ropertics"identify owners, S1 subdivisions,streets and case rents within 500 lbet of the proper, Such a sketch may super ittlposed on a United States Cetalo °cel.Sur,yley ana of the aur . The site plan shall be drawn at a scale of fbrt:yw feet to the inch(i 40 feet)or such other scale as the Planning Board,May dee n appropriate,on standard 24"x h'°sheets,with continuation on fl Y2"*a l l"sheets as nea ssar T written S2.,S2 information, The infopnuation listed below shall be shown on the site plan and continuation sheets,. , Name of the project:,boundaries,date,north arrow,and scale of the plan. S1 t Name an,d address,of the owner of record,developer,and seal of time engineer,architect or landscape architect, lfthe auDlicant is,not the record own er of autborlruution steal]be r nired,'frnu�n tine aawvner. The location and use of all existing and proposed structures within the property,i.miudittg all dimensions ofheight and, floor area,,all exterior entrano s,and all amici ated fuattum additions and alteraaticii Ski,"S Fi The location of all present and proposed public and private ways,off-street pafkhtg;,arcas,driveways,outdoor storage aures;, sidewalks.;amps,curbs,path&,landscaping,walls and l'iern.ces,. Location.,type and screening;details fbr all waste disposal SL Sal containers shall also,be showwn.. The location,height,intensity and bulb type(sordiunem,incandescent etc:,),of all external lighting fixtures. The direction of $1 Location illumination,and rumcthods to eliminate glut onto adjoining proeerties roust also he shown in compliance:with§ 179-6-020. -„ The locadionu,height,sire,materials and design of all proaposed signs. Locatttion The'locatitrn of all present and proposed,uutilityr systems including, L Suppe or septic systems, 2. ' Her supply syrste „ 3. Tei hone,-cantylc and electrical systems,and S1"' 4Storm.drainage system including existing andproposed drain lines,culverts,,catch basins,headwalls,endwralls,, Inywdrants,manholes and drainage swwalcs. Plans to prevent the pollution of surface or groundwater,erosion of$oil both during and after construction,eru.cessi ve runrapf' and flooding of other properties,as applicable. A Stennwvater Pollution Ptewention Plan(a1 "PP)for all land development activities(excluding agricultural activities)on the site that results inland disturbance of one,=car anore. ASVIP.PPshall comply with the requirements of the D SPIDES MSA General Permit and Chapter 147 ofthe Town of Quc=bury $ O& It shall be,at the discretion of the.Planning Board as to whether a'SWFPP or an erosion and control plan shell be required fwbr a site plan review project land disturbance ofless than one acari K. Existing and proposed topography at t o-f`anoi ocentour intervals,or such other contour interval as the Planning Board shall allow. All elevations,shall refer to the nearest);Enter)Statesi Coastal and Geodetic Bench Marls, tf'any portion of the postal is within the idol-your floodplain,the area will be shoom and base flood elevations given., ,!areas shall be indicated within the proposed site and within 50 feet of the proposed site where soil removal or filling is required,showing the:approximate volume in cubic yards. A landscape plain showing all existing;natural land features than may influence the design ofthc proposed use such as rode outcrops,Maids of trees„sing le trees eight or more inches,in diameter,forest cover and water sources and all proposed changes to these features,including sixes and typtes ofplants, Water sources include porws,lakes,wetlands and S2 watercourses,aqui fern,floodplains and drainage retention areas„ M Land Use District boundaries within.500 feet of the site's perimeter shall be drawn.and identified on the site plan,as well as any Overlay Districts that apply to the property. / Site Plan Review application—Revised October 2011.6 Town of Queensbury Platrantti;n;g Office-742 Bay Road,Queensbury,l"iY 12804 REQUIREMENTS (CONTINUED) --§heet# N, Traffic flow patterns widiin the site,entrances,and exits,loading Arid unloading areas,as Well as curb cuts mi tho site and within 100 reet ofthe,site, The Planning Board may,at its,discredmi,,mquite a dciailvd,traffic study For large developments oT fOT those in heavy traffic,areas.which,shall incl U,&: t, The projected number of motor vaicle trips 10 enter or lcavo the sitic.esti mated for weekly and annual peak hoUrr traffic levels; 2. The projected traMe.flow,pattern ineLding vOieular movements at all major intomeotions likely S1,.S2 to be affected.by the proposcd use of the site; The impact of this,traffic on levels of'scrvice on abutting Public streets and,at affected intersections, Existing and proposed weakly and annual.peak hour traffic levels and read capacity levels shall also be given.. 0,. For new constructionoT alterations to ally structure,a table conlaIrting die following ittffirmation shall be included! 1. Estimated area of strueluru to be used for,particular purposes such as retain operation,office, Storage,etc." No �2. Estirratod maximum number ofernplayccs; Change 3, Maximum seating capacity„where appheable-,and. 4. Numbcr of parking spaces existing and,required for the intended usa, 'p. L Floor Plans, 2, Elevations at a scale of one-quarteT. inch equals one root(JA:"= I lout)for all WCHOT fhcades of die proposed struuiurci(s) Flevatijuns and/or alterations,to or expansions ofiexisting facades,sh awing,deli fcanircs and indicating the type and color of material's Ai-AZ to be used. Q,, foil togs, wv�tur suppiy well and perw1ation test results,ana'slit-YrTn—water runo,ff eakulatious as neoded'w dc4crinine and mitipe:project impacts. S2 R. Plans for disposal of cormtruction and dernotition waste,either on-site or at mi appm;;5—disposal,facility. & Existing T, iG—E-nvironmcntal Assessment Kuqi­EAF")as required by the SEQRA regulations,with Part I conip'leted by ft,Applicant shall be submiaod asplart of the apptication. If the proposed project requires aspecial use permit and an EAF has been submitted ht conjunction With ar special est permit application,a duplicate CAF is not required for tile site plan applicoajon, AFF U. If an application is COT a parcel or parocls on which more than one use is proposed,,the applicant may su4rnit a single application for all such uses,providW the proposed uses are accurately delineated on a site plan drawn pursuant w the requirements set Forth above. The Plaarfling Board may Want the application with respect losorne proposed uses and not others. For purposes of mvicwing an app]kation(and for S,EQPA.compliance)all proposed uses on a single parcel of'on S1,S2 I contiguous parcels shall be considered together. I 'V. A brict'narrative slatement on how,the Project PrrJPO$Cd for TCViCW furthers or is consistent witil the vision,goals and poli-cies in the'Tomm's Comprehensive Plan. 7 Site Plan.Rieview applicad on—Revised October 201 6 Town.of Quemsbury Planning Office-742 13a�y Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 Town of Queensbury Site Plan, Pre-Subm, ission Conference For / Section 179-9-040 1. Appileant Name- Adirondack Factory Outlet 2., Tax Map 11) 288.12-1-:22&-2 3 Location: 1444 State Route 9 3., Zoning,Classification CoTainercial,Intensive(HC-INT) 4. Reason for Review: � ti iL S. Zoning Section# 6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes- Provided Outst"ding- Please provide by Deed _z L041 General el� tCopCkC- At, dDevoment Datmplete 1•e- Setback Requirements Complete Additional Prqjeet Information Complete: FAR addressrd Requirements,for Site Plan-Standazds, Checklist items addressed, Environmental Foran completed j,7 Signature:Page completed Ad6qpIn an rI( oa Asa �i 2 uj 2'A(A )W C" Ut 4?1 cP4 3'41,J6 J, V L C 0 1 Ak C 2, 91 CICAck st'jap'A-) LZ'�' C=,C, r A- q Staff Representative, I ct— ........... APPlicant/Agent* Date: L/ V "N Site Plan Review applicadon—Revised October 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning,Office-742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Signature P,age Th�is page includes,the 1.) AutharizWon w Act as Agent Form: 2.) Engineefing,Fee Disclosure'. 3.) Authorization fbr Site Visits; 4,.) Other Pertnit Responsi bili desw.5,),Official Meeting Disclosure and,6.)Agreement to,providedocurnentation req Ui re& Complete the 60flowing ifthe OWNER of the pmpert:y is not the same as the applicant Owner: Designates, As agent regarding; Variance Site PlanSubdiyision F'or Tax Map No.:; Section Block Lot Deed kd6rence�� Book Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE. DATE, APPLICANT'S AGENT FORM,, Complete the t1ollowing if the APPLICANT is unableto attend the meeting or wishes,to be represented by another party.- Owner, Adirondack Factory Outlet Designates: Hutchism KnS jneering__..._ As agent regardingr van'ance vf' Site plon Subdivision For Tax Map No.: 288.12 Section, I F lack221, Lot, Deed Referertm, BookPage late OWNER SIGNA"'rURE. DATE:� 2.) ENGJ1DJLFHJNG, FEE 01 .LJJSURE' Applications may be referred to the 'rown consulting engioeer locr ruvicw ofspptic desi,q%, storm druinago.,etc. as:determined by the Zorfingor Marming Deparimeak. Foes for en&cering review services will be charg�cd directly to the applicant. Fm, fbr engineering ruview will not exqcad$ t.00o without notj rem M P i alit .1 ti, to the a pt c AIMHOIUZATION EQR,SITE VISIT51" By signing this pap and submitting the appication malerials,8aache4 hcrcin,the Owner,Applicant, and hWherhheir agevl(s) hereby authodze the Zoning Board.or Ptp:anjT1S Board arid Town Staff tucnwr the subject properties for the purpose of' re'vi—ing the application subrniltcd. 401, OTHER PEH_MLV1_RESP0NA1HJ.,�—' `- Other permits may be required forcanstraction Or sItcralifort aztivily subsequent to approval.by the ZAning Board air Planning Board. It is the applicant',srosponsibithy to obtain any additional permits, 5�.) 0FE1.QFAL_MFE11XC.._M.NVTES D1SCLQ§JLR _J; It, is the practice or the Community DeveleM.ent Dopartm=11 to have a tiLsignated stmograpbeT tape record the proceedings at meetings,resulting fromaproication, and minutes transcribed frorn those tapes constimes;the offlicial record ofall proceLdings. C) AGREEMENTWP110AqDE QOCUMENT ATIOIN REQUIRE : L the undersigned, have:thoroughly read and understand the instructions for sqbmission and,ggrao to the submission requirements, I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance o F a valid plamlit. I certiry that the application,p[pas and supporting triaterials are a true and complete statemcni)dzscriplion of the existing cortditions and Lite work prupow4, and that all work,will, be perf&.rraed in accordance with the ap -mance with �o,oal zoving regul ti n , proved pilaus and in confor a 0 5 1 acknowledge that prior U1 DCCUpying time facilifics proposed,I or my agents,wiH obtain a certificate ofoccupancy as Ticccssary. I also undernand that Ywe may be re!quircd,to pruvidu am as-built survey by a I iernwd,land surveyor a`all newly constnicted Nei I ides prior to issmonue:a F a mrd ricate of o"upancy I have read,and agree to the above, 3/7/2010 Si ture[1/41jo�anifl Print Name [Applicantl Daw signed 15,ThomaLft j tf E.!ns 3 '7 112018 Print Narme[Agent] 5i s'igned 9l Site Plan Review applicadon--Revised,October 2016 Tuwno,fQLeer isburyP'taftning0friGe-742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Short EnvironmentalAssessment or Part I -J'Yqject Information Instructions,for Comnleting Part I -Project Information. The applican t or project sponsor Is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses bec�ome.paxt of the application for approval or ffinding,are subject to public review,and may be:subject to further ved fi,cation. Complete Part I based on information currently available. If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any itern,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency; attach addifional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part 1-Project and SponsorInformation Name of Action or Project. Adirondack Oudet Mall Expansion Project Location(describe,,and attach alomdon rnap): 1444 State Route 9,Town el"Queensbury,Warren County Brief Description of Proposed Act:ion- Remove cu.rrent western-most storefrents and add,new retail space in southwest corner of parcel. Name of Applicant or Sponsor, Telepbone: (5,18)79,6-76S2 Adirondack Factory Outlet E-Mail. qkennyOgmall.com Q.,takohls@ 001"com 1454 State Route 9 State: Zip Code: Lake George N Y 12845- 1.Does the proposedaction only involve the legislative adoptions,of a Plan,local law,ordinance, No administrative rule,or regulation? If Yes,attach,a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action,and the:environmental resources that may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to que:stion 2,. 2. Does the proposed acdon rNuire a permit,approval or binding fro�m any othergovernmental.Agency? _0 _f E_ If Yes,list agency(s)name and permit or approval: 3 a,Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 7.0 acres bi,Total acreage to be physically disturbed? _%,91 acres c.Total acreage(project site and any contiguous propertiiu)owned —_ or controlled by the applicant or Project sponsor? 7.0 acres 4. Check all land,uses that occur on,adjoining and near the proposed action. 0 Urban E]Rural(non-aeculture) [3Industrial [ElCommerciA OResidentlal.(&Rburban�) OForest 17JAgricultum EllAquatic O:Other(specify): [IlParkland PlI of 3 I �,Dots the proposed nfion includc construction or oth.crutivifics thatresult in the im.P*Undment of NO 'Vis-I water or other liqW& rttcntion pond,waste la,Soon,dam)? If Yes,explain Purpose:and sizc:� 1 9 z� 19,Has ire amts of the:prop=4 tio acn or an adjoinin ProperTy been the location of an active or closed No, vEs solid waste management facility? If Yes,,4escnbc; 20.err thesilt of the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subj"t of remdia etion(ongoing oNo complWed),For hazardous waste? If Yes,describe: 0 I AFFMM THATTRE INFORMATION PROME,1),ABOVE is TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF,my ]KNOWLEDGE App licandspeasor name, 4��'z — Date., -7 signature: PRINT PCS Mj Page Agency Use 0 rily III'applicable] Project: Date!: Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 2 -Impact A ssessment Part 2 is tem be completed by the Lead Agency. Answer all of the following questions in Part 2 using the information contained in Part I and other materials submitted by the project sponsor or otherwise available to tine reviewer. When answering the questions the reviewer should be guided by Cho concept"I'lave my responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?"' No,ar Moderate smatl to large impact impact may may ocieur, O'Cettr 1, Will the prop ,ed action create a.material con flict with d th an adopttland use:plan OT Z�On ing regulations,?' El 0 2, Will the proposed action result in a change in the use or intensity of use of`land? 3. Will the proposed action impair the chan,cter or quality of the existing community? 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental chararAoristics that caused the mm establishment of a,Critical Environmcrital Area(;CE,A)? 5. Will the proposed action result in an adverse change in the existing level of traffic or affect existing infrastructure for rnass transit,biking or,walkway? El 1:11 6. Will the proposed action cause an ini.Teaso in the use of energy and it fails tip incorporate reasonably available enrergyconservation or renewable energy opporluni fic,.s? El 1:1 7. Will the proposed action irVract existing Imp a. p6blic/private water suppficO b. public/pri wate wastewater treatment uti I i ties'? El 8. Will the proposed action impair the:character or�quality of important historic, archaeological, architectural or aesthetic resources? Li 9. Will the proposed action, result in an adverse change to natural resources(e.g., wetlands, w�a to rbo�ldies,groundwater,air qual i ty,flora and fauna)? 10.. illI tbe,proposcdr action result in an i nerease in the potential for erosion,flooding or drainage problems? 11. Will the proposed action create a hazard to environrnental resources or human health? -- L1 El SRI N TT::F:O:R=M Page 1 of'2 Agency Use 0 ny[If applicable] Projector D,ate. Short Environmental Assessment Form Part 3'Determination of Significance For eve4y question in Part 2 that was answered-mcNkrat-c to large impact may occur",or if there is a need tD explain why a particular element of the proposed action may or will not mutt in a significant adverse;environmental impact,p[.ease complete part,3. Part 3 should,in sufficient detail,identify the impact,including any measures of dosign,elements,that have beenincluded by the project sponsor to avoid or reduce impacts, hart 3 should also explain how the lead agency determined that the impact may or will not be significant.,Each potential,impact should,'be assessed considering its setfiqg' probability of occurring,duration,irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude., Also consider the potential fbrshortmm term, long-term and cumulative impacts, Check this,box if you have deterrnined,based on the infbrtnafion and analysis abovv,and any supporting doicummmtation, that the pmposied action may mwult in one or niore:potentially largo or significant adverse impacts and an environmental impact statetneru is,require& Check this boxif you have determined,based on the inifoTmation and analysis,ab,Dm and any,supporting documentation, Haat the proposed audon vAII not result in,an ysignificant adverse environmental impacts,. Name of Lead Agency Date Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer —§igrtatwe of Respo—nsiblle' Officer in Uad Agency Signature of Preparer(If different from Responsible 0iffi=) PRINT FORM Page,2 off, EAF Mapper Summary Repoft Thursd!ay, March 15, 2018 3;20 P'IVI ISCIalmer: The EAF Mapper Is e.screening tod intended Ic assist 2= pcoiect sponsom and revlowiV® ncies In pWarft an aWronmem911 ssastmant arm(EAF).Nom 01 queMns @sMd in iha EAF are 'll' �emresu�a�red �mh tll N irrlbrrrrewtlN ChE AF q I can oblair�ied cnneulll r 4 �a�ktu ka l ugh % R=.° the EAF Mapper PrW ,' MOM updc� �dlu��'at d a wreble I`0 M 0°'I fi_ _ DEC.you may alga need to contsa lacel or other data sources nm r to CbW111 deme not hey The Mapper.Nital d8ta I!e,root 8, I:F r, do'h sobsMuse foragency ftor inatbm i 90 jol znm IF /� !%i 2� '.4,2,tl-24 t 1-" ,y I r/, j CE�YIrpwWt' Bo"I o % 1E.rr rRE Sfilr r eh s t rrorY qtr AKr w j �VFlaF71. 1^C �. r"m � e1,yP1 9 T3ru ; ^ uud+ ,pus Ih S,, _ „ I, I W C Sr—r �/ � ir , I =EEN T c S t�fl'Sc 0�r+t°I um Ad;thy n's 1 F, P C7r, tri �; .1Er I � a:�rwrrnr� 3, = f e Falk 1 Question 7 [Critical IEn'vi!rlunmerntah No Area] Fart 1 1 Quastio n 12a [Natibinah Register of No Histodc Places] Part 11 Question t 2b (Archeological Saes) Yes Part 1 /Question 13a[ elands;or Other Yes- Digital mapping iu'nfronrrueWrl on local and federal wetlands and Regulated Waterbodiesl waWribodies is known to be irlu rr p[ete. Refer to EAF Workbook, Part 1 /Question 115 [Threatened it No, Endangered Animal] Part t 1 Westlon; 16 [100 Year Flood Plain] Digital mapping data are not available or re Incomplete, Refer to EAF Workbook. Part 1 /Question [nerrradlatio n Site] No Short f nviro nmerTlarl Assessment Form - EAF Dapper Summary D'ep'ort t Town of QueensburySite: loin Pre-Subutftsion Conference Form/ Section, 179-9-040 1.. Applicant Nam A dlrouturda&Fa ry OuVet I 'TaX NUP ED 200.12-1-22&-123 ocadon; 1 ute 9 Zoning CAssaffication CanunercW Intensive(MC-I 4,. Reason for Pzvk � ' ��� ��^ �. � , 5, Zoning$00tion �P 6., Pre-Submisston Meng Notes.- Prided =2diug; Please prudde by D=d° Site DevelopmentData Complete J�'C-t C- �e 1 .id FA is ft siw Ph° t * Checklist items,addrowd Environmental Form eomplowd , Sipatm Page edmpleted r c, k 6c/vx -fes 114 v -c k Sty Representative: App - I LN9 Site P;1 ,FteAcw application-.Rovised,October 2016 Town of Qaembury P'lanningOffice-742 Bay Road Queewbwy,NY 12804 eral__.Infomiatign,. T .Pel ID Numb= 288.12-1-22&-23 Zomig District:ct Comumerc t Intensive CHC,-INT) Lot size: 4 m &Z.29,ac(0.93 ac Tot) Dueled Description of Project[inctudes eummjedrm]: Rem current stern—nos stareftanty and add new tsilt s s 1n sa comae'of pargi Location of project: 1444;ate Route Applicant Namm ddlrm+md ttory OvAot Address: 1454 8 te,Route 9, Ldw George NY 1285, (5,10),796-7652 Werk Pbome Fax dflkennyagnWLcom Cv.Imkob h4aolcom dura Kok Is) a te' Name.- Address: 169 Haviland Read Home,Phi L QuNY''128+84 'Fork Phoma pox (518)74 -0307 1 )745-0308 Owner's .. ......JF Name Address HOMO phone, Cell Work Phone Fax E-Vlafi 2 Site Pion Review sppt 9, _Revue October 2016 Tmm o ' u ens1bu ry Planning Office-742 Bay Road,Queensbury,N' 12804