1970-11-05 SP Special Meeting November 5 , 1970 Present: Gerald B. Solomon Supervisor Lloyd Demboski Councilman John D. Austin, Jr. Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman Attorney Harold Katz was not present. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. The following visitors were greeted by the Supervisor: Edward Waters, Dog Warden Pliney Tucker Soudji Richardson Robert V. Kelly George Liapes, Building Inspector Mrs. Larry Harris The public hearing on the application of Norma J. Washburn to locate a Mobile Home on Lot 51, Warren Lane, was declared upon at 8:00 P.M. Proof of publication was presented by the clerk. No one spoke in favor of or against the application. The hearing was closed at 8:04 P.M. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION No. 246 , introduced by Mr. Robillard , who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Austin. WHEREAS, Norma J. Washburn of Luzerne Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled: ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES and MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated Lot 51-, Warren Lane, Town of Queensbury, New York, and WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, for the following reasons: There were no persons in appearance in opposition to the granting of the permit, there was sufficient hardship shown, and the application had the approval of the Build- ing Inspector, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby given to Norma J. Washburn of Luzerne Road, Glens Falls, N.Y. to locate a mobile home outside of a licensed mobile home court at property situated at Lot 51, Warren Lane, Town of Queensbury, N.Y. and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and con- ditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None The public hearing on the budget was opened at 8':05 P.M. The budget was read by the clerk. Supervisor Solomon explained that the tax rate would increase approximately $.96 per thousand of assessed valuation. The Supervisor also pointed out that only expenses of Pineview Cemetery, General Fund, Fire Protection and Highway are applied townwide, while the remaining appropriations are distributed among special benefit dis- tricts. Pliney Tucker was the only member of the audience to ask ques- tions about the budget. He questioned the new appropriation to provide 90 for a centralized communications system asking if the appropriation was $10,000 and was told it was $1,000. He questioned the $17,000 budgeted for commencing the construction of an envisaged filtration plant on the Hudson River at Parklap, Mr. Tucker asked, "What is this for; More studies? He was told no it was for the actual engineering work to build the plant. Responding to Mr. Tucker's inquiries about an increased budget for the town clerk, Mr. Solomon explained that expenses for operation of the office including postage and related commitments must be budgeted under the clerk' s appropriations in accordance with new regulations of the State Department of Audit and Control. He added that Town Clerk Donald Chase will also be paid in keeping with the extra duties he has assumed, including overseer of building maintenance and assistant to the supervisor in overseeing all purchases. Mr. Chase had these responsibilities last year but was not compensated for them. Supervisor Solomon commented on the upcoming hearing to be held on the Warren County budget and noted that no sizeable increase in taxes was anticipated. The public hearing on the preliminary budget was closed at 8:36 P.M. The meeting was opened to the public at 8:37. Attorney Michael O'Connor addressed the board in behalf of Nicholas Clemens, '410 was seeking the rezoning of Hs business property at the corner of Meadowbrook and Ridge Roads. The petition has been pending for several weeks. Mr. O'Connor recounted his client' s efforts to have the property zoned from R-4, residential, to C-1, commercial, noting that the town and county planning boards had recommended disapproval. He asserted that after the town planners rejected the request, it was changed to more restrictive zoning. However, he was of the opinion that the county planners based their decision on the town planners' decision, despite the change in the request. Mr. Clemens' property contains a liquor store and a real estate office and is currently a non-conforming use in a residential zone. Mr.° O'Connor submitted that while Mr. Clemens' property was admit- tedly small, this should not enter into the board' s considerations since there was other commercial zones on the town' s zoning map which are not delineated in footage. Supervisor Solomon commented —J that there were other businesses classified commercial when the zoning ordinance took effect in 1967 and stated that it was too bad that Mr. Clemens couldn't have been considered at that time. Councilman Austin pointed out that none of the other properties were as small as the Clemens' property. Mr. Robert Kelly of 340 Ridge Street pointed all that neighbors signed a petition under the misconception that they were under the impression they were signing a document supporting Mr. Clemens' right to re-build his business in the event of fire. Councilman Robertson noting that Mr. Clemens has protection under which he can rebuild in case of fire as well as expand his current business operation as much as 50 per cent, announced he would introduce a motion to deny the application and do it without prejudice. He said if Mr. Clemens at a future date comes forward with definitive plans for the pro- perty the board would be ready to again hear his request. The board members concurred and Resolution No. 247 denying the zoning change was passed unanimously. Resolution No. 247 is not avail- able at this time but will be dorthcoming from attorney Harold Katz and will be found on page a(A__. Supervisor Solomon drew attention to a public hearing to be con- ducted November 19th at 3 P.M. by the Board of Supervisors to air sentiments on the proposed extension of the north-south runway of Warren County Airport and the proposed addition of instrument landing service to the facility. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION No. 248, introduced by Mr. -Solomon, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Austin. WHEREAS, Larry J. Harris of Star Route, Glens' Falls, New York, has made application in acco-r4ance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated off Ridge Road near Pickle Hill Road, Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinance, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, therefore be it _ RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on November 19, 1970 at 8:00 P.M. in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give the proper notice of said public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION No. 249, introduced by Mr. Austin, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robillard. WHEREAS, Edward Banta of 48 Cronin Road, Glens Falls, New York, has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGU- LATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENS- BURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated 48 Cronin Road, Town of Queensbury, New York, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinance, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on November 19th, 1970 at 8:00 P.M. in the 'Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of said public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None The Sta S f New York Department of Audit & Control Justice Court Fund lgfi �e quarter ending September 1970 was placed on file. The Town Clerk' s Report for the month of October 1970 was placed on file. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TEMPORARY PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION No. 250, introduced by Mr. Austin, seconded by Mr. Demboski. WHEREAS, William Hermance of P.O. Box 262, Glens Falls, New York has made application in accordance with paragraph- 2 (b) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN (DUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated Lots 104 and 105 , Holden Avenue Extension, Town of Queensbury, New York, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned RESOLUTION NO. 247 INTRODUCED by Mr. Robertson, who moved its adoption SECONDED by Mr. Austin. RESOLUTION DISAPPROVING REZONING OF PROPERTY OF NICHOLAS and HELEN CLEMENS WHEREAS, Nicholas Clemens sr. and Helen Clemens, his wife, have petitioned to have the following described real property rezoned from an R-4 District to a C-1 District: Beginnig at a point where the westerly boundary of Ridge Street is intersected by the Town line of the Town of Queensbury, and running thence along said Town line in a westerly direction 37 feet, more or less, to a point where said line intersects the easterly boundary of Meadowbrook Road, running thence 310.4 feet, more or less, along the easterly boundary of Meadowbrook Road to a point, running thence in an easterly direction 261 feet, more or less, to a point in the westerly boundary of Ridge Street, and, running thence in a southerly direction along the westerly boundary of Ridge Street 266.6 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning, and WHEREAS, said petition was referred to the Warren County Planning Board as provided for in Section 239M of hhe General Municipal Law and said Warren County Planning Board filed a written report eecommending disapproval of said application, and Whereas, The Town Board of the Town of Queensbury calleda public hearing on said application pursuant to Section 11:100 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury; and WHEREAS, such hearing was held pursuant to notice duly given at a meeting of the Town Board in the Town Hall, Queensbury, New York, on September 24, 1970 at which all persons desiring to be heard in favor of said rezoning and also all those desiring to be heard in opposition thereto were given an opportunity to be heard and were heard, and thereafter the public was closed, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the application of said Nicholas Clemens, Sr. and Heled Clemens, be and the same hereby is disapproved and denied. Duly adopted the 5th day of November, 1970 by the following vote: AYES: Demboski, Austin,Robillard, Robertson, and Solomon NOES: None. I� ordinance, temporary permission is hereby given to William Hermance of P.O. Box 262 , Glens Falls, N.Y. to locate a mobile home outside of a licensed mobile home court for a period of one year at property situated at Lots 104 and 105, Holden Avenue Extension, Town of Queensbury, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance with the stipulation that this be the last one year permit to be granted to Mr. Hermance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None t RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION No. 251, introduced by Mr. Robertson, who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Austin. RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract 70-11 numbered 2097 through 2163 inclusive and totaling $4,689.80 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Solomon. Noes: None RESOLUTION No. 252, introduced by ,Mr, 'Robillard, who �moued its adoption, y.. seconded b Mr. 'Austin. _ RESOLUTION TO TOWN BOARD ADOPTING ANNUAL BUDGET WITHOUT AMENDMENT WHEREAS, this Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby adopt such preliminary budget as originally complied, as the annual budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of January, 1971, and that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify, in- duplicate, copies of said annual budget as adopted. by this Town Board, together with estimates, if any, adopted pursuant to section 202-a subd. 2, of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented by him to the Board of Supervisors of this County. Duly adopted by the -following vote: Ayes: Mr. Demboski, Mr. Austin, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, and Mr. Solomon. Noes : None "THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR 1971 WAS ADOPTED AS FOLLOWS: j QUEENSBURY TOWN BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1971 aga MKI1.114ENARY FOR THE TOWN OF QUEDISBURY FOR THE YEAR 1971 SUMMARY OF T(X4N BUDGET Code Fund Appropria- Less Less Amount to be tions Estimated T►nexpended Raised by Revenues Balance A General S 373,260 82 1839, 0. 000,00 3,2000 1�7 --6-6078-2 --- Highway: 0 DR Repairs and Improve,, 134s26126 19t20000 2v00000 ll3t06!..26 DM Machinery 62J0744 3060000 ado 59,10,44 DS Snow & Miscellaneous 76v943 30 169200,00 60974330 C Enterprise (Pine View Cem) 39,617,00 38,61700 12000.00 SL(l) Fort Amherst, Garrison R& Lighting 29021-0 ----- 2,0M00 3L(2) Cleverdale Lighting 535.0 535,,00 SL(3) Pinewood Lighting 90.0 1000 WOO 1 SL(4) South Queensbury Lighting 5,173.01 ®m--- 450.00 4*723.00 SW(l) Queensbury Water 161 ,747020 1213,340.00 2v000000 38,407020 SW(2) So. Queensbury Water 719275.86 27t450000 439825,86 SW(3) W.G.F. Water 149650.00 49650.00 109000.00 -- 2W(4) Shore Colony 20110.00 960,,00 18150.00 ----- 4(5) WIii ,F. Water Bond Ext. 1 840.00 202.01 637,99 4(6) So. Queensbury Water Bond Acct. 49,862 .07 439325.86 6,536.21 SF Queensbury Fire Protection 56,000,,0( 400.,00 553600.00 SSI Pershing, Ashley, Coolidge 2,230AC ---- .00 lv5W,0 0 SS2 Pershing, Ashley, Coolidge Extension #4 315.0 315,,00 SS3 Reservoir Park 29250.0 19000.00 10250 00 SD Queensbury Drainage -5 a10.01 10.00 5 0 900 .U1 Totals 10611802. 9-*456-J42.86 28.688.22 74 77 ,,87 GENERAL GOVERNMIT SUPPORT T°IEGISLATIVE t 1010 Town Roam (Councilmen) 1010.1 Personal Services $ 91600000 101002 Equipment q pment 101004 Contractual Expenses 400 pp Total �10 000 00 JUDICIAL A1110 Justices 111001 Personal Services $ 10,550000 11102 Equipment 11104 Contractual Expenses 820,00 Total � 111370 0.00 EXECUTIVE A1220 Supervisor 1220.1 Personal Services $ 14,300000 1220.2 Equipment pm 122004 Contractual Expenses 26000 Total . 3,�4,�5±60 FINANCE 1330 Tax Collection 133001 Personal Services $ 6,300 00 133002 Equipment 13304 Contractual. Expenses 2.688.00 Total 84988000 A1355 Assessors 135501 Personal Services $ 159200 00 135502 Equipment 135504 Contractual Expenses 700.00 Total � 5 900 00 STAFF A1410 Town Clerk 141001 Personal Services $ 9,500000 14102 Equipment 1410,,4 Contractual Expenses 1,?.M00 Total 10,700,.00 A1420 Attorney 142004 Contractual Expenses 3.000.00 Total 3s00�p p 2 GErIO& FUND - APP_OPRIATIONS 8 GENERAL GOVERNMM SUPPORT A1440 Engineer 700 00 1440.4 Contractual Expenses 3. ,__ Total 700.00 450 Elections 1450.1 Personal Services $ 6,200,00 1450.2 Equipment 900e00 1450.4 Contractual Expenses 8040 Total 880 00 SHARED SERVICES Buildings 1620.1 Personal Services $ 53,050400 1620,2 Equipment 29500.00 1620,4 Contractual Expenses __9.800o00 Total 17.220-00 SPECIAL ITUtS 1910,4 Unallocated Insurance $ 20602000 1920.4 Mmicipal Assoc. doses 160,00 1990.4 Contingent Account �9.0 Total 11,762000 PUBLIC SAFETY LAW ENFORCE16iEEA1T 120 Police and Constables 3120.1 Personal Services $ 50,800,00 _ 312002 Equipment 19900,00 3120.4 Contractual Expenses 9 _ _2200 Total 61 722_00 TRAFFIC A3310 Traffic Control 8 179, 9 3310.4 Contractual Expenses _.: o Total 8 1 909 SAFETY FROM ANIMALS . 3510 Control of Animals-Dog Warden 3510.1 Personal Services $ 10200.00 3510,4 Contractual Expenses I-OO2sOO Total 2,200 40 �0 H PUBLIC HEALTH A4010 Board of Health 4010.1 Personal Services $ 2,400.00 4010.4 Contractual Expenses 1.200_00 Total jj600.00, .4020 Registrar of Vital Statistics 4020.1 Personal Services 200.00 Total 200.00 3 ifs c G PUNT. - APP.B.0haIKEIONS TRANSPfJRTATION DMTLNISTRATION 5010 Superintendent of Highways 5010.1 Personal Services $ 179,200.00 5010.4 Contractual Expenses 100.00 Total ®17. +00.00 HIGHWAY A5132 Garage 5132.1 Personal Services $ 5132.2 Equipment 5132.4 Contractual Expenses 22300.00 Total ,2.3„00.00 A5182 Street Lighting 5182.4 Contractual Expenses $15-,820 O1 F&9M C ASS,ISIMCE AND OPPORTtm M EC(MONIC DEVELOPMENT A6410 Publicity 6410.4 Contractual Expenses . 6 000.00 Total 6 000 00 ER A6510 Veterans Services 6510.4 Contractual Expenses 40.w 0 Total 400.00 CULTURE - N,7�,'REAT ION A7310 Youth Program 7310.1 Personal Services $ 16905000 7310.2 Equipment 10200.00 7310A Contractual Expenses 2,8, 850.00 Total =20.100,00 A7320 Joint Youth Project 7320.4 Contractual Expenses „ 1.450.00 �.ULTURE - A7410 Library 7410.4 Contractual Expenses 17,L0.0...00 ►7510 Historian 7510.1 Personal- Services $ 250.00 7510.4 Contractual Expenses 50.00 Total 3000 00 gE &Egg ""Card o A7550 Celebrations 7550x4 Contractual Expenses 200.00 Total 200000 HOME AND CO*1UNITY SERVICES GENERAL ENVIRONMENT A8010 Zoning 8010.4 Contractual Expenses 1.200.00 Total 12200.00 A8020 Planning 8020.1 Personal Services $ 159100.00 802004 Contractual Expenses 1.488.00 Total 16.588.00 A8030 Research 8040.4 Contractual Expenses 1,600.00 Total 1.600.00 SANITATION A8160 Refuse and Garbage(San. Land Fill) 8160.1 Personal Services $ 149800.00 8160.4 Contractual Expenses _4.000.00 Total l&8 0 HOME AND CO*WNITY SERVICES COMMITY ENVIORONMENT 19516 Community Beautification 8510.1 Personal Services $ 29000.00 8510.4 Contractual Expenses 300.00 Total 2o300.100 UNDISTRIBUTED A9000 Employee Benefits 9010.8 State Retirement $ 79300000 9015.8 Fire and Police Retirement 29967.00 9030.8 Social Security 89944.80 9040.8 Workmens Compensation 19330.00 9060:8 Hospital and Medical Ins. _,5_760 640 Total Employee Benefits 26 9301.80 I 00 Inter-Fund Transfers 9514.9 Transfer Enterprise Pine View Cemetery S 24.617A-0 Total Inter®Fund Transfers 249617.00 ' Q GENERAL FUND - Ai'FROIPRI TIONS UNDISTRIBUTED 100 DEBT SERVICE ucipal 9740©6 Capital Motes 900740,02 Total Principal 22OZ4.02 Interest 974007 0api.tal Notes 98 �00 Total Interest 8 Total General Fund Appropriation L373j2 60482 (Transfer Total 'Adopted" to page 1) i 6 GENERAL. FUND -ESTIMATED WEi ENUES LOCAL SOURCES G-ER TAX ITEMS 11090 Interest and Penalties on Real ,.L_1 Property Taxes $ 10500000 A1120 Non-Property Tax Distribution by County Sales Tax Money 18,000400 DEPARTMENTAL INCOME A1232 Tax Collection Fees 500.00 A1255 Clerk Fees 30500000 A1520 Police Fees 300000 A2110 Zoning Fees 500.00 LICENSES AND PERMITS A2544 Dog License Fund Apportionment 29500000 A2590 Permits-Junk Yard 150,00 A2555 Building Permits 8,550 00 FINES AND FORFEITURES A2610 Fines and Forfeited Bail 13j0� OOa00 Total Estimated Revenues from Local Sources 489500.00 F _ -- STATE AID GkTdM*L A3001 Per Capita $ 95,000.00 A3005 Mortgage Tau 359000oOO CULTURE AND RECREATION A3820 Youth Programs 4500000 Total Estimated Revenues from. $134 State Aid Total Estimated Revenues-General Fund (Trans. Total "Adopted"-Pg.1) $ 1:3 0,00,.00 ES Q ED UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated General Fund Unexpended Bat„ (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page l) $ 3.200.00 t 7 .'2S-S F q: F UN'9 E\,TEk�i;,Rl-sE PPiNF, " iEW CE DERV C8810 Pine View Cemetery 8810.1 Personal Services $ 289600.00 8810.2 Equipment 19000.00 8810.4 Contractual Expenses 6 467.00 L Total 36 0 Z 2 00 UNDISTRUMED 09000 Employee Benefits 9010.8 State Retirement $ 300.00 9030.8 Social Security 1,372.00 9040.8 'Jorkmens Compensation 808.00 9060.8 Hospital and Medical Insurance 1 070;00 Total Employee Benefits $ 39550.00 Total General Fund-Enter- prise m Appropriations (Transfer Total "Adopt- ed" to Page 1) L39.617.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES LOCAL SOURCES B 1120 Non-Property Tax Distribution C 2190 Sale Cemetery Lots $ 80000.00 C 2192 Cemetery Ser. 61,000.00 C 9514 General Fund 24.617.00 Total Estimated Revenues from Local Sources $ 38. 1' .7.00 ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated Unexpended Balance C Enterprise Transfer T0.r_1al "Adopted" to Pg. 1 11000.00 HI A FUND APPR©PRIATIONS Repairs and Improvements Item 1) DR-5110 General Repairs 5110.1 Personal Services $ 740000.00 5110.4 Contractual Expenses 50 500.000 Total General Repairs 124,500.00 UNDISTRIBUTED DR-9000 EmplaTee Benefits 9030.8 Social Security $ 39552.00 9040.8 Workmen Compensation 3,000.00 9060.8 Hospital and Medial Insurance 3 209 26 Total Employee Benefits 9 7i�.26 Total Appropriations (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) 134,261.26 Machinery (Item 3) K CHINERY M-5130 Machinery 5130.1 Personal Services $ 80000..00 5130.2 Equipment 159000.00 5130.4 Conntractural Expenses 10, ,000.00 Total Machinery -33,000.00 UNDISTRIBUTED DM-9000 Employee Benefits 9030.8 Social Security $ 384.00 9040.8 Workmens Compensation 340.00 906068 Hospital and Medical Ins. 28344 Total Employee Benefits $ 1,007.44 DX-9700 DEBT SERVICE Principal 9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes $ 170130.00 9740.6 Capital Notes ,_7j150.00 Total Principal 0 00 Interest 9730.7 Bond Anticipation Notes $ 3,668,00 9740.7 Capital Notes 7�52 00 Total Interest 49420.00 total Appropriations (Transfer Total "Adopted" Page 1) X562,707.44 9 HIGHWAY = A=0 .LRj4 oN a K Snow and Miscellaneous Item 4) DS-5140 Miscellaneous (Brush and Weeds) 5140.1 Personal Services $ 600;00 5140.4 Contractual Expenses „40,0.00 Total Miscellaneous 110 00 DS-5142 Snow Removal (Town Highways) 5142.1 Personal Services $ 48,000.00 5142.4 Contractual Expenses 14 414 00 Total Snow Removal 162„2414jJQ0 UNDISTRIBUTED DS-9000 Employee Benefits 9010.8 State Retirement $ 79433.00 9030.8 Social Security 29304.00 9040.8 Workmen Compensation 19500.00 9060.8 Hospital and Medical Insurance 2,292030 Total Employee Benefits - 13 52 Total Appropriations (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) $ 76A943,:,0 HIGHWAY FUNDS ® ESTIMATED REV MS AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE LOCAL SOURCES DR-2401 Interest Earnings $ 29200.00 STATE AID DR-3501 Highway, Traffic and Trans- portation $ 89000.00 DR-3507 Mile:-zge and Valuation Aid $ 2,.000200 Total Estimated Revenues (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) 19,200.00 Total Estimated Unespended Balance (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) $ 2.000.00 Machinery (Item 3) LOCAL SOURCES Dm-24161-Rental of Equipment, Other Governments $: 39600.00 'otal Estimateda Revenues .Trrn fer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) a8 � HIN AY FUNDS - ESTIMATED MENUES AND ESTIMATED 1MEXPPENDED,BALANCE Snow and Miscellaneous (Item 4) LOCAL SOURCES DS-2300 Services for Other Governments $ 16.200000 Total Estimated Revenues (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) 16.200000 f �I � 11 a8 M FART AMM§T-GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING DISTRICT SL(1)-5182 Lighting District 5182.4 Street Lighting $ 2s025.00 Total Lighting District Appropriations $. 2.025°00 Transfer Total "Adopt-,,:f-,d" to agge��� 1 REVENUES $ 2,025.00 E, MED REVES �` SL (1) Total Lighting District Estimated Revenues NONE Transfer Total adopted to page 1 None UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estim ted Lighting District Unexpended Balance NONE Transfer Total "Adopted" to page 1 None CLEVERDALE LIGHTING DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS SL(2)d5182 Lighting District 5182°4 Street Lighting $ 535.00 �- Total Lighting District Approp° (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) 535°00 Transfer Total "Adopted" to pg. 1 °°°'° ESTIMATED REVENUES SL(2) NONE Total Lighting District - Est. Revenues NONE .Transfer tonal "Adopted" to Page 1 None VNEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated Lighting District Unexpended Balance NONE Transfer Total "Adopted" to pg.. None PINEWOOD LIGHTING DISTRICT SL(1)m5182 Lighting'District 5182.4 Street Lighting $ 90.00 Total Lighting District - Appro o $ 90 00 Transfer Total "Adopted to pg. ESTIMATED REVENUES SL(l) ¢¢� f Tens feY°Tosa �Ac�optec"Eo°pegee°1 NONE None � 8 N PINEWOOD LIGHTING DISTRICT UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated Lighting District Unexpended Balance ,$ 110 ,000 (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) , $ 10.00 SOUTH QUEENSBURY LIGHTrrr ING DISTRICT rrr rr�r APPROPRIATIONS SL(4)-5182 Lighting District 5182.4 Street Lighting 5.17„ 200 Total Lighting District-Approp. �- , - 5.73.00 ESTIMATED REVENUES SL(4) NONE UNEXPENDED..BALANCE Estimated Lighting District Unexpended Balance $ 450.00 rrrlrae�rrr•wr.r r. (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) $ 45,o jr WATER DISTRICT .. APPROPRIAITONS rr.r®rr..rr�r.nrrrr.r��.r rr SW-1 QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT rrs�..rrr_or.rru....r.r�. SW8310 Administration 8310.1 Personal Services $ 99000.00 8310.4 Contractual Expenses 6000..Q0„� Total =6r000 00 SW8320 Source of Supply, Power and Pumping 8320.1 Personal Services $ 29184.00 8320.2 Equipment 500.00 8320.4 Contractual Expenses 28 00.00 Total 1 184 00 SW8330 Purification 8330.1 Personal Services $ 19092.00 8330.4 Contractual Expenses 3.500.00 Total 445512 00 SW8340 Transmission and Distribution 8340,'1 Personal Services $ 26,980.00 834042 Equipment 40450,00 8340.4 Contractual Expenses 21 000 0 Total 52.430.70 13 SW—I 9,,t BaENSBUk?X3ATER DISTRICT UNDISTRIBUTED '49000 Employee Benefits 9010.8 State Retirement $ 3,000.00 9030.8 Social Security 19884.30 9040.8 Compensation Insurance 699-.30 9060.8 Hospital and Medical Ins. 1 6�0,00 Total 7 18 .60 SW9700 DEBT SERVICE Principal 9710.6 Serial Bonds $ 159000.00 9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes 1,175^00 9740.6 Capital Notes 8,2476 57 Total Principal 24.651.57 Interest 9710.7 Serial Bonds $ 149787.50 9730,7 Bond Anticipation Notes 15,921050 9740.7 Capital Notes 12396.33 Total Interest S 32,2105.33 Total Water District Approp® (Transfer Total "Adopted" Pg. 1) $ 161.747,20 --' WATER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES SW2140 Metered Sales $ 1109720,00 SW2144 Water Connection Cbarges 69000©00 SW2650 Sale of Scrap and Excess Mat. 1,000°00 SW2770 Supervision 3.620.00 Total Water District-Est. Rev. XTransfer Total "Adopted" Pg. 1) $ 121,340.00 UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated Water District Unexpended. Bal. (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) $ 2.000.00 S.W t2 SOUTH,2U.EENSBURY WATER DISTRICT SW8310 Administration 8310.4 Contractual Expenses 1.650.00 Total 1,656-MOO , L;8320 Source of Supply, Power, and Pumping 8320.4 Contractual Expenses .,2,5,200.00 Total 25.2 00 00 as � (2) SOUTH 9REENSE Y W Urr; Dj=ICT SW8340 Transmission and Distribution 8340.4 Contractual Expenses $ 600.00 UNDISTRIBUTED SW9700 DEBT SERVICE Principal 9730.6 Bond Anticipation Notes $17.275.86 Total Principal IIZ.271.86 Interest 9730.7 Bond Anticipation Notes - 6 50,00 Total Interest 54.00 Total Water Dist. Approp. (Transfer Total "Adopted" Pg. 1) $ 71,275.86 WATER DISTRICT - ESTIMATED REVENUES SW2140 Meter Sales $269450.00 SW2144 Water Connection Charges 1.000.00 Total Water District Est, Rev. Z;45.0. (Transfer Total "Adopted" Pg.l) 2�, 0 i UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated Water District Unexpended Balance (Transft::�° Total "Adopted" to Pg. 1) NONE SW (3) WEST GLENS PALLS WATER DISTRICT SW8310 Administration 8310,4 Contractual Expenses 8 0.00 Total 000 SW8320 Source of Supply, Power and Pumping 8320.4 Contractual Expenses 5.000.00 Total 1 52000 0=0 SW8340 Transmission and Distribution 8340.4 Contractual Expenses 8 780 00 Total 114,650.00 Total Water District Approp4 (Transfer Tagil "Adopted" Pg. 1) .� l4„650.00 15 SW (3) WEST GLENS PALLS WA, TK& DISTRLC.T WATER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES SW2140 Metered Sales $ 326.00 SW2142 Unmetered Sales 49024.00 SW2401 Interest and Earnings on Deposit and Investments 300.00 Total Water Dist. Est. Rena. 49650.00 (Transfer Total "Adopted Pg. 1) $---4.650.00 UNEXPENDED REVENUES Estimated Water District Unexpended Balance U.02000'.00 (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Pg. 1) 10 000.00 SW-4 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT aV8310 Administration 8310.4 Contractual Expenses 700.00 Total 00000 SW8330 Purification 8330,4 Contractual Expenses 30200 Total 30.00 S Transmission and Die :ribution 8340.4 Contractual Expenses 1.380.00 Total 1.380.00 Total Water District Approp. $2 110.00 (Transfer Total "Adopted" Pg o 1) 0 WATER DISTRICT ESTIMATED REVENUES SW2142 Unmetered Sales $ 760.00 SW2144 Water Connection. Charles 2 Total Water Dist. Est. Rev. 960.00 $ 960.00 UNEXPENDED BALANCE LEstimated Water District Unexpended Balance $ L. 20.00 (Transfer Total 10Adoptedt0 Pg. 1) 1-11150.00_ 16 a8 R WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS SW (D WEST GLENS FALLS WATER DISTRICT BOND ACCOUNT tQ'4 )STR1:Bi1TED SW9700 DEBT SERVICE —� Principal 971046 Serial Bonds t___323eOO Total Principal 121 400 Interest r 9710„7 Serial Bonds W-00 Total Interest 1 e00 Total. Water District Approp a (Transfer Total "Adopted Pg. 1) D„Qp UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated 'dater District Unexpended Balance (Transfer Total "Adopted” to Pg. 1) 22g.01 Std SOUTH UEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT BOND ACCOUNT UNDISTRIBUTED SW9700 DEBT :SERVICE Principal 973046 Bond Anticipation Notes 18 Total Principal 18 275.86 Interest 9730,7 Bond Anticipation Notes 31.586.21 Total Interest 1 586821 �4w�Yr Total Water Dist. Approp4 $.. 49.862407 (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Pg41) WATER DISTRICT m ESIMATED REVENUES SW 2770 Transfer-Soo Queensbury water $ 43�32� 5086 UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated Water Distract Unexpended Balance _ 62536,21 (Transfer Total "Itdopted" to Pg. 1) $ 6a5&uk1 17 RUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION DID a8 s SF(1)-3410 Fire Protection Dist. & Ambulance $ 30750.00 3410.4 Payments on Fire Contracts 47,500400 ►" Insurance 4.750.00 .r Total Fire Protection Dist. Approp. 5b 000,,00 $ 56,000.00 -- Total Transferred to Page 1 ESTIMATED REVEM.iES Total Fire Protection Dist. Est. Rev. NONE UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated Fire Protection Dist. Unexpended Balance 400.00 •x.400.00_ SEWER DISTRICT +- APPROPRIATIONS SW-1 PERSHING ASHLEY COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT SS8130 Sewage Treatment and Disposal 8130.4 Contractual Expenses 2.230.00 Total 2,23.0.p 00 Total Se--wer Dist. Approp. (Transfer Total "Adopted" to `Page 1) 2.230 00 SEWER DISTRICT UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated Suer District Unexpended Balances 730200 (Transfer Total "Adopted" Ege 1) 730.00 QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE DISTRICT SD9700 Debt Service - Principal 9710.6 Serial Bonds 5 OOOa00 Total Princopal 5-8000400 Debt Service *- Interest 9710.7 Serial Bonds 910.00 Total Interest S 210.00 Total Drainage Dist. Approp. 52910.00 (Transfer Total "Adopted" Pg. 1) L- D AG I - ex ended Ula�nce Estimated Drainage Dist Unexpended gal. 0 Q ? j 1� Cr (Transfer Total "Adopted" to Page 1) ---�• • - -• --� 18 SEWER DISTRICT - APPROPRIATIONS a� T SS-3 RESERVOIR PARK BEWER DISTRICT SS8130 Sewage Treatment and Disposal 8130.4 Contractual Expenses 1,. 000 Total 1 72.00 UNDISTRIBUTED SS9700 DEBT SERVICE Principal 9710.6 Serial Bonds 80„ ,0.00 Total Principal 800 00 Interest 9710.7 Serial Bonds Z§200 Total Interest Z8,00 Total Sewer Dist. Approp. (Transfer Total "Adopted" Pg. 1) y�_2425�0.O.Or., UNEXPENDED BALANCE SEWER DISTRICT Estimated Seger District Unexpended Balances $ 1j000.00 (Transfer Total "Adoptedl0 to Page 1) PERSHING, ASHLEY„ COOLIDGE SEWER DISTRICT BOND ACCOUNT EXTENSION UNDISTRIBUTED SS9700 DEBT SERVICE Principal 9710.6 Serial Bonds 270,.00 Total Principal 270.00 Interest 9710.7 Serial Bonds 45.00 Total Interest 45.00 Total Seder District Approp,, (Transfer Total "Adopted" Pg. 1)$ 00 SEWER DISTRICT EST. REVENUES iNW Wstimi�r. R0� Total Sewer Dist. Est. Rev. NONE SEWER DISTRICT UNEXPENDED BALANCE Estimated Sewer Dist. Unexpended Bal. NONE 19 t / I{ j SCHE Z OF SALARIES OF TOWN OFFICERS (ARTICLE S OF THE TOWN LAW) OFFICER SALARY Supervisor 72000.00 Councilman 2x400.00 Councilman 21400.00 Cotr cilmgm 2,400,00 Councilman 2r400.00 Town Clerk 7,5OOo00 Hig'&way Superintendent 92000.00 r On motion the meeting was adjourneo Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk