Application and Supporting Documents Z A March 2018 New Business Area Variance Z-AV-19-2018 Diana and Matthew Seders 42 Eagan Road lr-- 1 ON F SE BI R D74 2 r l € rpd, Qat-nsimpy, AJC". 12801-5902 Fobnu4y 8,2018 'Diana Suders 42 Eagan'Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Re: Proposed Duplex 42 Dagen Road .3 .1 Tax Map Parcel: 3+9.17-1-9 Dear Ms. uders; X am writing you with regards to my review of the a ve-referenced project and to docummt the recent conversations bemeen you and Laura Mooro;of my office. - Upon my review I find that your proposal will require,an Area'Varimtee prior to the issuance of building permit for tho project. A Variance is required as your plan offers the construction of a second dwelling unit(duplex)without tho required land area or density. I understand that you are preparing the nwvssary appligation materials. As such, this [atter will servo as the n essary denial letter for the processing ofyour appiieation. h.ould you have any questions or comments regarding your application, please do not hesitate to oentact this offi9e, inely, Cto Craig Brown Zoning Administrator CBlsh L,Wiaig 5mwFkUO18 UncrADmial Seders 2_8_1S.duc ' Hawe' of Natural Boairiy — -A Good Place to Lige " ATe&VatiBUWSBA q mved; September 2I 20161 -Abmissian Cop&jrenm Fo m!S flan 179-9-040 A44i(EC ,+- M ' 1. Applicant Name. A p Ljj is,-t' c' 3, Zoning classification f`c4 ( 41 an for $. i c roc 1 ff-- =, c- *J mr e1WA f 6. Fre-Suhmission Meeting Notes., Provided .OuUUnding; Please provide by Deed Genorai-Information o xmpiet _ Site Development DaU Complete (3. I Setback Roquiiements Completeu a`ce A, dWanal F4'#jW rmstiott zapiete clr. a f t rz G PAR addressed C.00np]im=with ming 0 rdbunce i C C . _ .._ ► ; Cbwkiist koms addmssod .iE?nrrimmeatal Foam camapiet +d WgOat►Ere Page oon)pleted cl Loi i 4C ( tC c L4O Staff Representafive: f' f Applict 1 Agent: page 6 e Z_AV.- /L?_C�6 PA UL E.1'ormrF 77AWI-LF11, PoN,ni.F, STEWART & RHODES, P.C. KAR6h3ViLI.1gpf$130--T74FR ALAN R.Rnanfs f ELISAS TH 13, MAKONf-Y RoaERr S.hicHiLLEN ATTi)RNEYS A-r LAiv JOHN D.W RIGHT PIIILLP CL Mc11J77RE P.o, Box 21-68 JESSICA HPGAUDNE VTRSLIK AIA ICK A.1.PfIn;VJTZ ONE WASEIKCTOfti STREET .1+LA%VJR.r4CF.PALTROMM �1.�L.#;OL7�i>�.O*ElARh GLENS )�ALL5, NEW YORK 12901-211% BENJAMIN R.PRhil',.�R, QF COUNSEL PATIUCIh E.WATKINS AULRK C.CEEMAiKO BRUCE=O.Lirinxi TELEPI I0I4 E 01 Al 792_2117 RICHARD J.BARTLETT PAVIA NADEAU BERURE 1�A.1'15161797-3309 19zf�1015 $Dt ATIIAN C.LAPPER Ek1AI L infa5li.bw1aw wm RORERT 8-STEWART JAMES R.BURKMT W 1ilmpin www.bt nrtsw.can 1932,2001 T@FhNm Di L.%LLO BLTTER BERTRANi J.DU 9E EILY1{E i Y FA $1Ri1LE NQT ACCEPTED 191&1999 RECOVED < Chairman Harrison Freer FEB � � �� � February 15, 2018 A Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Queensbtuy � N OAkNG 81 UR`:! 742 Bay road pLANEACE Queensbury New `fork 12804 Ike: Diana and Matthew Suders Area Vadan Z-X411-1 -2018 42 Eagan Road Diana & Mcafthew Seders Tax Map Parcel 309.17-1-9 42 Eagan Road Dear Chairman freer: Please be advised that our law firm has been retailed by Diana and Matthew Suders with regard to this area vadance request. The Suders have a raised ranch style home which is located on .77 acre parcel in the MDR Zone, Due to the sudden loss of Mrs. Suders' father,firs. Suders' mother began living with then in 2 016, The S uders have found that having Mrs. Sutlers' mother with them is beneficial for her and the family. However, it is very difficult for Mrs. Suders' mother to live in the current home, because it does not provide for one story living. She is currently having knee problems, and the existing home's layout is causing her to be isolated in the home. As a result,the Suders are proposing to construct an addition to the home which would allow for her to have her own living area, with a garage . When tie Surfers purchased their home in 1996, it was understandable, that they didn't anticipate the need for having a one story living environment for a parent. The proposed new addition wi11 be constructed off ofthe back of the existing residence. It will be 36'by 24' (864 squame feet)and will also have a connecting 16' by 0' (320 sgoare foot) garage. This new addition will not directly connect to the existing house and will be entirely constructed for one story living. Due to this addition not having a coruiection to the home,the structure will be considered a duplex. to thio MDI Zane, to have a duplex on a parcel that maintains public water but private septic requires 4 acres. With the Suders parcel being only .77 acres, relief is required for the failure to meet the lot size requirement for this project. When evaluating this request, the Board has to weigh the benefit to the Applicant versus any detriment this variance could provide to the community. The benefit to the Applicant is obvious, this will allow the Seders to properly care for their mother in a close proximity to their home. Chairman Harrison Freer Zoning Board of Appeals February 15, 2018 Page DIXU i-9523536-YJ-surfers cover .Icklcr,WIT Although relief is needed ficin the lot size requirement, the addition meets all other requirements, and will not be encroaching into any setbacks or failing below the necessary green space percentages. The addition will be constructed in a good workman like mariner and will have siding which matched the house so that it will not impact the aesthetics of the home. The existing vegetation will remain so that there should not be any negative impacts anticipated to the adjacent parcels. Overall the benefit to the Applicant clearly outweighs, any detriment that could occur from the granting of this variance. Please place this on the Zoning Board ofAppeais March 2 ,2018 agenda. I have enclosed a the$50 application fee, the Site flan Application, the floor plan of the addition, the deed and a copy of the original survey. Please be advised that the builder had sketched the addition on the survey. This sketch is provided in this submission. We would request that this sketch be considered sufficient for this review,since we are not seeking a setback variance, and a waiver be granted for the survey requirement. In addition, the builder is working on elevation drawings and will nave them for the meeting. If anything further is needed for the review of this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, JBarltt� ontiff, rt & Rhodes, P.C. iL o Bitter Direct Lure: (518) 832-6419 Direct E-mail,- rt xyrfapoxom DB cc: Diana and Matthew Suders 9523536 Ares Valiance [ZBA approved- Segmiber 21 2016i General Information 301-17-1-9 Tax Parcel ID Number, MDR Zoning District: Area variance Z-AV-2 � �1 Mailed Description of Project [include current c proposed use]: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Drano & Maffhew Sugars cul-rent Use: 42 Eagan Road DUPLEX Proposed Use- 42 EAGAN ROAD Location of Project: A p[iitdnt Name. DIANA&MATTHEW SUDERS Mailing Address 42>FAGAN ROAD Home Phone City, Shite, zip 2i QUEENS BURY ICY 12801 ork Pla ne � ellT 6",�s- - n dsuders roaadrunnor.co n v r. 1� r gent's 1 aGRie: B-P-S-Ft. LAW PLLC Mailing A-ddress 0 1;WASHINGTON T Home Phone City, Lite zip GLENS FAILS 12801 Work Phone. : 518-832-6419 Cell Phone E-ro itSDB BPSRLA -CbM f To; .�4,. , Nf:. Owner's NaFhe. SAME AS APPLICANT Mailing Address cli ', state, zip Work Phone ..Ceil Phone L'-mtai l W(No. Page I Area V&d anCe mBA¥pro ; Scp(ember 2120161 Si! Development Data Are aZType Existing . / posW TATA 4w . « Addition.s , f , k. Building footprint 2000 1184 31 B. Detached Garage N/A C. Accessory Strdue(gNIA D. Paved, gravel orothe hard surhoedarQ !fin 0 1000 mPorches/Dp�c444 448 F. Other Q, Tota N - 1 [Add q M4 1408 3632 Parcel �ea 143,560 sq- ft- /tee 6 . 32956 I. Per"ntage. of Impermeable &ear Site [ Cj/H 7% 11% Sethack Requirements Ba ke i 7d \ ~ R ¢ / t m posod Front Yard [1] 9G44.5 44.5 Emm Yard [2) 4 ;! Shoreline � . Side Yard [t 25 45.3 Zia Side Y ds} 25 40.1 30 Rear Yard [1] 30 157.1 GE| Rear Yard [2 Travel co r Hdglit [axi u Pemieability !B3 89% Numb of parking¥e= ] Pugc2 Airea Variance [ZBA approved- September 21 2016] Additional Project Information I, Will the proposal require a Septic Variance firom the Town Board orHealth7 NO 2, if the parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s), NO 3. Does this project require coverage under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination Sygain (S PDLS)Permit Program? _Yes I X No 4. Estimated project duration: Start Date: 412018 End Date: 7!2018 5_ Estimated total cast of project: $160,000 6. Total area of land disturbance for project: 1 000 SQ.FT. Floor Area Ratio Wore FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAIL) -- The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor area by the lot size in square feet,yielding a percentage. oni��gl istrict mta"I; "' Floor'Atr,aRatio [FAR]. Waterfront Residential Wit 0.22 Camrnereial Moderate f Commercial CM 1 C1 4.3 lntemiive Ati, The combined area of all square footage, as measure from exterior walls ofalI structures on the property, including all floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porches. Building square foouage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water aad one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be included, (See"FLA)OR AREA RAT] "}. B. Commercial or industrial: the total area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building or structure, and when applicable,the surd total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory bui Idings or structures on the project site. Parcel Arca sq, ft. Existing Floor Area isq. ft, [see above defin ition Pro osed Additional Flour Arca sq, Proposed Total Flaor Arca Total Allowable Floor Area F 79U356--- .5 (Area x see above table Page 3 Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Requesting relief from SECTION, 179-3- Need relief from the requirements) listed below which cannot be met by the project as proposed. [check all that apply] [] Setback [I Buffer Zone [] Lot Width [ ] Other Lot Size The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete them; use additional sheets if needed: 1. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will be created by the granting of this area variance? The d addition will be along the back of the existing residence. It will have little visibili from#lie road. The only ification that will be seen from ft roadside will be the garAge. Althougb the proposed addition will not meet the lot size mquirements, it does meet all setback and green s oe requirements. Moreover. even with the addition being constructed in f the parcel. it will still maintain a 12.1 f t setback from the rear property line. It should also be noted that this property to the rear is awned by the Town of Queensbury. There is qisge ve etation along the property ling. ver Il this lditioln should not be considered to produce an undesirable.chart a or a detriment to nemby properties. . Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance? No. Due to this lot being under an acre, any type of additi_cn would require relief. Having this be considered a du lex and se ar m the house will obviously providefor rivac for M ' mother. However, the main reason the nnectivity was not done was because it would have to have be dote with stairs, and at this time. Mrs. uders' mother emmot n2xv_igate stairs. 3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial? No this relief should not be considered substantial, since the only re ui rnent it does not mcetislotsize. All other Mguirernents are met. Asa resultoverall this should not be considered "too large' for the lot. since it can meet setbacks and green spge. Moreover. the only visual chane fmm the road will be the expansion to the garape. So there will be minimal visual charge to the area. 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. No. There i11 be no encroachment on the a acks with this addition and a limited physical change to the roadside view of the house. The additi n will have siding to match the house and will not reduce the aesthetics of the home. It will allow for the, additional vehicle to be placed into the garage. which should be considered an improvement. As a result.this will only he an imn mvernent to the area as well as an improvement to the family's living accommodations, 5. Whether the alleged difficult was self-created? This lot was .77 acus when it was develo ed. As a result thi a di Mob should not be considered entire[y self created since the M uirement f r this lot was incnmsed a er i was developed. AU chats to this home would required a variance clue to the increased. lot size requirement. Area VariaMe [ZD k appmved_ Suptcmber 21 2,0 J 61 Section 179-14-030—Application materials Application materials and site plan drawing is to include sufficient information for the Board to review and provide a decision. The applicant is to provide a site plan drawing(s)—a survey showing existing conditions, a proposed conditions rnap(see page 00 for specific criteria)and include any other attachments that address A-D as applicable to the proposed project. c 1 :F $ bourn an Jtieet Title,Name, Address of applicam & person responsible for pre aradyn of drawing survey 2 Deed attached 3 North arrow,Tax Map ID, date prepared and scale minimum. 1 inch = 40 feet surv(eY 4 Boundaries of the property plottM to scale, zQnin&boundary survoy 5 Pri ncie2l structures, accessory structures with exterior dimensions attached 6 Site improvements incl. outdoor storage areas,driveways, parking areas, etc.: a istillg survey proposed 7 Setbacks for all structures and improvements: existing& proposed survey 9 Elevations and floor plans of all pro2ased and affected structures wiII be providcd B. atix,& Sewer .s x. I Sho h.on Sheet # I Project sewage disposal facilities, design details,construction details, flow rates, and number of septic existing bedrooms proposed 2 Water supply [i.e. we 111 &septic on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or public proposed on-site water supply and septic 3 Separation distances for proposed sewage d i spoW system to well and water bodies n1a 4 Existing public or private water supply [well, lake, etc,], Method of securing public or private public water, location des i n and construction of water su pp ly includ ing da i ly water u e 5 Percolation test location and results nfa #:: ;Parkin .l Permea61e as. ` : tr` n wheat# Number of spaces required for project including calculations andjustification, existing 8c maintained proposed 2 No. of existing parking spaces, nurnber to be removed, number to maintain and type of surfacing maintained material re.g., gravel,payed] 3 Provision for pedestrian.and handicap access and parkin • existing 8r proposed ala 4 Desi i details of iri s, egress, lead in areas and cutting. existing proposed survey 5 Location and character of green areas [existing and proposed], modification to green area, buffer waivw- zone to remain undisturbed 6 Lightii!& location and design of all existing and propsW outdoor G iting waiver 1 *. :} dditi nal Site I evelo prheql and i we Shown an $hp, . On-site& ad+acent watercourses, streams, rivers, lake and wetlands nla 2 UtiIi 1 energy distribution system eiectric,solar,telephone]: existing&_proposed existing 3 Location, design and construction details of all existing and proposed site improvements survey includin : drains culverts,reta i n ing walls, fences, fire & eivicrgency zones and h Brants, etc. 4 Square footage of bldg. area proposed for office,manufacturing, retail sales or other commercial residential activities: existing Sr proposed 5 Signage. Location size, tya, design and setback- existing pmposed nla 6 Waiver Request; provide letter with appiication requesting any waivers: please reference cover letter specific items 7 1 Coin mercial f Industrial Development requires submission of Landscaping, Storm Ater nla Dana ment,Gradiag& Lighting Plans 8 identification of Fedem1, Mate or County permits required for the praject together with a record rola of application for all necessa ermits Page 3 Area VaiiaEce JZBA approved_ 5cptcmher 21 20161 Pro-Submission Conference Form 1 Section 174-9-040 1. Applicant Name. �("4} � �c C, c� �L, i 2. 'T'ax Map TD �{J { � Location: c 3. Zoning Clamil;eation 4. � l�easan for Review: �.rC��. i 't~a� S. Zoning lection 4: �� y �` `# "� 6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes- Provided Outstanding; Please provide b Deed J " aeTieral Information complete Site Development Data Cornpiete, C C ("k A Setback Requirf rnents Complete tax rP4 0 w{ec Additional Project Information Complete � irC+-t_ .-7 FAR addressed Compliance with Zoning Ordinance _Z2�, Checklist items addressed s„ t l r _rJ-t rt" VNSI, Environmental Form completed Signature Page completed LID ' ix 'S` 4 (i t�- 4 (X �4- .]I �Vr f i r I F f l.�!I C__ (-,A or 1Deed Ir C •{�_T- if Staff Representative; Applicant I Agent; Date: �agc G Arca WffianCc [ZBAappNved; Scptmbcr212416] This pace includes the 1.)Author]zation to Act as Agent Form: 2.) FngineerIng Fee Disclosure;3.)Authorization for Site Visits„4.) Other Pfermit Respcmibiktics; 5.)Official Meeting Disclosure and 6,)Aorucment to provide documentation required. OWN 'a AGENT FORM: Complete the following if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant; Owner, Marra and Mat thew„Sudety s Designates: as Agent regarding the following: Variance X Site Pian_ Subdivision for Tax Map No-:_ . -- Deed Reference: Book Page__ Date OWNER SIGNATURE: AATIE: AFFtAC'ANVSACE N- T FORM: Complete the following if the.APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party: Owner: Designates: _ as Agent regarding the following: Variance Site Pian Subdivisim For Tax Map No,-, Deed Reference: Book Page._ Date. OWNER SIGNATURE: HATE-. 2.) ENGIN IZER1NG IFEE DISCLOSURE—. Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department .Fees for engineering review services will be charged directly to the applicant- Fees for engineering review will not oxceed S 1,000 without notification to the app lic-ant, 3.) AUTHORIZATION FOR SITE VISITS: By signing this page and submitting the appiicnion materials attached herein, the Owner, Applicant,and hislheritheir agents}hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Plaanirig Hoard and Town Staff to enter the subject properties fix-the purpose ofrevie ing the application submitted. d,) OTHER.PERMIT RE PONSIBILITIES- Other permits may be required for a stmction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. 5.) OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES 1)ISCLOSURE: It is the practice of the Community Development Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and minutes transcribed from those tapas constitutes the official record of all proceedings. b.) AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION RF,OUIRED. 1,the undersigned, have thoroughly read and undersUnd the instructions for submission and agree to the submission requirements, I acknowledge no cowtructiozi activities shail be conunenced prior to issuance of a valid pennit. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials arc a true and compIm statementide.scription of The existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the approved plans and in conformance with local zoning regulations- I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessary. I also understand that I1we may be requited to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land curveyar of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance ofacertificatc of occupancy I ha cad an agree to the above. ]] � Iet� &O� J r t re [ pp ' Yr erne �4ppl nt�]--� � Date signed � y j to a Crit] Print Naive [Agent] � � Date signed Fuge 7 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Ray Ruiid, QGitlepi. pirry, NY. 12804-5902 p'ebruary $,?0 L S Diana Saders 42 Eagan Road ueenshury.NY 12904 Re., Proposed Duplex 42(Eagan road Tax Map Parcel, 39.17-1-9 Dear Ads. Suders: 1 am writing you with regards to my review of the above-referenced project and to document the recent conversations between you and Laura Macre;of my office. Upon my review 1 find that your proposal will require an Aram Variance prior to the Issuance of a building permit for the project, A Variance is required as your plass offers the cons"ction ora second dwelling unit(duplex)without the required land arra or density, I understand that you are preparing the necessary application materials. As such, this letter will serve as the necessary denial letter for the processing of your application. Should you have any questions or comments regarding your application, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, 01b Craig Brown Zoning Admllnistmtor CBlsh L KWE Dmmw 2al8 LcmrsO rift]Sudors 2_8_18.doc " Hoill e of NiiIara1 9eaziIy ... A Good Place to Live " 1,AFI rm colmy Ci nx } ti k FLMDRDING C0VER $}lEET = i EKP. nilTIALS J I[;STALRlENT 0 ND. OF PAMS TYPE 4F DOC. ; i AUaTL, Hb Tow pr„rg it <e� ADDTL. NAMES =_ 2RANSFER TALC AM $_ f �' �y HORTGAGE AMT. $. A Moxc�: rnx a TMEFER TAX STAXP * MORTGAGE TAX STAMP ❑Q # Rr!OEIVEQ �.. SAL ESTATE SEP 2 0 589 ` -rRAwr,rER TAX WARREN CIOUWN I 1 ar}} lBile*ffle#k#4**A�lyrilkMi![i,lfki�lfklkiiiS#tk**#!*SIR*�nkiri�f*R#*R�rk*i3*R,k!#Rklei A-M RIN* 1"kM A41*41R t 1 Flanda fi11 In blanks balow bcfare submitting tar recording. orr, o$�rxcncanfass� oa _ 1 1I i GRANTE6ft!{7dkTGA�+EEfASS3G?9E� btu C�Vr�i��"! �' ��L�3'�.��r RECORDED BY: W/llf{f//}l/J1f2 f{f f} flffflfff. gout ra RETURN TO: Bruce M, John P,:G-5 f 4.;.,} my Attorney at Law x19 Bay stvaor 5 SPE-61 20 Pel 21. U Glens Fal.ls,.Mcay_York J�BQ j I Spon recording this Fggc Lecomoa a part of the f i L . + FOROSMa—n-r-DEE o WARRANTY 4F+an,a CmParUml W1h LIRa C0.4mm 9lIJ~TJ4NALL[4M SUP/LYIFIL F �+��-' i7F5M.4WA.►.,u�m.H%i9714 TAX C I M0 M .dfude t7JJ3 ti dlty . ' XiJdafaara }fa ndred ujjd Rfnaty-six Helxvukt MW CO&SK UCTrUFF 00"ANY, INC.. with on addzvoir a# 357 Say Asad, QueDneburg, Coax York a c FprJ'rWiau mennhwd mmorur Oic lmvy of the Una of New York E' f,Rrt {� the frt Burd, f:Hff tr �. H8tthm G. Sudecs end Miens C, SWOr*, husband and Miss., with en eddXeoa of 129 LeuCenes Street, Gleno "115, New York + F tmirtY of rhe soy I]PIf pUrt,`� �F'ilooiwctl►fhul1.4cpart-y $f�kejbmlpure,ju4-1mmdeWU?j1rrrf Iffuftf FxoReAFrif the U'dOrd Rldfv#.and other good cud valuable con"$sration pricl fly the pure Y ++f t JFrt at*rrulrl1xrrl,does kfireb#gUlft?raid re FMSM r;uta ehd pert g of lire Jrg4'urul�Jvre, their heira and amiCBS t6mor, aff I , SEE hTTACHSb 5CHPWUW "A" I - a 1 i 1- Y i I i . Taged—With Cho appujI'enanon and dli a N aatatoa72.d rifItte Of tTs6pa7fy ` of thdAPS I part frta)d to ruf4 premfaei, To 13 eve and to hold the prsmiaes hareln ifran ted Ttrata the party of the '• second part, their helcm an13 aRolons forevP7. � And fJte party of Ow fdra4 pari wumnatafa tta fbllows: First,T;Iat Lire Party of tho Second part e7rafl qudsf(W anjoy Lha Said pfcw£aaa; Second.That ffie lffrrtY Of fhu AraI Part 108E foravar Varranl the ttdd to Said I Third, That, in with Sea. is of the Lien.Layer, tits grantor Will Peetlae the ecnafderation for this conveyanes and w112'hofd the rid I eo reeefva auelt considara Nan ea a Crue t/uzzd to 5e afpfled JIrsd for LhaP urpoaa of payihgf the coat of '. Cha i7?pmusment and wild apply L 1a Same first t0 the Prs07rtaut.of els coat of Ota improoem4mt before aslrtg any Part of the total of the aapna for rnzyotherpwpoma. I ���� �:rikpmr, r?of In Witnim Wleero4f, 146 } pa.reg of the first pard has cached ifs corporate dead to bs karSUnto afft=d, artd tlaet6 Fr 9Rt$ to bo signed by Uv duly aruth4rized oflfeer eMR Mnefeen Hundred Acrd Ni"q-si% i BMV CONSTRUCT0.4 CCMPARY, IMO. r � :tic D'Sio , PKae�,dcrrG StSla at New York 016thfs 13 day of �-i�`.-1� County of WACUtW ffinoteen Ifaindrfd and Ninety-mix Irsfurm urs putaotrully ca7rta Nfelsee2 O'Sfek to rtte yeraonalfy known, who, baing hu uza deity Riularrxr did depuae and Say 17we he reaid8a irk , .JEW Ynrk thad he 4 4116 Frealdant of BMV CunEClvoEfan Company, arse. the earpuradon d4aorffrad i7s,a?pd-WhIVA ere as ted,the uhthfra Instrument;that he knaava the seal of safd eorporadan, that the seal affdserl to Said hiserurr►ent 1a such corporala send; that it was so a#Lred by order of the Ifoard of DimetarS of sold corporadam, rind tlea f. he aigned rmmz tiremea by tike order. N Ery Public ' acnnr�a arra Tax Map Na. Ta-Y ptflrrrgAddress G a�lEl;hc:Ir�lAq�� ,e Fir jk r $Q 0 gL6 F_ !K Ss E a 4 w LQ kS i h ♦Gh w i - Cp • a � • �S i F ' dfteed-r .rpr1 1,9a�7 a r►e wd d Om Dava ao `° 4'7•dJ 3V FAM n arre,wr of f1l,61 feed f"r.14 N lh.W eor ap J7d fd c pafnf f&p 7 WjT raid laedrrN,r To»�of I i ra"`#as�' 1 aAcP fheron rwirurrg mldpvw S"fh 3617] Wal n dlrrarue of J1�79 er ra he lfaal,rarlrrly A-P&'fft-Rcdf,•'Amm-ming Noah 36%m,#err ara,w rafdRwd p e4'AL eEr'4d-2lfw,lhemirmotvNorth3Nl- 'S!krraduranceV22,9Dfatla+1repgW ordp�w& of bwAfl ra a.grdrww 0.27 aw qrhv4 6e rhr,Tame mere or fact. { EeQfaggfFM fn rhaAC%F &:Hpifapp relff f4 rkaMgmdok&,&M=d%gfAft NA b Sedp--1 delgg dsrram Yrddu rorm'PP PcmO l3-1.9,121. laG, 8ehag 11 c rmme prarrfM rani W fraM Srwr.4'c�nrl ll;f Aflefard p MWhfk RNiV Cawb•mrrlo�r CaW..,s 8y deed am ed SrprALTher/4 1996 cwj fioe,p*d to be re�•w-AW Ix rhr Pywr {oanry G'lerki o,�p- t dlaoelraveor hErrwfrk r T,rLteamr}a�rdneimet c6owelmroaVarrr�iwlaufaU ol,{yrlhanee. of�fe rpararfm f C r c r 4