New Information for May 16, 2018 ZBA Mtg. PAUL E.PO"FF BARTLETT,PONTIFF. STEWAXI- & NOnr% P.C. KAitLA WILLIAMS BRrETrKER ALAN R.RuOBES ELISABETii R.N]AIIOKEV Roma&MCMILLEN A-rroRN EV$AT LAw Jume D.WRiGiiT PHILIP C.MCIN71BE P,O. Box 2168 JESSICA HUGADONE VINSON Kkm A,LEBowira OKE WALSI1INGTON STREET J.LkwieF_NC2 PALT1row17x LENS FALLS,NEW YORK 12";-21458 BENJAmiN R. VsLAw.Jit, M11AI.00kAi 13.O'RARn OPcOVT"StiL PAIRICIA 9.WATKINS � MARK E.CERAMiYo BRUCE O,Lirmsm TELEPHONE�S ISI 792-1113 RICIIARU,I,BA RTLEIT PAULA NADEhU BERRI9E FA\{i 18)792-]309 1926.11)15 JONAT]iAM C.LUTER Ei11AIL info hy9Aaw.cam RI)nE9RT 5,STEWA RT JAM ES R.Irl RxFTT WE BSITE www.4w rh1w.4mm 1933-2001 STEPANIE DILALLO OsTrot 5SRTIRAa1 J.DUBS SERVICE.BY RACS1N11LE NOT ACCE:9111 1916-1'199 April 16, 2018 Chairman Ha rison Freer Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY, 12.844 Re; Diana and Matthew Suders 42 Eagan load Tax Map Parcel 309.17-1-9 Dear Chairman Freer: As you are aware, our law firm has been retained by Diana and Matthew Seders with regard to the area variance requested. On March 28, 2018, the Zoning Board of Appeals reviewed the request for the Applicant to construct 864 square foot residential addition with an adjoining 320 square Feet. This new unit was proposed to the rear and west side of the horde and would not provide for a connecting door to the existing home. The Zoning Board of Appeals at that time, identified that they had concerns with the bequest as it was presented and as a result, the Applicant tabled the application. After hearing the continents of the Board, the Applicant returned to the builder and had the addition redesigned. As the Board recalls, this additional space is being constructed for Mk-s- Suder's mother. Her mother currently resides with thele, but is not able to navigate all of the stairs in the home's current layout. The redesign will remove the existing garage and construct a throe stall garage with living space above it. The footprint has been reduced. It will be 792 square feet of garage space and 792 square feet of living space which will be constructed for Mrs. uders mother. This addition will a]low for a lift to be incorporated for her use as well as allow her to access the existing home. This will function as an addition, not a separate unit. This layout still requires relief, due to the inclusion of the kitchen. It is important for the Applicants to maintain a kitchen in this addition, so that Mrs. Suders' mother can have privacy and on days when she i s home alone, and or not feeling well, not have to walk far to the kitchen. Although we understand that with the inclusion of the"kitchen," it creates a new unit and converts this as a duplex. However, we also appreciate that each area variance is looked at on a case by case basis. This addition with a kitchen, due to its co anecti vely, should be viewed Chairman Harrison Freer DOCLIB-9531 483-vI-5u&z Corer ]c11Cr.WPD April 17, 2018 Page 2. similarly to a basement with a wet bar or kitchen. This new plan has been reviewed by the most immediately adjacent neighbors and has been positively received. A copy of petition sighed by those neighbors is enclosed with this submission. It is the hope of the Applicant that with the reduction in size of this Project; this being an addition that has direct access to the home; and with the input of the neighbors, that the Board will view this new request positively. Please place this on an agenda in May. Sincerely, Bartl t P �' , ate 8 Rhodes, P, . Stefan] Di llo iter Direct Line:(SIS) 53 - 419 Direct E-mail. srJ�fi iosdaww DB #531483 Matthew artt Diana Sudiars of 4Z Eagan R'oad,.Queensbury dra, wpusing an addaior+ consisbno)o(ad�dfr)'g a'gingte car gorege attachedtothe left-slde+dfstheir existing garage angm`; �t addtiianell1viing-space above Me gerage.area;Which would all;bb corIliected to the-existing house WIth•conrtec vity only morn within (no separate exterior entrance:or-exit dQur)_ ' f Blease sign this letter as a voice of approval to this pro]Wm Thank You. ►. Printed blame SIgnature Address Date 17 r� L4 I• y 'F •fir: �+. .� t'