Staff Notes Packet PLANNING BOARD STAFF NOTES MAY 15 ;, 20, 18, Minutes arch 113th,, March 20th & arch 27th Draft � e � io ® grant/deny minutes approvaI Administrative Re ti a S[ e Plan 57-2015 @ Cornr Blind Rock & Bay rids. Queensbury 'airy r Draft r l uurs - grant/denix month ire Side Plan 57--2017 & Special Use Permit 7-2017 308 & 310 CorinthRoad Seaton Property Holdings Draft resolution — grant/dIeny further tabbing Site Flan 67-2017 Stene Route Gregory ri Draft ruin grant/denyerg June 26Th Administrative Items (Cont. ) '. Site Plan 1,4-201,8 @ 3 Glen Haill Drive Seavey Family Trust Public hearing closed SEQR, 11, Draft, resolution — gram/cleny site plan approval V, J, H TOWN OF QUEEN SBURY PLANNING BOARD RE SMUTION— GRANT EXTENSION REQUEST SITE PLAN 57-2015 QUEENSBURYPARTNERS, CORNER BLIND ROCK ROAD & BAY ROAD/ZONING PUD The appli ma t has submitted an application to the Planning Board for Site Plan approval pursuant to Article 9 of the Town Zoning Ordinance for: a Planned Unit Development (PUD) consisting of office, business retail and multi-family uses. The proposed inixed use density is for 142 residential. wits and 56,180 sq. ft. of commercial space., Activities also include land disturbance for, installation of a parking areas, parking garage, sidewalks and drive areas alon, ithr associated infrastructure and utilities for the project. Pursuant to Chapter 179,12 PUD of tine Zoning Ordinance, Planned Unit Developments are subject to Planning Board, review and approval, MOTION' TOAPPROVE A SIX MONTH EXTENSION FOR SITE, PLAN NO. 57-2015 QUEENSBURY PART,NERS, Introduced by ho moved for its adaption, seconded by Duly adopted, this Jern'day of May, 2018 by the following vote: AYES- NOES: 5 18.701.82,20� Fax' 5 742 13iny Road.QuQ�-,mshiuy., NY 1204 "Y Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION-Tabling Site Plan 27-2017 & Special Use Permit 7-2017 SEATON PROPERTY 14OL1 INGS Tax Map ID 308.16-1-55, -56, -58 & -61/Property Address: 308 & 310 Corinth Road /Zoning CLI Applicant proposes operation of a wood processing facility with. a new 15,000 sq. 11. enclosed pole barn for wood products and to install two 1,200 sq. ft. kiln unitthe site. Project includes merger of lots 308.16-1. 55, - , -58 & 61. Project includes continued, auto facility for C& J automotive and current use of expanded material storage area. Project includes maintaining 4 existing buildings on the merged properties, additional clearing., installation of a gravel parking, area and material storage area (togs, woodchip s etc.). Pursuant to, Chapter 179-3-040 and 179-10-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, light manufactuting - wood products, logging cornpany, and Special Use Permit for wood product facility shall 'be subject to Planning Board review and approval. MOTION TO TABLE SITE PLAN 27-2017 & SPECIAL,USE Plies RMIT'7-2017 SELT—ON PROPERTY HQLDINGS, Introduced by -who moedfor its,adoption, seconded b.y Tabled until the Planning Board meeting. Duty adopted t.bis, 15"' day of May, 2018 by the following,vote: AYES: NOES: Pboat: 518-761,82-2011"ax: MJ oue 7, 1 ow Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION—Table Site Plan-Approval Site Plan 67-20,17 GREGORY TERESI Tax Map ID. 239.18-1- '.2 /Property Address-. State Route 9L Zon,in,g. WR The applicant has submitted an application to the Planning Board- Applicant proposes to construct a 1,81,2 sq. ft., 3 bedroom bome and associated site work. Project occurs on 15% slope and, includes stormwater management,permeable pavers, ith septic system on adjoining lot., Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-0,60 of the Zoning Ordinance, new construction occurring i&rithin ,50' of 15%slopes shall be subject to,Planning.Roard review and approval. MOTION TO TAHLF,SITE PLAN NO. 67-2017 ,GREGORY TERE,SI Introduced by who moved for its adoption; Tabled,too the June 26, 2018 Planning,to nieetinfth asubmissionof . For ,submission of details,of the will. Motion smonded by Duly adopted this, 17'h day of May, 2,018 by the following vete;� AYES: NOES: ................ Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development, Department Staff Notes May 15, 2018 Site Plan 14-2018 SEAVEY FAMILY TRUST 3 Glen Hall Drive I WR— Waterfront Residential /Ward I SEQR Type Ii Material Review: application, narrative, revised -site plan drawings, height sketch,, previous elevations, and floor plans Parcel I-listory: 206-753 deanof cabin/porch, AV 8-2018 Complete Review o fApplication nig application, is still considered an open item due to the 411118 "no action"'resolution therefore the application has been placed on the May agenda. The board may consider tabling the application', denial, approval, or approval with conditions. Reguested. Action Planning Board review and approval for a (revised) 1,0159 sq. ft. (footprint), 2,03 5 sq. ft. floor area home. Resolutions 1. Planning Board, decision R�ro ject.,Description Applicant proposes a(revised) 1,01° sq. k (footprint), 2,035 sq. ft. floor area home. Project includes site work, terraced grading,from Glen Hall, or with walkways to new home. Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-050 , 179-6-060 of the Zoning Ordinance, hard surfacing within 50 & of shoreline and construction within 50 ft. of 15% slopes shall be subject to Planning Board review and, approval.. Staff Comments • Location-The site is, located at 3 Glen Hall I r. off of Hall Rd and Tee Dill Rd, • Arrangement-The project site is currently vacant,and has received a septic variance. • Site Design- The applicant proposes a 1019 sq ft f6otprint home with a deck area facing the shore. The road side of the parcel will be terraced with, two sets of step sections. Applicant should,confirTn step sections construction or,detail type. • bite tayout and utility plan—The project plans indicate the site disturbance 7,685 sq ft. The project includes installation,of holding,tanks through a septic variance granted 11/2,012017. A new will is,to be installed on the shore side of the home. * Grading and drainage:plan and Sediment and erosion control —The plans show terraced areas with retaining walls, infiltration trenches,along the parking area ain dd.the new home and planting areas near the shore. • Landscape plan—The planting bed is,to include annual andperineal plants. The plans list possible shoreline, plant Species. • Elevations The plans show the height of the home'to-be,26.96 ft. New elevation drawings should be provided as the house is a different location on the property. Floor plans—The floor plans indicated two bedrooms on the lower level with a walk out area. The upper level is to include a great room,and a walkout upper,deck area., Pursuant to Section 179-9-0,50 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the writ,ten, request of an applicant. The: application form identified as "Requirements" outlines the items to appear on the site plan or included as attachments, At the time of application the applicant has either requested waivers, indicated the item not applicable or has not addressed the item/ left check box blank,., "this includes, the follow items, listed under Requirements of the: applicant's application- g. site lighting, h, signage, n traffic, 0. commercial alterations/ construction details, p floor plans, q., soil logs, r. oonstruction"de molition disposal S. snow removal, Natuire of Variance Granted with conditions,4/18/18 1) home to be located 12 ft from the:Burke:property line and 6 ft from the Gansle property line,, 2)a screening partition will be installed on the deck stairs and deck on the Burke side of the property, 3) 3 plantings 6 ft in, height to be: installed at the deck stair,area on Burk side of the property, 4 a drywell to beinstalled in area agreed upon by the neighborsnear the existing right of way, 51) construction to occur to minimize interruptions to neighbors access to their properties and no early than'darn, 6) well location to be evaluated based on location of neighboring holding,tanks.. The home is to be 29 ft from the shoreline where a JI setback is rfqyit -ed, and the site is to be 69,5% permeability where a, 751%permeability is required, 50 Summary The applicant has,completed a site plan application for the construction of a new,home. Revised plans will need to be submitted for staffand engineering review. MeetingllisLoM-. PBR2/13A8, 4/24/18; ZBA: 2/28/18 tabled, 4/18,/18; J rown of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION —Grant Site Plan, Approval SITE PLAN 14-20 18 SEY FAMILY TRUST Tax Map ID: 289.11-1-27/Property Address,.. 3 Glen Hall Drive/.Zoning- WR The applicant has submitted an application to the Planning Board, Applicant proposes a (revised) 1, 1. sq. ft. (footprint), 2,035 sq. . floor area home:. Project includes site work,, terraced grading from Glen Hall,, or, with walkways to new home. Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-050 & 179-6-060 of the Zoning Ordinance, hard surfacing within 50 ft. of shoreline and construction within 50 ft. of 15% slopes shall be subject toPlanning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections, of the Town, of Queensbury Zoning Code-Cbapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requiremenLs as stated in the Zoning Code; The Planning Board opened a public hear ng on the Site plan application on 4/241.2018 and continued the public hearing to 04/24/2018,when it was closed, 'The Planning Board has, reviewed the application. materials submitted by the applicant and all comments made at the public hearing and submitted in writing through and including 04t24120 18; The Planning Board determines -that the application complies with, the review considerations and standards set forth in Article 9 of tine.Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval, MOTION TO APPROVE ] DENY SITE PLAN 14-2019 SEAVEY FAMIQLTRUST; Introduced by Who moved for its adoption. According to the draft resolution prepared by Staff with the following: 1) Waivers requested, granted; 2. Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution. a�) The limits of clearing will, constitute a no-cut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed,around these:areas and field verified by Community Development staff; b) If applicable,the Sanitary Sewer connection Plan must be submitted to the: Wastewater Department for its review, approval, pen-nitting and inspection; c) If curb cuts are being,added, or changed a driveway permit is:required. A building,pen nit will not be issued until the approved driveway peri nit has been provided to the Planning Office; d) If application was referred to engineering then Engineenng signmoff required prior to signature of Zoning Administrator of the approved.plans; e) Final approved plans should have dimensions and setbacks noted on the site plan/survey,floor plans and elevation for the existing rooms and proposed rooms in the building and site improvements; Page I of 2 Phria e; 518.761,8220 I Fax518 745.4437 742 Ray Road Queensbury. NY 128,04 www,queensburynet f) If required, the applicant must submit a copy of the following to the Tow; w a. The project NOI (Notice of Intent) for coverage under the current ""NYS DEC SPDES General. Pennit from Construction Activity" prior to the start of any site work. b. The project NOT(Notice of Termination) upon completion of the project; c. The applicant must maintain on their project site:, for review by staff: i. The approvedfinal plans that have been stamped by the:Town Zoning Administrator, These plans must include the project SVVPPP(Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) when such a plan was prepared and approved; ii. The project NOI and proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDE S General Permit, or an individual SPDES permit issued for the project if required. g) Final approved Plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any ftu-ther review by the Zoning Administrator or Building,and Codes personnel,, h) The applicant must meet with Stif after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work, i) Subsequent issuance:of further permits, including building pennits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; As-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed accordingto the approved plans,to be provided, prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. k) This,resolution is to be placed in its entirety on the final plans 1) And the conditions that were given to,this Site Plan by the Zoning Board of Appeals, including One ftough Six. Duly adoptedthis 15 Ih day of May, 2018 by the following vote- AYES: NOES: Pag 2 of 2 Phone: 5118.761.8220 ' Fax. 548345A437 ' '742 Bay Road. Queensbury. NY 12604 hew w,queclnsburr y-not Site Pian Modification 22-2018 @ 985 Skate Ria 9 ITabaissum Sheikh Public ring schieduled SEAR Unlisted ( Reaffirm) draft resolution — g t/deny, site pian approval Town of Queensbury Planning Board ow Community Development Department Staff Notes May 15, 2,018 Site Plan.(M. od.)22-201,'8 TABASSUM S14EI1 11 985 Route 149 �NC-Neighborhood.Commercial / Ward 1 SEQ R Unlisted Material Review: application, site drawings, lighting details Parcel.History: SP 36-2015, SP PZ1,57-2016, S,V' 2-2018, multiple SP, BP, SP Requested Action Planning Board review and approval for modifi,cation to fuel canopies and building lighting. Resolutions 1. SEQR—reaffirm environmental review 2. Planning Board decision Prolect DescriBILon Applicant proposes modification to fuel canopies and building lighting. Lighting changes include number of lights, fixtures and brightness. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-120 of the Zoning Ordinance, modifications to an, existing site plan shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Comments Resolutions LSEQR—reaffirm environmental review 2. Planning Board decision. Prmoieet Description Applicant proposes modification to fusel canopies and, building lighting. Lighting changes include number of lights, fixtures and brightness. Pursuant to Chapter 170-9-120 of The Zoning. Ordinance, modifications to an existing site plan shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Comments • Location- The property is located at,985 State Route 149 the corner of Ridge Rd and State Route: 149 • Arrangement-The site contains an,existing 6,120 sq ft new,convenience store, a 3,420 sq ft gas service canopy and, a 2,070 sq ft diesel service canopy. The site work included new parking, storm nater, landscaping lighting and access points on Route 149 and Ridge Rd, Site lighting plan—The an updated revised lighting plan shows the fbIlowing: o Gas canopy with eight fixtures reduced average to 1"x.1 foot candles firom. ..29.9 foot candles. (Original approval was for 3 fixtures with less,than 10 footcandles.) The update plans add two- cutoffft;xtures on,the north side of the:canopy—the:average for the site is 3.6 footcandle. o Diesel canopy with 6 fixtures average under canopy is 23.0 ("bot candies—(Original approval was for 4 fixtures with less,than 10 foot candies). o Wall lights are to include:7 down cast fixtures noted as fixture B with a, shield. o Entrance Canopy lights include 9 recessed fixtures noted as fixture C. Signage—The applicant received an area variance for the 6159,sq ft ftee standing sign.and the additional signage on.of 342 sq ft with the SunocoLogo color scheme on the canopy. Pursuant to Section 179-9-0,50 the Planning Board may, grant. waivers, on its, own initiative or at the written request of an applicant. The previous site plan for SP 36-2015 and SP PZ 157-201.6 Modification provided the items outlined in requirements and the as built is consistent with the plans with the exception of the lighting. SOMMar'y The applicant has,completed a site plan application modification with a revised lighting plan to have lighting under the fuel canopy at fighting to, replace the approved lighting for the wall and canopies. MeetjD2J�Istcrt PB: 3120/1 ; -27 ............ ..... Town of Queensbury Planning Board SEQR RESOLUTION—Reaffirm Previous SEQR, SITE PLAN MODIFICATION 22-2018 TM SHEIKH Tax, Map ID. 266.3'-1-7 ' /Property Address: 985 State Route 149/Zonin : lel The applicant proposes modification tfuel canopies and buildingfighting. Lighting changes include number of lights, fixtures and brightness. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-120 of the Zoning Ordinance, modifications to an existing site plan shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. The Planning Board has detennined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Art; The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part I of the Short EAF has been completed by the applicant; Whereas, The Planning Board adopted Resolution Site Plan 36-2015 on 6/23/22015 and reaffirmled same for Site Plan Modification, PZ 1,5 7-2016 on 6121/2 016�, adopting SEQRA determination oif non-signi ficance, and Upon.review of the information recorded on the EAF, it is the conclusion of the Town of Queensbury Planning Board as lead agency reaffirms that this,project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment, and,therefom an env I ironmental impact, statement need not be prepared. Accordingly,, this negative declaration is issued. MOTION TO REAFFIRM NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE PROPOSED SITE PLAN (MODIFICATION) 22-2018 TARASSUM SHEIKH. Introduced, by , who moved for its adoption, seconded by Duty adopted this 15" day of May,, 2018, by tbefollowing vote: AYES: NO�ES- Phonc�- 5M76L8220Fav51&745.44,371742, 13ay NY 1280-1 Town of'Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION -Grant/Deny Site Plan Approval SITE PLAN MODIFICATION 22,-2018 TABASSUM SHEIKH. Tax Map ID: 2663-1-78 /Property Address: 9,85 State Route 1.4'91 Zoning: NC The applicant has submitted an, application to the Planning Board for Site Man approval pursuant to Article 9 of the Town zoning Ordinance for: Applicant proposes modification to fuel canopies and building lighting. Lighting changes include number of lights, fixtures and brightness. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-120 of the Zoning Ordinance, modifitations to an. existing site plan shall 'be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the: Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies therequirements as stated in the Zoning Code; As required by General Municipal Law Section 239-m the site plan application, was referred to the 'Warren County Planning Department for its,recommendation; The Planning Board has reviewed the potential environmental impacts, of the project, pursuant to the State Envirom,rental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration- Determination of Non-Significance The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan application on 03/20/2018 and continued the public hearing to 0 /l / pl ,when it was closed, The Planning, Board has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all comments made at the:public hearing and submitted in writing through and including 05/15.12018,-, The Planning Board determines that the application, complies with the review considerations and standards set forth in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval, MOTION TO APPROVE / DISAPPROVESITE PLAN MODIFICATION 22-2018 TABASSUM SHEIKH. Introduced by -who moved for its adoption; Per the draft provided by staff conditioned upon the following conditions: I) Waivers,request janted/denied: 2) Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution. a) If application was referred, to engineering, then engineering sign-offrequired prior to, signature of Zoning Administrator ofthe approved plans; h) Final approved plans should have dimensions and setbacks noted on the site plan/survey, floor plans and elevation for the existing rooms and proposed rooms in the building and site improvements,, c) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel; Page 1 00 Phvie: 518-761.8220 Fax: 518.745.443? '742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 126,04 www-queensburymt d.) The applicant must meet with. Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building P ermit and/or the beginning of a�ny site: work; e) Subsequent issuance of further permits, includingbuilding permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions,of this,re:solution; As-built plans to certify that thesite plan is,developed acoarding to the approved plans to be:provided prior to issuance of the certificate ofoccupancy; Resolutionn to be placed on final plans in its entirety and legible. Duly adopted this 15" day of May, 2018 by the following vote- AYES- NOES: Page 2 of 2 P,hori;o. 518-761.8220 F,ax: 5[8345,4437 742 Bay Road, Queeilsbuiry. NY 12804 , www,quioensbury.net Site Plan -2018 & Freshwater Wetlands, Permit 2- 2018 Hill Road Jr,Randolph ri Public Hearing scheduled SEAR II Orae resolution g,raint/deny .site plan approval 'Town of reensbury Planning Board et on Development Department Staff Notes May I , 2018 Site Plan 2,8-2018 ,& RAN LPH JR& DENISE BARDIN FW'W 2-2018 97 Woodchuck Ili]I Road /LC-1 OA Land Conservancy 10 Acres/ Ward I S Type 1.1 Material Review- application, site drawings, elevations, driveway information, wetland map .Parcel History: n/a Reguested Action Planning Board review and approval to construct a 2,755 sq. ft. (footprint) home on an 18,.81 acre vacant parcel. Resolutions 1. Planning Board decision PEojeet,D A,pplicant proposes to construct a 2,755 sq. ft. (footprint)home on,an, 18.81 acre vacant parcel. Parcel is accessed through a shared drive across two southerly parcels at the end of Woodchuck Hill Rd. Prcject also includes driveway construction—portion within 100 f of wetlands, utilities, waste water& stonnwater management. Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-060 of the Zoni�ng Ordinance, construction within, 50 & of 15% slopes and driveway greater than 10% and Chapter 94 Wetland work within 100 ft. of wetland shall be subject to Planning Board review,and approval. �taff Comments o Location-717he project site: is located 97 Woodchuck Hill—towards the end of Woodchucl Hill Road. a Arrangement- The applicant proposes to construct a shared driveway that will be used to access the 18 81 ac parcel to construct a single farnily home. * Site Design- The project includes work within 50 ft of 15% slopes and the construction of a driveway that will be:greater than 10% in certain areas. The plans indicate the driveway to be 540 ft and originally part of a logging road. 0 Building—"The construction of the home includes a 2,755 sq ft foot print with walk out basement area, main floor with an open great room and a second floor with,bedroorns, The project includes an attached garage. Elevation drawings and floor plans of the:garage will need to,be provided. 0 Site conditions-The submission indicates the site is,wooded with light underbrush and has slopes of 10%- 201/14 over the project site. The plans note a wetland area,on the site as an APA GIS layer wetland where the driveway, work is within 100, ft of the boundary. Additional information will need to be:provided to determine if the wetland boundary field delineation is within 100 ft if project is within 100 ft then a freshwater wetlands permit will be:required. 0 Site layout and utility plan-The applicant intends to bring electric from the road end to the home. The plans show the location of the septic system and well. a Sediment and erosion control, Grading and drainage plan,—The submission includes a storm water pollution prevention plan,plans also show the detention area dor the home and northerly part,of the driveway runoff. The lower portion of the driveway will be:addressed with.ditch, line improvements and check dams, a Landscape plan—the plans indicate areas of disturbance willbe seeded lawn area. Elevations—T'he elevations indicate the home is to have a walk out leas ernerut area with the main floor and second floor including a great room and bedTOOMS. Plans should be updated to,reflect the he:ight with the topography to confirm the height to, be less than 35 fl. In addition, plans should include the elevation views and height of the garage., IP Floor plans—The floor plans, show the first and second floor as seen from the front of the home. The floor plans should be revised to show the walk out.basement area and the garage. Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may grant, waivers on its, own initiative or at the written request, of an applicant. The application form identified, as "Requirenients" outlines the items, to appear on the site plan or included as attachments. At the time of application. the applicant has either requested waivers, indicated the item not applicable or has, not addressed the: item/ left check box blank. This includes the follow items listed under Requirements of the applicant's application: g. site lighting, It. signage, 1. landscaping,, n traffic, o. commercial alterations/ construction details, p floor plans, q. soil logs, r. constructionYdemolitioung disposal s. snowremoval, Freshwater Wetlands The applicant has,indicated the wetland is about 9.5 ac and 13 ac is on the applicant's project site. The plans show a portion of the driveway is 32 11 from, the wetland boundary,. Nature o;f Variance Granted, 4/18 '1 m The applicant construction of a single:family home. The home location is on a parcel with no physical road frontage and access is through two,adjoining parcels. ruuau The applican�t has completed a site plan application for the construction of a,new home with a,driveway that has portions,greater than, 10% and to work within, I GO It of the wetland boundary. Meeting History, P13�. PBR4,,/17/18,4/24/18; ZBA4/18/18,; 2 ---------------- nMaw,�'tl r NA't ti Y'vu R ti.WJ.YB. � R,a' 0._utl:i0➢N.^ i� "iwN,�'..�, Town of'Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION— Granit/Deny Site Plan Approval ,SITE PL., 28-20 1 . FRESHWATER WETLANDS""L"L. .NDS PERMIT 2-20,18 AND L1P`H JR& DENISE 1 ARDI ' Tax Map IIS: 1-1-33, 252.-1- 7, -56/ Property Addre= 97 Woodchuck Hill Road/Zoning LC-IO The applicant has submitted an application to the Planning; Board: Applicant proposes to construct a 2,75 sq. fl. (footprint) houne on an 1'8.;81 acre vacant parcel. Parcel is accessed through a shared drive across two southerly is at, the end of Woodchuck Hill lid. Project also includes driveway construction —portion within 100 f of wetlands,, utilities, waste water & storunnwater management. Puursuuarnt to Chapter 179-6-060 f the Zoning Ordinance, construction within 50 ft, of 15% slopes and driveway greater than 1 % .sed. Chapter 94 Wetland work within l 00 'a. of wetland shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to, relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury ,honing Code-Chapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; ,s required by General MunicipM, Law Section 239-m the site plan application was referred to the War—ren County Planning Department for its recommendation; The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan application on 04/24/20 18 and continued the public hearing to 05/15/2018, when it was closed, The Planning Board has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all comments made at the public hearing and submitted in writing through and including 05/1 S/2018; The Planning Board determines that the application complies with, the review considerations and standards set forth in article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval, MO'TIO,N TO APPROVE / DISAPPROVE SITE PLAN, 28-2018 & P` W T WETLANDS P14 RMff -20111; Introduced by who moved for its adoption. According to the daft resolution prepared.by Staff with the following: 1Waivers requested granted/denied; .. adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution. a The limits of clearing will. constitute: a no-cu.ut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed around these areas and field verified by CommunityDevelopment staff, b If applicable,,the Sanitary Sewer, connection plan must be submitted to the Wastewater Department for its revriew, approval,pernnitting and inspection; c) If curb cuts are being added or changed a driveway permit is required. a building;permit;will not be issued until the approved dnvewway permit has been provided to the 'Plannning.Office; d If application was referred to engineering them Engineering sign-off"'req uired prior to signature of Zoning Administrator of the approved plans; Page t of P4vcne, 518,761-82,20 1 Fax; 51&74,5,4437'; 742 Bay Rosa. Q ueen5bunq', NY 12804www.queenstnu r .owe't e Final approved plans should have dimensions and setbacks,noted on the site plan/survey, floor plans, and elevation for the existing roorns and proposed room s in,the building and site improver nernes;- f) If required,the applicant must submit a copy of the following to the Town: a, The project N01 (Notice of Intent)for coverage under the current "NYSDEC SPDES General P,erm it from Construction Activity" prior to the start of any site work. b. The project NOT(Notice of Termination) upon completion.of the project; c. The applicant must maintain on their project site,for review by staff: i. The approved final plans,that have been stamped by the Town Zoning Adnainistratot, These plans must include the project SVvTPP(Stormn Water Pollution Prevention.Plan) when such a plan was prepared and approved; ii. The project N and,proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDIES, General Permit, or an individual SPD ES permit issued for the proj M,,t if required. .g) Finalapproved plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before,any ftu-ther review bythe Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel; h) The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance o.f Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work; i) Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building,permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this,resolution; j) As-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed according,to the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. k) This resolution is to be placed in its entirety on the final plains Duly adopted this 1,5'h day,of May, 2018 by the followi ng vote: AYES: NOES: Page 2 of 2 Phone: 518.761.8220;Fax, 51&745,44377428ay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 i www.queens,bury.net Site Plan, 33-2018 @ 5�5i Street Community Chapel of West Glens Fable No Public hearing '"aft resolution — Plainning Board "em e o the Zoning Boardis 'Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes May 15, 2017 Site Plan 33-2018 COMMUNITY CHAPEL OF WEST GLEM FALLS 55 Main Street/MS — Main Street/Ward 4 SEQ R Unlisted Material Revim application, carport,drawings, survey Parcel History: n/a Reg estedAction Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief for setbacks. Resolutions 1. PBR recommendation to Zoning Board Proiect Description Applicant proposes to complete a 20 x 20 sq. ft. carport addition to an existing church to be used for covered access to church,building, Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 fthe Zoning Ordinance,addition to,existing building in Main Street zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief requested fir setbacks. Planning Board shall.pro vide a,recommendation to the Zoning Board, of Appeals. StaffComments 0 Location-The project site is at 55 Main Street it is a comer lot and has fro ntage also on Newcomb Street. * Arrangement-The project activity occurs on thele comb Street side with an existing paved, area that allows for parked cars and access to the Church. 9 Building—The existing church is 3,596,sq ft and the existing carport frarne addition.is 40sq ft. The carport is proposed to be completed with a roof to provide a covered parking area. * Site conditions-The area the carport is,covering is an..existing paved area. * Site plan overall V Drainage plan- The applicant has indicated the pitch of the carport is to the:existing grass area along the edge of the property. * Landscape plan—no changes to the site landscaping are proposed 9 Site fighting,plan�no changes to the site lighting are,,proposed. a Elevations—the plans show the structure under construction. Pursuant to Section 179-9-0510 the Planning Board nnay grant waivers on its w°n initiative or at tile written request. of an applicant. The application form identified as "Requirements" outlines the items to appear on the a site plan or included as attachrnents., At the tirne of application the applicant 'has, either req uesaed w ivers, indicated the iltern not applicable or has not addressed the item/ left check box blank. This includes the follow items, listed under Requirements of the applicant's application. g. site fighting, h. signage, j. stormwater, k. topography, 1. landscaping, n traffic, o. commercial alterations/ construction details, p floor plans, q. soil logs,, r. corms truction/dernolition disposal S. Snow Ten oval. Nature of Variance The applicant proposes to complete a carport addition. The addition is located 1.0 ft from Newcomb Street where a 20,ft setback is required and 1.6 ft from the rear pro'perty line where a 10 ft is setback, SUM= The planning board is,to provide a recommendation to the zba in regards to the relief requested f6r a partially completed carport addition, Meeting History: PB: I" meeting; I% 71'! 1,�oad. I Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION -Planning Board Recommendation to ening Board of Appeals .Area Variance 28-2018 COMMUNITY CHAPEL OF WEST GLENS FALLS Tax Map ID-309.10-2-69 /Property Address. 55 Main Street/Zoning: MS The applicant has submitted an application or the following:,Applicant proposes to complete a 20 x 20 sq. ft. carport addition to an existing church to be used for covered, access,to church building. Pursuant to Chapter 1,79-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, addition to existing building in Main Street zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance- Relief requested for setbacks. Planning,Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning, Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that, require both Zoning Board of Appeals& Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly, reviewed and discussed this application, the relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community,, and found,that. MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMME NDATION ON BEHALF OFTHE PLANNING BOARD TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR ARE A VARIANCE NO. 28-2018 MM I'I'I?' CHAPEL OF WEST GLENS FALLS. Introduced by who moved its adoption, and a) The Planning Board, based on a firnited review, has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be raiti gated with current project proposal. OR b) The Planning Board,based on a limited review,has identified the following areas of concern: I) Duly adopted this 15'hday of May, 2018 by the following vote: AYES. NOES: [111onv: i 18.76 18220�Fax: 51&745A437 [ 742 13zLy Rcmd, Qu"nsbury. NY 121804 1 Subdivision Preliminary Stage -2018 & Final Stage -20 .8 @ 749 West Mt., Road Scott Rowland No Public rin Draft resolution — Planning Board recommendation , the Zoning Board Appeals ....................... Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes May 15, 2018 Subdivision Prel. Stage 5-20 1T'ROWLAND Subdivision Final. Stage 6-20,18 749 WestMountain Road /MDR-Moderate Density Residential Ward 3 SEQR Unlisted Material Review- application, survey, site:drawings of proposed home Parcel History: AV 27-21018 Requested,Action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief for road.frontage and, second garage. Resolutions 1. Planning Board recommendation Pimiect Descrilation Applicant proposes a,two lot subdivision of 4.37 acre parcel _ loot I to be 2.01 acres and Lot 2 to be 2.36 acres. Project parcel has 360 ft road frontage– 180 ft. is proposed for each. The,existing home is to remain on Lot I and a new home to be construct�ed on Lot 2. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land shall, be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance-, Relief is soughtfor road frontage/lot width and second garage, Planning,Board shall provide a recornmendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. StaffComi�nents Sketch PLan—requesting waiver from sketch PreliminaryI wiew— Layout plans—the plans show the existing conditions on the site including the existing buildings on the site. Construction details—T he plans show the Imations of the new home and driveway area. Landkape plans the nurnber of lots does not require landscaping. Clearing plan,—The applicant has indicated Lot 12.01 acre parcel, has an, existing home and the site is to remain the same. The proposed lot 2 of 2.36 ac is to have a new horne;constructed., The subdivision plan shows the hoine, septic system in an open,area of the property. Grading and erosion plans —The plans do not show site grading and the applicant is requesting a wai ver from stormwater managernent due to the lot configuration being level The Environmental report tine applicant has completed a Long Environmental assessment review for lots. Stormwater management—the applicant has,not provideda stormwater management report and has requested a waiver. The plans indicate less than I acres of land disturbance that is proposed on.the project site. Fees per application. Waivers --the applicant hasrequested waivver from stori�nwate�r and grading, Open Sjmcc—there is no proposal for open space . Streets—the:plans show no street but a new eurb cut wi I I need to be obtained Nature of Area Variance The applicant proposes to subdivide a 4.' 7 acre kyt into two lots of 2.,101 acres and, 2.36 acre where relief is being,,requested for road ftontage where 200 ft is required for the MDR zone on West Mtn road and 1' ft is proposed 'for both lots SummxEx I'he Planning Board is to provide a recommendatiom to the ZBA in regards to the request relief for a two lot subdivision with road frontage/lot idth less,than 200 ft in the Moderate Density Zone on West Mtn road. Meeting History, PB: I' mecting; :2 yyRV�yCI`��N.n9'IMNw . • 9 M"�.R,4� 1m�l�a�l Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION -planning Board Recommendation rn to Zoning Board of Appeals Area Variance 27-2018 SCOTT ROWLA ALT Ta .: ;p ID: 301.5-1- /Property Address: 749 West,Mt. :l u d/;waning: MDR The applicant has submitted an,application for the f ll inng: Applicant proposes a two lot subdivision of 4.37 acre parcel —lomat 1 to be 2.01 acres and 'lot 2 to be 2.36 acres. Project parcel has 360 ft, road frontage— 1 0 ft. is proposed for each,. The existing home is to remain on loot 1 and a new home to be constructed on Lot 2. Pursuant to Chapter 1 ' of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief:is sought for read frontage and second garage. Planning Board shall provide:.,a reconnnnernda,ti rn to the Zoning Board of Appeals, The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Section '179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning, board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require beth Zoning Board f Appeals & Planning Board,approval The Planning Bard has briefly reviewed and discussed, this application,, the relief request in the vari rnee application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community, and found that: MOTION TO MAKE A RE COMMENDATIONBE HALF OF THE PLANNING BOARD TO THE ZONING BOARD OF, APPEALS FOR AREA VARIANCE NO. 27-2,018 SCOTT RWLANDl a Introduuced by who moved its adoption, and, a) The Planning Board, based on a limited review', has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with current project proposal. OR b) The Planning Board, based on a limited review, has identified the following areas of concern: 1 Duly adopted this IS 1h day of May, X018 by the following vote. AYES- NOES: YES:NO : Phonc: 9,18.76 1.8220 Fax: 5M745.4437742111Road,,Qucciisbury. NY 128041,��r�w��,w�����°�� h�nr �ir�u Site Plan 36-208 @ 894 State Route Faclen Enterprises, Inc. No Public hearing Draft resolution, _ Planning Board recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals .................... Town of'Queensbury Planning Board owl Community Development Department Staff Notes May 15, 2018 Site Plan 3 6- f11 FADE ENTERPRISES, tNC. 894, State Route 9 /CM —Commercial, Moderate/Ward I SEER Unlisted Material Reeview: application, narrative, site drawings, survey, elevations, floor Plans, lighting plan, storm, water pollution prevention plan. Parcel History: SP 37-2018; AV 34-2018 lie gwester...Actio n Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief for setback on Montr,ay Road and parking requirements. Resolations 1. Planning Board recommendation Project Descriptio Applicant Proposes to demolish an existing building to construct an '11,400 sq. ft. single story building multi- tenant commercial building. Project site work includes major grading and filling, new access right-in/right-out, and interconnect to -adjoining restaurant. Pursuant to Chapters 179-3-040, 179-4-090 of the Zoning Ordinance, new commercial buildings in the commercial moderate zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for setback on.Montray Road and parking requirements. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the:Zoning Board,of Appeals. Staff Co�mments o Location-The project site is at 894, State pointe 9 and the parcel, is a comer,parcel with frontage on Montray Road. 0 Arrangement- The project includes the removal of an existing 1,3 12 sq ft building to construct an. 11,400 sq ft building with associated site work. * Site Design- The new building will be setback to 75 ft ftorn the, Route 9 property line. Access will include a new access on Route 9 and an interconnect to the adjoining property to the north. The project includes significant grading and filling for the site to be level for the interconnect access,. The site design for Monttay Road includes a retaining,wall construction that is to be sloped with the site,to the rear property area. The board should request additional detail about the retaining wall—height, width.and design,,. o Building—"Tine plans show an 11,400 sq ft building,with,four tenant spaces noted The:building,layout includes a 2,500 sq ft restaurant space—"Subway,",the remaining 8,900 sq ft is to 'be used for retail space. a Signage-The plans show the free standing sign location but details on signage type and design are not provided, The building,signage is provided for tenant,spaces and will.be reviewed for compliance as tenant lease occurs. o Site conditions-The site has an existing steep slope where the applicant has indicated additional fill will be brought.in to,bring the site:construction area to grade. The site is also adjacent to Town property that has been noted as a historical feature "Blind Rock"-the applicant has is working with,an archeological service to evaluate the site as required by the stortriwater pollution prevention plan, L a Traffic- There are: 45 parking spaces noted on the: site with 8,that will have access from the adjoining norther neighbor property. The pilans indicated 60 spaces,are required (application should be updated to indicate 60 spaces location). 'the: plans show 15 new spaces being added to the northern property site that includes an updated aligned parking area on the northern property, The plans and applicatian should clarify the number of parking spaces on each site. * Site layout and utility plan—The project includes connections,to the Toiwn's sewer and 'water lines. a Grading an,d drainage plan and Sediment anderosion control—Thestormwater,pollution Prevention plan. indicates the stormwater,will be collected froom the new impervious, surface and stored undemeath the parking area and dispersed into,the gxound from the device. 0 Landscape plan—the landscape plans shows typical building frontage landscaping and site landscaping - s,hrubbery and low-level landscaping. The rear of the property is to be a seeded slope and a treeline area to remain at the:rear property line area along Montray Road, The board may consider additional plantings evergreen trees or hardwood trees. a Site:lighting plan—The plans show two,new light poles and one light pole on the adjacent parcel to be relocated. The new building is to have 5 wall lightfixtures. The plans,should be updated to, show the average foot candies for the she and for the building,., a Elevations -Tine building has an Adirondack theme andis to be 26 ft in height. The doors are p.nmarily on the front and side of the building. There is no rear elevation however plans show the rears property to be sloped seeded area with no access. * Floor plans—No flocir plan was provided but the elevations indicate four tenants entry areas. The applicant has not requested, any waivers. Nature of"' artanee The applicant proposes to develop a portion of the project, .parking that will have acce,ss,from the adjoining property relief is requested for parking not having access from the project site, relief also requested for number of par:king spaces, on site 60 are:required and 37 are shownwith access then another 8 are shown with offsite access,. Relief is also requested for building setback on Montray Road,where a 75 ft setback is required and a 24.6 ft setback,is proposed. SUMM The planning,board is to provide a recommendation to the zba in regards to the relief requested for parking and setback for the project. Meeting,History; PB: I' meeting; 27 ----------- THE North Country Office _ 5 Bay Road., Queensbury, NY 1 04 ' P" I7v, P: (518) 812.051 F. (518)812-2205 19,47 -2017 S. rIPw,chazenco panies.Corn �.r1,1p )yee 0vol ed Hudson Valley Office (845) 54-3980 Land Engleyors, Capita District Office (518)273-0055 Planners EnWron mental Pirofvs!0onaos iLa ndscme Architects May 10,2018, Mr. CraigBrown Zoning Administrator and Code Compliance Officer Town of Queensbury 742 Bay road Qnueensb ury, New York 1,2804 (Delivered via ernall only: CraigB@queen5bury,.net Re: Fa den Enterprises, Inc. Town of QueensbuM Warren Coanty, Nene York' u hewn Project 91800.21 Queensbury Ref#SP36-2 1,8 Dear lir. Brown: 'The Chazen Companies (Chazen) has received a submission package from your office, for the above referenced project. The applicant intends to redevelop an existing commercial lint by demolishing, the existing building and constructing anew 11,400 square feet commercial building,. Submitted information includes the following: • Site Plans and Details prepared by Lansing Engineering, dated April 23,,2018; • 5torrctvwrater Pollution Prevention Plan prepared by Lansing Engineering,dated Apin'il 20, 2018; it Water and wastewater letter report prepared by Lansing Engineering,datedApril 20,2018; o Short EAF prepared by Lansing Engineering, dated April 14,2018; and, • Site Plan Application dated April 14, 2018. Your off Ice, haus req nested that we (limit our review to they design of storrnwnvaiter systeran as it relates to compliance to local, state or relevant codes and regulations. 'B=ased upon our review, Dhazen offers the following cerrnwrwernts for the Towns consideration: Stormater Management&(Erosion and Sediment Control: 1. The project proposes to disturb 1.75 acres of hand (according to the project narrative) and therefore requires the preparation of a Storrruvrater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with P-0-15-0 that Includes erosion and sediment controls as well ,as post construction storrrnw rater management practices. A Stormwater management report and SWPPP have been prcni Comments related to the proposed storm water management and erosion and sediment control)features proposed for the site are offered below: P'w,em Engineefing, Land Surveyihg&Landscape Archilooto Cm,D.F C, Cha,ren Envirmmental Soxvices, �na. Tine °t azena mean sm Inc. Tuwnr of Queensb ury Fallen Linterprises,hic, May 10,2018 Page,2 . Section; 179-6-080 of the Town Coder states that stormwater drainage plans shall analyze the impacts of a project using at Ileast a 0-year roturnistormi with regards to both runoff rate and volume for ccrmimerdall projects.The Applicant has provided a 50-year analysis.. . The Applicant Iniclluded an environmental site remediation search. The contamination does not appear to be on this project's parcel.The Applicant to clarify that the,contamination its not on the site and that the remediation systems and/or plan do not involve the project's parcel. 4; It is noted that the project falls within an archeological sensitive area according to the short PAF The Applicant to revise the SWP,PP to Include the required documentation per LFS of the General Permit. It appears the proposed condition n>i adell does not match the (Layout, Materialls, &Gradingplan (Sheet IL G-1). For example,, 011 appears to be routed to OCS1 (invert out 454.50') andl (invert out 4515.03")and the Hydro AD model shows all the runoff from suJbcatclhment,tA flowing, into the infiltration system. The Applicant shaill model the entire system to show (now runoff is directed to the pretreatment and infiltration devices. Further,the Applicant proposes an overflow to a steep .slopee atthe rear of the parcel, 'The fulll system needs to be modeled so that this and other elements of the design scan be fully designed. Additionally, it is not clear that the subcatchrnent drawn about CB5A is accurate. It appears that a portion of ROut,29 iincluidiing area that wouild extend north past available survey information maybe tributary, to this CB, Clear delineation of this subcatchment is important., li en that runoff from the area could affect the proposed infiltration system, and further the amount of discharge from the overflow device (and subsecluentlly down the steep slope). The Applicant to revise the subcatchrmnent reaps and model accordingly'. . The M54 acceptance form provided in the 'SWIPPP is blank. The Applicant,to provide a draft M54 acceptance foam. 7. The project involves work within the 'Stage DOT right-of�way.The Applicant shall coordinate with the DOT and it is recommended that they copy the,Torn on all correspondence,. B. A legally binding and enforceablle maintenance agreement may be executed between the facility owner and the Town, ensuring proper maintenance measures will l be implemented for all proposed stormwater management practices as specified in Town code section 147-10.0 if the Town chooses. A draft agreement should be provided to the, "own for review,. . Page 4.4' n Re taining balls of the New yorkS aandardls and Spedficatiornsfor Erosion and Sedimnent Control (July 2016 ediition) states, "Thin design of any retaining wall structure crust address the aspects o foundotioun bearing capacity,sliding, overturning, drainage and loading systems. These are complex systems that slno ld be designed ;by o licensed professional with supporting co'i'erulatiouns ound sol co nditions forrreviewwr and comment." It is rooted that the retaining wall detail states "Allretaining wall d'e,5ign.5 shail be provided by the retaining wall manufacturer and shall be certified by a licensed geotechnical engineer. Copies Df all designs shall be submitted to the pr ject d°esi ni-en lrneer and the To ru engi neer or review and approval prior to construction."The Applicant shall submit the design for review when availlabie. 3`t"�I� lns'1s 4,9'w9Gk A� '9'"4AIDBI➢'Ir T4-T.CPaeeinALmrPk918O1GA1-T Qu"irlm4liOFM1-SPP 20imFa'diin Ent rises, ToWrk of Qu"nsbury Faden EnterpFises,In, May 110,2018 101, It appears the silt fence spacing,and location depicted on Sheet ESC-1 does not conform to page 5.54 of the "Blue Book"..The standard states that on slopes>33% If, standard sift fence is used the maximiurn slope length is 40 feet.TheApplicant has >33%slopes and a sllope llength greater than, 4Dft and proposes to use standard sediment controll fence. The Applicant,to revise accordinglly. 11. Section 6.,x.1 of the S M,D M stags 'The bottom of the infiltration facility shall be sepnratedby at )east three feet vertical'ly,from the seasonally high-water table or bedrock layer, as, documented by on-slte soil testing." Sectio n 6.3.1 also states 'To be suitable for infiltration,, undedyin g soils shoed have an infiltration rate ft)of at least 0.5 inches per hour, o5 initially determinedfrom NRC soil textural classification, andsubsequently canfirmed by field' eta clinical tests, (see Appendix D)., 'The minimum,ge-otechnical testing Is one test hole per 5000,sf, with a minimum of two,boring.5 ,per, cu (take'n within th'e proposed limits of the facility)."The SWPPP indicates that soil tests will be, conducted prior to construction to verify 3 feet of separation to,groundwater or bedrock and design infiltration rates. it is strongly recommended to conduct the spill tests while in the site plan review stage. If soil conditions, differ frorn what is expected and design changes are made there, may be further site, plan, review requiredl. 12. Section 6,.3,.,3 of the SMlDM states "if the Fcfcr the underlying soaps is greloter than 5.00 inches per hour, 1010% of the WQv sholl be pretreated prior to entry into on infiltrDtion facility." it appears that the first chaimberr of the Lane,system is being,used for pretreatment, however the HydroCAD model appears to model exfiltration in, the pretreatment color row. Exffitration cannot be modeled in a Pretreatment facility.The Applicant to revise, accordling,ly. 13., The Applicant shall,provide the manufacturer and specifications for the proposed eros on co,introll blanket. In,the event the Planning Board or Town,staff havearty questions or reqluire adldlitio nall informiation,, please do nota hesitate to contact me at(519) 8,24-19,26. Sinterely,, Sean, MI. Doty,, P.E., LEED,AP,, CPMSM Principal Director, M,unicipail Engineering Services cc- Sunny Sweet,Town Planning Office Administrator(Via emall), Laura Moorejown Land Use Planner (via e-rnail) File T,QA1wj1*WVM1PUQ,21-'T,Qogimbury-SF1 A,2010 Fzdan A 11 c I's 11 Town.of Queensbury Planning Board REWILUTION -Planning Board Recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals Area Variance 34-20 18 FADEN ENTERPRISES, INC. Tax Map 11): 296.17-1-4 /Property Address:. 894 State Route 9 /Zoning: CM The applicant has submitted anapplication for the following: Applicant proposes to demolish an existing building,to construct an 11,400 sq. ft. single story building multi-tenant commercial,building. Project site wnark includes major grading and filling,new access right-in/right-out, and interconnect to adjoining restaurant, Pursuant to Chapters 179-3-040, 179-4-090 of the Zoning Ordinance, new commercial buildings in the commercial moderate zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for setback on Montray Road and parking requirements. Planning,Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The, Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Plann'ing Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require, both, Zoning Board of Appeals & Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed, this application, the: relief request in the variance application as well as the potential. impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community, and found that: MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON BE,HALF Old 'THE PLANNING BOARD TO THE ZNING BOARD OF APPEAU FOR AREA VARIANCE NO. 34-2018 FADE N ENTERPRISE,S C. 4 IN Introduced by who moved its adoption, and a) The Planning Board, leased on a lim,ited review, has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with current project proposaL, OR b), The Planning Board,based on a limited review, has, identified the following areas of concern: I Duty adopted this 15" day of May, 2018 by the fra llovAng vote; AYES: NOES: Phone: 518.76 1-8220�Fax: 5 118,745.44,37 1 '7'LI,2 thy Road,Oucensbur�, NY 12804 (WW�VAJUeensburymo Side Plan 37-2018 @ 900 State Route Enterprises, Inc., No Public hearing, 'Draftresolution �— I it recommendation the Zoning Board of ,Appeals 'Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes, May 15, 2018 Site Plan 37-2018 FADEN ENTERPRISES, INC. 900 State Route 9/ CM—Commercial Moderate/ Ward 1. SEQR, Unlisted Material Review: application, site drawings. Parcel History: SP 36-2018; AV 3 5-201,8 aguestedAetion Recommendation to the Zoning Board of'Appeals for relief for permeability less,than 30 percent. Resolutions 1. Planning Board recommendation Project Description Applicant proposes now parkin,g improvements & inter-connect to neighboring parcel. Additional hard surfacing and adjustment to the parking area for drive aisle and new parking spaces.. Pursuant to Chapters 179- 3-040, 179-4-090, 1,79-9-020 of the Zoning Ordinance Site work on an existing commercial property with no site plan review within 7 years shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for permeability less than 30 percent. Planning,Board shall provide a recommendation'to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Staff comments • Location-Theproject site is at 900 State Route 9 known as Pizzeria Uno Restaurant. • Arrangement- The site parking is being altered on the south side to a]low for additional parking and alignment of the drive aisle access with the tvaffic fight. • Site Design-The plans show the parking and new Gurb island on the south side of The site. Thenew parking includes 15 new spaces, a new island for,the existing light pante and a new area for a dumpster® The project includes an interconnect and access to 8 parking spaces on the adjoining property to the south. Building—No changes to the building are proposed Signage-No changes to signage:are proposed. Site:conditions-The site:permeability-is 261.2% where the new parking would further decrease the site to 17.,3%,where a 30% site permeability is required, Traffic- The plans,show the now interconnect and site parkingalignment adjustment -to align with the traffic light, The existing restaurant requires 65 parking spaces, the existing parking is 1 4 and swill Ibe increased with, 15 additional spaces Giading and drainage plan and Sediment and erosion control—The project site for new parking is also part of the adjoining property storm water pollution prevention plan. Landscape plan—no new landscaping Proposed. Site lighting plan— one pole light is to be relocated and is to be placed in an island protected from traffic, Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board, may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the written request of an applicant. The application form identified as "Requirernents" outlines, the items to appear on the site plan or in as attachments. At the time of application the applicant has eidier requested waivers,, indicated the item not applicable or has not addressed the item/ left check duo Iblan .. This includes the follow items listed under Requirements, of the applicant's application. g. site lighting,, h. signage, J. stormwater, k. topography, 1. landscaping, n traffic, o,, commercial alterations/ construction details,, p floor plans, q. soil logs, r. constructionMernolition disposal s. snow removal., Nature of Variance The applicant proposes additional parkin,g and an interconnect to adjoining property increasing the hard- surfacing on the site. Relief is requested for permeability existing is 26.2% where thenew parking would further,decrease the site to 17.3%where a 30% site permeability is required. Start Ma The planning board is to provide a recommendation to the iba in regards to the relief requested for permeability, Meeting ,14isfor y: PB, I" meeting; _ 2 - C 7 ucic I I sbLn'.% NY To of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION -Planning Board Recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals Area Variance 315-2018 FADEN ENTERPRISES, INC. Tax Map ID. 296.17-1-47/ PropertyAddress. 900 State out 9 / Zorting: CM Ilie applicant has submitted an application for the following: Applicant proposes new parking improvernents & inter-connect to neighboring parcel. Additional hard surfacing and adjustment to the parking area for drive aisle and new parking spaces.. Pursuant to Chapters 179-3-040, 1794-090, 179-9-020 of the Zoning Ordinance, Site: work onan existing commercial, property with no site plan,review within 7years shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is, sought for permeability less than 30 percent. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board. of Appeals &Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this application, die relief request in, the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community, and found that: MOTIONTO MAKE, A RE COMMENDATION ON BEHALF OF THE PLANNINARD To ,THE .ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR AREA.VARIANCE NO. 35-2018 FADEN ENTERMSE,S, INC. Introduced by-who moved its adoption, and a) 'The Planning Bl card, based on a limited review, has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with current project proposal. OR b) The!Planning Board,based on a limited review, has identified the following areas of concern- 1) Duty adopted this 151fi day of May, 20 18 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Phone: ,18,701,82N)I F"CIN' 31 .745,-,143717,42 [3aiylioaLll, Qti,eciistitii,y. N)' Site Plan 5-20181,454 State Route 1454 State Route ' LLC Pulic Hearing scheduiled SEAR U n I i [gaff resolution — ;grant/deny site plan appir ° I Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes May 15, 2018 Site Plan 35-2018 1454 '1` .TE ROUTE 9, LLC 1454 State Route 9 / Cl- Commercial Intensive/Ward I SEQR Unlisted Material Review: application, survey,, site plan with landscaping,, lighting plans, elevations and stormwater managment Parcel History: SP 5 5-2007 Hotel Addition; S,P 7-1996 restaurant addition; previous site plans, area ' variances, sign variances. Reguested,Action Planning Board review and approval for rernoval of 10,067' sq. ft. of restaurant and hotel building to, construct a 12,444 sq,. ft. building-new commercial use and associated site work. Resolutions 1. SEQR 2-Planning Board decision Project Description Applicant Proposes removal of 10,067 sq, ft. of restaurant and hotel building to construct,a 12,444 sq. ft. building-new commercial use and associated site work. Building to be single story and consistent with adjoining outlet buildings. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, new commercial construction shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Comments o Location-The project site is located at 1454 State Route 9, the e:xisting Clarion,Hotel. 0 Arrangement- The applicant proposes the:removal of the existing 10,067 sq, ft restaurant structure fes,the hotel. The project also includes the construction of'a 12,444 sq ft separate retail building. * Site Design- The plans show the site;to have a new parking arrangement for access to adjoining parcels and to acconunodate the parking for each building. 0 Building-The existing hotel will be improved where the demolition will occur-no other changes to the building,are proposed. The new retail building will be have the same exterior features as the adjoining outlet mall,buildings. o Signage-The applicant has indicate the hotel, signage is not proposed to be changed. The signage for the new building is to occur as space lease occurs. Site conditions-The site conditions of building and parking'area at the front wl il 'be redone and,the parking area to the,rear of the existing hotel is to remain the same. The landscaping on the site will also 'be upgraded with the new construction. Traffic- The applicant has provided 131 parking spaces with SO spaces for the hotel, (70,room hotel)an,d 51 spaces for the retail building. * Grading and.drainage plan and Sediment and erosion.control—The site where demolition and construction are to occur will be regraded an additional drywells,and catch basins am to be installed. * Landscape plan—The plans show the area along the north side of the property to be increased green spaces.. * Site lighting plan—The plans indicated two additional pole lights to be added to the site and the new building would 8 wall mounted light fixtures with all fixtures to be downcast, * Elevations —The elevations show a sirnilar faaide to the adjoining buildings outlets. The tower areas are:at, 40 ft heighit, the main building beig,ht 26 ft 9 in, and the center building ftonts are 29 ft 3 in. Field stone pattern to, be:placed at the bottom of the building, green metal roofing, siding,includes, areas of burgundy, andgreen. s, Floor plans—The floor plans shows, an open space area to, be divided as space is leased tri individual tenants. Pursuant to Section, 179-9-050, the Planning Board rn, ay grant waivers, on its, own initiative or at the written request of an applicant. The application form identified as "Requirements"a outlines, the items to appear on the site plan or included as attachments. At the time of application the applicant has either, requested waivers, indicated the item not applicable or has not addressed the item/ left check be blank. This includes the follow items listed under Requirements of the applicant's application.. h. signage — to be completed as retail leases occur. "bine applicant has completed a site plan application for the removal of a 10,067 sq ft restaurant area from an existing hotel and to construct a new retail 'building of 12, 444 sq ft. The project includes site work for new landscaping,parking area and interconnect to adjoining properties. Meeti PB: I" meeting; THE Ch North Country Office AKe 375 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 1,281 4 COMPANI P. (518)812-0513 Fw (518) 812-2205 1947- 2017 www.6hazencompaniescorn E*neers, Of Hudson Valley ice (845)454-3990 Land Surveyors Capital District Office (518)273-0055 Planners Environmental Professionals Landscape Arch1tects May 10,2018 Mr.Craig,Brown Zoning Administrator ini.5trator a nd Code Com p Ila n ce Of Town of Queeinsbury 742 Bay Road Quaensbury, Now York 12804 Delivered via email only, CraigB@qtjeensburV.net Re. 1454 State Route 9, LLC Tow�n of'Queensbury, Warren County, New York Chazen Prcject#91800.20 Queensbury Ref#SP35'-2018 Dear Mr. Brown: The, Chazen Companies (Chazen) has received a submission package from your office for the above referenced project., The applicant intends to redevelop an, existing building by demolishing an, existing restaurant and portion of the hotel and construct a new 12,620,square feet retell building. Submitted information includes the following- a, Site Plans and Details prepared by Hutchins Engineering, dated March 7, 2018F. • Stormwater Management Report prepared by Hutchins Engineering, dated April 15,201,8�; • Short EAF prepared by IHutchins Enginee ding,dated April 13,2018;and, • Site Plan Application dlated April 13, 2018. Your office has requested that we hinnit our, review to the design of stormwater system as it relates to compliance to local, state or relevant codes and regulations. 18'ased upon our review, Chazen offers the following comments for tine Town's consideration, Stormwater Management&Erosion and Sediment Control- 1. The project proposes to disturb 0.95 acres (41,290 SF) of land and therefore does not require the preparation of a Stormwater Po 11 utio n Prevention Plan (SW PPP) in a ccordlance with G P-0-15-002., Comments related to the proposed stormwater management and erosion and sediment control features proposed for the site are offered Ibelow: 2. Section 179-6-080 of the, Town Code, states that stormwater drainage plans shall analyze the impacts of a project using at lea-5t a 50-year return storm with regards to, both runoff rate and volume for commercial projects.The Applicant has provided a ,50-yeair analysis., Chazan En0paefing,Land Survejfing&Landscape Arr-hiledure Ca.,D-,P,C Chazen Environmental Services, Inc, The chazer)COMPOOU98,� Ina -sawn,of lau",inibiury 1454 Sq G!e Rowe 9,a,Lc. May 10„2018, Page 2 It appears the proposed development suabcatchment snap and Stormwater control plain do not match, For irnstainice, the dry ell DW-3 is In,the pavement on the Hydro,CAD model and in,the grass near the building on the plans,the roof leaders connect to three dlry' ellls on the HydroCAD model and two DWI- ) on the Plans. Also, DW4-5 are not: depicted on the HydrnC D, model however they are. proposed of n the plans. TheApplicant ppllicant tan revise accordingly. 4, The HydroCAD model does not appear to match the plans. For instance, OW-3 is modeled as dryw lls and the plans show only one, DW1-2 is modeled as, three drywawellls and the plans onlly show,two dryw elllls.'The Applicant to revise accordingly.,A full review of the HydroCAD model will be performed once revisions are made, 5.. There appears to be a discrepancy between the impervibu s, area between, the narrative in, the storra titer management report and the HydroCAD model. The ,applicant to clarify If there is an increase or decrease in imperviousnn8ss. 6. It appears there.,are disturbance activities outside of the proposed locationfor silt fencing. More specifically, the disturbance related to installing CB1.The Applicant to revise accordingly. 7. The stormwwwater mana;gernennt report mentions an eave trench at the rear of the proposed! building. However', it is not Identified on the site plans and does not appear to be rnodleled in HydroCAD,The Applicant to revise accordingly. 8. Section 6.11 of the Stoirmwater Management ICDesiign Manual (SNIDM) states '7he bottom of on, infiltration facility shallbe separated bfw at least three,deet vertically from the seasonally high water table or bedrock layer, as documented by on-site soil testing."Se ction .,3.t also states 'To be suitable for infiltration, underlying sails shall have an infiltration rate c) of art i'eust O.5 uncles, per hour, as initially deterrrrin determinedfrom NR wail textural'aylassafia;ua°titian,and subsegveanby confirmed by' ield reoten;la,rnical tests(see Appendix D)."There does neat a,ppearto bye soiill test results provided) to show conformance with the l'�lOM. h,a en would not take exception, to testing being performed at the start of construction.However, it shall be noted)that Vainy design changes ocnynar because of discovered Inconsistency in soil conditions, the project may be subject ,to additional site plan review. The Applicant shall notify the,Town prior to advancing the soil testing; such that the Towyn can witness the testing, if they saes choose. 9. There sloes not appear to,be a (proposed grading plan provided.,The Applicant shall provide. 10, The 5t'abili ed construction entrance does not appear to be depicted on the site plans. The Applicant to revise accordingly. •7. -TQmObwy Wass FIZ1454RatoHouto%LAL�9,NG%91Soa., -1454StatuRoWA Ton&Oupensbury 1,454 State Route R,UC May 10"201'� Page 3 In the ent the Planning Board,or Town,staff have any questions or require additional informatibn, please do not hesitate to contact me at(518) 824-1926, Sincerely, in j can IM. Doty, P.E., LEED AP,CMS4S, Principal Director, Municipal Engineering Services cc-, Suinny Sw8et,'To wn Planninig Office Administrator(via email) Laura Moore,,Town Land Use Planner (via e-mafl) File T.Quoqnsbur$)93HM.20-9.0jueumbure-SP35-2019 1454 Stnteflaute%LW%EN5%918G0,ZD-14545tW Rouke 5, �,hi ui r, N Y 9 0,4 Town of Queensbury Planning Board SEQR RESOLUTION—Grant Positive or Negative Declaration Site Plan 35-2018 14514 STATE ROUTE 9, LLC Tax Map ID: 288.12-1-21 /Property Address. 1454 State Route 9/Zoning: CI The applicant proposes removal of 10,067 sq. ft, of restaurant, and hotel building to construct a 12,444 sq., ft. building, — new commercial use and associated site work. Building to be: single story and consistent, with adjoining outlet buildings. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, new commercial construction,shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. The Planning Board has, determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; 'The proposed action considered by this, Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State; Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury, No Federal or other agencies are involved, Part I of the Short EAF'has been completed by the applicant; 'Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF, it is the conclusion of the Town of Queensbury Planning Board as lead agency that this, project willresult in no significant ;adverse impacts on the environment, and, therefore, an, environmental impact statement need not be Prepared. Accordingly, this, negative declaration is issued. MOTION TO GRANT, A POSITIVE !IECLARATION OR NE GATIVE DECLARATION FOR SITE PLAN 35-2018 145 TAT ROUTE 91 LL1 Introduced by who moved for its adoption. As per the resolution,prepared by staff. 1. Part 11 of the short E has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board, 2. Part III of the-short E bas been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board. Or Part III of the short E is not necessary because the Planning Board did, not identify poteritialby moderate to large impacts. Motion seconded by Duly adopted.this 15"' day of May, 2018 by the following vote: AYE& NOES: y 1honc, 511&761.8220� Fax: 5 18,7,45.44J7 �742 Buy 8011 1, (,Xlcensbur .NY 12804 1 www.t1wors-buty-11el � 4eatl'Va"G'UfiEI�PA"w' ��i'" a:�w;��BY1lu "SSN x �C�w�.�iL" q31 ry IZo,,u,L 12804 Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION— rant d Deny Site Plan Approval Site Plan 35-2018 14.54 STATE TE ROUTE q, LL Tax Map ID: 288.12-1-21 /Property Address, 1454 State Route Zoning: I The applicant has submitted,mnitted an application to the Planning Board, Applicant proposes removal of 10,067 sq. fti. of restaurant and hotel building to construct a 12,444 sq„ ft. building—new corn, raercial use and associated site work. Building to be single story .and consistent with adjoining outlet. 'buildings. Pursuant to Chapter 179-1-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, new commercial er'cial onstruu ion shall be subject,to Planning oard review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Tern of Queensbury Zoning Code,chapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the ZoningCode; As required by erneral. Municipal Laws Section 239-m the site plan application was referred to the, ''Farren County Planning Department for its recommendation; The Planning Board, has reviewed the potential environmental impacts f the project, pursuant t to the State Environmental Quality Review Act ' and adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration—T eters ination of Non-Significance The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plain application on 05/15/201.8 and continued the public'hearing to 05/15/2018,when it was closed, The Planning Board has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all comments made at the public hearing and submitted in writing through and including 05/15/2018;, 'The: Planning Bogard determines that the application complies with the reviews considerations, and standards set forth in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval, MOTION TO APPROVE / DISAPPROVE SITE PIAN 35-2018 1454 STATE ROUTE 9. LLC Introduced by who moved for its adoption. Accordingto the draft resolution.prepared by Staff with the following: 1Waivers requested granted/denied; 2. Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution,. a The limits of clearing will constitute a no-cut huuCf"er 7oune, orange construction fencing shall be installed around,these areas and field verified by Community Development staff;, h) :If applicable, the Sanitary Sewer connection plan wast be submitted to the Wastewater Department for its review, approval,permitting and, inspection e) if curb cuts are being added or changed a driveway permit is required. A building permit will not e issued until the approved driveway permit has been provided to the Planning,Office; d I:fapplicaticrn'was referred to,engineering,thein Engineering sign-off required prior to signature of Zoning Administrator of the approved plaums Page t oft. Phone1 .7 1.8220: Fax, 5118.74 .4437 1 742 Bay Road, GuLtensbury, NY 12804 j www.,queens,bury.net e) Final approved plans should have dimensions and setbacks noted on the site plan "survey, floor plans and elevation for the existing rooms and proposed rooms in the building and site improvements;- f) If required, the applicant must submit a copy of the f6ilowing to the Town: a. The project NOI (Notice of Intent) for coverage under the current "NYSDEC SP'DES General Permit from Construction Activity" prior to the start of any site work. Ib. 'The project NOT (Notice of Termination) upon completion of the project; c. The applicant must maintain on their project site, for review by staffi i. The approved final plans that have been stamped by,the Town Zoning Administrator. These:plans must include the project SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) wKenn such a Plan was,prepared and approved; fl. The Project 11 and proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit, or an individual SPDES, permit issued for the project if required. g) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Adininistrator or Building and Codes personnel; h) The applicant must meet with, Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work; i) Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building its is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; j) As-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed according to,the approved Plans,to be provided, prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. k) This resolution is to be placed in its entirety on the final Plans Duty adopted this 1,5a4 day of May, 2018 by the following vote: AYES: NOES- Pag,e 2 of 2 Phone: 518361,8220 fax 518.745,4437 i 742 Bay Ro", Queensbury, NY 112804 w,ww-queensbury.net Site Plan 3 -20,18 @ 1918 Ridge Road James Sa Brown Public Heading scheduileld S,EQR Unlisted Draft resolution, - n " nsite plain roval Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes May 15320 18 Site Plan 32-2018 JAMES S. BROWN 1918 Ridge Road /LC-I OA—Light Commercial-10 Acres/ "ward I SEQR 'Unlisted Material Review. application, narrative, site plan, driveway profile, store nwater.managerns ent Parcel History: n1a Requested Action Planning Board review and approval to install a 10,440 sq. ft., 870 ft., driveway on an existing vacant parcel with.future,plants to construct a horne/camp. Project includes driveway across adjoining parcel for access. Res,olutions, 1. SEQR 2. Planning Board decision Pr2ject Fiescru po �qu Appl icant proposes to instal I a 10,441 sq M ft, $70& driveway on an existing vacant parcel with future plans,to construct a home/carnp. Project includes driveway across,adjoiniag parcel for access. Pursuant to Chapter '179-3-040 & 179-6-060 of the Zoning Ordinance,driveway greater than 10% shal I be:subject to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Cnmments • Location-The project is located at 1918 Ridge Road. • Arrangement-The project site has anexisting logging road entrance and logging mad. • Site 1sgn;-The project *rill rework and rqgrade portions,of the logging road to make a driveway,so the applicant can. access the property. The driveway grade in certain areas will be greater than I 01M6 up to 30%as shown on the cross section drawing. • Site conditions-17he applicant has included.photos showing the logging,road in,the existing conditions. • Site plan overall-The applicant has explained current area of the road will be reworked for better drainage:and access, • Grading and drainage plan and Sediment and erosiort control—The applicant has included a,cross section drawings showing the areas of the driveway that will be reworked and using"best management practices"for drainage pu�rposes. The plans,show two areas where cu I vert pipes,swill N!, installed to,assist with site:drainage. Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the written request,of an applicant. The application form identified as "Requirements" outlines the items to appear on the site plan or included, as attachments. At the time of application the applicant has,either requested waivers, indicated the item not applicable or has not addressed the item/ left check box blank. This irip'ludes the follow iterns listed under Requirements of the applicant's application: g. site lighting, h. signage, k. topography, 1. landscaping, rt traffic, o. commercial alterations/ construct:ion details, p floor plans, q. soil logs,r, constructiorildemolition disposal s. snow removal., Nuinmm The applicant has completed.a, site plan application for the construction of driveway that is 870 ft long at 12 ft wide. Meeting History- P13, 1®'meeting; THE CMI Einfonwm Land Sum"m NORTH COUNTRY OFFICIL C, wn Manners ba Environcrimni&S*W PML-Wonal's 375 Bay Road COMPANIES" LandscAn Ard*vm Queensbury, NY 1280 TranPlanners& in Engleers 1947 - 2017 YEAR$ P:51 .81 .051 or 888.539.9073 www.c,,hazLt�ncompainies.com May 7,2018 Mr,.Craig Brown Zoning Administrator and Code ComplfainoOfficer 'Town of Queensbury 742 Bay,Road Queensbary, New York 12804 Delivered via email only-., �JB �ueensbur .met Re: James Brown—19'18 Ridge Road Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York Chazen Project#91800.19 Queensbary Ref'#SP32-201B Dear Mr. Brown: The Cbazen Companies (Chazen) Ihas received a submission package from YOUF an 1Qe for the above referenced project. The applicant intends to redevelop am existing logging road into a road for trucks, gathering firewood. Submitted information includes the following. • Short EAF dated June 2,2017; • Letter prepared by Warren County Soil and Water Conservation District clatedAprill �.0, 2,017- • Site Plan Application dated April 13,2018,and; • Plans dated,April 13, 2018. Your office has requested that we limit our review to the design of s,toirmwater system as it relates to compliance to local,„ state or relevant codes and', regulations. used uipon our review, Cha en offers the following comments for the Town's consideration: Stormwater Management& Erosion and Sediment Control: I., Accord ing to the Town of Queensbury aippi icatio n the proposed site i mprovem e nits disturb,less than one (1)acre and therefore would not be subject to NYSDEC Phase 11 Stoirmwater Regu latio ns. Comments related!to the proposed sto rmwater maria ement a nd erosion and sediment contra I features proposed for the site are offered below., 2 TWs project falls within the Lake George watershed and will be subject to the stormwater management requirements set forth in section 147-11 of the Town codle,for projects within the Lake George Park. In general, projects that disturb less,than 15,0DO square feet are considered Wni projects according to Town Code Section 147-11.E.(1), unless the project involves the following detailed! in Town Code Section 147-11.E.(1)., It is difficult to understand the exact scope of the project, limits of disturbance and existing/proposed grades, and therefore the classification (minor/major)of the project is unclear. chazen Ffigineefing Land Surveong&Landscape Amhdedure,Ca,DR.C Chazen Environmenfal Servkes� Sm. The,chazen Companies, Inc T&W11 of Qatenshrury James iBTown May 7,2018 Page 2. As detailed in,the following comments,site plans,, cletails, topographic information,existing and proposed graides, and a 5torm[water maniagiernent plan will need to be prepared for the project., 1 In accordance with Section 1791-9-050.0.Application for site,plan review of the Town code states "Name and address of the,owner pfrecord, &-velciper, and seal of the engineer, architect, or ,landscape architect. if the applicant is not the record owner, a letter of authorization shall be requiredfrom the owner."Site plans dlepicting existing/proposed grades and existing/proposed features I's not provided in the application.,The Applicant to submit a site plan in accordance with the requirements of the Town Code.The final siteplan shall be prepared by an,enigineer, architect,or landscape architect in accordance with 179-9-050. 4Section 179-9-050,JApplicationforsite plan review] of the Town code outlines required elements of a site, plain review submittal. It appears that no't all of the required materials were submitted with this application including but not limited to (179-9-050 A.) a vicinity map, (179-9- 050 B.) a site plan on 24" as 36" paper drawn at a scale of I" =40', (179-9-050 K-)existing and proposed topography at two-foot contour intervals.The Applicant shall submit an application that conforms to section 1791-9-050 of the Town code, 5. The Applicant mentions that the improved driveway will be used primarily for the collection of firewood but may eventually support a new residential dwelling. The Applicant to dar4 if the future new residential dwelfling is actually being considered oris just a thought because, the Queensbury Town,Code and GP-0-15-002 consider larger common plans,of development as part of the total site disturbance. Schedule A of the Town cove states "'LAND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY -subdivision of land or building or construction activity, including clearing, grading, excavating, soil disturbance or placement offill, that wil)result in land disturbance of equal to or greater than one ocrie, or activities disturbing less than one acre of tatoir land area that is part of a larger common plan of developmen t or sale,, even though multiple separate and distinct land development activities may take place at different times on different schedules." If the dwe lling is,not part of the larger common plan of development the Applicant to remove any mention of iit from the site plan application. If it !is part of a larger common plain of dev8loprnent, the Applicant to inducle the disturbance of the dwelling in the total project disturbance. 6. There does not appear to be a,typical cross section of materials for the proposed d1riveway. Due to this;it is unclear at thiis time if the new driveway will result In inew impervious areas andl how this will affect hydrology and hydiraulics of the site, The Applicant to clarify existing road ,5urface and drailinage,The,Applicant to provide a detailed cross section[ (including all materials) of the propposedl road. 7Section, 147-11J(2)(a)5tates, ffStormwatershall be,manoged on site using stormwater control measures designedtap afford optimum protection of ground and surface woters� Stormwater control measures shall be selected by giving preference to the best management practices for pollu(ant removal andfiow attenuation asspecified in Schedule C.[41 stormwater may'be cokula ted in,accordance with,the methodology, or determining stormwater volume and flow ro te'S for mi ajor projects found in Schedule,8, Part IJ-5]or, in the alterno tive, at a flat rate of 1.5 gallons of.5 tormwater for evL*ry square foot net increase in impervious area. Net increase is,th,e difference between predevelopment and postdievelopment conditions.All wo terfrom newly created'imperviou.5 areas which wouldotherwise run,off the parcel shall be directed to'an infiltration devite. Location pf the infiltration devices shallbe,determined based upon soil test results'."There does not appear to be sto rri calculations and site land cover statistics 1,500,00-T,, -T Qmt*14bUrV-5F.32-2.010,Amles 5,Jumwn,Np4%919DO.Z9-Amas Town of:Queensibury Ja,maes Brown, May 1,20.18 Page 3 provided and therefore conforrinarice with 147-11.1( )(ail cannot:be reviewed. The Applica n;t shall provide storrinwater calculations to conform with this section of the Town crude. 8. It appears there afire culverts proposed to convey upland flow past the road. However, there does not appear to be a hydraulic anallysis/calculation provided to show that the culverts are sized for the tributary area.The applicant todarlify,hilow the culvertsvvere sired. 9iSect ion x,47-1 LIM W state!; "Stormwater control measarl proposed to be installed of locations with a slope greater than 15%before gradinly,soil percolation rate slower than 60 min ute.s per inch,or which require placement of fill to meet horizontal distance separations specftdin this chapter.5hall be designed by a Ucensied professional engineier, orchitect or exempt land surveyor."There appear to be steep slopes (>15%) along the proposed drive ay align rin e int, If infiltration devices are proposed in,this area a licensed professional eingineer vw'iilll be needed to design,the infiltration areas. M Section, 14 7-11-I(2)(e)state s "The bottom of any infittro tion,device shall be a minim um of two feet above seasonal high groundwater mark and two feet above bedrock.`It does not appear that soil test's we re performed to id e nt Ify,vertical distances to restric�tlive feat u res (tell bed rock/grotindwater).Soil tests will be required to ensure conformance wilth section 147- 11.1(2)(e). 11, There appear to be afternative routes depicted on the plains. However, the narrative included in the,application did not discuss the alternative routes.TheApplicant to,clarify the alternative routes. 12. The profile elevation sheet is,difficu litto, read as the red text is ine ligible, The Appli cant to clarify. 13. Attached to the submitted documeats is a letter from Warren Co unity Soil and Fater Conservation District(WCSWCD) discussing different erosion and sediment control and stoirmwater managerneint techniquies. However, It is hard to discern what arndl where thiese devices are on the project site.The Applicant to revise and depict the storrnwater and erosioni control devices WCSWCD included in,their Better. 14. There does not appearto be erosion and sediment control notes or details,provided as prescribed in the NYS Standards and Specifications for Erosion and pediment,Control ("Blue Book") and section 147-11J of the Town code.The Applicant to provide an E&SC plan and details in conforrina nice with both. Please note,Towin Code section 147-11J(3)(b) "For land with slopes greater than 15%air within 500fil of the mean high water mark of onylake, pond, river,stream or wetland, no land area, including-areas s tockpiled with earthen materials,, which,has been cleared may be made or left devoid of growing vegetation for more than 24 hours without a protective coverl securely placed aver the entire area anidlor erosion control measures properly,ins tailed"The applicant to indlude this note an E&SC plain once provided. -T.Omeanisbury dOCK Town of Queensbury lames EkrOwn May 70 20.19 Page 4 In the event the Planning Board or Town staff have any,questioinis or require additional information, pleas> do not hesitate to,contact me at(518) 824-19M Sincerely, S,ean W, Doty, P,.E., LEER AP, CW[S4S Principal Ditector, Munitipal Engineering,Services cc.: Sunny Sweet,Town Planning Office,Administrator(via emall) Laura M ooire,Town (Land ase Planner(v ia e-mail,) File -T.Qpeeinsburv'11900.19-Ir.Qembwy-SP32-2016 Jmm#i 5� Tl"'! 1'3av Road, Town of Quee:nsbuiy Planning,Board SEQR RESOLUTION—Grant Positive or Negative Declaration SITE PLAN 3 2-2018 JAMES S,,. BROWN Tax Map JD: 253',.-1_24 &,253.1- / PropertyAddress: 1918 .Rid; Road/Zoning: LC-40A The applicant proposes to install a 10,440 sq. ft., 870 ft. driveway on an existing vacant parcel with, future plans to construct a home/camp. Project includes driveway across adjoining parcel for access. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 & 179-6-060 of the Zoning Ordinance, driveway greater than 10% shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. The Planning Board has determined that the proposed projlect and Planning Board, action is subject to, review under the State Environmental uality Review Act; The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Enviromnental Conservation Regulations implementing the, State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part I of the Short I has been, completed by the applicant; Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF, it is the conclusion of the Town of Queensbury Planning Board as lead agency that this, project will result in, no significant adverse impacts on the environment, and, therefore, an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly, this negative declaration is issued. MOTION TO GRANT A P!2SFF1VF, DECLARATION OR NE GATIVE DECLARATION FOR Sr FE PLAN 32-20,18 JAMES S,.,BRQW� N ntroduced by whomoved for its adoption. , I — As per the resolution prepared by staff. 1. Part 11 of the Short EAF has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board. 2. Part III of the Short PAF has, been reviewed and completed by the Planning,Board. Gr Part III of the Short EAF is not necessary, because the Planning Board did not identify potentially moderate to large impacts, Motion seconded by .. Duly adopted this 150'day of May, 2018 by the following vote- AYES- NOES: Phopio,: 5 18-761.8220 1 [-av 518.74,5.4437 1742 Bay R()ad,Oucensbury.iNY 1204 1 www.queellsburymc I Town of Queensbury Planning B and RESOLUTION —Gran /Deny Site Plan Approval SITE PLAN -2018 JAMES . BROWN Tax Map I'D: 2 1-1-24 2,53.1-2 /Property address: 1918 Ridge Road. Zoning: L --I O9 The applicant has submitted an application to the Planning Board for Site Plan approval pursuant to Article 9 0a:i:the Town zoning Ordinance for: Applicant proposes to install a 10,440 sq. ft., 870 ft. driveway on an existing vacant peel with future plans to construct a homeicam,p. Project includes driveway across adjoining parcel for access. Pursuantto, Chapter 179-3-040 & 179-6-0,60 efthe Zoning Ordinance, driveway greater than 11/o shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning ode-Chapter 1,79-9-080, the Planning :hard has determined that this proposal satisfies the requuiremen'ts as Mated, in the Zoning bode; As required by General Muunieipal Law Section 239-m the site plan application was referred to the Warren County Planning Department for its recommendation, The Planning Board has reviewed the potential environmental impacts of the project, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, ( P T .) and adopted a SEQRA1`wlegative Declaration Determination of Non-Significance The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan application on 05/15/2018 and continued the public hearing to 05/15,/201.8 when it was closed,, The Planning, Board has, reviewed the application materials submitted, by the applicant and all comments made atthe public hearing and submitted in writing through and including 05115/2018; The Planning Board determines 'that the application complies with the review considerations and standards set forth,in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval, MOTION TO APPROVE / DISAPPROVE SITE PL 32-20,18,JAMES S. BRO Intradurced by, who moved for its adoption Per the draft provided by staff`conditioned upon the fallowing conditions: I Waivers request grantedfdenied: Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this reso1ution, a If application was referred to engineering,then engineering sign-off required prior to signature of Zoning administrator of the approved plans,, b Final approved plans should have dimensions and setbacks noted on the site plan/survey, floor plans and elevation Icor the existing,rooms and proposed rooms in the building and site irnprovernent , c) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site Plain, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any f irlher review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel; Page t of h on,e: 518,,761.8220 B Fax- 5,18,,745.443:7 1742 Bay Reed, Queeinsbufy, rwlY 12804 I www q nsbury.net d) The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/cvr the beginning of any site work; e) Subsequent iss,uanof further perinits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; f) As-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed according to the approved plans to be:provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy; g) Resolution to be placed on final plans in, its entirety and legible. Duty adopted this 15'h of May, 2018 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Page of 2 Phone: 518,76L8,220 I Fax; 51,8,745,4,437 1 742 Say Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 : www.quLt�nsbury.nex