Application TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Say Roach, Queensbury, NY. 12504-5902 January 17,2019 Joseph&Cynthia Didio 2966 State Route 9L Labe George,NY 12845 Re: Second-Story Residential Addition 525 sq. ft. 2966 State Route,9L Tax Map Parcel: 239.20-1-7 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Didio: I am writing you with regards to tray review of the above-referenced projca As I understand,you are proposing construction of 525 sq, f4. second-story residential addition to the existing 1,096 sq. ft. (footprint) home. Currently your home is 2,056 sq. ft. (floor area)and the proposed floor area with addition will be 2,581 sq. f1, Area Variance relief is required for minimum setback requirements, floor area ratio requirements, and height restrictions in the IhR zoning di strict, Site Plan Review by the Planning Board is required for expansion of a nonconforming structure in a Critical Environmental Area. I understand that you wish to ask the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a waiver from the surrey requirements, thus using the year 2007 survey map. Our office will forward your request to Chairman Freer and we will let know of his decision as soon as possible. This letter serves as your denial letter for the processing of your applications. Should you have any questions or comments regarding your appIication, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Craig Brown Zoning Administrator CBlsh Cc: Andrew Didio L:ICraig Brown12018 Letters\Denial Didio 1_17_18.doc " Horne of Nratraral Beauty ... A Good Phaco to Live " SOWN OFQUE-ENSBURY 742 Ray Road, Qveejr0)r+ry, NY. 12804-5902 January 18, 2019 Joseph &Cynthia Didio 2966 State Route 9L Lake George,NY 12845 Re: Survey-Waiver Request for Area Variance Joseph &Cynthia Didio 2966 State Route 9L Dear Mr. and Mrs. Didio- I am writing you with regards to your requested survey-waiver for your proposed 52.5 sq. ft. second-story addition. Chain-nan Harrison Freer has approved your waiver request- Your Area Variance application is scheduled for review by the Zoning Board of Appeals during the month of February, 2017. A A+ Ging-Date notice letter and agenda will be sent to you under separate cover. Should your have any questions or comments regarding your application, please do not hesitate to contact this office. i noereiy' CraAiggjBIroCwn) Zoning Administrator B/A Cc. Laura M- oorc,Land Use Planner LACraig BrOwnUO18 Le ters\Waiver Didio 1_18_18.doa " Honje of Natural Beaute ... A Good Place to Live ` TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 flay Rcmij, Qneex nsbury, iNrY. 32804-5902 MEMORANDUM TO: Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman Harrison Freer FROM: Zoning Office Support Staff Sue Hemingway RE' Request for Survey-Waiver Area Variance—Didio DATE; January 17, 2018 Chairman Freer; Please find attached to this memo ars Area Variance application 5nbmitted by Joseph & Cynthia Didio for review their proposed project at 2965 State Route 9L during the month of February 2018. A letter is included in the application package requesting a survey-waiver. Indicate below whether you approve or deny this request; noting any conditiorks. Also initial or sign next to your decision. Thank you. Approved by Chairman Freer -, Denied by Chairman Freer With Condition: `• Hoare of Natural $ frtnfy--- A Good Puce to Line ' 4L L TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Biry road, Queeirsbury, NY. 12304-5902 January 17,2018 Joseph & Cynthia Didio 2966 State Route 9L Lake George,NY 12545 Re: Second-Story Residential Addition 525 sq.ft, 2966 Mate Route 9L Tax Map Parcel. 239.20-I-7 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Didio: I am writing you with regards to my review of the above-referenced project. As I understand, you are proposing construction of a 525 sq. ft. second-story residential addition to the existing 1,096 sq.ft.(footprint)home. Currently your home is 2,056 gq..t.(floor area) and the proposed floor area with addition will be 2,581 sq. ft. Area Variance relief is required for minimum setback requirements, floor area ratio requirements, and height restrictions in the VM zoning district. Site Plan Review by the Planning Hoard is required for expansion of a nonconforming structure in a Critical Environmental Area. I understand that you wish to ask the Chairman of the Zoning Board of AppeaN for a waiver from the surrey requirements,thus using the year 2007 survey map. Our office will forward your request to Chairman Freer and we will let know of his decigion as soon as possible. This letter serves as your denial letter for the processing of your applications. Should you have any questions or comments regarding your application, please-do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, C)---U Craig Brown Zoning}Administrator CWsh Co. Andrew Didio L:l raig Brown\2018 Letters\DenW Didio 1_17_18.doc " H# ) Ine of Ntitural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live ' k #���2 �� }I�'1t=� ��its��taaed: Se�a4err�.er2i 20i� PrP,-SLbiai sion Cunference Fo-m J B*fioyl 179-9-040 Iq pplicaAtNamea . Tax Map ID I Zoning Oia"ilication � 4. Reason for Review: c-A n � r S. Zaning Fectinn#: `C 1�7C A I j S 6. Pre-Suhni6slan beefing lutes: Provided OwMandWC; Fleaae provide b Deed General Information camplete Site Mweloprrment Data Compiete Setback Requixememts Compiew A.dditiovW Project lofoanation Complete r per: S•e vit k-j pr FAR addressed l Compliance with Zoning Ordiramce Checklist iWrns addressed Environmental Farm c*mpieted signature Page coxnplet n-,zoo nl tf:?A &kN c Staff Representative: -- Applicant f Agent: w' Date: Page 6 Lot"(,Vy- to oc.r 0� ! Joseph and Cynthia Didio January 11, 2018 State Rt, 9L Lake George,NY 12845 T/O Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals _!`- 746 Bay road Queensbury,NY 12804 RECEIVED RE: Residential Addition Variance Joseph and a Didio Y �� ���LA�hll� OF�FIE� Parcel: 523400 239,20-1-7 Dear Zoning Board, Please review the fallowing information aid the reasons why the proposed variance is needed for the construction of a 52 5 square foot addition on our property at 2-966 State Rt 9L on Dunham's Bay in Lake George. - When we moved into the property in 2002, the camp had been owned by an elderly couple who used it as a part-time camp and the limited living and odd sleeping space was not an issue. My wife and I moved into the camp as year around residents. Our children were not living with us so e managed when they came to visit. In rmme recent years our children have gotten married and have children. When they come to visit we need to provide a safer, cleaner sle*ng area for the children and their parents and the existing bedroom(next to the furnace room) can tamed into a basement for storage. What we axe proposing is to build a 525 square font addition over the living room and dining room. It will remain a three bedroom house. This project will not adversely impact our ptoperty or any neighbors' properties as we are not encroaching further on any lot setbacks nor impact any lake views- We live on a steep hill so since moving in extensive landscaping bas been installed to stabilize the previously bare slope. As part of this project we request a survey waiver for pre and post conditions. We propose to use the 2007 survey where the addition is on the second floor facing the lake and the setbacks to the home will remain the same. Please note our project in 2047 before the board we greed to relocate the hat tub area to be firrther from the adjoining property and we removed the shoreline deck- the 2007 survey doesn't reflect the changes we were asked to complete. These changes have been,made. We appreciate your time and consideration in the sanction of this variance. We request your approval for this safe,attractive addition to the property that coincides with the surrounding community. Yours Truly, Joseph Didio and Cynthia Didio Caacrai infot mO611 Tax Parcel ID Plumber: ` Zoning District: � U Gt, S� � R u 4 � a tom- c(i 1 r€ Detailed Descripflon ofProjea [include current&,proposed use]: utrent Use' �21E;5 1, c,xr,x - F,0 rm Proposed Use: Location of Pr ofect 2-9 Cs sri-m lZr-- Applicant Fame: . =Al d. 26f Cob f � Mme Phone f ' Loses — C! F it r,Mate,zip . C ark Phone C101 Phone E-Mail: - `� i FAX No. Agent's Name- Mailing AddressHome Phone CRYN Mata, Work Phone Cell Phone FAX neo. Cil+ ccac i , r� . c -w Owner's lame Mailing Address 10 4 - Ho=Phone City, Mate, Zip ff /Z Tock Phone Celf rhone E-mail FAX No. - Page 1 rDa va6anco i #►ate: SCpwnJler21 Area{`Ypestia 'sy. aged A. Bx Mmg footprint B. cached[rage ' . Ammory Sirucft* r - D. hived, Or o&er bard s4dacM aw • -- �- I k Ap Flo F. 00= oo�- c -- � Y C "[J f ' J G. TOW I r-Per blo [AW ACJ ILEA q. _ L perotmUP ofimper ble Area of S [E—GrRI: ethk . Aria ltegair .&sting rognsed Awt Yard[1] A f q FiM Yet[2] 11 ' sideYsrd�� sol 7 Side Yard[2] Rear Yard[1] Rear Yard C n!fT .N r�eight[maxim=] r Perr�il y � Ng16HT umbeir ofp=king sus -r6 F .* D 2 Additim l Project InfomialiOn ]. Will the proposal rDquke a 8eptic Variance frons the Town Board u#'HeaiW AM - If the parcel has pruvious apprmvals,list applivadon Tiumber(a)- ~ r 3. Does this project require r verge under the New York State Pollukant Discharge Elim Ovation Share=(SPDES)Pernik Pmgmm? —Yes/ o 4} Estimated project due on: Mart Dane: Had Date- 5- Estimated total east of project ( _v 0,0 6. Total area of land distabance for project: Floor Area Ratio orksheet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR)--Ilk-relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the tout building door area by the lot size in square few,yielding a}percentage. Fc" rea ning D strict Symbol Floor ANatio VAR3 aterfront Residential _ Rmt7mercial?Moderate!Commercial CM f CI 0.3 Intensive . The combined area of all square rootage, as meas=from exterior walls of all structures on the proparty, including all floors of the st-i urea, garages, basements and dtica, with more &an five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porches. Building square footage does not include': Open deal, docks and that portion of covered docks e�derding over water and on,. storage sited of ozie hundred twenty (120) square feet or less.-Any additionA rhes will be included.(See"FLOOR AREA RATIU . B. Cornmercial or induarial: the toil area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building or structure,and when applicable,the Sum total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildiugs or structures on the project site. fareel Arca Sq.fL EAlstin Fluor Area :. s .ft see above definition Pro osed Additional floor Area sq.ft Fro used'Total FSot3r Are2 sq.ft- Total Allowable Floor Area y r Area x see above tat}le 'age 3 Area Vffli iD? LZisAsppr& Sep tarber2]20161 Compliancy with Zoning Ordiwgi= equesting relief fromhsCnON: V L ' Need mudfrom the requirerneat(s)luted below which can not he met by the project as proposed. fCheck 1711 that apply'] II&9baek ❑ Buff' r Zone 0 Ut 1 idth 0 Other k The foliawing queAow reflect the criteria or ting this type of vurivace. Please complete them, use additional sheets if needed. I. Whether an undesirabZc change wiU-be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will b,created by the gating of this area variance? d&eSfl*-- bli2ch Or I i�tI2.xje'_ ano CO iC)IOq,.Lv 2.. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some methal,feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance { � - da e . . Whether the requested area vmiance is substantial? - ts ti AL } 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or ffi a-ct on the physical or emvirenmental conditions in the.neighborhood or district? S. Whed=the alleged difficulty was self-created? f -J. ! d + Page 4 } r V�IcnCw Lzi3AspF,o-' Septeerbac21 ?.;,15] Application materials and site plan dravAng is to inelufe suilicient infomation far the,Board to reviem axed proMe a decision. ThgE applicant is to provide a site pian draVmg(s),a si rtvey showing existing cotdidom,a proposed conditions Tnap(see page 00 for specific asteria)and inc lade any other atmchments that address A-D es applicable to the proposed project, A. General SbDwn on Sbeet# 1 Title,Name, Address of applicant 8c pemn responsible for prtion of dm44qek-a 2 Deed r Cti 3 North arrow,Tax Map ID, date prepued and scale minimum: 1 ineb=40 feet 4 Boundaries of the prolotted to scale zoning bound 5 Principal strt bxes accessory struatures with werior dimensions Site improvements incl. outdoor storage areas,ddvmayrs,parking areas,etc.: existing 8c used 5 LJ rvei 7 Setbacks for all str r,-tuns and improvements.: existing&proposed 8 Elevations and floor plaw of a]i prup9svd and affected structures B. WWr&Sower Shown on Sht-et 4 1 Project sewage disposal facilities,design details,construction&tails,flow rates,and uwnber of bedrooms proposed Water supply [i.e.well] &septic cn adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or 42 kb propospd on-site water supply and septic { A�V_ 3 Se 'on distances for propwed sewage di orals stern to well and water bodies 4 Existing public or private water supply [we.11, later,, etc.], Method of swuring public or private water, lorffdon,delign and construction of water supply imJudlng daily water usage 5 Percolation to location and results C. Parking I Permeable Areas Shown on Sheet 4 1 Numbor of Spaces required for project including calculations and ju_stiftatien: edsting 8c re aced ' No. of exi sting parkiog spaces, number to ba removed, number to maintain and type of surfacing material e. ., gravel, vel 3 Provision for padesWan and handicap rices and parking: r-cisting&prpposed 4 Design details of iness,SSMs,IgLdigg areas aid cutting- ext-ifiag&prepmed 5 Location and character of green=n[existing and proposed], modification to green area,buffer zow-,to remain undisturbed 6 Lioft location and desip of all existing and os-,d outdoor Ughtiag D. Additional Site Develo mW and Iviiscellarreous Shown on Sheer 4 1 On-site&ad`=r t watercourses,streams rivers, lake and wetlands 2 Utility I energy distribution systerh electric,solar tele hom : exkbg&proposed 3 Location, design azW construction details of all existing and proposed site improvements McLudin drains,culverts,retainin walls fences fire&ernergeapy zones and hydrants,etc. 4 Square footage of bldg. area proposed for office, [manufacturing,retail sales of other commercial activities: existM&c propawd i a e: ];,ovation, size, e, desiv and setback: existin & proposed 6 Waiver Request: pxovide letter p]j gI0m-mquest g aU yr m- please reference f s eoiftc items Ae -7 Commercial I Industrial Dmelopramt requires submission ofLuudsmping, Storm aw lvlana ement, (;Tadbg&M&hIjT)S Plans S Identification of Federal, State or County permits required for the project together with a retard of application for all nccessary permits Page 5 .A'{�{,1•y Ory«..5�}h}''�,�Ib. ', �, " ti- j J L. 4 .4z 7T '4�1 y'•F' S PZ L •77'}}-.maykc f Y 5'r 4 ti. Vti' J" :ice ,�.,�1y-• '''-�.y-'l,� � S Y + '�.z �hr{::},��-¢s��';,:`:•'f�"_. ru'6kll�h'Jf_,�GkMI �S Janmry 7, 2018 1:2,257 0 0-0I75 0,036 OLOT rni 0 RO3 D-OB 0.92 km . $aims EUL HEAF_ MLartne, IrlermaR haemuff P CuFL. GFEO3, USM FAO.NP$,NRE:AKL Gatti MarrGN,I€WwtarNL,Crdnmm SL ey, W Jbpar. MITI, FsrJ CPka (HaM MMqm. blapmjJmdQ, ED OparSjl4fp/W px*Jb bni�erd the pS Ude'Cinmmm%7 This page incla&s the W Auiborixadon to Act as Agent Form: ¢)Eagineet-ing Fee Disclosure;3,)Authoy'Wdion iaY Site+Jisiml 4.) Geher parmii Responsibilkw,5.)Official Me4lfig Disclosure and 6.}Agroemant to pmvidy documentation r uimd, ,1TIFNEP"SAcyr% FORM: Complete the fallowing if the OWNER of the-properbI is rot the same as the applicant: Ownur Designates: as Agent regariing the following: Varia= Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No. Deed Refereuce: Boob Page _ Date OWNER SIGNATT RM DATE, APPL10MVS AGS FORM_ Complete the following If the APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or vdsbes to be represented by another party. Owner: J Designates: w Agentregaarding,She following: Variance Site:AT , For Tax Map No.: RelFere = Book Page Dam OWNER SIGNATURE, DATE: � ' 2.1 ENG1; ERING FIRIE DISCLOSURE: Applications Wray by referred to the Town consulting engineer fDr review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as detennined by the Zoning or Pl mining DepartmenL Fees for engWeuing review services will he charged directly to the applicant_ Fees for engmeei frig review gill not exceed S 1,440 whkoat nWfkation to the a ppll=t, 3. AUTHORIZATION FOR SITE VIS S. By signing this page and submitting the application materials act ed herein, the Owner,Applicant, and#ifs hcrltheir agent(s)hmby authorize the Zoning Board or Plaming Board and Town Staff to eater the subject properties for the purpose afreviewing the application submitted. 4.) OTHER YE1 1rIIT.RF-SPONSIBILI_I'IES: Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Beard or Planing Board. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additimal permits. 5.) OFFICIAL MEETING l4Ii MTES DISCLOSURE: It is the practice of the Community Development Depadment W have a designated 5tenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application,?ud minutes Ummscn-bed from those tapes constitutes the official record of all proceedings. 6. AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION UIRED: I,the tmdersign4 have thorougWy re$d and under and the instructions for submission and agree to the submission requirements, I aclmowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid pexmlt. I certify that the application, pleas and supporting materials are a trtta and complete staternent}{lA=*tion of the existing conditions and the work proposed, aad ibadt all work will be performed in accordance with the approved plans and in coafbmance with local zoning regulations. I aclmowiedge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed,I or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessary. I also understand that Me may be required to provide an as-built survey by a licensp&tgad stiTveyar of all newly cuustructud facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy W()' IPiave read ; . xs� Si n ppiic t] Priv Namkn jApplicant] Dat si $igna [Agent] n-rn—t [,Agent] Date Aped Nge 7 DEED WARRANTY wilh LN9 COPM9W r . THIS INDEMME Ma&the 5th day of November,2002 BETWEEN OiLBF T 0.BOA AND WILMA C.BOFHM,AS TRUSTEES OF TM B EHm'ITRUST,residing at 2966 State Route 94 Lake George,New York 12845, parties of the first part, and JOSEPH J. 1)11D10 AND CYNTMA S.DID10,his wife,as Tensaft by the Entirety, residing at 120 Oak Street,Hudson Falls,New York 12839, parties of the second part, tnesseth,than the pities ofthe&A park,in consideration of TWE MJ DRED FORTY THousAND AND No CENTS--DOLLARS TARS ($340,004.00)--lawful monOy of dc United States, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the parties of the seaand part,do hereby gent and release unto the parties of the second part,their heirs and assigns forever,ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL o F LAN]),situate, lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, County of Wamm and State of New York,hounded and descrftd on Schedule A artkached hereto and made a part hereof. This CoAveyance is made subject to all covenants,conditions,restrictions and ea,sements of record and zoning and enviro= ntal protection laws and ordinances and to any Mate of facts an accurate s€uvey would disciosc. To etker with the appurtenances and 0 the estate and rights of the parties of the first pmt in and io said premises, To have and to holdthe pmmises herein granted unto the party of ft second park,their heirs and ws4w forever. And said parties of the first part covenants as follows: FIrA That the parties of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said.premises; Second, That said parties of the first part will forever Waffgml the title to said premises. Thi,4 That, in Compliance with Seo. 13 of the Lien Law,the grantors will receive the considerafion for this coraveymm and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fumd to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the imprpvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. In }#Mess Whereof,the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year Erst above written. �. L.S. OILB 'Y'EEH14f, trustee TArVT TATE OF NEW YOR ) COUNTY OF WARREN )ss. on this 5th day afovember, in the year 2002 Toefrore me,the undwiwi4 a Nob y Public in and for said State,pmwwHy appeared GILBERT O.BORFM AND WMM C.BOEHM,as traste ,kzwwn to me orproved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals wjLose mates are subwn-hed to the wi#hin went and acknowledged to rue that they executed the s e in their Opacities,and that by their signatures nm the k9tum=4 the in&vidual or the per m upon behaff ofwhich the individual as cxewWd the instX=wL GEORGE J. ZURLO, ESQ. Notary iu rh State of Now York NOTAL. P Qualifiie0 in Warren County 8991 tr hen No. 02ZU9814 10 My Cornmisrion Expires 91311 - Sue Henm � — From: Laura Moore Sent: Monday, January 22, 201810,40 AM Te: didioland@roadrunner.com Cc: Sunny Sweet, Sue Hemingway Subject: Septic certification Cyndi, Reviewing the application materials and we will need to have certification that the septic system is compliant per the zoning code as noted below_ Inforrnat!nn should be submitted by Wednesday 1124. Please call with any questions. Thankyou. Laura 179-3-040 Establishment of zoning districts. A. Residential districts.aLaterfront residential. Le Septic system certification, All development activities, including new construction,expansions or extensions, conversions and remodeling, for all uses that require septic systems that commence subsequent to the effective date of this section,shall be required to estabiish that septic systems comply with the most recently adapted sta n.dards and requirements or to update sys#erns accordingly. Written certification from a professional engineer and/a r from the Town Engineer as to corn phance of existing, updated or new systems shall be required prior to the Issuance of a zoning permit or building permit, in addition, any septic system that fails shall be required to be reconstructed with a design that meets the most recently adopted standards. Laura E. Moore, Planner Town of Queensbury Planning and Zoning Department 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12504 518-763-8265