Survey Waiver Approval by Chairman Freer TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Fay I:crr+t2, )r. 12804-5902 May 24, 2018 Christopher Dwyer Stefanie DiLallo Bitter, Esq. 1232 West Mountain Road Bartlett, Pontiff, Stewart Sc Rhodes PC Queensbury,NY 12904 PO Box 2168,One Washington Street Glens Palls,NY 12801 Re: Survey-Waiver Request for Area Variance(Our Hle: -AV-42-2018) Christopher Dwyer Project Location: 1232 West Mountain Road Project Tax Map No.298.-1-65 Nar Mr. Dwyer and Mrs. Bitter, 1 am writing you with regards to your requested survey-waiver for your proposed Area Variance project at 1232 West Mountain Road_ Chairman Harrison Freer has approved your waiver request. Your Area Variance application is scheduled for review by the xnjiag Board of Appeals during the month of June, 2018_ A Meeting-Date notice letter and agenda will be sent to you under separate coves. Should you have any questions or comments regarding your application, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Craig Brown Zoning Administrator Bfsh Cc. Laura Moore, Land Use planner LkCraig Bri wn12018 LetterslWsiwer Dwyer 5_24_I8.dac " Ho1ue of Natisrnl Beauty — A Good Pince to. Live ' TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 142 Bay Road, QueenFl7ury, NY. 12804-5902 MEMORANDUM TO: Zoning Board of Appeals Chairman Harrison Freer FROM: Zoning Office Support Staff Sue Hemingway RE: Request for Survey-Waiver Area Variance—Christopher Dwyer 1232 West Mountain Road DATE: May 18, 2018 Chairman Freer: Please find attached to this memo ars Area Variance application submitted by Christopher Dwyer for review his proposed project at 1232 West Mountain Road during the month of lune 2018. Aletterfrorn Stefanie 0!La Ito Bitter, Esq.of Bartlett, Pontiff,Stewart&Rhodes, PC is included in the application package requesting a survey-waiver. (See Rage 2 of letter dated May 15,2018). Indicate below whether you approve or deny this request; noting any conditions. Also initial or sign next to your decision. Thank you. Approved by Chairman Freer- De niied reerDenied by Cha irmari Freer With Condition, " Home of NaturnI Beajity _ A Good Place to Live " Nui.E.i%wa 7F L�, GG Y, }{1P!` IPF. 4�-k:+ ART ► Eonw�, P. ¢ RLA VALLKKT,4 JI1jER ALAN IL Rimms p faJSMIEM R.�YXAODM rel.F t�GNPILT&MC VULLEk AT'TORN F.VS A'i' LAw ,10PFn 0.wFtm".0 PehmP C.,SICINuRE P.Q.BOX 216g 1NUICA HutApjUNL VM. GI, Maxx A.Lromrra OWE WASKINGTMSTR PT J.L&WRERCT FALT♦;OW02- UN8 F�Lss, Ew VoRK i211a1-a Rummm R.?t c3 v.d¢. hi,u-�x�e.-rs R.U•Ha PACir I~ouK�4-c PATaTGU E.WATigNs M1 AMM C.CFRw$kMa Braxy O.Unmro TrLLTHRVE(518}793.1]17 RICIIARI)l BARnF,TT FAVLA NAULAIM DORM[ FAxt51917n-J3D7 39H-2015 JONATHAN C.LAPP¢u EL1+III, 12UBERT S.$TEWOL-' AM Ts R.DVR1f:ETr WBOSITEwKE�jperb-A m 1932-21111 STEFANIE DrLAun RMEu BERTRAMJ.UU6E SE!RkFiI"E SV FArSEMILF-[1r AC'r k'r1C1? May t5, 2018 Harrison Freer, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Rckid ueetisbury NY 12804 Re: Christopher Dwyer 1232 West Mountain Road `1'ax Map Parcel 288.-1-6 5 and 69.11 Dear Chairman Freer: Please be advised that our law firm has been retained by hri WphlMr Dwyer relative to requesting m area variuice for lot sizc due to the existing struetures on his parcels. Mir. Dwyer purchased these parcels,Tax Map Parcel 288.-1-65 and 69.11,with his father in 2012. Tax Map Parcel 288.-1-65 is located along West Mountain Road and is where both 4tTuvture;s are located. The parcel is 1.39 acres in size. 'fax Map Parcel 288.-1-69.11 is a vacant 1.9 acre parcel, i=-.dxately€Edjacent to parcel 288.-1-65,but it does not bave road ftntage.The structures were both existing at the time of purchase. However, the one strue=e was classified as a boat storage facility whin constructed in 1999, but at some point in time was converted to an apartment. Both units have public water and private septic systems. 'l'lie Applicant is in the process of selling tht-property and was not aware until recently that the stcond dwelIing required relief from the Tovvn of Queensbury Zoning Code. The Applicant has maintained tim property with multiple dwellings since its ownership in 2012- Although this would be ounsidered an after the fact variance, it will result its no physical changes since the uses have been in existence for some time. To CY arty n two dwelling units in the MDR Zone with public water and privaw septic require 4 acres. Although these two structures are located on the tax map parcel 288.4-65, the Applicant is willing to merge the two parvirls together to lessen the relief requested, since combined the total size will be 3.29 acres. With this merger, the relief being sought Should not be considered substantial. Although modifying the boundaries of the parcels and keeping each structure on its awn paicrcl was considered an option, It required even more relief than the application being gought. Harfison Freer, Chaiman May 15, 2018 Page Please place this on your.lune Zoning Board of Appeals agenda, i have enclose the Survey of the propaly which demonstrates the existing buildings and setbacks. We would request that this is considered sufficient for the relief requested and if not that a waiver be granted. We have also enclosed the application,the FAF,the deed and the $50 appiieation fee. If any Ruttier information is requsred,please contact me. Sincerely, Dart ett, ntif# wa Rhodes,P,(C tefani DiLal Bi r Direct Lr . (5 832-M19 LUrecl E•mm r whkh srla1V.coat DD I�'0�1.18�Ri3S9�av1 buy,-r�oovcr_leticr,WPD