Site Plan application, narrative & deed Joseph and CyntWa Didio January 11, 2018 State Rt. 9L Lake George,NY 12845 TJO Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals 746 Bay road Queensbury, NY 12904 RB; Residential Addition Variance Joseph and Cynthia Didio Parcel: 523400 239.20-1-7 Dear Zoning Board, Please review the following information and the reasons wby the proposed variance is needed for the construction of a 525 square Foot addition on our property at 2966 State Rt. 9L on Dunham's Bay in Lake George. When we moved into the property in 2402, the carne had been owned by an elderly couple who used it as a part-time camp and the limited living and odd sleeping space was not an issue. My wife and I droved mio the camp as year around residents. Our children were not living with us so we managed when they came to visit+ In more recent years our children have gotten married and have children. When they come to visit we need to provide a safer, cleaner sleeping aria for the children and their parents and the existing bedroorn (next to th,e mace room) can turned into a basement for storage. What vire are proposing is to build a 525 square Foot addition over the living room and dining room. It will remain a three bedroom house. This project will not adversely impact our property or any neighbors' properties as we are not encroaching f n-ther on any lot setbacks nor impact any lake views. We live on a steep hill so since moving in extensive landscaping has been installed to stabilize the previously mare slope. As part of this project we request a survey waiver for pre and post conditions. We propose to use the 2007 survey where the addition is on the second floor facing the lake and the setbacks to the home will remain the same. Please note our project in 2007 before the board we greed to relocate the loot tub area to be Further from the adjoining property and we removed the shoreline deck- the 2007 survey doesn't reflect the changes we-were asked to complete. These changes have been made. We appreciate your time and consideration in the sanction of this variance. We mquest your approval for this safe,attractive addition to the property that coincides with t1'ie surrounding community. Yours Truly, Joseph Didio and Cyrahia Didio General Information Taus Parcel ID Number: J i64t. . -t - 7 Zoning Distict Lot size: T , ~ . Detailed Descrip#i of fr ed[includes ewrent proposed ase]: �ttl{ CJS. ��J� orrti A 9 e oAx. . Locafi=-ofproj fjtke+ AppUca*Name: Address: t) I _ 6 .R=e Fhone Cell: � = � 6 ,D*z' work phone Fax CkA t0 &,�4 t-04A 0 fl rLQA.con Agwfs Name: Address:- Cc LAA Rf 6 Poles' dome Phone X37 - Z-6 Work Phos Fax E-mail oLA dccs- r; #Aro 'teeo� nr Owner's Name, ri Address S& � Borne Phow { ell -G w Phone Fax RECEIVED - SAN 9 6 X01 � a� 4zlf d aAr id .cam TOWN OF QUEEN BURY PLANNING OFFJ r Site PjeA AMw application—Rimed OuwbiT 2016 Town of Queensbury rkmning Ofsc�-742 Bay Reload, ueemd y,NY 1204 Site Development Data Area I Type Existing sq. ft. Proposed Total sq.ft. A. Building foofpant Addition s .f#. B. Detached Garage ' C. AccessoV truoture(s . 224 cis till 44", lov 944",lF D. Paved,graved or offierhard surfs d 1 840 R Other Q. TotalIdou�Pern cable [Add A-F] H. Parcel A [43,560 sq- ft!acre] 1. Percentage of IMP= Area of Site [1 /4 Setback eguirelxxent ii D Area Reguired Exmng Pip osed Front ] Et-�� 4 S�1�{. sem'l L �� � � F Front[2] fVA Shotino ill + (oO r Side Yard[1] Side Lard[2] Sear Yard[x] Rear Yard [ ) 1 / Y� fmvc] Corridor 2. Height [max] permeability v ' Vio xo. of parking spaces #}L A itc Plan Rev-6w ap011tion—Revised Ortobe r 2016 SI Town of Qucen5bury Man=- - &Office-742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Additional Project Wormation 1. Will the proposal require a Septic Variance frorn the Town Board of Health? 2. If the parcel hasprevious approvals,list application numbers)' Ate, ` 3. Does this project require coverage under the New York State Pollutant Disdlaarge Elimhaticai System WDES)Pemn t Program? l 4. Estimated project duration: Start Date f End Dane / 5. F,sdmaled total cost ofproject: & `b Z . Total area of land digmbance for project: Floor Area Ratio Worksh FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship-of buildingsize to. lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor area by the lot size in square feet,yielding a percentage: oni.ng District Symbol floor Area Ratio [FAR] Watcrftnt ResidentW WR 0.22 Comniffcial Moderate/lutensirve Ch1 Cl 0. A. The combined area of ah square footage, as measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property, - including 91 floats of the stfuctwes, garages, basements and attics with ruare than.five 5) feet of ceiling height mzd cornered porches. 13uilding square footage does not include: Open decd, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water and one storage AM of one hu ed fu my (120).square feet or less. Any additional slw& will be iineluded. (See"FLOOR,AREA RATIO"). 13. CornmereW or industrial:the total area in square feet as measLaud from the exterior ofthe outside wails of a bu ldixg or strumr., and when applicable, the sum t0W of all floor areas of the principal and woessory ldfi gp or structs on tlxe project.site. A- Parcel Area V .& B. KrWag Floor Area sq.fL see above deflnitior C. Pro osed Additional Floor Area sq. fl D. Proposed Total Flonr,Area s _& E. Total Allowable Floor Area �! Area x rsee above table *If D is larger than E:a variance or revisions' to your plan may be needed. Consult with Staff. 4 Site Plan review application Revisett 0cwber 2016 Town of Quewkury Planning Office-742 Bay Road,Qim wbury,NY 12804 119-9-080 Reg �tla AiDproval, The Planning board shajj not OPFO vc a Site plan unless it fust d4e,mdaes that such site plan meets the- following t=dards. PI'll PrePm responses to each of the fol[owing topics: STANDARDS The,i °P° lJ fi�rf3,ars aFis cansssecurt with tttc pokicics oftha Town's Cnanprehezesivc l�lsrl $. Thi propescd Project csmrplies with all other rte}uiremeruts ofthis P Ofthb sectiary the dkieasionat bralk arsd d its' lasscrosnfdre ,i�clading t2�site plan revierw standards as set forth En Ph Til 11 the applic:abla nquiremmts of ail oferArti im that ° dislricti�which it isprn to be#nested{Article 3 aro YC S E. iLe site plea encourages pede$trkan acCivitypractics6ieF m errrd from the site vrilh to adjacent a rears .1F� �►p orsidewaiicscmncv,W D. TJre site plan m=aaoform to f Chapter l36 Sewage surd se Dispose,C, q tax 147 Stermwater appticalfIe]nest laws.. - Mentent Local Law,nad other i character end si=of Ise in hazmon EL with the general purpose or Intent of this Chapter,spccifedy wring into Qwwwot nt the tocati propos os and- descriptiau and,poupose cfthe district irr which such use is Fopcsed,the nature and Intensity sqp activities a he involved m orcaaducOd'sn catmcctioa with thcPropnsed use add the nature end rate of pl?' n81#1illliC services and EwMt ee which will low the approvnl Of`t1w proposed 4MIL kczeasc its thebnWeu un F. c estebitshI'll len Yaaiatcaance and aptratioa of the proposed pse will pot crew public bazar& trafljc.jjfgc � e parking ofyeNctes amlor equipment or he otherw se detrimental to the hmitk safefy or lmend welfare of s or the the noighbo�rhood or to the gLmernl welfare of the tiowa. Traffic access end circulati read inter or working in C ca0uh Is be ad J7Gft on' l.'m'd ddvmay widths and G. O$strext parlda#g and 19oadiag t7ities wall be � by tart new use. Tbc eslabii °PIY and arranged and suft to meet traffic anticipated to be gene ,d s>#mMt vehicte Unks bd wpm parldngamm of t prspera arc vi where Jeas1`bler, This# era tht Town's ofreducing curb cib and red undeveloped or ung cmg�iom. A iwe ty-5aot wide connection is rewired Yfatdjaceat properties are either previously undu ed vw&rt chfiT made proviskn for 5uttsc +on e;91=a f—h.,:,, i bd idenaurd and applproNide]df>rr�the acre plan fth adavze pr such Entine lit�ge when,flatime arises, 11w Pbmningl3oard mayroq*eproofthntthe applivaat bas unade couc ct vPith adjncent p�pertj�owners far purposes ofcoordknatiitg 1'�y,M a �. H, 710 project SWU 1`101 have an mrdw s ersa` C 5 space resources of tba town or the AdkondaA park o the 1,scent a rSIl ecological,w,3dlsfs,bista�c,rmcreeprioroal dw Ful tamg ftowumtthe comm oli the&Wfuate Pra+rlsim Ofsxf�7=hql,, fH INdes and soviets made nensary by eroial,industrial,residential:recreadonai or othmight ha derived the pmje a h'malcit the detarmU1Adm hereunder,the PJwrrriug Hoard shaA consider those factors pa project w0tWnW is the edwetopwAnconsiderationssatforthheroin under 179-4-080 of ft Chapter,amd in ao , obS Donal shall maloc a net overW, evabw4on of the ptnject in rel Won to the devolapruent objecdves sad g1weral gnidalines set forth at�-179.9�Og4 ofthks �. Tilt provision for and arrangement of pedes traffic acetas acrd oircula�on Article. '� _ traffic and overel2 pedestrian convenience shell be and 'wffll�vvey� ofi�iaas with vehicular a�erluate for pede;.atrian tuovernenta Pedestrian cnr3uev[�ams lte�adj ,a,t sites shall be provided to enaouragc pedes van. - � . �. I)rainaga ofof the sits shalt des.will prevent an� gf post dopment drainage flows as caugpart�to pre�avetop�nt recl�rge groprtd►uefer!o the et€tent practical., Surface waters#lo � flows, adversely a�iect an adjau3ent properties orWin wiaR ofd-site sh�e]1 apt degrade any streaats or 147 of Town Cede noel 1h dj%mft Town of public roads. FW"tie�shall be in canfom mcewith the dmiu standards ofC11apter ( teewbury SuMvision RejuMom where appUmbla. 77 �{_, 'the mater supply and sewage diad faccilitaes will be adegaaRe and will meet til applicable and current 17ep®rtrnentaf`1�eaFth regrrkati�ns and Chapter l3G ofthe Town Cods. irequirementa set forth by T1rt adegna , a and errarfgcment oftrees,shrubs ane other suitable plaateug 1 pride a visual miler noise mer bettvoen the appkieani�sod ad'o scrtening shall effercti fnaintonarnco,�cludin lacefn J F including the roauoonrm mention oP existing vegee`ation sad t7 est afdema or deceased lazrts. 1 �] Fire tY mases azrd fee hydrants+grill 6e edequn#e ane zroeet the needs and requiruveuts �Y �Providers. . '[he design of structures,ruat4ways acrd 9an$s�ping ifl areas susceptible to pondhtg,floodhtg sndlpr aaa�oa wilt inlningize ear avoid su impeds�o the mBximpm axpevt�red�l�bFe. - - � . . TLc site l cenfouins Ua the design st darci landscaping standards and perfDnnatrra standards of thisdurEor, Site Plan Review-applf czdon,Revised October 2016 Town of Queensbigy Plaaaing Office-742 Bay Road,Queensbury,Ny 12804 179-9-050 h"Wist}Application for Site Plan Review. Application materials and site plan shall include sufficient information for the Board to review and provide a decision. The applicant is to provide a site plan drawing and all attacbnvnts that add=s items A-V. The applicant may request a waiver frorn AN and is to provide reasons for waiver(s) requested. Please label information to be stlbmitwd. REQU REMENT Sleet-# A. A'vMnity reap drawn at the scale that shows the rdationship of the proposal to existing commtmity famlities which affect or serve i#,such as roads,shoppEng areas,schools,etc, The mepp shall also draw all prop'crti+s,identify ownme, subdivisions,struts and easements within 500 feet of flie property. Such a sketch may be superimposed ozr a United States )L. ac Geological Survey map of the area. B. The sit(-plan shall be drawn afa scale of f❑rty feet to the it c (F"=40 feet)or such other scale as the Flann3ngBaard may deem appropriate,on staud&d24"x 3V sbeets,with continuation on 8 V2`Lc 11"sheets as uw=ary far writtcn irjformatiom The infonnadon listed below shell be shown an the site elan and Continuation sheen !�tit' - . IT&=of tke prDjeM boundaries,date,north arrow,and scale of the plan, D. Fame and addrrss Df the owner of mord,developer,and seal of the engineer,architect of landscape uchite'a If thee e appllcmg 1s not the tewrd owner s later of atVhorimtpa"I be regaired from the owner. 4-I . ` E. Ttm tocaUon and use of all odsting and proposed ztmdlures vdthin the property,iWud q ail dimensions of height and 5ee, 1 floor alLcc rior entrances,and all anticipated it hm additloas and alteration. L) F. The location of all prawM acid proposed public andirivatc ways,of street parking areas,-drivew&ys,outdoor storage ams, 4. sidewalks,ramps;curbs,pslhs,landscaping,walls and fences- I,oc adon,type sad screening deeds for all waste:disposal o mraizters shall also be shown- 8J 1•'V G. The location,height,intensity and bath type(sodium,inomdosuat,eta.)of extomaI lighting fsxtuPs- The dirmUon of f f - illumination and methods to eIiwhatt glare onto Aoining propertics must also he sho+;Tt in coir llnr ce with§ 179-6r020. '1j, Tho location;heights size,materials amd design of all pwpasrd signs, The location of all present W proposal utility systems including: 1. S(-wage or septic system, bee 2. Wetor supply system, 3. Telephone,cable mad electrical systems;and 4. Rom drainage system including existing and praposod drain lines,culverK catch basins,hudwalls,endwal Is, hydMAS,manholes and drainage swales- J Playas to prevent the polluf Dn ofsurface or groundwater,erosion of soil both during and after constuction,excessive runoff and flaading of other properties,n applicablm A 5tormwatEr Pollution Prevention Pian(S PFF)for all lend development activities(excluding agriculture!aztivities)on the site that results in land disturbance of ona acre or more- A SWPPP shall comply with the requirements of the DEC SPD MS-4 Genaral Permit akd Chaptm 137 ofthe Town ofQuconsbury A4 C&6. IE shall be at the discretion of the Flenn inn Board as to whether a SWPPP or an erosion and control pia7t 5�1at1 be required for a site plan review project l and distmrbanca of Iem than one acre. K. Existing and proposed topography ut tura-foot contour intervals,or such other contour interval as the Planning ward shall allow- All elevations shall refer to the nearest United Stades Coastal and Geodetic l3ench Mark. If any portion of the parcel is withht tho 100-year fl'oodplaiu,the area will be shown and base flood elevations given. Areas shall be indicated within the proposed site and within 50 fact of the proposed site where sol1 removal or filling is required,showing the approximate volume in cubic yards- F A landscape plan showing all eacistiug natural land ficstures than may influence the design o€#h(-proposed use such as rack outcrops.stands of trees,single trees eight or more inches in diameter,forest cover and water souses and all proposed ' �+a 'kS changes to these features,including sizes and types of plants- Water sources include ponds,lakes,wetlands and watercourses,aquifers,floodplain and drainage retention areas- Land Use Distr o boundaries within 500 feet of the site's perimeter shall be drawn and identified on the site plan,as well as any Qvcrlay Districts that apply to the property- 6 Site Plan Review application—Revised October 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 REQ U=MEN ( NTIMD) Sheet - vra In t�uw pauetthe sithln the site,entrances and exit,ioax3ir�g end unloada`rrg sem,as vreli as curb cats an tine site and fort n u i feet y tra site Thu Plamniug Board may,at iss disrz%ion,aeguirc a detailed trafdc study for largo dumlopments or far those in heavy traffic Brew,Which shall include. 1- The projected dumber Ofrnobar vchicletrips to enter or leave the site,osdmtcd for vroeklyand aauruai Peak h=hUfRC levels; 2- The PIGJc0te d traffic#low pattern including veWvL]lar movemenjt3 at a]I major intersections likely to be affected by the proposed use of the site; 3. The lmp$ct of this traffic OR levels ofnrvica on abutting public streets and at affact bi]ter$cctians. Existing and proposed weekly and annual puede hour traffic levels and road capadty mels shall also 5e given. For ruwv cnusnvctRw or alterations to any structur,a table aomtai u the 1011OA09 ininrFinai shall be iueludcd L Estimated area ofstnicture10 be used for particular jimWsts such as retain operation,office, Storage,etc, 2. FHC=atrd ma)dmum ti=ber of employees; , I Maximum smftgcVuity,wheme applicable.and rr 4. XmTmxr ofpatr�ing spaces existing and requtrod for he intended um. p, 1, l�loorFl�, 2. Elevations at a scale of anejuarter inch equals one foot(114"-1 foot)for all enkxior f=44 of the proposed shucture(a) andloratteradons to or expansions OfCdaing facades,showing design features and i; aIgmgthc type and color0fmfttmj%][s to he used. - 5oil ia8s,water s�rpply tvcli srd percolatzoatest res�lt�nod storm waterrtmaffcal�ati�s as beaded pu detcrnaitt PID PJect imps. e and ]+ , Plwns for di spoW of cmzM1ctioa and demoUtion vrest%either onsite Mat an approved dispasalftility. Plans fof=Ow amoral,including locations)of on_-sib MIDW skarage, j'. An Env'rmmeRW Asses=mt FOrm ')as required by the MQRA regulations,tvitlrpmt l con ! b'Y pp- shall be submitted asW ofthe'UPP9 on, lfthe paced the A heart - submhttdin conjuaatiou with a specialiere PFJ quire a spatial u perroitand an EAFhas bum per7n{t aPPl tit a duplicaic EAF is not required for the Bite plan$pplicadon_ applit�tion is for it parcel or aPplicx►tion for all such parcels an which more than one use is propa&A the applicant=y submit a sin& uses,ptovlded the propased uses aro accurately deEnexted on a site plan drawn pursuant te,the reVIf=ff&set forth above. The Planning Board may grit the application with T-w?ce to somit proposed uses and not others. For pIDpasm of te` e%ing an application{and far SBQRA compliance) all proposed uses an a single parcel ar on antiguonsParcefsshalibecon.�idered#ugethtr. - .,: -A brief narrative gmk--amt Un how the project proposed for reviovr furthers of's C4asisteot with the visio in the Twins Camprehonsive F u,gDels and policies Site Plan Pevi,ewlira#ion— 7 p Re�'isecl October X016 Town of ueensbwyPlantling Office-742 Bay load, Queensbury,-Ny, 12804 Town. of Q u eensbu ry Site Flan Pre-Subm Pre- uission Conkren cc Form ! Section 1799-040 1. Applicant Name: :�LDf' L-\ 2. Tux Map ID �'#. � 4`� ! Loeaiian: 3. caning Classification 4. Reason for kuoewv zl 1 0A rr'4C Q c 1 S. Toning Section#: _- U." l b. Pm-Submission 14' "lig Mates: Provided Outstanding; Please provide b Deed General Information complete Site Development Data Complete Setback Rfquirem=ts Complete � CDC- [ cf Additional Project Information Completed. FAR addressed Requirements for Site pian-Standards Chmklist items addressed. Enviroumental form completed - igodture Page completed t' 1 p .% '3i.A,,)', Od i�4 I-) C'%. OC- L -I f lei- 6��,If CC- rc - tos U:4 M 140 :c . jV It QU Zo nk �" l' cj4 t 52 rptL r Staff Representative: [ � � Applicant!Agent, �s Date: 8 Site Plan Review application—Revised October 2016 Town of ueembuy Planning Office-742 Uay.Roada Queensbay,NY 12804 ignare, page, This page incluclos the 1.)Antlrol to Act as Agent Form. Z) Rpgineering Fea Disc�osnra, 3.}Aotltoriaatzorr for Sipe V!s3ts; �•) Other Permit Rosponsibil#ties;5.)Ofizct&l eet3ng DisC�osure and fi. j Agreement to provide docrnerrttrtion re4uud. VNER's AGENT FoRm; Complete the following if the OU' R of the properly is not the same qs the applicant ' DELI) -WARRANTY with Lien Covenant THIS 1NDENTi1RE Dade the 5th day of November,2802 BETWEEN GIISERT 0. B EHM AND W L A C. BOEHM, AS TRUSTEES OF THEBOEHM'I`RU T,residing at 2966 State Route 9L, ice George,New York 12845, parties of the first part, and ,JOSEPH J.DIDI0 AND CYNTMA S.DIDI ,his wife, as Tenants by the Entirety, residing at 124 Oak Street,Hudson Falls,New York 12839, parties of the second part, Wftnesseth,that the parties of the first part, in oonsideration of TSE HUNDRED F RTY THOUSAND AND NO CENTS---DOLLARS ($340,000.00) -- lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable considm won paid by the parties of the second part,do hereby grant and release unto the parties of the second part,their heirs and assigns forever, ALL TI#AT CERTAIN PWCE OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate, lying and beim in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York,bounded and described on Schedule attached hereto and made a part hereof: 'his Conveyance is made subject to all covenants,conditions,restrictions and easements of record and zoning and environmental protection laws and ordinances and to any state of facts an agate survey would disclose. T'og `her with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the parties of the first part in and to said premises, To have and to hold the premises herein granted unto the party ofthe second part,their heirs and assigns forever. And said parties of the first part covenarAs as follows: Flmt, That the parties of the second part shall quiedi enjoy the said premises; .Second, That said parties of the forst part will forever !Warrant the title to said premises. Third,That,in Compliance with,Sec. 13 of the Lien Law, the grantors will receive the corwideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a fist f and to be applied first for the purpose ofpa ing the cost ofthe improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. Ln Wftess Whereof, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals the clay and year fist above wri tm. A 0, L.S. ILBERT 0. RhEHllq,LL'� I..S. Wff-AU C BOEM%trustee STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY F WARREN )ss. On this Sth day of November,in the year 2002 before mc, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State,personally appeared GnMRT 0.BOEX M AND WILMA C. BOEHh1'Y, as trustees,known to me or proved tome on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individml s whose naims are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the saint in their capacities, and that by their sipatures on the ink utne nt,the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individuai acct executed the instfuuaent. GEORGE J. ZURLO, ESQ. f Notary Public, State of New York 190T P I Qualified in Warren County Re lstrabon No. 02ZV9814 10 my crnmission Expires 81311;