Subdivision Final Stage Application e Final Stage RevIsed April 2010 Subdivision Review Application Final Stage RENEW IPROGESS: 1) Required! Pre-submission meeting With staff to determine general completeness to be held no toter than I week Prior,to deadline deg. all (51 ) 761-8220 for ain a$>polntment 2) Submittal of complete application: I original and 14 copies of the application package by monthly deadfine. 3) Determination of application completeness. All necessary information must be provided and appropriate feeds,) paid for cons,ideration,for placement on aunty agenda,for that month., 4) Ingmglete applications W L11 ngt_ be considered for Qlacement on any agenda unfil all mfs.,sing info�nn !on has been submitted. 5) Planning Board meeting, generally the!third &fourth Tuesday of each month. You will be advised in writing as to which meeting to attend. 6) FolloWing the meeting you will be provided with a copy of the resolution sWing the Board's decision on your ap licatioin. If your application was denied your,project cannot proceed as submitted. DOCUMENTATION RLWIRgMENTS: I) Please submit 1,gdg[nal & 14 coples of the completed application package to includie, Complejo &2igligation: pages 1-5 completed, signed &dated Pre-Submiss19D ftling Notes-, signed by staff Copy of Deed: I amr—yem ft $1010 + $50 per lot ZONING STAFF & CONMUINEORMATION: Craig Brown, Zoning,Administrator Graigb@gueenZbuEy.ng1 Laura Moore, lLand Use Planner ImooLe@gueeinsbu[y.net Pam Whiting, Office Specialist 518-761-8220 ipamw@gueen,sbury.net Visit our website at www.g ueensbu[y.net for further information and forms, To" of'Queensbury IF lanrdng Office- 742 ay Road, Queens bury, NY 1 4,- 518-761 0 0 Final Stains Revised.April 2010 Geneml Information Tax Parcel ICE Number: 01 11 " 19, we Zoning District: An Application Stage fcbe njr ]: Sketch Plan Stage Preliminary Stage Final Stage � to the following: �-� Number of lints Proposed Residential or Commercial Total Lot acreage Proposed lot sizes g & � Project location Ct ip d �I cription of Project [Inolude current proposed use]: ;ID,, p " Address,lint N' rrM4`„ oc, F Iwrra PS'ru� ;" ft'rk Phone Fax E-R l" w H u Home Pena Cell, 7675 - all Ad 06 Fiiome Pktueuri6 Call Work PK he IFaI Tarr of Queensbury PIa nnnrrg Office, 742 Bed?.Road° ueenelbrrry, NY" 12W4 1&761 0 1 Final Stage Revised April il'lil ITEM TO BE:IDENTIFIED Y STAFF DURING P149-S iBMI-SSIOfN M E INN Y ou should uise this page for guldanuce when dreftlring.y our appli go in;however.It+vrili be!completed by a staff rrream ter. ubmild it of a plfW lni,ary plat depiclirng existing and proposed conditiom shall Include the Itms as noted below. elture 'lo Include all required intorm;9fioo may, molt in a determin6tiom of Incompleteness end a dewy In the processing of youuir application- All 93,4 . Plat details and req uireraranila. The apptloant Is required to submit Dose (1) iodginal and fourtoen (14) caoples of the floral plat a ploftation, Suph application strap Ineiude the follomving d0owments aradaaor Informatlorrn A. FINAL, PLAT, The final plat shioll be laaid out by a licensed professional anginoer ww th o properi exei�uted New York State IEducation Department.gxernpflon,N or a tioimsed land surveyor. Such feral;plant shall be pfegared at a scale of one it h equals Sri feet zero'M,ches,clearly shoi (1)The bearing and langtb of all straight lines and the radl lehUthis and central ANIes of an curves alcng all property and street lines. The area of each lost In squuare feet or In acires,if s,raachr lot Is larger than one vice, (3)"The tonne ion propar measurement between street center Ilnes whede such streets ore not stralght ainross an Intersecting street.,both Within the subdivision and where opposite existing streets or subidI lone, ( )A system of monuments to be located at all corners of Intersections and angle paints,. (5)The.boilding setback limas fbT each lot (6)Flra and schroot district bourdaa'leis%Whln the subdivislon area. xlstIng zoning,wufthr the lociabon of any dWdct boundaries within 200,feet of the property to be subdivided,. (8,)The boundaries of the property, the lines of proposed' lots, streets and parks. and the lime of all aoljolnln streets,their names and i survey,loocauallons. The mares,of aN slubdirrlstrins.IrmrnedFately adjacent and opposite our,X not suibdlwided,the names of the o uar of record of adjacent and oppo►alde property,. (tg)A statement that the plan Is In compliance With the Town of Queensbury Zoning lama, aairrna�nanmi'ngoerd o tins,Torre ouf Iue�ensury.�Nao�! 0 nesniutlrr adopteut t l stelrrmurent readlrou (1 )A Vile block, showaing lire name of the subdivision,,the owner,the scale,they date and Nlorth point. (f ), eertl'fleate of the licensed engineer andffit land surveyor making sudh,plan to the,effect that tare plan Is correct and made from an actual survey"the Wense number and,seal of the eniginear and landau rveyor shall be affixed to the d!ravuiing. S. ENDORSEMENT F STATE AND COUNTY AGENCIES. Evidence shaff be supplied that any props eof der supply and sewage Wspoi fao:llithoss associated W'th the subdlvIslon plat ray trdrirog appmVal by the Department of Environmental Conisa on and/or,New York State Deppertarnertl of Health have r elved at least Apra minaryr Quaisn b design a o n y proposed � r 1paply and star� use disposal facility shaail meet tha T of approval(a) s ra+ ruirod have been atuftnU�ed ry our} strrua noun standards for such facdlity. ditotr"s Note:See Ch. 136, Sewers and Sewage D sposat, and into,, l " , 'WOW, The plat shall not be stamped approved unfil all state-or coounly-required approvals for each loot of the subdIMslon haive been received in, vaallirng by the Manning Soard. Town,orf'aGueen bury Planning offloer 742 Day l oa'°Oueensbury.NY 12,804,S!118-761-0220 Finat Stage Revised ApHi 20 101 0. OTHER PLANS AND REPORTS, Mw plans and reports,shall be subm,Kid as f0l1QWW, (A3&,LNf-4f 111)A planting plan Wilustrating species and location of proposed tree planting ,1,2gip A tree clearing!plan Illustrating areas and methods:of proteetlon of"sling trees,to remain. (3) An eroWon control plan Illustrating methods and location of erosion control devices and saiedule of mWenance of such dWcas and other actions to,reduce emi (4)A stormwater management plan and a pollution,prsvenflon plan mailstenj v4tb the requirements of Town of QuisansWry to ter Management Well Low,and With the terms of pirefini plot approval. (J)Construcklonj ptaqjL sihovVing gradingand othersile ImWovernants andd"Is of thiose site ImprovementS..r 0. 14 the: subdivislon Is 'to Indlude arty PROTEOTED, OPEN SPACE. all appropfjate easements, deed caivenants, wndltions and restrictions approved by ft Planntri Board andkir the Town Attorney related to si,4b-protected lands, E., HOMEOWNERS'ASSOCIATION OR CONDOMINIUM AGREEMENTS. if the subd IvWon Is to be managed by a boni or condomlinfurn.copies of their regulations and agreements,Indicating any rWrl'Oofls ItIA- required by the Planning Board. shall be submitted. If the subdIvIision Is to be sold fee simple, copies ,oaf dead's in,d1cating any VeStiricftn$r8"IF11i by M Plilinning Board shall be submWlet K STREETS,RECREATION LAND,OR OPEN SPAC�E. AAA- (1),The plat shizoll be ervaorsed with 11he,necessary agreem,enjis In,cormection With required ea"ments or releasos. Offlars of dedication to,the Tom shall be prosai prior to plat approvat Format offers of dedication to the Town of all streets and parks, not m,ewilked on the pleat VALh noultion to the effect that zuieh,ded1calion,vA not be offered, shall be filed mouth the Planning Board prior to,plat approval. If the owner of the land or his agent who files the plat does not add as pail of the plat a notation to,the sli that nc>offer of dedication of such streets, hIghivays a parks„or any of them, is made to,the public, the filing of the plat In the office of the County Clark at register shalt consMule awritinulng offer of dedl"llon of the streets,highways or part,or any of them, to the puW1c, and said'- :offer of dedicatton may be accepted by the Tom Scord at anytime prior to revocallon of said offer by the owner of The lend or his agent. (2) The approval by the Manning Board or a subdivision plat shall not be d'aamod to constitute 0r Imply the, acceptance]by the Town of any street park, playground or oMer,open space shown on, "id plat.The Plar1fdrig Board may require sold plat to be endorsed WM appropriate notes to(his,effect.If the Town Board dalerminas that a,suitable park or parks of adequate size cannot be property located in,any tech plat or is otheri not pracdcal. the Boarof may require, as a condillion to approval of any such Plat, a payment to the To" of a sum to be determi the Tow. wililich surn shall constifule a trust N14d to be used by the Town Board sWusively for neighborhood park.ptaygmund or recreatton,purposes,Including ft scqtftiffoin of property, The Planning li may require the Ming of a Man agreament between the appilcant and thie Tvwo Board covefingfulure fifle, dedication end provision for the colist of grading,, development, equipment and rinalmepiance at: any park or playground area, G. FEES. ti (1) The applicatIon fat, final plat approval shall be accompanled 6y a -fee as, estabilshed by the Town Board by -1-3 rasi and as listed an the catractgehedule of fees for the Tmn,of Oueensbi4ry posted In the PlannIng Office. (2) to a4dVion to the fee Noted on the Whedofe of fees, the Planning Board may charge, a fee to developers of projects requiring legal and technical review,provided jhid;the fee chajad rollei the actual tWt Of the Wgal and technical assistance to the Planning Board. To of Queen3bury Pia nning'Ofte- 7'42 Say Road-Cueardbuiry.NY 12804-510-701-8220 1 Final Stage Devised Apidl' 10 C_Onfurence,Form I" Tax Map 10 Z zonIng C lassliicadon 4. Oridiaas!ra Irxrr 5. Pr S bin'dsslon Medng I'bt ;OWStandl g hems To Be Addressed Include: . GenenM Information � eS 3. Knal Plat Details&l qu�irerrrsrrls Ye$ Noi 4. Finial Plat 77 yas N* 5, En dome rui of StaW&County Ageniclss #5 —No 6. Other Flans&Repwu yes No 7® Prat tad iOpenti space cume:rnts Yes No 8. Homeowners Amoo.,or Coadamiasu mi Agreements, Yes -No . ; tram„ Revestion Landor Open Space Yes o 10,. Fees Y'es —No No 11. Signature Pa" Yes 140 COY ;, r A ', i G f ." A_- (.Ant -staff RepresieluatWe" Deer Town of Chwerw9bury,PlannIng Office-742 Bay:Rund•Ouieensb ury.NY 12�0104.5'1s-761,-B= 4 Final Stage!ReAsed April 2010 Signature Page This page Includes, 1.),Authorization to Act as Agent Form', 2,) Ellneering Fee Disckysure; 3.),Authorization for Site Visits,, 4.) Other Permit Responsibilities; 6.) OfficWl Meetlog Disclosure and 6.) Agreement:to provide documentation requked. OwfleR's AGENT Fokm:� Complete the folloyAng If the OWNER of the property Is not the same as the appricant Owner Designates: As agent regarding, —Varlarpoe Site Plan—Subdivlskn For Tax Map No-, —Section —Block —Lot Deed Reference: Book _Page _Date OWNER SIGNATURE,--, DATE�: APPLICANT's A43ENT FORM C*rnplete the folloWng If the APPUCANT Is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party'. Owner, <f.A& DesIgnates., fe,%"V�r�,s As agent regarding., Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.:, Section Block Lot Deed Reference', Book Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE, DATE. 2J--rSKP[NggB1NQ E1,1 PjRq6QjU8E,: Applications m,ay te referred to the Town oonsulting:engineer for review of Septic design,. st,orin dirainage, eta as determined by the ZofuJng or PlamWng Department. Fees for engineering review services will be charged directly to the applkam. Fees for engineering review will not exceed$ 1,000,withoul notification to ft applicant, 3.1 AUjHQHjZATjQN.,f98,Sl'rE VISITS: By signing this page andsubmitfing ft application malerWs attachad herein. the Owner Applicant, and his&edtheir agem(,z) hammy authoriz e the Zoning Board or Planning Board aM Town Staff to efitef the subjeci propefts for the pu:We of reviewing the applkation,subaNtled, 4.1, OTKgR-EERM MUM WAMP, Other permb may be required for construction or alteration ac1tvity 3u4seqvant to approval by the Zoning Board or Planning8oard, it Is the applioanfs responsibility to obtain any additional p"lls. §j 0EMIAL PAEETING MINUTIES DISCLOSURE; it the McOce of the Community Dovelopment Depadmnt to have a desitinaW s*wgrapher tape r000fd the prooeeding&of meetings resuiling from appAcalWn, and min dag Iran scHbed from those topes comftutes the oftial record of all proomdIngs. gNgNj 19 PRQAQE RPCUMEjMjjQLJ Rgg3j1RED 1, the undersigned, have thorougf0y read and understand the insin0ons(or submission and agree tothe sulorftsion requirements,I a�cknowiedge no stnxton activifies.shall be corrunammd prior to Mvanoe of' a valid permIL I ceffify that the application, plans, and supporting matedats; are a true and complete statemaint1des0ptlon of the existing oonditions,and the work,proposed,, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the ,approved plans and in conformance,with local zoning regullations, I acknowWqe that prior to ocoupying the:FadIffies pm posed.I or my agents, will obtain a certificate of ocoupancy as necessary. I also underotard that Me may be required to proviPde an as-buillt survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly comttucled facd1lies prior to issuance of a Ceaficate of occupancy I have read and agree tope t a Print Nme a (Appikant) Cate sign al "r7 A SIg fudrd[Agent] PrTnTtWam—e[Agent] D ;e *iied Tom of Queensbury,Plannlng Offloe- 742 Bay Road-Queensbury. NY 12804, 518-761-6220