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�^ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY � 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 --__ Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OFCOMP 1ANCE Permit Number: POOL-0435-2018 Date Issued: This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number POOL-0435-2018 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 295.-1-1.21 Location: 52 VERANDA LN Owner: Sarah Secor-Jones Applicant: Sarah Secor-Jones This structure may be occupied as a: In ground pool Cross Ref. Z-AV-37-2018 approved for pool in side yard. By order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the /% ----- property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY " 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: POOL-0435-2018 Tax Map No: 295.-1-1.21 Permission is hereby granted to: Sarah Secor-Jones For property located at: 52 VERANDA LN In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: Sarah Secor-Jones Swimming Pool $0.00 Owner Address: 16 Pearl ST,PO Box 2017 Total Value $0.00 Glens Falls,NY 12801 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Concord Pools Ltd. 60 BIG BOOM RD Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans&Specifications In ground pool Cross Ref.Z-AV-37-2018 approved for pool in side yard. $ 125.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday, July 13,2019 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration d.te.) Dated at the Town bury; 4Fri. ,` • ,2018 SIGNED BY: for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement r f SWIMMING POOL PERMIT APPLICATION Office Use Only , Permit#: FOOL-- ©4 E - IS_ Town of Quccnsbuiy Permit Fee:$125 ; Invoice#:D(a 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Notes: P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net Project Location: b a VQ( bA L,i& Tax Map ID#: o`4r m/— /(2I Subdivision Name: c 1 us„-315 G.cx,, - -Z w.eri.S CONTACT INFORMATION: ® Applicant: � ._ . CEil � Name(s):: S'�1RA/l� ,�Eco,�- ��s R Mailing Address, C/S/Z: S-,/ L ‘ I Pr) r I Cell Phone: (Sid ) Land Line: ( 1)II 1I I JUL 0 6 2018 ! luj Email: 5444 Sew .'c,Yzs A5cei15r`0a1.t9i6 u - 1L TOWN O!- 4 NC�. ia i�9� g:�cvY�, BUis DI0DEs o Primary Owner(s): Name(s): 5A-r/// E. 5€4z- Times Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 3 tkiZilniD A- A/ Cell Phone:_(Si7 ) 7q/ -d-a-/Y' Land Line: _( ). Email: .�,etag.S'ccisz-Tanis 1 sa c) Y.v • Installer/Builder: Business Name: G,rz0 Contact Name(s): 'Tom ,j/, ,,VES Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone:_( ) Land Line: _(cir ) Email: "i—oini3ygniesCJ 64ca-reopools.60711 Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: 5 // <E ,.- Tones- Cell Phone: _(s e ) 7q/- IT Land Line: _( ) Email: 5fregil. cee-,Ta7,4,s ee,s:,,r,= oz6- Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Revised March 2018 SWIMMING POOL INFORMATION: • CIRCLE ONE: ABOVE-GROUND IN-GROUND SIZE OF POOL: .�G�o MANUFACTURER: be6 /e MATERIALS USED IN CONSTRUCTION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): Steel/Vinyl ' Fiberglass Gunite Poured Concrete Other Declaration: I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances and in conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that I have read the application and plot plan requirements and I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of compliance before use of the pool. I have read and agree to the above: • 4,1 PRINT NAME: 1C 4 ( Arre241/69 �'urz- <Aidf;�E�tZ TivzS SIGNATURE: Ol DATE: 1�//er Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Revised March2018 #IAP REFERENCES: TOWN OF QUEEN BURY - SECTION oO I Aga AN G & CODES DEFT. fa, �}'�, R B£RKLEY DEVELOPMENT �� �� �` .� C^3 � DATED DECEMBER 6. 1978 r LAST REVISED SEPTEMBER 5. 1979 R �J i ;`�iesc! ski>To �., �s BY JOHN B. VAN OMEN �z As•vS, LAND SURVEYORS Detr, _� _ \ MAP OF A SUBDIVISION / \ KNOWN AS e THE VISTAS ON WEST MOUNTAIN LAST DATED O D 9SEPTEMBER 4, 1992 FILE COPY 0,,, ' / BY VAN DUSEN &STEWS �y / LAND SURVEYORS \ PROPOSED MODIFICATION TO A SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS // ._► f,Rft t.+T THE VISTAS ON WEST MOUNTAIN DATED AUGUST 25, 1993 �� I AN BY VAN DUSEN & SIEVES D SURVEYORS /" 71.535 ea.n• • MAP OF A SUBDIVISION 1.64 ogres KNOWN AS ` T Q THE VISTAS ON WEST MOUNTAIN � ,11 RAYED AUGUST 24, 2001 c. LAST REVISED mama 31. 2001 BY VAN DUSEN do SIEVES ' //� LAND SURVEYORS, LLC / \ 9tii `� v� / /. 1-Act Va ? °-k• / \ a� / LOT 9 \ • - TOTAL AREA - / 133.933 sq.fL \ OTHER S / 3.07 eauOF RAVEN > �„ 1/ / a \ // \\ / 0�OQ v10 \ / i. \\ / APPROVED . Ap ilc Lion Li ention Home Owner 7:2 Pleoi.assure you are familiar with the � � `.,• nclosure requirements specific to w��-- 11 Your pool. We will be happy to explain onin A•riinistrator what Requirements you will have to TOWN OF QU EN$8UFtY meet per Appendix G Of the New York State Residential Code. N sia. Du s e. •.."".,.".,L'�."�':?;'�:^' Map of a Surgery made for Q,� wnrrrrnrw�w+nr.. WORM WRIIIIIMMIr w+w wrR.ww►..rw. Steves �;_r��,�,;`,,,l Richard G. & Kelly A. 'm.Ori��R�a•111M �rnr..,...R�rww Land Surveyors ON gaiNIMPUI Ili w�' - " ' IZS Re IMMINLf+:: :.:.' Town of Queenebury. Warren County. NI 169 8enilena Road QOeennbnry, New York 1Z8o4 •«,wervwr+urw• (51B) 70.6474 New York Lie. No. 6D135 IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANSI/APSP/ICC-5 2011,THE INSTALLER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR PLACING ONE SKIMMER I. FOR EVERY 800 SQUARE FEET OF SURFACE AREA AND ONE , RETURN FOR EVERY 300 SQUARE FEET OF SURFACE AREA. 7'6"RRx2'11" I 61 2 5N 9R4-47'Y3x 9 Rx2 2 SKIMMER \j-------"-- i ; \ ...L. 41-6" zi N/ 4' ..„. 0 \ A . ---_T_ `------'--- 1'/MIN. ,C SAFETY ROPE ___ \P , AND'FhQB .Q , „ 9'Rx4'1" 21'-4.. II e 17' 8 9 Rx41 � 6 LIGHT �� � ''C7 1' C-NL ' \ 0 ql 4 -6 co by 9 t �r�'f„ �/ �'Rx4'1'cc t ,�,� r� a ,, 1 • 7'6"RRx2'11" 9,a"41 (2x) 7'6"RRx2'11" 'I 7 + 1 _1 I3'-4" 6"WATERLINE T 3'-4" 8' T 7 I 4 -8" ICC(4........_. ti 4'-6"--—5'-6" I 14' 12'-32' - - 36 -3z CERT#ESR-2450 • P,L1AfAYs- CUSTOMER:CONCORD POOLS De . MOUNTAIN POND 17-0 x 18-6 x 36-4 RIGHT .3<<0W. I`s° NON-DIVING POOL LTD. 42" FIXED POLYMER PANELS PERIMETER: 95'-0" VOLUME(US Gal): 18600 ,•' JOB NAME:SECOR-JOKES DWG#: SURFACE(ft2): 566 VOLUME(Liters): 70400 f USE OF DIVING EQUIPMENT ( ) ( ) IS PROHIBITED 201 8-PPL-1 7039 LINER(ft2): 671 DATE: 4/18/2018 DSR: Feet �� TIFF#: KIT#: CUSTOMKIT COVER(ft2): 909 SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" MEETS DEPTH AND SHAPE MINIMUM STANDARD ANSI/APSP/ICC-5 2011 RMOUNTAIN POND SHEET: 1 OF4 1 :;;;,;:,Sep. 17. 2018., 1 :42P �; MDIA No. 5061 P. 13/18 :! MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONAGENCY INC. ` A,G V 4 �_ t that the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed below has been examined and is approved as ''•' '' ,�:j; ... being in accord with the National Electrical Code, applicable governmental, utility and Agency rules in effect on the dale -�'" t noted below and is issued subject to the following conditions. >; `_ Owner: Secor Oate: <<1 09/05/2018 \:• Occupant: Pool p t.ocation52 Veranda Lane r: Occupancy Queensbury,Warren Co. NY '�.. Swimming Pool < Applicant: :�`, JS &J Electric _-, --_._ ,- dry) Lake Rd ''" �a' 68 Burden > _, . ,...... _ _:., East Greenbush, NY 1206.1. - -' - .. <.': J '' r,'!, Joseph A.Holmes ••• i�). s:,, .. .. 141022105270 L_ _ .,'. Equipment: , • (l.?l r'1 -GFCI Receptacle;2 - Fixtures; 1 Burnl3r, Wiling 8'CbMfrols(Gas);•t -.Pump(Pool);•.1 - Easy Touch Panel ''1 .,, • ,'I� ;, �C=�) " `,' This certificate applies to the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed immediately null and void. This certificate applies only to the use,occupancy and :-, ci ) above and the installation inspected as of the above noted date based on a visual ownership es indicated herein. Upon a change in the use,occupancy or ownership 0. ;j� inspection. No warranty is expressed or implied as to the mechanical safety,ell. of the property indicated above,this certificate shall be Immediately null and void. l/ ciency or fitness of the equipment tor any particular purpose. This certificate shall to the event that this certificate becomes invalid based upon the above conditions, •r' '?, be valid for a period of one year from the above noted date. Should the electrical this certificate may be revalidated upon reinspection by Middle Department ;>> ;'>J system to which this certificate applies be altered in any way,including but not limit- Inspection Agency,Inc. An application for inspection must be submitted to Middle (I: ed to,the introduction of additional electrical equipment and/or the replacement of Department Inspection Agency,Inc.to initiate the Inspection and revalidation ',;, any of the components installed es of the above noted date,this certificate shall be process. A fee will be chargedfor this service. "'' ('''�k;:�•i ?5.'`•i.iS,_.,�.,; rr,!:• :�,:?,'r:,!?,;�, , :r:;:,r<= !:,'<° :..-!..,•:.,!?,:- !:r:', ri?,.! r,;?� ?, yr:.i,"'GJ;✓ t4<"✓••\ !•Q;.\ ,, \ ,\✓r\✓r•✓,.'ar•✓r,✓r•✓r`:('W='✓i �` T :4:�i`.v`.•'ir`e '!iT.•i`.r�`ei`t%s/X! n`!i`! \•rTwa,,.ii\! \"t%!i` i `r,f . r�, `..w.'a--2 ri ;,,p P;.; - Y ,•s' a ` !` t SEP 1 S 201t ° ''i I 1 BLI,!;D N;-i !*; 0:: : . .