ApplicationNew Business Area Variance No. Review in the month of May 2011 Andrew West 12 Joshua's-Rock Road Reconstruction of an existing covered boathouse TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, M' 12804-5902 518-76 ! -820 I Apri119, 2011. Andrew West 36 Hills Road Loudonville, IVY 12210 RE: Boathouse Recoustruc~ion I2 Joshua's Rock Road Tax Map Parcel No: 239.19-1-9 Dear Mr. West: I am writing to you in response to my review of your plans depicting the proposed construction of anew, enlarged boathouse on the property referenced above and to document my conversations with your agent, Dennis MacElroy. Upon review of the plans submitted to this office, I find an Area Variance and Site Plan Review will be necessary in order for you to complete the project as proposed. Specifically, the proposed boathouse does not meet the minimum side property line setback requirements per chapter 179-5- 060 of the Town Zoning Ordinance. Additionally, Site Plan Review is required for all boathouses within the Waterfront Residential, (WR) zoning district. I understand that Mr. MacElroy is preparing the necessary application paperwork for this approval process. .Please note our established submittal deadlines when compiling your application materials. Should you have any quesfions regarding the above comments, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, Town of Queensbury Craig Brown Zoning Administrator CB/sh Cc: Dennis MacEhny L•1Csaig Brown~2011 I.ettaslDeaial West bo~ouse 4 19 l l.doc "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY ... A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 • r r ~ ~.~. General Information Tax Parcel ID Nu er: , ~9 . I~l - 1- S _ 23FZ .19 -1-9 • Zoning District: ~]'~ Detailed Description of Project [Indudes current & proposed -~.,. _r,__ _, --z _ ~1 ~--, ,(_, 1 .~-- Area Variance Revised June 2009 ~ VC ~ l` ~~ e~ Location of project: 1 ~ c~o-~t~.a.~4~2ac~ ~,4~ ~ 74ddress: ' ; '~CQ HILL.-'~~iD-~ fiell r~ lQ17 ~-I ~t -9~f v3 :fax =, .~ .~ ~-+~ ,~.. ~ ~Y ,` 11 t kj~ ~ , ET. ~L_ ~ii~`Ph`b~`~~ -'"" ' ~ fad- X300 '7'R Z - BZop 7GQ~-©31'y ~"~ - r~ ~C)ell. ~ ~ .; :. a C r: ~.: ~: ,:: G~i~ F~4u,..~ c~5 L ~c~r+\~ A~.,E..1V1C n ~'??, ~' .yR~ ~..yr' ..~ ,~ .., ~:. N~w`t~sC ~ N1C ~ orx~3 Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road ~ Queensbury, NY 12804.518-761-8238 1 Area Variance Revised June 2009 Pre-Submission Conference Foam (179-4-0401 21.19-~-8 1. Tax MaplD _239,19-1-9 2. Zoning Classification 3. Reason for Review: _~ (>. ~piP ,Sj ~ ~~.~~~~/ 4. Zoning Section #: /~~- .~"=06Q 5. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes; Outstanding Itenps To Be Addressed Include: Deed ~ Yes General Information cpmplete Yes No ' No Site Development Data Complete Yes No Setback Requirements Complete Yes No Additional Project .Information Complete Yes No FAR addressed Yes ~No Compliance with Zoning Ordinance es No Cheddist items addressed Yes No Environmental Form completed Yes No Signature Page completed Yes No ~L Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office + 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804.518-761-828 6 Applicant !Agent: ~ -Date: } ~ ; ,. _ i .p r µ - krt,,~ Area Variance Revised June 2009 General Information `C~l~~ r~ , ,, Tax Parcel ID Number: ~~ ~ 19 ..- ~ ~q Zoning District: ~-T~,~2F2o~-f-'~E~ ~~ ~~T"t „A~-t,_ Detailed Description of Project [indudes current & proposed use); a~_-Lr -~. _ - - - Location of project: 5~8 ?8'3- 8~~} ~i 8tp1-~-19CoZ ~»~ '"T9Z-SZ~C~p 7~ 1.-c~31~' 'y ~~ ~~- ~~/GJ C~-g o~8 ~-'T ~S°- - 9{33 -r- 37Cs~-~-{~{85 71Q~ -031 L{~ Town of Queensbury-Zoning Office • 742'say Road • Queensbu NY ry, 12804 ~ 518-761-8238 1 Pre-Submission Conference Form 179-4-040 1. .Tax Map IO Z~G~ _ ~c; 2. Zoning Classification ~~ 3. Reason for Review: _ ~ ~ U. / +~2 ~yD O~- ~~~ 4. Zoning Section #: ~ 79 i3 .~ ~~ 3 5. Pre~ubmission Meeting Notes; Outstanding Items To Be Addressed Include: Deed General Information complete ;/ Yes ~ No Site Deve lopment Data Complete Seffiack Re i Yes ~-Yes No No qu rements Complete Additional Project Information Complete ~ ~ No FAR addressed Yes ~ Yes No Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Checklist items addressed ~ Yes No No Enhronmental Form completed Si Yes ~ No ~ ~ gnature Page completed Ye s No U/~1~i9%~ ~~V•9i /tl ti -- NfI,Ni~'A'Th/~ -~ .1~Nf, o- Area Variance Revised June 20t) ~l/~9 Staff Representative: ~Z~iC~/~~~~ Applicant /Agent: 1 ~ , . Date: /~ Town of 4ueensbury ^ Zoning Office - 742 eay Road • Queensbury, NY 1280n • 51&761-8238 6 Area Variance Revised June 2009 General Information Tax Parcel ID Number: 2.39.1°1- 1- 8 239.19 - I -~ Zoning District: ~ 1Z Detailed Description of Proiect (includes current & nrooosed Applicant Name:. ~~~~~ ~~~ Address: ~~ Hlur~~?ci~~ v .„ Home Phone Cell: ~'~ ~ ~ -9H~3 Work Phone '~ ! ~! - ~I9Co2 Fax E-:Mail ~~~y+ergw~otl, Agent's -Name: ~ ~.~ M~ ddress; ~~ ~ ~~i~.~ !~{ Home Phone '7~t Z - 8Z.o0 Cell: ~ 3~_ S~ WorkPhone 71Q1,-031 Fax E-mail ~'ay~.aa~ 1lp. Owner's Name Z~1 _Iq -1-9 srzo*~ A~ft~-~ ET. ~4 t.- Address C~r~x>~ruL T2o~.~ CyF•~~.~ AL..E N1C Home Phone I~sCQ,--?~~oo Cell Work Phone CaaCa - 90CQ-S Fax E-mail ~1 o wrt. ~R Jc~3tic~-+~ "~.rC. C~eATi +~ 718 ~Rc~s-~W,41(~ ~~. ~ - ~ Z'~9. ~q - ~ -8 ~+•R-N : K,q"rrt,~4-eaNE. ~E1:LY~ tyEw`~f~-rc, T1Y r 0003 °I 1'~ 8~l~ - 0"x'79 Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8238 Location of project: 1'oZ. Jo'~1~aAA~ ~oC~C ~A7 Area Variance Revised June 2009 Site Development Data Area /Type `Existing sq. ft. Proposed Additions . ft. Total sq. ft. A. Building footprint B. Detached Garage C. Accessory Structure(s) D. Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area, E. Porches /Decks F. Other C.pVE'Q.ii~i ~j0~- -~"~'0~3~ v fix- ~cQ `~~ rI o2 5Z7 G. Total Non-Permeable [Add A-F] ~~ ~~ H. Parcel Area [43,560 sq. ft. /acre] ~A NA I. Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [I=G/H] 1~ ~~ Setback Reauirements Area Required Existing Proposed Front [1] Front [2] Shoreline Side Yard [1] .zO 3~ +t . J~j~t Side Yard [2] 2 „~ O Rear Yard (1] Rear Yard [2] Travel Corridor Height [max] Permeability No. of parking spaces Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8238 Area Variance Revised June 2009 Additional Project Information 1. Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? 1~1m 2. If the parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s): 3. Does this project require coverage under the NYS DEC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program? No 4. Estimated project duration: Start Date 'c~r'.~~1 End Date ~ G.'l 1 5. Estimated total cost of project: '~ .e}O X000 6. Total area of land disturbance for project: ---- Floor Area Ratio Worksheet ~- ~~ FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor area by the lot size in square feet, yielding a percentage. Zoning District Symbol Floor Area Ratio [FAR] Waterfront Residential WR 0.22 Commercial Moderate CM 0.3 Commercial Intensive CI 0.3 A. The combined area of all square footage, as measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property, including all floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porches. Building square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be included. (See "FLOOR AREA RATIO"). B. Commercial or industrial: the total area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building or structure, and when applicable, the sum total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site. Parcel Area s . ft. Existing Floor Area s . ft. see above definition Proposed Additional Floor Area s . ft. Proposed Total Floor Area s . ft. Total Allowable Floor Area Area x see above table Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804 •518-761-8238 3 Area Variance Revised June 2009 Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Requesting relief from SECTION: ~~q a'J-~QQ Need relief from the r uirement(s) listed below which can not be met by the project as proposed. (Check all thatapp/yJ etback ^ Buffer Zme ^ Lot Width ^Other The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete them; use additional sheets if needed. 1. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will be created by the granting of this area variance? No - ~ i~~ ~iLE ~,+.~~. t~tt~ 'RAE 'i>_~'i~ ~-~.t Ex t ~T~rtG` ,~ 2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance? ~1~~ L~.~E of ~- ~TAR,1S~ 1-'''w.~Crt''i' E'21._~C ~~ -~ t t~'~E G4,•t c~.L~ 'R~ Ac~E~y ~1 ~R`~ 1T~ ~GOr1 ~TSZ.~~uc-T1®rl ~,.Z tt t cai ~E[,~W zE~ A~- ~'~Er4 y1~-3zx,4~c~ 3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial? ~~ ~i~tcr~~-1~0•1_l~t'T~ j~~ A¢!EA ~JQQ.t,4Nc.E ~tc6ZaJl,£~,1T t~ Nc3r ~.,"-~r~'T'~4N~i"i AL. ~ E - t~ia F'u~f`~fgTz T,o~1'~t'fY 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? 'f~lo A'~v ~~ 11~t~'~4C.T E~Cr~E~T~~ 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created? I+1'E 12FQ~~~1r ~o~ 1 -~.aC_1 1~1 ofr 1 H-~ N,~icr~jy,~ML11G i~'~~1o~-7'E L'~ c'SF1_.F•C~.~~"i'i~~ Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8238 4 Area Variance Revised June 2009 Submittal of a stamped and sianed SURVEY MAP depicting existing and proposed conditions shall include the items as noted below. A. GENERAL SHOWN ON SHEET # 1 Title, Name, Address of applicant & person responsible for preparation of drawing ~ r V ~~ 2 Deed /kTT ~ 3 North arrow, Tax Map ID, date prepared and scale [minimum 11n. = 40 ft.] v-i 4 Boundaries of the property plotted to scale, zoning boundary v- i 5 Principal structures, accessory structures with exterior dimensions tE 6 Site improvements incl. outdoor storage areas, driveways, parking areas, etc.: existing & proposed 7 Setbacks for all structures and improvements: existing & proposed ` 8 Elevations and floor plans of all proposed and affected structures ~•T~t~rs B. WATER & SEWER SHOWN ON SHEET # 1 Project sewage disposal facilities, design details, construction details, flow rates, and number of bedrooms proposed 2 Water supply [i.e. well] & septic on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or proposed on-site water supply and se tic 3 Separation distances for proposed sewage disposal system to well and water bodies 4 Existing public or private water supply [well, lake, etc.]. Method of securing public or private water, location, design and construction of water su I includin dail water usa e ~ 5 Percolation test location and results C. PARKING /PERMEABLE AREAS SHOWN ON SHEET # 1 Number of spaces required for project including calculations and justification: existing & proposed ~~ 2 No. of existin arkin s aces, number to be removed, number to maintain and t e of surfacin material e. ., ravel, aved 3 Provision for pedestrian and handicap access and parking: existing & proposed 4 Design details of ingress, egress, loading areas and cutting: existing & proposed 5 Location and character of green areas [existing and proposed], modification to green area, buffer zone to remain undisturbed 6 Lighting, location and design of all existing and proposed outdoor lighting D. ADDITIONAL SITE DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS SHOWN ON SHEET # 1 On-site & adjacent watercourses, streams, rivers, lake and wetlands ` l v ~~ 2 Utility /energy distribution system [gas, electric, solar, telephone]: existing & proposed 3 Location, design and construction details of all existing and proposed site improvements including: drains, culverts, retaining walls, fences, fire & emergency zones and hydrants, etc. 4 Square footage of bldg. area proposed for office, manufacturing, retail sales or other commercial activities: existing & ro osed e Signage: Location, size, type, design and setback: existing & proposed f Waiver Request: provide letter with application requesting any waivers: please reference specific items ~ g Commercialllndustrial Development requires submission of Landscaping, Stormwater Management, Grading & Lighting Plans h Identification of Federal, State or County permits required for the project together with a record of application for all necessary ermits ~!~• Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804 •518-761-8238 Signature Page Site Plan Review Revised June 2009 This paga includes the 1.) Authorization to Act as Agent Form: 2) Engineering Fse Disclosure; 3.) Authorization for Site Visits; 4.) Other Permit Responsibilities; 5.) Official Meeting Disclosure and 6.) Agreement to provide documentation required. vvVryEK'y AGENT FARM: Contpieto the following if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant Owner: ~0~5~}LA,f~cc.'7. "i~-.dGK ~'©2.,q"i"rc~'f~~ Designates: As agent regarding: Variance Site Plan Subdivision Far T Ma o.: ~ Z~'q S tion Hlock _$, Lot Deed er e: Pa a Date OWNER SIGNATURE: ~ DA7E: APPUCANT8AOENT~ORM: Complete the following ff the APPLICANT is unable to attend the meetG3cJ or wtshos to be represented by another art p Y~ • /~ Designates: ~ ~~~,~-~~ ~-~.,F As agent ragardi ~ Variance_~ Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map Ion ,~~ Block ,~_ Lot Deed Refere c : ook Page Date TURE: DATE: 1 ` 2.i ENC3INEERINt3 FEE DISCLOSURE: Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for revievr of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as dotonnined by the 7_on6rg or Planning Department. Fees For onginooring r©vlew services will bo charged directly to the applicant. Fees for engineering review will not exceed $1,000 without notification to the applicant. 3.) AUTMORIZATiON FOR SITE VISITS t3y signing this page and submilttng the. application materials attached heroin, the Owner, Applicant, and hlsmerllholr agent(s) hereby authorize the zoning E3oard or Planting Doard and Town Siaff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted. R.i OTHER PERNjIT RESPONSIBILITIES Other permits may be required for constnrction or alteration aotlvity subsequent to approval by the 7_oning [3oard or Planning Board. It is the applicant's resporisib0lty to obtain any additional permits. 5) OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES DISCLO5URE: It is rho practice of the Community Oevolopmont Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resuhing front appNcation, and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the official record of all proceedings. 6.I AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE C-OCUMENTATION REQUIRED, i, fire understgneci, have thoroughly read and understand the Instructions for aubmisslon and agree to the submission requirements, i acknowledge no construction:activities shad be commenced prior to Issuance of a valid permit. I oerllfy that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete stalontonUdescription of rho existing conditions and the work proposed, and that ail work will bo performed in accordance wlfh lho approved plans and In conformance with Iocel zoning regulations. I aclcnowlodgo that prior to occupying the facititlos proposed, I or my agents, will obtain a corliricale of occupancy as necessary. I also understand that IM~e may bo required to proviclo an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to Issuance of a cortificale oLoccunancv ranrY~tr~io the above. [Applica Print me (Applicant', Dato signed [Agent) _____~ print ml~ e [Agent] Date signed 7"own of Queensbury Planning Oftice• 7Q2 Bay Road ~ Queensbury, NY 121iU4 • G1S-761-13220 1S ~i'h1A'2~ E s LL~ W ~~ ~r ~~ s .,tl.••t3,~ at •' ~' 3T}iia Iadsirtara 1ladi tha'1 •' •. .~: ` .•~i tamp $2.50 ''~~'"f'r•s:'cc•..,,,. .~,f.... (?tk daY. of p9ePtamLor Ntuat,~ts t-.~ntiy-four Bortxda . •'~° ~ :.'.. :,_, a HttUQrrid aq:t ,,r, •;.~.., n Blana?~ • 9a@Iyt Lax. at Cblllna Er it • . • • :. . . Ca.ttavliid, -. _ _ , Cvupty, X.Y., 47tAtbls ~ly# ~Lres~l of NoA 9rightoa, •8tstan Ioland g •. . ' ~3ore, of Q612 $a1timorq live Pb1ladQlphia Pa ~ .Y., and S1lsabath ~aR1Yi Brsn~ /,U~d~"/ '~ ' ;' ,.. a : , .. ~ , ., parLinA oftkv f.iret port, ar,3 ~,,y~yy C/ r ~ .. E. SEffi„XE, o~ 22 3(Yr614 SG. F81t4 Piaina, t~aLoheettx Ca.. 2i. Y. e .~.;., _, ~n~ o~ oond Part, ~ ~ '~ , P rEy ~' tb~ ' ty t]~at t!-s partlga of t1~ i'irat Part, ip eogeidiration ap _ J 4n~! dailar and" atlor ~°~ ar:d valuabi.4 . oonaidtrition C~2.00)' lex!'ul money or L1w ? ' Vnita@ 8tatas, pald ~ L~li party of rho ARa std part, do !-erohy BrasL attd raleasw ' ~ unto tha•'party of t1~9 as-cond art ltia kalrs a~i{ asai a tor~v+tr P , 8n T~tE~-R'OURTHe INTERfiS'L' i,~~R~L THAT TRACT QH PA~Q. OF LAS ' AN II?It~EVIDF~ • Wing iR'th~• Tom ot'~ Ru$anabury, barren Cou,~ • ilLuat4~ lyi~ and t+Y, ~-+ Yark, ird Doing' •ii that lot of lapd• an xbi.ola stands tkK ;tops oattagt #•or,~rly tYR Fsda-ard E881a1rton Library t4uild.i ng, • +ituatad on thi ahor~ of that port at Loki Ge<8rg4 p~priiy o,-li~ed ' Duahap',e ~$8J'~ a3yd Dound~d and ~aaribld as foilowa: Bgp.T NNING at a oorpar psi ing • moith Tarty-slY (4~) ~grdta ,baL Pros tbri nouth-+~et4rly aornsr of a aLona 'aatLaga • (fox:xarlg• tbt yard EB8loston Llbra ry Bu11,~ing) ~vcupltd lt3' tb@ party of tb7 , saacond p+rt,';attd diatany t'rou said oornirof amid bu113 . thinc@ runril ~ twixty-rivet (2s.). tyre t; .. a.s north syv~e- and three-fourth (7«3/~) Qe~aa Est q tW mrtbar3;y~:xa11 at said buiidin tAV L od paralisl x# LEs ~ ~:~:-:;,: $ n y '(20) teat xaatsrly theratrax for a diatanav of lort}r-Hind i4g) feet tv a aornar, D~+ing the northwa.aLer~yr aoraar of . Lot OanVeyad 4~ tbanon aasterlY along tt~ prnlan84tiop of thd' aorth ltnv of tb9 • sAont poE4+egat t'or~rly the Bdxard Eggl4ppori ~,1bCary Building to thq shore of the lake; and Lf~nov IIouthsrIy ~ slang tks share o f tb~! lake tv a point on the aborv o(' said IaJN bearlpg ecorth aigbLy-txo.(g2) 3 +t1d a quarter (S~) d4gi+de~ last Cram the paint ar ~ginttSng; thanes south Qi ht .. 8 Y-4wo and a gaar~vr Cs~) dagriea wasL and paraiial xitb thq a!'o~-aaid atoms a4ttagq an3 sitts4A Cis) teat aovLhvrly thsr+tfrc~ to thi plaa~ of pegiru:tpg, . • ! '~'ha *•DOW disariptiOn is Lhs ahith9rJ,Y .POrtiCp of the lot ooavayed qy . E1eryp ~i~,y$ to rulaard•EggivaLoa as Dioiubar P9, Xd6B, ahd records ! din Libsr 36 ' at paw 455, +qd xhioh was SnhoriLad by rsliaaboth g•ST+ily4 und3r Lh~ $d+rard EBKIs,~tan xtll, . • Tht oonvayanoet of this ds4d oonauauatts a nontraot iAttrad irate ba, Esria'A gltaab@th $.9391yi sad Ele'Yq 8.9~s1Ys, atbi'Lhe peirtlia harQGo r~ Lfiv solo heir3 +nd Xdr nvXt of kSn of the said Elizatgth E.3tY.1yy~ dtCVa~gd. . _ xoKKatber xltb the rPPurLvpapov9 ap:# all the eaters ant! rights of tt~ parti9a vt' Lhtt first part in and tv said prs~isYa, Tv bav~ and to hold the prin-its6e haraln grgriLid unto the party of tko ' ~aond part, h~`r hairs end assigns forever. Aad sold B1ana1~ wily. Lax. cyutbia bggi,ys Strew ~k and Ei/sabel-h seQly! 8rvnaoa aovanants as raxloKS; pirgt. That t2,a p+eliy of th4 aipona part sha31 quistJy~n,jaY LYA sQid p zMai so,a, ~ ~ . 9eoand. Th+-t sai4 Slaaabe satiys LR„~, Cynthi* ®ai ly* BLrao~l i-p¢ ! Elisabeth ~4Iy@ Bronson Riil PorQvor Warrant th@ ~titla to said prQniaas. i.. ~. .~ ~. .. ~ ..fir. .. .: .,. .. ~ ~ , . • . ~ •'.. VO1..'f8i In T-itaQSa WhQr#or,`• tha,partiea a~ th@ first part ltaye he rPUntd'ao~,taair bstkde End a+ea•ia tk~ day and ~'Rar t'ha~';above'wtitt4~ . ... ,.Cynthia Svely~ 8ttaecpel L.B. • E~lixabatb 8~aiya Broae~ I.. S. • $laaoh! gably4 L~ L.S. ststt oP g~~ York j Caua,4y of ~varr4n • )ass .. :.. . City cr Glaga gaala) ,,. Qn,tbis 10th day of eapaabdr Ktn#tavp i[uadred and tmtty-four b4tox'e ~,. the sub- barib#r, p4rsonaily appeared Cynthia S491y4 SL1'em~il7., Slisab#th 84ll.yt Brantsan, to ras p#rsap- aily knoarn and known to aA to bR tb@ amt pQraona diaa~Dbed ld a~ wha @xetuWd th4 within 7;ssatruualrnt aqd tb#y as~rally saknoKlW~d to aR that thQy' azscutAd the carp. ' ' ' ~ I . ' J. E'dxard siry~iaton . ' • ~ ~ ' • ' ~ '• Not-wry Publi'a Stat# of Nax York, ) , County Ot Sri#, )'a6" . - On t4ia i5 day of saptasbo r, 7.924, b@ forA aa, the aubaoribur, pv rsonally eabi BLA*1CHTy SEELYE LAW to ark known and know•rt to n~! to b@ t}~ s~ pQraon d@+sorib9d in and xt~o ex- ecutad, tbd xitbSn inatrur~ent, and ah@ doiy aoknowiad~d to mo tb~t aL3 ex9outQd th9 aana. Frank H,Ariggec gatary Publio ATE OF 2tEW YORK S8. ~ COON7'1C OP' ~.LE x, A R. AQ'KINSCII, Clark of Lba County of'Rri4 a„d also Clark of the 5uprl~o and ~OOunty Courts for said County, dz~id Courts biii~, Caurtrs of R+}aord,having a coal, do hereby ver^ tily that grd-nk Fi.Erig~s xhos~ Wane is aabsorbbed to the certiiioate of the aaknowlodgnant, uproot or affidavit of the •nrNtx#d inatruntdnt, aad thereupoh xrl0tan, aax, at the time of tdYing ~auob aoknofll4d~t@nt, proof or affidavit, a NotaryPublia in and for the County of Elie, atxS root ~d4nt irs said OOUnty~ obanisalonad an3 swore an4 doiy authorised by the laze 4f the state of Nee 'YarSc to take the aoknvr-iod5.aants and provfa of deeds or ovnYeyanoes for ianda, tRnap{eRto or ~horaditaasnts.lying and 'l~1r~g in the state of New York. And t'urtb0r, that I au well aoquainted lth the handwriting o! such Notary Publio and verily boliev4 tkrttha signature to thaasaid i odrtifieatQ of aakaoR2@d~9nt or proor is g#ttyta@. ' IK 'i9stixony Whdr4ot, X qav# hereunto .a@t u,9 band ani affixed the asai of acid ounty and Courta, at Buffalo, thin 37th ~day,.pa ~pt,VM2 ~• ' ~. ... ~' .A..R. Atkinson Ste ~ Clerk RQaorded lupto 4th,._ig~ 2~` _ ~ at 9 ,o' aloolc A.Y. . ' ~,' _ G j~ KHOA 1~G b[R?i BY TgESg PRESENTS, i Tha~,r,~ George E.Bro,rnell •f P@M YorY oily, N.Y., Lars nad@, aan~itut@d -nd ~ _ ;pPaintRd, atsd by th@aa proa+~nta do aalc@, tonatitute and appoint Lay al L.Dav1a of G!ena Fwila,