ApplicationNew Business Area Variance Review month -September 2011 Randy Savage 303 Aviation Road 336 sq. ft, shed addition TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 August 17, 2011 Randy Savage 303 Aviation Road Queensbury, NY 12804 RE: Shed Addition 303 Aviation Road Tax Map Parcel No: 301.7-2-4 Dear Mr. Savage: S 18-761-8201 I am writing to you in response to my review of your plans depicting the proposed construction of a 336 sf shed at the property referenced above and to document our conversations regarding. the same. Upon review of the plans submitted to this office, I find that an Area Variance will be necessary in order .for you to construct the addition in .the location you desire. Specifically, the proposed placement of your shed addition does not-meet the minimum sideline setback requirement of the Moderate Density Residential, (MDR) district. I understand that .you .are preparing the necessary .application. Please note our established submittal deadlines when compiling your application materials. Should you have any questions regarding the above comments, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Y Sincerely, Town of Queensbury Craig Brown Zoning Administrator CB/sh ~~ f'L~.. .,~.. . ~:: ~:~.. 1=,,:. ~~=• ~- y. ~`°~ - - - Gener..al Infiormation ,_: :Tax Parcel )GD Number: - : / • 7-~ y Zoning District: Detailed Description of Project [includes current & proposed use]; Area Variance Revised June 20( ~~ location of project: ~- (~ O ~ NOTE: BUILDING OFFSETS ARE TO FRAME CORNERS. FRONT PORCN OFFSETS ARE TO CONCRETE DECK CORNERS Lands N/F Gloria A. Hill & Rodney GrEene (367'9/"180) Tax Map: 3(11.7-2-3.1 ~ FX/STING lN-GRO(1Alp ! ~; POOL, SURROUNDE© , BY CONCRETE D~GK ~~"`a 1 ., ~ 1 a N ~ O b o __ ~` ~ 4. ~U ' POOL 25' Prpposed ---- ' x.~ Frame ~'~ -~ ' t~EGic '~~ A~1~~~ion 76,g I r2.2 '~ - N uivK --~-~ ~' Q 'Fw - m W ; w ~, 4 ~~ W, 9 z GARAGE WSJ ~ ~+~ U ~_ z .(CONC. SCI 16,2• ~ Q ~ ~ ~ 2s p, ~ a _ _ ' ^ ~ _ ' 28. T~~' A: C ```yyy~~~ CELLAR / ' . UN1T ''y EN~y~ VINYL W F£N ~ ~ ~ _ VINYL ~ 2 ~ U ~ EN ~"_. ...mow ~~w~ I a w _~ O ~ w ,, w ~ •~~ kO~O VALVE ' ~ ~ CNAMBER~-+o ~ W f 1 F[LC. ~ I 31..2, 1 `~Mr rEPr 2_s O'~ _' 1' ~ _ POR^/~C'H R~1lN fF3l1JG.J _ W X fi7 h N Uo ~. Q N ~s 1 h SE7(~(;K ' ~ h j- ~, U U O~ (t~EDS TCTAL 150.03 FT.) ~ ~' ~ a= r ~ Q ~ tW ~ t o~oJ~ ?- ~ f5~0.03' so"cHAM. o o s ttnrcD. s~ aa' ~ ° ~ (roRCSHORrEi~ED) ~~ \ ~ °- ? VALVE :87. ¢2„ j ~ q o Q ..~ CHAMBER 10 . - ~ - - ' p - - .,, G~lhfi . ~_ __ _... ~ ~ 3, P EN 29 Y~ I ~ ~//.,~ ~,Q~ ~Qa ~ __._ ' (24 A_ sphalt drzt~en sta~arP w~a° ~~ 702.57 - (DEED: 22.53 Fr.) Area Variance Revised June 2009 AREA VARIANCE APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS 1) Required Pre-Submission meeting with staff to determine general completeness to be held no later than 1 week prior to deadline day. Call (518) 761-8238 for appointment. 2) Submittal of complete application: 7 original & 74 copies of the application package by monthly deadline. 3) Determination of application completeness. All necessary information must be provided and appropriate fee(s) paid for consideration for placement on an agenda for that month. 4) Incomplete applications will not be considered for placement on any agenda until all missing information has been supplied. 5) Submittal to the Warren County Planning Board, if applicable. 6) Zoning Board meeting, generally the third and fourth Wednesday of each month. You will be advised in writing as to which meeting to attend. 7) Following the meeting, you will be provided with a copy of the resolution stating the Board's decision on your application. If your application was approved, the next likely step is a Building Permit. Final plans/drawings must be provided for the next phase of review. If your application was denied your project cannot proceed as submitted. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS: Please submit 1 original and 14 copies of the completed application package to include: • Completed Application: pages 1-9 completed, signed & dated • Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: signed by staff • Denial Letter: from the Zoning Administrator • Waiver Reauest: any request for a waiver from the applicant regarding submission requirements. • Copy of Deed • Survev: stamped, dated & signed • Fee ZONING STAFF & CONTACT INFORMATION Craig Brown, Zoning Administrator craigbCa~gueensburv.net Keith Oborne, Land Use Planner keithoCa~QUeensburv.net Sue Hemingway, Office Specialist (518) 761-8238 Visit our website at www.gueensburv.net for further information and forms. Town of queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 •518-761-8238 ~ Area Variance Revised June 2009 General Information Tax Parcel ID Number: ,x~/ ~ 7-,~ -y Zoning District: Detailed Description of Project [includes current & proposed usel: Applicant Name: Address: }Zara ~ . ~ ~ V-'w Home Rhone; ; ` ~ ~~~ Cell:,~:~ ~u,~x~S~u.c~ N,~'. i a ~ ~ s - ~ ~: $- ai-~38t~3 Work Phone::: Fax ,; . , E-Mail: G ~ e L ,~ ~ ~~t. :.,y 4 .,N,. ~: ~ ~. ~( Agent's Name: Address a . ~~~~~~ ~~ ~ a4{ Home Phone Cell '`~ ~' ~~,, ~, `' <~~ ~ r~', Work Phone Fa~c E-mail z ~~ `~_, T ~. N ~,, ~~- t"~,. tip ~ ~,+:~.." ` ~ ~ ~ ' .. - Owner's Name- ~ Addt-ess . _ ,. t ~ ~ M ~. . Home Phone '`~`~ 3,. Cell ~ Work Phone Fax - ., ~; .f t~ . E-mail t,j,+ ` ~ { ~r Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804.518-761-8238 Location of project: ilk ~,~ r ~ Area Variance Revised June 2009 Site Development Data Area /Type ~ ~ ~ ~~ . Existing sq. ft. ~ P~ropos`ed Addition. s f#: Total ~§gt ft, ~; - A. Building footprint i3~~' X32 ~~ B. Detached Garage C. Accessory Structure(s) 1 jF.~ `~ 3 3 ~O D. Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area ~~~--~ E. Porches /Decks ~z 7z F. Other G. Total Non-Permeable [Add A-F] .H. Parcel Area [43,560 sq. ft. /acre] ,~ I. Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [I=G/H] Setback Rectuirements Area FZequi ed `~:`r Exlsting : ~ & ~ Proposed ~` ,~ `j ~ ~. ~'.' ,` Front (1] .. ,~~ /ZZ I22 Front [2] Shoreline Side Yard [1) S~i~ ;?'~ ~~~ ~ ~~ Side Yard [2) ,,.. Z ~ i~~ ~i Rear Yard [1] 30 3~' ~ 3°°` t Rear Yard [2) ~~ Travel Corridor Height (max) - Permeability No. of parking spaces Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8238 Area Variance Revised June 2009 Additional Project Information 1. Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? ,Uo 2. If the parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s): _ yes ,Lk~ ,_.F,~~,¢,v r) 3. Does this project require coverage under the NYS DEC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program? ~i ~ 4. Estimated project duration: Start Date .ti-, L1-c.~r,~L~ End Date ~~a~ c3c; 5. Estimated total cost of project: 6. Total area of land disturbance for project: ~ ~(~ ;. Floor Area Ratio Worksheet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building ..floor area by the tot size in square feet, yielding a percentage. Zoning District _ y Symbo~~~ ~-~ ~' 1'~'~ nt. ht 1 .. ~ Floor Area Ratio.~FgR]1~: M ~ x°a M1;; .t~1~1{'~~ c .~ F Waterfront Residential WR 0.22 Commercial Moderate CM 0.3 Commercial Intensive CI 0.3 A. The combined area of all square footage, as measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property, including all floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porches. Building square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be included. (See "FLOOR AREA RATIO"). B. Commercial or industrial: the total area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building or structure, and when applicable, the sum total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site. Parcet Area s . ft. Existin Floor Area s . ft. see above definition Pro osed Additional Floor Area s . ft. Pro osed Total Floor Area s . ft. Total Allowable Floor Area Area x see above table Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 •518-761-8238 3 Area Variance Revised June 2009 Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Requesting relief from SECTION: _ / l 9 ~ ~~ Need relief from the requirement(s) listed below which can not be met by the project as proposed. [Check a!I that apptyj Cf Setback ^ Buffer Zone ^ Lot Width ^ Other The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete them; use additional sheets if needed. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will be created by the granting of this area variance? %~i ~ 3 ~,ea~Jrf ~'.t- c,.:~~ ~. C~ ?~ or' fi 60t Y,f~ o.~.o slid' ~ ~+/C~ cam, c ~ ~~~ ,,?,s a > ,;~,r ,, ,~Y .~ ~'l, ,~ ~ ~ c~c.r ~~ i3 Y l i~+y3 S ~ ~.-u 1~ ~~s ~~ a S> D>s< ,O i o ~,.~ ~i ~ /~/y us.~ ._ 2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to • pursue, other than an area variance? F, . zr a y~.c.~G ~i ~f :~i®r2~S ~ s 1~.~ ~ j a Tlt' ,~~9 Y Ts ~A~ O F ~ ~i . Q~y C~ ouL~ ~OS fits SAn7~ S~i~.~f vK ~~~a.~> r~l» 3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial? C~.4zv % c3~= ~x ,>~,et-i~c~~~'~~~'7 ~S c- ~T~»~ op ih~ 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighbofiood or district? 7I,f QL>7 .sl, . ~ i .~- 6o t Y~2 c3c,o ~rE~ r~ sl~~ ~ ~~iti ~ ~ i ~- o n. ~ ~ ~ i h i'~C~ r ~ ncz,~ri~t>t iQ ~r i .~~ 1~~,~~ r 5. Whether the alleged difriculty was self-created? Na ~/%"/CCtL"% % w.~S c`~if',t%~;~ ~ .~[RSr Cif Got' i.~,iT,~T7G~~Lrt' _~cuc~~ ,~ t; Tar /~ s>;72' cLS Q,ucl~ 3 c~ c t~ U ~ ~r"~ f=~eo-~ 77'd //vus.{ 1 ~ ~ ~ moo L _~f~P.i~ Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804 •518-761-8238 4 Area Variance Revised June 2009 Submittal of a stamped and signed SURVEY MAP depicting existing and proposed conditions shall include the items as noted below. A; GENERAL . , < SIfOWN OIL . `~ ~::. ~ ". r_ ~~~~ ~ ~ . ~ ,'~ 'SHEET #-~, ~, s 1 Title, Name, Address of applicant & person responsible for preparation of drawing 2 Deed 3 North arrow, Tax Map ID, date prepared and scale [minimum 11n. = 40 ft.j 4 Boundaries of the property plotted to sale, zoning boundary 5 Principal structures, accessory strudures with exterior dimensions 6 Site improvements ind. outdoor storage areas, driveways, parking areas, etc.: existing & proposed 7 Setbacks for all structures and improvements: existing 8 proposed 8 Elevations and floor plans of all proposed and affected structures B: ~ WATER & SEWER ~~~ ~ '.'~. r _ 5H' Qi!Yf", 1 2 Project sewage disposal fadlides, design details, construdlon details, flow rates, and number of bedrooms proposed Water supply [i.e. well] & septic on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or proposed on-site water supply and se do 3 Separation distances for proposed sewage disposal system to well and water bodies 4 Existing public or private water supply [well, take, etc.]. Method of securing public or private water, location, design and construction of water su I indudin dail water usa e 5 Percolation test location and results ~.. ' ` PAR ~ PEFtNtEABLEARFAS~~ `;,~ rya;P`~ ~f ~ '+s "~ s.T rF , •~, u~` _ ;~ ~~ti~ .li::"_y a ~ f Ha t3N~". SHEET #;FS; <,.5„ 1 Number of spaces required for project induding plculations and justification: existing & proposed 2 No. of existin arkin s aces, number to be removed, number to maintain and of surfadn material e.., ravel, aved 3 Provision for pedestrian and handigp access and parking: existing & proposed 4 Design details of ingress, egress, loading areas and cutting: existing 8 proposed 5 Location and character of green areas [existing and proposed], modification to green area, buffer zone to remain undisturbed 6 Lighting, location and design of all existing and proposed outdoor lightlng D. ADDI7t0 ' L SITE D LOPMENT D S~F1 ' FOUS: . ,7. _ ,* ~, ~ ~ , _~`~. SHOWN ON l'' SHEET #~ t On-site & adjacent watercourses, streams, rivers, lake and wetlands 2 Utility /energy distribution system [gas, elecMc, solar, telephone]: existing &~roposed 3 Location, design and construction details of all existing and proposed site improvements induding: drains, culverts, retaining walls, fences, fire & emergency zones and hydrants, etc. 4. Square footage of bldg. area proposed for office, manufacturing, retail sales or other commerdal activities: existing & ro osed e ;. Signage: Location, size, type, design and setback: existing 8 proposed .'~ t; Waiver Request: provide letter with application requesting any waivers: please reference specific items g CommercaVlndustrial Development requires submission of Landscaping, Stonnwater Management, Grading & Lighting Plans h Identification of Federal, State or County permits required for the project together with a record of application for all necessary ermits Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 128t}4 • 518-761-8238 5 ~• Area Variance Revised June 2009 Pre-Submission Conference Form 1179-4-0401 1. Tax Map ID 3®~,) "" ~'" U 2. Zoning Classification /~ ~~ 3. Reason for Review: ~~1~ ...5~~,!h~i( ~ ~jQ .~',.,,~Gr~ .~f/~ . 4. Zoning Section #: ~ 77 '..3 ` d y y 5. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes; Outstanding Item~To Be Addressed Include: / Deed ~, Yes No General Information complete Yes No Site Development Data Complete Yes No Setback Requirements Complete Yes No Additional Project Information Complete Yes No FAR addressed Yes ~ No Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Yes No Checklist items addressed Yes No Environmental Form completed ~ Yes No Signature Page completed Yes No ~t1~9.QPt4T~ (~'~ ~ ~ir~L,9~.y'/.v G G/~~9~-/.•.~= X41?Tlt ~' ,S'?~'1~/mot/(, (1 »~Lr o~V llt6 ST~'L~S C.rTU E O N Z`'Tcr O aE'ir;//lJ/~t f1,~~r~o.ve.~ w~ .zE.¢ ~~a.n T~~ is ~ ~r• ~o ~ Joni o,r' ~~- ~,.sLC s ~ f..~p . (,UE'G~~ /sV 3.~r~ SG-~.?,rF t74 ~ /~ ~ c~ 1.,~~~ ~.5N1~rG,~ a. '~'®i S 0~ W /E Guot,~,C ~~ ~.rG ~ D ~s ~ nou.~.v ~rF OG O Slr .~f,c~ 9r- .J3cci4 A C C ~Q G(1 Staff Representative: Applicant /Agent: !~~~~ rtt.' ~ti/~ Date: Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804.518-761-8238 ~ Area Variance Revised June 2009 ta•te.a Itiresl-rext tz PROJECT t.D. NUMBER 617.20 SEAR Appendix C State Environments! t]uallty Review • SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Onfy PART I-PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Pro)ect sponaoh t . APPLICANT /SPONSOR 2. PROJECT NAME 3. PROJECT LOCATION: 4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road interssctbns, prominent landmarks, etc., ar provide map) 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: ^New ^ExpansWn (] 8. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: S. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRtCTiONS7 ^Yes ^ No Ii No, describe briefly 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? ^ Restdontlal ^ Industrial ^ Commercial ^ Apricultun ^ parWForsstlOpen space ^ Other Describe: r 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL, I STATE OR LOCAy? ^Yes ^ No If yes, Iiet agsncytp and permlUapprovals 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALIp PERMIT OR APPROVALS ^ Yss ^ No If yes, Ilst ayancy name and PsrmlUapproval 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMITfAPPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATIONS ^Yes ^ No 1 CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name: Gate: Slpnature: It the action is t~ the Coastal Area, and you ere a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1 Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 •518-761-8238 ~ Area Variance Revised June 2009 PART ti-ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (To be completed by Agency) A. DOES ACTION EXCEED ANY TYPE I THRESHOLD IN f! NYCRR PART 617.a? If yea, cooMlnate the reWew process and uw the FULL EAF. ^ Yes ^ No B. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN B NYCRR, PART 817.6? If No, a negath+e deClaratlon may he superseded by another involved agency, ^ Yes D No C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADYERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING: (gnawers may be handwritten, if leglltle) Cl. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quality or quantity, noise IsvNs, existing traffic patterns, solid wash production or disposal, potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problemsT Explain Drlefly; C2. Aesthetic agricultural. archaeological, historic, or other natural or cultural resources: or community or nelghborhoad character? Explain briefly; C3. Vegetation or fauna, (lah, shellfish or wildlife species, significant habitats, or threatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: C4. A community's exisetng plans or goals as offlelaUy adopted, or a change In use or Intensity of use of land or other natural resources? Explain CS. Growth, subsequent dswlopmant, or related aetWltiea Illu~o be Induced by the proposed action? Explain briefly. C6. Lon term, short term eumulat ~/ g Iw, or other elfacts not identified in Ct-CST Explain Wlefly. i C7. Other Impacts (Including changes in use of eitltK uantity or type of energy)? Explain briefly. O. WILL THE PROJECT HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE D Yes ^ No E. IS THERE, OR 13 THERE LIKELY TO BE, WNTRi ^ Yes D No If Yes, explain briefly THAT CAUSED THE RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE IMPACTST OF A PART III-DETERMINATION OF SIQNIFICANCE (To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse affect identifed above, determine whether It is aubstantisl, tarps, important or otherwlss significant. Each effect should be assessed in wnnectlon with Its (a) setting (i.e. urban or rural): (b! probablllty of occurring; (c) duration; (d) Irrevsraibility; (e) geographic scope; and (f) mapnftude. If necessary, add attachments or referoncs supporting materials. Enaun that explanations contain sufficient detail to sholr that alt relevant atfveras Impacts have been identified and adequately addroased. If question D of Part II was checked yes, tM dstermination and significance must evaluate the potential Impact of the propotted action on the environmental charactsrfattcs of the CEA. ^ Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or signNicant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FULL EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. ^ Check ehls box if you have determined, based on the information and analysts above and -any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result (n any significant adverse environmental Impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting this determination: erne o le Aalncy Print or Ype Nam! o Respons' scat In a Agency It !spans ICM IgNtYre O lSQOn21 ! K!f M ! Agency IellilWe flpefef 1 lfMt rOm flSpOM O IClf •te 1 Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804. 518-761-8238 g Area Variance Revised June 2009 Signature Page This page includes the 1.) Authorization to Act as Agent Form: 2.) Engineering Fee Disclosure; 3.) Authorization for Site Visits; 4.j Other Permit Responsibilities; 5.) Official Meeting Disclosure and ti.) Agreement to provide documentation required. OWNER'S AGENT FORM: Complete the following if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant Owner: Designates: As agent regarding: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.: Section Block Lot Deed Refere ce: Book Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE: ~yyr~ dwcrl/ DATE: ~ i APPLICANT'S AGENT FORM: Complete the following if the APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party: Owner: Designates: As agent regarding: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.: Section Block Lot Deed Reference: Book Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: 2.) ENGINEERING FEE DISCLOSURE: Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department. Fees for engineering review services will be charged directly to the applicant. Fees for engineering review will not exceed $ 1,000 without notification to the applicant. 3.) AUTHORIZATION FOR SITE VISITS• By signing this page and submitting the application materials attached herein, the Owner, Applicant, and his/her/their agent(s) hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted. 4.) OTHER PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES• Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. 5.) OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES DISCLOSURE: It is the practice of the Community Development Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the official record of all proceedings. 6.) AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED: I, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission and agree to the submission requirements, I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced ;; prior to issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete $tatement/description of the existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the approved plans and in conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessary. I also understand that I/we may be required to provide an as-built survey by a-licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy I have read d agree to a above. 'per`' / ignat re [App icant) Print ame [Applicant) to signed Signature [Agent) Print Name [Agent) Date signed Town of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804 •518-761-8238 9 „ ~ ~ " ~-~. '~.Arf~.~ ~~#.~`!_'Y f T FRS r~ . ' ~ t -' ~ ~_ Vy4 w~.713~~~1~.{.Y i~+~.'wY T Y 1 ~' G ~ YGG 334fl STh Af3UTE 9 ~ =- - - _ ~~~~`~~ `1~$~~ - ~ -RETfic,1~7~,~~•~f273.OL~ ' +TTa tt~GEiP'T: •16923- ~~ A~.~i3/V iTL?./'3.~'sa~ ~~[ cT. z. _'d~ ~. A la~.sFa~ ~+rla t~T y /~( mpg ' ~ii ti-~a.G ~ .~Vil~! 4LLil l 7~~ j { T c 1'+J.Y11". ~11 L111~ ~ ~ { { ~ t q 'y`• ~#~-' i.i~-i. s. is~i'if ! 1V~~ J~ ~'1Lf~ t ~t. ~F~~~.s . `___.~.._ 66 ..;. "' [1 2 1 ~c...~L. = .. . Tov~v ~ ~t . . _ ~.~.:a. ___.~~.~__,_ ... __.__ :7 s PYYf _ - 1 _ j ~ j ~.. -y.~ . 11L i1.*~A_.1v1.1 ir_,k f#~i. ~ `.. i-r r ~ . ' R~tt_ a~,1: ' X7"7 ..~..~ tS7 . ~~~ ~_~~ ~t, tom- /~ ~~ Q~ Lilt' s'~~`#I~'as',ftC ~~.~ ! ~ /,f t t/ t~ t r t a ~ Kt.__. ~1r. ~.._~._~. ~~ ~ ~ _ e_~__ j ~"' G~ ~ 1$ER J _. ' .°-r~~r _, .~ ~ t~r- ~~ ~ t 3 . 1 C H Y X r r L a' ~~~JT I . . t L 7 v it CORY! ~'1. GL:.~tS GIERfi m ^,*? ~f.,r nn wt,~ 1 s . n 1 .. ~Lli V ~1tJ~U .- .,~~ :~ •- ~~13~'~P~G~ ~g WARRAN"T"Y DEED WITH LlLT~I COVLIv~ANT TIi~S I1~DEt~Ltl trade on ~ T,..~-~~- ~_T___~____, 2~~, ~;:P~~EEN, 3UI~Y ~~N~ ~I~:CUI>LflUGH, r,~idi,tg ai ~t'T58 Beaver Hilt Lane, Charlottesville, Virginia, Gt~atttor, and RANDY A. SAVAGE attd 3ANICE A. BLA ~t ~~~ ~ Aa~:n a.~~ 't'~:va ~f t~ :s~;. ,. ,~,_. F ~ residing s __ ~ ~,ry, ~ ~~~~ of ,~,~~ ~t_~te of l+l~w Yo;~c, its !Dint Tenants wit~i Right of Stic~-ivch~~~if,, Gr~L=es WITNESSETIi tli~ di~~~ in r~ >~~ `rv: +c ! ~ 4 l~rfiil ~ 12~;y of ~ LLxted r~l~ ~l~d v~lt,~r al:~j '.std T>alble ~.c~~~!~c~n, #~aid by the ~~rtt~, dog slant caul case 13rtT:o -.the ~'atttee, their heirs or sa~xssors and assigns forever, . ALL. THAT ~"~. i ~.h~. F~~=t. £if I~~,3ti~,:,Et.. 4i- i.t~;~`~ s~t~, lying ,~,;-~ t,~-rli i3z t~~~ i c~tt.;, cif Queexts€x-~try, Cciutry of Wai~-er€ ark the Ste ~ of I~tc~[. Yot~., tr~;~ ~„-~;~:jat-~~. -k-;~ ate; ck:s:.:~i'tL~ as follows: i./.x'~..~.:' a'~1:~ ii .-,~ :serf? , .y.~ s_~ ~r..#~i ~2 ':''G ~:-.~w:~! s',t' .~ .:sc~:f ~il ~t: =Yv~.a~%T~ w~~i,'~S 4f .~LT@t3dn ROAM at the southrastcrly corder of the tends cone to Flo and LaV Y ~ ~ aixlts S~iih by deed dated l~pril 28 1945 and ::.-d e:~ `:~r:?c 232 :~f i~ i ~ sue,. 95, s -; ~?; ..c~'.`' ' ~Lss 2i? =s} ll.s 48 a*s1s F ~ R alo tlr- eft'!' a . _ _ r r- ~ ~ , .. c4 East L. y lit [LiY.li Cry .~33L~ liTL x., iii J1tF ':, !t' l{i.7 w.3F _. trt •7E ..4F 11-11 tC t'i. lit ~ -~' y t j. l _ L:.~'' " 4 -• 3 Itis: a. ~` A Cofltt7 At thy' Rtt .' ' CO.:... t~is:~ `~`- ~" ~: - :€r,,~.? ~"} ~",f, tt~t:.._z F~~w:t So;~`~ d.:~,.:>;.y 4:~ & z<: .,~. 47' S££.;`s~ lam', 8 t128tAACC of 59.64 feet to en iron pigs T•t io the groom fot:2 rarn.:a- at tM nor~h~¢^s*erlY c5crr~~- o£ thr !mss to .. _ -.. Sohn and T36:Fha~ Fr~~:' - ~ ~' - 1~. .~ a. 3.1 a 1~Z.x ....b c+yt'. ~~4 ~~ v ..s..... v - ' -,a - c _ . t e i y,~. •._ • yy "f) •.• ''i J .. A~: ~.v • ': l i frY -`x•1 ~i~a~,i y'~.{T4~, s*3 :t .~..Lpp '.'~i.i .'t'..`'tibil~ .Ulllil ~ii.Li Llii +st3+t ,[2w FSii il~ ~ .f <~+- Y.i ..fdJ-ri.._w•iif a1La1il, .~Ll[~Y i'Wx.WSCiZ~ lvttl tf] JY t:ir,~-'i't:'t,~, ~O ~[SSIIi~t .('4 a~ 1 S seconds SlleQt aloes ! s•~tion R~-sd, a dTs~s of 87.42 feat to the ~ ant ~ dace of ~& ,• .. .,. . _ ,,, ,,. ~_ , . ., .~=4 --- a ~.: r to t e tYle~,.:._, I, :._ Being a parhon of the Prcrntses d~rrrbcd uz a dc~ frosa B~j~ltia~ FL V~hi!*~~ arcd Viol~+ M. Whitman, ' f. ,,,.. ~ Y ~ n.• [ „~. a y~•r.,_ r+ [t .->_ a ~r a e . _- _,.. y rt .' .. __, -_ ~'. .. ,_.' i~,:> ;,., :` ..mss ,:. '~._~ _: ...,w•~ Jz; -._:;~ s _:5.-.is..{_tyral li'K3t17 Sohn C. °T'l~y:~;ay ~ T~::~lay, Itss wife, dat~i Dl~,,;~i~ Z 1, ! ~S7 a3tll rc~r~l itt the Wayxen Coanty Clerk's ~ff':s~ on i3zre~ber 23, 195'I, Bno!r 3?2 of !}~ecls st Page 3 !4. Being tt~e s ~rlssx~ises described itt n _ .-. ~ tt, _,... _.__.,f ,c1. .. ...~.....~.... .. .. ~~:_.._.. EDVIrAR~ McCt~.L~L~^ii~l, € ow I~,'I.~t. 34, lRZ3S, a t~=~-r cf tl~r. Coti~ - ol'~ss~ ~F, 5~~. otl,.v,~. Yes;: - ;~T.iy~t;R tiiI:CULt3i3GH, rllosl on August 24, l ~6, l~tate, a residesut of tT-e C+ouuty of WArr~en, State of Ncw York. TOGETHETZ Wl3"I-t ttte appur€~at~ anti all ~e estate acid rights ~f tl,e ~iantt~t iii attd to said. prert~s~, - ..: ~! ' ti8E~t34~~~CE 6U TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the grantees, their heirs or successors and assigns forever. AND the grantor covenants as follows: FIRST, That the grantees shall quietly enjoy the said premises; SECOND, That the grantor will forever warrant the title to said premises. THIRD, the grantor, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the grantors will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for acry other purpose, The word "grantor" and "grantee" shall be t~nstrued as if it read "grantors" and "grantees" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITI+IESESS WHEREOF, the grantor has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. Judy Ann McCullough STATE OF NEi~V YORK ) COUNTY OF WARRh"N) ss.: By. .~~ V~It .4 .S. Virginia M, eight, Limited POA On ~O / ~ 20t)3, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared VIRGINIA M. SLEIGHT, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the -within instrument and she acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. A Limited Power of Attorney was exetxlted by Judy Ann McCullough to Virginia M. Sleight dated August 22, 2003_ . Ni -. , 1M1RA9(~pi~ t Notary Public Qualified in Commission Expires S ~Y. „r '+ ~' " i `x . . ~ ~ ^ ~ ~,c'i:e .A~ ar..'h~ ~ ~~+?~t •!h" ~~'*'~i~°. SCr~~'e4:~-fw",~ fix. "- -~~.. t ~~ p ~" ~ ~ .. ., .~ : ~ ~ ~ • ~ ' f, iY~, _S 1,3S,t _. _.,,, ~ :.. ,J .. ~ 1, \ ~ 5` ~ `. ,M . ` *. f e i l y .w.,_.„ ,: ~ = ~, ~ 6~ ' ^* ~3 ~` w. ~~.• ~. r, ~ _ _` • 4 ..,~ _. .a..,._ ._... h _~ ~1~~,.+ L s7~ . 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