Application ~, ~ , ~~ l i s~- r ~~~ IUI ~N, /'1 ~~~, ~ f 'I f E t ~ ''yy . ~Om ~n9 ~~r~~or's Ded91q~1 T ~ -~ ~ ire No. ~,. 3 ?'4'2 Rev t]..~.i ~y~,~~` r ~ tj 4{0,- ~ : - ~~ ~ ..' u ~`,.€~ Y~~~~ ~ y ~~~~ QUE • ~• ~1~tatttt'S IVarrl~; John Salvador, Jr. ~ . z. Q- 4. 5. 6, 37 Alexp Lane .• ~, `i Zip; Lake George, N Y 12845 Te'p(~ IVO: ~ ~ 5, 18^:~ b56 3[F~7 A9er~'s Neltte: N . A . . /~~ /y~1~iL~pM1 R'.71. Telephone No. ~,,,,~ .. ~ tar's ~p~i eonoernS the properly owned by: Herpes & Herpes LL4 "t'~ ~ Nt~tl~t': 302.14 79.2 ~e Ga~siflcetiptt; ~ ~'~ ~ ~ M~~T Off Dixon Road ?. S) ~ the Zo~1g Onitnerro~ f~' Mfik#1 you are ~Idn~ ah L~ecpret~ian. D~aN~e 179-14-0~Z0- Authorization of the Zoning Board of A .,_. 179-14-030 - Appea]. and Applicat3;on for a Vax3ance ~. Rle~e al~Ch add~otlal dooaner~s, letters, maps, etc, tfi~ may support this ~ fOC 3n ~. Zoning A d m imisCrator's 1,et~er ofi Interpret ion dated December ' 7, 2010. ~, . The ~j~k8nt Sh8{I te~1;IRi the Ofl~t181 I~Ot1 V.Ittth ail pages InteCt • ~ December 13, 2010 Slgnt3l'!,{t'e of 8 date " Cinnd, rs .,~ ~.+a.d~ .tom TOWN OF QUEENS~URY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, IY1' t 2804-5902 December 7, 2014 John Salvador, Jr. 37 Alexy Lane Lake George, IVY 12845 Dear Ivir. Salvador: S 18-761-8201 Vic are in'r~ipt-bf~grnu~iWovpmlxx 22; 30J0 letter ~PP~ relative to some de~maination made under.' '~'~ ~ B~ Bf G'~apter 88 section $8-1Z. I would like to point out the following four issues with your appeal. 1. You have not stated what wrongful intrxpretation of Chapter 88 by the Director of Building and Code Enfot has oc«~n~ed. 2. You have not stated how you are aggrieved by any issuance of building permits issued by this office for. the Hayes and Hayes project on Dixon Road. 3. The Building Permits were issued on March 15, 2010 a~ the 60 days to appeal . the issuance of $e Building Permits for this project bias expired, 4. Regardless of your claims, issuance of Permits un&x Chapter 88 does not appear to be a zoning determination appealable to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Therefore your zequest for an appeal will not move forward as it is not properly 51ed, and the Zoning Board has no jurisdiction. Sincerely, ~ OF QUEE,riSBURY Craig Brown Zoning Administrator CBlsh cc: Town Counsel Town Board Zeroing Board of Appeals Dave Hahn, Diroctor, B dt Codes ~~8 X10 r1Salvodor Hayes Appeat l2 7 l0~doc