1967-02-23 168 Regular Meeting February 23, 1967 Present: , _, _.... John 0. Webster (absent) Supervisor N.' Harwood-Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner , Council=n Curtis.Lamp son ..Councilman Hammond Robertson,, Jr. _ Council.mdu ; Y .. The meeting was called to order by Councilman Beaty at 8:00 p.m. Councilman Beaty greeted the following visitoxs: Mr. & M3qs. Ray -Purdy - Interested in .Mobile Home `Application Mrs & Mrs Leonard Colvin - ti if Bernice Putch' • Interested in Mobile Home Application. - ,: Kay Crosse- Interested in Mobile Home Application James R. Powers - Mobile Home Applicant Clifford Witham Visitor Harold Rathbun - Visitor George Lehmann - Visitor Norman Ferguson - Build#g Inspector, Town of Queenswry Mrs. Florence Mcllvaine - Reporter The Post Star The public hearing on 'the application of James 7 R, Powers, ,to,..locatg, a Mobile Home on Mallory Avenue was declared open 1ty.CouncJ.1man Beaty. The Proof of Publication was presented °end read aloud, bg h A cler,k. The clerk summarized .the original ,application, Following a request for a voice from any person in favor,,of thee ,, granting of the permit; Mr. Powers stated that the type and kind of a mobile home to be used has not been decided until, the permit is granted. Councilman Beaty requested a voice from any person present in opposition to the- granting- of the permit. The following persons voiced objection: Ray Purdy Bernice Putch Dorothy Colvin Kay Crosse The public hearing was declared closed at 8:15 p.m. Following the taking of a consensus of opinion, the Town Board stated that the permit will not be granted as requested by Mr. Powers. Councilman Beaty declared the public hearing open on the Ordinance to Regulate Construction of Sewage Disposal Systems within the Lake George Park. The clerk presented and read aloud the notice of the hearing as published in the local press. The Ordice was read in its entirety by the clerk. Mr. Clifford Witham voiced approval of the adoption of the ordinance and a suggestion was forth coming that the rules as contained in the ordinance should be adopted on a town-wide basis. Councilman Beaty and Councilman Robertson stated that they are in favor of a study of town-wide control of the installation of sewage systems. ft; Y A question was raised by Mr. Witham as to the exact boundaries of the Lake George Park which will be ipvolved by -the proposed ordinance. Final action on the,adoprion of the ordinance was deferred at this time. Mr.. Norman Fergusom,the building inspector, discussed the- abuse of individuals in sewage -system installations within., tne town. Mr. Ferguson stated that he could speak fpr-,the sportmans group in the different towns of Warren County as being in favor of the adoption of the ordinance in question. _ The mdnutes of the meeting of February 2nd and February 9th,,.,. 1967 were approved. Carried unanimously. Star Route, Ridge Road Glens Falls, New York February 8, 1967 Mr. George Crannell _ Town C1,erk Town of Queensbury Bay Road, Glens Falls, . N., Y. _ Dear George: Please .add to our list of -active -firemen for the Bay-Ridge Volunteer Fire Company; Richard Kubricky James Flower David Sperry Also I would like you to delete from our active firemen: Richard Bennett These changes are -in effect as of February 1, 1967. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely yours, Jack Barrett ALBERT E. BESWICK Attorney at Law Lake George, N. Y. County Attorney February 18, 1967 Warren County Mr. John O. Webster, Supervisor Town Office Building, Bay Road Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear John: Re: City of Glens Falls vs Town'of Queensbury Until the meeting yesterday, I had no knowledge that any Supervisor was opposed to my acting as attorney for the Town of Queens- bury in the annexation case. You will recall that the resolution' of the Common .Council opposin4 my participation was read at the January meeting and I was given the privilege of the floor to state my position. Not one of the city Supervisors at thae time made any objection to my acting for the town and the resolution was merely treated as a communication. 170 When the City Attorney Nadeau prepared the petition to-be presented to the Appeilate. Division, he called me and asked whether it should be served on me or on a town official. I told him that I had not yet been retaifted by the Town -Boat : an&-,thgt he„ should serve it on a town official. After service was made, we have talked several times about our} aopearance before the Appellate Division. He has never at any tine made--any ob*ection' to mg acting as attorney for the 'Town of Queensb iz�r,, I saw Mayor Donnelly once and had• a brief conversation in which annexation was mentioned and he made no objection to my acting for the towns I accepted in good faith the offer of the Town- Board< to retain me as its attorney in the annexation proceeding since at that time the only opposition I knew of was from the Common Council and particularly Councilman Marzola. My first loyalty has to be to the Board of Supervisors and since the five city Supervisors yesterday expressed opposition to. my being involved in the annexation proceedings, I feel thatt in the interests of harmony in county government, I must reluctantly ask the Town Board to permit me to withdraw and to retain another attorney to represent the town in the annexation pr-oceed;.ng. -' ' I regret that I must do this because this annexatban proceeding is something new, interesting and a real challenge. I should have liked to handle it for the torn beet I-.am sure .you can appreciate-my position. While the land involved in this proceeding is not of great. value, I think it is most important that the Town of Queensbury . win this case. If you should lose, I am afraid it will be just, e of 'land grabs b the city. Mrs.'--Mason has the first of a series g y y a column in this weeks "Warrensburg-Lake George News'. -in which- she states that Douglas•Crockwell has plans for a metropolitan Glens Falls. This is right in line with the report made by Mr. Crockwell to the Common Council a -couple of years ago re- commending that the city cease all services to the town to force annexation, I have appreciated the opportunity to work with you and the Town Board on the many problems you have had to deal with tin the -fast growing Town of Queensbury and I sencerely hope that my with 'drawil from the annexation case will not affect the pleasant relationship I have had with yoy and the Town Board. Most sincerely . Albert E. Beswick Councilman Beaty voiced the opinion of the Town Board by extending regrets that Mr. Beswick has decided to take action as he has stated in the letter above. The Annual Report of the Supervisor for the year 1966 was received r., and placed on file by the'Townn Clerk. The report will be advertised in the proper manner in the local press. The Annual Report of Dr. Robert A. Reid, the -health officer was received and placed on file. RESOLUTION 'Tp AUTHORIZE TRANSFER OF FUNDS RESOLUTION NO. 48, Introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr.. Lampson. RESOLVED THAT, the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $5,000.00 in surplus funds of the General Town Fund to the Town Office Construction Account, in accordance with Resolution No. 278 adopted by. this board on 12/9/65. Duly $dopted: by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Beaty Noes - None RESOLUTION TO DISAPPROVE APPLICATION TO LOCATE MOBILE HOME OUTSIDE OF MOBILE HOME: COURT. RESOLUTION NO. 493, Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Turner. WHEREAS, Mr. & Mrs. James; R. Powers of 178 Sherman Avenue, Glens Falls, New York has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF -_MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN -THE TOWN -OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY$, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated Lot #4 on Mallory Avenue, RIF.D. 3 Glens Falls, New York, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that s3Aid application does not comply with all of the requirements of said ordinance, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the application of Mr. & Mrs. James R, Powers of 178. Sherman Avenue, Glens Falls, New York, to locate a mobile home — outside of a duly licensed mobile home court is ,not approved and that- the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to notify the applicant of the decision of this board. - Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. _.Beaty Noes - None RESOLUTION NO. 50, Introduced by. Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Turner. RESOLVED that the Audit of Claims as listed in Abstract #67-2B numbered #208 -through #210 inclusive and totaling $5,140.39 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr.- Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Beaty Noes - None On motion the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell, Town Clerk