RC-0525-2018TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5904 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: RC-0525-2018 Date Issued: Monday, May 6, 2019 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number has been completed. RC-0525-2018 Tax Map Number: Location: Owner: 308.14-1-52 27 Woodland PATH FOREST PARK MHC, LLC Maggie GannonApplicant: This structure may be occupied as a: New Manufactured Home 1216 s.f. By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. Director of Building & Code Enforcement _ TOWN OF QUEENSBURY , Ei. 742 BayRoad,Queensbury, ( )ury,NY 12804-5904 518 761-8201 f y Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: RC-0525-2018 Tax Map No: 308.14-1-52 Permission is hereby granted to: FOREST PARK MHC,LLC For property located at: 27 Woodland PATH . In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: FOREST PARK MHC,LLC Mobile Home $40,000.00 Owner Address: 183 Pitcher RD Total Value $40,000.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address - Electrical Inspection Agency Combs Trucking 96 VAN DUSEN RD Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans&Specifications _ New Manufactured Home 1216 s.f. $ 243.20 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Tuesday,August 20,2019 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town ueen ury; 4Mody I. 20,2018 41 SIGNED BY: .r t for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Office Use Only , __ .. ,-.-: MANUFACTURED HOME Permit#: j C —p S g —w(( ~.. PERMIT APPLICATION Permit Fee:$ 2- V 3. Z© Town of Qusensbury 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 TECEUVFEC; $ Aj/ l4P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury.netmIo # O 7 A'S 11 AUG 14 2018 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING&CODES Project Location: P7 NDOCIland Rat (6by Tax Map ID#: 3 og, l 'I- ( —S 2- Name of Park: 1Y? Pcu V YYli4e) Proposed Date of Placement: Gi2i-i11 g CONTACT INFORMATION: • Applicant: Name(s): Pil rcK,tre 4ini ai Mailing AddressYC/S/Z:I83 Pit-Chef VA (1)$,b j h 'Cy Cell Pho e: (51 g ) 013a--�alO Land Line: (5 1 c' ) `-7�J-7^77( o Email: 1Ore '��arR.e rhp-prbprf+1eS..Ct rY) • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): j5Lp nA- ,lt.t . Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( ) Email: • Contractor(s): Business Name: eiovnlOS I tic viA 1witA 1 e,9ervi c.LS Contact Name(s): (`, 10 1 i C(;C wt-blS%-) ICcyt Nafrer , Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 6 0Q V/ vi.dusw Ori osbul / gip Bric.Kb vevt 141 Os134 Cell Phone: (51 V ) 1%)Q 4433Lt l!li/. LiE ¶l el-Line: (5 g ) ,3fo1 -146131 (ta4r;\ Email: LL)K / 4 i rhi whi-l-c.if ki gi1.©eNoinb0. +m Contact Person for Building & Code Coompliance: Yfi4a L e C�JCLv A 6V1 Cell Phone: (5 g ) o�6a is 1D Land Lin✓e. ( 5) i( ) 7t-15 -7-7(-P 11 Email: -Pvrek c rh.PdprbP-eiii--i`, , Cam. • • Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Manufactured Home Application Revised May 2017 ' MAts UFAACTUREDHOME INFOR /IATION: (INFORMATION FOUND ON THE PLATE OR STICKER LOCATED IN THE HOME): Insignia serial#: Name of Manufacturer: GkfA mp O( Place approval#: Model or component designation (New Home Only): I Z 'I--23 OO 9 Date of manufacture: 2018 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1, Approximate Value of Home:$ 40i 000 2. Is the home NEW / or a REPLACEMENT ? 3. Single-wide V or Double-wide ; Size: 16 ft.X -It, ft. .. 4. Foundation support(choose one): Size Depth Piers: L' Slab: 5. Is the home being placed on a private lot? Na 1 Yes (if yes,you must provide stamped engineered drawings of the permanent foundation plan) 6. Total#of rooms(exclude bathrooms): 5 ;#of bedrooms: '3 ;#of bathrooms: , 7. Additional heat source? No I Yes Choose one,if yes: gas fp woodstove_ wood fp 8. Are there any other/existing buildings on the property? No I Yes ; Explain: 9. What is the water source? PUBLlC PRIVATE WELL 10. Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRIVATE SEPTIC system? 9c_ 'I c.., • 11. Do you need a septic permit application? No / Yes • DECLARATION: I swear that,to the best of my knowledge and belief,the statements contained in this application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises;and,that all provisions of the NYS Building Code,the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be completed with I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: Harrenncr . iJ ,9� SIGNATURE. A �t ni, DATE: 911 cl 12 Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Manufactured Home Application Revised May 2017 . . I • • , 1 _ ___ „ • .1 1 =.a.---g_a„...__1,J 1 • 308 RC-0525-2°18 ,_...n 1 ,,_ • a .144-52 c-52 1-------- ffi ForestPal * path •:-..), 27 Woodland . New kilmanUfaCtUred H°Mindeic,adtnolgn 2TE 30 Orizu1.10r,.VI 6i,.piiroDi:,a',15i irCI sG..t:da-QDnxeti:pEr5trA,Epi Rr IN:TcSti.mBoI cillaRtciYonmarre i ro NI striged as -... • 1 = . Base fl'ullthco:nrpc:annlenleenktusithshtahlektdbidein'g' °Cos:: . :_•*--.3.CD ,.: `---- __,•-• NI 01 I r,, "47 ' V P.118Li , :.t .,_, --- .1 il LINO -F/0 • r . 1 1 : .—.............,.-. " ifP'''''• 1. a ‘, '''Q' 41 1,11 LIVING BEDROOM#3 (• ..,!_ BEDROOM#2 MASTER (51•111..m.::, 11 g BEDROOM ROOM , 9'4'x T-TO'' 8'4'x 14',-2" ›.- KITCHEN 16'4"x 14*-2" •ITI8 Ba DINING , ,? . . .,.spv„ • MODEL 122-L-2700i OPT. BOX 3 BEDROONL 2 BATH TOWN OF OUFEHSBURY . Nolvitiva,size:16, 80' Vill C IPIPL E ; FOR REVIEW ONLY ACTUAL SIZE: 15.-2"X 7T-07-nil ii 1 H T----,-AF , , ,._,,, TOTAL AREA:1153 Bo,FT,IC.) --))-il- E---II e-t LAirl__IIe.S DENT. ANCHORMG OF MOBIE HOME . rvavolusd Fiy. , FRAME IS REQUIRED PER 1----g-- MMUVACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS .............. A•tviF,I OV: ' 122-L-27001 4 I OPT.76'BOX LITERATURE PLAN L-101 i MANUFACTUXE0 DeAmmur :,,r.iv — — ' ,. ,:,'W;lf,1:13i.,:•4,,M,i•Mr..'", ;': =•;'4 IL. _ —...--,_....:::::::....:::::;...:::::::_. _....' _..• ','"',.E..1:•."" ,_,,i1 F11.1"31.4V t?.±.4.%V.,Wi:Oin r,;;;t r4R1Pfi.ra'cir.F,^Arc:;4,x,1;.,4 r4.,,,,,,,,.;;• IyMEING\SALES SPECULATION\3.?2-L-2:7801-0PT 76ft-GURTIS-RHP-FOREST-PARK-LOT T00545-17.dvig,4/5/2017 5;05.0 PM,DWG To PDP.8c3 • . ( TYPICAL PIER PRINT 1 '' -7 'I THIS PRINT FOR REVIEW ONLY O 1 SIG; P RIT HAS FJEEN DERIVED PROM DAP(.A APt ROyE o oESioN W 'R _ I "9�' 2 REFER Tu THE APPROVED INSTALLATION I + kEST PARK - LOT OO5 C I'AAuuALFO[;TH.E rfsll.t�t.�+iiNO F1 T n.s: aU e'.� fa-i'r €J BY lt,$'.!f€Si(i9 F.i • Z O A 511 PREPARATION se>�e r. c, c€.v•_ . D.SOIL DEARING CAPACITY C.FOOTING DESIGN AND SIZING MAN ,FA*TtJf"; DISCLAIMERNOTiCE t>.t'q r>.c:aNs`rituuTlr�� Fo=:,u::_sizs:,.r p _...__..__.._......._ G? ,,�. E.AN H'URING I LE:A"I:BEA, a'T:DERSTANU THE FOLLo iNG INFORMATION 3.THIS PIER SUPPORT DESF3N HAS BEEN CREATED F C , uotit:s,,,?srRt�: • GHAMMN i 41`- 11 i O£RS,DOES NOT PERFORM ANY SITE WCRk FOR HOMES SpE.L�p.10RL1.Y FOR'THIS SERIAL idU:iC3'f rz ! m e iCt:%ipl E.1E:?it.Y t�61PiEIRstir�^d r9n'.trt, ! C)m 11 4't .i i3k'TIE : ',•NSJHiLITY OF 11IE DIALERtSITE CONTRACTOR TO INSURE ; PIERS ARE REQUIRED.1'T EOTh SIDES OF • t.S{ E ^ K'41L4.C.ORRF..1.,Tr mot TIE UNIT ORDERED I it t Li�A;a; 0 Z TJ V F X'tLR1ffR DOORS IN LOAD 8�ntti47l,S{trssv.^vnLf_a. _w......... ALL. M JJ$-R�,i_I.0E VI-RIi IFD PEI l'1FtF.t ONTTttUZ'lION (I' U) .� (PIERS ARE NOT REQUIRED IN it ONLOAD BEARING t,F+RPPIrc=t r.E raaP i.nr..ns: 1 e A.-..;c rt7Ns.oo NCI. '`, ,f PA(W FI_E 01.01 ik1 Y.ON1 ONLY El.'FERe ON DOO W ,I NC}. TO i.d.H I iN..TAIA.F.f2'i; 9hNE9FACTLIRf[a Jst1P4�5 W,If H aF.VEriAI. � ° r . IV TO INSTALL HOME ON SITE WITH GUT':1iAVINCi ........................................................ i_K4'E'f- •:.". }f_',;L,DGE:AND LIN ERStANDINGOFALL:INFS ALLATIOt_i f, i fi.F..idPF-.4.10rJDOC7RS ,�. a ... lI R LSS"RfAt�a3" tsci i 4,, ATH T A; INEXPERIENCED INSTAL t,.1R PLEASE 51 ELDCKIND IS ALB.°REQUIRED AT•sd'I I SIDES OF S f Ftd[]? t 9 L"A'TtA'i'O AN IN£Xi'GI�1£NC(_J3 iNS'TALLCf2!LEFSE READ C. I A 1-E1 T,:E SET"WP AND ENSIALLATION t,IANOALS SUPPLIED MI t+ G4'£tJHdtUS•3"OR LARGER IN'LOAD BEARING Ti•. s F T111401INC INSTnLLA1'IUt 6F ANY MANUFACTURED t10tti: Sltls_'.Wi,LLt;OR MATE WAL1.5. " .-.- - - - -., 'WATER INLET 1 1 FRAME SUPPORT POINT LOAD SUPPORT J -51'-2 we ;,: 'e'' , i EXTER OR DOOR LOCATION r € € I-BEAM i r i I € t I I I i i I"'t _......._..._....._ .a- ——i.— - _e.. T,m ' A4..J . v.A , I —50•6114' • EPB .DWV DROPIO BE DETERMINED N I—t 9'-9 Zip" I FURNACE CIL a' LX) I --74' -- i 66' i-5?' �50' k-.S2 1-34' 1-2fi' r-.IQ J� _ I ' } ° hie ri i i I-BEAM , 1 i J, ir�f _ r i i w i'T"i € 'i - 3s��taa• € r i f t L f L i I "7r.. I I F t }, i • .I 2';_, ,._, 8' 8 R' R' 1�..... R, _ �'/")`4('^l� —4E._S„ I,..25,-4,; is `,,sr:.: :.:.'':r: j It EXTERIOR DOOR LOCATION _ NOTE:ALL DROPS SUBJECT TO CHANGE UPON COMPLETION OF PRODUCTION PRINTS `_ • --_._ I ;�w ��1 1�7 I t" f-`... ,^_^^.—^.mAyTT^^� .c.�1 1,:�i_�i� —....__._._.3nR'i, ;..22'L-_— ,n,. i l I i ...........�.�., ' ".. _ .......,.. .`� 122-L 27Q©1 PIERFC)UNDA O I {APT 76' BOX PLAN 1.jANJMCTLl* D ae.AUTIfti4L1^ • I.,.. ,.. ,i }..f tuiu:a,Ia.,inr'•r ._rt:r trr,ir i;rrr:€*r.riTifi.. P •` ..n u•.£LE€:i 1(Kti.%F'�N(/.,„rn ti,:�. t ........_i....._,_._......................:...._!........._........................_.._i�...,.................. ..._I w. '. S� ..._,_.W_ _ :�l61:^:=J.1(:f."L7.":'it'fil.i,7,;tip i.,::.rr?,SF.+f't'C)kE,!I,=;iit?4 r,•..a,'..t: M.\ENG SALES SPECULATION\2 2-L-27001.OPT 761t'•CURTIS-RHP-FOREST PARK-LOT TUO5-4-5-17,dwfl,45/2fUT 1U:28 25 AM, DWG To PQRpci ___... 1 $ 5 0 1 i Ito i kk-2_,A Q__.) 0 se,vvic- Lid 1-16 ------- 1(01 1 EHDEOWIE_ HI • ..r.i AUG 1 4 2018 P j . . TOWN OF OUEENSBURY BUILDING&CODES 1 HAVE PERSONALLY MEASURED THE DISTANCE FROM THE PROPERTY LINES TO THE PROPOSED ST CTURE(S)OR SIGN(S) 40 /MILL ' Lak 8irilir SIGNATU ' DATE 4t-A 0 , CI � � n ��� f ✓ a '� iSCITAETE, , , CI-i P �C ��7/;;/�'L �tl���rr tiC����o � �'� kti,�t v �v i r� �'r�M Cyr C.� M g a AtomF�� R W �� OF STATE 5�fr;S EE DEEA�RT1E EE VgIFITir lili.8311311FAC _77D(HUD'CODE) 0 FciELOCATED WiNUFACTUREs,(HUD CODE) I It }y n,-- , ` Be abet:nu s �o Serial number: --- �6 B. RIJJD C. Retailer's n.i Retailer's ad los a4-� �� D. address: CX) Telephone o ... `� 1 E. Retailer's certiftztion C. . V, 1,1;1 kp O istal m9 d these ?A ' � �� �v iSlle 9s ceAEcaoi'mo buildingu SIP ' � �d address (911)where h^cu e[l ins fle&. - . 4 \ m � s�� er �� �����ysle �ur�ss ,Newyork. i IP lsss � a� e� ® erae� ts�s i®ll� rso the fay? of s��ar�����h � �e9 theundersigned.Installeli® � tiglow 1 installation of this aT'tufa,y���Sed%'Lome meets ts�.���auT1C��di�� C���C k�i��fi,"��,P���av`iF����-�u�® i�t�Eire�f�e �. C ®��� t lae le � �®� � eee State. ` ¶,e I j, 20 k�4, the In stT tiler is li ifs a�,,gas r Y �¢ I e ®u .-�`���n® �C�and.�ilo�,in derogation,9Nh�all other lights oing warraddies are in addition to,and not in ��limitation of��substitution for, ,�and eil otherLam'"����a�,��P��1 e' �L�1" r l The r jaw or m t��nes e y y � rl des e express i or Linpli(yif f e 1?rr�i.stal.er,w ether-contra, . adY or by$y �7e ®API �'e��P ° �` Printed Name® hers® Signing -78, ved by the lastalleg or L f e i VI/Staler o.\ \, if Y - Pc -a problem with your Inane you should first conta''-ict s. iEer or retailer.If the problem is not j 73. Retailer r on can contact the Department ofState at(518) 74-40 � j I { u 0('8vJ, big ) ��s�CC� if9�i0?y�',_�L7L .�ti��Cs� = iu-SSG CjmL Gig GYir3uoj ��7fiili.C>'-�O�,.iJ �C-- jrrl---- NC' C-OGo�C' — - -- -- — f� flov