1966-12-29 SP 132 RESOLUTION NO. 293, Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Lampson. RESOLVED that, the Audit of Claims as 'list"ed in' Abstract #66-12B numbered #1483 through #1515 inclusive and totaling $3,343.96 is hereby approved. Duly adapted by the following vote: Ayes -,. Mr., Beaty, Mr. .Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None w � _ , . 04 motion the rmeeting, adjourned. r Respectfully stibT itted George C. Crannell Town Clerk- Special Audit Meeting December •29, 1966 Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. Supervisor Webster greeted the following Town Officials. Thomas K. Flaherty - Superintendent of QueensburyWate-r LeRoy Phillips - Chief of Police Leon Nassivera - Chairman of Assessors The minutes of the meeting of December 22, 1966 were approved as amended.' Carried unanimously. RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE SURPLUS FUNDS IN THE HIGHWAY FUND ACCOUNT RESOLUTION NO. 294, Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Lampson RESOLVED, that the following surplus funds in the highway fund ,be and the same are hereby appropriated as follows: 1. State aid $351.07 Misc. 7.10 Refuse Disposal 854.19 Net Total $1212.36 be and the same are hereby approp- riated to Item #1, General Repair, thereby increasing said appropriation from $103,018.51 to $104,230.87 2. Refuse Disposal $ 694.49 Materials & Misc. Q350.60 Net Total $ 1045.09 be and the same are hereby approp- riated to Item #4, Snow Removal, thereby increasing said appropriation from $33,507.36 to $342552.450 - 3. Transfer surplus funds in Item #3 as follows: The sum of $700 from Machinery Purchase to Item 4 Snow Removal thereby decreasing Item 3 Machinery Purchase from $58;903:80 to $58,203.80, and increasing Item 4, Snow Removal from $34,552.45 to $35,252.45. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None RESOLUTION NO. 295, Introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Beaty. RESOLVED that, the Audit of Claims as listed in Abstract #66-12C numbered #1516 through #1517 inclusive and totaling $13,355.26 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes - None The town clerk presented applications for renewal of .Junk Yard Licenses from Mr. Robert Sanders and Mr. Alfred W. Green. The fees of $25.00 each were presented to the Supervisor. A letter wag presented and placed on file foam the U.S. Department of the Interior Geological Survey which requested permission to obtain records of test `borings for water supply within the Town of 1+iecnsbury from the en6ineer. Mr. .Joseph Kestner, Jr. General approval was reached with all board members taking mart that the request 'should be granted. A letter was received and placed on file from the State of New York Department of Public Works, which answered the request of the Untown Merchants Division of the Glens Falls Chamber of Commerce, to establish the starting date of the re-routeing of Aviation Road. The Town Clerk presented the following report for the year 1.966. December 28, 1966 The following is a complete report of activity in the office of the T&ifi*Clerk°6f the Town°of Queensbury for the year 1966. The fees reported are the actual receipts which°were deposited in the General.Tokrn'Fund of the Town of Queensbury. CONSERVATION LICENSES 34i` des; ` fiuhting & Fishing' $86.50 239 Res. Hunting 59.75 844 Rbs. Fishing 211.00 10 Res. Trapping 2.50 709 Res, Big Game & Arthery 177.25 14 Lost Licenses 3.50 MISCELLANEOUS LICENSES AND PERMITS 1550 Dog Liceeses $387.50 86 Marriage Licenses 129.00 37 Explosive Licenses 1.8.50 34 Licenses and Ordinance Permits 660.00 98 Search and Certified Copies 110.00 Amount returned by Warren County on Dog Licences Fees2,488.55 Grand total amount received in General Town Fund from "the office of the Town Clerk $4,334.05 During the year 1966 the following amounts were paid to County and Sr_`ate Agencies: County Clerk for Conservation Licenses $7,419.50 County Treasurer_ for Dog Licneses ,32558.00 State of' New York Dept. of Health for , Marriage 117censes 43.00 Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell, Town Clerk 134 1966 ANNUAL REPORT JAMES A. DAVIDSON, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Total Number of Total Fines and Fees Paid Month. Cases Closed to Audit & Control January 139 $1,042.50 February_ 94 535.00 March 123 785.30 April 131 735.00 May 170 a 1,214.00 _ June 149 12132.00 July 93 879.79 August_ 122 11140.00 September 102 999.25 October 70 516.00 November 93 763.00 December(estimated) 144 1,191.90 1432 $102933.74 r Janes A. Davidson REPORT OF THE SUPERVISOR TO THE TOWN BOARD AUDIT MEETING 12/29/66 a BdInces in all bank accounts FUND OR ACCOUNT Balance Balance Anticipated . 12/31/65 12/31/66 1967 Budget Highway Fund $ 52905.81 $ 94.96 $. . . . . . . . . . . . General Town Fund 1172817.61 82432.40 202000.00 Pine View Cemetery 72892,12 1,977.18 . , . . . . . . . . . . - Pay roll Account • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • • • Queensbury Water District Account 152398.40 13,434.53 , . . . , . . . . . . • West Glens Falls Water Dist. Account 14,741.05 14,935.20* 132000.00 Shore Colony Water.. District 1,293.71 12422•12 800.00 Fort Amherst Garrison ° Road Lighting Dist. 59.18 63.02 25.00 Cleverdale Lighting District 54.22 41.31 35.00 Pinewood Lighting District 12.79 18.35 1.0.00 Queensbury Water Dist. Bond Account 32029.04 4,036.78 37,100.00 West Glens Fails Ext. #1 Water District Bond Account 2,586♦45 2,11.7.82 503.00 Pershing,Ashley,Coolidge Ext.#4 Sewer District Bond Account 54.32 54.26 . . . , • . . , . , Reservoir Park Sewer 1,779.84 21162.48 12000.00 Pershing, Ashley, Coolidge Sewer 726.74 676.74 500000 (�_ieensbury .Drainage 339.85 45.63 . • . . . . . . . Queensbury Fire Protection District 12029.56 531.14 500.00 Audit meeting of the gown Board, December 29, 1966 FUND OR ACCOUNT Balance Balance Anticipated 12/31/65 12 3166 1967 Bud et Agency & Trust 210.00 $----------- Bay Road Water Dist.Construction ° $1052519.50 462989.54 00 . 0 . 00 . 00 . Town Office Construction 19,195.OI. 21770.47 0000 . . . . 009 Route 9 Water Dist. 21,388.48 Bond Account. . . . . . . . . . . . Capital Reserve 302000.00 . . . . . . .. . . . . • • • • • • • • A.P.W. NY 52 G Queensbury Water Dist, Construction 141593.58 . • • • • • • • . • • TOTALS $ 342,028.78 1212167.89 $ 732473.00 50.00 12 1,402.41 Comments regarding bank balances December 31, 1966 bank balance includes $10,000.00 certificate of deposit in the° West Glens Falls Water District. Accounts closed during 1966: Capital Reserve APW Ny 52 G Queensbury Water. District Construction Account ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL RESERVE FUND STATEMENT West Glens Falls Water District Bonds $ 132125.00 Certificate of Deposit 30.000.00 Total. Assests January 1, 1966 $ 432125.00 Net Gain during 1966 Interest on C.D. $ 600.00 Interest on Bonds 393.75 Total Gain $ 993.75 Grand Total $ 442118.75 Transfer to Town Office Construction Account $ 44,118.75 The meeting was adjourned at this time to prepare for the Audit portion of the meeting. Justice of the Peace Meredith S. Bentley was greeted at the meeting at this time. The dockets and records of Justice Bentley were examined and signed by each member of the Town Board. Report of Meredith S. Bentley, Justice of the Peace Cases heard and reported to Comptroller. Jan. 1, 1966 to Dec. 1, 1966. Civil 28 Penal 78 V&.T 209 Total 315 136 Dec. 1 to date Penal 7. V&T 25 to be reported Fees and fines paid to' Comp. Jan. 1. 1966 to Dec. 1966 $1995.50 Pending cases, all kinds 25 Respectfully submitted Meredith S. Bentley Dec. 29, 1966. Justice of the Peace Superintendent of Highways, Bernard J. Codner presented the record bopk„ p,f. hjB department_ which was examined and. signed by each member p,f. tom. TpWp Board,r p . Thomas K. Flaherty, Superintendent of Queensbury Water District' Pnu,eiitp.d. his recQ)rdt book and receipt book which was examined by the members of the Town Board and signed by each member. The` Cash Book of the Town Clerk was examined and signed by the members of the Town Board. The dockets of Justice of the Peace Davidson were examined at this time. Supervisor Webster presented his account books of the Highway Dept. , and the register forrcash receipts and disbursements. All records were examined by the members of the Town Board including the ledger for all Special Districts and the ledger_ for the General Town Fund. On motion the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell, Town Clerk.