1966-03-24 On motion the meeting adjourned to an executive session to discuss problems to do with the new Town Mtmicipal Office Building construction. Respectfully submitted pr . , . . . , . , . . . .Geerge •C, ,GraRaell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » . , , . . . .Tee -G�,erk . . . rt . Regular Meeting March 24, 1966 Present: ' John 0. Webster ,- . . , Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turin.er � Councilman Curtis Lamp son � Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Webster at 7:35 p. m. Supervisor Webster greeted the following visitors: Marion Grayq- League of Women Voters Bernard J, Codner - Superintendent of Highways Thomas K. Flaherty - Superintendent of Queensbury Water District The minutes of the meeting of March 17, 1966 were appraved. Carried unanimously. The clerk presented ,an application of Leslie J. Ives, to locate a mobile. home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court. An . application for an extension of the LeGrand Seaver Motor Court was also presented by the clerk. _ Chief of Police LeRoy Phillips and Mr. Melvin Slopey visited the meeting at this time. A letter was received and placed on file from Dr. Robert A. Reid, to discuss the opinion of the health officer of the town on a problem of infestation of cockroaches at a residence. with the town. . Mr, "Red" Wildy, the reporter from the Post Star visited the meeting at this time. Mr. Melvin Slopey was questioned -as to his plans to develop a Mobile ,Homd Court with the town. Following a notice to the public to voice any opinion on the matter of a Mobile Home Court: action will be taken at a meeting of March 31st, 1966. . . ANNUAL REPORT 1965 CEMETERY COMMISSION — TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Balance January 1, 1965 $ 93,760.39 RECEIPTS Sale of Lots. . .. .. ... . ...:... . .. . . . . . .. . . ..... 52439.00 Openings . : . .:. . .: ... .. ... .. . ..,. . . . .. ... .... . 39925.00 Vault Rent . .... . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . 75.00 Foundations ... ... ... ... . ... .. . .. ... . . ..... . .. 225.00 Investment Income *. . .. .. . . .... . . ... . .... .. ... 176.26 $ 9,840.26 382 (Annual Report 1965 Cemetery Commission - Continued) DISBURSEMENTS Supervisor, Town of Queensbury 75% Sale of Lots .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . $ 4,079.25 Openings .. ....... ..... . .... . . . . . . ... . ... . .. .. .. 32925.00 Vault Rent . . . ... . ....,►. .. .. . . .. .. . . ... ... . . . ... 75.00 Foundations . . . . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. .. . ..... .. . . ..... 225.00 $ 8,304.25 Total Receipts .. . . . . . ..$9,840.26 Total Disbursements.. . . . 8.304.25 Net Income 11536.01 Balance Jan. 1, 1965 _9,760.39 $ IL,296,40 Purchased Glens Falls 103,000.00 Savings and Loan Assn. Income Share Class 1 $ 1,296.40 Balance as per Bank Account December 31, 1965 $ 11296040 Investments as of January 1, 1966 $ 500.00 U.S.A. Treasury Bond,- 2�% 1962-6i7 $ 500.00 " it to , „ it $1,000.00 Central New York Power Corp. General Mortgage Bond 3% Series, Due 1974 $1,000.00 General -Motors Acceptance Corp. 15/8% Debenture - Due Sept, -1, 1975 it$1,000.00 „ $62630.88 Savings Account - Glens Falls rational Bank.-& Trust Co. $101000000 Glens- Falls Savings & Loan Income Share Class 1 Frank L. Cowles Treasfare; RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TRANSFER OF FUNDS RESOLUTION N0. 68, introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Robertson RESOLVED that the Supervisor be and he hereby is authorised and directed to transfer the sum of $70,000.00 in surplus funds of the General Town Fund to the Town Office Construction Account, in accordance with Resolution No. 278 adopted by this board on 12/9/1965. Duly adopted by the following vote: - Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. , Webster Noes - None With the passage of this resolution it might be appropriate to report the status of financing for the office luilding. This $70,000.00 together with the $30,000.00 previously authorized makes a total of $100,000.00 transfered from the General Town Fund to date. The Capital Reserve Fund has now been entirely transfered to the _ construction account, including investments sold to our bank at par value and certificatcs, Qf, deposit. Total amount transfered from the Capital Reserve. FVnd_ amounted a to Wi487.29. From the' above figures, yAU. will note . tha'tm deposit's* to the credit of the. Construction,. Ar_cpunt, since, we started: the' ,p'roject have amounted to $ 1491,487.29. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT RELATIVE TO SNOW AND ICE CONTROL OW COUNTY ROAD SYSTEM IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RESOLUTION NO. 69, introduced by Mr. Lampson, seconded by Mr. Beaty. RESOLVED, that the Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with the County of Warren to provide for the payment by the County of an; annual rate of $400.00 per mile for snow removal and sanding of certain roads of the County Highway system in the Town of Queensbury, said contract to be for a period of four years, commencing 1/1/1966 and ending 12/31/1970. t Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes None RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE AND APPROVE AGREEMENT REGARDING EXPENDITURE OF HIGHWAY MONEYS RESOLUTION NO. 70, introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Lampson. RESOLVED, that in accordance with the provisions of Section 284 of the Highway draw, the annual agreement between this board and the Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized and approved, said agreement to authorize the expenditure of $100,000.00 for primary work and general repairs upon approximately 116 piles of town highways under Item # 1, Highway Funds. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None RESOLUTION NO. 71, introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Robertson. BUDGET NOTE RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A BUDGET NOTE OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, IN THE AMOUNT OF $6000.00 TO PAY PORTION OF THE COST OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AT PINE VIEW CEMETERY. BE IT RESOLVED this 24th day of March, 19663, by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, as follows: Section .l. The construction of a new building at Pine View `Cemetery in accordance with specifications therefor, approved by the Cemetery Commission and by the Town Board at an estimated total cost of $18,500.00, which includes cost of preparation of plans and specifications and advertising, be and the, same hereby is approved. It is hereby determined that there is presently available the sum of $12,500.00 of surplus funds and that that amount be and the same hereby is appropriated for the payment of that portion of the total cost thereof. There is hereby authorized to be issued^ a budget note of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, in the principal amount of $6,000.00 to- pay the balance T of the cost of such object or purpose, for which no provision has been made in the current annual budget of the Town. Section 2. Such budget note shall be dated and issued in 1966, shall mature not exceeding one year from its date, shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding three and one-half per cent per annum payable at maturity, shall be payable as to both prin- cipal and interest in lawful money of the united States of America 381 at the Glens Fails National Bank and Trust Company in Glens-Falls, New York, and, except as herein specifically provided, _ said budget note shall be of the form, term and contents as the Supervisor . shall determine, consistent, however, with the provisions of the Local Finance Law of the State of New York. Section 3. The faith and credit of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and interest on said budget note and an amount sufficienp -to pay said budget note and the interest thereon shall be included in the annual budget of said Town of Queensbury for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1967. Section 4. Such note shall be executed in the name of the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New' York, by the Supervisor and the seal of the town shall be affixed there and attested by the Town Clerk. Section 5. Said note shall be sold at private sale by the Supervisor at a price- of not less than par value and accrued in- terest, if any, and upon the due execution and sale of said budget note, the same shall be delivered to the purchaser upon the payment by him to the Supervisor of the purchase price in cash, and the receipt of such Supervisor shall be a full acquittance to such purchaser who shall not be obliged to see to the application of the purchase money. Section 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately. The foregoing resolution was duly }put to a vote which resulted as follows: Yes Mr. Beaty No- None and was declared duly adopted. Mr. Turner Mr. Lampson Mr, Robertson Mr. Webster — Chief of Police LeRoy Philiips, discussed the activity to check on Junk Yards, which has been conducted by him. RESOUJJTION,TO DISAPPROVE APPLICATION TO LOCATE MOBILE HOME OUTSIDE OF MOBILE HOME COURT t c RESOLUTION N0. 72, introd4ced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Turner. WHEREAS, Gerald L. Bennett of 109 Dix Avenue, Hudson Falls.,,_New York, has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c), Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY-, NEW YORK, to locate_a mobile home- outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated on John Clendon Road, Town of Queensbury,_ and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that saidapplication does not comply with all of the requirements of said ordinance, for the following reason: The applicant has not secured permission from the owner of record, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the application of Gerald L. Bennett of 109 Dix Avenue, Hudson Falls, New York, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court is not approved and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed tv notify the applicant of the decision of this board. 8 (Resolution No. 72 - continued) Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. Noes - None RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEAgING RESOLUTION.NO. 73, : introduced by Mr. Turner, seconded by -Mr. Lampson. WHEREAS, Leslie J. Ives of 19 Oak Street, Glens Falls, New York, has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) , Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE-HOME COURTS IN THE TORN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home' outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated on Rozell Street, West Glens Falls, New York, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinance. and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on April? at 7:30 p. m. �n the library of Queensbury Junior High School, Aviation Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized -and directed to give proper notice of said public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance, Duly adopted by the ,following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster. - Noes - None Supervisor Webster reported that the Town Board visited a meeting of the Planning Board on Monday, March 21, 1966. The nature of the meeting was a conference on zoning and planning. RESOLUTION NO. 74, introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Turner. RESOLVED that, the Audit of Claims as listed in Abstract #66-3B numbered #361 and totaling $181.30 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, . Mr. Robertson and- Mr. Webster. Noes - None , On motion the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell Town Clerk