1989-08-17 SP 182 `',PFCIAL TOWN BOARD MEETTNCY IN 1 JG7 1 P3,I- 1 7 , I989 1, 1 : 20 p.m. 'TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT 9 i'tpe ry i s or Stephen Borgos i I Pian (7,P o r g P K ti r o sa)-a 1 1 man Marilyn Potenza Iman Betty Monahan TOWN BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT f 1 n r i I m- in Ronald Montesi :7-lipervigor Borgos called the meeting to order . The purpose of tl)P meeting is the awarding of a bid on Contract 1-89 16" t)iameter Quaker Road Water Transmission Main. . . Bids were r,)pqj)ef1 this past Monday . . . requested that the Town Clerk tmad the bids . and or)s+-, . (11pninont- N . Y . 51 , 230 , 035 . 00 T' -' , 7Pr sand. JT)r . Albany , N . Y . 977 , 389 . 00 V-,,j.bricky Const . Corp . r, tanq Falls , N . Y . 1 , 189 , 023 . 97 The Belden Co . Inc . Rutland , Vt . 1 , 044 , 694 . 00 Joseph R. Wunderlich Inc . Latham , N . Y . 1 , 094 , 510 - 00 Schultz Const . Inc . Pound Lake , N .Y . 998 , 760 . 50 Al jr) Conqt , Ltd . Latham , N . Y . 1 , 160 , 770 . 00 T,ti . read 15 , 1989 q1tPer-uisor Stephen .3 . Borgos Town of Q11teensbury Bay at Haviland Rds . V,.ieensbury, N . Y . 12804 PE: BIDS RECEIVFD FOR CONTRACT 1-89 16 INCH DIAMETER QUAKER ROAD WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN S"Pervisor Porqos : '♦ T) Tlnnday, August 14 , 1989 , in accordance with the 1,11-hi. i !71)PO "Notice to Water Pipeline Contractors" , bids were p,1,.bticjy nppned and read aloud at 2 : 05 p .m, at the Town of A0:1.•,,Pitj--c!r, Center for Contract 1--89 . Alt bids received have been! reviewed and are listed as BIDDER CORRECT TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID 1 . rch1-11 Construction, Itic . S P65 , 776 . 50 P , O . Box 637 Poll.nd Lake , N . Y . 12151 2 . F . J . Zeronda , Inc . 977 , 389 . 454 Secnnd Street Albany , N . Y . 1.2206 183 'r he BA 10 eri ('(-)mpa.ny Box 5480 Pitt 1 and, Vt . 05701. 4 , Joseph R , Wunderlich , Inc . 1 , 094 , 510 . Pox 245 Latham , N .Y . 12110 1 ni(:, (construction, Ltd . 1 , 160 , 770 . F . O . Box 244 Latham, N . Y . 121.10 -�-- h . ko,ibricky Construction Corp. 1 , 169 , 023 . 97 237 Bay Street F .O. Box 3202 Glens Falls , N .Y . 12801 7 . (4reen Island Construction 1 , 230, 035 . Company Inc . P . O . Box 306 Glenmont , N . Y . 12077 Schultz Construction Company totaled their bid at $ 999 , 760 on the bid form. An error in the addition of the item totals was made and the correct total amount of their bi.rl wa.s $ 955 , 776 . 50 making this Company the lowest bidder . Schultz Construction Company acknowledges the totalling orror .. The Belden Company , Inc . , Rutland, Vermont exceeded the maxi.mu.m allowable bid of. $30 per cubic yard for Rock' Fxcavation with a bid of $50 per cubic yard . This does not affect their position of third lowest bidder. The lowest bid was received from Schultz Construction Company . It is suggested that the Town Board consider the award of this Contract to Schultz Construction, Inc . , P.O. Box 637 , Round Lake , NY 12151 as the lowest bidder . O'_u:• firm appreciates the opportunity to provide these engineering services and would be pleased to submit a proposal for construction phase engineering services . Kindly advise if we may be of further assistance in this matter . Sincerely , /s/ Mark L. Kestner, F .E. Vice President MLK/mah cc : Ronald S . Montesi , Town Board Marilyn Potenza, Town Board Betty Monahan,Town Board George Kurosaka, Jr . , Town Board Dar.leen Dougher, Town Clerk Paul Dusek, Esq . , Town Attorney Thomas K . Flaherty, C . E.T. , Director of Wastewater S,ipPr,-.ri.sor Borgos-It appears that although we had an apparent law bidder of Zeronda, when these bids were opened . ()Ilr engineers , Kestner in charge of the responsibility of r °viewing the bids found two mistakes , one in the Belden company and a mistake in Schultz Const . Co . bid making the Schultz bid 12, 000 lower than the bid from Zeronda . It is the recommendation of our engineers to accept the bid from wchultz Construction. . . This came in 25% under the engineers estimate . RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID FOR CONTRACT 1-89, 16" DIAMETER QUAKER ROAD WATER TRANSMISSION MAIN RESOLUTION NO. 448, 1989 Introduced by Mrs . Marilyn Potenza who move adoption, seconded by Mr . George Kurosaka: 184 61FjFRF,Ar . +-hp Pirpctor of P+rrchasing for the Town of ()!IC= On n r,t>>>.ry , Warren ('purity , New York, duly adver. tised for bids for the Queensbury Consolidated Water District Contract Sir 1.6" Diameter Quaker Road Trangmission Main , such nntract consisting of f�rrnishing all labor, materials , and equipment to construct approximately 10 , 000 Linear feet of 16" diameter ductile iron pipe water main, anci related appurtenances including hydrants , valves , and �ert, icp e,�tensions , and to be done in conjunction with the - e:--pansion of Quaker Road by the Warren County Department of Ptblic Works , as more generally identified in the proposed contract documents In' possession of the Town Clerk of the Town of Qireensbury ,, and WHEREAS , the firm of Schultz Construction Inc . , submitted the lowest bid for the said 16" Diameter Quaker Road. Transmission main, a copy of the bid being presented at this fP.eet) r1g , NOW , THEREFORE BE .IT r�'Fc;()LVED , that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, Wit-)--en COUTIty , New York, hereby approves and accepts the bid of Schult- Construction inc . and awards the bid to Schultz ('orzstr.ucti.orn Inc . as low-bidder on the aforesaid Queensbury "onsolidated Water District Contract No . 1-89, 16" Diameter Vuaker Road Transmission Main project , in the amount of 5955 , '776 . 50 , 1'F IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury is herby authorized and directed to sign all documents , including the. Notice of Award, contract documents , and other rocuments that may be necessary to complete the award of the contract to Schultz Construction Inc . , and, BE IT FURTHER PESOLVED, that all other bid bonds or deposits made by all nhpr bidders be returned once contracts have been signed t °tweeIl the Town of Queensbury and Schultz Construction t nc . , iii accordance with bidding docilrment.s . lrr.ly ariopted. this 17th day of August , 1989 , by the following nip . Ayes : Mr . t<urosaka , Mrs . Potenza, Mrs . Monahan , Mr. Borgos T r)e7z : None nrsent :Mr . Montesi i).; mot:inn the meeting way adiourned. . RPGper+.idly submitted , Ili ss 1)ar le-11 M . Rougher T'nwn c 1 erk-Queensbury