1966-07-14 487
_qS_,Q UTION NO. 175, introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Turner.
RESOLVED, that, the Audit of Claims as listed in Abstract #66-7
nunberd #667 totaling $990.00„is hereby approved. -
Dulyaadopted by the following vote
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Tamer, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None-
i on �w tio;r.the meeting ad3 ourned.
Respectfully submitted
George C. Crannell
. Town. Clerk
Regular Meeting July 14, 1966
JQhn 0. Webster Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty Councilman
77 Theodore Turner Councilman
Curtis Lampson Councilman
Hammond-Robertson, Jr. Councilman
The Supervisor called the meeting to order at 7;30 p.m.
Supervisor Webster greeted the following visitors:
Mr. Dudley Kenison - Property owner on Glen Lake
Mrs. -Margaret McParland - Applicant, Mobile Home-Permit
Mi. & Mrs. Robert L. Santa_-Lucia - Applicant Mobile Home Permit
Mt .'Harold Rathbun — Visitor
Mrs. Jamws Dempsey League of Women Voters
t Thomas K. Flaherty - Superintendent of Queensbury Water District
Bernard- J. -Codner.- .Superintendent of Highways
Mrs. Charlotte Codner - Visitor
Supervisor Webster opened the public hearing.on, the ;application of
Mr. Norman Wemmett for a permit to locate a Mobile Home .at Glen Lake.
Proof of publication.was presented by the clerk.
Reading of the "Notice” was dispensed with at this time.
The clerk prized the original application. 1
The Supervisor requested a voice from any persons present wither in
oppositipn. or in favor of the granting of the permit. There were none.
Superintendent of.Highways, Bernard J. Codner stated that the
applicant for the permit should be queried as whether or not he is
awwre' that tho highway where the mobile home would be located is not
maiatained by the Highway.Departme,4t during the winter months.
The Public Hearing was closed at 7:38 p.m.
' The Public Hearing on the application of Mrs. Margaret McParland for a
permit to locate a mobile home at Glen Lake was declared open at this
time by the Supervisor.
Proof of Publication was presented by the clerk. '
The original. "Notice" as advertised was not read.
The Clerk summarized the original application.
• Supervisor Webster requested statements in opposition-v'r in -favor-of the
granting of the permit at this time . There were none in oppositon.
Mr. Dudley Kenison stated that he had not understood the content
of the ordinance on Mobile Homes but that he intends to demand that
the location of the home will conform- with all provisions -of-,, the -'-
ordinance. . .
Superintendent of Highways, Bernard J. Codner voiced an opinion
that the Conservation Laws should be-studied before a septic tank
is located on the property near a brook which runs through the
The Public Hearing was declared closed at a.:55 p.m.
Mrs. Florence McIlgaine visited the meeting at this time.r> '
Action on the granting of the permit was deferred until the location
in question can be examined by members of the Town Board. .
Supervisor Webster opened the public hearing on the application for
a permit to locate a mobile home at 20 Newcomb Street, West Glens
Falls, New York.
The applicant was Mr; William Welch, Sr.
Proof of Publication was presentees by the clerk.
The reading of the "Notice" was dispensed with at this time,
The clerk summarized the original application as received. • _
y F opposition
S ervisor Webster invited a statement from an persons in �
or in favor of the granting of the permit. There were none. .
The Public Hearing was declared closed at 8:00 p.m.
The Public Hearing was declared open by Supervisor Webster, on the
application- of Robert L. Santa Lucia to locate a mobile home on
Pinello Road.
Proof of publication-was presented by the clerk.
Reading of the "Notice" was dispensed with at this time.
The clerk summari2ed the original application as received.
Supervisor Webster requested a voice from any persons in opposition
or in favor_ .of the granting of the permit. There were none. -'
The Public Hearing was declared closed at -8:07 p.m.
The Town Board reached general agreement that the permits would .ba
granted for Mr; William Welch, Sr. , and Mr. Robert L. Santa Iscia-
at a later time this meeting.
The Town Clerk presented the following applications to locate Mobile
Homes for consideration-by the Town Board.
Applicant Item Location
Mrs. Adele Tucker Mobile Home Division Road
Mrs. Norma Washburn buzerne Road
George & Evelyn LaMera Mobile Home Court Corinth Road-
S� 1
The� aprplication of George & Evelyn LaMora for a Mobile Home Court
pera t-•wises tabled-for study by the Town Board.
Bernard,J, Codner, Superintendent of Highways, reported on the
activity -to. explain,_new handling" ef-his office as were discussed at
a meeting of a recently conducted work shop for Highway Superintendents
which'he attended recently °at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
Town Clerks George C. Crannell submitted reports on ,items of interest
which.he received at the school for Town Clerks at Cornell University
at Ithaca, New York:
Supervisor Webster presented the Monthly Report of the Supervisor for
the month of June, 1966. The Receipts as reported were $54,553.76
the Disbursements for the month-were $112,325.01.
A letter was--read by the clerk and placed on file from County Attorney,
Albert E. Beswick to do with the following order to establish the
R.o%Ea.*°9 :_Water District.
At a regular meeting of the
Town Board of the- Town of Queensbury,
Warren County, New-York, held at the
Queensbury Junior High School on the
14th day of July, 19660
; cerent: John 0. Webster, Supervisor
N. Harwood Beaty, Councilman
Curtis Lamson, Councilman-
Theodore Turner, Councilman
Hammond Robertson, Jr. , Councilman-
In the Matter
the Establishment of ROUTE 9 WATER DISTRICT in
the Town of Queensbuiy _.Ciaunty-of Warren-and
State oUNew York, pursuant- to Article 12-A
of the Town Law.
Whereas, proceedings were duly held by the Town Board of the
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, pursuant to Article
12-A of the Town Law, for the establishment of a water district to
be known as the Route 9 Water District in said- Town of Queensbury,
according to a map, plsh and report prepared by .Joseph A. Kestner,
Jr. , a licensed engineer, and a public hearing having been- held
ad•the Toatta► Board having made ,a determination that it is in the
public interest to establish such Route 9 Water District; aid -a
"raso}ution having been_adopted•byp the Town .Board �on the 29th dad of
April"- x:9650 subject to permissive referendum, establishing said
Rv*te -9 Water District as described therein and no petition having .
been filed with the Town Clerk requiring a referendum on the
T establishment of the,.Route 9 Water District, and
• Whereas, the Town, Board made application to the State Comp-
troller for permission to establiTo�Route 9 Water an District, as made
required by Section 209-f of the wama for
by the State -Comptroller on June 20, 1966, granting permission
the establishment of Route J Water District, which order has been
filed with the Town Clerk, it is hereby
ORDERED that' a' water district be established in the .said
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, as described in the - :
said order of the State Comptroller to be designated as the Route
9 Water District of the Town of Queensbury, and tQ be of the. ,
following description and boundaries, to wit:
" "Beginning at a point 'on the northerly bounds of
the present Queensbury Water District where the
same is' intersected by the easterly bounds.of
Interstate Route 87, running from thence northerly.
along the easterly bounds of Interstate Route No;. ?
87, to the northwesterly corner of lands of John
B, and Margaret Haskell.; thence running easterly_-
along the northerly bounds of.the. said lands of ),..
Haskell-to the northeasterly corner thereof in the .
westerly bounds of Route 9; thence running across
Route 9 to the northwesterly corner of lands of:., .
Kenneth Bennett; -thence 'running along the northerly
bounds of the said lands of Bennett to the westerly
bounds of lands of the ,Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
(formerly the Hudson Valley Railway lands); thence
running south"kterly. along the southwesterly bounds
of the said lands of the Niagara Mohawk Power Corpora-
tion to a point in the easterly bounds of lands of
- one Tramposch; thence running southerly along the
easterly bounds of. the said lands of Tramposch to the
northeasterly corner of the lands of Nelson W;- ,Griggs;
thence running westerly along"the northerly hounds of
the lands of Griggs. to `the northeasterrly corner of
lands of Warren County; thence continuing along the
northerly bounds of- the -.ands of Warren County in a
westerly direction, crossing U.S.. Route No. 9, to the
easterly bounds of Interstate Highway No. 87 at the
point and place of beginning.
Dated: July 14, 1966
John 0. Webster
N, .Harwood Beaty
Councilman -
Theodore Turner
gQUn—C Jil �a
Hammond Robertson, Jr.
- Curtis Lams son
Councilman t -
The Order was placed on file with the Town Clerk.
RESOLUTION NO 176, Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Turner.
RESOLVED, that Norman C. Ferguson, R.F.D. #1, Bay Road, Town of Queens-
bury;,:.be and he _hereby..is.-appointed :.Buiading Inspector of feetivq..
7115/66 at a salary of $100.00 per tenth, to serve for the baianae
of the year 1966.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr.. Robertson and Mr. Webster.
Noes - Nbue
LUT,ION NQ.. 177., introduced by Mr,,t,,A.ampspn, seconded by Mr. Robertson
WIC .. .5 at the_.request of thi,$ board, Vie,Niagar,4 Mohawk Poker
* v etion has submitted atproRosft1,Cpncera3.agF�ropose iig�hway
�.i0ting in the town, particularly at the entrance and exit points
at- the_Adirpadack NortUway, and f:his report,_ has,been carefully
cgnsidwed by this...board, and
WHEREAS, it is;- jipreby, ogtgr#,Red `that , some additional highway
lighting should be-provided by authorizing a part of the
lights. proposed in the report of.Niagara Nohawk, ,be it
RESOLVED, that' 7; additional,40Q..Watt Mercury, ,color' improved,
white., highway light are hereby authorized, to be placed at Corinth
Read, Aviation Road, and Gurney Lane, as listed upon a map^of .
the Northway h4terchanges..and, as .app;gved by this board.
ly. adopied by the, following. vote:
es - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr, Robertson and Mr. Webster
Novas None-
Mr. LeRoy Phillips, Chief of Police visited the meeting at this time.
.x .
RESOLftION N_Q_17$, .introduced by.,lair. Turner, seconded by Mr. Robertson.
WIRERS, William Welch,; Sr.., of 2Q Newcomb Street, West Glens Falls,
Ni. Y.,,.has :r*de• application .im saccordance with paragraph..2 (c)
Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled.
j THE TOWN„OF..QU �'ENSBURY, WAEBEEOUNT3�, NEW ,YORK, to locate a mobile
home .outside of 'a.,duly licensed mobil6 "h6iae .court"at property situated:
20 New comb Street, West Glens Falls, N. Y. , and "
WHEREAS, this town board has. ;conducted a public hearing in connection
with said application and has -heard all persons desiring, to be heard in
favor of or againpt said 4pPlication, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby detetmine&that the facts presented in said
application and at sa .d public hearin are sufficient to authorize
the issuance of- the permit requested 6y' said application, for'the
following reasons: No. ASrsons-were in appearance in opposition to the
grant3ng. of the permit. There ate other mobile homes in the area.
In .the op inion o f the;.Town;Board tie property ,values in 'the area will
not be effected by the. granting of the permit, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to ,the provisions of the. above mentioned
ordinance, permission is hereby given`to..W1.11iamr Welch, Sr,,` of
20 Newcomb Street, West G1ens' Falls, N; Y.., to locate a' mobile home
out.4ide .of a, licensed.,;aobile home cour t,.-.at. property situated at
2,0_}Nqw co=4_Street{, Wegt. Qtens Fe11s,.N. Y. and that the Tbwa Clerk
s_hereby authorized . and directed to issue such'
permit in-accordance
with the terms and conditions of, said ordinance.
Duly-adopted -by the following vote:
Ayes - Nr.,-Beaty,.._.Mr,, Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson° and Mr. Webster,
Noes..,- None
RESOLUnbt NO. 119; iiztroduced=by' Mr.- Tufc�ier, se66nded by Mr. R�ebertson.
WHEREAS, ,Mr,` Robert L Santa= Lucia of .09''Di 'Avenue, 'Hudsbtj ball N.Y. ,
has _made. .application in 'accordance-'with paragr''h 2 (c). Beotion`. 4', of
an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE, FOR THE_ -
QUEENSBURY, ,WARREN-COUNTY, NEW YORK; . to locate .a ',mobile-.hoti�.,out
side..of .a dulyl.licensed.mobile home court ,at property situated..
Lots 12 - 3 - 4; Block 2; Hk 6an'Devel4ment', 'and",
WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in comtection
with said application and has heard all .persons desiring to be ,
heard-. in favor bf or against said applicat bn,' and:
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said
application acid at said' pti tic `hearing are sufficient to' authorize
the issuance of the permit requested by said application, for the
following reasons: . There were no persons in appearance in opposition
to' the granting of the permit. There'-are other mobile homes-in the
area. In the opinion of the Town Board the property values in the
area will not.bo adversely. effected, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned
ordinance, permission is hereby given to Mr. Robert'-L. Santa 'Weia.
of 1098 Dix Avenue,, Hudson Falls, N. Y. , to locate .a mobile home
outside ,of a licensed mobile hbme :court' at propert-y -Situated- `it
Lots 12 • 13 - 14, Block 2,, Hartman.,Develppment, and that the
Town Clerk is
hefeb� ,authorieed and' ditLcted to issue such pert
in accordance with_ y terms°and conditions of said ordinance; -
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner; Mr. Lampson, lair. Robertson and
Mr. Webster.
Noes - None -
180, intro&cefl by Mr. Turner, seconded by Mr. Robertson
WHEREAS, Adele M. dicer of R,F.D. #2 Division Road,, West Glens Fills,
SNectionh43de. .appliction in -accordance with Peragraph 2 (c)
an ordinance of. the Town of Queensberry entitled: „
IN THL TOWN. OF. QUEE ISB . Y ,"y fAR1 N`COMY, NEW .YORK,, to., locate a
mobiie home outside of. ,a day. .licensed.mobile home court at property
situated: Last 3 Lots on 'east side of Division Road, and
WHEREAS,,:it -is .hereby'.,determined. that said application complies
with the requirements cif'�sdid 'ordinance, and
t,;is hereby d6teftindl that the facts` presented in slid
application are scifficieint'i iusiify further consideration by° this
board, therefore die it2 "
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned
ordinance, the, town board; shall' conduct a public hearing on said
application on' July 28; 1966,' at 7:30' p,m."in-the- library of-
Queensbury Junior High School, Aviation Road, and that the Towne`
'!Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of
said public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said
Daly adopted by the following vote:
Apes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr` Lampson Mr, Robertson and
Mr. Webster:.
Noes - None
RESOLUTION NO. 181, introduced by Mr,. Turner, seconded by Mr. Robertson.
WHEREAS, Norma Washburn of R.F.D. #3, Luzern Road, rWest ,Glens Falls, N.Y.
has -made application in accordance ,witk paragraph 2 (c) Section ,
of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE
QUEENSBURY,:.WARREN COUNTY, NEW, YOKK; to-locate._.a_.mobile home outside
of a..duly._licensed mobile home csdsrt at property 'situated:
Lot 60' x 82' on property of Raymond W. Glass, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that "id application complies with
the requirements of said ordinance, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said
application are sufficient to justify further censideratiom by this
board, therefore be it T
,_1ESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned
ordirtance, the 'town' board shall conduct a .public-hearing on said
application on July 28, 1966, at 7:30 p.m. in the library of
Queensbury Junior High School, Aviation Road, and that the Town
Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of
said public hear-ing n accordance with the provisions of said
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster.
Noes - None
Mr`, ,eRoy-Phillips, Chief of Police -reported that he has served a
summons for the appearance of. Mr. James Collier to answer to a
complaint of not abiding with the ordinance on mobile homes and
Mobile home courts in the Town of Queensbury.
Aletter was read by the clerk which was originally addressed to
seph A Kestner, Jr.., the. engineer for all Water Districts within
the towki . The letter explained- the opinion and was -,signed by
Mr.'41oward A. LaRosa, the contractor on the Bay Road Water District,
wherein he stated that he was not- in agreement with the final work
datnw-#s' prerviously prepared by Mr. Kestner in :correspondence to
establish a voucher for payment..
ft TION NO 182, introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Turner.
RESOLVED that, the Audit of Claims as listed in Abstract #66-7A
nun&eiied #668 through #7A99 inclusive and totaling X31,786:09 is
hereby approved.
Duly adop=ted by the" following,vate
Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and -Mr. Webster
Noes,- None
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted
George C. Crannell, Town Clerk