Request for Extension of Approval letter August 31, 2018 Beth and Torn Portuese 271 Big Ray Road QueenSbury, NY 1�804 973-634-3681 helltip�rtuese yal�ao,corn ECEI 1f August 31, 2018 'SOWN OF QUEENSBURY Zoning Board of Appeals ZONING OFFICE Town of QueensburY 742 Bey Road Queensbury, IVY 12804 Dear Zoning Board; On November 15, 2017 you approved our varfar)ce application {File Number Z-A -71-2017}for a second dwelling{apartment) within our existing house boundary, We remain appreciative of your approval. Personal life circurnstances have prevented us for finalizing plans and submitting a building permit yet. we kindly ask you to consider a one year extension in our variance for us to make thc- necessary preparations and arrange financing for us to file building permit. Thank you for your consideration_ Please let us know if you are amenable to do this so we can plan accordingly. f,�nd uese