AST-0606-2018TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5904 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: AST-0606-2018Date Issued: Thursday, July 18, 2019 AST-0606-2018 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number has been completed. 309.18-1-25 Tax Map Number: 36 TWIN CHANNELS RD Location: Kenneth Lambert Owner: Kenneth Lambert Applicant: This structure may be occupied as a: Deck 128 sq. ft. By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building & Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. 401110k TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: AST-0606-2018 Tax Map No: 309.18-1-25 Permission is hereby granted to: Kenneth Lambert For property located at: 36 TWIN CHANNELS RD In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: Kenneth Lambert Deck $3,500.00 Owner Address: 36 Twin Channels RD Total Value $3,500.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Kenneth Lambert 36 Twin Channels RD Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans&Specifications Deck 128 sq.ft. $ 125.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Monday, September 30,2019 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of bury; rid., -la --r 28,2018 i SIGNED BY: 1 \ for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Office Use Only ACCESSORY STRUCTURE Permit#: PERMIT APPLICATION Permit Fee:$ /—S 4)' Town ofQeens.ury 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Invoice#: U �i"S P:518-761-8256 www.queensbury.net • Project Location: Tiny i n O ,'mds "d Tax Map ID#: 3oq -( Subdivision Name: 4 FFa R. � �_F` t I E g' CONTACT INFORMATION: ! ' , • Applicant: Her) '_ = r:z_ wFN 3`CRY Name(s): L SCE. LC n i,ve_r-i— �.f .�"Y1 r GO Fkaii,t T-Y' Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 1 W i r C nn e l S 12.4 Q UCenS r NY /ado' Cell Phone: ((51�' ) -�LI 9 CO Land Line: ( 61 K ) 791 &73 Co Email: I. l CLrr)h t'4- cad 3/Mi / / ; C.om • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): S cL L _.mb-erf I leen Lur,/ rr Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( ) Email: • Contractor(s): • Business Name: dt ,rc i) OtirS-CAre.S Contact Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ( 51$ ) 307- -1a2 y ( Je-S) .pc�'�ine: (G I ' ) 4. Q -a71 a., (ian) Email: • Architect(s)/Engineer(s): Business Name: Contact Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( ) Email: Contact Person for Building & Code Com liance: -! � 'r1 ,/<44/7--, 'r-- P Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( ) Email: Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Accessory Structure Application Revised April 2017 PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE: Commercial y Residential WORK CLASS: Deck,Open orch Solar Panels(w/o rafter upgrades) Carport Cell Tower Shed Pavilion, Pole Barn,Canopy Dock Gazebo Detached Garage Boathouse (with or w/o sundeck) 3-Season Porch Other(description: SQUARE FOOTAGE OF STRUCTURE: 1st floor: /a g s� 2'floor: Total square feet: ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction:$ 3,SUS 2. If Commercial project,what is the proposed use: 3. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES410 Explain: 4. Are there any easements on the property? YES 0 DECLARATION: 1. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If the work is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. I also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: Ls& Loj'nl,erfr 042a.rnbuLl---- -IJ-/2 SIGNATURE. DATE: Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Accessory Structure Application Revised April 2017 18 -, PRESCRIPTIVE RESIDENTIAL_ 'WOOD DECK CONSTRUCTION GUIDE 4. Figure 30. Stair Guard Requirements Figure 31. Stair Stringer Attachment Detail ' &' "`ri1axitn€arn rim joist or between posts I outside joist .. stair guard is required for ...►w.r1win. stairs with a total rise of 30":or more;see GUARD REQUIREMENTS fir .' , �-� ■•....�•■� UI more information ;: ;;�. sloped joist hanger, . ' `- minimum download capacity of 625 lbs; -'* see JOIST HANGERS r for more requirements stair guard height ,� .,�.. ,i.! . .......... .0. ATTACHMENT WITH HANGERS • r. a from:nosing cif step . 'i G Openings for-required guards on the Triangular opening shalt sides of stair treads shall not allow not permit the passage a sphere:4-3i8r to pass through. of a 6"diametersphere. STAIR HANDRAIL REQUIREMENTS than 6-1/4".Type II rails with a perimeter greater than • All stairs with 4 or more risers shall have a handrail on 6-1/4"shall provide a graspable finger recess area on both. at least one side(see Figure 32A)[R311.7.7].The sides of the profile[R311.7.7.3].All shapes shall have a handrail height measured vertically from the sloped smooth surface with no sharp corners.Handrails shall plane adjoining the tread nosing shall be not less than 34 run continuously from a point directly over the lowest inches and not more than 38 inches(see Figure 30) riser to a point directly over the highest riser and shall [R311.7.7.1].Handrails shall be graspable and shall be return to the guard at each end(see Figure 33).Handrails composed of decay-resistant and/or corrosion resistant may be interrupted by guard posts at a turn in the stair material.Handrails shall be Type I,Type II,or provide [R311.7.7.2]. equivalent graspability(see Figure 32B).Type I shall have a perimeter dimension of at least 4"and not greater Figure 32B. Handrail Grip Size Figure 32A. Handrail Mounting Examples ij-2" ai Fasten handrails psi.inaareasisrextecommandarians '4"-2" 91"nin tZ"n' 2i"max. 4+*4 ao.-- 1 ak Irian. � gip. :: ; .MI 0 , min. NONCIRCULAR CIRCULAR RECESSED i 4"lift it Mit (R311.7.7.3 Type I] [R311.7.7.3 Type II] IIIoo--- 11116 olstaks*-3811,,YtypiagnQsing Perimeter: "-6 " Perimeter>6" • II/" Wall' as r resistant post hard e. MOUNTED TO GUARD MOUNTED TO WALL American Wood Council •••.• (, . t , ;' i,..., fer,.. • ?es, •-, -. 1 \ '.. .•,.. -. .. \ • ' S„,,o,_. ... (§' ;, ' .-, ',. : ' • ' . i ,---7 :* _,> k ••'\''''\•• t•-...•-• ..,..4.—. \ ( • • ..-4'''' .'••••.`''' ..S• ...„, /kk2i 5; IL (0 :1'. c4:1 „„,..''-'"5.'‘',' ',.4. 1.'-'1", ."".,.. 1 0 ; >0 .',..' • s.... .....1..., ''. 5., • !, ,v,,, ,,. •,.._.,. _._,,. ,......\ I . s• •,1""—''' .... , ,....c, 4 -.e. •••-• „,,, ......„ ,,,,...„, ,...., U..) ';••• .:,,,,, .N\ , c.. ' . .r,. TN TN . .. . .. , ‘,...1 _11,-,-.• . _...,_ .... ,..:„ , 7:79. i A , .. • . ....f. ., .,., ,,,. ,_,,--,c...,7 ' ,..-9 ,.., I '1 tjA :[..=- • ' ,17,,,,.:, 1,, 1.4., \ , t • ,. 1 t, 1 . ........ •‘,N .....f.. 41 C) \i 1 <7..... 7""''• ....., I1 -...1.'"•1 401......1 'II 0 i A ; ...... . oli •: i ; r-- • ,- .„,„ ...- 0 , ...r., 1 rn i•- 117,'-' ." .. -...• kit I 1 • 0 ,, , ,„,,l) I, 1 1= I ;..' „....., i 1 1 i --<, . z•,., -h \.: i--, , -1•71, .... --1 '.,..7- ! • L .4r . L__ ...b 6' , .2 .---- -- , t •.1t " I. t ----7- ----- -.-1 - .-, '''' \\), t' • . i 1 ‘1. ,....,. ,, -• ., , f ,,,,•-.1 0 *471 T , . , ) kj-1P ................- rtir,...., 04.4,4t i ....„......,., ............ 0 ...... , -...„ 7 fb •-t?, .,i: 11 I • ......... -.1 .......1•F) ..•,•,„ .....::.•......- 44. / 1 cb i .,---, i •,--.-.. ..,—•v C.,... r.; ,..-2 ;•;:zt „ ----u .5) --) --i" iiiil, . ,...........t: is. TOWN OF OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT \---\ 0 ,,,,,e... • , , Based on our limited examination,compliance : with our comments shall not be construed as i indicating the plans and specifica' tion• s are in full compliance with the Budding Codes of New York State. \ \fP) , - -f--, - -- - -- -1--- -,- -T i / .. i \ I Li NJrct.' li I II 1 4\4 1 t8 , - 4 I°• \li i 1 t f ;:Leptift ! OPP ,- I I I 1 itc le cp co 0 II • ‘\ , . 7.- • 1 ......„. , n . _. °I/ ,= 4 03 _. ... = 0 1 1 a2 Re 1 , I cn i t X , Jr r, CONSTRUCTION a = co 11 Q,?,-rT,,": j —P• i• ,-•e, ... 1„)ti r\A 1 JON OF CONS *..i"" '; ,* " P....1 i . .:. l— .. i ''''',Csr 1"1._1 r. .., 4 F ... , $ i .L P r;i 1......,.) r t,...)IA i i"1 I: i I 1 0 I PI 1 i 0 1 —a 0) - t -,-;:.',"t-------- 1 i ':1-'::I ,,., M t•-) N CO 0 . ii -.,1 .o 1 ,i cn t I :! ..: ; .r" CO ' „ i F.::;;;.7 1 r. Hi . i ,b ,7.-..,i i 2, r--: !.k.!,('-`. f:, i'-'.''.', ., -.7:(..." r.%i:.: --,-.)"r •? p;'.''"--._..;•!I NE';\,'::",:",",'I`",":".!.d F-,,,,,.,,.. .... ,• , i t: ,.-:'I L':•,.... ..„.:,,..._ _ ._____.__..... i,...., , 7.,.."........:„...._._, u 1.4..,......,_' ,._,_ ....................___ \ ). •s 4 ' @ , ‘ , .\........'-e\ \ \ 4_, .• \ \ , :t*e.el> trp• .010 .c.- -,...\ --;.5... ),-.•-. .... ,, 0 z .03,,.. .1..... >. .7.- '7-;-.-' 'r' 1• -7 i> 0 -7... c ..A., el #4(51 CY tt' P ct.-- .1c, too ._..c , , \ o ... woo I .. 4.- io \t ,f-- . wok sy>c ‘ 0 7.71 0 0 ct --t--it c4 \ \ L...*-,:.•- c,,,' ' . . • ,+....1. P . , •,,,,,41, ro.........•..../ve . V* . . , ........... 01 ta............—........-,.. 9LI*4Z7S.'''''''Ci ........,,.....—........., .4...x....a.:if-........ 444. ....... -.., 7 -s- u) 9 F ...,.................., . eca........POC,....w.m. Cr Z r___, l• --- -, -- . . - , • 1 5 .., 0 Li 3 5:5 ,,........,,,r,.....,„,.. ,,i ik„__i ,........,.....,...,..-.,.:,,,, ‘ 0 1 '''' ...._.. f,',7t, --.' -, 'IV\-- 4------"4 ,c_l__ p .. --.. pr ---\- — . 4 v,,,4,4 ,f,,.24,4,')1,..:•., , -.•.',1'.t,,,tv.',„4;,...,,,,.. •• :IA ittgl,ft4 T. .°Ii Illi:,'All'Cl%' FLOORS 4-titif'11"..`.:‘,,,,•4 1- • ,141A't l''II!' ,*•4iY,,;I's:X*4 4.' .'i'jill','01,',V,, . '14,1".P,,..'44,•'‘1,,rt'l ,i.,;fliq! ' . .••..')-,..,-, ,.,•1,,,,'4,4-r,-,,,. ' ',..ii.il,i 1, C°MP°Site ' • • . ,„ ,,..,,,,,•.-,,,,, 4:- , lc --1,111,,,i1.1,!,5 zcon.tairymg woo 66.11'..,_,'41 •,•',..A.,,,-.•..,,,,..i.!..z.,„ -,.• • 14441,,PI z N.— STAGGER FASTENERS • '.-, '1,iili;, ,I i, ' ,,,!,,,,1,1,'• ., ,,,,..,,,;,f ‘...,:'.•'19.....2,-- . - . 2 IN 2 ROWS 032. - .. qi l'ild r:. II ,,,,',"i-We•-•" Ai ,1011,111!• r„quired by Secti.o o,q, :.,i,''' 1,4•1‘'SN't , ••''"?';','.L.it'' '''''' ,t,3,,'"eVic„ 0 0 0 (0) 1' 5.5"MIN.FOR 2 X 8* *DISTANCE SHALL BE PERMITTED TO 6.6u MIN.FOR 2 X 10 BE REDUCED TO 4.5!IF LAG SCREWS [I, 1,. ,,footn,, A , ).$k or other bioo itii li,..• -..,1.--,--„•z? • ,, • 0 . 7.5"MIN.FOR 2 X 12 ARE USED OR BOLT SPACING IS •.. 411;1.1 ,-,,,,:„:.y;-:.,,..0,,,-- 0 0 * Istant in.accoro.,k Vbi,-il ' ;.. ,''' '1:c REDUCED TO THAT OF LAG SCREWS .."-'.0.,,,'Zi .1,A.„A>. - L4 -,„.., ,....,c,• , TO ATTACH 2 X 8 LEDGERS TO 2 X 8 il • ''.. 'f,',..;7f. .. _il. 4itTi 4.i.' ,•',.'-'117:1".rN • . BAND JOISTS. osites.Plasm,q-4•6i,,v,,,,1 , . 2,,,,v 0„.,,.,. LAG SCREW OR BOLT 3/4'MIN. • • -,,,r,,,,4.,,i,. -,,A.A.,:. LEDGER and handrails-s g,001=4.4. ,,4. -".1,-,;,•,-,.-. .„,„,„.z.,. ,,,.,t -,A?..,-,v..;;,.,,,••-. '11 ---::-7*/(:; de-are the in:,. ,:,,,i, i,1 ,:'-',.,,,, ,,,:,--. '-'tinch=25.4 mm. ;:. /di 1. V:4: •'•,!, t ''' " ‘1.',.,:4rt...',-'1 ‘,':,-C.s.,., %-%:,,,t. .• FIGURE R507.2.1(1) -411 ...4•-?, i .,,,,s.r.:0,.;-=-• PLACEMENT OF LAG SCREWS,AND BOLTS IN LEDGERS -,:ft.`-',' ' - '.;,A.'N',1— 1.4 .$•..-1 . '-'.',-fif.:*-.', 1 ' .i•".','/:,44."1•'''ek: .11 . /:*'.."',• .''''''''AV'' ' ...':'?'''gl.,#'43.•,. . '•,.(• ' -t.'.4.'•''''''jf''.•As '.: ir ''..4..., d •, ..,-;.,,,'IT,_',1,': ' '',4:':44,A:.:e-f: . • I., " '1 ••' .,",...,.,)i. -4,4?",z-.41;,4•,•14;.' ' '';'y , . 164'1.:11.4:14-,3. , "4,2,41.,-,..-,--, SHEATHING i.•: ..',5111 4 - - -,-,V,V:.,-''. SIDING -,ka,-a,,.14 --1-01,'0 • : 0;OETAIL IS APPLICABLE .,-......- pm=FLOOR JOISTS ARE FLASHING FOR . . . . ? L TO DECK JOISTS. — ill WATERTIGHTNESS 't . 1 , J.', tt'• . 21 ‘:•.., ,..z,..-,..,,,,,fi.,I ,,..,,...,,,,,.,• ,-;,,,,,,i-ii,,, ,.,,,-,,,-;,k,,.,,,,,,,,,, DECKING ;,..elk.,1 3 "•,,,,,,,,,,e, t.....g.,18 -IMMEMOMMININ -_,OSe ----'',..........„.:' AI,„......., ..:-;t . 1', ,V.,,,,11'. ,„i,,,,,Li,,•.,....,,, - ..,...... ,,,,,,,,,,,.., • ,.-=';',A„,ilii-',W t" ,`:',)'.',4.•1:c i,.e;' al lit.i11114 • 1/' g';', ' •---- -.'" .,',.z•,+kt. ,..t,4n., ,,.z.,-.. APPROVED JOIST HANGERS ' ....-t,',.'4 Pi..'' •":.:',..,',,,i''''V-, "i: tIffl!..[ ...--,,,,t •..:t . ?MIN. 111(01111‘ -A.... . 2x LEDGER WITH FASTENERS ....,, ' ,...„f,z...,..dv. IN ACCORDANCE WM-I TABLE R507.2 lit ill111111111 p.•Ite).,,,,r I , ,.. 4,' 4.,:4,1.• ''''f:...4,p.-.:',. a thickness of stab';1447,0,..'''''' ',;.:1%!,I;,-,T,'k„:,.:1'1:FLOOR JOISTS . ..1.0 ' HOLD-DOWN DEVICE MIN 750 LB.CAPACITY AT 4 LOCATIONS,EVENLY DISTRIBUTED .1 '1111'11'11 ...,,..,... „, . ALONG DECKAND ONE WITHIN 24"OF EACH •i II I,!,',1'if or lumbee.t•shek.,!,ey',.4.,trf;', .,(. :,''t,47.,...,t:.r.•.•- IIIII , -,,,,,,;•.,-- , .,----•;.,, ,,,,,,-. END OF THE LEDGER.HOLD-DOWN DEVICES 1 i SHALL FULLY ENGAGE DECK JOIST PER ts 1111,1,11111p ,..,,,•'"-,,,,i'... -;;,;,,,,t,;.;4.'• , '-?.r'W`,-,;:•,`,,,‘,.i HOLD-DOWN MANUFACTURER. ri 41,1;',Ail .....1,,,,-,. .,''...4-..:4., •,..-; 11 ;11'11'!111', 't"-%',,,,:.•,- . t;„,„,.....,,,...,,..,-;,.,. , „,i,i;PI,' '''4!".'4,:h,t4-'; .-...,,-.,;..•;,N-A-,,-. . if, •d111,,i ily' ',',,,,,,,,,' .. • t "...,t ,4, A FULLY THREADED s./8"DIAMETER LAG ' -1111411 id, ,!,.4,,,,,i,,,:-; ,.....4 ,'. • ...1 ' 1 11,f,,Ill SCREW PREDRILLED W/MIN.3"PENETRATION s.-1,4-4-qr, -•',,--Plir .,';'.-. ,• TO CENTER OF TOP PLATE,STUDS,OR HEADER. ,..-r,..._,•z•r43,,.. •';''i 4 i'',Q6: ". •-41 i 1 'P 1 S 's;,.....„Wq,..,_,-,., ''L ' , .74,,,'..''.•.,a,:::.;,‘„ i ....,'Ilt 11 r l'll II ' 4t,V5i-r ' '''L.M11.7i-JC,X.,14, •,, t,l,'11,4.• '‘'lli'liri, 11111J ,.',..!. ,•••X.4,-;.e,?-",-'• , • 4"..e•••- Row s `-'•'0'i ' ''.., •*•;,,, :: • 4J ''',.'4'11 11;1q1''' t'l.,,,,o,itgli!! -. ,::',.1%:? ;%,z4..-?::. FIGURE R507.2.1(2) i'• '',11,I,111 i . -,1 ;1011111 ry, -of ;44SC-AN.,,,-,,, . •.'PP•. ,•.'"' i "i-P.,,;:-=•:,: PLACEMENT OF LAG SCREWS AND BOLTS IN SAND JOISTS '11'" '4'' • • 8 t PRESCR'IPTIVERESIDENTIA 1M,OOD;DECK COIVST ICTiON Gil'tD : = k -- - Figure 8 Post-to-Beam Attachment Figure 9. Prohibited Post4o'Beam Attachment- Requirements Condition illamot,,, ......il;i• {9x or4r for isio, . ..,•• ,-,... (,g)1/2"diarr� terthru�i fillil bolts tithwashers _r s =a mou r "�i irr irfil '', tufty onfixen : All, _ _i s I Hatch past to t ottio• ate phi , 1. I 1 !it,is 114‘ • • RIM JOIST REQUIREMENTS Figure 10.Alternate Approved Post-to-Ream ' Attach a continuous rim joist to the ends of joists as Post Cap Attachment shown in Figure 11.Attach decking to the rim joist as shown in Figure 11.For more decking attachment ' "ri:. . Y::'..' ••.. .•-•. •soltdstrn,�o"- ' requirements,see DECKING REQUIREMENTS. °` • mLATTi oe.a�r. (I ' .r . is„ ';'•^*�`:., F x: + • -I, AA . � ? & ii '.4a ;fit< •,_— R1...A...:2_ 1,8 ' PRESCRIPTIVE RESIDENTIAL WOOD DECK CONSTRUCTION GUIDE Figure 30. Stair Guard Requirements Figure 31.Stair Stringer Attachment Detail 6'-O"maximum i rim joist or between posts outside joist . stair guard is required for stain;with a total rise of 38"or more;see GUARD REQUIREMENTS for : more information ;;,;-- : sloped joist hanger, minimum download i capacity of 625 lbs; see JOIST HANGERS t for more requirements ' stair guard height:— . r 0 ATTACHMENT WITH HANGERS 34"miry,measured 3 o. from nosing of step t 0 Openings for required guards on the Triangular opening shall sides of stair treads shall not allow not permit the passage a sphere. /8"to pass through. of a 6"diameter sphere. STAIR HANDRAIL REQUIREMENTS than 6-1/4".Type II rails with a perimeter greater than • All stairs with 4 or more risers shall have a handrail on 6-1"shall provide a graspable finger recess area on both at least one side(see Figure 32A)[R311.7.7].The sides of the profile[R311.7.7.3].All shapes shall have a handrail height measured vertically from the sloped smooth surface with no sharp corners.Handrails shall plane adjoining the tread nosing shall be not less than 34 run continuously from a point directly over the lowest inches and not more than 38 inches(see Figure 30) riser to a point directly over the highest riser and shall [R311.7.7.1].Handrails shall be graspable and shall be return to the guard at each end(see Figure 33).Handraih composed of decay-resistant and/or corrosion resistant may be interrupted by guard posts at a turn in the stair material.Handrails shall be Type I,Type II,or provide [R311.7.7.2]. equivalent graspability(see Figure 32B).Type I shall have a perimeter dimension of at least 4" and not greater Figure 32B. Handrail Grip Size Figure 32A. Handrail Mounting Examples ij"-22" Fasten handralls per manufacturer recommendations 1r_2" 1u ?C 1 ruin,1111 It Win' 21"max. Air al 11111 ,1 s� 18 I min. - c MI ��9 NONCIRCULAR CIRCULAR RECESSED 14" 11"min< [R311.7.7.3 Type I] [R311.7.7.3 Type II] 34*-38*to nosing Perimeter:4"-6 " Perimeter:-61" Iwatt of staks,Wad corrosion scent —*--guard tit handrail hardware MOUNTED TO GUARD MOUNTED TO WALL American Wood Council • w - r ram_ .✓+.. ;-.4r' 3f''a. ti' , • }�Rc . "` - -rr� y -emu -1 _ �;�,'4� _tn.. • � ��3`�";S'tY�a ';t r .- 'phi-'�'�-� � r Y ` �r•^R , ...,,ii,.1,.(• •-•-•.,••• ... -• ..,, I k' , ' .:' •• "...:,:::-•- •;';••••-'••••••••7:•"•-t-''',",•-' ;'•-•'t-'2'41-••••-,J6,0-'.'--•••,-,-.':•• "[••'".2',- • _ �i 2 r . ^ .�* S'-. • r jG�` . .f- jit yk.y,+t y-� y�,. 1'- - 1 -.••--• � " ��a Y �.'v'a 3r- `lei ��` 'k ,� �� - �� _s • • Yam:: >. Y5 - r=, ..K t' •.y. -4,4* • - �,, •.-e 4 xY* J' a -r i� '•• t 3.. •i't "i" = �',rM- r • • • y¢Y A M a t � .. - � � z •1 - S �i y?. -. '' ', am �r7 'y.+.ax..,.r A; • , • r f--, 4,-1 FFFF-•..i.- r' ' ._-) PPP :1 : is•YT' � 1 1. `, g 2.: ,� '1. i: SS -Pi-- . ' F-X' '` ' ' ` ''' ''''' y ., ya • StrongTie D , . • S t . . 1 Z .. , • 6e mail/ Fine en.s i n Home . . j ! • • 2