1983-8119 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 8119 0 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK r0 PERMISSION is hereby granted to C. G. Woodbury (Fitzsimmons) a OWNER of property located at Lot 17 Pine flood Hollow Road 0 Street,Road or Ave. 04 in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a !i nrT at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plaits-and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. Y t. OWNER'S Address is rt 679 Upper Glen St. N Glens Falls, New York 0 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Name :3 iA Same 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address Same 0 rt 4. ARCHITECT'S Name F.. v ro Ia- 5. ARCHITECTS Address M 'a 6. TYPE of Construction—(Plesse indicate by X) y (x)Wood Frame ( 1 Masonry ( 1 Steel ( ► LL�A 7. PLANS and Specifications 281x54' per plot plan, specifications and No application submitted including two-car attached garage and sewage system. 8. Proposed Use One-Family Dwelling 0 0 $5. 00 C/O Paid d, 1 $148. 00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES April 1 1984 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Asbury before the expiration dste.) F, �C Dated at the Town of Queensburythis 2 2nd Day of September 19 8 3 0 M N SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury w Building and Zoning In-Vactor ; W T FA"'�! P O R A R Y mer it1 FICATE OF OCCUPANCY , TOWN! OF QUIENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK gate December 21 ��83 1 This is to certify that work requested to be done ar shown by Permit No. 8119 has been completed. E This structure may be occupied as a One-Family Dwelling Location Lot 17 Pine Wood Hollow Road i Owner C. G. Woodbury (Fitzsimmons) Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for 30 days. By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBtJRY e ttmctoz C/O Pa id r CER.TIFCATE OCCUPANCY . TOWN OF QUE NSBURY WARREN COUNV, NEW llORK Dane- jr_an. 2 6 This is to certify that work requested to be done at shown by P ertnit No.,, 8119 has been aornpleted. This structure may be occupied as a One—Family Dwelling Location Lot 17 Pine Nooc? Hollow Road Owner C. G. Woodbury (Fitzsimmons) By Order Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY I 1 =gip r I BU b Zoning Ina for Ir 1 � CREATIVE "INSTA" PRINTING, GLENS FALLS, N.V 12801 ISIS1103•S.S. j THE NEW YORK BOARD. OF FIRE UNDERWRiTERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY ' I Fb 41 STATE STREET,ALBANY4 NEW YORK 12207 Date February 7, 1984 Application No.on fav 042.319-8 3 � 616016 THIS CERTIFIES THAT way the electric*!eg4ipate"*0 iseeribad below mad introduced by the aaw�ei ew the 06000�"Una or in the prondo s of .. Woodbury Lumber Co., Pic�ac od HOT= Road, Lot 179 Quelnsbury, NY In the following location; ❑ 00"Meat end R. section Meek was examined an 1•25- Lot and found to be in compliance with the re"rents of try fs Bbir�i, cur AMT. LW. AMT. k W. IIMT. K.W. ,acT. w w.° AA1T H r: 19 41 26 19 w�ees �I R ram .� AMT. OIL H.I. 6Ai N.op. t. NO. a. AMT. AMt. AMT. AAI IMft AMT. N►. AMt' WATTS 1 " #10 "win itM► V I .:- AMT. A . TM 10 zW 1,9 sw s X sw s,r.w No:on ce A w. ►Le OF N fo to of 1 200 CB 1, X1 fC 1 2 /0 l-Sa.koom Neater./�s 8.1,5 k�v. Isoke detector 1-15 SMP GtFI. breaker IN&)FLMON M PAID Caruso Enterprises Inc. 340 Dean Road ' �- Hudson Fa11s,New York 12839 3� COPY FOR BUILDING DEPART,.;