New Information for November 14, 2018 Mtg. review I N FA M*v;J S SIGNS S GRAPHICS To: ZBA Town Of Queensbury RE: Z-SV-8-2018 Original request was for 2 wall signs one being 54.30 sqft and the other 109.79 sqft. this is a unique situation but not one unheard of in the town of queensbury. There are actually 2 seperate business' in this location. one being the gun range and one being the guns & ammo store. we are simply asking for 1 sign for each business. The board asked to try and reduce the size of the signs. we came back to the drawing board and feel that this below ammended sizes would work for everyone. so assuming each business is allowed to have one wall sign we scaled back sign 1 (guns and ammo) would be scaled back to 27.33 sqft. making this sign a moot point as it is below the 30 sqft town limit. sign 2 (gun range) would be scaled back to 68.8 sqft from the original 109.79. this would drop the requested relief substantially. if each business is allowed their own wall sign the the relief would be 38.8 sqft after you deduct the 30 sqft allowed for each sign. i look forward to meeting with you and hopefully this solution works for the board. thanks JR Cooke 1706 Central Ave. Albany, NY 12205 info@ infamousgraphics.com (518)459-7446 2,48 in 0 68 . 8 sqft OWA 64-i n