1964-05-28 i 'a, ..'V i` Pi.1!37 ^ Vlelfare rcgLlest n- !—:elp ,.0 t' l-nr� 1170,1Gc fo- roc .-'r ch il" =. i A letter was received and placed on file from P. Olen Car to ca --rith 'a nuli-- ee complaint on a ,piece of property located on the Ride Road,,' Toun.. of Queensbury. A letter uZs received and placed; on file from New Fork State Errplo,-, ' Retire{gent System re;ardiny information of a possible increase in tal;re-hog r-.- ka1P I-or ali members, .`""+Ci � t ; tsaed' that the Town Board should ' - purchase .mfr a new grader to he used .in the Higiiway Department. The grader tt auidcb&i_=bhyc14, ej' oa4-4 Sta". contract,: On motion. the meeting was adjourned. 'I Mr' -Co Respectfully submitted George. C. Crannell Town Clerk Re-iil.ar '4ee17in- May 21R, .1.9�.- Prosent: Jol-?n 0. Uebster Supervisor .1. zaar��ood, 'peaty Councilman Theodore Turner Councilman Curtis La.mpson Councilman The meeting was called to drder at 7:40 p. m. , Visitors welcomed Caere. as follows: , Grace Seaver Yr. & Mrs. Ralph Brotl-.err, ?prances M. `staring Mrs. Earl Hunter Mrs. S. M. Fortune Per. cF- Mrs. Charles Brayton. tlaz`? J. Cehrins I Stanley Rym?,.ewicz ,lr. 8- Mrs. Clarence Grooms Mrs. Jacobie Mr. & Mrs. A. T. Gulley Miss. Y.. Ruane Mr. 6• Mrs.. R. in graham Helena Seaver Floyd Pickett Thomas Tucker F. r. Echerson Philip R, ., Stevens Juliette Ellingsworth Mr. & Mrs. Hague } Mr. F, Mrs. Charles A. Gillis Bernard J. Codner The opening of Bids for the clay pipe for the Pcrsh1.ng-Ashley-Coo1j .,,1,- Sewer Districttook place at this tire. The Cierl- presorted the proof cif, publication. With no request: from the public , the reading of the notice to bidecr,' The Folio-Ting Bids were opened and read,b y the Clerk. l 11JUFFAT.0 CASTINC CC. May 46 , 1964 _ Ceor e 0. rrannell (Clerk} , Toi-,m of 'ueonslbur,' 95 D zon 2�.oac?, eLIS' "i:E F .�� fir- �+�a,- c'7e-,'; r T)?_pe 5 F tt4-1-1 OFT • E (B stir.- _Co. , Bid, .co,itinued) uffalb Ca �. • .. . ant t' Descr'i Ption = Unit Price.; 950 LF 81` Extra stren;th clay pipe 1.36 ft. 300 LF 60, Extra strength clay pipe .95 ft. ! 9 each �$x6 Extra.- clap, Y branches IQ#88 each 9 each 6` 30o clay pipe bends` 7.`50' each 9 each 6 clay pipe s. czpper , .95 each ! 3 each 6 c� ay"pipe Y sac2dle , 10`,88 'ea . 300 IF 12" Extra !strength clay 'pipe 2.7 ;hove prlc°es included delivery 'to ydur yard ,or' 'iob' site* Terms 30 days net By L G. Smit THE tO NS0k' {3..AY PRODUCT COMPA14Y Atran 9, Ohio 1357 Broady Albany, N. Y. May 26, 1964 "f own Board Town of Queerxsbury Re: Proposal for Vitrified Clay '. c/o Town Clerk Sewer Pipe 95 Dixon Rd, C1enS Falls,' N.X. C'ert lemen. In accordance with your invitation dated May 15, 1964 and= the applicable -SST;Z Specifications, we are pleased to submit `.the following proposal for :he quantities and items specified: J. 950 LF 8" ESF'D Wedgelock Clay Pipe 5 ' "0" Ring its � $1.10 ft. ?. 300 LE 69 ESFD Wedaelo-cic Clay, :Pape 4' VOV Ring its . .'.�3 f �:;, 3. 9 ea 8x " ESFD Wedgelock Clay Ys 2 "• U :tiny, its @ 6.60 ea. 4. 9 ea 6" ESF'D -Wedgelock Clay ;Curves•11 30o "0" Ring„Jt4+ 'f Bt..'e$-. � .. 5. 9 ea V E8FD Wedgelock Clay Stoppers "0" Ring its .83 ea. 6. 3 ea 0 ESF13 ledgelock Clay Saddles "Q"-Ring its .° 4;98 ea - . L 6 qts. Wedgelock -"0" R€ng Lubricant - . 1..50 qt, addition.al•iier`for -possible purchase: • - 8. 300 LF 12" .ESF'D Wedgelock Clay Pipe 5 ' "0" Ring its 2. '1-9 ft. These are delivered prices to jobsite, within 10 'days from date crf . award. Terms: Net 30 days.. All clay pipe. and f4tting6 are quoted to conforri to the 'requirements of aST14 Spec. C278-61 with C 425 Type 3 vM-DGELOCK 110" RING iCINTS. Material will be .palletized at• no- extra charge -far mechanical unloadinS at n,obsite. Portable unloadin J � forks can be sent with the truck to facilitate the unloading at- jobste. Yours very truly, THE ROBINSON CLAY, PRODUCT COMPANY -{ R. 11. Brooks, District Manager Y Ir. Floyd Pickett appeared 'in front of the Toi ai Doard on behalf, of the Queensbury Democratic Committee to urbe a change in the system of Cor - �w wa.tion for all election inspector„ Tt-�e Board informed Mr. Pickett that the matter will be discussed prior co the appointmentis- of inspectors prior to July 15tLh. 1964. _ 1 z"mks - r c x� s v.,111.1 o,,a ,..e cal" v. ttl arJlfpi L J1.� E G,t� • J „t it+e.t '1 j'.y r+ • it .j�_ 1.., m_. .. L" ' CIT,COiai 4iit b a roposcc; _ct1 i1 c 'Mi' quo& sbUry. t ssurax�ce was•aelvanaced by the Supervisci, that there zraul ' i at be any ordinance adopted without, a Public Hearin; cihea all interc.,;t­ rt parties could take part. .` 11r. Richard Hoa ue questioned the Board a'j- to- tra-ffic control' o`er :a intersection of two roads vith1w the n-eithb6mb©c `wnere sne resides Assurance was advanced that the hi�-,hvray committee would invest-Late { the -ra Lter at an early "`date, The Minutes e"f the:" meet n& of .��3 14t1. , 1964 E p p ' � =�Tere acre tcd and a a�. , Carried` unaraif:tously. . WEST* GLEN S''FALLS VOLUNTEER FIRE' CC. NO. 1 . "lest Glens Falls, N. Y. 1 May 23, 1964. to,,a. Board f . Town of-,ueensbury ` We the West Glens Falls Fire Co. 11 request- plermission to have a Circus on our lot on Luzerne Road, June 8th, 1964. p", st Clens Falls Fire ^.o. �kl Francis Johnson Sec. _'ESOLUTIM •C., Introduced by Mr. Lamp son, seconded by Tyr. ' T'SOL. fTM, that permts ion'=be granted to hold a circus as follows: Sponsor We st"Glens Falls Fire Courpany #1 'r x'CUS Miller Equipment Co", leased to-Al G. Kelly and Millcr Circus, Inc. Marc F-.remans? Field, I.uzerne Road -_ .•� . .. :: . . . 'date - June 3th, 1964 Further RESOLVED,`-that the Town 'Clerk is-`herexby authorited 'and direr ti do issue a permit to hold aforesaid on receipt of the proof of '..nsurance in the amount of $1002000.00 and $300,000.00 coverage 17y t1a€ roduction of a certificate�--of i.nsura.nce showing such covers ,e. Luly, adopted by tbe., fpllo,.sin; ,vgte: iAye eut7 ''fr; Turner, '14r. Lanpsan and, RAr. Webster. _�O01s :Vane `,BEST GLENS FALLS. VCLMITTEER FIRE CO. Vo. 1 West Glens ,Falls, N. °Y. ?Tay `23, 196x: Town— Board zovmr 0 Qlueensbury t w Cent 1 omen: , the West Clens Falls Fire Co. 11 request_ permission Lo IaVle a (,aura.-rat on' our lot ton Luzerne Road June 25th."..t1tru -?Qt'.,. Fncloscc= is insurance certificate for same. West Glens Falls Fire Co. Francis Johnson See:. { i - �x i SOLUT10K NC', $5 Ir�LrC?dUcef. by Urp,�on sec on4QC y `'pr. ur.y nr,. '7j',ES GLVED, that p fr _ss'ion. be ;ranted to hold a ,Carnival as follo'rs7S '; censor - West Glens Falls Fire Company No. l ''=nival - 00 C. Buck --Shows ?.ace - Fi.x ns II field. Luzlerne lRoad to - J th,� 1961+ ;thru June 20.th, x.9.64 , . w e, 17tirther RESOLVED, that the Town Cl erk is hereby author zed :`aaad r'-3.rectecl to issue a permit to hold aforesaid on receipt of'the l'iabilit = �nsurance ,.in . the azzaoumt -of,, $100,000:00 and $300.,000.00 cover�;e by the duct ion of a certificate� of insurance showing such ,cover] ,Ae. ,.kly adopted by the following vote; Ll Mr. Beaty, Mr, Turner, 'Mr. 14 son and 'Mr.- Webster.01 - None May 25, 1964 i Ceor4Je C. .Crannell gown Cl-er1;, �Ueensbury 05 Dixon Rd. eas Falls N,Y. : War 11r. Cranrell Thi-s is to notify- you of change in appointment of T,. cet or '_n election d : district 5 To�•n of ppo new eensbury. Inspector 4 11 be: Luctie TM41. Flcwellin 41 r ottaV_�, 7. .xll mod. in place of -Jane C. = sper. . Thanking you for ;your. attention in this matter. I remain Very truly* yours , Robert J. Cronin Chairman Warren County Democrati.d., Committec { = 49 .Leonard Sit. -Clenv FaUs, N. . Y, : b 117SCLUTI©N NO. 86 Introduced by 11r. f Beaty, secondedd `by 'A T�trrer.. rg.�■R - �""Er AS, Mr. Hobert Cronin, the Chairman 0 the Democratic Party dick k pzn Jerrie, Casper as election inspector in district #6 o f the ` i of Queensbury, and Jane. Casper dill not beable tIo serve, therefore be it RESOLVED) that Lottic Flewelling, of 31. Cottage llilI Road, he apppint.e :.s election" inspector of District ;!�5 of the Town oZc lieersbury .. mealy adopted by the following vote: Ayes Mr. Peaty, Mr. Turner, 'Mr. Lampson and Mr. Webster noes - None '4 verbal request Sias transferred Lo Ll c ',surd by the clerl, fror:: air. iobert Cronin, Chairman of the Jarren County Democratic .Committee, to ::quest a change of election inspectors' for District as i sul'- sti.ttttL6n for the June 2nd Primary only. �# . ,..,JZ Introduced by iii-. Beaty, seconded b y Mr,.- .Turner, x p 5, •x. cbe<-rt Croni n, the Chairman of the Democratic Party Did � appoint Alice Butt-i-ey as elections :i_nspect.or in District ? l of the morn of Queensbury,, and +?FF;F.AS, Alice Bucicle� r , will not beable to scee, therefore be it that J%?rTC¢? iC+ eS �y L7: " � l7uCl, ?P apE3?.ntC as election lie, o i n 7 F p 1+ .;ry!.i r G. k El�..u 4.r`!..(r'st o ll L',If fi l`t;r'1 �y �' '{ r..y �- x - .. l a*� 0 t,(-d. 1 y '1.7._i�l "is.(i•A1�Sw����_u �.£{.�tc : ai n F t �u _ 88 . .. t. r+�T jT.S��ry�.:� �"� Tel�`rflC'11 C'' � �;� Tit 1` '... .L T MH EP,E S, ?`he Tcr-x m Sup eri.nt:-rndent of lii,h` ays chic, oa T-he '1st ezy y, 1 e.ul.y re(Zommend the purchase, of certain (;�achi��er;r) ;;ursua� to the rrbvislons of Section 142 of .the' 4.zghrsy. Law, c . ,' "e It ^ESCLVED that pul scant to 'Section I� .T.aa theo�, Sur exirxtettnt of, hways .is hereby tctrchae, _in accordaceit the nrcisi:©rte of 'Article - e r ' C'eneral '5_ il,clpa.1 Lati, With than' p r�,,O.l of �hc� 'Count; Sz �te�- �r.t 0-,, �' 7 x. of bii; h. ,, , the follo«in-: i " r cry 1 ��tor v�a�t�r, �c�clel_ '`lo:_ TI.S, ..:alt. �.s per d�.tai cc , s p: ecJ f"Cti1t. _011 of State Contract" bid opening .3/6/614 , group ',.06 - Power Craelprs, said equipmentl to be ,purchases from the l rsr Slmith. �` Ct^ .T1E T"�T Co. In:c. 1C?.t= ��ror'�Ciway, Albany 4 y New Xorl-., under ` S t a :e Contract: # P-7950 for a maximum price of Elegy try oiiso-,d , Four Punrhred Eiahn; Nlne Dollard •($11,839.00,! , adli.tre,:t �' Y of � .: y Aviation Road glens -iiQ 'N v' and t c - !?.aCl ,.: L •;,ut _C'ri.,,.Llx'.! , � V'1.3i....:fYt ..,C�e.. , _ � _ v :. .: , . .. or al7otit s •pty to ninty days from this date. 7- n'C1�'?; t'7Z)eri.nt e Gent: o f 1Ii ghvays 1- hereby authorized , Fr1)j cre!- the a7 roval of the County Superintendent of Fi_vl_.c•=ays, t0 Surren3,�­ to the vendor nil as l!art a rient for the above Machi.hery}_ The terra. "of payment will_ be as follows: Trade-in allowance $ Checi: drawn can' Macl-iinery Fund 1,r489'.L�C Cii_ecl; fr611' proceeds of obli ration 10 000.00 ' Total $11,489000 51 contract: of purchase for the item (rsj purchased ci a-l.1- be duly ec��t ec'. ' _tcrcen the Torn Slup erintendeat -of Hid huays a it shall l effective. 77han such contract: has beery easy el:ecuted and tl^.c Supen '1—or is author zed to Complete such purch'ase upon 7 f tT l_`.�^ 2� C+lc3S 'C ?.il a CGt?rC� itc ' `v7It-� ��E�' �E'rms of such 1 :'.solutlo4 and such cone- c:.t, and t o pay the above anoun.F.( ) species led to *_�c by ell.cci;. -r chcc s (?' ) b-Y, a checks. Brawn on the Machinery Fund (Item '3).' for $ ,4F9.0Q; ('? by a check dram°"tin t:ha amount $IC,000.0C,` drai.n; tfni t.;hc account established fr®d the-• pt©eeeds of obligatious to 'mac issued pursuant to the btal° Firianee- Lace to finan ;S ce uch �)ur4,.7 ... Luc':, obligations wAll tae"atltharz-zed to be itsued by thi: IDy a separate rc solution. 'f - `rate..of-To.-in :Board.• • • . • (Aye)"= John 0: 'Webster, Supervisor Vote o c T-1 � Board. . , . . . . (Aye) N. Harcaood Beaty, Co nci.2:nc« Vote o Board. . . . . . . (Ayc) Theodore Turner, Couaci Lmaa �Xote' cf Tc,m .Eoard t.. . . . . (1 y U' tis t nip 7©n, Cau icier an ' (MERTIFICATICt I ''fir. `Jebst--er, 1'e�3� ' e.d that .s _, }At� t -had tae.G�1' received :Fri?:' 'Mr. J r the- Sli 1 1S rv,Water Di.-.tri.ict= Lo 770 Tho.���e, ti_a_ .�,.�perzxttenuc.nt �.f t�_� �hae3s�a_ ^' to pump kao-,,n as a "1kid Inen" to be used in tine .rwt e I meat. C'encral a2provL-1 o'L t1Le.purcha,se w&s vd1ded try all ;ern?)ers of the Town E ` r -7, ��•r�rLsT"' ' , i ... $ by _ . "Latyr, -c c011dL,4, by Mr. T+tr- ,i E,, S this board he u; invitc-O sealed bids to ,f:urnish the ern of Queenshur with tlay pip Q and � ..ttinss for use in '.t'he ' i h ay de artr n : srid in rwj,-, � g impzoveme4ts in Extent po 71 4 C; Pershin - Ashley- Coolidge Sewer Ia,stri.ct, ane- V'HZF, 1S, the . a.id of . the RobinSo ri- Clay Products Vic. , 'app�ar.s t:c� 'be the lowest ,re porisi�.�le bidder for' aepplyin- +he ;materials, set forth In' the specifications, now therefore be It SOLVED, that the hid of the Robinson Clay Products Cris' r. i' s , to �ti1 " �, pi:e and. fit tin-s to the 'fc�wa o: `:?ueensbury is. hereby, ,�ccel app'rov,e st the delivered pr.3;ces cuotec in t,?e pro�ac�sa , and � �^ot�idc.ath+ t jc� ac.?dit onal charge will ,e made if '��1e quantity actually ordered , s less than 16 t- ,15s, ?-,:e 'of lowin, VC to "-w 3• aty,' ,71i • Turnel Mr. Laiapa anct + 'i2 . Vlebsteri G ' .r lespectfully subm" tted. �7 /^1 +�Y v.ccrV�e 'L. ii June 43, 1964 Council-man Theo('crE: .'D.43.'nf'r utZ l l?tc'i: Curtis Taaipson t'our_c itma�. 17a.rnn.ond-Toby=r.tson Jr. Councilman 1 -o 7 1?nn VIA* tti'cz-e. as ry e a, •,` 'tai i;G 3" T.,e a c-,u (1 f IUo 1(_r? �Tr3 t err,, ,=. COaR f c - Superintendent of Highways Orm.an Holden _ + En, sneer Water Distri�:t . �` Queensbury . .Jerome:. Thorne - Chzeensbury Water Superintendent *' Garner Tripp Superintenue ,t of the City Water. Board Bernie ZOvistosk�r - Fost Star. The minutes of the meetingsof_May 21st ana,Ty,28th, were approved, Carried unanimous'ly', Mr. Webster announced that effective June 3rd, i164., Han?ons' ohert.,^c,n Jr. 7ia s been app o z_g?t~ e Counci m(q..n t Vii': the vacancy of Haroie Al iris. 3hc§:-ca.s z '.,acancv exists In ! he office of ToWrl :"ol-ni of Q). eensbury, warren Cotaxt" , I York: or- . , by eIs � Llie res-_13nat"ion of 7:arole : C.. j% ins, 1,4�o t,,ds elected ,.o �. . '[�, 7 } �} [ rfY 'I'"�ia'e, 7t.l� �C�a �o-" Noveber', 1961 for 6�.' '�.el_•r`� ; �l- tr ~*mars Oic Is t e-ay o January, 196?..,