1964-07-02 SP 216 Special Meeting July 2, 1964. Present: John 0. Webster Supervisor N. Harwood Beaty Councilman Theodore Turner. Councilman Curtis Lampson Councilman Hammond Robertson, Jr. Councilman The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p. m. Visitors greeted at the meeting were as follows: Jerome Thorne - Queensbury Water Superintendent Orman Holden - Resident Engineer, Queensbury Water District Bernard J. Codner - Superintendent of Highways Charles Dunn - Master Mohican Grange 'Jack Kokoletsos - Visitor Mrs.- Grace Seaver - Visitor Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hoague - Visitors MOHIGAN GRANGE Oneida Corners No. 1300 Glens Falls, N.Y. i June 30, 1964 Town Board Town of Queensbury Warren County, N. Y. Honorable Members of= the Board: The following resolution was read and passed at the regular meeting held in the Mohican Grange Hari June 26, 1964 and is at this time presented to you for your consideration. RESOLUTION To the Town Board, Town of Queensbury, N. Y. Whereas the Mohican Grange No. 1300, meeting in regular session 'June 26, 1964 did discuss the proposed ordinance and regulations regarding Mobile Homes located and proposed locations in the Town of Queensbury AND Whereas the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury being an honorable representative Government where all property owners are treated alike AND Whereas the proposed ordinance to regulate the Placement of Mobile Homes in the Town of Queensbury is a public one AND Whereas after due consideration it is the opinion of the members of the Mohican Grange that the- Honorable Town Board- should give much more consideration to this ordinance AND Whereas the proposed ordinance is unfair, unequal, unjust and not in accord with restrictions on other residential properties in their permissable or required inspections for apparent discriminating reasons AND Whereas we the members of Mohican Grange #1300 now as always try to be fair to all property owners in our community AND Whereas any resident of the United States of America,- the State of New York or any part thereof should have equal rights to' live and be regulated by equal laws AND Whereas the Town of Queensbury being without any Zoning laws or Zoning ordinance, and finding it difficult to maintain harmony among its residence and property owners. 217 (Mohican Grange letter - continued) THEREFOR We the members present of Mohican Grange #1300 do hereby resolve that any action by the Town Board on the implementation of the proposed ordinance for Mobile Homes be tabled and intensive work on a Zoning ordinance be taken instead and a dead line of September 1, 1964 for its presentation to the voters and property owners be set. CHARLES R. DUNK, MASTER STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION 130 Ontario St. , `- Albany 1, N. Y. Warren/ June "25, 1964 Queensbury G- Town Board Town of Queensbury Warren County Gentlemen: We have the joint requests of the Town Board and the Warren County Superintendent of Highways for lower maximum speeds on Meadowbrook Road, Country Club Road and Sunnyside Road. Our field personnel hake been notified and will conduct investiga- tions of traffic conditions at these locations. Upon completion of the necessary observations, we will advise you of the Commission's conclusions. Your attention is invited to our letter of January 21, 1963 with reference to a previous request on Meadowbrook Road. A previous request on Sunnyside Road was also denied. However, our field personnel will review conditions at both locations to determine whether a speed restriction is warranted. Very truly yours, STATE TRAFFIC COMMISSION WILLIAM S. HULTS Chairman By: LLOYD A. MAEDER Chief Traffic Engineer 20 Hughes Ct. , Glens Falls, N. Y. 6/28 Dear Supervisor Webster: I am a resident of the Town of Queensbury residing at above address. Recently, the town extended water pipes to a new construction across from us. It was necessary to dig across the front edge of my lawn bordering on the street. No attempt, to date, has been made by the town to repair my lawn which was torn up by this necessity. I do realize that the area in question belongs to the town to do with as it pleases, however, it was beautified at my expense, and at the moment detracts, not only for my property, but my neighbors. I do feel the Town of Queensbury has a serious obligation here to, at least, return the lawn to the fine condition they found it. It needs top soil & seed. As an alternate suggestion, instead of reseeding the lawn, could the town highway dept drop & spread fine crushed stone in this area, which extends about four feet into my lawn & around 70 feet long. 218 I have called Garner Tripp, also, about this matter, but he told me it was in the hands of the Town. Hoping for a favorable action - Sincerely John Gallucci June 26, 1964 Mr. John 0. Webster Supervisor, Town of Queensbury Chestnut Ridge Road Glens Falls, N. Y. Dear Mr. Webster: It is my understanding that a meeting was held last night to discuss zoning for the Town of Queensbury. Had I known this yesterday, I would have been there. A copy of the Proposed Ordinance for the Regulation of Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Courts has just come to my attention. Having read it, I heartily agree with its clauses, and feel they, are also fair to present Mobile Home Courts and Mobile Home Owners. The adoption of this Ordinance would be an excellent thing for the Town of Queensbury. My home has been in AuSable Forks until we came to Glens Falls in 1961. In 1963 we decided to own our own home and chose a place in, Rolling Ridge. The Town of Queensbury is' on the whole a choice residential area and should be kept that way. While there is no danger of Mobile Homes appearing in the Rolling Ridge Development, it is important to me to have the whole of the Town of Queensbury as attractive as possible. When. friends visit us, as they often do, it is a pleasure to drive them about the area. Unrestricted mobile homes are nbt an enjoyable sight and any increase in their number would hurt the appearance of the countryside. I urge you to place yourself on the side of keeping Queensbury attractive--and making it more so, if possible. Please also express my views to the Town Board at the next meeting. Sincerely, James Rogers II West Mountain Road Glens Falls New York June 29, 1964 Mr. John 0. Webster Supervisor - Town of Queensbury Chestnut Ridge Road Glens Falls, New York Dear Mr. Webster: Unfortunately I was unable to attend the Town Board meeting held for the purpose of discussing the proposed ordinance for the regulation of mobile homes in the Town of Queensbury. I would, however, like to express my views on this matter, as it becomes increasingly 1 y apparent that control is necessary. I have read a copy of the proposed ordinance and am completely in agreement with it. 219 My only critism would be that it had not been put into effect at least two years earlier. It is also my opinion that zoning, in' general, 'is overdue for the Town 'of Queensbury. My residence is on West Mountain Road -- originally built by Dr. Leeman Thomson -- and consits of some 17 acres of -fields and woods. Within 1/4 mile to the north, a sand and gravel pit has been opened which is scarring the countryside and which, in additon to being a noisy AUlbAnce and eye- sore, is a hazard to small children who are appearing in this area in increasing numbers. It is probable that nothing can be done to elimate this operation, but at least it seems that it should- be required to be fenced completely on all sides before. a tragedy occurs, such as a child drowning or being 'covered in'a sandslide. I purchased this property and moved into Queensbury in 1952 because it was green and quiet, seemingly a completely residential area for the foreseeable future. I hope we can keep it that way. Sincerely yours, L. G. Brockelsby 92 Coolidge Avenue Glens Falls, N. Y. 12801 June 27, 1964 Dear Mr. Webster - I hope that I am calling your attention to this matter before it is too late -- and a terrible accident takes place. I refer to the very, dangerous situation at the intersection of Glenwood Ave. and Quaker Road. When driving North, either to cross Quaker or to turn West onto quaker the undergrowth, and low growing limbs on trees for 200-300 feet to the West on Quaker make almost a completely "blind" intersection. Would suggest that the- scrub-and undergrowth Extremely' dangerous. . be cleaned out entirely all along the fence (and between the fence and Quaker) for 300 feet. Also, and trees that remain should have their branches trimmed up so that there is unobstructed vision up to 8 feet high. Thank you, P. Fay Marrs A letter was received and placed on file to do with a preliminary draft of the Urban Planning Assistance Rroject Grant Agreement (contract) between the Town of Queensbury and the State of New York. A group of residents were welcomed at 8:00 P.M. in the interest of the Queensbury Water District as follows: Mrs. James Talley - Pinewood Ave. Mrs. Charles Denison 5 Sylvan Ave. Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Fraser - 7 Pinewood Ave. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lawson - 9 Pinewood Ave. Mrs. James Burger - 10 Pinewood Ave. Mrs. Richard Brennan - 30 Lynnfield Drive Mr. & Mrs. Robert Madden ,- 14 Sherwood Drive. Joseph P. Menaldino - 16 Sherwood Drive Mr. G. E. Ormson - 19 Pinewood Ave. Mr. E. C. Picken - 18 Lynnfield Drive Mr. Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. - Engineer for Queensbury Water District 220 Mr. Thomas Lawson spoke for the group to do with the condition of the water being delivered in the Queensbury Water system at present. Mrs. James Talley presented a sample of wafter which she claimed was taken from the plumbing fixtures within her home. Mr. Joseph A. Kestner, Jr. , the engineer for the Queensbury Water District project in question was granted the floor at this time. A complete resumee of the testing which was conducted at the original drilling some time ago was well as the extensive testing which is being conducted at present was explained by Mr. Kestner. Mrs. Robert Madden explained that the staining of washings is still .r apparent at the location of her home. A complaint was registered to do with a decided odor in the water being delivered to the Madden home as well as several others in the area. Mrs. Richard Hoague stated that a distinct taste is present at her home on Sweet Road. Mrs. Bridenbacker, 4 Gilmore Avenue,, also detects a taste in the water. Mrs. Talley, 11 Pinewood Avenue, has a complaint of rust stains on the washing done in her home. Presented stained clothing for inspection. Mr. Picken stated that when a garden hose bursted recently. in his yard the water from the hose stained the clothing which he was wearing. A question was advanced by the group to whether a water softening system would be installed at the pumping station at a later date. A quotation as to the possible cost of such a project was- advanced by the engineer Mr. Kestner. The report of New Construction for the month off& June, 1964 was received and placed on file. There were 29 reports received during the month. The Town Clerk and the Superintendent of Highways submitted reports on the activity witnessed at a recently conducted Town and County Training School at Cornell University. The Clerk and the Superintendent both stated that the school was very enlightening. Supervisor Webster stated to the visitors that there would be no action taken on the proposed Mobile Home Ordinance at this meeting to night. Mrs. Seaver, requested any possible decision, as to a meeting at a later date with the Mobile Home Association and the members of the Town Board of Queensbury. Assurance was given to Mrs. Seaver that such a meeting will take place. RESOLUTION NO. 115 Introduced by Mr. Beaty, seconded by Mr. Robertson WHEREAS, this board has given careful consideration to the probable costs and the benefits that may accrue as a "result of a 'special census, and WHEREAS, it is the judgment of this board that a special census will be of substantial benefit and value to the town government, to the planning board in connection with the 701 program, and will result in a substantial increase in the state aid allocated to the town, now therefore be it (Resolution No. 115 - continued) RESOLVED, THAT THE TOWN BOARD OF THE town of Queensbury hereby authorizes a special census to be conducted- in 1965 by the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau ,of the Census; at a 'total estimated cost of $2,870. , and that the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to sign a request for such a census and any other papers or contracts relating to such census on behalf of the Town of Queensbury, and be it further r RESOLVED, that there be and thdre hereby is appropriated from the Contingent Fund the sum of $200. to create an appropriation in the 1964 town budget for advance e g xpens'es of the special census and that the supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the Bureau of the Census the sum of $140.00 when the application is made for this special census. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None Resolution Authorizing f1rolect Grant Agreement With New York State Department of Commerce For Urban Planning Assistance j i RESULUTION NO. 116 Introduced by Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr. Turner. i WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has heretofore applied to the New York State Department of Commerce for Federal and State aid in an urban planning assistance project under the provisions of the Federal Housing Act of 1954, as amended and Subdivision 27 of Section 100 of the Commerce 1,hw of the State of New York, and such application is being processed for approval and acceptance by the 'Urban Renewal Administration and the Commissioner of Commerce of the State of New York, and WHEREAS, in order to secure the benefits of said urban planning assistance program it is necessary for the Town of Queensbury to contribute a sum not to exceed seventeen per centum (17%) of the total cost and to enter into a Project Grant Agreement with the New York State Department of Commerce, now be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury hereby appropriates the sum of four thousand, three hundred sixty-six and-no/100 Dollars ($4,366.00) , or so much thereof as may be necessary to contribute a sum not to exceed seventeen per centum (17%) of the total cost of said Project, to be paid to the State of New York, on condition that the above , mentioned application is approved by both the Urban Renewal Administration and the Commissioner of Commerce of the State of New York, and be it further RESOLVED, THAT THE Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to execute on behalf of the Town of Queensbury the Project Grant Agreement to carry the foregoing into effect. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes - Mr. Beaty, Mr. Turner`, Mr. Lampson, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Webster Noes - None -- Councilman Robertson; reported on a visit with Mr. Don Pencil a resident of Dunhams Bay area. An agreement has been proposed to settle tke dis- pute with another resident Mr. Fred Alexy. A meeting was condueted with the interested parties in conjunction with the Town Board-of Queensbury and the Superintendent of Highways on Saturday June 27, 1964. On motion the meeting adjourned at 11:00 p. m. Respectfully submitted George C. Crannell j Town Clerk